Từ đồng nghĩa của cultivated

Alternative for cultivated

Từ trái nghĩa: uncultivated, wild,

cultivates, cultivated, cultivating

Từ đồng nghĩa: condition, develop, improve, prepare, train,

Tính từ

Thanh lịch và có văn hóa về ngoại hình, cách thức hoặc hương vị
cultured polished refined civilised civilized educated sophisticated accomplished enlightened discerning discriminating genteel urbane advanced couth cosmopolitan courteous polite erudite gracious learned mannerly well-bred well-educated well informed well read well mannered civil gentlemanly courtly elegant suave well-mannered decorous gallant ladylike chivalrous well bred respectful affable worldly dignified debonair gentle worldly-wise proper respectable considerate obliging well-behaved smooth charming formal cool stylish experienced decent diplomatic mature seemly noble knowing graceful classy tactful svelte cordial smart politic correct pleasant media-savvy aristocratic self-possessed posh aware unprovincial genial well behaved kind glib distinguished slick accommodating poised punctilious thoughtful developed seasoned knowledgeable bland discreet stately perceptive astute complaisant honourable shrewd tasteful worldly wise majestic handsome honorable well brought up having been around been around attentive prim nice high gentlemanlike trained distingué metropolitan befitting wise highbred streetwise spiffy swanky deferential smooth-tongued superior lofty well-born condescending unctuous ingratiating becoming highborn well travelled de rigueur blasé blue-blooded oily silver-tongued patrician impeccable upper-crust friendly good-mannered sociable soft-spoken royal practical well spoken well-spoken well brought-up modest tolerant ceremonious humane good mannered smooth-talking womanly fine agreeable well-brought-up finished benevolent charitable hospitable august flattering preux adulatory complimentary high-bred imposing studied conventional soft fulsome pleasing cavalier reputable wellmannered amicable sensible initiated taught responsible judicious reliable persuasive balanced adult dependable raised chic citified jet-set intelligent old with experience matured conciliatory mild amenable good-natured neighborly obsequious solicitous sympathetic concerned neighbourly amiable smarmy together mondaine facile collected composed broad-minded liberal unprejudiced affected reared world-weary unruffled silky possessed dashing well-travelled coolheaded equable sedate confident self-assured been there old hand in the know fashionable patronising pompous ostentatious pretentious confined la-di-da artificial intolerant hollow prudish patronizing snooty priggish snobbish straitlaced precious prissy stuffy self-composed planetary catholic gregarious public ecumenical trim dapper spruce materialistic selfish grasping level-headed sagacious grown-up elite upper-class avaricious greedy worldly-minded covetous fly attractive swish snappy sharp power-loving disenchanted callous hardened mondain unprincipled uptown opportunistic self-centred self-centered trig well groomed well dressed produced on fleek well-groomed well turned out cheerful jaunty happy casual nonchalant detached buoyant sprightly well versed in the ways of the world well born upmarket grand titled high-born wellborn aristocratical upper crust Brahmin ennobled top-drawer great bred brought up exalted blue silver-spoon princely silk-stocking queenly born with a silver spoon in one's mouth regal knightly lordly kingly precise accurate evolved pinpoint airy dainty spot-on close late exquisite higher progressive improved sensitive forward mathematical rigorous sublime fastidious restrained plush high-brow snazzy high-minded aesthetic ritzy esthetic

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Duyên dáng và phong cách về ngoại hình hay phong thái
elegant refined graceful stylish beautiful sophisticated tasteful artistic fashionable discerning fine polished handsome luxurious classic dignified exquisite modish opulent sumptuous courtly delicate distinguished smart urbane esthetic aesthetic charming classy cultured dashing grand lovely majestic plush chic choice decorous nice noble select stately suave affected comely dainty debonair fancy genteel ornamented ornate ostentatious rare swanky aristocratic august high-class overdone recherche schmick stylized superior well-designed well-dressed a la mode well-bred sensitive attractive discriminating fastidious pleasing creative harmonious imaginative swank posh rich expressive aesthetically pleasing snazzy sublime poised appealing with good taste decorative ornamental moving emotional original subtle selective eloquent palatial deluxe gorgeous luxury musical pictorial picturesque ideal rhythmical stimulating dramatic restrained impeccable inspired inventive discriminative poetic fit becoming fitting splendid glittering magnificent costly pretty consummate appreciative civilized arty perceptive particular critical spiffy classical precise quiet unobtrusive splendiferous subdued uptown pure in good taste chaste unaffected gratifying swish toffee-nosed elitist snobby snooty glamorous snobbish plushy grandiose snotty high-hat upmarket lush fancy-pants lavishly appointed potty persnickety lavish glitzy expensive meticulous educated intelligent civilised elaborate palatian Lucullan stuffy ritzy symbolic literary visual vivid enhancing beautifying striking arresting colourful pleasant colorful photographic pictographic savory technical formal graphic artful aesthetical high-quality elevated figurative flowery graphical delineated sculptural savoury coffee-table memorable impressive profound deep insightful written chocolate-box stunning drop-dead cute seemly good lovesome beauteous fetching bonny knockout taking fair ravishing goodly likely bonnie sightly stylistic glossy well produced full of feeling printed published good-looking embellishing showy well-favored cosmetic adorning nonfunctional non-functional gingerbread furbishing florid dressy patterned festooned garnishing accessory heightening decorating decking for show scenic in print idyllic breathtaking setting off enchanting unsoiled luscious photogenic quaint as pretty as a picture paradisiacal paradisiac paradisal paradisaical paradisaic

Tính từ

Có hoặc thể hiện kiến ​​thức hoặc học tập tuyệt vời
erudite learned scholarly lettered knowledgeable cultured bookish intellectual literary academic civilised civilized educated highbrow studious clever intelligent literate sagacious sage well educated well-read wise brainy cerebral discerning donnish enlightened esoteric illuminated obscure pedantic recondite sophisticated well informed well read well versed widely read genius sapient well-educated into savvy scholastic wise up in the know informed schooled refined well-informed versed polished accomplished well-bred highbrowed deep experienced sharp scientific tutored instructed clerkly aware formal taught trained urbane advanced liberal discriminating couth classical tolerant gallant rational well-taught intellectually aware tasteful developed intellective elitist aesthete classy esthete egghead bluestocking smart pointy-headed swotty perceptive bright switched-on longhair brilliant insightful well schooled knowing belletristic bookly sensible with great knowledge expert skilled quick-witted intellectualist intellectualistic psychologic solid philosophical grounded posted abstruse philosophic well-rounded judicious well-grounded conversant omniscient sound polymath solemn grave studied pansophic professorial genteel eggheaded creative geeky nerdish thoughtful blue inventive nerdy artistic coached nurtured artistically aware very smart professional formed fitted shaped enriched acquainted corrected prepared finished initiated appreciative understanding polite chivalrous arty high-class up-to-date sensitive savant blue-stocking mannerly elegant able distingue esthetic courteous traveled aesthetic travelled profound well-versed with good taste au courant provocative gripping intriguing stimulating thought-provoking open-minded broad-minded serious heavyweight riveting absorbing heavy captivating fascinating powerful interesting reasonable apprised free-thinking progressive plugged in wised up tuned in knowing what's what in the picture hip to astute logical keen reflective perspicacious prudent shrewd canny acute penetrating contemplative analytical earnest sharp-witted percipient gifted alert exceptional precocious whip-smart quick fast pedagogic supersmart ultrasmart nimble hyperintelligent masterly ingenious careful abstract intuitive deep-thinking foresighted book-loving talented meditative theoretical full of insight ivory-towerish impractical cogitative educational precise politic assiduous thinking eager arcane calculating pedagogical occult secret reasoned hermetic hermetical orphic acroamatic crack skillful elite adept skilful excellent virtuoso showing great knowledge superior choice whip resourceful first-rate first-class very intelligent witty quick on the uptake Einstein whiz kid whiz sussed cognitive labored introspective reflecting musing pondering deliberate measured considered pensive museful ruminative formalistic dry sentient clear-sighted astucious self-aware cagey foxy farsighted didactic laboured academical conceptual magisterial cunning metaphysical ratiocinative book smart diligent hard-working over-subtle long-haired well versed in subtle sedulous weighty book-learned inkhorn schoolish schoolmasterly apt precisionist overprecise hair-splitting nitpicking overnice bookworm determined grubbing busy on the ball genial nimble-witted streetwise crafty cluey doctrinaire imaginative capable responsible alive together comprehending ready original all there know how many beans make five having a good head on one's shoulders having no flies on deliberated strategic tactful desirable involved hidden mysterious dark difficult argute tactical complicated cabbalistic justified good well-advised well judged well advised unfathomable complex impenetrable incomprehensible cryptic mystical concealed opaque well-reasoned well thought out well-founded well reasoned little-known mystic Alexandrian hard cabalistic out-of-the-way little known

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Có hoặc thể hiện hương vị tinh tế hoặc đánh giá tốt
discriminating discerning particular astute critical keen refined selective sensitive fastidious judicious tasteful discriminative insightful perceptive perspicacious shrewd acute cultured differential discriminational discriminatory esthetic aesthetic artistic nice careful choicy choosy eclectic finical finicky fussy individualising individualizing opinionated persnickety picky prudent select sharp wise with good taste knowing sagacious intelligent subtle ingenious penetrating piercing percipient sophisticated sapient enlightened aware clear-sighted clever sage erudite bright gnostic knowledgeable brilliant insighted exacting demanding pernickety hard to please dainty faddy choosey overnice faddish over-particular meticulous fussbudgety old-maidish punctilious nit-picking finicking delicate scrupulous squeamish pedantic overparticular nit-picky prissy nitpicking inflexible difficult to please difficult hypercritical perfectionist exact over-fastidious analytical diagnostic cautious painstaking overdelicate assiduous captious hair-splitting pass-remarkable stickling prim puritanical precise overcritical sticklerish tough impossible to please obsessive fretful fuddy-duddy rigorous differentiating sedulous mincing fussbudget rough queasy thorough strict overfastidious heedful picky-picky conscionable trivial old maidish punctual very careful easily disgusted old womanish choosing selecting uncompromising methodical conscientious fine stiff mathematical stringent prudish pure stuffy proper priggish rigid fixed scientific cavilling schoolmarmish strait-laced fault-finding carping Victorian prejudicial picking and choosing prejudiced discriminate intolerant biased partial bigoted excludent quibbling over-censorious faultfinding overscrupulous hairsplitting rejective judgmental caviling over-exacting scolding critic humbling demeaning judgy calumniatory harsh exceptive reproachful nagging belittling trenchant sarcastic severe censorious cutting niggling disparaging biting contemptuous choleric condemning withering cynical censuring derogatory disapproving satirical cavillous lowering stern

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Trồng trọt

Tính từ

(của một người) Quyến rũ hoặc hấp dẫn trong tự nhiên
delightful charming captivating enchanting charismatic endearing adorable appealing bewitching cute engaging fetching graceful likable likeable lovely prepossessing sophisticated sweet winning absorbing agreeable alluring amiable civilised civilized cultured debonair delectable dreamy elegant enticing entrancing lovable nice pleasant polite smart suave adorbs beguiling divine irresistible luring pleasing winsome witty worldly bonny couthy electrifying inviting magnetic magnetising magnetizing well bred worldly-wise larger than life persuasive seductive attractive fascinating taking disarming enthralling darling dear precious glamorous lovesome intriguing mesmerizing spellbinding loveable mesmerising pretty glamourous ravishing tantalizing fair cutesy tempting tantalising riveting interesting dazzling gorgeous beautiful hypnotizing elfin angelic desirable dainty hypnotising eye-catching engrossing cuddly magical hypnotic heavenly exciting ingratiating insinuating comely rapturous gripping striking compelling simpatico sympathique arresting orphic sirenic cunning sympatisch siren good-looking mesmeric cherubic innocent smashing cherubical delicate titillating enamoring kawaii bonnie on fleek twee as pretty as a picture chocolate-box pretty-pretty entertaining diverting handsome come-hither fit dinky perky fragile childlike seducing welcoming warm bodacious infatuating beauteous Orphean choice babelicious enrapturing warm-hearted cherished affectionate mouthwatering drawing nice-looking attracting genial friendly congenial affable cherishable immersing memorable compulsive transfixing transporting consuming readable involving ambrosial mouth-watering appetizing easy on the eye as nice as pie nurturable prizable appreciatable wonderful unputdownable cordial encouraging provocative open appetising doll face

Tính từ

Có hoặc thể hiện phẩm chất cá nhân tốt hoặc nguyên tắc đạo đức cao
noble upright magnanimous decent honest honorable righteous virtuous worthy benevolent ethical generous honourable principled respectable upstanding beneficent chivalrous gallant good gracious humane just lordly moral reputable elevated great illustrious natural redoubtable uncorrupted bounteous brave charitable courtly greathearted liberal lofty outstanding polite refined unselfish benign extraordinary high meritorious remarkable sympathetic tolerant high-minded noble-minded great-hearted self-sacrificing stand-up anti-corruption dignified scrupulous proud distinguished respected fine venerable self-respecting stately valiant independent regal self-sufficient pure equitable rectitudinous exemplary laudable professional incorruptible admirable saintlike saintly godly innocent sound incorrupt untainted angelic law-abiding squeaky clean sinless unbribable pure as the driven snow lawful favoring obedient whiter than white unimpeachable balanced incorrupted dutiful right clean right-thinking self-righteous morally correct praiseworthy right-minded lily-white inculpable irreprehensible tractable well-behaved estimable irreproachable guiltless blameless sanctimonious dinkum prim saving favouring religious sportsmanly lenient sportsmanlike straightforward trustworthy true reliable dependable faithful proper trusty conscientious steady fair loyal straight constant staunch immaculate steadfast nice solid impeccable correct true-blue devoted safe high-principled sure dedicated responsible unblemished faultless pious tried-and-true unsullied devout sincere spotless undefiled calculable firm all right commendable unwavering truthful fast stainless chaste trustable secure tried legal excellent committed down-the-line unswerving sensible creditable wholesome squeaky-clean clear square cleanhanded stanch ardent legitimate tried and true tried and tested virginal resolute conscionable kosher pristine fitting above suspicion reasonable unfailing moralistic on the level punctilious untarnished impartial model above reproach unstained trusted in the clear clean-living fair-minded stable true blue seemly above board unoffending crimeless uncensurable guilt-free decorous rational allegiant stalwart sterling modest justified rightful civilized legit not guilty orderly impeccant certain perfect uninvolved uncorrupt forthright of good repute unblamable compliant deserving peaceful duteous classic free of respectful genuine justifiable aboveboard civilised unbiased never-failing unprejudiced white licit enduring valid well behaved paradigmatic quintessential due up front evenhanded unaffected nonpartisan bueno neato prototypical classical mannerly virgin recognized on the up and up proven disciplined nondiscriminatory fervent holy esteemed candid zealous indifferent angelical established true-hearted unfaltering becoming suitable full of integrity recognised submissive docile deferential wholehearted immovable not bad flawless keen peaceable veracious prestigious fervid batting a thousand not too shabby objective without fault well-founded sporting biddable even-handed tested unspoilt dispassionate celibate courteous open-minded restrained as pure as the driven snow infallible anti-discrimination non-discriminatory representative typical illustrative characteristic unspotted definitive neutral non-partisan vestal equal befitting commonsensical strong reverent certified attested appropriate competent applaudable approved patriotic genteel well-thought-of beyond reproach copper-bottomed orthodox sober fanatical praisable G-rated passionate supportive confirmed uncolored fail-safe fit uncontaminated persistent enthusiastic mature levelheaded card-carrying well-mannered liege precise demure dyed-in-the-wool comely conforming deep-dyed tried and trusted amenable well founded de rigueur salt of the earth comme il faut level-headed assured undamaged notable unpolluted spiritual eminent knightly foolproof guaranteed reasoned maidenly reputed name disinterested logical honoured authentic warranted proved commonsense commonsensible informed worthwhile ideal sane helpful accurate stout regardful of principle intact predictable valuable hard earnest on the up-and-up obdurate redoubted normal deserved merited condign thankworthy intense meritable inexorable honored simple attentive presentable continent accepted civil copybook circumspect open settled august guileless fresh consummate exceptional frank neat definite determined strict highly regarded close fixed tasteful harmless exact veridical undistorted sworn uncompromising self-restrained serious well bred pukka sedate sanitary beyond criticism failsafe according to the rules done unchanging pledged sackless hard-core elegant hard-working obligatory bosom sure-fire truehearted staid absolute untouched conventional calm true to life adherent boon not to blame well mannered of good report free of sin free fair and square reserved well grounded serene mad keen always there above-board from the horse's mouth behind one peacekeeping unspoiled complying acquiescent idealistic unobjectionable God-fearing creditworthy godlike philanthropic matchless peerless philanthropical manageable conformable glorious gentlemanlike credible Christian sporty according to Hoyle needy eligible morally right morally acceptable detached snowy undisturbed die-hard concerned clean-handed attached vigorous discreet unflappable free from blame free from guilt invaluable adult unbigoted egalitarian unhesitating valued go-to first-class capable on up and up inextinguishable immortal undestroyable untouchable perpetual straight-arrow in good faith honest-to-goodness unerring reverential tough inflexible stiff expected awaited slated anticipated apt apposite rocklike sturdy admiring consecrated on up-and-up innocent as a lamb without sin effective unmistakable uncoloured proportionate confiding loving believable affectionate standard picture-book picture-perfect letter-perfect indefectible seamless avid as thick as thieves inseparable archetypical imitable archetypal textbook not responsible astute unshakable persevering upfront impersonal level even-steven cricket fair-to-middling fastidious critical heedful punctual irreprovable no lie tactful consistent demonstrated A-1 traditional capable of being trusted without fear or favour snow white reproachless string along with palmary prized admired meretorious appreciable high-powered well respected of repute well thought of impervious very good uplifting edifying wise sagacious judicious intelligent used formal polished as good as one's word worthy of trust fly right straight-up boy scout rock solid to be trusted down home meritious winner meedful golden boss choice world-beating pliant filial deferent abiding stubborn immobile unquestioning rigid adamant bound unmovable changeless unbending unqualified intent absolved cleared untroubled good as one's word at peace to be counted on carrying the load tranquil exonerated exculpated prudent unwed emphatic with no axe to grind fair shake square deal unprofaned inviolate unblighted eager driven gentlemanly ladylike well known famous well-known renowned popular celebrated acclaimed favored prominent famed high-ranking thinking twice extremely careful self-denying abstinent unmarried maiden nunlike tried out put to the test time-honoured safe as houses binding assiduous diligent defensible defendable warrantable regular perceptive shrewd percipient non-erotic improving non-violent in good taste couth without reproach through and through studious purposeful lily white wide-eyed favoured with a good reputation impassioned major league in limelight big time big name of excellent character top drawer seasonable ceremonial meet well disciplined au fait as keen as mustard single-hearted old faithful true to the end out-and-out single-minded given over to quiet vindicable decisive confident sanctioned significant fly canonical hardened wet behind ears apple-pie austere unequivocal positive careful well trained incumbent on unscathed unharmed cogent perfervid unflinching babe in woods invigorating envigorating hygienic open-faced clean-cut ruddy practical together fresh-faced blooming impotent prudish intemerate monogamous inexperienced controlled subdued deep conclusive unanxious undoubtful sanguine able carefree hopeful in high favor of good standing pure as driven snow kind obliging well-engineered well-built tidy smart spruce active vehement profound unmarked unmarred neighbourly shoo-in easy accommodating ordinary moderate sublime mediocre factual rhadamanthine earned requisite coming scheduled heartfelt red-hot in the bag nailed down locked on thoughtful friendly amiable considerate hospitable all there beautiful well-grounded imperturbable equable learned agreeable indulgent kindly amicable comradely altruistic unmoved unchanged adoring goody-goody worshipping worshiping venerating heart-and-soul revering pietistic sociable pleasant in the pink hale and hearty in fine feather lovely well built high-quality well engineered scholarly poised stolid unimpressed dry-eyed unconcerned unaltered uninjured uninfluenced unhurt unstirred genial companionable neighborly verifiable veritable entrancing adorable full of common sense well balanced collected serious-minded unexcitable down-to-earth having both feet on the ground composed unruffled self-possessed cool out of danger in perfect condition entire without a scratch in good condition shipshape unbroken safe and sound untried goody two-shoes authenticated supported convincing documented authoritative circumstantiated validated verified beatific lovable enchanting adorbs straight from horse's mouth well-disposed well-brought-up

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(công việc của một người) Chuyên gia hoặc hoàn thành
finished expert polished accomplished classic masterly professional skilled flawless impeccable proficient consummate elegant perfect virtuoso faultless perfected adroit dextrous dexterous gifted graceful refined skilful skillful smooth talented urbane cultured exquisite versatile all-around adept excellent fine masterful crack deft practised experienced ace practiced stellar clever first-rate superlative supreme superior superb delicate world-class bravura good veteran artful tasty compleat workmanlike great master versed crackerjack educated professed complete brilliant intelligent peerless preeminent transcendent competent capable able efficient trained seasoned slick businesslike specialized sharp top-notch specialised mean handy wizard qualified nifty ingenious smart savvy genius apt outstanding knowledgeable first-class well versed wicked habile exceptional quick magnificent elite impressive nimble marvellous agile formidable effective practical marvelous learned astute hot au fait effectual facile on the ball deadly schooled demon bright cunning whiz brainy fit nimble-fingered neat up to speed keen hotshot ready pro creative a dab hand at out of this world magic class resourceful canny precise splendid suitable effortless dazzling fitted well-versed big league sly shrewd old crafty wonderful inventive remarkable with it precocious proper accurate alert multitalented multiskilled sharp-witted top-hole terrific tremendous vet scholarly up to it dynamite serviceable well trained sure-handed taught tutored well-rounded all-round smashing fab leading suited awesome nippy strong topflight specialist satisfactory prompt subtle tip-top extraordinary very good perceptive cool versant acute phenomenal productive artistic exceptionally good finely judged up to snuff choice cute there endowed knowing thorough balanced quick-witted champion exact useful wised up highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled highly qualified extraordinarily skilled very skilled highly trained top-drawer sensational fantastic fabulous original reliable tricky a hand at imaginative innovative tuned in wily unrivaled powerful scheming designing unrivalled crisp inspired foxy devious brill innovational intellectual exercised fertile sneaky best adequate equal mature star innovatory originative Promethean familiar hardened long-serving conversant deceitful guileful clean sophisticated cagy beguiling dodgy cagey battle-scarred underhand duplicitous deviceful profound erudite penetrating discerning cerebral perspicacious rational fast having know-how eggheaded supersmart ultrasmart whip hyperintelligent politic A1 know the ropes knowing the score on the beam very intelligent class act Einstein whiz kid whip-smart no slouch shining at very well careful painstaking straight decisive decent methodic methodical prodigious systematic streamlined right on errorless dead-on well sporting on-target trustworthy spot-on sure-fire stringent prolific top topnotch distinguished super handpicked capital deluxe kosher active quintessential fluent smooth-running notable glorious mighty strict express categorical redoubtable magisterial organized certified exemplary ultimate hardy pitch-perfect happy invincible indomitable treacherous drilled phenom hep hip sik exo employable long-term virtuosic fleet inch-perfect rangé first class well-organized well organized dominant organised switched-on well-informed acquainted having the know-how forward perfectly-executed well-executed puissant amazing well executed rad phat schmick well run sussed tried tested having good hands astounding admirable dynamic ultraefficient supremely skilled sufficient time-served leet feasible cut out for having a knack for clever with one's hands good with one's hands adept physically well up rounded instructed sport accustomed easy equipped out of the ordinary killer useable know one's business know ins and outs know the score all around working realizable know one's stuff realisable hyperefficient usable know the answers practicable up on worthy responsible prepared hot tamale the right stuff knowing one's stuff broken in in the know established adapted have the goods ahead of one's peers have smarts old beyond one's years got it advanced for one's age highly endowed ground-breaking worldly-wise very able sharp as a tack know stuff no dummy old hand causative teeming constructive avant-garde demiurgic forgetive formative fruitful poetical know one's onions having the goods knowing the ropes green thumb old-timer having the right stuff has what it takes like a one-man band able to perform know backwards and forwards wise weathered worldly steady disciplined long-time old-time inured breaking new ground enterprising intuitive insightful like a pistol equal to the task up there elaborate trailblazing razor-sharp knows one's stuff not born yesterday from way back been around wise to ways of the old school pioneering Machiavellian conniving calculating dishonest cheating disingenuous untrustworthy deceptive thinking outside the box double-dealing fly intriguing slim shonky shifty dirty vulpine unscrupulous carny

Tính từ

Liên quan đến nông nghiệp

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(của một loại thực vật) Được trồng để làm thực phẩm

Động từ

Để tạo ra bằng cách đào tạo hoặc giảng dạy

Động từ

Sáng tạo hoặc giàu trí tưởng tượng
created conceived discovered hatched innovated pioneered contrived formed formulated brainstormed cooked up dreamt up envisaged envisioned imaged imagined performed pictured pondered projected realised realized ruminated sparked speculated thought up trumped up visualised visualized sparked off devised invented concocted made up fabricated manufactured put together constructed drummed up excogitated framed designed planned come up with plotted vamped up coined forged schemed developed set up originated came up with thought of brewed evolved worked out whipped up prepared put up conjured up masterminded machinated composed fashioned produced vamped hit on threw together faked arranged falsified engineered counterfeited thrown together crafted feigned improvised made cogitated ad-libbed spitballed drew up conceived of doped out modeled modelled laid out drawn up thrashed out hammered out wangled fibbed lied prevaricated shaped intrigued moulded cast dreamt dreamed simulated derived played it by ear faked it misrepresented molded becast set down cast about pretended hit upon drafted carved out outlined lay out decided ground out started up cobbled together obtained carried out draughted tailored got churned out turned out strategized determined brought choreographed worked on cranked out copied considered contemplated studied imitated reproduced deliberated weighed conceptualized perpended maneuvered finagled pirated finessed manipulated negotiated orchestrated minded conceited ideated replicated shope manoeuvred organized conspired brought about procured blueprinted effected charted uncovered brought forth established stumbled upon mooted fabulized educed worked up promoted pulled strings occasioned storified ran up compounded found caused to happen made like stirred up scratched handled slapped together organised moved told untruth ad libbed generated copied fraudulently rigged winged it got up bred parented created out of thin air made up off the top of one's head duplicated threw up transcribed prefabbed detected engendered sired procreated fictionalised fudged mixed up spawned provoked emerged elaborated fictionalized thought out batched caused conceptualised matured run up fudged together got off purposed beared played games mulled over misstated come out mapped out induced traced laid eggs told a white lie equivocated jived phonied stage-managed gotten thrown up gotten off written wrote broken open given forth came out gave birth given birth gotten up bore broke open gave forth borne

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(dẫn đến) Để đạt đến đỉnh điểm hoặc dẫn đến một sự kiện hoặc hậu quả cụ thể
led caused brought on brought about gave rise to produced effected created engendered generated triggered promoted advanced precipitated prompted contributed to furthered hastened accelerated initiated provoked quickened occasioned pushed forward expedited sped up speeded up induced stirred up sparked off stimulated helped set off added to called forth spurred instigated begat begot set in motion put in motion touched off triggered off drove contributed fomented made happen risked aroused elicited brought to pass catalyzed entailed had a hand in necessitated effectuated ended in had a part in invited roused conduced to excited fostered incited involved catalysed conduced enkindled affected kindled inspired worked up bred started evoked invoked whipped up agitated inflamed moved hatched animated sparked rendered compelled encouraged struck brought enacted mustered influenced launched motivated worked wrought leaded introduced established yielded spawned activated set light to set on fire set set alight set fire to urged set a match to made instilled fired up translated into set on fanned the flames of put a match to put on put match to put in place cost given rise to driven begotten led to made to happen honed improved refined ignited made for burnt burned enflamed raised inclined brewed fired played a part in biassed biased prejudiced stricken abetted swayed disposed prepared instituted did done played a role in primed fermented goaded actuated picked torched persuaded inaugurated opened accomplished achieved culminated in impelled yolden yold fanned started up increased nursed nurtured setted burning developed originated made up attained organised engineered realized opened the door for realised organized drew on drawn on indoctrinated brought out made possible added up to lighted cooked up made you of a mind to drummed up turned on oiled the wheels of procured carried off caused to happen costed taught contrived made expectant lit caused to occur started the ball rolling got up brought off predisposed brought forth had the effect of started off actualized forwarded finished in fanned the flames bended bent made of a mind to switched on governed pulled off impressed spelled beared worked on carried through mustered up brought up stricken up struck up was a factor in amounted to been a factor in were a factor in began begun gotten up sowed the seeds of sown the seeds sown the seeds of sowed the seeds drawn drew been responsible for were responsible for been partly responsible for drawn out was responsible for was partly responsible for bore were partly responsible for drew out borne got things rolling gotten things rolling broke in broke the ice broken the ice broken in educed extracted extorted awakened exacted forced summoned milked rallied evinced extraught wrung squeezed coerced stirred bled meaned meant wakened terminated in summoned up conjured up called up set up wrenched piqued got manifested tempted impassioned secured run obtained galvanized called for redounded to fetched set on foot set afoot pulled put one in mind of burst drew forth galvanised gouged drawn forth set in set going wringed screwed founded found wrested attracted delivered collected carried prodded courted planted lodged implanted transported conducted conveyed pushed coaxed gotten solicited escorted nudged convinced pressed cajoled propelled pressured recalled suggested enticed ferried dragged inspirited incentivized steeled ravished blasted exhorted energized invigorated assaulted echoed called constituted presented allured wooed retrieved picked up ran empowered inveigled vitalized impacted converted advised exhilarated uplifted emboldened heartened captured reproduced expressed conjured derived rekindled encapsulated imparted gave given bestirred exercised bucked ushered in countenanced piggybacked lured trucked lugged strangled called out boosted up equaled shouldered sold for pressurized packed sold equalled cheered on pinched brought to mind toted won over heeled reminded one of resurrected flirted with spurred on prevailed on built up suggested to talked into incarnated egged on pressurised energised gunned envigorated called to mind brought into being implied cranked up resulted whetted defiled brought back caused to appear hinted to incentified used violence on revved up refreshed pumped up backed pricked issued entreated suscitated twisted pepped up commanded left the door open to brought to posed asked for pried brought on oneself begged for brast gone for went for sowed sown gone get went get got a hold of took gotten a hold of gone and get taken rode went and get ridden schlepped

Động từ

Để nâng cao hoặc thúc đẩy sự phát triển của
developed elevated improved advanced bettered boosted progressed upgraded enhanced expanded lifted perfected raised augmented fostered improved on refined ameliorated built increased polished stepped up beefed up brushed up built on built up fast-tracked fine-tuned fortified furthered grew heightened intensified magnified promoted prospered reenforced reinforced scaled up shaped up smartened smartened up straightened out strengthened supplemented touched up updated uplifted worked up amplified compounded enriched extended made headway made progress made strides moved forward forged ahead worked out lift honed meliorated helped amended aggrandized optimized worked on optimised put the finishing touches to put the final touches to revised emended grown multiplied thrived stimulated endowed polished up boosted up made better corrected escalated reformed spread sharpened trained edited exacerbated aggravated brightened accentuated snowballed set right mushroomed mounted embellished finished tempered spiked roused nurtured completed picked up made perfect perked up bolstered consummated flourished deepened consolidated matured propelled vitalized invigorated appreciated come on upped worked hard at devoted yourself to envigorated rounded got better at brushed up on devoted oneself to finished off smoothed burnished sleeked slicked intensated risen rose thriven throve added to revamped adjusted swelled rectified recuperated purified evolved encouraged bred forwarded ballooned concentrated modified turned the corner complemented inflamed elaborated redoubled pushed on hastened pushed ahead launched finalized rephrased sprouted skyrocketed pushed propagated boomed bloomed burgeoned favoured advantaged inspirited titivated favored aided continued ahead brought forward forged ahead with pressed on pressed forward made headway with formed become better modernised crowned tweaked worsened modernized revolutionized transformed benefited benefitted rescripted exalted parlayed polished up on gained ground came on leveled up tightened up hotted up padded mounted up pulled ahead made improvement hiked up practised pyramided accumulated practiced illumed finalised improved performance drove forward driven forward bumped up contributed to explained hopped up cleaned up moved up paced fleshed out made richer made worse civilised elaborated on jazzed up jacked up welled civilized sharpened up inflated amped up souped up levelled up encouraged the growth of got along run up spruced up got ahead added value to come along mended become worse made clear sweetened topped up got on moved forward in leaps and bounds revolutionised swollen took off taken off rewritten rewrote uprose uprisen ran up became worse driven drove became better grown stronger grew stronger got with it gotten with it went over gone over came along went places gotten on gone off moved ahead went off gotten somewhere gone places got somewhere took the next step got ahead of taken it to the next level taken the next step took it to the next level gotten ahead of gave a facelift to done up given a lift to given a boost to gave a boost to did up given a facelift to gave a lift to developt proceeded spread one's wings blossomed went forward gone forward succeeded moved onward covered ground made inroads moved on hit it big shined shone bourgeoned marched continued fared well pushed forward come of age went moved emerged arrived worked one's way flowered moved along shot up cracked on got better made it marched on turned out well developed well scored run riot gone done well gotten places been successful did well flew high got places came of age gone on were successful was successful flown high went on went ahead gone ahead climbed unfolded starred stood out enlarged figured triumphed profited unrolled changed led leaded prevailed performed altered metamorphosed featured adapted differentiated headed transmogrified passed come gotten going stood out in a crowd cranked it up pressed ahead stepped it up made your way made good speed went to town picked up the pace fared trucked adapted yourself gotten on well got on well bore fruit reigned supreme gone great guns become rich wended kept moving got there made one's way got ran riot kept on gone to town made a go journeyed went great guns took steps forward waxed gone well shot borne fruit went well derived educed carried on rolled on forged on glowed worked one's way up turned it up travelled propelled forward yielded kept going had a gift boosted one's game hied climbed the ladder continued on made good opened out speeded stepped forward kicked it up a notch battened taken steps forward bettered oneself excelled increased one's intensity sped made the big time got going stepped up one's game ripened moved out produced caught on had a gift for had legs elevated one's game gotten better raised one's game traveled clumb clomb drave druv stolen the show wore the crown stole the show worn the crown went forth gone forth shotten taken it to the limit took it to the limit taken it up a notch took it up a notch rose to the next level risen to the next level comen came grew vigorously grown well did wonders grown rich done wonders became rich yolden grown vigorously yold grew rich grew well gotten went along fore gat gone along faren gone up in the world went up in the world

Động từ

(về phẩm chất của kỹ năng) Thì quá khứ để thúc đẩy sự tăng trưởng hoặc phát triển của
fostered encouraged facilitated pursued assisted endorsed forwarded furthered helped nurtured abetted advanced backed courted developed espoused established favored favoured incubated nourished nursed promoted boosted championed fomented strengthened supported taught aided instructed cared for fed feed looked after stimulated bred contributed to raised reared tended brought up served sustained cherished provided for enriched sponsored succoured succored educated trained taken care of took care of fueled fuelled pushed minded generated upheld maintained hastened mothered proselytized provided expedited protected parented progressed patronized accelerated comforted proselytised propagated speeded sped paved the way for patronised spread set up worked for speeded up sped up stepped up schooled disciplined ministered to attended to baby-sat piped layered grew grown bolstered reinforced improved fortified financed increased had harbored held harboured entertained advantaged kept upholden approved funded advocated endowed recommended loved propelled instigated urged drummed up supplied watched coddled worshipped worshiped cosseted flourished thrived fast-tracked nutrified plugged egged on furnished attended suckled helped along guided honoured embraced enshrined indulged honored extended ballyhooed made stronger contributed flowered expanded engendered broadened bloomed made strong prepared spurred on propagandized spoke for spoken for clung to shepherded pushed for hurried lent a hand to gave backing to given backing to petted nursemaided helped in propagandised aided in campaigned for bailed out oiled the wheels of opened doors poised backed up readied nerved lent support to kept in existence lent a hand doted on formed tended to hurried along waited on watched over catered to made healthy watched out for kept alive built up raised youngster given a leg up gave a leg up thriven throve took good care of taken good care of got behind gotten behind gave a push to given a push to gone with went with given food to gave food to given a boost to gave a boost to given strength to gave strength to holp holpen developt stood up for stuck up for defended benefited benefitted sided with stood by allied oneself with aided and abetted obliged accommodated propped up helped out allied with associated oneself with preferred seconded sanctioned relieved backstopped come to the defence of stood behind met the needs of sympathized with gone to bat for went to bat for subsidized cooperated cooperated with bailed someone out smiled on mucked in with opened doors for subsidised voted for plunked for plumped for done someone a favour did someone a favour got stuck in with put on the map stuck by lent a helping hand to got someone out of a tight spot come to the aid of came to the defence of took the side of taken the side of gave a leg up to given a leg up to took up the cudgels for taken up the cudgels for taken the part of took the part of eased worked with precipitated invested in bankrolled adopted collaborated with steadied puffed made easy hyped stumped thumped accepted pitched in with hiked up jacked up indorsed gave assistance to given assistance to satisfied countenanced welcomed rooted for opened the door for cleared a path for smoothed the way for availed allied grubstaked gratified propped sided pleased did someone a service done someone a service run interference for greased the wheels smoothed the path of assisted the progress of approved of done for did for ministered alleviated mitigated humoured pampered humored given a boost gave a boost gave a lift given a lift abided by made a pitch for received enthusiastically chipped in thrown one's weight behind yielded to got into done a kindness to rallied round submitted to came to the aid of come to someone's rescue allowed for rescued lent a helping hand deferred to found ways to help bowed to received wholeheartedly did a kindness to straightened out met the wants of catered for fitted in with agreed with vouched for threw one's weight behind bent over backwards for pitched in pandered to saved someone's bacon saved someone's skin taken someone's part took someone's part did someone a good turn done a good turn to done someone a good turn did a good turn to gave money to given money to gave a donation to given a donation to given support to gave support to given one's blessing to gave one's blessing to was a factor in rode shotgun ridden shotgun been a factor in were a factor in threw in with gone along with thrown in with thrown in one's lot with threw in one's lot with went along with gave a hand given a hand ran interference for fallen in with taken on gotten into gone in for took on taken up went in for fell in with took to took up taken to did a favour did a service taken under one's wing done a favour given assistance took under one's wing did a favor gave assistance did one's part done a service done one's part done a favor came to someone's rescue went down the line for gone down the line for

Động từ

Thì quá khứ để làm, tạo ra hoặc sản xuất, thường là từ các thành phần hoặc nguyên liệu thô

Động từ

Thì quá khứ dùng để trồng trọt (một loại cây) làm thực phẩm

Động từ

Thì quá khứ để dành sự quan tâm đặc biệt đến (ai đó) trong nỗ lực giành được sự ủng hộ hoặc ưu ái của họ