Từ đồng nghĩa của shaped up

Động từ

To have advanced or promoted the growth of
developed elevated improved advanced bettered boosted progressed upgraded enhanced expanded lifted perfected raised augmented fostered improved on refined ameliorated built increased polished stepped up beefed up brushed up built on built up fast-tracked fine-tuned fortified furthered grew heightened intensified magnified promoted prospered reenforced reinforced scaled up smartened smartened up straightened out strengthened supplemented touched up updated uplifted worked up amplified compounded cultivated enriched extended made headway made progress made strides moved forward forged ahead worked out lift developt picked up got better come along reformed amended recuperated set right mended flourished thrived perked up come on blossomed straightened up gained ground come of age grown came along corrected helped revamped adjusted honed gotten better revised edited rectified emended purified sharpened evolved matured modified made perfect turned the corner modernised modernized revolutionized transformed thriven throve gained convalesced rallied came on optimised rolled up become better came of age taken steps forward made first rate turned over new leaf aggrandized moved on ripened took steps forward optimized shown improvement looked up got on revolutionised showed improvement holpen rose risen holp took off taken off took shape done well did well taken shape grew up grown up gotten on became better taken a turn for the better took a turn for the better pressed on pushed on proceeded pressed forward pushed ahead spread your wings got ahead moved onward moved ahead went forward gone forward succeeded continued marched covered ground made inroads moved forward in leaps and bounds hit it big moved bloomed shined shone boomed burgeoned went bourgeoned fared well pushed forward went places gone places passed gone speeded sped shot pushed journeyed spread emerged arrived worked one's way travelled traveled continued ahead flowered paced leveled up moved along pulled ahead shot up carried on cracked on made it marched on gone on levelled up turned out well developed well went on scored run riot took the next step taken the next step gotten places been successful flew high got places were successful was successful gotten somewhere flown high got somewhere went ahead gone ahead followed walked crossed climbed unfolded starred navigated moved up trained cruised stood out enlarged figured triumphed propelled hastened bolstered launched profited unrolled changed elaborated led leaded prevailed performed multiplied brought forward forged ahead with made headway with meliorated altered metamorphosed featured polished up on worked on adapted differentiated headed transmogrified come taken it to the next level took it to the next level went along gone along gotten going stood out in a crowd cranked it up pressed ahead stepped it up made your way worked hard at made good speed went to town picked up the pace fared trucked adapted yourself got better at gotten on well got on well brushed up on bore fruit reigned supreme gone great guns become rich come into your own wended kept moving skyrocketed got there made one's way got ran riot kept on gone to town made a go drove forward driven forward went great guns gone off waxed gone well went off sparkled borne fruit devoted oneself to went well derived educed rolled on forged on glowed run through plowed on worked one's way up turned it up propelled forward yielded kept going had a gift boosted one's game hied climbed the ladder continued on made good opened out stepped forward kicked it up a notch battened bettered oneself excelled increased one's intensity made the big time got going stepped up one's game moved out produced caught on had a gift for had legs elevated one's game mushroomed ploughed on raised one's game flown flew clumb clomb driven drove went forth gone forth stolen the show wore the crown stole the show came into your own worn the crown ran through got with it gotten with it taken it to the limit took it to the limit taken it up a notch took it up a notch rose to the next level risen to the next level got ahead of gotten ahead of came grew vigorously grown well did wonders grown rich done wonders became rich yolden grown vigorously yold grew rich grew well gotten fore faren gone up in the world went up in the world

Động từ

Past tense for to arrange into a systematic order
systemized arranged arrayed contrived designed devised disposed established framed instituted marshalled marshaled organised organized planned projected rationalised rationalized regulated schematized standardised standardized made uniform methodized pulled together straightened up tightened up set out put in order classified codified tabulated ranged sequenced ordered outlined categorized structured combined drafted categorised laid out systematised draughted systematized sorted out drawn up lay out drew up sorted coordinated adjusted set up grouped managed spread out put prioritized harmonised harmonized prioritised regimented brought into line filed catalogued adapted list pigeonholed synchronized assembled controlled cataloged fit triaged compiled tailored distributed indexed shaped put straight synchronised settled inventoried straightened out lined up prepared put into order set to rights graded staged staggered listed formed constituted emphasized oriented moulded collocated disciplined manipulated regularized consolidated composed fitted correlated formulated stood emphasised responded straightened fashioned fixed fixt constructed molded gathered mustered shope shapen seated ranked oppressed choreographed administrated suppressed shepherded tidied up homogenized homogenised regularised licked into shape knocked into shape brought together got in order cleared up made consistent phased ruled with a rod of iron brought in line kept a tight rein on brought in line with whipped into shape controlled strictly made proportionate directed made conform putten

Động từ

Past tense for to put right
rectified corrected amended reformed remedied fixt fixed righted improved repaired adjusted squared revised cured emended redressed ameliorated bettered debugged harmonised harmonized healed made right mended put right red-pencilled red-penciled resolved retrieved set right dealt with made good settled sorted out doctored laundered put to rights recalibrated scrubbed patched up cleaned up dialed back fixed up went over gone over picked up straightened out straightened up cleaned up your act made up for paid dues set the record straight turned things around put in order set straight set to rights made better solved reconstructed upgraded helped restored turned around fiddled with edited altered reworked redrafted rewrought reworded rescripted regulated straightened avenged retouched reorganised reclaimed reorganized remodeled modified reviewed remodelled changed polished overhauled patched balanced recompensed reconditioned rewarded ironed out cleared up holpen holp made over touched up compensated for made amends for mitigated aided renewed attended to squared up made up rewritten rewrote done over did over went straight done justice gone straight did justice gotten with it got with it taken care of took care of offset found a solution to worked out found an answer to smoothed over unravelled unraveled reconciled counteracted compensated made reparation for found the solution to offsetted disentangled put an end to neutralized untangled redeemed composed annulled negatived negated expiated canceled neutralised cancelled evened out balanced out made restitution for made amends thrashed out hammered out made redress for answered relieved eased fathomed cracked alleviated counterpoised unscrambled atoned meliorated countervailed counterbalanced appeased counterchecked paid for canceled out cancelled out nullified figured out atoned for made restitution made reparation sussed out counterweighed equilibrized worked through gotten to the bottom of got to the bottom of made recompense for set off made good for put on the right track reached an agreement about hit upon regularized benefited benefitted unsnarled deciphered boosted raised allayed controlled explained extinguished clarified quelled relaxed contained conciliated enhanced troubleshooted serviced deloused diagnosed troubleshot vindicated frustrated invalidated mollified palliated cooled calmed extenuated refined decoded ended tidied up regularised recompensed for evened up rebuilt rehabilitated requited promoted elevated advanced enriched perfected eliminated removed absolved excused purged unriddled softened mellowed assuaged sorted equalized leveled out restored the balance licked divined unlocked brainstormed smoothed tweaked puzzled out got realized realised removed errors obviated brought to an end turned over new leaf riddled out thought out doped out found the answer to done penance for did penance for bucked tipped the scales decided on become better stabilized equalised contravened brought around stabilised outweighed stepped up made improvements to lessened counterweighted responded countered squared things equiponderated reduced made recompense worked the bugs out of crossed found the key to panned out determined a solution to halted made out worked on made a dent found out counterworked broke broken brake sewed up sewn up forgave forgiven undone undid thrown light on threw light on gotten gat became better gone against went against did away with done away with got to the bottom got right gotten to the bottom gotten right gotten around got around did penance done penance

Động từ

Past tense for to become adjusted to new conditions
adapted adjusted conformed acclimatised acclimatized accommodated habituated acclimated acculturated attuned complied fitted fit familiarised familiarized harmonised harmonized matched accustomed blended in fitted in became accustomed become accustomed came around come around settled in became habituated become habituated became naturalized become naturalized became seasoned become seasoned came to terms with come to terms with conditioned oneself found your feet got used grew used grown used habituated oneself oriented oneself reconciled oneself resigned yourself rolled with punches familiarized oneself with got a feel for gotten a feel for became resigned become resigned became habituated to become habituated to conditioned oneself to got used to gotten used to habituated oneself to oriented oneself in became resigned to become resigned to found one's way around reconciled oneself to resigned oneself to got your bearings gotten your bearings familiarized yourself integrated assimilated conditioned tailored shaped fashioned domesticated suited composed tuned reconciled settled altered doctored corresponded modified edited proportioned learned to live with got accustomed made consistent tailor-made become accustomed to come to accept familiarized with shope shapen came to accept became accustomed to acquainted oriented introduced initiated orientated learnt about played oneself in converted aligned determined turned faced located blended followed blent fitted in with blended in with become used to followed beaten path followed the crowd kept in step grinned and bear it followed convention run with the pack followed tradition followed custom grew used to grown used to gotten into the habit got into the habit gone along to get along swam with the stream swum with the stream ran with the pack went along to get along acquainted yourself with grew accustomed to became used to grown accustomed to swum with the tide swam with the tide got your act together done as Romans do gotten your act together did as Romans do gotten it together got it together

Từ trái nghĩa của shaped up

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