Từ đồng nghĩa của carrying on

Động từ

Present participle for to remain a specified state, especially in the face of difficulty or challenges
continuing enduring persevering proceeding lasting persisting maintaining perpetuating going on hanging on keeping on keeping at keeping going soldiering on sticking it out struggling on plugging away hanging in there pegging away holding out holding on keeping at it staying the course sticking at it bashing on surviving seeing it through not giving up ploughing on plodding on pressing on seeing something through pressing ahead grinding away standing fast hammering away going the distance remaining living following something through staying with something standing firm toughing it out keeping it up showing determination keeping up stopping at nothing leaving no stone unturned staying with it being patient cracking on holding up sticking at sticking with it hanging in hanging tough putting up with it grinning and bear it lasting out insisting sticking to your guns seeing it through to the end prevailing staying getting on lingering gutting it out standing one's ground holding fast sticking to one's guns persisting in grinding sustaining persevering in seeing through keeping going with pushing on sticking with living on subsisting spreading carrying on doggedly pursuing your goal going for it remaining firm pursuing keeping your hand in going for broke keeping driving going to the mat sticking showing determination in finishing laboring labouring plowing on keeping on at drudging toiling outlasting making it staying fresh staying around coming through hacking it advancing staying alive abiding going ahead soldiering on with striving perduring following up going the limit carrying through sticking to guns perseverating holding biding following through going all the way progressing doing something continually doing something constantly keeping doing something incessantly spinning out chugging away putting up with smiling and nodding weathering lumping gritting one's teeth riding out taking it like a man loitering kicking your heels grasping hanging about gripping keeping a hold on latching on sticking around clinging on hanging around waiting clinging clutching taking the bad with the good taking the rough with the smooth

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Present participle for to manage or organize the operations of
directing running conducting administering operating keeping managing ordaining engaging in managing operations overseeing supervising controlling handling governing superintending regulating presiding over overlooking stewarding administrating guiding tending heading organizing bossing organising captaining leading ruling looking after steering piloting quarterbacking heading up commanding calling the shots running the show caring for being responsible for sitting on top of riding herd on pulling the strings officiating inspecting watching taking care of being in charge coordinating chairing ordering masterminding moderating tending to maintaining presiding ministering carrying out officiating at executing calling the shots in calling the tune chaperoning calling the tune in watching over keeping an eye on running things taking the helm owning having orchestrating manipulating influencing dominating swaying arranging minding attending manoeuvring maneuvering engineering exercising control over having control of being in the driving seat being in the saddle holding sway over holding down reigning cracked the whip pulling the wires holding the reins calling the signals taking charge of maintaining order observing keeping up ruling over advising taking the chair doing the honors sitting baby-sitting refereeing keeping one's eye on eyeing umpiring skippering shepherding herding helming marshaling marshalling surveying dealing with managing people calling the play funnelling coxswaining taking control of navigating trailblazing channeling channelling spearheading pointing beaconing driving contriving having a handle on funneling hegemonizing reigning over assuming command overruling occupying throne tyrannizing holding office tyrannising rendering wearing the crown serving the people exercising authority holding dominion laying down the law holding sway calling monitoring convening assembling policing legislating standardising checking pulling things together legalising squaring normalizing putting in order settling legalizing tempering normalising readjusting classifying reconciling systematizing keeping a tab on checking up on rectifying making conform methodizing fixing adapting standardizing keeping tabs on keeping a beady eye on systematising determining fitting fielding addressing negotiating convoking scheduling mastering taking hacking taking forward plying instructing calling upon working taking over wielding treating solemnising calling together celebrating solemnizing summoning holding attending to wielding baton

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Present participle for to complain, especially emotionally and at length
complaining grumbling carping nagging moaning raging wittering making a fuss raising Cain cutting up grieving wailing crying lamenting keening weeping sorrowing mourning bemoaning sobbing bewailing agonizing suffering hurting anguishing bleeding groaning repining agonising aching deploring yowling screaming whining whimpering caterwauling blubbering sniveling snivelling regretting grouching beefing whingeing hollering grousing croaking squealing murmuring yammering inveighing pining crying a river grumping bleating griping yawping singing the blues kvetching yauping crabbing bellyaching growling grizzling squawking feeling sad kicking fretting taking it hard maundering shedding tears muttering fussing rueing eating one's heart out bearing ruing weeping and wailing eating heart out despairing eating your heart out contravening mithering dissenting denouncing criticising kicking up a fuss picking holes in disagreeing finding fault ascribing creating taking exception to indicting nattering cavilling defying finding fault with accusing cribbing speaking out against laying plaining over looking askance objecting sounding off criticizing chirping kicking up a stink going on about knocking differing deprecating chuntering caviling twining remonstrating reproaching objecting to protesting putting the boot in imputing inveighing against gainsaying railing at disapproving expostulating nitpicking refuting opposing demurring charging making a complaint nit-picking attacking lodging a complaint running down yearning grieving over languishing wearing black longing for sighing wringing hands missing howling bawling ululating yelping greeting shrieking squalling crying the blues baying wauling yelling roaring kicking up a storm raising a ruckus crying loudly jowling screeching

Động từ

Present participle for to remain in existence or active
continuing extending holding prevailing biding holding on holding up perduring persisting subsisting going on running on dragging on keeping up lasting enduring remaining surviving lingering abiding living on staying holding out living keeping on existing persevering stretching keeping going carrying through staying around reaching spreading running standing bearing being staying on standing up leading spanning lying heading grinding resisting going repeating recurring outlasting tarrying sustaining hanging on sticking around toughing it out clinging on going all the way going the limit remaining alive stretching out wearing well having no end staying alive clinging to life ranging standbying keeping dwelling covering perpetuating protracting encompassing operating continuing to exist hanging around proceeding maintaining projecting progressing passing taking coming through handling staying round hanging round withstanding spreading out cutting it outliving making the cut dying slowly wearing weathering hanging in the air remaining standing going as far as bearing up going the distance chugging away plugging away pressing on ploughing on grinding away holding fast wearing on sticking to riding out never saying die holding true remaining unchanged evading death keeping afloat keeping body and soul together escaping death having being making it having life keeping your head above water cheating death drawing breath walking the earth fighting for your life sustaining oneself sustaining life staying staunch remaining true drawing out holding good coming coming as far as striving pursuing obtaining perseverating sticking at following up keeping at seeing through following through sticking to guns refusing to go away

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Present participle for to caress, touch up, pet or make love

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Present participle for assume the leading role

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Present participle for to exert oneself for a particular purpose
working toiling drudging hustling laboring labouring slogging grinding slaving striving driving knuckling down moiling pegging away plugging away straining sweating applying oneself breaking your back buckling down acquiting yourself endeavouring endeavoring struggling beavering away exerting yourself going all out going for broke keeping your head down knocking oneself out plodding along pushing oneself working like a dog banging away bullocking digging away digging in exerting oneself grinding out hammering away keeping at it keeping one's nose to the grindstone killing oneself making a great effort pitching in plodding away putting one's back into something slaving away slogging away sweating blood trudging working day and night working like a Trojan working one's fingers to the bone working one's guts out working one's socks off travailing grubbing plowing persevering tugging humping plodding persisting plugging ploughing soldiering on heading-down pressing on keeping going keeping your nose to the grindstone trying hard making every effort bending over backwards leaning over backwards going for it pulling out all the stops bearing down pushing grafting fighting lumbering staggering overworking grappling working hard making an effort doing all one can grinding away falling over backwards plugging along putting oneself out working oneself to the bone doing your best sweating away grubbing away dragging yourself pegging along working like a slave burning the candle at both ends giving it one's all pouring it on exerting hammering tolling busting a gut making an all-out effort going all out for doing your damnedest pushing oneself to the limit giving it your best shot sparing no effort straining every nerve going for the doctor trying very hard giving it your all driving oneself to the limit rupturing yourself knocking yourself out making a supreme effort

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Present participle for to prance, said of mounts
cavorting capering frisking frolicking gambolling gamboling romping sporting larking prancing rollicking cutting capers jigging skipping bouncing bounding caracoling dancing disporting jumping leaping playing tripping bobbing hopping horseplaying revelling reveling roughhousing springing cutting loose cutting up fooling around horsing around monkeying around going places and do things curveting curvetting caprioling roistering cutting kibitzing around whooping it up kicking up one's heels cutting a caper trifling toying relaxing resting having fun dallying skylarking amusing oneself entertaining oneself carousing recreating fiddling clowning occupying oneself jesting fooling kidding rejoicing fribbling diverting joking doodling disporting oneself fiddling around larking about puttering around kicking around letting loose enjoying oneself idling away playing games amusing yourself entertaining yourself goofing around making merry having a good time messing around pottering around larking around hanging about messing about diverting oneself letting go engaging in games enjoying yourself playing around going on a spree letting one's hair down kicking up heels occupying yourself raising hell going on a tear bounding about jumping around springing about bounding around celebrating springing around jumping about idling kidding around leaping about twiddling letting off steam going on the town kicking up your heels lounging dawdling loitering lollygagging dilly-dallying wasting time

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Present participle for to move or proceed further along a course
pacing going advancing proceeding progressing forging moving passing continuing following working crossing walking speeding flying shooting marching navigating faring journeying cruising playing pushing travelling traveling getting on moving onward going along pressing on going on running through pushing on going forward plowing on moving on ploughing on forging ahead getting along going off coming along moving forward making headway keeping on making progress moving along going ahead starting off again pushing forward gaining ground sallying forth plodding on forging on pressing ahead keeping going coming hieing wending hying getting getting ahead pressing forward getting going moving ahead keeping moving cracking on making your way moving out pushing ahead marching on developing making strides covering ground growing driving upgrading going forth making inroads improving heading working one's way making one's way maturing continuing on coming on evolving propelling edging elevating storming dispatching coming forward expanding taking the next step blossoming working up trucking flourishing prospering driving forward thriving continuing ahead running ameliorating transiting tracking peregrinating traversing rolling on getting better becoming better perambulating proceeding forward making up for lost time picking up speed proceeding along cutting across progressing towards working towards gathering way making inroads into doing launching passing on climbing moving up unfolding advancing gradually advancing steadily soldiering on getting somewhere bettering oneself stepping forward skyrocketing succeeding climbing the ladder working one's way up rising going places building stepping up stepping it up taking it up a notch taking it to the limit strengthening intensifying levelling up picking up the pace moving forward in leaps and bounds lifting increasing one's intensity turning it up elevating one's game kicking it up a notch boosting one's game raising one's game rising to the next level leveling up scaling up cranking it up pulling ahead propelling forward stepping up one's game taking it to the next level enlarging coursing running out departing sweeping moving onwards rolling going through dragging crawling drifting running by streaming blowing past stroking passing by flowing gliding passing through building up spreading working out emerging revolutionising coming of age opening out increasing transmogrifying ripening modernising refining augmenting changing differentiating adapting yourself altering metamorphosing educing modernizing deriving elaborating unrolling adapting transforming bettering revolutionizing extending keeping running running along

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Present participle for enjoy oneself or celebrate in a noisy or boisterous way
roistering carousing revelling reveling celebrating frolicking romping drinking partying raving rollicking binging bingeing birling eating making merry wassailing enjoying oneself having fun spreeing basking crowing delighting enjoying gloating indulging larging it larking luxuriating making whoopee rejoicing relishing rioting rolling savouring savoring thriving wallowing anding be merry having a fling having a good time having a party living it up cutting loose fooling around having a ball kidding around lapping up letting go letting loose pushing the boat out running around stepping out whooping it up blowing off steam kicking up heels painting the town going on a spree kicking over the traces kicking up one's heels painting the town red feasting socializing socialising exulting glorying taking pride taking satisfaction going to town letting your hair down taking pleasure indulging oneself getting a kick out of loving getting a thrill out of getting a charge out of delighting in taking comfort getting a charge from soaking up weltering deriving pleasure jubilating blessing caroling carolling junketing jolling junketting feting liking going out on the town marking with a red letter having a wild time having a night on the tiles commemorating occasion killing the fatted calf putting the flag out beating the drum putting the flags out enjoying yourself raising hell immersing humoring spoiling rejoicing in exulting in pampering taking to getting a buzz out of indulging yourself getting a kick from groveling getting a buzz from giving oneself up to getting a bang from humouring grovelling flourishing appreciating growing prospering burgeoning abounding blooming having the time of your life living in luxury increasing living extravagantly overdoing wantoning living high on hog living the life of Riley taking it easy eating up

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Present participle for speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way
ranting blustering spouting fulminating shouting bellowing declaiming raving roaring yelling vociferating crying huffing pontificating trumpeting holding forth sounding off bloviating clamouring clamoring fuming haranguing mouthing objurgating orating perorating raging railing scolding seething sizzling soapboxing spieling storming stumping delivering a tirade going on and on mouthing off ranting and raving going on taking on blowing one's top thundering babbling losing control going crazy going mad having a fit blowing a fuse going bananas hitting the roof going wild freaking out foaming at the mouth going off the deep end talking endlessly flying off the handle talking wildly running amuck going up the wall rattling on losing one's cool going spare going into a frenzy flipping one's wig going crackers exploding in anger making a to-do losing one's temper flipping one's lid going through the roof delivering a harangue frothing at the mouth going ape coming unglued lecturing discoursing expatiating speaking talking boiling exploding preaching bristling sermonizing speechifying seeing red burning sermonising smouldering steaming chafing rankling foaming spitting going ballistic smoldering wigging out spitting feathers blowing up talking at length preachifying pronouncing simmering breathing fire cracking up going berserk jumping up and down speaking at length complaining opining angering descanting flipping droning on uttering fretting flaring moralizing speaking out throwing a fit addressing flaring up moralising getting steamed up getting worked up getting hot under the collar jabbering bursting grumbling irritating annoying becoming very angry smarting rumbling festering raising the roof getting hot champing at the bit grandstanding expounding chomping at the bit getting steamed up about stewing sparking getting in a rage throwing a wobbly hitting the ceiling breathing fire and slaughter foaming at mouth boiling with rage blowing one's stack losing it boasting rambling spellbinding vaporing bragging chattering overflowing losing the plot tearing erupting screaming losing your temper spluttering surging losing your rag snapping at boiling over flipping your lid blowing your top looking daggers railing at letting off steam champing at bit having a tantrum talking forcefully rambling on rabbiting on making a fuss over working oneself into sweat reciting proclaiming jawing giving an address delivering a sermon asserting giving a talk declaring making a speech denouncing giving a sermon giving a lecture stating making an oration shooting off one's mouth sputtering talking big piling it on blowing hot air throwing a tantrum

Danh từ

The action of carrying something on over time or the state of being carried on

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A situation or series of events, typically a scandalous or discreditable one
business thing affair matter event issue situation case circumstance experience happening incident occasion occurrence adventure episode eventuality interlude phenomenon topic to-do set of circumstances goings-on hanky-panky hap activity proceeding escapade exploit development concern undertaking transaction chapter scene instalment doings installment action chance accident emprise milestone what's going down fact gest geste time deed act feat instance story outcome turn of events venture stunt caper fling antic romp stage contingency moment phase movement quest point appearance transpiration change juncture campaign gamble result revelation surprise crusade hazard exigency upshot trial speculation condition crapshoot twist enterprise flutter position go-down state of affairs encounter ordeal conjuncture manifestation incidence tribulation turning point fortuity period consequence state pass innovation unfolding evolvement cutover instant fait accompli spot epoch era reality aspect sight actuality happenstance coincidence page transition newfangledness novelty improvement revolution onrush transubstantiation eventuation turn turnabout risk conclusion materialization denouement process procedure convolution exploration materialisation operation measure step move trip jeopardy endangerment flier voyage flyer trick complexity confusion intricacy complication prank scrape mischief spree manoeuvre course frolic skylarking lark initiative maneuver course of action experiment exercise performance mission antics jape game detail environment background rag shines waggery roguery capriccio gag knavery jest monkeyshines shenanigans shavie dido context picture cause folly jaunt rollick rib vagary element factor means particular score practical joke how the land lies state of play lay of the land lie of the land set of conditions set-up how things stand high jinks fooling around

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An affair between a married person and a person who is not their spouse
adultery infidelity unfaithfulness cheating cuckoldry liaison unchastity affair disloyalty fornication amour entanglement falseness fling flirtation relationship thing immorality intrigue misconduct extramarital relations two-timing extramarital sex hanky-panky playing the field carryings-on fooling around having an affair playing around extracurricular sex extramarital congress illicit sex a bit on the side extracurricular activity playing away from home romance dalliance love affair faithlessness perfidy treachery falsity betrayal duplicity inconstancy perfidiousness double-dealing treason backstabbing sellout business false-heartedness relations intimacy breach of trust double cross involvement affaire bad faith romantic entanglement amorous entanglement carry-on affair of the heart extramarital activity deceit secret love affair bit on the side playing away love lewdness treacherousness untrustworthiness fickleness sedition unreliability affaire du coeur forbidden love courtship triangle menage a trois love relationship affaire du cœur romantic affair seduction affaire de coeur illicit love tryst sexual relationship outside of marriage recreancy dissidence back-stabbing subversion hollow-heartedness deceitfulness breach of faith seditiousness apostasy untrueness disaffection violation subversive activity breaking of faith Punic faith betrayal of trust sex intercourse bonking coupling congress pata-pata commerce copulation rumpy pumpy coitus coition sexual intercourse lovemaking sexual relations pre-marital congress extra-curricular sex carnal knowledge extra-marital congress sleeping around living in sin screwing around a bit of the other dishonesty deception traitorousness fraud stab in the back skepticism scepticism double-cross trickery disbelief doubt double-crossing Judas kiss let-down underhandedness two-facedness deceptiveness giveaway high treason deviousness dirty work dirty pool dirty trick dirty dealing sell-out whitewash corruption scam dodge fake spoof put-on bunco gyp racket grift flimflam artifice guile crookedness dissimulation hypocrisy fraudulence craft foxiness chicanery lying improbity cunning cozenage dupery crookery cunningness dissembling guilefulness wiliness fakery craftiness fast shuffle skin game sweet talk shell game sharp practice co-optation co-option undependability lese majesty mutiny lese-majesty insincerity falsification mistakenness wrongness speciousness attack revolutionary lèse majesté crime rebellion revolt wound act of disloyalty dereliction defection act of treachery con trick swindle seditious act trahison des clercs swindling falsehood unfairness unjustness subterfuge skulduggery jiggery-pokery shadiness monkeyshines shenanigans twoness one-upmanship knavishness dualism duality dissemblance skullduggery knavery management codology mendacity dirty tricks monkey business funny business stab in back chicane fourberie foul play

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Senseless or absurd language, behavior, or ideas
foolishness bunk malarkey nonsense rubbish trash bunkum claptrap applesauce balderdash baloney beans bilge blah blah-blah blarney blather blatherskite blither boloney bosh bull buncombe codswallop crapola crock drivel drool falderal fiddle fiddle-faddle fiddlesticks flannel flapdoodle folderol folly fudge garbage guff hogwash hokeypokey hokum hoodoo hooey horsefeathers humbug jazz malarky moonshine muck nerts nuts piffle poppycock punk rot senselessness silliness slush stupidity taradiddle tarradiddle tommyrot tosh trumpery twaddle carrying-on foolery rigmarole tripe gibberish hot air eyewash cobblers blether stuff and nonsense balls wack blathers waffle phooey bushwa dribble gammon bulldust havers cod gobbledegook toffee babble bizzo jive bull's wool prattle pap inanity palaver double Dutch pants bombast absurdity verbiage gobbledygook cack idiocy mumbo jumbo giddiness fatuity gabble codology madness irrationality imprudence flightiness foolish talk BS trifle stuff ludicrousness jabber ridiculousness talk bananas pretense pretence jest joke thoughtlessness ranting flimflam kak empty talk chatter fustian jargon prating gossip froth frippery frivolity fun scrawl rashness scribble tomfoolery jabberwocky tattle flummery soft soap dross double-talk trivia prate untruth bean rant malaise rhubarb bafflegab falsehood trickery cant hypocrisy gas foolhardiness pointlessness charlatanry quackery rambling twitter triviality craziness crud noise yabbering yatter yackety-yak futile talk useless words refuse doublespeak hedging prevarication evasion equivocation spiel insanity Greek nattering chuntering wittering stultiloquence fantasy fiction corn weasel words jabbering deception idle talk double talk clack twattle blabber gab natter chitchat chat confab patter conversation confabulation jaw gabfest small talk yak chin-wag rap cackle schmooze causerie backchat jangle burble table talk chin music colloquy slobber gibber abracadabra chit-chat babbling dialogue chitter-chatter waffling dialog gibbering tittle-tattle gabber heart-to-heart discourse discussion chinwag conference powwow rabbit crack prattling blethering blathering yammering yattering yapping jawing chinwagging exchange adda yakking rabbiting on craic convo wind hearsay bull session verbosity grandiloquence chattering hocus-pocus rhetoric rumor word oratory buzz blab rumour yammer tête-à-tête boasting blubbering tattling scuttlebutt murmur argle-bargle pomposity unintelligible language obscure language bluster jibber-jabber report braggadocio account grapevine rabbiting rodomontade meddling cry bragging mag fanfaronade dirty laundry back-fence talk clishmaclaver claver footle tongue-wagging scat raving ravings muttering clamour clamor dish idle chat korero tete-a-tete trivial talk incoherent talk wild talk officialese twittering Choctaw padding rantings talking gabbling gossiping chatting frothy talk bravado lies all Greek baragouin loquacity prolixity foretalk rumors pleasantry pleasantries gen hubbub technobabble obscuration legalese rapid talk unintelligible talk nonsense talk wordiness chewing the fat goss dirt cackling yarn witter consultation chewing the rag logorrhoea meaningless talk newsmongering mere words verbalizing parley verbalising cajolery wheedle flatter meeting rumours trivial conversation beauty-parlor chitchat casual conversation light talk polite remark idle chatter converse badinage banter raillery persiflage boastful talk ramblings monologue monolog one-to-one visit tale defamation dirty linen wire gossipry chronicle dirty wash scandal injury whispering campaign story malicious talk telling tales news slander earful calumny rumormongering clothesline glib talk rap session effusion gushing magniloquence rumourmongering talebearing turgidity exuberance pretentiousness gasconade rhodomontade brag euphuism grandiosity ostentation affectedness cockalorum periphrasis tumidity verboseness altiloquence pad long-windedness exaggeration rave bombastry cotton aureation rhapsody padded stuffed affectation tympany rage extravagant boasting gush bombard phrase purple prose

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Prolonged and tedious fuss or discussion
palaver fuss to-do bother commotion performance rigmarole trouble business carry-on ado carrying-on folderol hoo-ha hullabaloo kerfuffle pantomime procedure ballyhoo bobsy-die hoopla fuss and bother hassle nuisance uproar song and dance pother nonsense hysterics tamasha scene drama histrionics upset excitement agitation stir hurly-burly jiggery-pokery rumpus ritual red tape tedious business lengthy process monkey business disturbance turmoil furore tumult row furor ruckus pandemonium storm hubbub disorder confusion upheaval bustle mayhem clutter ruction brouhaha welter chaos unrest bluster moil foofaraw coil clatter blather whirl bobbery stew shindy squall williwaw hurly splore corroboree hurry hurricane zoo do helter-skelter hoo-hah hurry-skurry hurry-scurry hubble-bubble turbulence disruption bedlam alarums and excursions clamor fun clamour ferment fracas disarray flap riot havoc frenzy racket disorganization quarrel hue and cry flurry anarchy noise convulsion stink mix-up disorganisation perturbation strife free-for-all hustle and bustle muddle mess argument violence scandal disorderliness lawlessness cataclysm disarrangement jumble disorderedness muss madness anarchism controversy bouleversement earthquake tempest din maelstrom babel activity outcry restlessness uprising rumble discord tumble aggro misrule topsy-turviness imbroglio argy-bargy dither all hell broken loose dispute altercation shambles disquiet rage paroxysm revolution entropy convulsions melee explosion outburst affray production tremor bangarang unruliness dishevelment donnybrook splash broil ructions misorder hell messiness fermentation upturn lather tizzy complication fireworks wingding big scene ailment hustle annoyance a three-ring circus mare's nest fuss and feathers disquietude big stink hell broke loose a madhouse Sturm und Drang fight destruction untidiness hurrah fever excitation fighting storms consternation spot of bother hurly burly discomposure action breach of the peace backwash combustion an outcry hell to pay devil to pay wildness wilderness intricacy rout dislocation haze slip-up fray madhouse distraction kick-up tempest in a teapot storm in a teacup much ado about nothing rampage glow heat uneasiness unquietness restiveness scuffle brawl upheavals calamity maelstroms tempests wild disarray state of unrest uncertainty fussing misunderstanding vandalism paroxysms tantrums hysteria tohubohu ill feeling ugliness disharmony disagreement firestorm anger street fight wilding beef bickering squabble anxiousness anxiety instability hectic distress heck chance-medley temper rabidity mutiny street fighting violent disorder demonstration shower shivaree rebellion run-in snarl distemper burst insurgence revolt insurrection protest brannigan mob violence ataxia a maelstrom mobocracy fit hissy tantrum blowup huff war of words eruption overthrow difference of opinion conflict a car crash topsy-turvydom snake pit rat's nest a mess an omnishambles utter confusion topsy-turvyness holy mess a shambles a muddle derangement confusedness stirring disaster violent change about-face flip-flop temblor outbreak alteration turnaround shakeout switch catastrophe difficulty falling-out scramble hissy fit new deal seismic shift sudden change major change new ball-game discombobulation entanglement unpleasantness tizz

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Mischievous or deceitful behaviour
monkey business tomfoolery shenanigans mischief monkeyshines devilment devilry hanky-panky misbehaviour mischievousness rascality buffoonery chicanery clownery clowning dishonesty foolery goings-on hijinks horseplay misconduct misdemeanor misdemeanour monkeying roughhouse roughhousing skulduggery skylarking slapstick trickery absurdity absurdness antics carrying-on carryings-on carry-on craziness disobedience foolishness funny business high jinks hokey-pokey horsing around inanity insanity irresponsibility jiggery-pokery ludicrousness lunacy misbehavior mischief-making monkeyshine nonsense poppycock prank pranks silliness stupidity tommyrot tricks trouble clowning around horse feathers monkey tricks capers capering fooling larks idiocy childishness messing around harlequinade larking about fooling around kidding around folly ridiculousness senselessness playing around madness larking around joking giddiness messing about bunk fun facetiousness levity flippancy frivolity jocularity gaiety playfulness frivolousness humor flightiness drollery light-heartedness merriment humour triviality amusement mirth comedy funniness lightness whimsy lightheartedness witticism wit jest wittiness pleasantry zaniness cheerfulness joyfulness hilarity jocoseness humorousness jocosity high spirits jesting cheeriness raillery light-mindedness happiness frothiness whimsicality nonsensicalness preposterousness light-headedness irrationality illogicality unreasonableness gag wisecrack joke laughableness unimportance joviality comicality irreverence didoes comicalness farcicality drollness puerility badinage banter waggery dizziness glee daftness vivacity liveliness skittishness risibility laughter mirthfulness good cheer jollity ditziness dippiness waggishness jokiness play volatility festivity blitheness sportiveness perkiness trifling buoyancy hoaxing malarkey desipience silly behaviour farce kidding practical jokes stunts escapades frolics unseriousness romps inappropriateness glibness amusing behaviour harlequinades foolish behaviour vacuity superficiality conviviality carefreeness fribble shallowness inconsequentiality coquetting flirting toying frippery game sport empty-headedness dallying fickleness crack funny josh boffola quip laugh yuck yuk one-liner rib jape sally giggle boffo boff nifty pleasure enjoyment capriciousness excitement joy thrill repartee picnic laughs entertainment cheer blast merriness satisfaction scattiness impulsiveness overexcitement gleefulness festiveness vibrancy ball living it up exuberance vim vividness enthusiasm vigor rapture vitality sunniness zest felicity revelry gladness vigour gambolling wantonness energy roguishness friskiness riot kick solace treat grins jocundity ebullience good time knavery exhilaration brightness distraction gamboling gambol romping jolliness diversion blithesomeness rejoicing asininity eccentricity strangeness outlandishness goofiness inaneness incongruency witlessness fatuity ludicrosity oddness brainlessness mindlessness fatuousness wackiness nuttiness illogicalness imbecility oafishness unconventionality simplicity incongruity wisecracking incongruousness bizarreness nonsensicality uproariousness farcicalness hilariousness gormlessness balminess unwisdom moronism moronity wildness dottiness doltishness clownishness cloddishness foppery

Danh từ

Lack of good sense or judgement
foolishness inanity silliness folly idiocy stupidity irresponsibility lunacy madness recklessness foolhardiness imbecility imprudence absurdity craziness indiscretion rashness daftness irrationality thoughtlessness asininity balminess brainlessness dippiness dottiness fatuity fatuousness illogicality injudiciousness insanity nonsensicalness nuttiness preposterousness senselessness simplicity unwisdom wackiness weakness witlessness zaniness bêtise absurdness carrying-on foolery impracticality insensibility ludicrousness mistake ridiculousness unreasonableness unwiseness lack of caution lack of foresight lack of sense dumb trick fool trick horse feathers tomfoolery nonsense claptrap rubbish poppycock foppery twaddle meaninglessness futility pointlessness uselessness childishness cretinism incompetency bunk tommyrot mindlessness oafishness doltishness vacuity stupidness denseness obtuseness gormlessness inaneness dumbness dopiness thickness simpleness boneheadedness ineptitude density unintelligence puerility wildness dim-wittedness slowness dorkiness dullness dulness goofiness eccentricity frivolity triviality weak-mindedness nonsensicality strangeness flakiness oddness moronism cloddishness frivolousness outlandishness fruitlessness farcicality incongruity risibility dimness illogicalness farcicalness moronity insaneness outrageousness weirdness emptiness complacency aberration worthlessness midsummer madness vapidity insipidity derangement alienation distraction imbalance psychopathy craze giddiness abject stupidity obtusity immaturity crassness thickheadedness crazy utter stupidity desipience farce malarkey thick-wittedness half-wittedness vice unsoundness inadvisability obliquity blankness misguidedness jive jazz flapdoodle bull joke incomprehension apathy vacuousness applesauce improbability dumb thing to do ignorance BS hot air bewilderment incredulity indifference emotionlessness nitwittedness stupid act inattentiveness expressionlessness confusion obliviousness incredulousness incuriousness vacancy abstraction humour humor facetiousness incongruency ludicrosity flippancy wittiness wit jocularity playfulness lightheartedness buffoonery hijinks shenanigans comedy hilarity lack of interest lack of intelligence lack of thought merriment clownery unconventionality jocoseness drollery flightiness witticism comicality humorousness jocosity gaiety mirth wisecracking amusement incongruousness bizarreness absent-mindedness empty-headedness lack of understanding dull-wittedness uproariousness comicalness whimsicality hilariousness waggishness funniness levity fun jokiness jesting mirthfulness slapstick drollness joyfulness whimsy monkeying skylarking horseplay raillery badinage clowning monkeyshines banter clownishness light-heartedness high jinks monkey business horsing around

Danh từ

A public display of emotion or anger
scene tantrum fuss row outburst blowup commotion fit brouhaha disturbance explosion fireworks furor furore hissy upset confrontation contretemps huff drama exhibition performance carry-on to-do hissy fit temper tantrum carrying-on display of emotion hue and cry song and dance exhibition of oneself ruckus stir hoo-ha palaver turmoil hoopla uproar hubbub ballyhoo kerfuffle excitement ado bother hullabaloo trouble rumpus flap agitation bustle storm moil flurry tumult coil hoo-hah pother hurly-burly ruction pandemonium pantomime clatter blather bluster whirl stew shindy welter bobbery squall clutter foofaraw williwaw splore hurly corroboree hurricane hurry do zoo folderol helter-skelter hubble-bubble hurry-scurry hurry-skurry fuss and bother alarums and excursions bobsy-die unrest frenzy ferment disorder fun production business sensation mayhem upheaval racket quarrel outcry disquiet clamor clamour confusion splash activity stink hassle tempest in a teapot storm in a teacup hysterics histrionics rigmarole scandal rage tamasha fever turbulence disruption chaos noise broil din restlessness fermentation aggro backwash argy-bargy convulsion hell broke loose hustle and bustle exaggeration big fuss paroxysms tantrums hullaballoo melodrama hurrah hysteria flash bombshell bomb fury tizzy tizz delirium tempest distraction deliriousness craze wow whirlwind snafu feverishness mania rampage glow heat uneasiness unquietness restiveness havoc imbroglio tizz-woz perturbation ailment state of unrest uprising disquietude upturn rumble Sturm und Drang fracas riot bedlam maelstrom affray bangarang donnybrook lather excitation discomposure ructions dither discord action melee hustle annoyance combustion parade breach of the peace big scene big stink display controversy wingding kick-up fuss and feathers much ado about nothing

Từ trái nghĩa của carrying on

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