Từ đồng nghĩa của wayward

Tính từ

Difficult to control due to willful behavior
wilful unruly contrary rebellious disobedient intractable unmanageable headstrong perverse refractory stubborn ungovernable erratic fickle obdurate obstinate unpredictable defiant recalcitrant insubordinate contumacious froward uncooperative fractious incorrigible untoward wild willful balky difficult impossible incompliant incontrollable intolerable obstreperous rebel recusant restive unbearable uncontrollable undependable undisciplined mulish aberrant arbitrary delinquent disorderly errant immoral naughty ornery uncompliant self-willed cross-grained badly behaved strong-willed self-indulgent mutinous bolshie rowdy riotous out of control troublesome disruptive stroppy turbulent awkward mischievous boisterous unyielding insurgent lawless unrestrained out of hand rough noncompliant uncontrolled pigheaded disaffected seditious bloody-minded resistant noisy intransigent irrepressible unreasonable unbiddable non-compliant ill-disciplined rascally bad insurrectionary pervicacious bull-headed roguish inflexible renitent indocile cussed cantankerous contrarious thrawn violent impetuous misbehaving truculent unaccommodating dissident quarrelsome annoying loud vexatious anarchic insolent exasperating chaotic uproarious mean attention-seeking revolutionary factious stiff-necked rumbustious unbridled impish dissentient opinionated undisciplinable nonconformist raucous wrong antagonistic bellicose inimical rude rollicking pugnacious capricious adverse unhelpful obstructive tiresome disobliging badly-behaved unbending peevish roisterous clamorous rambunctious insubmissive rash determined subversive indomitable uncompromising insurrectionist malicious reckless radical immovable wicked argumentative lawbreaking intemperate hostile impudent iconoclastic sinful problematic contradictory demanding troublemaking fiendish wanton unorthodox unrestrainable ill-behaved unwilling unfavorable unfavourable obstinately disobedient alienated full of mischief lively exuberant unmalleable ungoverned uninhibited persistent malevolent resisting heedless spiteful contentious knockabout romping malcontent inappropriate impulsive impervious imprudent forward assertive drunken bawdy inexorable robustious tumultuous negative rackety petulant resistive rampant nonconforming unpersuadable irrational hell-raising rip-roaring evil infelicitous inapt unsuitable vociferous challenging anarchical dissentious roistering excited dogged dissenting ill-natured playful aggressive adamant malapropos out of line disloyal abandoned maleficent tough stubborn as a mule rampageous treacherous anarchistic improper pertinacious militant traitorous bullheaded insoluble unpliable belligerent confrontational treasonable bold brattish combative tricksy scampish puckish prankish rioting threatening pat gallus erring irksome scrappy up in arms devilish pig-headed miscreant inconsiderate inimitable irreconcilable estranged haughty morose nonobservant shrewish crabby cross untrained renegade unsteady unschooled opposing withstanding disputatious robust uncomplying inconsistent unresponsive resolved malign heretical maverick incurable swaggering swashbuckling cavalier impotent lacking self-control mutinying apostate schismatic unadaptable dysfunctional rock-ribbed crazy hysterical nuts outrageous madcap insurmountable berserk loath negativistic averse reluctant indisposed hesitant as stubborn as a mule complex burdensome antisocial without law and order tempestuous incorrect implacable wild and woolly daring provocative audacious artful hard-line thorny locked resolute tenacious knotty with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way rampaging unconstrained immoderate unchecked unhindered unconventional uncurbed unbounded whiny active animated unlawful strong overwhelming intense insuppressible freaked overpowering bothersome trying unfettered extrovert untimely unfortunate misbehaved unrelenting overexcited bouncy indisciplined locked in tough nut hang tough raunchy socially impaired hot-tempered disturbed fierce maladjusted licentious corybantic incautious profligate ebullient spirited vibrant frisky high-spirited inconvenient inopportune impossible to cope with feisty like a loose cannon beside oneself termagant hardheaded adamantine inconvincible hardened hard ossified pesky sullen nasty loudmouthed troublous uncontainable wearisome sly foxy piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous paradoxical contrariant discordant arsey disagreeing impolite drunk out-of-line out-of-order on-a-tear out-of-control thrilled raving hard-nosed self-opinionated deaf to reason kiddish infantile frolicsome ruffianly thoughtless immature childish disrespectful inept unfit inapposite incongruous unhappy amiss unanticipated unapt indecorous graceless illogical unbecoming wrong-headed ill-timed unseemly unexpected wrongheaded antipathetic converse restless individualistic warring armed sabotaging attacking teasing worthless raising Cain disregardful cheeky dareful sassy gutsy giddy flighty raising the roof unforeseen disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted mistimed ready for a fight offending in high spirits clangorous irregular spoiling for a fight sinning unlucky unwelcome inauspicious irritating effervescent strident energetic vociferant over-the-top brawling bad-mannered deviant badly timed unseasonable culpable transgressing guilty criminal unhealthy rotten vicious cruel straying unendurable objectionable offensive unpropitious misfortunate disturbing unpleasant hapless ill-starred star-crossed luckless insupportable terrible painful insufferable needless deliberate unjustified senseless shifting stray deviating heretic devious fallible unreliable meandering errable excruciating maddening infuriating dreadful unprovoked off straight and narrow gratuitous groundless motiveless unacceptable egregious unjustifiable willed unmotivated beyond bearing not to be borne inhumane aimless atrocious heartless savage butcherly barbarous brute brutal sadistic inhuman barbaric unfair double-crossing unjust merciless frenzied disordered disorganized debauched furious confused fiery passionate disorganised in turmoil frenetic runaway unhampered raw orgiastic depraved rugged saturnalian frantic unrestricted full-on mad raging rabid explosive deranged hectic enthusiastic messy jumbled helter-skelter cluttered untidy disarrayed extreme muddled dishevelled disheveled mussy tousled disarranged messed mussed tumbled vehement littered sloppy rumpled bacchanalian unkempt in disorder ugly Dionysian dissipated pell-mell Bacchic higgledy-piggledy upside-down topsy-turvy hugger-mugger in a mess dissolute destructive sportive agitated stormy excessive bacchic unstoppable forceful unquenchable vigorous roughhouse nihilistic crazed untamed fervid warlike hotheaded irascible jaunty feverish merry incontinent haywire shambolic perfervid passional orderless disrupted joyful cheerful excitable touchy purposeless impassioned in disarray in pandemonium in uproar in chaos at sixes and sevens out of joint harum-scarum full of beans in a muddle every which way utterly confused quick-tempered in a shambles unsubduable hard to handle loutish existentialist pessimistic limit dangerous unsettling upsetting ferocious side-splitting thuggish distracting clattering clattery resounding two-fisted turbid uncontained hedonistic divisive brusque untameable gruff gleeful callous radge unrepressed corrupt rootin'-tootin disrupting off-base unconcealed reprobate unprincipled misruled misgoverned flyaway boozy revelling carousing blind tricky rowdydowdy shameless causing trouble bibulous dionysian sottish crapulous outlandish problem unstable untrammelled wassailing dilapidated neglected crude in a state messed up worse for wear irresistible roller-coaster unsettled unlimited unconfined unimpeded unsuppressed reveling shaking perturbed strenuous storming demonstrative stern bitter unsubmissive volatile revolting terrorist untrammeled running wild maniacal manic full of confusion full of conflict full of upheavals tyrannous despotic terrorizing uncultivated infringing piratical uncivilised heterodox terrorising unregulated unpeaceful uncivilized joyous carefree hearty impatient hasty widespread sprightly cavorting jovial hyper epidemic not controlled full of ups and downs rife devil-may-care hot-headed short-fused easily provoked on a short fuse exacting tiring carried away pandemic dominant rank rollicksome fun-loving happy glad lighthearted thumping ripping fay sportful antic elfish larky prevalent flagrant pervasive eventful arduous fervent obsessive irritable litigious hog-wild beside yourself luxuriant profuse disputative laborious exhausting spreading blustering exceeding bounds fecund extravagant spreading like wildfire flourishing rambling proliferating predominant extensive multiplying on the rampage growing captious choleric gladiatorial agonistic cavilling Saturnalian Dionysiac like one possessed ludic skittish keen snappy severe testing harsh unsparing taxing buoyant assaultive chippy querulous pettish controversial polemical polemic battling brawly fighting grouchy eager infatuated devoted ardent fixated dedicated obsessed full bustling flustering madhouse tireless ructious huffy arguesome wrangling bickering burning compulsive over-enthusiastic bad-tempered churlish war thin-skinned have chip on shoulder ill-tempered caviling vivacious sunny busy bumpy onerous full on wearing imperious coltish action-packed breezy dotty potty visionary hooked zealous gung-ho bubbly cheery zestful bigoted wackadoodle overenthusiastic wackadoo chirpy upbeat peart peppy gladsome sparky chipper sparkling zingy gay blithesome blithe biased nuts for monomaniacal fanatical partial bugged domineering high on credulous fanatic possessed turned on addicted bubbling rhapsodical of good cheer full of life light-hearted as merry as a grig bubbling over

Tính từ

Inconstant and difficult to predict
temperamental variable volatile changeable unstable erratic inconstant flighty capricious mercurial whimsical fickle inconsistent unsteady unpredictable impulsive fluctuating mutable vacillating fluid wavering unsettled changeful quicksilver labile unreliable excitable kaleidoscopic protean uncertain irregular ever-changing skittish flickery undependable blowing hot and cold moody giddy flakey flaky bipolar irrepressible active movable elastic mobile yo-yo up in the air up and down up-and-down shifting varying changing fitful uneven wild freakish arbitrary vagarious random peaky unbalanced chameleon-like chameleonic versatile jerky desultory quirky stayless polymorphous many-sided multiform faddish ungovernable haphazard chance crotchety highly strung ephemeral transitory frivolous momentary fleeting transient impermanent short-lived full of ups and downs unfixed variational irresolute fluctuant intermittent flickering waffling not constant spasmodic sporadic patchy turbulent occasional unequal unsystematic spotty episodic scattershot oscillating discontinuous episodical moving flexible unmethodical untrustworthy iffy dynamic faithless alterable fragmentary adaptable choppy casual aperiodic floating disconnected spastic indefinite swaying rambling everchanging hit-or-miss reckless adjustable eccentric aimless nonuniform untrue disreputable indiscriminate catchy restless dubious shifty entropic wandering roving doubtful indecisive on-and-off periodic fractal alternating deviating not conscientious non-linear on and off off and on fluky always changing tempestuous broken varied evolving disturbed inexact chancy disrupted progressive ever-shifting irrational unequable contradictory adaptive explosive knife-edge slippery altering meandering directionless unsteadfast interrupted ambiguous unsound suspect weaving subject to change likely to change developing growing dicey undirected incalculable nomadic paradoxical incompatible contrary conflicting self-contradictory ever-moving discordant incongruous irreconcilable incoherent not fixed vicissitudinous discrepant herky-jerky transitional variant irresponsible vagrant revocable commutative transformable agitated reversible warring lubricious illogical dissonant incongruent in a state of change periodical cyclical on-again-off-again at odds freelance outsourced seasonal outside in conflict at variance out of step incidental chaotic loose sketchy on again and off again part-time in fits and starts catch-as-catch-can stray unthinking slapdash scattered offhand unfocused orderless amenable accommodating easy open compromising obliging helter-skelter without purpose forgiving modifiable multipurpose discretionary open-ended open to change rolling with punches hesitant dithering tentative shaky infrequent designless teetering undecided ambivalent unresolved unsure unpunctual unconsidered purposeless faltering undetermined divided off-and-on dilly-dallying vacillant shillyshallying shilly-shallying non-periodic hesitating equivocal in two minds of two minds

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Departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behaviour
deviant abnormal aberrant atypical untypical anomalous irregular perverse divergent perverted twisted bent deviating deviate devious digressive kinky nonconformist non-standard non-typical rogue transgressing unusual warped bizarre curious eccentric freak freakish odd peculiar sick strange uncommon unorthodox unrepresentative aberrational distorted exceptional idiosyncratic singular unnatural freaky pervy quirky sicko different heretical heteroclite nonstandard off-key preternatural queer unexpected variant varying wandering weird out of the ordinary extraordinary surprising funny unconventional monstrous oddball wacky erratic fantastic wacko malformed screwy outré way out out of the way outlandish off-centre offbeat whimsical surreal eerie grotesque fanciful humorous unpredictable arbitrary fishy unco creepy phenomenal isolated unique remarkable uncustomary capricious vagarious rum spooky fitful teratoid bizarro changeable especial rare unhealthy unwonted unfamiliar far-out crazy outre wild exceeding aberrated heterodox extraordinaire corrupt anomalistic unnormal heteromorphic uncharacteristic out there left-field off the wall off-the-wall off-base off-color out of line out of the common not normal quaint kooky way-out out-of-the-way kookie weirdo funky whacky cranky queerish off-kilter spaced-out zany uncanny far out puzzling mystifying mysterious unaccustomed original baffling incongruous droll exotic unaccountable absurd perplexing novel unheard of flaky flakey out in left field ridiculous preposterous daggy unparalleled unreal foreign unprecedented individual inexplicable astonishing suspicious off-center avant-garde dubious nutty alternative inconceivable amazing unthinkable alien special ludicrous unheard-of quizzical fresh incredible questionable outrageous characteristic unknown jarring in left field laughable deformed madcap misshapen something else fantastical extravagant insane incomprehensible dotty wonderful marvellous scarce distinctive cockeyed incomparable prodigious nonconforming marvelous individualistic silly unimaginable distinct bohemian imaginative nonsensical radical esoteric supernatural unbelievable extreme bewildering foolish particular contrary innovative mad Bohemian groundbreaking hideous comical new ugly infrequent creative unforeseen unconforming dilly unexampled unanticipated revolutionary beat eye-popping off the beaten track unsightly miraculous exclusive risible farcical distinguishing unhandsome unbeautiful ill-favored homely unpretty unappealing unattractive unlovely unpleasing vile uncomely loony mutant goofy daft inconsistent chance derisory nuts astounding balmy specialized dreamlike fluky ill-favoured romantic shocking amusing batty progressive hippy inscrutable quixotic hare-brained unmatched unequalled unrivalled rummy unlike disparate newsworthy boho arcane fabulous suspect outstanding cockamamie flighty chimerical crackpot unrivaled irrational old-fashioned staggering befuddling slang specific matchless unexcelled striking unequaled experimental sensational seldom unhinged demented mental unbalanced psycho far-fetched obscure record peerless conspicuous momentous pioneering specialised flustering overwhelming dumfounding portentous signal newfangled startling noteworthy stupefying awful stunning confounding unordinary mind-blowing eye-opening off the air first-time without equal ground-breaking without parallel mind-boggling unannounced jolting few and far between in a league of its own beyond compare thin on the ground sui generis one of a kind intriguing wigged out schizoid schizo mischievous playful out-there advanced waggish distinguished not tightly wrapped rambling straying crooked eccentrical custom customized signature personalized typical maverick informal pathetic cockamamy derisive excentrical defective unrecognized notable essential private representative untraditional derisible pretend concocted labored laboured ersatz paranormal made-up make-believe imitation staged doubtful sporadic out of keeping nondescript egregious few unexplainable shady unrecognised unceremonious personal kookish dubitable disputable disquieting debatable shaky doubtable equivocal dodgy avant garde problematical problematic ornate elaborate intricate like nothing on earth crotchety touched inimitable off-beat off the rails bugged out out of the box anarchistic errant other interesting discordant unharmonious limited unfathomable rad deep hippie ultramodern contemporary groovy mod modern modernistic cool occasional rococo baroque Kafkaesque impenetrable insoluble unsolvable dicey random chancy uncertain witty untried funny peculiar misproportioned glamourous glamorous diagnostic discriminating identifying one and only diagnostical classic symptomatic horrible personalised customised mangled mutilated gnarled inexplainable enigmatic abstruse beyond comprehension beyond understanding all your own wondrous gruesome wildering awesome stupendous providential sublime magical horrendous dreadful mystic unknowable unintelligible altered modified transformed transmuted changed fortuitous unforeseeable surprise unlikely disconcerting out of this world superhuman ghastly fugly huckery expressive spectacular heavy supermundane the utmost superior wonderworking numinous supranatural flabbergasting blindsiding bonkers mercurial senseless impracticable inane repellent revolting horrific disgusting grisly terrible repulsive horrifying obscene horrid nightmarish confusing cuckoo loopy barmy clownish comic wackadoodle infantile imbecilic unreasonable crazy-ass implausible pointless idiotic illogical wackadoo cock-eyed devastating dumbfounding flamboyant antic grody surrealistic gross potty unworkable harebrained imprudent fatuous puerile foolhardy hellish fearsome terrifying frightful frightening miscreated shapeless unsettling unnerving dramatic brainsick screwball looney deranged crackers crazed lunatic loco maniac wud maniacal unsound bedlam scatty meshugge bughouse crackbrained psychotic dippy fruity haywire cracked bats gaga moonstruck whacko daffy meshuga certifiable dreamy muddling discomfiting nonplussing shattering nonplusing dismaying upsetting gonzo fiendish inspired artistic mythical inventive poetic fancy originative hard to swallow awe-inspiring beyond belief jaw-dropping irresponsible looney tunes loony tunes artful brilliant fertile ingenious illusory genius imaginary keen non compos mentis short-sighted ill-conceived beyond all reason bird-brained half-baked out of all reason inappropriate innovational chimeric visionary vivid phantasmal phantasmic astute barbarous acting crazy awkward head in the clouds out of touch with reality blue-sky Promethean all-time

Tính từ

Depraved, perverted or extremely wrong in a moral sense
depraved corrupt perverted degenerate degraded debased debauched dissolute immoral vicious vile abandoned lewd profligate sinful wicked evil lascivious licentious unchaste corrupted deviant hedonic impure pervy shameless wanton libidinous sleazy unprincipled warped concupiscent dirty fast indecent intemperate lecherous libertine lustful obscene promiscuous prurient reprobate riotous sick sordid unrestrained vitiated base brutal criminal decadent defiled demoralised demoralized dissipated flagitous indulgent iniquitous jackleg loose louche nefarious perverse raffish rakehell rakehelly rakish twisted unclean unwholesome wild bad filthy kinky low mean miscreant sicko swinging sybaritic unconstrained unhealthy unnatural villainous voluptuary deteriorated drunken easy open rotten violated dirty-minded fast-living fast and loose high living in the fast lane pleasure-seeking self-indulgent in the gutter lacking restraint gone bad gone to the dogs night owl abnormal aberrant distorted amoral wrong deviate light sadistic contorted impaired grotesque tainted vitiate monstrous misguided salacious immodest lubricious unblushing unvirtuous porny foul goatish raunchy trashy bawdy pornographic whorish hot crude profane itchy hypersexual satyric gutter stag blue randy lubricous coarse nasty gross horny passionate smutty ribald vulgar unprintable impious disreputable of easy virtue locker-room X-rated unscrupulous improper rude sensual carnal naughty suggestive offensive erotic indelicate adult racy off colour risqué raw scatological scatologic sexy spicy off-color lickerish earthy saucy porno scurrilous steamy indecorous near the knuckle gamy incontinent disgusting voluptuous dishonourable fruity porn unseemly foul-mouthed dishonorable titillating explicit sexual Rabelaisian inappropriate uninhibited hard-core fleshly rough nudge-nudge tasteless blasphemous crass scabrous salty amorous scandalous unethical unsavory dishonest uncontrolled unsavoury desirous crooked immoderate unconscionable hedonistic uncouth ignoble off unrighteous profaned gamey cheap off-colored aroused desecrated fallen shady near the bone broad venereal unrefined taboo ardent unbridled devious wrongful abusive unlawful colourful unruly ungodly shocking rank ruttish animal uncleanly colorful bent dark lax bacchanalian in bad taste orgiastic bodily saturnalian hot-blooded low-down luxurious bestial epicurean lusty sensuous arousing repugnant deceitful soft-core incorrigible distasteful lowbrow barnyard not pure shameful stimulated unfair despicable disorderly questionable sly infamous morally wrong malicious amatory wolfish out of control close to the bone toey hircine excited Dionysiac roundheeled unrestricted physical reckless lotus-eating loving provocative underhand juicy sizzling corporeal impolite slack pleasure-loving flagitious grubby sultry luscious lush roguish boorish illicit hot to trot mature reprehensible unholy loathsome noisome sickening venal heinous cutthroat Machiavellian flirtatious tacky extravagant unworthy careless vice-ridden mucky Fescennine evil-minded bad-mannered Cyprian skin imprudent hideous atrocious horrible exploitative off-colour gruesome romantic turned-on felonious low-down-and-dirty irresponsible repulsive unjust conscienceless two-faced dastardly delinquent lawless objectionable turned on odious rascally scoundrelly lowbred inelegant dodgy roughneck rugged slippery contemptible not cricket page-three harsh sullied freethinking revealing uncontrollable sex-hungry aphrodisiac hot and heavy aphrodisiacal hardened uncurbed hankering craving corrupting itching daring dubious prodigal risque contaminated fleshy material somatic corporal heedless illegal sexually explicit profanatory obnoxious unmoral relaxed Dionysian lurid indiscreet outrageous irreligious unprofessional overindulgent inconstant sooty heavy sensualist scurvy unregenerate unconventional uncivil libellous libelous purple tactless degenerated frenetic uncultured uncultivated ithyphallic unbecoming rogue devilish genital abased decaying moribund lost declining tarty slaggy knavish excessive animalistic unchecked rampant runaway grody blunt ignorant awkward unsophisticated undecorous ridiculous malodorous foulmouthed ill-bred gluttonous gourmandizing untrustworthy grimy blameworthy lawbreaking indictable dishonoured riggish Bacchic tricky retrogressive demeaned retrograde sinking flatitious failing beyond the pale incult insensible unpolished common illiberal sexually suggestive unhampered impulsive impetuous unhindered unbounded low-down and dirty out of line baneful deleterious dishonored red-blooded torrid warm-blooded philandering outlandish sneaking discourteous fractious in poor taste no better than one should be rough-hewn low-minded culpable under-the-table condemnable dirty-dealing double-dealing mercentary praetorian cheating stop-at-nothing double-crossing two-timing bacchic uproarious Saturnalian binge-eating greedy red-hot against the law ignominious treacherous warm wistful scorching fraudulent blamable sacrilegious censurable appalling abhorrent undesirable discreditable gourmand connoisseur foodie enticing hedonist appealing attractive delightful desirable pleasing wretched deplorable abominable detestable black hellbent audacious brash carefree coital impassioned titillated frisky avid obsessive enthusiastic perfidious disgraceful mercenary faithless graceless foxy inflamed fast-paced gone to seed desiring squirrelly venereous bribable intimate self-gratifying exciting temerarious devil-may-care daredevil gadabout frivolous foolhardy beyond contempt sexually aroused in heat hard up hot and bothered sexed up on fire toey as a Roman sandal cruel ruthless sinister merciless of the flesh pitiless unfeeling rancorous unkind inhumane disparaging callous forbidding errant hard-hearted mean-spirited bloodthirsty heartless wrathful malevolent demonic crafty scrofulous unpleasant black-hearted self-seeking vengeful contemptuous grisly pernicious hateful cold-blooded savage tyrannical barbarous squalid underhanded scornful shifty maleficent brutish despiteful unconscientious inhuman scheming virulent inexorable vindictive disdainful spiteful vulgarian farmyard lowdown and dirty

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(of a person) Not faithful and dependable
inconstant false unfaithful faithless fickle perfidious recreant traitorous treacherous undependable untrustworthy disloyal unreliable untrue deceitful cheating false-hearted two-timing chameleon-like two-faced Janus-faced double-crossing double-dealing duplicitous adulterous dishonest apostate deceiving back-stabbing treasonable renegade deceptive unloyal sneaking double-faced flighty treasonous subversive seditious shifty slick betraying Punic sneaky untruthful devious insincere tricky falsehearted lying forsworn shady unstable changeable unchaste adulterine low moonlighting base insidious misleading wormlike unpatriotic hollow-hearted fly-by-night snake in the grass philanderous truthless undutiful dissident snaky defecting arrant irresolute philandering backstabbing backstabby coquettish lubricious skulking vile extramarital not true to rebellious mutinous illicit breakaway adulterate extracurricular underhand clandestine immoral speedy improper fornicating doubting unlawful cunning evasive hypocritical crafty unbelieving mendacious dishonourable fast and loose unsound capricious unconverted sceptical fluctuating changeful skeptical dubious wavering defrauding fraudulent unscrupulous crooked sly unpredictable underhanded dishonorable corrupt delusive artful foxy wily foul mythomaniac malevolent scoundrelly rascally perjured venal malicious wicked mean villainous guileful scheming contriving furtive dodgy iffy stealthy fugitive snide elusive shonky uncertain mutable unsafe unsteady insecure cagey hard to pin down slippery variable unprincipled designing bent subtle disingenuous sharp unethical conniving Machiavellian shrewd disreputable calculating dirty unfair dissembling knavish rogue slim shameful roguish criminal fast counterfeit nefarious beguiling astute illegal low-down cagy cute phoney rotten phony swindling ignominious pretended wrong indirect fake despicable reprehensible unjust ignoble disgraceful evil plotting shabby amoral intriguing artificial unctuous detestable questionable iniquitous feigned backhanded scandalous contemptible unsporting smooth sordid unsportsmanlike surreptitious vicious sinful discreditable infamous heinous snidey sham clever oblique smart irresponsible canny bad manipulative wretched below the belt secret scurvy dissimulating execrable not to be trusted mealymouthed mealy not cricket jive double malfeasant Pecksniffian lip not dependable nasty inequitable unworthy trustless phoney-baloney phony-baloney fishy left-handed secretive insubordinate odious cowardly abominable dark abject depraved revolutionary conspiratorial beastly equivocating unrighteous abhorrent degenerate flagitious fly sinister spurious bluffing cynical paltry currish dastardly ingenious dangerous delusory low-minded off rebel untrusty fair-weather inflammatory shoddy not to be depended on conspiring hoodwinking perjurious backsliding sorry astucious insurrectionary appalling dissolute monstrous cheap uncharitable erring rabble-rousing perverted lamentable disgusting unholy impure atrocious covert notorious ungodly unsavory opprobrious perverse agitational insurrectionist fiendish diabolical cruel unconscionable dirty-dealing deplorable stinking hollow horrible black mock shocking outrageous illegitimate blackguardly out of order prevaricating misrepresenting fibbing inventing misstating falsifying ambidextrous bribable collusive warped incendiary lawless egregious mercenary captious illusory slimy corruptible grafting buyable offensive unsavoury pretend deep miscreant putrid committing perjury off-color carny suborned heretical colluding suspected suspect disbelieved loathsome bogus exploitative unjustifiable unsatisfactory unacceptable unjustified unreasonable uncalled for stinky ugly unrespectable mean-spirited dicey impish arch mischievous unwarranted unnecessary degrading shaming shameless caballing backbiting deviant shy louche plausible rascal bum seeming serpentine catchy imposturous suspicious dissipated blameworthy debasing observant heedful infernal of bad faith not on out of turn repugnant salty ornery hostile opportunist sub-rosa undercover hush-hush concealed unseemly unprofessional cowboy devilish double dealing undesirable debauched unhonest cutthroat opportunistic perilous ensnaring overdone exaggerated pseudo bamboozling falsified forged against the law imitation expedient vitiated wanton fink left- handed satanic unspeakable dreadful a bit much involved not trustworthy ruthless untrusted scurrilous objectionable back-alley hugger-mugger shrouded cloak-and-dagger hidden veiled hole-and-corner venomous trick flagrant glaring gross skilful skillful nifty put-on not candid lacking sincerity not frank murky backstairs felonious not to be relied upon dexterous dextrous proficient adroit politic resourceful masterly adept pretentious pseud profiteering corrupted over the fence a bit thick commiting perjury swearing falsely lurking slinking virulent vipery flimsy wry greasy intelligent witted streetwise keen beyond contempt errant obliquitous gimmicky extortionate open on the QT under wraps on the quiet opprobious inglorious under the table like a snake in the grass heterodox reactionary untraditional radical outlaw runaway schismatic bearing false witness specious good-for-nothing with tongue in cheek playing politics put on playing games unconvincing invalid insignificant weak gone to the dogs on the take faking one out not straightforward devoid of validity beggarly squalid ungentlemanly provocative unpleasant worthless dual wrongful sleazy grubby unsportsmanly hateful irreligious sacrilegious profane impious blasphemous scummy lame scungy lousy fallen ratty scabby murderous diabolic barbarous godless stirring reprobate ill-gotten sullied undignified tainted unbecoming dissentious arousing contentious controversial peccable against the rules underground caitiff servile degraded obscene inelegant menial aggressive demagogic rousing causing trouble black-hearted undermining disruptive insurgent troublemaking destructive morally wrong overthrowing discrediting harmful corrupting corruptive riotous perversive fallacious destabilising destabilizing ruinous

Tính từ

Showing a lack of respect for God or religion
impious sacrilegious blasphemous irreverent profane godless sinful unholy irreligious ungodly unrighteous wicked iniquitous agnostic apostate atheistic disrespectful faithless heathen immoral non-believing non-theistic pagan bad canting contrary deceitful defiling desecrating desecrative diabolic disbelieving disobedient doubting hardened hypocritical iconoclastic nullifidian perverted pietistical recusant reprobate sanctimonious satanic scandalous unbelieving unctuous undutiful unethical unfaithful unhallowed unregenerate unsanctified not religious unprincipled dishonest villainous unscrupulous shady criminal crooked rascally incorrigible shameless scoundrelly roguish deceiving swindling untrustworthy fraudulent knavish raffish double-dealing cheating malicious evil vile corrupt foul wrong vicious nefarious atrocious abominable heinous wrongful depraved mean fiendish base rotten erring fallen monstrous sullied tainted dark black impure shocking contemptible outrageous reprehensible horrible execrable dissolute detestable odious hateful unlawful diabolical despicable murderous abandoned illicit egregious guilty dangerous worthless barbarous lawless indictable degenerate illegitimate felonious sordid illegal shameful debased dishonourable underhand flagitious devilish warped amoral injurious deleterious damaging prejudicial beastly stinking unsavory baleful dirty baneful bent malfeasant nocuous adverse harmful hurtful pernicious noxious mischievous peccable heartless maleficent indecent ill dastardly detrimental unsavoury dishonorable black-hearted low-down morally wrong bad news not cricket heretical infidel irreverential idolatrous demonic violating vice-ridden debauched improper dissipated decadent intemperate infernal obscene offensive damnable culpable blameful filthy sceptical ignoble barbarian undecorous indecorous indelicate rough malevolent unseemly heathenish unblessed unconsecrated secular religionless nonreligious freethinking undevout skeptical free-thinking unspiritual blameworthy censurable aberrant errant demeritorious low amiss blamable sinning cheeky contemptuous execrative execratory profanatory swearing insulting imprecatory cursing vulgar lewd uncouth abusive graceless crude coarse inappropriate smutty strong

Tính từ

Wandering from place to place, having no settled home
vagabond itinerant wandering roving vagrant nomadic roaming peripatetic wayfaring errant ambulatory nomad ambulant fugitive drifting galavanting gallivanting unsettled ranging perambulatory peregrine travelling migratory migrant homeless transient rambling journeying mobile rootless floating destitute displaced traveling footloose migrating moving shifting perambulant itinerate refugee strolling aimless mendicant sauntering straggling stray down and out down-and-out on the move fly-by-night fancy-free of no fixed abode of no fixed address gypsy touring voyaging restless discursive meandering jet-setting living rough on the wing on the go houseless unhoused sleeping rough on the streets without a roof prodigal globetrotting erratic temporary changing tramp casual migratorial seasonal immigrating immigrant migrative emigrating impermanent derelict migrational transmigratory adrift moving around passing over without a roof over one's head passing through vagarious idle shiftless pastoral walking hiking ambling constantly traveling desultory digressive arrant sweeping spanning extensive widespread traversing covering Gypsy rubbernecking globe-trotting gadabout Romany afoot disenfranchised freewheeling jaunting winding trekking landloping devious deviating planetary straying on foot riding the rails without family ties without a settled home exiled dispossessed abandoned dossing outcast poor unwelcome estranged disinherited friendless forsaken desolate deported uncared-for banished forlorn driving flying maundering digressionary digressional leaping kinetic advancing motile verbose excursive progressing in motion locomotive cruising commuting riding tzigane didicoi rangy expatriate on tour excursioning active translocating relocating unstationary bustling having itchy feet movable episodic diffusive indirect going unfixed running diffuse roundabout prolix long-winded circuitous lengthy periphrastic long wordy circumlocutory loose pleonastic waffly ambagious logorrhoeic broad spreading free musing conversational informal

Tính từ

Shaking or swaying as if about to collapse
tottering quivering quaking shaking trembling doddering rocking shuddering staggering swaying teetering trembly tremulous unsteady aquiver atremble shaky shuddery tottery unbalanced unstable wabbling wabbly wobbling wobbly quavery quivery rickety shifting teetery wavering wiggly fitful lurching rocky unsafe insecure precarious unreliable unfastened feeble movable unsecured unsound not secure nonsecured weak flimsy frail wonky doddery vacillating ramshackle decrepit shivering fragile vibrating jerry-built dodgy reeling bockety quavering infirm rattletrap tricky vulnerable slippery fluctuant unsure insubstantial shambling dilapidated palpitating jittery shuffling perilous spindly broken-down dizzy ticklish hazardous unwell wavy tumbledown floundering weaving disintegrating loose unsettled broken decaying crumbling moving mobile exposed nervous delicate rumpty defenseless not fixed rootless defenceless dangerous shivery uncertain faltering tentative stumbling rolling fluctuating groggy woozy twinkling guttering failing sick inconstant sickly ill doubtful awry unguarded unprotected derelict flickering titubant jellylike ashake yielding unfirm tremorous aquake uneven parlous juddering on its last legs iffy jumpy fluttering defective shifty suspect imperfect ruinous rotten damaged not set all aquiver breakable giddy lubricious risky rachitic geriatric tumble-down shacky shambly aflutter not stable not robust not solid in poor condition not safe floating frangible excited aspen tremulant cowardly touch and go unsubstantial not fixed in place slack slackened lax relaxed loosened wispy sensitive brittle tender wiggling falling to pieces all of a tremble easily broken slight endangered immature easily damaged at risk

Từ trái nghĩa của wayward

wayward Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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