Từ đồng nghĩa của charmed

Alternative for charmed

Tính từ

Entranced or enchanted, as if by a spell or with magical properties
magical enchanted magic mystic bewitched entranced spellbound supernatural necromantic possessed sorcerous thaumaturgical under a spell ensorcelled special powerful mysterious enchanting wizardly thaumaturgic occult weird numinous fairylike perfect dreamlike fairy-tale exquisite Druidical miraculous paranormal mystical preternatural transcendental unearthly spiritual mythical uncanny psychic other-worldly supernormal unnatural otherworldly eerie metaphysical arcane secret supranatural spiritualistic spectral transmundane ghostly transcendent orphic imaginary legendary superhuman dark cabbalistic shamanistic hidden extramundane witchlike unaccountable phenomenal shadowy black oracular voodoo esoteric unknowable clairvoyant spooky nonrational abstruse cabalistic anagogic unusual mystifying abnormal non-rational bizarre inscrutable fabled fabulous make-believe astrological alchemistic quixotic telestic mysterial visionary religious ineffable hermetical extrasensory hypernormal inexplicable phantom unbelievable supersensory telepathic unworldly telekinetic mythological invisible superordinary unfathomable ghostlike fairy impenetrable unknown uncomprehensible unintelligible supermundane celestial rare obscure concealed unrevealed extraordinary superior supersensible supersensual unexplained supersensitive immaterial inner stargazing with a sixth sense out-of-body with second sight strange creepy odd queer eldritch cryptic far-out grotesque spookish freaky unreal eery haunting witching haunted parapsychological awful dreadful ominous rum horrific ghastly fearful flakey awe-inspiring uncouth oddball whacko flaky out of the ordinary supernal tranced runic demoniac diabolic

Tính từ

Mesmerized by someone or something, typically in a positive way
captivated fascinated beguiled enraptured hypnotised hypnotized mesmerised mesmerized delighted attracted enticed bewitched spellbound thrilled bedazzled lured moonstruck tempted won over enthralled entranced enchanted rapt absorbed engrossed riveted enamored enamoured gripped infatuated intent intoxicated transfixed smitten seduced interested transported held attentive focussed immersed focused dazzled ravished involved hooked under a spell impressed stunned hung up curious rapturous ecstatic enrapt rhapsodic giddy elated exhilarated elevated rhapsodical heady euphoric deep tantalized titillated sent happy taken overwhelmed excited hooked on tantalised preoccupied occupied caught up intrigued engaged all ears wrapped up observant trapped over the moon on cloud nine captive fixated consumed connected keen entertained lost taken up up to here mentally enchanted ensorcelled aroused overpowered very interested drawn desirous fallen for awestruck passionate turned on ardent mad head over heels mad about stuck on fond of sold on desiring inclined allured have a thing about besotted amazed breathless awestricken gaga about in love with agape lovesick starstruck of a mind to bent on obsessed love-struck very inquisitive extremely curious highly interested extremely interested very curious open-mouthed crazy fervid fervent zealous under someone's spell enthusiastic nutty nuts potty wild very keen very enthusiastic blissful gone on absent joyful inattentive daydreaming employed wrapped dreaming absent-minded content abstracted busy unconscious oblivious blissed out carried away caught up in gone really into fixed concentrating locked in dialed in awed snowed affected glued up to your ears deep in thought hanging on every word earnest concentrated steady watchful intense studious steadfast settled alert sedulous diligent into industrious assiduous bugged monopolized submerged focused on intent on gripped by riveted by engaged with monopolised preoccupied by captivated by beguiled by engaged in fiend for tied up intrigued by mesmerized by hypnotized by fixated by heavily into set on deep in taken up with all wound up up to here in

Tính từ

Feeling or showing great pleasure
delighted happy in seventh heaven pleased ecstatic enchanted joyous thrilled elated euphoric overjoyed captivated enraptured gratified jubilant amused blissful chuffed diverted entertained glad gladdened gleeful joyful sent triumphant excited rapt satisfied thankful tickled enchanté entranced fulfilled stoked wrapped over the moon blissed out very pleased cock-a-hoop tickled pink walking on air jumping for joy on a high on cloud nine pleasantly surprised made up beside oneself with happiness on cloud seven on top of the world as pleased as Punch in transports of delight like a child with a new toy as happy as Larry as happy as a clam like a dog with two tails transported contented content grateful rapturous complacent gruntled smug in raptures exultant delirious appreciative well pleased ravished treading on air in high spirits deliriously happy floating on air pleased as punch only too happy beside oneself with joy extremely happy enthralled as happy as a sandboy happy as a lark happy as a clam cheered beguiled engrossed exhilarated relaxed occupied interested enjoying oneself having fun cheerful cheery mirthful gay laughing merry jovial jocund sunny blithesome sparkling bright beaming unworried jolly untroubled radiant blithe chirpy lighthearted comfortable smiling exuberant rejoicing pleasant genial at ease upbeat can't complain honored honoured up at peace hilarious festive carefree chipper tickled to death peppy rhapsodic light-hearted buoyant wonderful serene enjoyable in good spirits tranquil proud placid felicitous appeased pleasing effervescent flattered spirited lively grinning frolicsome convivial bubbly jocular peaceful blessed intoxicated orgasmic exalted boon optimistic prideful perky gladsome hopeful beatific pleasurable smiley flying without a care in the world willing thrilled to bits animated glowing ebullient airy sprightly breezy high-spirited appreciatory light playful blest jaunty gratifying jocose reassured gloating esteemed dignified flying high looking good delightful heartwarming high positive fantastic vivacious peart sparky sportive happy-go-lucky good-humoured good-humored rollicking amusing humorous rhapsodical winsome boisterous riotous uproarious larking jumping grooving zippy saturnalian zingy zappy rocking flipping wild fun-loving full of hope mad of good cheer full of the joys of spring rip-roaring doing handsprings complimented lauded assuaged agreeable thrilled to pieces electrified atingle providential sober poised measured collected composed pacific possessed commodious privileged loving it high as a kite vigorous heartening triumphal aglow overwhelmed comforted relieved consoled blissfully happy easy unruffled hushed unflustered sedate unperturbed funny comical comic crowing soothed solaced facetious crank glorying triumphalist exulting elevated good unconstrained entertaining celebrating in transports of pleasure in transports of joy giddy pacified enrapt wigged out heady welcome self-possessed enthusiastic satisfying in transports heavenly carried away filled with joy gone spaced-out harmonious crazy cool perfect turned-on idyllic dreamy floating paradisiacal sanguine paradisiac rousing well rosy paradisal fun paradisaical paradisaic magical in ecstasies secure safe Panglossian in the twilight zone in ecstasy like the cat that's got the cream in a good mood protected calm sheltered popping feel-good starry-eyed full of beans rose-colored revered venerated confident involved engaged well-pleased absorbed pleasantly occupied at one's ease at rest home-like eathful at home cared for beautiful cheering obliged indebted beholden pleasurably entertained filled with gratitude in someone's debt obligated in your debt under obligation much obliged

Tính từ

Having an irrational passion for a person or thing
besotted captivated smitten infatuated spellbound obsessed bewitched beguiled enamored enamoured fanatical hypnotised hypnotized doting lovestruck devoted to gone on really into crazy about mad about passionate about infatuated with bewitched by potty about charmed by enchanted by obsessed with captivated by beguiled by nuts about enthralled by love-struck by wild about very attracted to struck on smitten with hung up on in love with twitterpated by bowled over by hopelessly in love with very taken with head over heels in love with ensorcelled by greatly enamoured of very keen on consumed with desire for hypnotized by doting on bowled over swept off your feet carrying a torch for head over heels in love under someone's spell enchanted keen on enraptured taken in love fond taken with mad on hooked sold on loving attracted entranced amorous crazy lovesick fascinated stuck on devoted gone inflamed seduced possessed intoxicated head over heels dotty silly about twitterpated has a thing about swept off one's feet silly gaga enamored of love-struck carried away sweet on enraptured by fascinated by enamoured of hopelessly in love turned on by far gone on swept off one's feet by under the spell of under a spell hooked on addicted to enthusiastic about dotty about partial to mad fond of into nuts keen enthusiastic besotted with passionate attached to addicted attracted to fixated on nutso over shook on fanatical about with a soft spot for very enthusiastic about potty dedicated to enticed crazed drawn agog mesmerised caught predisposed absorbed intrigued riveted mesmerized curious gripped eager interested impressed moved inquisitive roused sold attentive intent inspired touched engrossed lured stimulated affected excited rapt inspirited fixated by riveted by interested in avid ardent fervent mesmerized by turned on inclined to hungry for intent on eager for affected by hung up caring of having a soft spot for affectionate towards caring towards full of admiration for enamoured with tender towards attached full of regard for affectionate with gripped by intrigued by nutty about a sucker for entranced by hot for soft on daft about head over heels for

Động từ

To have aroused someone
excited aroused attracted titillated allured enticed inflamed roused beguiled seduced stimulated tantalized thrilled bewitched enchanted entranced hooked interested intrigued sparked appealed to fascinated pleased spellbound teased tempted wakened whetted enthralled stirred up tantalised turned on floated someone's boat got going lit someone's fire tickled someone's fancy engrossed drew snared captivated lured entertained concerned affected perked up involved engaged touched amused gripped pulled distracted moved rivetted mattered to mesmerised riveted mesmerized grabbed piqued caught one's eye diverted bemused immersed held whetted one's appetite engaged one's attention absorbed absorpt held one's attention preoccupied sat up occupied aroused one's curiosity captured one's imagination busied arrested enwrapped enraptured hypnotized hypnotised magnetized delighted magnetised bedazzled wiled caught up ravished transfixed bowled over dazzled overwhelmed witched killed gratified drawn gladdened caught won over wowed stirred carried away held spellbound ensnared invited transported captured tickled pink persuaded won raptured impressed monopolized enamored led on tickled amazed sent put under a spell monopolised struck enamoured astounded inveigled stupefied stunned satisfied infatuated baited awed knocked out slayed held the attention of swept off one's feet overawed astonished dazed overcome cheered exhilarated decoyed floored coaxed intoxicated betrayed solicited staggered overpowered provoked wooed solaced elated induced regaled rapped enslaved caught the eye of held in awe hit the spot knocked dead sucked in bedevilled bedeviled electrified employed influenced consumed engulfed disported obsessed cajoled fixated compelled dumbfounded overjoyed humoured beckoned humored courted inspired roped in come on steered pulled in brought in swept off your feet tickle to death whetted the appetite of swept someone off their feet appealed stricken tormented slew slain blown away blew away contented overcame plagued pleasured beset left speechless gained seized fixed misled elevated rejoiced delectated kindled deluded blinded entrapped harassed recreated confused filled indulged quickened vamped subjugated enlivened grooved tranced arrided fulfilled ensorcelled set at ease soaked made happy made someone's mouth water bid tied up put 'em away pleased greatly turned someone on rooted to the spot kept busy hit on put off guard made a hit with sent into raptures subdued caught hold of relaxed took taken given pleasure to took somebody's breath away kept taken up maintained took up tickled to death taken somebody's breath away gave pleasure to came on ruled tortured bewildered mollified called appeased haunted possessed dominated hounded converted placated petrified paralysed conciliated pacified propitiated sweetened charged galvanized taunted took aback taken aback assuaged gentled buried enveloped deceived trapped endeared uplifted heartened tricked annoyed palpated besotted frustrated gnawed beleaguered badgered pestered worried harried befooled grappled baffled thwarted controlled preyed on immobilized gorgonized halted prompted led leaded jubilated scored exulted gloried inclined warmed disarmed caught someone's eye sent into transports got lost in egged one on had a grip on mousetrapped held your attention become lost touted struck dumb riveted the attention of turned one's head freaked out stopped someone in their tracks dragged took your breath away inspirited kept hanging on exerted influence on got picked up tickled one's fancy made a fool of hogged trained turned one on applied cracked up led astray nurtured attended bound comforted tickled your fancy palsied ecstasized called forth fractured convinced cornered fired brought joy to signed urged preyed on your mind animated made a hit with someone indicated gladded partied gave a buzz asked agreed with filled with delight won the affection of flirted with switched on galvanised swept you off your feet subjected laughed it up wound up made content agitated swept off feet taken your breath away rooted held attention blurred gone over big drew one's attention had a hold on shilled got someone going made merry made someone feel good obtained led up garden path assimilated grabbed the attention of surprised become an obsession with taken someone's breath away brought around kept amused paralyzed drawn one's attention buoyed up demanded wrapped up tossed a party kept someone hanging on suited secured had a get-together brightened up went over big summoned made mouth water refreshed pumped up used up warmed the cockles of the heart stopped dead took someone's breath away kept hanging knocked 'em dead immobilised given a buzz panicked brought forth interested greatly exerted a pull on fractured one treated to elicited gave someone a kick tolled stricken dumb lost oneself in unarmed stopped in one's tracks commanded given someone a kick upped on kept alive cheered up stopped one dead roped bucked up tickled the fancy of aroused the curiosity of kept up conned gnawn besotten frozen froze gotten argued into aroused curiosity bade drew in drawn in gave the come-on to given the come-on to gave a party given a party sewed up became lost sewn up broke one up got one's jollies gotten one's jollies broken one up thrown yourself into threw yourself into absorbed yourself in given someone a thrill gotten going gave someone a thrill done it for someone did it for someone gave great pleasure to given joy to given someone a charge gave joy to given great pleasure to gave someone a charge got one's kicks gave someone pleasure gave a lift given someone pleasure given a lift gotten one's kicks taken control of taken over took control of ate up became an obsession with took over eaten up

Động từ

Past tense for to influence or obtain by personal charm

Từ trái nghĩa của charmed

charmed Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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