Từ đồng nghĩa của enamoured of

Tính từ

Having an affection or liking for
smitten afflicted besotted with infatuated with love-struck by obsessed with beguiled by beset bewitched by captivated by charmed by devoted to enchanted by enthralled by in love with into plagued struck affected besotted crazy about enamoured enamored gone on hooked hopelessly in love with infatuated lovesick mad about potty about stricken struck on taken very attracted to very taken with wild about bowled over by ensorcelled by laid low sweet on twitterpated by very keen on head over heels in love with in love head over heels in love keen on nuts about passionate about partial to enthusiastic about hooked on captivated bewitched fascinated spellbound obsessed fond addicted to attached to fond of attracted to smitten with fascinated by dotty about dedicated to attracted enticed crazed drawn agog mesmerised fixated on addicted fanatical about caught predisposed absorbed intrigued riveted mesmerized curious gripped eager interested impressed moved inquisitive roused sold attentive entranced intent inspired touched engrossed lured stimulated excited rapt mad inspirited fixated by riveted by interested in keen beguiled mesmerized by inflamed seduced possessed turned on enchanted charmed intoxicated hungry for intent on eager for enraptured crazy silly hung up gaga taken with gripped by intrigued by love-struck carried away stuck on enraptured by hopelessly in love turned on by far gone on under the spell of carrying a torch for consumed with desire for greatly enamoured of swept off your feet hypnotized by swept off one's feet by hung up on under a spell with a soft spot for enamored of gone sold on mad on loving amorous occupied focused earnest enquiring snoopy beady-eyed nosy responsive awakened fired all ears focussed inquiring passionate open sympathetic ardent burning with curiosity on the case eat sleep and breathe fervid fervent zealous enthusiastic very keen nutty nuts very enthusiastic potty wild devoted depleted dotty twitterpated has a thing about head over heels silly about swept off one's feet disposed of bargained for rapturous ecstatic enthralled transported enrapt rhapsodic giddy delighted elevated thrilled euphoric held elated exhilarated rhapsodical heady sent blissful ravished preoccupied absent joyful inattentive wrapped up dreaming caught up in involved absent-minded overwhelmed content abstracted happy blissed out hypnotized engaged daydreaming employed wrapped hypnotised busy unconscious oblivious

Tính từ

Showing a keen desire or enthusiasm
nuts ardent crazy enthusiastic wild agog antsy anxious athirst avid desirous eager enthused excited geeked great greedy hopped-up hot hungry impassioned impatient juiced keen mad nutty passionate potty pumped raring solicitous stoked thirsty voracious daft devoted to dotty hot for infatuated with nutso smitten with gung ho hepped up hooked on in love with very keen on gone on enamored infatuated fanatical smitten devoted enamoured in love sweet on besotted by obsessed by doting on addicted very fond of nuts about enthusiastic about mad about addicted to crazy about passionate about fond overwrought dizzy zealous hysterical fond of very enthusiastic beside oneself enamored of fervent longing yearning champing at the bit chomping at the bit feverish itching obsessed ready fervid lively dying energetic spirited dedicated craving psyched appetent fired up animated willing desiring intent hankering frenetic vivacious perfervid keyed up breathless delirious stirred keen as mustard thrilled restless vehement interested wholehearted ambitious gagging pining covetous manic on fire sprightly hooked exhilarated frenzied inspired aroused high moved game crazed committed high-spirited stimulated thirsting aching rabid intense itchy ready and willing as keen as mustard raring to go psyched up worked up fevered wishing fixated exuberant keen on amped ebullient furious unruly determined unrestrained burning engaged frantic motivated pleased animate titillated hung up insatiable concerned charged earnest driven raving grasping acquisitive violent delighted mad keen passional warm expectant ravenous fiery hearty fascinated awakened happy rapacious bugged in a frenzy inclined itching for pumped up dying for turned on active assiduous diligent hot to trot rarin' to go juiced up cranked up dying to in a hurry desirous of geared up approving touched electrified elated atingle edgy inflamed desperate lusting chafing straining curious impetuous restored refreshed revitalized uproarious enthralled avaricious vigorous untrammeled tumultuous untrammelled bursting revitalised straining at the leash amenable restive habitual disposed unreluctant diehard glad cottonmouthed juiceless bone-dry sapless gotta have mad on very excited dynamic nutso over shook on nutty about very enthusiastic about full of enthusiasm zestful all agog on tenterhooks all a-gog consumed with desire jumping up and down rhapsodic aflame wacky forceful tantalized industrious afire unqualified in suspense tantalised zesty conscientious gaga warmblooded chafing at the bit partial to crazy for wild for dry as dust aggressive proactive bullish banzai turnt bright-eyed and bushy-tailed red-hot full of beans longing for wanting hoping for gluttonous predatious absorbed piggish unsatisfied hungered intemperate swinish unfilled edacious hoggish ravening esurient insatiate disorderly take-charge can-do extremely enthusiastic with an appetite covetous of in need of lusting after with a yen in want of hankering after anxious for yearning for ambitious for eager for overcome effervescent uncontrollable engrossed involved besotted beguiled charmed enchanted obsessive intent on fierce overwhelmed ready for willing for avid for lovesick captivated bewitched preoccupied occupied knee-deep angry stirred up high as a kite struck overawed affected stunned incredulous lustful hopeful for envious aspiring towards prehensile amorous aspiring keen for hopeful wishful spellbound love-struck taken enraptured seduced intoxicated maniacal distraught uncontrolled full prepossessed distracted immoderate greedy for ravening for thirsty for craving for wishing for hungry for deranged overpowered berserk compulsive over-enthusiastic extreme steamed up wigged-out hyperactive aspiring to very keen visionary gung-ho devastated wackadoodle overenthusiastic wackadoo bigoted destroyed not knowing what to do with oneself credulous impulsive biased willful erratic monomaniacal partial fanatic obstinate headstrong possessed contumacious domineering incorrigible opinionated stubborn nuts for high on

Động từ

See in love
in love with besotted with infatuated with love-struck by passionate about smitten with bewitched by captivated by crazy about devoted to doting on enthralled by entranced by mad about nuts about potty about twitterpated by wild about with a passion for bowled over by consumed with desire for carrying a torch for gone on into enchanted by charmed by struck on sweet on head over heels in love with fond of attracted to taken with keen on daft about obsessed with hopelessly in love with very attracted to beguiled by very taken with very keen on stuck on under someone's spell appreciate fancy dote enjoy adore like doting admire prefer venerate find irresistible feel deep affection for care for choose adulate be smitten with have a pash on be keen on be partial to prize be nuts about hold very dear care very much for be attracted to esteem carry a torch for be besotted with go for be potty about be wild about be infatuated with be passionate about leaning be devoted to be mad about overindulge feel affection feel affection for think the world of take great pleasure in have a predilection for be in love with hold dear be enamored of be enchanted by be hooked on have a penchant for thrive with have a passion for give one's heart to like very much delight in develop a crush on become smitten with be attached to have a thing for be fascinated with fall head over heels in love with long for have affection for become infatuated with be addicted to get a kick out of be mad for derive great pleasure from thoroughly enjoy wild for get a buzz out of have a proclivity for have a soft spot for be captivated by be swept off one's feet by really like have a taste for get off on dote on get a buzz from of have a weakness for very much like enjoy greatly be crazy about have it bad be taken with take a fancy to be fond of have a great liking for go a bundle on lose one's heart to fall for take pleasure in have a thing about put on pedestal get a kick from of rejoice in luv feast on love luxuriate in wuv indulge in enamored of relish savor revel in dig cherish embrace treasure get high on take joy in value be sweet on get a charge out of exult in find appealing cotton to be entertained by groove on lap up get a thrill out of find satisfaction in take delight in take a thrill to glory in bask in find pleasure in be gratified by wallow in take to derive pleasure from take satisfaction in be pleased by savour go in for hanker for take an interest in favour take great delight in favor like to indulge in have a high regard for have an affection for derive satisfaction from think well of have a liking for lean toward be into have a preference for respect find attractive have regard for rate find enjoyable be stuck on get a charge from of take a shine to hold in esteem find agreeable get a bang out of rate highly approve of have a fondness for revere be gone on be serious about feel affection toward have fun drink in have a ball immerse yourself in be content be pleased live a little live it up be amused by amuse oneself delight have a good time eat up be entertained be pleased with jubilate really enjoy

Từ trái nghĩa của enamoured of

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