Từ đồng nghĩa của day and night

Tính từ

All the time, or seemingly all the time

Tính từ

Without a break or interruption
continuous ceaseless continuing uninterrupted constant continual continued incessant unceasing perpetual sustained unremitting permanent persistent relentless running unabating unrelenting unrelieved consecutive endless interminable nonstop ongoing prolonged steady unending eternal everlasting regular repeated stable unfaltering non-stop always-on never-ending no end of no end to on a treadmill round-the-clock with no let-up for ever and ever without a break without end without respite without surcease steady-going day-and-night unbroken unflagging timeless untiring unabated unfailing lasting unswerving unwavering undeviating unwearied persevering dogged indefatigable recurrent tireless 24-hour around-the-clock monotonous interminate round the clock unyielding unwearying enduring frequent unvarying 24/7 unchanging persisting dateless unwaning staying repetitive connected aeonian at all times all day and all night oft-repeated perennial amaranthine world-without-end long-winded long-drawn-out wearisome infinite long unlimited boring dragging seemingly endless protracted boundless tedious limitless laborious ponderous immeasurable overlong meandering unbounded rambling unbound strung out spun out looped dragged out dull undying immortal abiding chronic habitual deathless recurring imperishable ageless unfading undivided illimitable indefinite measureless lingering sempiternal indestructible bottomless countless fathomless inexhaustible immensurable unfathomable horizonless periodic even long-lasting periodical vast untold perdurable incalculable inestimable indeterminate numberless solid consistent successive nagging immutable uniform lifelong fixed long-lived changeless extensive immense predictable unfluctuating never-changing cosmic unstoppable without limit unsurpassable self-perpetuating multitudinous undisturbed deep-rooted inexorable tenacious obstinate untroubled neverending without interruption fast niggling direct numerous many ingrained established without stopping inextinguishable extreme usual steadfast gnawing total rhythmic great stabile durable invariant forever equable invariable common dependable profuse reiterated a great many very many unchangeable reliable old longstanding remorseless diligent assiduous unsparing cursive lengthy sedulous unalleviated hard harsh stern without ceasing undiminished inevitable inescapable irrevocable unavoidable irrepressible straight smooth unflinching extended closed unintermitted faithful implacable maintained unquenchable pushy never-ceasing never-dying drawn out drawn-out through straightforward in succession all day long regularized standardised regularised stretched out undestroyed long-term standardized remaining long-standing indelible surviving beyond measure unended inveterate unsuppressible nonrandom firm secure unconstrained uncontrolled unchecked unrestrained irreversible annual returning yearlong yearly seasonal all-year-round sound unconditional absolute unrestricted unbridled without limits always urgent unruffled profound deep progressive lavish inexpungible indissoluble insistent full utter stationary unchanged with no holds barred unfathomed till the cows come home in for the long haul serious deep-seated ineradicable without number uncounted supertemporal huge wide large million all-embracing stupendous tremendous abundant abounding same rigid set inflexible static importunate determined resolute severe typical prevalent universal acute dangerous prevailing clamorous exigent entreating demanding not stopping having no end alarming incurable dire grave natural ever-pressing settled routine inborn ever-present inbred stubborn rooted unmitigated quotidian day-to-day mundane everyday rampant wonted rife daily immemorial always pressing termless familiar manifold several reiterative thick iterated intermittent various occurring often lots of millions of loads of a good many heaps of masses of quite a lot of dozens of hundreds of thousands of quite a few more … than one can shake a stick at

Phó từ

For the complete duration
all the time constantly entire time always around the clock ceaselessly day in, day out endlessly incessantly night and day continually continuously eternally interminably permanently perpetually relentlessly remorselessly unceasingly unremittingly without a break at all times without surcease morning, noon and night forever non-stop consistently invariably unfailingly everlastingly ever persistently regularly repeatedly aye ay round the clock at every turn 24/7 twenty-four-seven nonstop steadily unrelentingly immortally lastingly the entire time undyingly unchangingly infinitely unendingly perennially on and on durably for always recurrently habitually routinely often again and again ofttimes inevitably without rest enduringly religiously time and time again thick and fast customarily without cessation without fail over and over frequently each time time and again methodically oftentimes infallibly over and over again many a time and oft on all occasions time after time without exception e'er on every occasion for good dependably tirelessly every time so long too long as usual typically per usual monotonously without stopping normally at all hours round-the-clock all the hours God sends uninterruptedly without interruption forevermore for all eternity until Kingdom come till the end of time until the end of time for evermore till Doomsday until doomsday to a finish until the twelfth of never for good and all for aye till death do us part till you're blue in the face for ever and ever world without end till blue in the face in perpetuity for keeps till the cows come home to the end for all time until hell freezes over now and forever until kingdom come till hell freezes over until the cows come home evermore for a lifetime for ever more in perpetuum for life for an infinite amount of time much sempiternally oft hourly without break many times on many occasions a lot many a time week in, week out ad nauseam oft-times many times over day after day faithfully usually commonly a great deal on several occasions more often than not very often not infrequently ordinarily unbrokenly generally periodically lots for a long time year in, year out on numerous occasions at length systematically at regular intervals at frequent intervals conventionally continuingly for hours for ages predictably in many instances most of the time as often as not in many cases as a rule sometimes indelibly lately occasionally daily intermittently ad infinitum without a pause for ever at times now and again a number of times automatically rhythmically seasonally mostly mainly naturally without end mechanically most often in the main as is usual by and large on the whole as is the custom once more yet again once again lots of times at short intervals to the end of time immutably conscientiously reliably oftentime evenly twenty-four hours a day unfalteringly punctually unwaveringly everywhere universally through every day at great length year after year a thousand times on invariously unalterably whatever happens day by day without ceasing cyclically in all cases in all places without let-up unremitting without cease never-ending indefatigably relentless like clockwork whatever happened day in day out successively lot in every case in every instance in all instances for long spasmodically a good deal patiently regular to a great extent twenty-four seven anytime en masse not seldom in quick succession every now and then traditionally by any chance in any case till cows come home henceforth historically hereafter not every time forever more ever after in general in most cases on average as a general rule in the general run of things for the most part almost always natch once and again needless to say of course not consistently at one time or another every so often from time to time now and then once in a blue moon on occasion at intervals once in a while not always

Từ trái nghĩa của day and night

Music ♫

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