Đồng nghĩa của everlasting

Alternative for everlasting

Tính từ

Lasting or enduring forever
eternal endless immortal perpetual abiding undying never-ending timeless deathless infinite enduring indestructible dateless imperishable ageless boundless ceaseless continuing immutable lasting ongoing perdurable perennial permanent unending sempiternal amaranthine forever limitless termless unceasing without end constant persistent unfading interminable continual incessant indefinite illimitable unchanging uninterrupted unlimited long-lasting durable unbounded continuous immeasurable measureless inexhaustible unfailing unremitting unbroken indissoluble vast fixed bottomless incalculable untold firm steady fathomless inestimable immensurable unfathomable horizonless immense inextinguishable great relentless steadfast non-stop persisting changeless incorruptible without limit unfaltering numberless stable no end to fast unwavering unrelenting sustained remaining lifelong invariable cosmic immovable never-changing no end of standing countless continued overlong unbreakable unabating long-lived long-term surviving extensive unvarying round-the-clock indelible indeterminate monotonous immemorial always undivided ineradicable resistant regular toughened unalterable unchangeable never dying hard-wearing sturdy chronic heavy-duty solid armoured nonstop abundant unyielding armored prevailing secure reliable always-on established made to last shatterproof huge dependable unsurpassable self-perpetuating multitudinous classic non-breakable undiminished infrangible no strings stout repeated recurrent unshakable adamantine returning unquenchable irreversible undeviating never-ceasing settled unconstrained long-standing deep-rooted old longstanding unrelieved irrepressible unrestrained abounding unflagging strong unrestricted rock-solid reinforced unconfined incomprehensible hard invulnerable unfathomed tremendous in for the long haul wide open no holds barred tenacious memorable unswerving ever-abiding agelong atemporal unforgettable binding living never-dying staunch stalwart uniform undestroyed unspoiled youthful fresh inseparable stationary static consistent unchanged unended long-established frequent without ceasing without interruption copious running long-running ingrained unsuppressible inveterate resolute habitual without respite open-ended non-corroding non-biodegradable prolonged bountiful beyond measure unbottomed indeterminable annual yearlong yearly seasonal nonbreakable rugged consecutive traditional without limits uncontrolled unchecked enormous death-defying ever living existing inexpungible unconditional absolute unbridled undecaying phoenixlike undeadly ever-enduring brass-bound resilient tough tight no strings attached no catch lavish total uncontrollable repetitious repeating reoccurring intermittent recurring stellar irreparable full utter uncounted supertemporal extreme wide large million all-embracing stupendous on an even keel far down very deep not decaying unstoppable that will never die that will live forever current sustaining advancing pursuing maintaining persevering progressing till the cows come home set going on full-out all-out all-encompassing full-blown full-scale complete totalitarian universal perduring nonperishable in progress without number undefined with no holds barred for keeps on tap ad nauseam uncalculable carrying on set in concrete set in stone innumerable myriad wide-open unmanageable unrestrainable uncontainable insuppressible forever and a day undestroyable undestructable unruinable irrefragable nonbreaking inexterminable unwreckable irrefrangible inextirpable incorrigible intractable dogged inexorable wild longish long-drawn-out long-drawn out of control far not stopping having no end multiyear multiday robust inviolable well made impenetrable cast-iron cohesive storm-resistant hard as nails stormproof well defended tried-and-true hardened impregnable well-protected steely impassible knockabout fortified well protected flourishing invincible hardy well-made well-built heavy unattackable well fortified sound bombproof well-founded well-armed strengthened safe concrete airtight seasoned hard-bitten inured unassailable

Tính từ

Continuing indefinitely, or for a long period
constant continual continuous endless interminable never-ending persistent sustained unremitting ceaseless incessant relentless unabating unbroken uninterrupted unrelenting unrelieved non-stop round-the-clock unceasing infinite unintermitted unlimited perpetual unending eternal nonstop running steady ongoing continued permanent continuing unflagging timeless regular perennial recurrent enduring consecutive unfailing unfaltering repeated persisting day-and-night around-the-clock frequent untiring chronic unvarying unwaning unabated lasting unwavering unchanging staying repetitive indefatigable oft-repeated prolonged recurring monotonous interminate dateless connected aeonian dogged undeviating persevering tireless unswerving unwearied round the clock protracted without respite long on a treadmill habitual abiding unwearying unyielding without end no end of no end to day and night lengthy undivided undying ageless unsparing remorseless diligent assiduous inexorable neverending periodic periodical amaranthine world-without-end sedulous harsh unalleviated hard stern imperishable extended closed sempiternal 24/7 long-lasting never-ceasing stable extensive regularized regularised standardised drawn out drawn-out standardized at all times all day and all night stretched out always-on for ever and ever without surcease steady-going with no let-up without a break solid long-winded long-drawn-out wearisome boring dragging seemingly endless boundless tedious limitless laborious ponderous immeasurable overlong meandering unbounded rambling unbound looped dull strung out spun out dragged out 24-hour

Tính từ

(generic intensifier) Extreme or absolute in degree
complete absolute total unmitigated categorical extreme utter downright outright sheer unconditional thorough apodictic arrant blooming bodacious categoric clean cotton-picking crashing deadly definite dreadful fair flat-out full-bore profound proper pure rank real right stark stone straight-out true blue unadulterated unalloyed veritable whole positive unblemished consummate double-dyed staring unqualified deep-dyed in every respect right-down thoroughgoing dyed-in-the-wool out-and-out perfect full simple all-out regular undiluted untouched habitual unremitting perpetual undying unrestricted confirmed genuine unaltered clear-cut eternal extraordinary authentic untarnished flat dead plumb blank very unequivocal entire unreserved unlimited ultimate plain direct unambiguous clear supreme explicit undivided blatant wholehearted gross exact naked unrestrained utmost blasted exhaustive infernal flagrant comprehensive patent glaring obvious blessed unmistakable confounded unquestionable open undeniable indubitable barefaced solid conclusive undisguised certain overt transparent palpable through and through plenary precise unmixed full-scale brazen wholesale straight out surpassing final unbroken unconcealed all out emphatic definitive undiminished decisive true unconstrained unvarnished straight unbounded maximum frank intense actual full-on unmodified severe sweeping sure unstinting unrelieved express honest bald conspicuous bloody unabridged prize out and out evident manifest ideal uttermost quintessential firm egregious fixed no catch inveterate shameless assured concentrated committed sound all-fired unfeigned blunt resounding diametrical terminal unadorned determinate royal without reservations uncompromising limitless infinite flaming full-blown no holds barred serious mere no ifs ands or buts resolute bold max nth accurate candid top pronounced all strict significant major archetypal flawless straightforward convincing model irrefutable atrocious audacious specific outrageous matchless point-blank enormous reliable uncontrolled forthright unquestioning wide unembellished best monstrous idyllic exemplary concerted copybook prototypical capital last faithful uninhibited harsh bona fide brutal even faultless valid undisputed undoubted bleeding no kicker no strings chronic overwhelming no fine print blithering flipping uncontested unmistaken classic steadfast maximal assertive round visible sincere blinking effing most muscular dinkum paramount indisputable incontestable incontrovertible chuffing shocking sovereign strong robust unfaltering bally forceful rigid huge focused decided exclusive classical optimum unalleviated polar heinous infamous notorious excellent omnipotent noticeable plurry scandalous focussed peerless optimal impeccable spot-on steady representative ruddy good immaculate factual detailed peremptory dead-on on-target legit striking terrible reprehensible disgraceful superlative unsurpassed deliberate grim wicked shameful unsparing iniquitous villainous bang on utopian upfront upright true-blue transcendental paradigmatic idealized idealised bare plainspoken unguarded grievous endless abundant without reservation untainted preeminent deep literal bare-faced best possible brass-necked matter-of-fact no-nonsense without limit plain-spoken stupid grand plenipotentiary outstanding signal singular marked incessant constant drastic continuous perceptible overall unfailing customary unrelenting systematic unimpaired determined usual full-frontal adamant insistent unstinted quite single altogether unfettered all-encompassing unregenerate crass very great effusive gushing intensive without reserve vile basic relentless austere arrogant unabated stone-cold distinct uncorrupted wholesome convinced confident nothing other than common unconditioned untempered unmoderated unmollified unbending point blank awful enduring abiding never-failing overarching horrible right royal oppressive eminent flaunting totalitarian uninterrupted inclusive through-and-through sublime unsurpassable errant perfected inimitable transcendent finished ostentatious immodest persistent unsoftened rightly so called satisfied unwavering doubtless persuaded predominant with no strings open-ended without qualification unbound tyrannical pre-eminent all-powerful boundless to the exclusion of everything else implicit concrete flagitious crying diametric highest pure and simple typical flagitous unashamed hellacious guileless outspoken biggest topmost in-depth grody pie-in-the-sky best-example dream come true fairy-tale self-assured self-conceited self-confident unhesitating one hundred per cent greatest great tremendous acute almighty prime essential bald-faced in every way heartless forthcoming natural correct no strings attached vigorous no joke affirmative cold free from doubt unhidden dead on verbatim particular inordinate farthest radical preposterous hard cocksure inarguable forcible irrefragable dependable undisputable apparent exorbitant excessive strenuous hanging out stick out like sore thumb unsullied farthermost immoderate undoubting unquestioned observable recognizable deciding clinching free-spoken up-front thundering uber unchallengeable guaranteed outermost furthermost pointed pinpoint greatest amount of greatest possible furthest legitimate veracious aggressive violent vehement energetic dynamic recognized plain to see unchallenged writ large accepted remotest close completing nailed down concluding state-of-the-art finishing settling closing limiting terminating ending determining uncontradicted unarguable persuasive accomplished tangible unanswerable official trusty kosher bonafide credible unspoiled for real authoritative original certified pukka echt so satisfactory pucka sure-enough unerring certifiable outmost recognisable as clear as day recognised surgical defined individual all-embracing hard-hitting unbridled secure admissible well-defined on the money error-free inch-perfect on the nose on the button endmost aftermost as plain as a pikestaff wakeless heavy unencumbered unmortgaged watertight veridical rigorous amen inerrant undistorted solemn virile full-blooded hardy powerful vital hearty hands-down freaking doggone standing out a mile full-bodied rich lusty potent undistracted collective last straw ultra out of bounds chief too much farthest away too-too worst case furthest away beyond question beyond a doubt as sure as eggs is eggs engrossed unshared consistent sticking out a mile plush big heady right on unswerving dedicated united absorbed unflagging standing out like a sore thumb sticking out like a sore thumb unanimous scrupulous attentive continued pulling no punches fast circumspect minute diligent vigilant intent fitting blimming seamless irreproachable indefectible lock stock and barrel unmingled stuffed boiled down telescoped crashed undiffused picture-book without fault picture-perfect letter-perfect have-it-all most extreme most distant

Tính từ

Worth remembering or easily remembered, especially because of being special or unusual
memorable unforgettable noteworthy remarkable historic important notable celebrated haunting impressive indelible signal significant catchy extraordinary famous momentous special striking distinguished exceptional cherished lasting consequential illustrious outstanding arresting distinctive timeless unfading vivid eternal glorious immortal notorious perpetual renowned treasured undying brilliant dazzling enduring enthralling exciting imperishable never to be forgotten not to be forgotten observable spectacular superlative supreme thrilling wonderful eventful rememberable remembered standout surpassing fixed in the mind mind-blowing out of this world red-letter stamped on your memory prominent eminent great conspicuous famed preeminent rare well-known meaningful marked monumental mentionable noble citable uncommon singular unusual nameable noted esteemed honored venerable elevated major honoured exalted phenomenal bright big noticeable pre-eminent august namable acclaimed superior astonishing incredible unique amazing awesome star marvelous marvellous weighty prestigious pronounced material out of the ordinary salient magnificent considerable reputable leading imposing excellent superb prodigious serious legendary particular eye-catching influential substantial heroic much earthshaking grand earth-shattering respected foremost shining powerful recognized fateful awe-inspiring pivotal visible of note well known super surprising obvious dramatic recognised tectonic bizarre splendid peerless sensational unparalleled redoubtable triumphant luminous gratifying arrestive unconventional headline far-reaching proud commanding sublime resplendent heavy majestic atypical emphatic refreshing popular epochal abnormal applauded peculiar strange infamous unfamiliar odd big-name unexpected of repute landmark terrific queer curious weird unwonted evident stunning fine manifest unprecedented critical astounding decisive crucial astral glaring extraordinaire interesting first-class grave bold beautiful pleasurable gorgeous chief appreciable effulgent radiant lionized especial time-honored highly regarded something else of consequence of significance worthy unordinary far-out ageless name lionised talked about much-publicized of distinction of high standing lively different unaccustomed stellar anomalous incomparable fantastic groundbreaking permanent indestructible breathtaking epic boss extreme startling out of the way staggering storied epoch-making action-packed laureate rich good electrifying honourable honorable first-rate worthy of note splashy showy wicked flamboyant wondrous worthy of mention stand-out major-league high-profile fascinating novel main inconceivable vital dominant predominant mind-boggling royal magnific valued earth-shaking bodacious noisy life-changing strong cogent aristocratic portentous of importance atypic world-class mighty all-important high-powered high-level potent VIP jaw-dropping gee-whizz of moment intense forceful resonant capital principal major league far-famed large big name having made a name for oneself big-time much publicized widely known splendrous heavenly delightful enjoyable persistent splendorous ground-breaking distingué meaty uncustomary paramount tense apocalyptic perennial evergreen abiding traditional classic time-honoured familiar fabulous widely knowbn imperial divine regal heroical stately massive grandiose gallant baronial Homeric untypical suspenseful reputed venerated known splendiferous world-shaking life-and-death world-shattering exceeding unheard-of irregular preternatural aberrated infrequent aberrant freak cracking mean common revered vaunted top estimable lauded gripping riveting everyday established respectable acknowledged phat fab adored of great import active uncharacteristic in the limelight in the public eye on the map public graphic climactic admired feted sizable fundamental nonpareil distinct of particular interest busy full extremely good very good miraculous shock-horror effective stem-winding high-octane heady commemorated superstar well thought of big-league well-regarded much touted big-shot highly rated well-thought-of well received up there redoubted celeb big league hot utmost murder splash underlined patent cool unmistakable unbelievable sudden studied talked of unheard of seldom seen in spotlight in limelight preponderant heavy-duty severe earnest cardinal impactful large-scale deep high-priority urgent keynote worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum generous burning milestone conclusive front-page extensive hefty ponderable climacteric newsworthy pressing clear-cut huge breath-taking exquisite tremendous kenspeckle grabby drop-dead clear unorthodox offbeat exotic stupendous rip-roaring hair-raising paragon genius ceaseless dateless inextinguishable endless unending incorruptible worth mentioning worth taking a look at the end eye-popping perceptible forcible matchless uncanny unequalled event-filled strenuous dynamite telling compelling charming jazzy lofty confounding solid unreal inimitable consummate outlandish sempiternal perdurable happy fulfilling smashing primo amazeballs unrivalled unsurpassed hectic prevailing prime top-level well-connected premier head highest formidable prized controlling select admirable uplifting deathless ineradicable ineffaceable dainty elegant delicate of influence high profile senior high-up eloquent integral historical alpha oratorical trusted top-ranking upper fabled puissant towering authoritative four-star successful seminal high-ranking deciding dignified upper-class unco world class off the beaten track one of a kind valuable choice invaluable unexampled ingrained satisfying heart-warming rewarding pleasing iconic gilt-edged zero cool inerasable cheering priceless precious inexpungible unexpungeable stubborn inextirpable recherche very fine top-notch persisting unrivaled unequaled deep-rooted unerasable stirring fast fixed deep-seated auspicious fortunate banner key essential acute central indispensable necessary imperative of great consequence profound requisite needed required heavyweight primary exigent palpable determining mandatory basic of the utmost importance solemn must-have of the essence vitally important sober necessitous detectable radical needful somber sombre discernible sweeping compulsory obligatory relevant reasonable overriding absolute pertinent distinguishable definitive of great importance sedate staid definite sizeable intrinsic core decided quintessential life and death focal substantive humourless humorless comprehensive prerequisite no laughing matter tangible measurable pointed no joke broad called for wide no-nonsense apparent final plain expansive dire determinative big deal settling wide-ranging widespread master healthy recognizable certain trenchant goodly ample blatant complete sensible extended ponderous indicative sound thorough far-flung tough rangy uncomic first vast effectual ruling worthwhile tidy across-the-board recognisable exhaustive grievous convincing primal discernable constitutive persuasive apprehensible number one perceivable topmost valid meat-and-potatoes defining useful all important dynamic operative stimulating pervasive all-embracing firm staple positive rudimentary difficult global greatest elementary uppermost downright lucid arch sovereign terrible hard direct immense inherent overbearing strategic overmastering sovran enormous ringing attention-grabbing life-or-death excessive bottom-line ominous ultimate numero uno revealing germane all-encompassing fair pithy shaping fitting apposite devastating real abundant purposeful efficacious inauspicious shocking apt overarching threatening astronomical worrying last in-depth scandalous instrumental wholesale appropriate direful menacing painful satisfactory buzzworthy inclusive settled underlying far-ranging fatal ill-fated incisive peremptory lead overt breakthrough efficient resounding unconcealed transparent almighty harsh elemental gloomy plausible irresistible dangerous crisp unequivocal transcendent foundational dreadful egregious maximum universal distressing structural basal of substance fat mondo bad reasoned credible unanswerable unambiguous uttermost max pioneering nitty-gritty energetic moving coherent unmatchable constitutional rudimental awful bitter insistent explicit vehement innovatory innovative revolutionary rational logical articulate audible well founded unsurpassable thundering unequalable sure copious super colossal mammoth most innate outright well reasoned well-grounded detailed prior unqualified worldwide much needed out-and-out maxi sharp peracute aggressive express assured number-one now or never confident very important blue-chip expressive applicable reminiscent evocative moderate overwhelming king topical drastic apropos productive affecting impactive careful legit handsome everything of considerable importance responsible evaluative causal sententious earthshattering intrusive projecting protruding obtrusive jutting largish bountiful identifiable glum open easily seen undeniable optimum doomful unlucky resultful competent stern overruling not to be ignored grim dour ideal best champion ultra titanic astronomic cognizable perspicuous understandable traceable austere exact dear business-critical mission-critical written all over one quiet downbeat sad demanded arch- axial cold sober life-saving biggish fearless tenacious vigorous immediate top-priority inestimable life or death testing incumbent capable prevalent apogean matter of life and death to be reckoned with irreplaceable under one's nose in plain sight in full view right under your nose big as life can't miss it open and shut overshadowing of concern extremely important of great moment of vital importance searching trying involuntary nonelective forced assertive able horrifying helpful characteristic nth assiduous considered scrupulous diligent meticulous storming imperious psychological compulsatory punchy histrionical well-founded theatric performant powerhouse on the ball sufficient enthusiastic hard-hitting graceful natural original diametrical serviceable wholehearted categorical constituent orderly compulsive systematic methodical wanted desired incumbent on recommended expedient preferred proper de rigueur binding name of game specified root initial primordial primitive organic thumping valorous moulding guiding ardent determined component connected sturdy unthinkable unimaginable ascertainable desperate clamorous blanket greater ascendant extremely useful worth its weight in gold extremely helpful beyond price violent full-blooded muscular unconditional unmatched durable justified consistent convictive inducing suasive a hard nut to crack beginning introductory abecedarian afflicting damaging sensationalistic lurid appalling showdown climatic touchy ambitious larger predominating at the heart of superabundant steady good-sized forming developmental one hundred per cent no mistake dogmatic stressed for a face accented flat touch and go on thin ice hanging by thread litmus test name-of-the-game hurtful agonizing wounding sensationalist screaming gee-whiz catchpenny wide-reaching mass well organized sustaining axiomatic supporting substratal underived groundlaying axiological substrative grass-roots theoretical bottom flagrant only prepotent in control prepollent coal-and-ice three-dimensional big-deal nationwide injurious yellow melodramatic across the board sinister involved nourishing hearty formative molding dominating overpowering life-threatening disastrous spacious packed walloping bull whopper chock-full hulking stuffed intercontinental a whale of a colossal humongous voluminous brimming crowded bulky roomy strapping husky capacious oversize international commodious burly whopping jumbo monster awash gigantic super-duper doozie something utter cruel tormenting galling heartrending harrowing excruciating torturous piquant extravagant tabloid vulgar pungent livid X-rated emotional sultry coloured rough coarse colored brutal epigrammatic compact factual outrageous in the ascendancy foreboding rank unlimited encyclopedic fierce bleak hazardous arduous toilsome ugly taxing audacious barefaced naked heinous brazen shameless harmful calamitous full of interest mellow mellifluous sonorous catholic compendious solid gold sheer arrant undisguised out of sight disgraceful inordinate shameful atrocious reprehensible eclectic the most sobering exacting punishing precarious grinding perilous minatory warning premonitory alarming foreshadowing to the max unquestionable exorbitant villainous unmitigated monstrous iniquitous giving food for thought agonising vibrant mortal umbrella intensive immoderate gross unarguable guaranteed concrete interdisciplinary encyclopaedic scopic multidisciplinary prognosticatory forbidding doomy predictive ill-omened ill-boding baleful ill out and out brass-necked specific proven univocal black-and-white full-bodied melodious full of content full of meaning broad-ranging bodeful unfavorable unfavourable unpropitious unpromising cut-and-dried convinced all-inclusive black and white well-defined as plain as the nose on your face well-marked minute as plain as daylight forthright clearly defined hard and fast cut and dried clean-cut crystal clear straightforward undubitable silhouetted not vague stated fruity booming mellifluent dulcet cross-disciplinary augural fated exhilarating impending inspiring doomed intriguing suggestive prophetic destined silvery canorous rotund more powerful more important most important most influential most prominent most significant most powerful

Tính từ

Unsurpassed up to the present time
all-time unequaled unequalled unique consummate exceptional incomparable record unparalleled unprecedented unrivaled unrivalled unsurpassed best champion enduring greatest matchless peerless perpetual unmatched unexampled beyond compare outstanding rare without equal nonpareil inimitable superlative unsurpassable excellent supreme perfect only exquisite unparagoned faultless solid-gold second to none gilt-edge aces tops most surpassing alone super transcendent beyond comparison out of sight world class groundbreaking striking one of a kind in a league of its own phenomenal unheard-of untypical momentous odd miraculous abnormal atypical revolutionary singular prodigious unknown outre anomalous first-time marvellous marvelous novel bizarre preternatural pioneering aberrant newfangled amazing out-of-the-way unusual signal new idiosyncratic unaccustomed ground-breaking strange outlandish remarkable sui generis freakish eccentric freak uncommon out of the ordinary outré unheard of exotic unexcelled original without parallel extraordinary fantastic unfamiliar fresh superior paramount top pre-eminent foremost leading ultimate chief towering preeminent premier highest great prominent predominant principal distinguished stellar par excellence dominant finest eminent head first unbeatable primary main capital star major select lead prime utmost absolute ideal notable sovereign key central cardinal special grand topmost choice first-class in a class of its own incredible unbeaten superb illustrious number one supereminent premium first-rate overriding master arch primal overbearing overmastering exemplary commanding top-tier top-notch extreme renowned magnificent awesome famous top-drawer numero uno maximum without peer unmatchable ascendant complete big prevailing apex without match presiding best ever arch- terrific sovran total prior hors concours important unconditional fine one and only wonderful industry leading best possible number-one top-class significant a cut above the rest topflight top drawer celebrated sublime splendid unchallenged awe-inspiring noteworthy unequalable unassailable model ruling max uttermost fabulous unlimited biggest better optimal reigning infinite boundless flawless high one-in-a-million utter regnant greater governing predominate optimum utopian dominating prevalent extraordinaire undefeated one-off whole finished in a class of one's own uppermost crack ace top of the line top of the range number 1 directing record-breaking first class primo high-class top-of-the-range prize-winning sans pareil unapproached elite front marquee stupendous tremendous wondrous one in first place beyond description beyond words exclusive well-known exalted individual senior larger higher bigger elder final culminating definitive irreproachable royal decisive essential classic prototypical typical quintessential exacting untouchable of the highest quality out-of-sight noted crown vintage A-1 Grade A big-time blue-ribbon choicest boss estimable superfine regal unrestricted unrestrained unbounded standout irreplaceable highest ranking mother of all without an equal stand alone imperial full kingly out of this world all-time best maxi invincible monarchical monarchal unconquerable indomitable the most exceeding far-out unimaginable archetypal in a class by itself preponderant majestic guiding monarchial lofty unstoppable transcendental especial invulnerable unconventional purpose-built once-in-a-lifetime one-of-a-kind unrepeated something else separate without precedent unordinary unrepeatable excelling impressive sensational good breathtaking dazzling admirable cracking mean moving accomplished entire intellectual intuitive uplifting primordial inspiring obscure hypothetical inspirational transcending unconfined intact innate abstract eternal theoretical impregnable bulletproof insuperable insurmountable wicked dainty elegant delicate sterling eximious valuable invaluable tip-top unusually good astonishing distinctive world-class memorable marked beyond grasp of the first water of the first order extremely good very good in a league of their own one in a million priceless precious particular rich recherche refreshing very fine mind-boggling mind-blowing not beatable peak authoritative core domineering controlling profound categorical outright sheer furthermost largest downright categoric thoroughgoing thorough pure unqualified unadulterated unmitigated definite stark fair plumb nth unalloyed arrant rank solid bodacious dead deadly dreadful flat conspicuous clean blooming out-and-out all-out errant blank positive perfected chronic cotton-picking flat-out impeccable straight-out deep-dyed most excellent most important most influential most outstanding most prominent

Tính từ

almighty all-knowing all-seeing boundless celestial deathless deific divine enduring eternal godlike godly heavenly illimitable immortal infinite omnipotent omnipresent omniscient pervading holy goddesslike immaculate spiritual angelic supernatural beatific mystical seraphic supreme saintlike mystic sacred deitylike superhuman empyreal blissful cosmic saintly hallowed blessed ethereal transcendent supernormal deistic preternatural empyrean deiform paradisaical unworldly transcendental transmundane ambrosial metaphysical cherubic rapturous blest incorporeal supernal extraterrestrial superterrestrial otherworldly ghostly astral elysian immaterial extramundane unearthly beyond human unfleshly virtuous other-worldly unphysical out of this world all-powerful sublime glorious paradisiacal paradisal lovely delightful sweet entrancing ravishing excellent wonderful beautiful paradisical paradisiac enjoyable alluring exquisite scrumptious lush adorable yummy luscious delectable delicious darling paradisaic Elysian magical pure exalted superlunary numinous joyful rapt idyllic Arcadian perfect paranormal occult phenomenal uncanny miraculous utopian ineffable angelical innocent ecstatic serene golden ideal non-material non-materialistic socialist reforming progressive angel-like happy charming Erewhonian Edenic Olympian empyral enchanting awe-inspiring uplifting moving inspiring inspirational magic beneficent humble righteous devout self-sacrificing angelly kind radiant angellike archangelic caring appealing weird intangible nonmaterial nonphysical discarnate platonic refined airy disembodied devotional rarefied asomatous more than human

Danh từ

Any of various species of flower of the genera Gnaphalium, Helichrysum, Anaphalis, or Antennaria

Trái nghĩa của everlasting

everlasting Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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