Từ đồng nghĩa của commanded

Alternative for commanded

commands, commanded, commanding

Từ đồng nghĩa: bid, control, direct, enjoin, instruct, order, power,

Từ trái nghĩa: compliance, comply, obedience, submission, submit,

Động từ

To have been in charge or command of
led presided over headed directed had control of had charge of supervised governed oversaw regulated superintended chaired ran masterminded ruled orchestrated controlled conducted guided held sway over took the chair of administered organized managed mastered reigned over dominated domineered headed up called the shots bossed captained organised ran the show helmed leaded overlooked run fronted spearheaded handled stewarded administrated piloted had authority over assumed command of held dominion over exercised power marshaled wielded maneuvered steered held office officered coached swayed influenced marshalled operated exercised authority over tyrannized prevailed over ordered exercised control over run the show manoeuvred tyrannised led the way had authority officiated called the tune overseen druv been in charge was in charge were in charge was in the saddle took the reins of drove took the chair drave been in the saddle driven took over taken over were in the saddle taken the reins of taken the chair tended kept looked after watched carried on quarterbacked kept an eye on minded watched over cared for moderated guarded pulled the strings presided attended to tended to coordinated monitored were responsible for was responsible for been responsible for observed taken care of took care of inspected ministered to run things sat on top of protected engineered judged refereed babysat mediated policed arranged manipulated maintained executed negotiated attended carried out umpired kept safe put together chaperoned arbitrated ridden herd on rode herd on sat with officiated at held the reins called the shots in took charge of taken charge of dictated advised checked contrived childminded skippered nursed safeguarded reigned ministered shepherded kept tabs on called the signals were in the driving seat dealt with laid down the law was in the driving seat kept watch over ran things called the tune in been in the driving seat cracked the whip held down planned adjudicated called took the helm taken the helm set disciplined owned methodized micromanaged measured tempered systematized legislated adapted set up reconciled devised wangled called the shots of standardized originated framed finagled conceived fixed fixt finessed machinated settled determined hegemonized created taken the chair of ordained sat fit pulled the wires checked up on put over put on ruled the roost administered to looked out for put in order wrought facilitated worked systematised standardised put on the right track baby-sat ruled over come up with put through put one over took charge taken charge hosted seen to saw to limited introduced constrained contained curbed adjusted schemed caused allocated restrained plotted tamed assumed command over surveilled bridled brought about own inhibited modulated pushed implemented decided commandeered adjudged enforced served emceed balanced held mounted concocted mobilized bullied choreographed effected browbeat mothered restricted stage-managed oppressed pressurized brought off pulled off railroaded encompassed bulldozed designed staged addrest stood reffed addressed fielded hatched forged initiated pulled in reined in fostered predominated tilled subjugated subjected eyed concerted constructed hacked had sitten took taken generated nannied affected regimented bewielded besteered honchoed bossed around managed people carried out official duties had the say controlled the content of funneled scammed squared leaned on called the tune for sorted out jockeyed instructed taken the reins ordered about legalised had someone eating out of one's hand thought up rigged looked over used strong-arm tactics on mobilised kept under guard made conform instigated had a handle on pointed in the right direction kept in check plied lorded over classified acted had something in the palm of one's hand pushed buttons dictated terms shielded took the reins occupied throne had the bright idea of held the purse strings ordered around normalised ruled on told someone what to do navigated beaconed lorded it over surveyed bossed about authored pulled strings pressurised edited pulled wires pointed rendered rode shotgun angled functioned tried to control controlled the affairs of rectified fitted fixed up held dominion swung waited on came up with treated puppeteered worked out cooked doctored channelled held sway planted legalized kept under thumb coxswained disposed readjusted paced upstaged had someone in the palm of one's hand funnelled kept a beady eye on had someone in one's hip pocket had a hold over had control over minded the store performed official duties overwatched ridden shotgun held purse strings defended walked all over exercised authority done the honors trailblazed invigilated pulled things together thought of kept in view instrumented kept a tab on called the shots on played games kept one's eye on channeled overruled kept under surveillance normalized did the honors wielded baton dreamt up served the people called upon played kept up herded conned maintained order seen saw holden browbeaten swang swungen worn the crown wore the crown assumed command took in hand taken in hand engagde in took forward taken forward engaged in worn the trousers wore the trousers was responsible been responsible were responsible gave heed to given heed to taken control of took control of thrown your weight around given orders to gave orders to rode roughshod over gave orders threw your weight around given orders ridden roughshod over calle the play called the play

Động từ

To have made a request, or demand, of someone
asked requested demanded required appealed bade bid implored ordered petitioned proposed urged begged pleaded pled requisitioned stipulated beseeched besought challenged directed entreated exhorted pestered solicited sought craved enjoined expected importuned insisted prayed sued supplicated told appealed to applied to called for called on insisted on pleaded with put in for counted on filed for looked for put your foot down charged instructed called obliged dictated adjured compelled mandated decreed ordained exacted claimed needed prescribed summoned forced tasked necessitated beckoned bossed around pressed for quested ruled authorized called the shots appointed warned imposed on subpoenaed authorised forced upon laid down the law called upon stipulated for clamored for gave directions given directions gave the order to gave orders given the order to gave the command to given orders to gave orders to given orders given the command to pressed pushed pressured put the screws on pressurized coerced dragooned goaded impetrated pressurised impelled encouraged railroaded strong-armed prodded conjured put pressure on besieged constrained nagged pleaded to hounded bulldozed spurred hustled obsecrated prompted prevailed on made browbeat badgered obligated invoked egged on driven drove leaned on put the squeeze on harassed influenced advocated persuaded bullied blackjacked impressed muscled sandbagged nudged used pressure on press-ganged advised counseled counselled beset admonished thrust harried incited lobbied imposed propelled bludgeoned steamrollered induced obtested bounced prayed to tried to persuade pushed for put up to put the heat on put under an obligation put the arm on recommended intimidated coaxed promoted browbeaten hassled foisted obtruded applied squeezed enforced stimulated concussed fast-talked twisted someone's arm asked earnestly twisted one's arm brought pressure to bear on inflicted plagued campaigned cautioned clamoured bothered thrusted brainwashed desired bugged invited terrorized menaced inspired braced clamored bound wheedled canvassed moved worked on shotgunned put the screws to dragooned into browbeat into pushed around requested earnestly used strong-arm tactics on cracked down advanced put screws to railroaded into bulldozed into hit up put the chill on fired up put squeeze on campaigned for lumbered someone with saddled with hit on asked brusquely turned on the heat asked authoritatively terrorised put the bite on asked for forcefully suggested recommended forcefully crusaded expedited referred inspanned motivated cajoled suggested mithered unloaded preached pursued overcome pricked bayed cried threatened championed barked canvased spieled extorted coerced into commandeered pressurized into caused steamrolled forewarned instigated manoeuvred sanctioned maneuvered submitted blandished propositioned repressed suppressed hindered cowed restricted speeded up keyed up sped up bludgeoned into bullied into occasioned browbeaten into contracted called to countenanced whipped touted asked urgently poured it on pleaded in favour of psyched up breathed down someone's neck strongly recommended exerted influence on whistled for worked over inquired made an urgent request appealed for clamoured for sold burdened someone with invocated requested urgently laid claim to made an offer they can't refuse blackmailed held out for tightened the screws on made an earnest request cried for made a plea to went on bended knee to tempted petitioned for made a plea sold one on craved of asked forcefully drummed up support prayed for wooed commended argued in favour of used force on rationalized steamrollered into pestered for wrested used duress on lobbied for intimidated into pinned down exerted restrained drummed up left someone no option but to turned on brought pressure to bear upon worried come at arrogated urged by force politicked badgered for exerted force on gone on bended knee to nagged for made necessary contested inquired about recited rationalised bayed for made a claim dunned conscripted terrorized into abjured jogged drummed enquired addressed made compulsory choked said sued for burdened high pressured overcame acted on spoke spoken spake came at resorted to thrown your weight around threw your weight around begged for applied for bore down borne down beared hard on bore down on went to town on borne down on gone to town on gone on bended knee went on bended knee spoke in favour of spoken in favour of

Tính từ

Required, mandatory
mandated authorised authorized decreed ordered assigned charged bid dictated proclaimed requisitioned summoned legal legitimate licit proper constitutional permissible legalized just kosher warranted rightful valid official justifiable statutory legit established due canonical condign innocent protected judged enjoined passed enforced ordained juridical warrantable ruled legislated judicial enacted jurisprudent vested legitimatized jural legalised on the level on the up and up bona fide of right card-carrying allowable allowed permitted sanctioned recognized justified approved admissible going by the rules endorsed decriminalised lawful by the book recognised above board decriminalized within the law accepted acknowledged licensed acceptable orthodox licenced certified traditional accredited regular genuine confirmed ratified standard true conventional authoritative correct customary agreed validated right admitted settled prescribed chosen agreed upon received formal normal authentic usual honest documented popular sound fixed tolerable tolerated backed affirmed fair common chartered appropriate nominated supported okay declared set elected straight universal stock undisputed commissioned appointed ordinary prevailing delegated prevalent familiar routine well-known de jure time-honoured representative statutable real granted determined consented binding favored conceded verified democratic classic designated specified authenticated selected upright unquestioned general contractual OK'd suitable identified undoubted aboveboard understood known mainstream arrived at vouched for methodical classical accustomed ex cathedra named ceremonious regulation square explicit professed ceremonial preferred tried and true favoured widely recognized commonly accepted tried and tested time-honored generally accepted let accorded sanctioned by law elective proven certain stated tried and trusted done made official pro forma of the people strict characteristic renowned believed stipulated recognizable perceived regimented orderly express excusable pardonable all right predictable realized remembered constituted codified bearable unforbidden venial OK unprohibited systematic realised recognisable straightforward sincere in order ceremonialistic formalistic ritualistic ritual ensured by law in accordance with the constitution within accepted bounds uncontested natural canonic anointed verifiable trustworthy straight-shooting honest-to-goodness truthful upfront for real reliable definitive signed recommended cited picked announced conformist conservative confessed pegged deputed classified consecrated individuated enforceable bonafide right as rain telling the truth fair and square on the up-and-up decided deserved doctrinal traditionalist returned answered concluded underwritten blessed advocated notarized commended upheld sponsored sealed attested credible magisterial best opted for settled on singled out decided upon entrusted tabbed mentioned drafted merited traditionalistic ultraconservative unprogressive reactionary unheretical button-down unoriginal old-fashioned buttoned-down hidebound mossbacked old-line old-school standpat die-hard brassbound paleoconservative archconservative certifiable precedented enforcible sworn unchallenged avowed well established derivative well-established commanding sovereign arranged allotted prearranged veritable effective actual usable fitting straight arrow pious by the numbers bien pensant in line religious according to the book punctilious sure enough unexpired OK'd boosted competent apt earned scheduled imperial executive mandatory bureaucratic ruling departmental supreme ex officio administrative reasonable legally acceptable legally binding fit holding water requisite moralistic moral virtuous ethical principled applicable noble twenty-four carat well deserved in principle befitting equitable well earned right-minded habitual typical signed and sealed true-blue in effect in force preordained installed expected predominant household wonted going fashionable touted well worn unopposed bog-standard okayed current everyday in vogue long-established prescriptive plain most scholarly most reliable

Từ trái nghĩa của commanded

commanded Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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