Đồng nghĩa của hungry for

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(keen on) Having an attraction to
keen into attracted besotted bewitched captivated enamored enamoured crazed enticed fond agog drawn mesmerised smitten absorbed caught intrigued predisposed curious fascinated mesmerized riveted spellbound eager gripped interested impressed inquisitive moved roused sold attentive entranced intent obsessed hooked inspired touched affected engrossed lured stimulated excited inspirited mad rapt taken devoted to enthralled by keen on passionate about addicted to fixated by mad about struck on attached to hooked on interested in riveted by attracted to enthusiastic about mesmerized by twitterpated by crazy about gone on nuts about turned on besotted with bewitched by infatuated with eager for fascinated by intent on smitten with charmed by enchanted by love-struck by sweet on captivated by fond of hung up wild about beguiled by enamored of enamoured of obsessed with taken with gripped by intrigued by partial to in love with infatuated devoted passionate fanatical enthusiastic focused focussed ardent inquiring enquiring avid preoccupied crazy occupied fixated single-minded monomaniacal hypnotized wild wrapped up in intense preoccupied with single-minded about hell-bent preoccupied by obsessive about possessed by hung up on busy questioning probing hypnotised engrossed in caught up in dedicated to immersed in scrutinizing potty about wild on eat sleep and breathe stuck on dotty about zealous investigative nosy snoopy in love enthused beady-eyed nuts inquisitorial immersed consumed very keen on really into scrutinising potty engaged lost enthralled distracted burning with curiosity buried involved concerned deep queer addicted caught up sunk in taken over wrapped up absorbed in up to here heavily into up to here in taken up head over heels focused on locked in tied up involved in dialed in up to your ears wound up deep in thought having a one-track mind attached taken up with prepossessed earnest happy impassioned wackadoodle wackadoo fanatical about paranoid neurotic responsive charmed entertained quizzical interrogative gone awakened fired all ears querying examining inspecting open struck sympathetic dotty fervid fervent overwrought dizzy in the grip of daft on the case nutso hysterical hot for ambitious desirous beside oneself very enthusiastic mad on using prying intrusive snooping wasted abusing jonesing for dependent on shooting up under the influence dependent strung out jonesing on prone habituated with a … habit peering spying over-curious eavesdropping over-interested meddling meddlesome nosy-parkering nosey busybody interfering nosy-parker big-eyed personal speculative challenging analytical searching nebby impertinent forward presumptuous poking officious prurient sifting beguiled enraptured enchanted transfixed delighted thrilled stunned overwhelmed dazzled awestruck awestricken held bedazzled won over transported intoxicated under a spell starstruck fixed submerged tantalized seduced titillated concentrated enrapt observant aroused sent wrapped bound-up ravished absent-minded abstracted in a brown study tantalised moonstruck tempted awed steeped snowed connected set centered overpowered very interested bound up centred enfolded extremely curious sold on very inquisitive highly interested extremely interested very curious rapturous ecstatic ensorcelled have a thing about fallen for gaga about rhapsodic giddy elevated euphoric elated exhilarated rhapsodical heady blissful ignorant steady absent joyful inattentive carried away dreaming content blissed out daydreaming employed unconscious oblivious breathless amazed watchful agape concentrating absentminded somewhere else entranced by in a world of one's own with one's head in the clouds distracted by wool-gathering not there taken up by distrait miles away dreamy all wound up not with us spellbound by open-mouthed under someone's spell steadfast studious settled alert set on deep in

Trái nghĩa của hungry for

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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