Từ đồng nghĩa của on the go

Alternative for on the go

Từ đồng nghĩa: on the go(p),

Tính từ

Very active or busy and moving often
busy active occupied employed bustling industrious energetic lively tireless humming at work hard-pressed on the job wrapped up hard at work hard at it on the hop on the move busy as a bee absorbed in engrossed in immersed in preoccupied with at work on rushed off one's feet with working engaged assiduous sedulous tied-up tied up engrossed laborious diligent hopping time-poor have one's hands full rushed off your feet overloaded up to one's ears snowed busy as a beaver at it on the run in a rush absorbed involved preoccupied rushing about in a hurry immersed unavailable have a previous engagement tied down on assignment with a customer taken have a prior engagement committed dynamic productive head over heels too much on plate utilized focused on clocked up in harness utilised on the trot interested vigorous spirited jumping in full swing late pushed for time hurried pressed for time short of time rushed dashing about hurrying about hard-working rushed off one's feet hardworking slaving hustling having fish to fry harried in demand having enough on one's plate having many irons in the fire efficient having a full plate hired signed operating laboring selected inked in place on duty in collar on board plugging away in a job on the payroll labouring retained jobholding signed up fast-moving in action participating in an occupation devoted enthusiastic dedicated keen dutiful in use ardent influential fervent devout faithful activist motivated contributing forward go-getting go-ahead two-fisted

Tính từ

Being worked on, or involved with, by someone

Tính từ

In the process of being planned or developed

Tính từ

Not wearied, not tired
unwearied long-suffering persistent tireless unceasing uncomplaining active ball of fire eager energetic enthusiastic grind hard-working hyper incessant indefatigable industrious inexhaustible jumping perky persevering resolute steadfast strenuous unfailing unflagging untiring unwearying vigorous weariless determined strong forceful spirited dynamic intense Herculean zealous keen stout unremitting pertinacious tenacious dogged diligent unrelenting unswerving unstinting assiduous unshakeable unwavering sedulous relentless staunch unfaltering steady single-minded unyielding firm stubborn purposeful dedicated obstinate constant unflinching driven patient obdurate insistent conscientious undeviating immovable laborious committed fixed rigorous painstaking uncompromising intransigent unshakable earnest resolved enduring inexorable intent busy set studious bustling inflexible bound and determined sure stiff-necked pigheaded importunate strong-willed bound engaged employed decided eager beaver implacable working headstrong dead set on operose unbending unvacillating plugging mulish unflappable adamant bullheaded persisting hard-nosed sustained pat self-willed indomitable aggressive attentive bold devoted careful assertive thorough meticulous tied-up hopping occupied focused unfluctuating unhesitating punctilious perseverant particular never-tiring unshaken wilful abiding unqualified strict hard never-failing willful solid focussed rigid undaunted hanging tough brick-wall dead set stop at nothing wholehearted ambitious hardworking enterprising plodding ultra-careful stalwart exacting full-blooded remorseless perverse steely ardent close searching elaborate minute swotty grim tough unstoppable scrupulous ruthless militant hell-bent unchanging even uniform consistent unvarying hardheaded adamantine inconvincible hardened ossified opinionated self-opinionated pedantic religious fussy invariant unappeasable regular meaning business strong-minded full of determination unabated decisive bent on go-getting iron-willed set in stone loyal unending unretiring restless passionate valiant gritty mettlesome involved faithful demanding daring radical unassailable go-go unstinted continuing undeterred fireball continued accurate correct perseverative dutiful dependable resounding violent vehement muscular emphatic grinding whiz diehard game absolute secure certain well-founded merciless with one's shoulder to the wheel with one's nose to the grindstone cruel ingrained iron deep-dyed indelible irremovable red-blooded lusty vital pitiless unsparing stern cohesive monomaniacal hellbent obsessed stout-hearted cast-iron coherent rock-ribbed obsessive fanatical never give up tough nut unforgiving possessive sturdy spunky true unforgetful ironclad unsinkable out unquestioning harsh hell-bent on do-or-die hell-bent upon bent upon pig-headed intractable stiff mortal hard-headed unmovable iron-fisted pounding bull-headed heedful nose to grindstone contrary refractory bloody-minded indurate hungry competitive motivated slogging avid aspiring confident thirsty desirous stubborn as a mule cutthroat feisty ferocious sticky inspired progressive pushy bloodthirsty pioneering stringent assured going all the way gladiatorial defiant brutal fierce scrappy warlike self-asserting self-assertive hard-driving power-loving self-driven gung ho hang-tough get up and go high-reaching intensely competitive power-hungry high-pressure having killer instinct go for broke self-possessed self-confident in-your-face cut-throat self-seeking self-starting goal-oriented self-assured dog-eat-dog can-do fiercely competitive in for long haul like bad penny

Tính từ

Lively and animated
sparky lively animated vivacious spirited sprightly jaunty gay energetic peppy active perky airy zippy vital frisky bubbly brisk animate snappy pert pizazzy pizzazzy bouncing kinetic springy jazzy mettlesome racy spanking enthusiastic spunky feisty dynamic nimble vigorous busy agile spry bustling quick sporty strong alert mobile bouncy vibrant zestful occupied hyper enlivened eager forceful deedful eventful jumping dexterous dashing dextrous fresh go-go high-spirited on the move alive and kicking full of get-up-and-go full of life full of vim and vigour full of beans full of zip bright-eyed and bushy-tailed buoyant cheerful sparkling exuberant merry chirpy chipper effervescent cheery ebullient upbeat bright sunny happy breezy blithe peart jolly joyful light-hearted frolicsome blithesome zingy carefree gladsome jovial in high spirits glad genial lighthearted elated jocund mirthful full of the joys of spring happy-go-lucky gleeful playful joyous positive smiley of good cheer laughing optimistic sportive bright and breezy zesty smiling in good spirits as merry as a grig unworried untroubled gamesome good-humoured zappy good-humored grinning radiant hopeful fiery jubilant excited without a care in the world cock-a-hoop festive lightsome frolic fun-loving irrepressible euphoric jocose content full of pep contented as lively as a grig crank jocular winsome eupeptic canty light full of hope passionate powerful bold lusty sparkly tireless wick keen pleasant exhilarated beaming debonair exultant indefatigable rollicking potent gingery vivid forcible untiring perk ludic brash high-powered convivial red-blooded full of fun swinging full of energy ball of fire on top of the world bubbling stimulating ardent exciting boisterous confident wonderful blissful insouciant driving scintillating flamboyant ecstatic aggressive entertaining alive skittish enterprising robust industrious unflagging hardy stalwart sturdy strenuous abuzz high cheering hilarious happening humming buzzing rocking fun enjoyable feeling one's oats over the moon casual striking smart nonchalant daring sexy energized activated coltish easy overjoyed delighted colorful colourful energised outgoing thrilled gratified wild go-getting impassioned impish zealous devil-may-care kittenish peppery storming satisfied flush effective emphatic affable elastic resilient pleased frolicky flourishing sanguine rugged sharp devilish funny unconcerned thankful tickled chuffed wrapped barnstorming stirring rousing friendly vehement prankish ballsy gutsy hopping thriving astir rosy intense on cloud seven beside oneself with joy on cloud nine rapturous larkish full-blooded high-octane Pickwickian joshing jokey larking excitable festal daffy abubble aboil in fine fettle pushy have-a-go good-natured hearty lots of laughs full of joie de vivre neat dapper flippant graceful effusive pertinent relevant interesting dull tight saucy sassy warm gallant uncaring unthinking unconsidered heedless indifferent tumultuous excellent outstanding fast swift magnificent marvellous new whopping marvelous rapid remarkable exceptional frothy agitated gushing awake turnt salacious glitzy fancy jazzlike psychedelic benign moving demoniac motive tough kinematic dynamical locomotive motile expressive gritty dramatic breathless aware valiant agreeable frivolous unserious insubstantial fairylike grooving bucked avid pleasure-seeking slaphappy rakish easy-going informal cordial sunbeamy full of vim and vigor clubby social hot burning waggish willful unruly rhapsodical romping youthful rapt enraptured going strong still going strong mischievous enlivening cheerly fanciful whimsical volatile forward self-assertive presuming transported pleasurable stoked popping loony humorous nutty chaffing bantering jollying delightful dizzy facetious magnetic electric roseate up exhilarating heady flipping fantastic flying partyish welcoming puckish hale and hearty fervent sunny side up glass half full bubbling over wanton doing handsprings floating on air as happy as a clam as happy as a sandboy roguish go-ahead raring to go relaxed holiday tricksy antic elfish larky fay sportful rascally jumpy wicked distinctive piquant rich poignant tart clever tasty tangy pungent witty effectual off-the-wall naughty to the point full of the joy of living espiègle comical elvish pushing heated easygoing easy-breezy low-pressure ventilated mellow laid-back assertive blessed heartening heartwarming electrifying bullish charismatic influential compelling energizing hyped-up activating go-getter productive vitalizing self-motivated highpowered energising vitalized unconstrained spicy offhand free and easy dazzling virile expansive supple invigorated coruscating intensive determined play for keeps play hard ball coming on strong resounding punchy sensitive vibrating responsive muscular sound laid back all-out hard-hitting full of spirit trim natty venturesome flip joking spruce showy

Tính từ

Travelling in search of adventure
wandering roving itinerant roaming drifting journeying nomadic peripatetic rambling travelling vagrant wayfaring unsettled vagabond voyaging migratory rootless errant homeless floating migrant restless strolling touring ambulant ambulatory fugitive galavanting gallivanting gypsy nomad perambulatory peregrine ranging Romany displaced jaunting migrating mobile transient trekking winding deviating devious erratic landloping planetary straying traveling on the move on the wing jet-setting globetrotting walking hiking moving didicoi tzigane rubbernecking globe-trotting perambulant itinerate gadabout shifting seasonal footloose of no fixed abode destitute stray discursive meandering immigrant of no fixed address down and out lost wayward prodigal strayed fly-by-night afoot temporary changing tramp casual migratorial immigrating migrative emigrating impermanent refugee down-and-out abandoned derelict migrational transmigratory houseless unhoused adrift living rough moving around sleeping rough without a roof on the streets passing over passing through locomotive rangy pastoral vagarious expatriate idle shiftless ambling Gypsy unstationary cruising commuting driving flying riding constantly traveling translocating relocating active desultory digressive arrant sweeping spanning extensive widespread traversing covering on foot on tour excursioning riding the rails bustling straggling sauntering mendicant aimless able-bodied fancy-free having itchy feet promenading marching unclaimed plantigrade ambulate digitigrade strutting exiled dispossessed gone astray dossing outcast poor unwelcome estranged disinherited friendless forsaken desolate deported uncared-for banished forlorn without a roof over one's head

Tính từ

Full of life, spirit, energy, or movement
astir aboil abubble abuzz alive animated brisk bustling busy buzzing flourishing happening hopping humming kinetic lively rousing stirring thriving vibrant active afoot moving live on the move up and about in motion energetic full of life hectic spirited vivacious bouncy buzzy peppy festive dynamic perky spry bubbly zestful crowded swarming teeming vibrating alert thronging vigorous vital jolly chirpy dashing jumping effervescent buoyant zippy snappy industrious exciting sprightly frisky boisterous sparkling enthusiastic sparky electrifying pizazzy pizzazzy zesty like Piccadilly Circus full of go full of commotion full of pep go-go bright and breezy bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans full of vim and vigour whining whirring purring droning energized energised good pulsating throbbing eager paying lucrative rewarding money-making eventful involved chaotic entertaining heaving ebullient awake cheerful exuberant quick remunerative fruitful gainful wild chipper peart frantic frenzied frenetic still going strong going strong full zoolike merry furious full of activity thronged rushing hustling upbeat bright hyper refreshing hurried flamboyant forceful dazzling fiery animate airy impassioned colourful virile vehement vivid potent robust zealous indefatigable intense feisty driving colorful passionate lusty aggressive bold fresh determined spunky coruscating powerful intensive stimulating tireless storming unflagging resounding strong ballsy bouncing pert punchy racy stalwart enterprising sturdy springy sensitive untiring rugged breezy emphatic radiant gutsy effective responsive jazzy mettlesome jaunty pushy muscular hardy spanking sound forcible strenuous gay high-spirited red-blooded have-a-go full of the joys of spring hard-hitting full-blooded all-out high-octane alive and kicking full of get-up-and-go full of spirit ball of fire high-powered brilliant frolicsome happy zingy scintillating sunny gamesome frolic crank excited bubbling irrepressible cheery fun-loving barnstorming invigorating gingery fun carefree envigorating joyful happy-go-lucky healthy striking zappy nimble full of fun go-getting hearty playful flush raring to go rich deep exhilarating witty swashbuckling daring clever theatrical gallant valiant elated vitalized ardent tough activated strapping blithe solid substantial agile light-hearted mirthful jocund fit able-bodied keen hale and hearty well built brash rocking hale efficient in fine fettle wick in high spirits in the pink gregarious unadulterated resplendent expressive party glowing exhilarated well-trodden outgoing jovial fervent gritty sportive hilarious gleeful joyous mobile sporty peppery clubby social lighthearted swinging pure avid youthful skittish occupied hot sharp burning blithesome glittering heated festal partyish enjoyable welcoming enlivened saucy genial sparkly sassy dexterous dextrous deedful convivial holiday perk amusing glinting glimmering smart fascinating congested refreshed full of the joy of living as merry as a grig as lively as a grig aware magnetic electric full of zip reinvigorated invigorated revitalized fine athletic blooming go-ahead in good health effectual positive restored revivified rejuvenated renewed rested strong as an lion in good trim in good kilter strong as an ox strong as an horse in tip-top condition in good shape in good condition functional well-trafficked pushing assertive charged revived ostentatious revitalised confident reenergized relaxed persuasive take-over steamroller fighting fit take-charge hard-driving full of vim charismatic influential play for keeps compelling play hard ball coming on strong energizing hyped-up activating go-getter productive vitalizing self-motivated highpowered energising extravagant rakish showy operating functioning inspirited reanimated motivated strengthened fortified perked up pepped up freshened fit as a fiddle full of energy handy operational serviceable operative occupational working diligent camp fancy-pants like a new person untired unwearied unfatigued fresh as a daisy quickened utile practicable well-oiled utilitarian like new rehabilitated bright-eyed bushy-tailed like a new man masculine male chivalrous manly all-male fearless brave intrepid heroic lionhearted stout-hearted manlike courageous valorous stable macho muscly brawny over the top OTT over the top whole husky burly hefty intact man-size mannish studly powerfully built fecund beefy ripped man-sized well made fertile butch shredded hunky laddish fast well well-conditioned unimpaired undamaged wholesome firm durable bombproof stout reproductive buff sexually potent jacked procreative generative right as rain wide-ranging sane undecayed well constructed hard hanging together up to snuff rigorous flawless normal well-constructed holding together perfect safe unhurt unblemished

Tính từ

Willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences
adventurous daring bold audacious enterprising venturesome daredevil intrepid rash adventuresome reckless brave dashing gutsy venturous dangerous dauntless fearless have-a-go risky unafraid undaunted unshrinking valiant valorous confident emboldened foolhardy free-swinging hardy hazardous heedless heroic nerved nervy peppy spunky headstrong pushy temerarious carefree courageous dareful exciting exploratory presumptuous restless risk-taking seeking thrill-seeking plucky gallant spirited ballsy lionhearted brash doughty game stalwart gritty madcap stout unflinching mettlesome devil-may-care manful resolute heroical gutty impulsive stout-hearted stouthearted greathearted undauntable lion-hearted overbold overconfident hasty imprudent swashbuckling incautious wild determined chivalrous death-or-glory impetuous thoughtless harum-scarum hotheaded ill-advised unfearful brazen precipitate hare-brained indomitable overhasty harebrained flamboyant hot-headed feisty rock-ribbed dazzling irresponsible unabashed macho injudicious indiscreet tenacious unconsidered headlong unthinking unblenching spartan strong tough dynamic assured precipitous kamikaze brassy hell-for-leather unwise improvident powerful slapdash ostentatious careless romantic showy shameless breakneck manly jumping to conclusions ill-considered striking noble precipitant as game as Ned Kelly unalarmed positive fire-eating death-defying decisive lively smart aweless defiant desperate tearaway irrational bull-in-a-china-shop forward unguarded cool go-ahead frightless fiery immature frenzied premature foolish unwary furious insuppressible passionate sporting unheeding unfearing impavid inconsiderate redoubtable assertive stupid silly herolike ill-conceived puissant worthy over-adventurous over-venturesome swaggering nerveless rakish aggressive sturdy resourceful eye-catching startling flashy gaudy persevering resilient roisterous ill-judged saucy unspeakable orped ungoverned uncurbed rumbustious cavalier male virile masculine misjudged unthought-out undismayed reactive shocking strapping staunch forceful stylish dogged high-risk vigorous muscular robust knee-jerk firm chin-up fortitudinous jaunty sporty debonair not thought through badly thought out wide open unsafe mad off deep end out on limb red-blooded Ramboesque well-built butch exuberant inattentive assuming bantam outrageous mindless salty cocky impudent smart-alecky cheeky obtrusive crusty negligent breezy extreme life-threatening thrilling crazy gung ho attractive raffish animated buoyant energetic fire eating hot shot regardless misguided crackpot go for broke overventuresome swish elegant impractical senseless out on a limb uncontrolled uncareful unsmart playing with fire out of control helter-skelter fast and loose crackbrained radge urbane dapper daft chaotic wacky frivolous exclusive swank alert gay rousing vivacious keen extravagant steely abandoned unconcerned unrestrained unworried immoderate wanton intemperate icy eager unapprehensive zealous sassy violent impervious undisturbed unabashed by unshakable undaunted by unscared sure unalarmed by unfrightened happy-go-lucky casual nonchalant high-spirited frantic superhuman easy-going brisk strong-willed Herculean lawless airy flippant insouciant capricious ardent gingery peppery classic exaggerated grand epic untroubled indifferent mettled resolved frisky steadfast sprightly elevated high-flown inflated grandiose not scared monstrous heinous scandalous anxious mythological champion lavish lackadaisical having nerves of steel worried atrocious distracted unreserved stand tall bigger than life free and easy profuse abundant free volatile excessive prodigal unfettered decadent fast-paced self-indulgent self-gratifying salacious fast unconstrained slack harsh profligate licentious louche carnal corrupt gadabout

Từ trái nghĩa của on the go

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