Đồng nghĩa của lured

Alternative for lured

lures, lured, luring

Đồng nghĩa: attract, draw on, entice, pull, seduce, tempt,

Động từ

To have convinced or manipulated
influenced convinced manipulated persuaded inveigled tempted urged beguiled brainwashed bribed coaxed coerced controlled directed exploited finagled jockeyed played steered swayed compelled counseled counselled dragooned enticed impelled intimidated worked wrought leaned on pressurized worked upon browbeat browbeaten cajoled incited inclined induced prejudiced prevailed upon pulled strings with talked round twisted someone's arm brought round coloured suborned turned brought pressure to bear on brought pressure to bear upon carried weight with cut any ice with made yourself felt with touched colored pressurised won over corrupted bought off paid off squared fixed got at affected bought got to instigated had nobbled seduced perverted prevailed on greased palm gotten at bended bent changed got caused prompted encouraged altered motivated rewarded gotten to impressed moved disposed sold advised led made brought procured reasoned exhorted leaded swung propagandized enlisted converted proselytized gained confidence of snared caused to believe kept someone sweet turned somebody on to won argument proselyted led to do prodded into made a deal subverted taken care of tampered propagandised bought back pressured someone into tampered with brought around got round pressurized into sold one on tipped sweetened the pot with forced led to believe proselytised worked over influenced by gifts pressed someone into rigged sugared brought to senses made a deal with wheedled into talked into converted to lubricated sweetened the pot oiled the palm of pleaded with paid hush money to soaped budged proved to took care of reasoned someone into approached gotten driven drove drawn drew worn down argued into wore down given someone a sweetener given someone a backhander done business did business gave someone a backhander given an inducement to gave an inducement to gave someone a sweetener prest pressed prodded provoked stimulated inspired wheedled actuated put the heat on put the screws on put up to pressured goaded spurred pushed triggered sweet-talked egged on fired up gat roused smooth-talked constrained excited aroused stirred impassioned propelled nudged sparked wooed set off spurred on activated stirred up pricked set on put pressure on whipped up put someone up to something predisposed biassed biased begged conditioned enjoined pleaded pled started adjured besought entreated implored beseeched admonished inflamed initiated occasioned rallied elicited whetted invited requested appealed insisted drave druv piqued kick-started inspirited evoked incentivized steeled invigorated energized adapted sanctioned nagged maneuvered asked manoeuvred solicited brought about kindled fomented impacted empowered galvanized animated exhilarated vitalized uplifted emboldened heartened proposed worked up promoted countenanced hinted energised insinuated rabble-roused envigorated necessitated insisted on sucked in charged turned on pushed for psyched up boosted up exerted influence on soft-soaped conjured called on helped made waves cajoled into hinted to needled steamed up plotted incentified revved up refreshed pumped up cheered on advanced coaxed into struck schemed steamrolled twisted one's arm railroaded into rationalised used pressure on tried to persuade bulldozed into determined planned pepped up galvanised originated squeezed made willing rooted on suggested to bulldozed commended rationalized suggested stung drove on driven on appealed to holp holpen stricken drawn in drew in gotten going added fuel got going

Động từ

To have instigated the curiosity or attention of someone
interested attracted appealed to drew engrossed excited fascinated intrigued tempted captivated entertained enthralled snared tantalized titillated affected amused aroused concerned distracted engaged gripped hooked involved perked up pleased pulled touched mattered to mesmerised mesmerized moved riveted rivetted tantalised turned on beguiled bemused caught one's eye diverted enchanted grabbed immersed piqued absorbed absorpt aroused one's curiosity bewitched captured one's imagination engaged one's attention floated someone's boat held held one's attention lit someone's fire occupied preoccupied sat up tickled someone's fancy whetted one's appetite arrested busied enwrapped held your attention caught your eye tickled your fancy drawn aroused curiosity employed consumed obsessed engulfed monopolized monopolised spellbound entranced overwhelmed enraptured committed dominated transfixed possessed charmed buried wrapped caught up attended kept busy hypnotized devoted haunted worried troubled overcome devoured bothered fixated filled fixed disturbed bedazzled caught embroiled grasped overpowered mired connected associated overburdened implicated ensnared threw thrown compelled held the attention of taken up made laugh got lost in made smile soaked threw yourself into entangled participated tied up linked become an obsession with kept amused lost oneself in imputed overloaded got held spellbound engrossed oneself concentrated took control of hypnotised enlisted enmeshed took up inculpated entailed bound thrown yourself into used up taken control of overcame eaten up ate up absorbed yourself in eaten away at ate away at gotten became an obsession with took in taken in

Động từ

To have persuaded someone to undertake or acquire something
interested tempted enticed baited coaxed persuaded tantalized allured tantalised cajoled hooked induced motivated seduced sold wheedled entrapped influenced inveigled invited wooed aroused someone's interest in persuaded to buy beguiled attracted charmed captivated fascinated enthralled enchanted led on bewitched pulled magnetized decoyed drawn drew intrigued solicited wiled magnetised betrayed absorbed absorpt swept off feet ensnared gripped titillated engaged engrossed won over entranced mesmerized turned on rivetted riveted hypnotized enamoured won spellbound sucked in roped in mesmerised hypnotised killed enraptured aroused excited witched delighted occupied ravished involved grabbed enamored pleased mousetrapped caught the eye of put under a spell captured caught deceived trapped dazzled transfixed infatuated busied provoked held snared immersed courted enwrapped bemused enslaved entertained beckoned piqued diverted caught up steered pulled in brought in come on come on to tickled your fancy whetted the appetite of flirted with appealed appealed to arrested deluded misled tricked bedevilled bedeviled amused elicited transported wowed gratified carried away vamped held spellbound taken took honeyed made your mouth water picked up gladdened led astray hit on bid called forth tolled commanded came on to came on entangled tormented tortured teased called netted enmeshed duped encouraged generated preoccupied caused fostered taunted compelled suckered incited engendered created fixed gained seized maneuvered manoeuvred immeshed meshed entoiled bagged embroiled tangled ensnarled implicated pestered annoyed worried harried frustrated baffled harassed gnawed thwarted beleaguered badgered plagued bedazzled convinced inspired subjugated landed prompted led leaded sweet-talked smooth-talked dared bribed shilled made an impression on countenanced overpowered obtained touted led up garden path kindled thrilled turned one's head stirred setted a trap for brought around made up to strung along dragged ensorcelled held in awe demanded moved got made eyes at monopolized rooted to the spot kept someone hanging on tickled pink secured trained overwhelmed philandered with summoned dangled slayed trifled with kept hanging laid for brought on brought forth issued fired interested greatly satisfied signed entreated urged animated flirted reeled in indicated asked monopolised tied up toyed with betrapped made a hit with stimulated subdued left the door open to caught hold of roused chatted up wound up prevailed on asked for roped dangled a carrot in front of boxed in benetted distracted aroused the curiosity of conned brought on oneself called for intoxicated floated someone's boat gnawn aroused curiosity bade gave the come-on to given the come-on to gotten drawn attention drew attention argued into batted eyes at drawn out drew out slain slew drawn in drew in made to happen begged for led to made happen

Động từ

Past tense for to persuade someone to do something
coaxed persuaded cajoled inveigled wheedled enticed influenced tempted induced beguiled seduced urged allured charmed blarneyed blandished flattered wooed encouraged got gotten decoyed maneuvered manoeuvred palavered pressed conned hooked wangled wormed bartered importuned jawboned pestered plagued soothed teased sweet-talked prevailed on soft-soaped won over talked into prevailed upon argued into got round buttered up worked on arm-twisted came on come on talked someone into something roped in twisted one's arm swayed spread it on brought round convinced snowed bantered oiled soaped tantalized stroked sweetened up smooth-talked tantalised talked courted solicited made prodded argued pressured coerced pressurized reasoned brownnosed duped bootlicked deluded misled softened jollied deceived entrapped massaged crowded pushed snew snown pressurised finagled kowtowed softened up captivated brought pressure to bear on laid it on worked over built up gotten around got around wiled made up to handed a line sucked up to played up to attracted laid it on thick rubbed the right way flattered into honeyed egged on drawn drew got next to gotten next to adulated prest praised overpraised glorified complimented humoured puffed belauded fawned beslavered salved toadied humored groveled sold grovelled hero-worshipped fawned on brown-nosed crept to crawled to catered to complimented excessively put on a pedestal gat fell all over fallen all over flanneled flannelled admired commended adored revered expressed admiration for panegyrized pandered to lauded paid tribute to venerated paid blandishments to waxed lyrical about paid court to made much of said nice things about elevated lionized slavered fawned over raved over worshipped gushed over worshiped curry favored with curried favour lionised kissed one's feet laid it on with a trowel sucked up prostrated oneself to kept someone sweet curry favored rubbed up the right way toadied to abased oneself to truckled to curry favoured with bowed and scrape to danced attendance on grovelled to kowtowed to demeaned oneself to ingratiated oneself with gotten on the right side of got on the right side of

Động từ

Past tense for to deceive or fool someone
beguiled tricked deceived fooled misled conned duped hoodwinked seduced attracted charmed enchanted enticed entranced took in taken in tempted bamboozled bewitched blinded captivated dazzled hypnotised hypnotized mesmerised mesmerized spellbound wooed deluded double-crossed ensnared entrapped gulled inveigled won over cheated led on snookered soft-soaped strung along suckered sweet-talked allured baited betrayed bluffed buffaloed burned burnt caught cozened decoyed diddled gaffed gammoned had hoaxed hornswoggled humbugged juggled misguided misinformed shafted snowed snew snown solicited spoofed befooled buttered up chiseled chiselled exploited faked out finessed flimflammed gypped had on jockeyed manipulated played rooked scammed shaved shove shave shaven sticked stuck sucked in took taken took advantage of taken advantage of imposed on put one over on roped in led up the garden path pulled a fast one on pulled a swifty on played for a sucker took for a ride taken for a ride set up swindled bilked defrauded hosed victimized cajoled outwitted trapped wheedled mousetrapped beat kidded victimised put on ripped off put on an act put on false front put on the wrong track put up smoke screen trolled fleeced stiffed hustled skinned misdirected bled shortchanged prevaricated disinformed misstated fiddled outsmarted mulcted squeezed shorted skunked reamed illuded misrepresented lied choused thimblerigged euchred plucked propagandized fudged bunked perverted fabricated distorted outfoxed nobbled entangled overreached propagandised enmeshed jived led astray tripped up caught out finagled framed milked embezzled covered up gazumped chicaned buncoed swizzled swizzed pulled one's leg coaxed laid a trap for sold a pup wrong steered led up garden path sold a pup to catfished played trick on led down the garden path poked borack pulled a fast one sent on a wild goose chase fitted up pulled the wool over someone's eyes screwed over stung did done screwed beaten lain to lay to done a number on did a number on gave wrong information to gave someone a bum steer given wrong information to given the wrong impression given someone a bum steer thrown off the scent gave the wrong impression threw off the scent done in shaken down done the dirty on shook down did the dirty on taken to the cleaners took to the cleaners did in

Động từ

Past tense for to draw someone or something out, to entice, to lure as if with trailing bait

Tính từ

(keen on) Having an attraction to
keen into attracted besotted bewitched captivated enamored enamoured crazed enticed fond agog drawn mesmerised smitten absorbed caught intrigued predisposed curious fascinated mesmerized riveted spellbound eager gripped interested impressed inquisitive moved roused sold attentive entranced intent obsessed hooked inspired touched affected engrossed stimulated excited inspirited mad rapt taken devoted to enthralled by keen on passionate about addicted to fixated by mad about struck on attached to hooked on interested in riveted by attracted to enthusiastic about mesmerized by twitterpated by crazy about gone on nuts about turned on besotted with bewitched by hungry for infatuated with eager for fascinated by intent on smitten with charmed by enchanted by love-struck by sweet on captivated by fond of hung up wild about beguiled by enamored of enamoured of obsessed with taken with gripped by intrigued by partial to in love with beguiled enraptured hypnotized charmed delighted thrilled hypnotised bedazzled won over moonstruck tempted focused enquiring earnest snoopy beady-eyed nosy responsive awakened fired inquiring gone all ears focussed occupied struck sympathetic open burning with curiosity on the case eat sleep and breathe enthralled head over heels ravished fallen for gaga about have a thing about ensorcelled engaged involved immersed preoccupied consumed wrapped up busy caught up desirous lost deep focused on held really into tied up caught up in up to here fixated employed devoted infatuated of a mind to concerned preoccupied by enthusiastic heavily into up to one's ears up to here in taken up locked in dialed in deep in thought ardent working ecstatic rapturous enchanted euphoric active exhilarated elated sedulous diligent assiduous industrious observant hopping bustling enrapt rhapsodic giddy elevated rhapsodical heady fanatical passionate sent distracted tied-up buried intoxicated monomaniacal queer intense happy preoccupied with sunk in single-minded single-minded about taken over hell-bent potty about engrossed in absorbed in wrapped up in obsessive about stuck on dedicated to dotty about involved in possessed by wild on wound up hung up on immersed in having a one-track mind quizzical questioning probing interrogative fixed querying scrutinizing investigative examining inspecting concentrating busy with enthused ambitious entertained desiring inclined allured seduced avid inquisitorial scrutinising up to one's ears in bent on dizzy high monopolized bugged submerged piqued galvanized beside oneself galvanised turned-on extremely happy delirious quickened participating engaged with monopolised engaged in committed hypnotized by fiend for dedicated dutiful taken up with all wound up transported influential fervent faithful devout activist motivated contributing energetic connected forward blissful go-getting two-fisted go-ahead hard-pressed laborious absent joyful inattentive carried away dreaming absent-minded overwhelmed content abstracted blissed out daydreaming wrapped unconscious oblivious at work on the job utilized utilised in harness on the hop too much on plate rushed off your feet hard at it clocked up hard at work on the go on the trot

Trái nghĩa của lured

lured Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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