Từ đồng nghĩa của unabating

Alternative for unabating

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Tính từ

Unceasingly intense in nature
relentless continuous unrelenting constant continual continuing lasting persistent unstoppable endless incessant interminable steady unabated unbroken unceasing uninterrupted perpetual sustained unending unrelieved unremitting unfaltering nonstop unflagging unflinching unyielding implacable neverending never-ending non-stop ceaseless eternal everlasting running continued permanent round-the-clock ongoing repeated perennial recurrent regular dateless unwavering abiding chronic enduring unfailing frequent prolonged undying consecutive timeless immortal unvarying habitual untiring indefatigable persisting inexorable undeviating unchanging without respite always-on recurring deathless unwearied infinite unwaning staying repetitive dogged persevering tireless unswerving oft-repeated around-the-clock ageless imperishable remorseless round the clock day-and-night connected aeonian monotonous lingering unwearying interminate stable nagging niggling amaranthine without end gnawing day and night on a treadmill inevitable inescapable irrevocable unavoidable periodic periodical maintained sempiternal unlimited unintermitted regularized regularised standardised world-without-end standardized boundless limitless long-lasting never-ceasing protracted lengthy undivided long even uniform extended closed unsparing diligent assiduous consistent no end of no end to with no let-up for ever and ever without surcease steady-going without a break predictable fixed extensive sedulous harsh unalleviated hard stern drawn out drawn-out changeless stretched out invariant stationary immutable monolithic unchanged solid unfading unchangeable same unfluctuating rigid set equable inflexible static invariable never-changing stabile determined steadfast resolute staunch tenacious unshakeable weariless inexhaustible firm dedicated single-minded industrious patient pertinacious energetic dynamic zealous vigorous active resolved intense decided sure unvacillating insistent enthusiastic indomitable keen dead set on immovable unhesitating unqualified unflappable never-failing grim devoted spirited forceful Herculean purposeful undisturbed obstinate stout laborious strong stubborn painstaking successive untroubled unappeasable grind perky hyper jumping plugging strenuous hard-working never-tiring rhythmic direct without stopping unshakable unshaken pat bound and determined brick-wall set in stone ever-abiding driven perdurable stalwart loyal unretiring undaunted 24-hour pushy cursive without interruption faithful ever-enduring straight smooth unstinting eager all day long unassailable through straightforward in succession numerous many fast sound on the go ball of fire countless always urgent unruffled profound deep progressive absolute secure certain well-founded total perseverant go-go unstinted undeterred fireball plodding clamorous iterative ingrained adamant iron deep-dyed indelible irremovable a great many very many committed mulish pigheaded stiff-necked bound unquestioning wholehearted reliable dependable cast-iron nonrandom intrusive loud noisy vociferous obtrusive focused perseverative intent eager beaver bent on meaning business all-year-round focussed going all the way hanging tough ever-pressing dead set stout-hearted conscientious busy tough nut hell-bent ironclad unsinkable never give up thorough attentive ultra-careful meticulous tied-up close hopping searching elaborate punctilious studious engaged employed scrupulous particular rigorous careful bustling working occupied minute nose to grindstone stop at nothing pedantic strict religious fussy more … than one can shake a stick at

Từ trái nghĩa của unabating

unabating Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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