Đồng nghĩa của balanced

Alternative for balanced

Trái nghĩa: unbalanced,

balances, balanced, balancing

Đồng nghĩa: equalize, measure, scale, stabilize, steady, weigh,

Trái nghĩa: unbalance,

Tính từ

Objective or fair, after taking everything into account
unbiased impartial objective unprejudiced fair equitable just neutral disinterested dispassionate detached nonpartisan evenhanded equal nondiscriminating equalised equalized even-handed open-minded without fear or favour in proportion that takes everything into account fair-minded non-partisan non-discriminatory indifferent square impersonal uninvolved uncolored candid nondiscriminatory reasonable honest unbigoted with no axe to grind straight even on the fence without favouritism anti-discrimination unslanted on-the-fence middle-of-the-road independent fair and square on the level free from discrimination honourable honorable unselfish upright non-aligned rational without favor unemotional disconnected right unaligned uninfluenced egalitarian uncommitted level moderate uninterested unswayed non-discriminating nonaligned justifiable sensible decent outside not taking sides aloof on the up and up steady trustworthy nonbiased matching cold judicial middle well balanced sitting on the fence composed level-headed nonpassionate selfless middle of the road straddling the fence rightful proper unruffled logical unmoved due free from self-interest without prejudice virtuous fair-and-square aboveboard good scrupulous conscientious uncoloured proportionate fair-to-middling moral even-steven upfront ethical cricket above board stable on the up-and-up square deal fair shake disciplined modest mild conservative midway controlled compromising inexpensive cautious noncommittal liberal tolerant enlightened accepting catholic free permissive undogmatic unprescriptive acceptive understanding acceptant perceptive observant not excessive prejudice-free non-judgemental disengaged autonomous clinical unallied unconcerned bystanding broad-minded removed non-participating undecided unconnected on sidelines inactive nonchalant poker-faced principled righteous true unaffiliated noble blameless lawful cool sincere incorruptible upstanding faithful law-abiding right-minded pure respectable inert straightforward kosher stand-up noncombatant nonbelligerent middle-of-road easy calm neuter collected nonparticipating pacifistic relaxed legitimate dependable truthful reliable legal clean equable genuine reputable according to the rules dutiful floating vacillating uncorrupted legit uncertain undeclared worthy unattached high-minded nice anti-corruption exemplary punctilious all right nonpolitical impassive distant unrelated open unaffected unimplicated unincluded unprepossessed without distinction forthright sportsmanlike sporting gracious strictly business mannerly dinkum conscionable correct equalitarian chivalrous gentlemanlike gallant sportsmanly firm high-principled classless unimpeachable right and proper on the square on-the-level sporty according to Hoyle full of integrity of principle true-blue circumspect up front responsible democratic credible unfailing humble steadfast veracious authentic unpretentious uncontrived unfeigned enduring dedicated unwavering trusty constant resolute patriotic wavering indecisive equal-opportunity split torn unsure pukka iffy frank civil quality in two minds in doubt centrist on up-and-up in a quandary in a dilemma innocent free-floating blowing hot and cold angelic sinless saintly guiltless faultless irreproachable non-radical non-extreme restrained apathetic casual free-spirited fence-sitting laid-back God-fearing squeaky-clean pious noble-minded not involved non-reactionary central devoted reverent matchless commendable deserving holy meritorious charitable philanthropical devout philanthropic laudable godlike creditable peerless praiseworthy spiritual cut loose middle ground don't care pacific safe uncontroversial open to reason

Tính từ

Mentally calm, having no emotion too strong or too weak
sane rational sensible reasonable sound sober realistic practical judicious stable pragmatic commonsensical prudent grounded collected mature composed wise circumspect together cool steady calm businesslike dependable reliable poised serene equable imperturbable unflappable unworried relaxed confident unemotional unmoved secure level-headed well balanced self-possessed even-tempered full of common sense well adjusted well-adjusted cool-headed laid-back at ease cool, calm and collected with both feet on the ground levelheaded logical reasoned commonsense down-to-earth good sagacious moderate well-founded informed justified discerning responsible commonsensible no-nonsense valid firm solid just matter-of-fact well-grounded cogent astute analytical hard-headed hard lucid intellectual serious-minded shrewd objective discreet coolheaded thoughtful unruffled sage healthy common-sense analytic well-advised reserved dispassionate intelligent well grounded all there perspicacious normal mild perceptive controlled unperturbed careful well-balanced discriminating even coherent considered sedate temperate modest canny measured well advised cautious justifiable defensible conservative accurate defendable true well reasoned legitimate consequent untroubled regular vindicable easy well-reasoned well founded with one's feet on the ground advisable politic deliberative farsighted sapient hard-nosed far-sighted sharp settled clever well-informed well-thought-out attentive knowing conversant cool as cucumber in one's right mind au courant stolid staid restrained correct warranted warrantable steady-going having all one's marbles in right mind unbothered unflustered calmed unagitated unfazed serious unswerving calculable unexcitable faithful proper exact precise dinkum satisfying clearheaded enlightened satisfactory undisturbed straight limpid peaceful equal unshaken recollected placid level possessed tranquil smooth assured strict veridical undistorted veracious estimable decent tolerant assertive hardheaded mundane earthy pragmatical unidealistic having both feet on the ground lenient disciplined peaceable abstinent self-restrained plain-spoken unsentimental unromantic self-composed self-assured thorough benign sober-minded sobersided genuine earth-bound plainspoken common hardboiled unfantastic self-confident considerate not given to excesses compromising not excessive self-controlled deliberate punctilious meticulous cognitive have one's feet on the ground scrupulous vigilant fastidious clear-sighted clear-eyed regulated unexcessive warm medium comfortable muted unimpassioned constant checked unextreme curbed heedful finicky methodical telling deep substantial convincing powerful credible strong sustainable plausible right compelling believable bona fide congruent legit viable supportable maintainable probable proven persuasive acceptable perspicuous deductive irrefutable confirmed arguable effective workable conclusive weighty authoritative germane determinative forceful pertinent consistent relevant efficacious well thought-out uncorrupted attested tested potent trustworthy kosher well thought out able to hold water holding water clear-headed expedient insightful provident desirable tactical percipient factual plain worthwhile prosaic straightforward calculating smart strategic phlegmatic seemly philosophic well judged worldly-wise appropriate advantageous apt dull flat beneficial dry deadpan helpful recommended unvarnished unembellished literal unimaginative lifeless hard-boiled effectual gainful fitting productive uncreative unadorned clear-thinking reflective thinking ratiocinative cerebral useful tenable truthful savvy certain emotionless humdrum pedestrian joined-up impassive judgmatical judgmatic unembroidered unaffected sure cold feasible aware straight-thinking understandable learned empirical stoic well-judged clear-cut sophisticated profound tough hard-bitten graceful intuitive prudential cluey sharp-witted proportional symmetrical well-proportioned efficient diplomatic profitable heady excellent valuable adult with both one's feet on the ground well considered harmonious mentally stable cognizant acute skilful pawky thinking twice playing safe hedging one's bets leery argute outstanding unfailing seasonable skillful wary judicial keen stoical preferred well a good idea heads-up long-headed quick-witted cultured cultivated grown-up worldly refined polished sure-fire patient favorable faultless synthetic infallible trustable reasoning unquestionable resigned errorless corroborated colorable rigorous substantiated sincere impeccable inerrant validated verified fair detached timely opportune equitable sovereign accommodating forbearing long-suffering certified open definite explicit stringent empiric indulgent easy-going fatalistic fit suitable applicable favourable best necessary nonplussed impartial unprejudiced accepting moral ethical philosophical deep-thinking uncomplaining admissible making sense unbiased standing to reason definitive suggested best suited presentable clear thought-out evenhanded fair-minded convenient open to reason based on good sense letter-perfect spot-on dead-on on-target apathetic naked cold-blooded impersonal prosy natural a posteriori inductive inducible experimental predictable expected predicted anticipated inevitable forecast obvious foreseeable unsurprising likeliest to be expected only to be expected par for the course on the cards what one would expect not unexpected most correct most likely

Tính từ

Financially validated or settled according to accounting principles

Tính từ

Able to be depended or relied on
solid dependable firm reliable stable steadfast strong trustworthy committed durable enduring immutable secure unchangeable unfailing fixed rigid sturdy true established faithful tried constant responsible stout lasting resolute sure unshakeable permanent stalwart staunch equable trustable unwavering settled sound steady bulletproof calculable honorable honourable perdurable trusty unfaltering long-lasting long-lived long-standing well balanced well-balanced well-built deep-rooted sustained devoted loyal dedicated dutiful fast genuine robust good ardent hardened hardy true-blue patriotic unswerving abiding sincere honest toughened inured tried and true tried and tested close trusted hearty tough immovable reinforced devout allegiant rugged truthful loving upright straight tried-and-true well-made well-founded scrupulous incorruptible substantial cast-iron emphatic attached capable tenacious never-failing resistant fervent zealous complete unconditional categorical unflinching absolute total impassioned unreserved thorough unmitigated utter unrestricted vigorous unlimited unstinting unambiguous unadulterated unalloyed passionate unequivocal positive unassailable outright thoroughgoing unfeigned undivided authentic indestructible unqualified infallible steely powerful impregnable undiluted safe airtight heavy inseparable effective true-hearted entire invulnerable fair mighty wholehearted fortified boon unbreakable invincible unshakable veracious out-and-out strengthened true to life hard stark rock-solid heavy-duty imperishable unyielding without reservations hale hard as nails certain obedient down-the-line hard-bitten indefatigable well fortified muscular able unflagging confiding unchanging dyed-in-the-wool conscientious hard-core behind one able-bodied resilient affectionate string along with circumspect on the level seasoned liege unmistakable tested uncompromising fit avid truehearted as thick as thieves true blue bosom pious stanch healthy dear impenetrable hard-wearing armoured lusty correct believable confidential intimate inviolable cohesive impassible knockabout unattackable bombproof concrete armored cherished special treasured valued well made well protected everlasting storm-resistant stormproof well defended well-protected flourishing well-armed fit as a fiddle hale and hearty in fine fettle hefty acclimatised acclimatized well fresh in rude health fighting fit in good health brawny physically fit in good shape in good condition burly downright impervious fanatical familiar irrepressible gritty spirited forceful sensible full real valiant plucky intrepid headstrong consummate arrant credible principled obdurate supportive enthusiastic earnest determined unvarnished stouthearted feisty humble level-headed righteous ethical inexorable cotton-picking rank flat-out bodacious dead categoric crashing deadly definite all-out profound blank pure stone very straight-out plumb dreadful flat regular perfect simple sheer clean blooming potent reputable impartial unpretentious moral uncontrived virtuous decent equitable quick to recover difficult to keep down quick to bounce back rolling with punches persistent influential deep-dyed fervid perfervid important heartfelt serious warm unquestioning infernal express blessed explicit confounded blasted unrestrained clear strict significant fullhearted forcible no catch without reservation no ifs ands or buts compelling energetic keen whole-hearted strapping cogent hundred percent whole-souled bona fide indubitable sinewy active big athletic quality puissant in fine feather well-defined well constructed well-constructed well-established well built well founded

Tính từ

Firmly fixed, supported, or balanced
steady secure fixed safe firm stable fast anchored immovable moored motionless secured stationary braced cemented jammed rooted solid stabile static still sure unshakeable immobile nailed riveted tied unmoving unshaking set settled sturdy unshaken set in stone solid as a rock strong established steadfast sound unwavering rigid enduring dependable robust durable reliable unfaltering staunch tenacious unyielding determined resolute tight fortified stalwart stout lasting certain hard frozen unchanging constant invariable resolved well-built well-founded inflexible forceful steely unassailable immutable unbending impregnable unchangeable vigorous invulnerable unvarying reinforced substantial changeless unmovable hardened long-lasting decided tried-and-true well-made uniform cast-iron confident taut stubborn unswerving unshakable undeviating obdurate unfluctuating nonmoving indestructible bold permanent irremovable fastened unrelenting assertive trustworthy airtight equable snug iron toughened tightened unbreakable locked lusty hearty true invincible flat responsible tried bound strengthened determinate inured abiding unalterable heavy rock-solid calculable bombproof poised lodged stuck trustable imperishable definite trusty long-lived long-standing hardy well fortified deep-rooted tough hard-and-fast heavy-duty well-balanced able hard as nails nailed down in the bag unchanged ended mature consistent emphatic impervious risk-free clenched clinched aggressive low-risk committed uncompromising unflinching devout unfailing fixed firmly riskless purposeful persistent faithful unhesitating unerring zealous done up buttoned down clasped fitted on an even keel embedded composed honourable perdurable bulletproof honorable single-minded true-blue assured powerful fortress-like well balanced mighty non-critical impenetrable wedged welded potent good hard-wearing armoured mounted bolted soldered screwed influential important inviolable conclusive unanxious absolute undoubtful sanguine carefree hopeful significant cohesive impassible knockabout unattackable concrete armored forcible easy shoo-in well made resistant well protected energetic everlasting storm-resistant stormproof well defended well-protected flourishing well-armed seasoned hard-bitten stark tried and true tried and tested locked on strapping unbudging nonmotile compelling hale sinewy active capable muscular big athletic rugged effective puissant immotile infallible in fine feather able-bodied adamant cogent obstinate indubitable agreed arranged preset predetermined allotted confirmed specified prearranged stiff defined decreed precise prescribed incommutable express final explicit exact planned inexpugnable inalterable unblinking irreversible level stated unqualified unmodifiable definitive stipulated inveterate even well-defined well constructed well-constructed well-established well built well founded quiet hitched hooked situated located attached writ in stone hard and fast not subject to change never-failing made fast calm transfixed inert dormant well grounded stagnant inanimate sessile pat quiescent as if turned to stone at rest rooted to the spot like a statue at a halt at a standstill without moving stock-still fixed to the spot not moving a muscle staying put

Tính từ

A state in which a body is sound and healthy
good healthy strong hale hearty lusty robust sturdy tiptop salutiferous well fit sound fine wholesome whole fighting fit in good shape in good health normal right active hardy bouncing in good trim hunky-dory in shape able-bodied OK well-conditioned as fit as a fiddle fit as a flea fit as a fiddle hale and hearty alive and kicking in fine fettle in the pink okay proper able energetic stalwart up to par in trim up to scratch blooming flourishing uninjured unimpaired unharmed safe spirited glowing very well in rude health right as rain bursting with health full of vim up to snuff as right as a trivet as fit as a flea better vigorous fresh healthier refreshed recovered rehabilitated ok healed lively mended cured restored invigorated fitter physically fit all right solid as a rock strong as an ox in good kilter in good physical condition in good physical shape sound in body and limb full of life fine and dandy in excellent shape in tip-top condition in fine feather in good condition in good form muscular tough strapping stout powerful athletic rugged husky brawny firm burly buff solid beefy forceful substantial trim jacked hefty shredded mighty thriving well built sinewy ripped virile vital thickset powerfully built staunch Herculean hunky stark dynamic aerobicized peppy iron flush gingery red-blooded thewy durable well-built potent muscly solidly built stable hulking capable hard chipper meaty heavy manly big tenacious as strong as an ox well made healthful powerhouse strenuous stocky broad-shouldered sporty cast-iron hardened toughened hard-bitten inured secure herculean bushy-tailed bright-eyed bulky sprightly sane heavyweight well-made formidable perky indefatigable forcible as strong as a horse in top form muscled vibrant enduring heavy-duty obdurate bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans young loud A1 strident stentorian macho all-male masculine bursting with good health rested two-fisted strengthened chunky influential mesomorphic well-proportioned important untroubled agile nimble physical lithe together luxuriantly in peak condition significant enthusiastic stiff stouthearted decisive strong-arm abled hard-wearing thick relieved slim toned as strong as a lion strongly made invincible indomitable intact built to last great toned up as right as rain well muscled heavily built bruising imposing overpowering soothed unflagging acclimatised resistant acclimatized resilient seasoned fixed steady reinforced unyielding redoubtable fast bombproof undamaged puissant lumbering towering huge pumped up gargantuan hulky massive gigantic hard as nails well-founded manful full-blooded comfortable outdoorsy outdoor flawless wide-ranging undecayed well constructed well-constructed perfect rigorous unhurt unblemished sturdily built tall colossal mammoth sports-loving rude hanging together holding together roaring rough animated sparkling high-spirited vivacious effervescent zippy jaunty spry playful good at sports strong as an lion buoyant strong as an horse intense zestful tireless go-getting bouncy upbeat spanking feisty as strong as a ox wick spunky persuasive take-over dashing enterprising steamroller snappy exuberant efficient take-charge brisk hard-driving driving effective raring to go full of energy ball of fire safe and sound rosy-cheeked the picture of health

Tính từ

(rare) Personality traits of persons, when referring to their own ability
happy able capable competent dextrous dexterous expert gifted good learned masterful masterly proficient qualified savvy skilful skilled skillful talented trained adept adroit agile au fait brilliant decent deft effectual efficient effortless experienced practised practiced serviceable smart strong hot kosher up to it up to snuff up to speed with it pitch-perfect quick accurate reliable clever satisfactory very well useful proper multiskilled multitalented versed virtuoso suitable deadly accomplished consummate seasoned polished knowledgeable nifty crackerjack mean right on handy stringent errorless sure-handed topflight dead-on sporting all-round suited veteran exact refined tutored workmanlike all-around spot-on on-target precise sure-fire schooled thorough fitted master educated taught first-rate well trustworthy well-rounded hardy ace great crack complete compleat professed excellent professional apt wizard artful fine well versed tasty stellar outstanding wicked first-class habile fit sharp superb bravura delicate genius magnificent pro effective slick impressive supreme marvellous formidable on the ball ingenious superlative marvelous practical top-notch exceptional equal a dab hand at elite whiz vet big league out of this world old superior magic demon well-versed dynamite dazzling splendid equipped versant specialist peerless brainy leading intelligent world-class facile cool hotshot endowed class there smooth adequate nimble-fingered well trained extraordinarily skilled very skilled highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled highly trained highly qualified wised up tuned in a hand at wonderful terrific tremendous powerful eligible exercised nimble finished awesome familiar hardened long-serving smashing fab certified very good exquisite battle-scarred conversant ready prepared tip-top tested tried brill best exceptionally good remarkable disciplined instructed A1 know the ropes on the beam no slouch knowing the score top-drawer methodic methodical systematic employable long-term champion quintessential sensational fabulous fantastic exemplary ultimate perfect mighty virtuosic faultless licensed chartered fluent appropriate handpicked deluxe choice capital redoubtable preeminent transcendent certificated switched-on acquainted well-informed dominant invincible indomitable phenomenal extraordinary drilled phenom sussed hep hip first class artistic star top topnotch distinguished super supremely skilled right fitting time-served leet authorized well up desirable preferable ideal puissant amazing cut out for having a knack for class act shining at clean rounded accustomed sport licenced proved accepted authorised admirable astounding up on very able sharp as a tack know stuff no dummy top-hole cunning easy alert knowing bright keen in the know worthy responsible the right stuff knowing one's stuff broken in sufficient neat established mature well suited well qualified adapted crisp astute highly endowed worldly-wise like a pistol having the goods knowing the ropes old hand has what it takes like a one-man band equal to the task having the right stuff having know-how up there green thumb able to perform old-timer nippy know backwards and forwards know one's onions hot tamale sophisticated worldly wise steady weathered long-time old-time inured all around know one's stuff know the answers know one's business know ins and outs know the score from way back knows one's stuff not born yesterday been around wise to ways of the old school

Tính từ

Full of virtue, having excellent moral character
good righteous dignified equitable honest honorable honourable just moral noble pure rectitudinous respectable upstanding virtuous admirable ethical exemplary godly incorruptible laudable lofty meritorious principled professional reputable saintlike saintly upright angelic clean dutiful elevated favouring favoring high-minded incorrupt incorrupted innocent law-abiding lawful morally correct obedient praiseworthy pure as the driven snow right right-minded right-thinking scrupulous self-righteous sinless sound squeaky clean unbribable uncorrupted unimpeachable untainted whiter than white worthy anti-corruption blameless charitable cultivated estimable guiltless inculpable irreprehensible irreproachable lily-white sanctimonious tractable well-behaved dinkum lenient prim religious saving sportsmanlike sportsmanly proud straightforward decent trustworthy true reliable dependable faithful proper trusty conscientious steady fair loyal straight constant staunch immaculate steadfast nice solid impeccable correct true-blue devoted safe high-principled sure dedicated responsible unblemished faultless pious tried-and-true unsullied stand-up devout sincere spotless undefiled calculable firm all right commendable unwavering truthful fast stainless chaste trustable secure tried legal excellent committed down-the-line unswerving sensible creditable wholesome squeaky-clean respected clear square cleanhanded stanch ardent legitimate tried and true tried and tested virginal resolute conscionable kosher pristine fitting above suspicion reasonable unfailing moralistic on the level punctilious untarnished impartial model above reproach unstained trusted in the clear clean-living fair-minded venerable stable true blue seemly above board unoffending crimeless uncensurable guilt-free decorous rational allegiant stalwart chivalrous sterling modest justified rightful civilized legit not guilty orderly impeccant certain perfect uninvolved uncorrupt forthright of good repute unblamable compliant deserving peaceful duteous classic free of respectful polite noble-minded genuine justifiable aboveboard civilised unbiased never-failing unprejudiced white licit enduring valid well behaved paradigmatic quintessential due up front evenhanded unaffected nonpartisan bueno neato prototypical classical mannerly virgin recognized magnanimous on the up and up redoubtable proven disciplined humane nondiscriminatory fervent holy esteemed candid zealous indifferent angelical gallant established true-hearted unfaltering becoming suitable full of integrity recognised submissive docile deferential wholehearted refined immovable not bad flawless keen peaceable veracious prestigious fervid distinguished batting a thousand not too shabby objective without fault well-founded sporting biddable even-handed tested unspoilt dispassionate celibate courteous gracious open-minded restrained as pure as the driven snow infallible anti-discrimination non-discriminatory representative typical illustrative characteristic unspotted definitive neutral non-partisan fine vestal equal befitting commonsensical strong reverent certified attested appropriate competent applaudable approved patriotic genteel well-thought-of beyond reproach copper-bottomed orthodox sober fanatical praisable G-rated passionate supportive confirmed uncolored fail-safe fit uncontaminated persistent outstanding enthusiastic mature levelheaded card-carrying well-mannered liege precise demure dyed-in-the-wool comely natural conforming deep-dyed tried and trusted amenable well founded de rigueur salt of the earth comme il faut level-headed assured undamaged notable unpolluted spiritual eminent knightly foolproof guaranteed reasoned great maidenly reputed name disinterested logical honoured authentic warranted proved commonsense commonsensible informed worthwhile ideal sane helpful accurate stout regardful of principle generous intact benevolent predictable valuable hard earnest on the up-and-up obdurate redoubted normal deserved merited condign thankworthy intense meritable illustrious inexorable honored simple attentive unselfish presentable continent accepted civil benign sympathetic copybook circumspect open settled august guileless fresh consummate exceptional frank neat definite determined strict highly regarded close fixed tasteful harmless exact veridical undistorted sworn uncompromising self-restrained serious courtly well bred pukka sedate sanitary beyond criticism failsafe according to the rules lordly done unchanging pledged sackless hard-core elegant hard-working obligatory bosom sure-fire truehearted staid high absolute untouched conventional calm true to life greathearted adherent boon not to blame well mannered of good report free of sin free fair and square reserved well grounded serene mad keen always there above-board from the horse's mouth behind one peacekeeping unspoiled complying acquiescent idealistic unobjectionable God-fearing creditworthy godlike philanthropic matchless peerless philanthropical manageable conformable glorious gentlemanlike credible Christian sporty according to Hoyle needy eligible morally right morally acceptable detached snowy undisturbed die-hard concerned clean-handed attached vigorous discreet unflappable free from blame free from guilt invaluable adult unbigoted egalitarian unhesitating valued go-to first-class capable on up and up inextinguishable immortal undestroyable untouchable perpetual straight-arrow in good faith honest-to-goodness unerring reverential tough inflexible stiff expected awaited slated anticipated apt apposite rocklike sturdy admiring consecrated on up-and-up innocent as a lamb without sin effective unmistakable uncoloured proportionate confiding loving believable affectionate standard picture-book picture-perfect letter-perfect indefectible seamless avid as thick as thieves inseparable archetypical imitable archetypal textbook not responsible astute unshakable beneficent persevering upfront impersonal level even-steven cricket fair-to-middling fastidious critical heedful punctual irreprovable no lie tactful consistent demonstrated A-1 traditional capable of being trusted without fear or favour snow white reproachless string along with palmary prized admired meretorious appreciable high-powered well respected of repute well thought of liberal brave impervious bounteous very good uplifting edifying wise sagacious judicious intelligent used formal polished as good as one's word worthy of trust fly right straight-up boy scout rock solid to be trusted down home meritious winner meedful golden boss choice world-beating pliant filial deferent abiding stubborn immobile unquestioning rigid adamant bound unmovable changeless unbending unqualified intent absolved cleared untroubled good as one's word at peace to be counted on carrying the load tranquil exonerated exculpated prudent unwed emphatic with no axe to grind fair shake square deal tolerant extraordinary remarkable unprofaned inviolate unblighted eager driven gentlemanly ladylike well known famous well-known renowned popular celebrated acclaimed favored prominent famed high-ranking thinking twice extremely careful self-denying abstinent unmarried maiden nunlike tried out put to the test time-honoured safe as houses binding assiduous diligent defensible defendable warrantable regular perceptive shrewd percipient non-erotic improving non-violent in good taste couth without reproach through and through studious purposeful lily white wide-eyed favoured with a good reputation impassioned major league in limelight big time big name of excellent character top drawer seasonable ceremonial meet well disciplined au fait as keen as mustard single-hearted old faithful true to the end out-and-out single-minded given over to quiet vindicable decisive great-hearted self-sacrificing confident sanctioned significant fly canonical hardened wet behind ears apple-pie austere unequivocal positive careful well trained incumbent on unscathed unharmed cogent perfervid unflinching babe in woods invigorating envigorating hygienic open-faced clean-cut ruddy practical together fresh-faced blooming impotent prudish intemerate monogamous inexperienced controlled subdued deep conclusive unanxious undoubtful sanguine able carefree hopeful in high favor of good standing pure as driven snow kind obliging well-engineered well-built tidy smart spruce active vehement profound unmarked unmarred neighbourly shoo-in easy accommodating ordinary moderate sublime mediocre factual rhadamanthine earned requisite coming scheduled heartfelt red-hot in the bag nailed down locked on thoughtful friendly amiable considerate hospitable all there beautiful well-grounded imperturbable equable learned agreeable indulgent kindly amicable comradely altruistic unmoved unchanged adoring goody-goody worshipping worshiping venerating heart-and-soul revering pietistic sociable pleasant in the pink hale and hearty in fine feather lovely well built high-quality well engineered scholarly poised stolid unimpressed dry-eyed unconcerned unaltered uninjured uninfluenced unhurt unstirred genial companionable neighborly verifiable veritable entrancing adorable full of common sense well balanced collected serious-minded unexcitable down-to-earth having both feet on the ground composed unruffled self-possessed cool out of danger in perfect condition entire without a scratch in good condition shipshape unbroken safe and sound untried goody two-shoes authenticated supported convincing documented authoritative circumstantiated validated verified beatific lovable enchanting adorbs straight from horse's mouth well-disposed well-brought-up

Tính từ

Of a broad-ranging consciousness-raising movement
new age modern new contemporary current newfangled modernistic mod ultramodern designer hot alternative astrological holistic mystic occult planetary spiritual supernaturalist up-to-date present-day new-fashioned state-of-the-art up-to-the-minute space-age red-hot crystal healing Age of Aquarius latest fashionable up to the minute recent advanced fresh avant-garde newest modish now trendy leading-edge high-tech au courant in vogue up to date progressive topical cutting-edge present in fashion trendsetting voguish stylish happening with it latter-day innovative contemporaneous cutting edge neoteric hi-tech brand-new a la mode futuristic in all the rage ongoing cool forward-looking novel extant ultra-modern leading edge popular modern-day revolutionary just out innovatory nouvelle updated today radical chic flash snazzy nifty hip present-time twenty-first-century instant immediate leading modernised modernized groundbreaking hot off press bang up to date newly discovered pioneering ground-breaking recently developed faddish in-thing existent never-before-seen à la mode with-it timely abreast up contempo twenty-first century surrealistic high-style nontraditional ahead of its time hippest trailblazing avant forefront highly developed SOTA automated ultra modern complex sophisticated 21st-century forward future landmark breakthrough late hot off the press brand new just released just issued in style in the news common knowledge alive on front burner de nos jours in the mainstream live burning smart swinging gimmicky natty go-ahead kicking kicky tony fly spiffy sassy stylin' plugged-in unique quite recent existing latter in duration nowadays going on being coeval at this moment for the time being in process under consideration started just now begun commenced already ad hoc even now prompt sharp unconventional ingenious snappy swish swank original faddy inventive unorthodox big dashing groovy exclusive chichi supercool favored innovational swell funky prevailing creative favoured classy swanky unusual elegant unfamiliar disruptive usual last word latest thing upscale rakish on fleek experimental du jour enlightened unprecedented in thing liberal off-centre imaginative forward-thinking genteel well-liked trig popularized a go-go left-field popularised developed customary posh schmick culty open-minded all the go dapper enterprising different prevalent de rigueur dressy evolved offbeat dynamic uncommon def hep vogue turned-on favorite originative glamorous newborn improved out of the ordinary massive high-toned crowd-pleasing favourite high-class visionary elaborate attractive debonair up-and-coming singular the latest untried tasteful unknown freethinking ambitious strange downtown go-getting le dernier cri higher spirited swagger bold far ahead well along far along well ahead nonconformist large pop out-of-the-box established progressivist seminal sexy refined young styleworthy vital ritzy technologically advanced cosmopolitan bohemian fancy extreme gnarly rare trim relevant intricate high-end high-fashion understated flattering untested surprising exotic atypical highly-developed unaccustomed ahead of the times down clever inspired unheard-of dap of late hot off the fire Promethean breaking new ground well turned-out hottest well-heeled expensive today's supermodern mould-breaking lively perfected party finest Sunday youthful smartest nice formal nicest innovating spearheading high liberated appealing impressive undercool wicked active concurrent coincident concomitant avant garde the new bleeding edge desired sought-after unwonted exciting resourceful mature last-word vivacious in demand in favour artful good crisp spruce broad-minded antitraditional anticonventional nonconventional nonorthodox large-minded way-out entrepreneurial afresh big thing transformational later out of the common eccentric well groomed well dressed variational vigorous driven energetic enthusiastic twenty- first century well turned out smartly dressed craze fad chi-chi far-out awake perceptive familiar observant conscious savvy knowledgeable versed knowing informed apprehensive aware this season's new-fangled deviceful well put together well-dressed well-groomed clean antiestablishment high-level daring audacious adventurous intrepid rising high-powered courageous underground head lead beat vanguard special inspiring refreshing dernier cri in favor latest fashion latest wrinkle latest fad new look dewy recently discovered switched on hep to on to plugged in turned on tuned in up on in on wise to hip to bang up-to-date fine flashy polished distinctive artistic peculiar odd bling self-regulating robotic automatic in with it occurring recently fancy-pants the newest in the know mistakenly trendy new wave reforming urbane sleek ostentatious pretentious uptown beautiful jazzy steezy slick showy appearing recently powerful artificially intelligent germinal well-thought-out well-designed well-planned strategic multifaceted formative involved well-built on the cutting edge in the latest style as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox gumptious recognized set common newfound foremost far cry newsworthy intelligent prime ahead supreme ordinary widespread ubiquitous rampant pervasive accepted general dressed to the teeth dressed to kill nonconservative complicated pre-eminent foreseeing pushing farseeing proactive positive forethoughtful farsighted forehanded prescient provident foresighted just completed immediately prior just done immediately prior to just finished weird excellent paramount precocious exceptional principal reformist capable of learning pressing important universal individualistic outlandish idiosyncratic freakish bizarre individual right-on buzzworthy way out quirky esoteric reigning recognised leftist left-wing libertarian subjective interesting nominal thematic fundamental rad wacky deep hippie oddball wild PC free-thinking latitudinarian humanistic drastic unhackneyed in force far out off the wall computerized digital multimedia out of this world technological game-changing world-shattering computerised politically correct more recent most recent

Tính từ

Polite, elegant, and sophisticated in manner
urbane debonair sophisticated suave smooth civilised civilized cultivated cultured elegant courteous polished refined civil cosmopolitan mannerly poised polite well-bred worldly worldly-wise affable dignified glib self-possessed slick well-mannered charming courtly diplomatic gallant gentlemanly media-savvy svelte tactful well bred cool bland genteel gracious metropolitan obliging stylish well mannered chivalrous decorous ladylike considerate gentle couth respectful experienced pleasant graceful accomplished tasteful discerning smart stately cordial genial respectable proper decent enlightened formal thoughtful unctuous classy politic educated fine knowing well-behaved handsome friendly seemly mature majestic amiable honourable sociable exquisite kind honorable ingratiating advanced composed complaisant oily knowledgeable discriminating together self-assured aristocratic noble seasoned correct collected unruffled swanky sensitive aware nonchalant accommodating citified unprovincial equable nice pleasing discreet unflappable aesthetic congenial plush esthetic posh calm well behaved good-natured at ease attentive dashing confident smooth-tongued easy beautiful artistic erudite serene attractive fashionable unperturbed tranquil silver-tongued distinguished tolerant spiffy learned perceptive delicate oversophisticated sedate unfazed assured punctilious possessed coolheaded chic imperturbable understanding self-composed placid equanimous nonplussed worldly wise amicable ceremonious cool, calm and collected having been around well brought up been around impeccable smooth-talking casual distingué happy smarmy highbrow classic liberal developed unemotional luxurious deferential opulent sumptuous self-confident fastidious soft-spoken snobbish self-controlled cool-headed well-educated well informed well read prim undisturbed intelligent dainty precise relaxed august impassive traveled lovely streetwise gregarious travelled skilled befitting untroubled comely grand blasé affected restrained shrewd astute high-class peaceful superior unshaken controlled well travelled finished well-born ostentatious wise recollected level limpid equal unworried condescending snazzy dexterous skilful adroit skillful hospitable with good taste sympathetic de rigueur benevolent uptown indulgent beneficent benign charitable unaffected mild well-spoken dextrous well spoken well brought-up approachable big-hearted loving tender forthcoming bonhomous good-hearted protective modest agreeable appealing gentlemanlike soft fulsome humane good mannered haughty reputable kindly womanly cavalier well-brought-up wellmannered warm-hearted kind-hearted proud magnanimous unmoved adulatory complimentary high-bred imposing conventional highbred flattering preux lofty studied privileged aloof smooth-spoken undismayed unagitated highborn blue-blooded patrician giving international global initiated harmonious unbothered stoical unexcitable conciliatory amenable obsequious concerned good-mannered neighborly solicitous neighbourly unflustered taught trained upper-crust well-traveled expert unflurried fit becoming fitting persuasive broad-minded unprejudiced professional masterly old with experience matured pompous pretentious confined la-di-da intolerant patronizing patronising artificial hollow prudish snooty priggish straitlaced precious prissy stuffy pretty reserved well-balanced modish heroic courageous subtle judicious careful in control proficient flawless well-travelled trim dapper spruce at peace virtuoso consummate perfect valiant quiet rich unobtrusive splendiferous swank pure in good taste chaste gratifying classical subdued facile fly swish snappy sharp planetary catholic public ecumenical sure of yourself sure of oneself jet-set select choice prudent evolved airy close progressive improved forward high rigorous accurate pinpoint spot-on late higher mathematical aesthetically pleasing silky faultless perfected been there old hand in the know trig well groomed well dressed mondaine ornate rare ornamented fancy cool as a cucumber brave observant deft savvy cautious insightful tactical outgoing royal sublime world-weary gifted talented schmick overdone recherche stylized detached buoyant well-groomed well turned out cheerful jaunty sprightly humble carefree well-designed well-dressed high-brow high-minded ritzy unconstrained unreserved uninhibited on fleek fearless intrepid stout-hearted bold dauntless a la mode down-to-earth open humoring treating with kid gloves treating something with kid gloves versatile great-hearted selfish materialistic grasping noble-minded valorous all-around worldly-minded avaricious greedy covetous familiar natural undemanding disenchanted callous hardened practical self-centered power-loving mondain unprincipled opportunistic self-centred easygoing scholarly intellectual humouring compassionate merciful lenient benignant knightly good-humored good-tempered good-humoured happy-go-lucky free and easy well-informed well versed in the ways of the world well-read artistically aware up-to-date lettered savant blue-stocking intellectually aware able distingue appreciative arty versed well educated literary informed literate au courant generous warm caring helpful warmhearted kindhearted unselfish altruistic good companionable tender-hearted softhearted well-disposed tenderhearted goodhearted mellow comradely responsive convivial soft-hearted affectionate philanthropic selfless chummy matey large-hearted regardful likeable upright munificent humanitarian philanthropical likable buddy-buddy social bighearted palsy-walsy bountiful palsy maternal fatherly motherly hail-fellow-well-met bounteous hearty dutiful all heart patient sweet cooperative well disposed forbearing unstinting clubby principled empathetic open-handed feeling reverential well meaning easy to get along with moderate comforting greathearted collegial personable clement favourable welcoming lovable favorable moral engaging reverent honest supportive easy-going jovial hail-fellow bleeding-heart ethical just virtuous forgiving intimate righteous empathic solemn winsome admiring fond peaceable lordly public-spirited conversable obedient unassuming obeisant delightful cozy cosy angelic mild-mannered harmless sweet-tempered eleemosynary ungrudging meek respected venerable do-good worshiping free extroverted upstanding regal openhanded princely openhearted extrovert open-hearted self-sacrificing devout worthy clubbable big pacific pally great fatherlike worshipping pious worshipful paternal pitying regular brotherly upholding even-tempered generous to a fault well intentioned unoffensive easy to get on with fair submissive encouraging conscientious moralistic imperial devoted kingly exalted awed communicative communal confidential cheery doting magnificent freehanded free-handed impressive heartfelt enthusiastic wholehearted earnest sincere heedful compliant clubable extraverted propitious couthy winning tight eager unpresumptuous prepossessing lavish commiserative breezy elevated amical sweet-natured cheering accessible benefic artful human company-loving simpatico swell temperate guileful wily lamblike demure retiring calculating self-respecting open-minded stand-up loving and giving non-confrontational venerational self-effacing lax accommodative willing reassuring mindful guestfriendly receptive adoring almsgiving uplifting genuine wonderful light thoughty inviting very kind immaculate sentimental accepting amorous deep inspiring nurturing inspiriting acquiescent touchy-feely compatible goodish patriotic contributing donating socially concerned prosocial marshmallow softie informal copacetic dear unceremonious responsible boon colonial lively consoling eager to help eager to please goody-goody angelical spotless social-minded holy pharisaical esteemed creditable approving unsparing inoffensive unerring sisterly shy laid back dovelike dove-like shared kindred ceremonial stimulating boosting nonmalignant taking captivating enchanting condoling sympathizing willing to please favourably disposed jolly bluff like-minded independent scrupulous self-sufficient piteous ruthful commiserating nonthreatening personal mushy as nice as pie reasonable having heart in right place sympathising sparing downright neighborly favorably inclined favourably inclined subservient good company public- spirited near thick merry fulfilling soothing unmarred pietistical pristine unflawed pietistic docile uncorrupted redoubtable illustrious old softie bleeding heart well-intentioned chirpy upbeat joyous jocund glad perky chipper enlivening upper up sunny blithe bosom deferent measured barley-sugar wholesome tame outstanding fraternal venerating duteous extraordinary remarkable meritorious unanimous adapted united suitable frictionless sunny side up backslapping gracesome non-hostile sensible non-malignant virginal untouched unblamable redeemable redeeming prayerful officious snug inseparable fresh well-suited well suited sympathique community amusing informative entertaining popular pleasurable organized group general common collective diverting trustworthy free-and-easy thick as thieves soft touch regular fellow consistent congruous consonant right neighborly staid anti-corruption dependable incorrupt heart in right place buddy buddy impartial evenhanded equitable unbiased clever straight right true organised societal serious portly imperious eminent sporting forthright nonpartisan sportsmanlike sombre magisterial somber highfalutin' starchy grave nifty adept glowing lawful clean-living all right on the up and up squeaky clean right-minded affectious arch brainy scheming cagey intriguing capable crafty sly contriving cunning strategic conniving law-abiding legal sportsmanly nondiscriminatory red-carpet just so on the level clean according to the rules sporty according to Hoyle well-meaning wary foresighted softly-softly kid-glove

Động từ

Past tense for to compare the relative weight or importance of

Động từ

Past tense for to be, or make, equal numerically