Từ đồng nghĩa của unrolled

Alternative for unrolled

unroll /' n'roul/
  • động từ
    • mở ra, tri ra

Động từ

Past tense for display

Tính từ

Extended, expanded, or unfolded
open unfolded extended unfurled expanded ringent spread out stretched out straightened out long long-drawn-out lengthy prolonged protracted elongated lengthened long-lasting increased long-drawn far long-lived king-size marathon enlarged great elongate extensive oversized king-sized long-term drawn-out outstretched proffered conferred widened spun out stretched dragged out strung out continued spread drawn out king size very long interminable overlong enduring dragging sustained lingering prolix long-winded lasting tedious verbose time-consuming outspread slow delayed wordy rambling boring wearisome dragged-out seemingly endless of considerable length persistent long-standing faraway distant spun-out diffuse far-reaching spread-out longish durable abiding continuing permanent fanned out widely spread dull considerable convoluted discursive ponderous garrulous digressive made longer epic padded tiresome windy never-ending gruelling grueling broad sprawled diffusive overextended boundless tardy unending dilatory late limitless endless for ages without end remote stretching rangy far-off lofty stringy towering high tall deep running stretch lanky gangling long-running secure steady stable forever and a day flared firm solid established sound fixed wide-open fanlike fully extended opened up splayed out longevous wide open open wide opened out persisting perennial perdurable advancing pursuing chronic maintaining persevering sustaining progressing old as Methuselah full of years carrying on

Từ trái nghĩa của unrolled

unrolled Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

Music ♫

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