Đồng nghĩa của tough

Alternative for tough

toughs, tougher, toughest

Đồng nghĩa: complicated, difficult, durable, firm, hard, hardy, obscure, strong, sturdy, unclear, vague,

Trái nghĩa: tender,

Tính từ

Demonstrating a strict and uncompromising approach
hard severe stern strict firm adamant harsh inflexible ruthless unbending unyielding flinty hard-hitting merciless uncompromising callous drastic rigid rigorous unsentimental unsympathetic austere authoritarian cold cool draconian exacting fierce stringent unforgiving ferocious intractable resolute rough uncaring desperate headstrong immutable pugnacious ramrod refractory stony hard-bitten hardheaded hard-hearted hard-line hard-nosed heavy-handed stony-hearted two-fisted hard-shelled hard-boiled unfeeling cruel insensitive heartless uncharitable pitiless obdurate unsparing inhuman cold-blooded unmerciful brutal hardened compassionless remorseless affectless stonyhearted ironhearted desensitized thick-skinned take-no-prisoners soulless case-hardened oppressive inhumane indurate hardhearted desensitised pachydermatous insensate stoney slash-and-burn grim unemotional relentless unkind cold-hearted unresponsive indifferent stiff unpitying tyrannical unconcerned uncompassionate implacable apathetic unrelenting unmoved inexorable mean unfriendly aloof icy with a heart of stone frigid demanding unsusceptible lacking compassion nasty cynical onerous toughened repellent no-nonsense rugged solid impassive coldhearted hostile murderous hard as nails frosty chilly extreme domineering despotic steely forceful excessive serious grave forbidding hardhanded disinterested savage heavy obtuse tactless untouched trying excruciating bitter burdensome searing grievous bloodless marble-hearted astringent as hard as nails unwelcoming feelingless halfhearted lukewarm aversive repugnant punitive formidable indurated impervious dour dire brassbound repressive inconsiderate solemn iron-fisted thoughtless gruff autocratic imperious obstinate unsmiling browbeating cast-iron unaffected sadistic crass unimpressionable imperceptive incurious antipathetic uncongenial unstirred unpleasant unapproachable abusive casehardened disagreeable off-putting abhorrent intense uncommiserating Draconian strong punishing radical hard-headed world-weary challenging formal stolid swingeing armour-plated invulnerable complicated insensible inclement bullying punitory lacking sentiment hard-edged reserved summary torpid stubborn insentient spiritless careless impenitent inured hard to please stuffy benumbed hard-as-nails seasoned toughened by experience ironfisted impassible insusceptible distant awkward difficult suppressive exorbitant arbitrary louring illiberal spartan overbearing remote lowering intimidating high-handed blind to deaf to avaricious unregenerate greedy unrepenting bloody sanguinary intolerant indefatigable vindictive uncontrite sour barbarous sombre earnest ungentle somber intransigent ironhanded anesthetized cold fish unamiable churlish sensationless crotchety emotionless surly anaesthetized deadened cantankerous unempathetic uncordial inattentive unsensitive oblivious as tough as old boots mean-looking unpermissive with a hide like an elephant inept undiplomatic bungling steadfast very severe inured to overstrict OTT coercive single-minded dogged hard-core determined unflinching pressing humourless sober sedate humorless staid sobersided over the top by the book resolved absolute dyed-in-the-wool mulish stiff-necked ascetic ascetical disciplinary immovable bullheaded weighty uncomic disciplinarian ossified po-faced blank expressionless deadpan fixed adamantine Rhadamanthine poker-faced

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Difficult and requiring determination or effort
hard difficult heavy arduous strenuous burdensome demanding laborious exacting exhausting troublesome excruciating formidable severe stiff taxing toilsome uphill brutal challenging rigorous rough backbreaking exigent fatiguing grueling gruelling punishing testing tiring trying wearying daunting effortful hellacious herculean Herculean killer oppressive stressful sweaty tall Augean laboured labored mean moiling weighty wicked pick-and-shovel no piece of cake onerous murderous rugged back-breaking harsh wearisome wearing crushing killing draining sapping grinding knackering grievous hellish fierce crippling stringent debilitating tiresome tedious enervating irksome grim operose harrowing bothersome cruel painful torturous unsparing relentless vigorous ambitious toilful bruising persnickety energy-consuming extreme intense tortuous bitter worrying enervative tricky agonizing terrible unremitting vexatious ponderous agonising traumatic serious no picnic colossal distressing hardhanded inhuman searing hairy strict unpleasant thorny unbearable depleting intolerable painstaking violent really hard mighty frustrating pressured tough going fraught dreadful hectic forceful nerve-racking ferocious forbidding vexing worrisome frightful exasperating gargantuan excessive almighty awful galling disturbing intimidating sticky shattering very hard immoderate strong unrelenting unforgiving upsetting ghastly steep weary monumental impressive drastic acute hefty gigantic imperious furious titanic rowdy extravagant problematic upstream cumbersome energetic unyielding impossible murder staggering uncomfortable bad intensive vicious awkward jarring major slavish superincumbent distressful Sisyphean difficile heavy-duty wild exorbitant unreasonable tense lively prostrating austere rotten bold atrocious horrible anxious raucous boring grandiose profound deep turbulent appalling daring lousy inconvenient exquisite aggressive punitive nasty drudging explosive vehement fearsome blistering keen fearful agitating tumultuous riotous lofty savage aggravating immense merciless great protracted worksome inexorable critical busy prohibitive strained wretched undue pestilent backbreaker full pressing sharp grave solemn nagging powerful intractable durable a stinker of a large-scale high-pressure troubling discomforting forcible anxiety-ridden hazardous dangerous heavyweight ugly long-lasting huge searching massive stretching unfair prodigious physical hostile rumbustious thoroughgoing unrelaxing withering heart-pumping heroic courageous spartan overwhelming dour despotic domineering overburdening knotty lengthy hardworking embittering dogged unjust mammoth boisterous large order heavy sledding slow very difficult careful hypercritical thorough precise nit-picking racking a nuisance industrial-strength chastening gruff exerting an imposition carking by the book insufferable shocking inharmonious knockabout ominous audacious annoying foul horrid vile hard-won not easy time-consuming irritating inordinate tight execrable dicey easier said than done high-impact torturesome drudgy unnerving tormenting scabrous uphill battle unendurable marathon problem like getting blood out of a stone rough-and-tumble horrendous abominable disagreeable unconscionable swingeing overweening towering unmerciful draconian dismal unsettled considerable disastrous significant life-threatening unrealistic industrious punk hardheaded pitiless overextravagant overmuch headstrong overdue insane plethoric baroque devilish perturbing consequential rubbish improbable ballsy brash idealistic unfeasible grand elaborate intrepid dark niggling maddening infuriating grotty fanciful unreal robust frantic chaotic sobering big dire perilous threatening peracute menacing bleak precarious pretentious visionary plaguy pestiferous concerning pestilential harassing unlikely active eventful frenzied frenetic sucky depressing beastly magnificent unsettling pesky disquieting discomposing troublous far-fetched importunate troubled difficult to achieve from hell restless undisciplined infestive ungovernable alarming damaging repressive messy disorderly coercive strong-arm forced bullying flustering animated madhouse tireless bustling full of problems beset by problems concentrated full on unruly spirited action-packed bumpy a bummer of a enormous extraordinary exceptional supreme high potent consuming close heightened intensified unqualified marked penetrating piercing diligent all-consuming biting exaggerated cutting stinging mother of all vivid pungent shrill

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Able to endure hardship or pain
strong resilient resolute determined dogged aggressive gritty hardy robust rugged stalwart hardened unyielding feisty fit hard obdurate obstinate powerful stubborn cynical doughty hard-bitten red-blooded self-assertive two-fisted hard as nails self-confident hard-nosed high-powered tough as old boots as tough as old boots tenacious fanatical steadfast firm passionate fierce dedicated enthusiastic driven ardent spirited iron-willed zealous uncompromising intense keen staunch unflinching earnest eager forceful vehement unbending persistent sagacious sure loyal active avid plucky unwavering gutsy strong-willed irrepressible assertive faithful firm in spirit decisive strong-minded brave ironclad single-minded heroic untiring animated resourceful keen as mustard indomitable independent confident purposeful courageous unhesitating perceptive resolved take charge tough-minded mean unfaltering certain pushy stout-hearted ambitious enterprising hungry competitive committed indefatigable motivated bold unremitting unflagging unshakeable diligent ruthless assiduous aspiring relentless dynamic thirsty desirous tireless intent sedulous rigid energetic sustained undeviating rigorous vigorous ferocious steady pertinacious cutthroat militant inspired unrelenting unabated industrious pioneering stringent assured progressive bloodthirsty eager beaver having killer instinct power-loving go for broke gladiatorial self-driven gung ho hang-tough self-possessed self-asserting go-getting self-willed bound and determined scrappy get up and go high-reaching defiant warlike in-your-face cut-throat self-seeking self-starting goal-oriented self-assured full-blooded intensely competitive dog-eat-dog hard-driving stop at nothing power-hungry can-do brutal bullheaded high-pressure fiercely competitive

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Requiring exceptional nous or caution in performance or handling
difficult knotty thorny baffling hard prickly puzzling ticklish tricky perplexing sensitive catchy delicate intricate problematic sticky touchy bothersome hairy intractable irksome mystifying nasty problematical troublesome dodgy spiny tricksy awkward complicated complex involved precarious taxing controversial trying convoluted uncertain worrying vexatious concerning chancy critical upsetting risky dangerous unpleasant vexed embarrassing dicey hazardous perilous touch-and-go iffy rough fiddly nettlesome uncomfortable gnarly tight bleak dire onerous grim challenging forbidding grievous arduous awful dark disagreeable distressing punishing worrisome unfriendly suspect questionable spartan hostile dubious bitter disturbing briery pointed formidable unpredictable contentious unstable volatile rocky sophisticated profound paradoxical uneasy subtle annoying stimulating echinated unsafe high-risk provocative penetrating searching unchancy heated loaded nice emotive divisive scandalous unsteady painful parlous quirky undependable like herding cats capricious fickle temperamental inconstant mercurial variable changeable barro discomforting harassing hair-trigger heavy laborious operose rugged strenuous unsound fraught with danger treacherous unhealthy scary jeopardous wicked severe barbed bristly briary brambly thistly spicular spinous sharp spiculate spiked spiky pronged bristled aculeate spiniferous scratchy jaggy muricate pointy barbellate setaceous spinose insecure threatening serious shaky menacing grave unsure venturesome vulnerable unsettled exposed speculative jeopardizing unreliable jeopardising on thin ice touch and go in the balance desperate unknown undetermined debatable unresolved hanging by a thread doubtful dynamite erratic slippery open to question alarming up in the air playing with fire pending terrifying shonky in limbo incalculable hot dangersome in danger untrustworthy at risk in jeopardy Russian roulette compromising humiliating undecided in doubt deadly death-defying cringeworthy breakneck viperous fatal adventurous venturous cringey malignant cringe-making harmful wobbly life-threatening unforeseeable ugly defenceless defenseless up for grabs out on a limb reckless daredevil unclear fluctuant vague unfinished tentative extreme cliffhanging suspenseful ominous endangered lethal haphazard dreadful disputed long shot on slippery ground wide-open to be won or lost in no man's land debated contested eventful threatened injurious destructive toxic disconcerting moot flustering unprotected discomfiting acute unconcluded explosive fearsome tottering rickety very bad demeaning degrading ongoing in contention at issue in dispute inconvenient embarrassed open to attack on a limb lively untimely discountenancing discomposing open to debate hot-button excruciating incommodious exasperating shameful peracute open to doubt fractious toe-curling egregious life-and-death yet to be decided much debated unconfirmed unfathomable insoluble bewildering unanswerable elaborate incomprehensible insolvable confusing tangled enigmatic confounding mind-bending undecipherable indeterminate undefined hanging in the balance on a slippery slope built on sand conjectural sketchy indistinct bad impregnable serpentine mortal portentous pressing queasy urgent terrible impending on collision course

Tính từ

Not favored by fortune
hard bad poor unfortunate unfavorable unfavourable cursed inopportune jinxed hopeless regrettable unlucky wretched distressing ill-timed unpleasant too bad inauspicious untimely untoward adverse disastrous disadvantageous unpropitious inconvenient inexpedient inappropriate improper challenging awkward difficult disagreeable prohibitive unsuitable unbecoming uncomplimentary testing unseemly trying unseasonable ill-chosen bothersome troublesome unfit cataclysmic lamentable calamitous deplorable ruinous unwelcome injurious grievous unadvantageous catastrophic tragic hostile harmful cataclysmal fatal detrimental heartbreaking unpromising woeful tragical miserable devastating distressful heartrending dire inimical damning destructive awful deadly dreadful terrible infelicitous catastrophal black fateful shattering damaging frightful crippling ill-fated ominous negative threatening gloomy prejudicial counter unfriendly ill menacing foreboding direful discouraging unhappy unsuited unsympathetic objectionable inapt inhospitable disparaging contrary sinister ill-suited deleterious baleful minatory portentous doomy bodeful evil bleak forbidding inconducive adversarial ill-boding harsh antagonistic adversary critical discommodious malapropos wrong opposed disavowing unflattering disapproving opposing inadvisable ill-advised low antipathetic jaundiced very bad naysaying ill-disposed disturbing unhealthy minacious unwholesome undesirable annulling nullifying counteractive neutralizing invalidating grim perilous dangerous worrying nasty hurtful ill-omened neutralising pejorative debit-side dyslogistic depreciative slighting depreciatory derogatory unprofitable detracting downside unhelpful disheartening ill-starred sinistrous baneful unchancy impending on the debit side

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Stubbornly, and perhaps unreasonably, holding to an opinion, decision or purpose
uncompromising inflexible unyielding unbending obstinate obdurate firm stubborn dogged intransigent adamant rigid implacable unrelenting hard determined immovable pertinacious resolute steadfast wilful headstrong perverse mulish unwavering willful relentless tenacious strict opinionated hardened intractable inexorable pigheaded adamantine bullheaded hardheaded unshakeable ossified inconvincible pat indurate stiff unsparing unmalleable diehard strong unpersuadable hardline decided rugged categorical stiff-necked hard-nosed single-minded self-willed hard-line self-opinionated iron-willed bull-headed hard-core bloody-minded die-hard hard and fast brick-wall not giving an inch fixed rigorous harsh exacting stern stringent severe refractory persistent unshakable brassbound incompliant unflinching recalcitrant balky set persevering uncooperative grim cantankerous contumacious staunch cussed strong-willed indefatigable iron remorseless undeviating unadaptable picky locked in cast-iron indomitable unswerving set in one's ways stalwart ruthless steely extreme unflagging bound unbendable unreasonable unmanageable strong-minded ornery draconian rebellious uncompliant insubordinate dead set on untoward merciless set in stone unappeasable pitiless unpermissive iron-fisted unmovable meticulous rock-ribbed contrary awkward unaccommodating authoritarian immoderate cruel restive definite demanding mule invariable puritanical invincible tight fussy scrupulous froward solid fastidious unconquerable choosy unforgiving unswayable careful tireless finicky sedulous assiduous unfaltering no-nonsense discriminating heavy-handed insistent exact painstaking unstoppable dead set particular ironclad forceful unchangeable unsurpassable invulnerable hard-boiled punctilious choosey lionhearted rough persnickety unsentimental hard-headed hanging tough sticklerish bound and determined doughty undefeatable spirited tough nut to crack nit-picky tough-minded nit-picking stout-hearted inveterate unbudgeable bolshie narrow-minded militant ungiving fanatical radical cross-grained stiffened renitent energetic difficult systematic immalleable durable stand pat stubborn as a mule stony noncompliant unmollifiable unplacatable inescapable iron-handed unpacifiable pig-headed unimpressible crisp dogmatic unflexible doctrinaire wayward unruly unrepentant hardhearted bullhead uncompassionate unemotional impertinent mean dour oppressive non-compliant patient feisty wild ineluctable unabated mortal pounding purposeful cold fish proof against persuasion dug in standing pat forbidding disciplinary illiberal disobedient ungovernable incurable uncontrollable fractious undismayed dauntless immutable austere necessary immobile compulsory uptight irreversible concrete unalterable do or die hold the line hard as nails hold one's ground hold the fort standing one's ground undisciplined resilient realistic gutsy obstreperous sure diligent untiring unchanging static ramrod unvarying defiant rebel recusant unmoving changeless sticking to one's guns importunate cohesive mean business coherent no going back hell bent on possessive persisting sturdy spunky true stout unforgetful insoluble thorny unpliable locked knotty problematic indocile binding stuffy hard-and-fast like death and taxes tough and shrewd hard-bitten drawing dyed-in-the-wool compelling poignant convincing valid powerful acrimonious confining meaning business writ in stone strait-laced cut-and-dried decided upon unbeatable hang tough tough nut critical finical pernickety selective impregnable by the book by the numbers dainty nice fearless insuperable valiant untameable brave plucky intrepid bulletproof heroic insurmountable unassailable faddish delicate finicking choicy overnice gritty mettlesome courageous impassable old-maidish over-fastidious fussbudget faddy fussbudgety hard to please over-particular methodical conscientious prim mathematical priggish precise prissy scientific

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Consisting of matter all through
solid firm hard rigid stiff robust stout sturdy adamantine hardened impermeable massed unmalleable unyielding fixed husky solidified steely taut blocked immutable inflexible sealed concentrated resolute rugged strong unrelenting compact consolidated dimensional rigorous unchangeable close compacted impliable rocklike unwavering concrete congealed impervious thick dense frozen stiffened impenetrable jellied set uncompromising brick wall non-flexible rock-hard rock-solid like a rock set in stone really hard very hard hard-bitten compressed vigorous inelastic shrewd stony heavy hard-boiled iron unsentimental unbreakable condensed close-grained astute adamant hard-nosed cynical rocky case-hardened sharp-witted sharp jelled toughened substantial nonporous inured indurate hardy indurated cast-iron unpliable hearty hard-edged forceful renitent lusty smart resistant experienced stubborn realistic practical down-to-earth matter-of-fact hard-headed sensible hard as nails rational cool businesslike callous level-headed no-nonsense refractory fine-grained gelled walkable unbending jellified obdurate tight immalleable unmoving durable granite incompressible rock-like flinty indestructible as hard as stone as hard as iron bulletproof emphatic steadfast staunch determined steel tenacious assertive aggressive unfaltering purposeful rock hard savvy knowing canny clear-sighted clear-eyed heady zealous bold on the ball quick-witted steady pragmatic accustomed habituated street smart street-smart hardheaded stand pat locked in sober intractable logical tough nut hang tough cool-headed clear-thinking desensitized deadened seasoned world-weary hard-handed packed coarsened used acclimatized with both feet on the ground lacking sentiment streetwise as hard as nails as tough as old boots toughened by experience desensitised unfeeling heartless uncaring irreverent benumbed inaccessible hardhearted prepared coldhearted contemptuous cruel acclimatised steeled hard-as-nails unrepenting disdainful impious unsubmissive unashamed obtuse uncompassionate unemotional

Tính từ

(of a person) Being strong and healthy
robust strong fit healthy powerful hearty sturdy hale hardy rugged strapping husky muscular brawny sinewy sound athletic stout burly solid energetic beefy buff hefty hunky jacked powerhouse rude stalwart vigorous aerobicized bouncing dynamic firm flush iron lusty peppy stark staunch thewy thickset vital wholesome flourishing forceful gingery roaring rough thriving hale and hearty in good health in good shape in trim powerfully built solidly built well-built well-conditioned fighting fit in good trim able-bodied as fit as a fiddle bursting with health in fine fettle in rude health red-blooded alive and kicking as fit as a flea as strong as a horse as strong as a ox fit as a fiddle in the pink well built shredded ripped virile substantial mighty manly Herculean muscly well active potent durable in good condition resilient stable masculine well made lively resolute in tip-top condition tenacious inured hardened toughened fine whole resistant blooming strongly made male spirited hulking fresh trim manful reliable able big full of life capable hard-wearing meaty physically fit indefatigable right as rain secure manlike built to last valiant as strong as an ox daring long-lasting fearless brave bold courageous cast-iron hard hard-bitten mannish swashbuckling macho in shape bulky stouthearted indomitable strenuous butch driving heavy dependable forcible well muscled all-male well-made stiff gallant heavy-duty steady he-man enduring heroic lionhearted muscled unflagging redoubtable wiry man-size man-sized intrepid vibrant animated muscle-bound vivacious sprightly loyal faithful imperishable chipper perky zippy jaunty in good kilter laddish stocky healthful indestructible spanking constant snappy brisk mesomorphic well-knit spry steadfast well-developed feisty buoyant tireless two-fisted well knit thick devoted committed dedicated tiger trusty enterprising steamroller true unwavering bulletproof broad-shouldered in good physical shape audacious ball of fire bruising sound in body and limb in top form chauvinist heavyweight unswerving unfaltering hard-working formidable true-blue ropy hulky herculean unhesitating pumped up tried and true aggressive obdurate in fine feather tried and tested fearsome young ferocious bursting with good health fleshy gutsy A1 serviceable foolproof infallible chunky chivalrous decisive strong-arm enthusiastic stout-hearted valorous influential important abled invincible significant flexible error-tolerant slim toned sporty physical perdurable safe restored rosy-cheeked unimpaired safe and sound normal OK impervious inexpugnable toned up agile nimble lithe studly fecund fertile bright-eyed up to snuff all right bushy-tailed in good physical condition the picture of health fit as a flea bravehearted bombproof as right as rain in excellent shape vitalized energized energised invigorated heavily built imposing reinforced fixed unyielding puissant reproductive sexually potent procreative generative stringy musclebound swole great full-bodied built well-founded sure jock stud jockstrap confident beefcake noble lion-hearted colt stately self-reliant dignified hunk undaunted lumbering sturdily built tall mammoth towering huge gargantuan massive colossal gigantic well constructed hard as nails overpowering fast good pious down-the-line trustworthy devout made to last cocky full-blooded supple aggressively male ultramasculine unpleasantly masculine unfeminine immovable airy pizazzy mettlesome springy animate frisky jazzy pert racy gay sparky pizzazzy acclimatised acclimatized seasoned irrepressible inflexible tried-and-true allegiant ardent liege gritty Amazonian unladylike plucky headstrong rolling with punches quick to recover difficult to keep down quick to bounce back aggressively masculine viragoish viraginous sparkling high-spirited moving demoniac motive mobile untiring kinematic kinetic breezy high-powered dynamical locomotive motile industrious effervescent playful strong as an lion intense strong as an ox strong as an horse zestful coarse mannified tomboyish masc unwomanly hoydenish all man upbeat go-getting bouncy wick spunky persuasive take-over exuberant take-charge effective dashing efficient hard-driving bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of vim raring to go bristly full of beans full of energy curly wavy bound unafraid hanging tough bound and determined unshakable determined dead set on nervy kinky fibrous scratchy

Tính từ

Spirited or plucky
feisty combative argumentative aggressive belligerent quarrelsome bellicose pugnacious contentious confrontational truculent militant disputatious warlike scrappy agonistic chippy gladiatorial discordant assaultive brawly fiery ornery touchy difficult sensitive active courageous spirited spunky excitable enthusiastic gutsy alive bubbly energetic frisky game gritty gutty hearty lively mettlesome peppy zestful thin-skinned hot-blooded full-blooded go-getting high-strung on the warpath full of pep brave bold plucky fearless intrepid valiant lionhearted gallant daring dauntless heroic unflinching valorous ballsy daredevil manful hardy venturous heroical nervy undaunted adventuresome adventurous stout-hearted unafraid lion-hearted doughty stout stalwart determined tenacious stouthearted resolute spartan greathearted audacious venturesome undauntable strong dogged unshrinking unblenching chivalrous noble confident dashing unfearful as game as Ned Kelly rock-ribbed fire-eating impavid assured unabashed have-a-go indomitable cool manly assertive redoubtable puissant powerful worthy unalarmed animated vigorous sprightly zippy snappy brazen brash bouncy brassy gingery peppery frightless steely unfearing sporting enduring unswerving unfaltering unyielding purposeful zesty gung ho devil-may-care perseverant steadfast chirpy persistent persevering eager alert full of life high-spirited full of spirit temerarious enterprising reckless death-or-glory foolhardy aweless cocky rash free-swinging nerved emboldened staunch go-ahead madcap forceful fortitudinous cheeky dynamic forward herolike icy nerveless resilient swashbuckling positive shameless decisive zealous keen risky wild orped overbold overconfident undismayed sassy assuming bantam unabashed by unshakable undaunted by death-defying unconcerned unworried unapprehensive honourable macho great-spirited brisk ungoverned uncurbed unscared sure unalarmed by unfrightened impervious undisturbed carefree ardent strong-willed firm defiant chin-up imprudent mettled resolved urbane quixotic hairy suave dignified honorable impulsive heedless not scared pushy salty impudent smart-alecky smart dareful obtrusive crusty having nerves of steel fire eating go for broke out on a limb hot shot

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Rude and unpleasant in manner
abrasive cutting biting harsh rough sharp caustic hard severe nasty cruel grating stern bitter vitriolic acerbic annoying brusque brutal irritating unfeeling unpleasant abusive callous curt galling hurtful insensitive unkind wounding acerb comfortless inconsiderate pitiless unsympathetic aggressive argumentative gruff hateful rude spiky unfriendly hard to take rubbing the wrong way ruthless heartless savage heavy merciless coarse crude inhuman brutish grim bearish fierce murderous uncompromising firm strict forceful excessive unyielding unbending unfair unjust unrelenting rigorous rowdy extreme vicious violent sadistic ferocious barbarous barbaric atrocious bloodthirsty remorseless inhumane wicked monstrous unconcerned infernal uncaring vile abominable wanton indifferent brute butcherly bestial heinous fiendish truculent tactless unmerciful hard-hearted cold-blooded unrefined uncouth uncultured loutish churlish ungracious impolite vulgar blunt crass boorish uncivil discourteous ill-bred obscene foul lewd dour profane uncultivated offensive ill-mannered indecorous unpolished indelicate indecent ribald oafish unmannerly bluff bawdy inelegant dirty stiff rugged roughcast gross forbidding vulgarian austere filthy untutored intimidating bad-mannered louring steely grievous stark mean flinty hardhanded lowbred oppressive artless ungentle insensible onerous loud improper unceremonious tasteless lowbrow common foul-mouthed raffish unladylike incult roughneck lowering ungentlemanly graceless thoughtless rough-hewn rustic unmannered ungraceful uncomfortable wooden uneasy rustical stilted bad-tempered ill-tempered uneducated unworldly shameless raw barbarian cloddish corrupt outlandish ignorant socially unsure socially awkward lacking in social graces socially inept low sketchy mannerless illiberal gauche immature backward awkward loud-mouthed low-bred unsubtle undiplomatic impolitic injudicious ill-judged clumsy scathing crabbed barbed morose sarcastic sardonic acrimonious derogatory derisory tart mordant surly sullen acid trenchant ungallant uncharitable classless mean-spirited unchivalrous clownish malicious venomous acidulous spiteful acrid corrosive snarky smart-aleck smart-alecky smart-mouthed scalding pungent satiric acidic satirical mordacious ill-humoured catty uncivilised irritable snippy cross-grained polite grumpy miserly unsociable grouchy uncivilized base clodhopping ill-natured ill-humored ornery unneighborly touchy cantankerous ugly cussed crusty sharp-worded angry virulent peppery double-edged

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Serving to repress or suppress
repressive severe undemocratic authoritarian coercive despotic dictatorial harsh oppressive tyrannical anti-democratic autocratic fascist totalitarian tyrannous absolute brutal cruel dominating draconian iron-fisted strict suppressive constraining exploitive forbidding governing illiberal prohibiting restrictive domineering overbearing unjust imperious inhuman high-handed ruthless peremptory overweening ironhanded heavy-handed demanding mean arbitrary fascistic autocratical unreasonable bossy masterful czarist tsarist iron-handed authoritative magisterial bullying monocratic Neronian heavy burdensome crushing overwhelming hardhanded punitive pitiless murderous merciless trying onerous stiff rugged inexorable grim relentless excruciating searing rough grievous bitter unfair hard disheartening gloomy backbreaking bleak discouraging weighty worrying sombre distressing exacting troublesome stressful hefty dismal exigent depressive troubling dispiriting somber taxing depressing confining headache superincumbent rough going autarchic tyrannic one-party dogmatic rigid arrogant absolutist inflexible unlimited doctrinaire unyielding all-powerful dystopian summary haughty uncontrolled willful wilful pushy commanding dominant cocky high and mighty disciplinarian unaccountable unconstitutional single-party monolithic Stalinist communist totalistic total unrestrained autarchical subjugating controlling officious autonomous downright throwing one's weight about overpowering pushing driving czarlike no joke flat-out no ifs ands or buts straight out omnipotent almighty invincible supreme pre-eminent unconquerable lordly huffish self-asserting pompous huffy high-hat bumptious stiff-necked pretentious hifalutin superior toploftical uppish lofty self-assertive supercilious chesty assumptive high-and-mighty uppity presumptuous important cavalier highfalutin toplofty presuming sniffy pushful inconsiderate nationalist xenophobic militarist nationalistic jingoistic Mosleyite chauvinist isolationist corporatist corporativist racist Falangist Francoist neo-fascist extreme right-wing far rightist anti-Semitic far right-wing ultra-right most high

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Having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed or angered
crabbed cross irritable bad-tempered petulant cantankerous crabby disagreeable fractious fretful ill-tempered morose sour surly crotchety curmudgeonly miserable pettish querulous tetchy bitter churlish complaining edgy grumpy impatient moody peevish peppery prickly testy huffy ill-humored ill-humoured ill-natured scratchy snappish sullen touchy cynical difficult grouchy harsh on edge ratty snappy splenetic sulky trying waspish acrimonious bilious chippy choleric cranky crusty dyspeptic liverish out of sorts perverse tart acrid eggy in a bad mood narky out of temper peckish sorehead soreheaded whingeing whingy captious miffy snaky irascible short-tempered like a bear with a sore head fiery glum unsociable brusque misanthropic snarky gloomy snippy fussy snippety stuffy dour raspy mardy acid awkward mumpish saturnine blunt chuffy quick-tempered nasty-tempered angry uptight tense temperamental critical curt sensitive huffish disgruntled shirty argumentative feisty gruff volatile bristly ireful pouty shrewish oversensitive ornery obstinate quarrelsome pertinacious discontented contentious hotheaded truculent hypercritical resentful whining whiny stroppy uncooperative crybaby exasperated displeased snarling contrary ungracious grumbling brooding bearish iracundulous annoyed iracund waxy disputatious pouting mean childish waspy grousing dissatisfied cavilling carping sharp griping hasty malignant vindictive nasty caviling out of humor sore growling passionate malicious filthy venomous fretting spiteful obstreperous vinegary cussed short out of humour ugly thin-skinned hot-tempered foul-tempered fault-finding out-of-sorts cross-grained having got out of bed on the wrong side as cross as two sticks hot-blooded in a mood hot under the collar on a short fuse having got out of bed the wrong side short-fused easily offended bloody-minded uncivil unpleasant impolite rude discourteous unmannerly unfriendly embittered vicious piqued tooshie boorish irritated abrupt rancorous wrathful miffed excitable peeved mopey glowering indignant unresponsive uncommunicative taciturn restive offended worried ticklish moping hostile irked unkind crude ill-mannered vexed upset agitated scowling nettled riled sarcastic narked humourless humorless hateful frowning restless irate envenomed catty unsmiling put out malign vitriolic fed up hot-headed loutish uneasy easily upset anxious uncouth oafish mean-spirited unhappy fidgety crass ill-bred nervous ungallant ungentlemanly virulent stressed rough unchivalrous uncharitable distressed offhand ill at ease unsettled scathing disrespectful inconsiderate choked cruel malevolent twitchy disobliging grudging antagonistic aggrieved ignorant jumpy infuriated jaundiced unquiet caustic impulsive hurt aggravated incensed furious bad-mannered arsey coarse overstrung pernicious highly strung provoked inflammable censorious savage atrabilious skittish hurtful wounded acerbic enraged sardonic neurotic unhelpful perturbed het up scrappy salty poisonous sourpussed troubled in a temper joyless sulking in a huff sharp-tongued high-strung hung up bad wicked uncongenial aggressive pugnacious ferocious overwrought distraught uncomfortable tempersome vinegarish bad-humored unruly recalcitrant ungenerous snarly zowerswopped hypersensitive refractory spunky acute sombre somber unlikable froward Eeyorish perversely irritable lugubrious brief scornful apt to fly off the handle indomitable uncompliant indocile wild emotional like a bear eristic bellicose plaintive murmuring with a long face got up on wrong side of bed vulgar mopish sober dismal pessimistic sharp-tempered worked up wrought up belligerent hate-filled toey dejected agitable broody disappointed dicey hazardous unsafe unpredictable perturbable grumbly moaning bemoaning whimpering wailing negative crying deploring lamenting wreck rattled faultfinding begrudging blue fierce kittle mopy harried flustered disheartened classless clownish cloddish wired up wound up hard no-nonsense laconic bluff afflicted disturbed harassed discouraged bothered nervy bundle of nerves mad insecure wired apprehensive maddened tormented inflamed stewed angered insulted unstable brittle vehement irreconcilable hard to please huffy irascible hysterical antsy unfulfilled fuming defeated in high dudgeon crook vex easily frightened easily agitated jittery hinky goosey keyed up dithery atwitter queasy queazy aflutter unceremonious uncivilised clodhopping uncultured polite miserly unpolished rustic uncivilized base lowbred unneighborly with chip on shoulder hard done by grudge-bearing with a chip on one's shoulder ill-disposed stressy adrenalized brassed off hacked off snuffy wrath cheesed off browned off peed off unsatisfied frustrated unsated ungratified fretted mordant excited on tenterhooks off offish trenchant not best pleased ticked off teed off maleficent carrying a chip on your shoulder up the wall cutting like a cat on a hot tin roof like a cat on hot bricks on pins and needles boisterous barbed foaming at the mouth impertinent malefic bent out of shape insolent impudent withering biting presumptuous mordacious stinging vitriolous abusive corrosive astringent wounding acidulous searing graceless brash burning audacious slashing tactless offensive rapier-like evil-intentioned dripping with malice razor-edged squint-eyed insulting derogatory disparaging cheeky arrogant undiplomatic cocky unmannered unrefined unladylike mannerless uncomplimentary disgracious overbearing ungenteel out-of-line flip unhandsome intrusive mouthy contumelious fresh underbred inaffable smart alecky lippy yokelish indecorous thoughtless indelicate bounderish uncalled-for smart-alecky brazen insubordinate malapert peremptory disdainful

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Very severe or serious
extreme radical excessive dire drastic desperate harsh severe stern strict unbending uncompromising far-reaching forceful inordinate momentous serious consequential exaggerated exceptional heavy immoderate outrageous remorseless rigid sharp substantial undue unmitigated unreasonable unrelenting unusual unyielding zealous austere draconian egregious exorbitant extravagant fanatical punishing punitive rigorous steep stiff absolute baroque devilish downright ferocious flagrant gross intemperate oppressive overkill preposterous remarkable thorough uncommon unconscionable unconventional unmerciful unseemly fabulous fancy improper imprudent insane intolerable irrational lavish nonsensical overdue overextravagant overmuch overweening plethoric sheer swingeing towering utter out-and-out over the top too much O.T.T. out of proportion disproportionate unwarranted extortionate unrestrained uncalled for needless uncalled-for unmeasurable superfluous OTT stringent a bit much high unnecessary prodigal dizzying profuse sky-high unfair profligate enormous unjustifiable unwarrantable strong unjust wanton cruel surplus great extra superabundant hard overabundant unjustified way out complete inflexible self-indulgent overindulgent uncurbed over-the-top stratospheric firm redundant overboard monstrous uncontrolled abounding unbridled rough too great pricey unrestricted overpriced in excess fulsome violent brutal extraordinary immense whopping unbounded dissipated monumental gratuitous huge tremendous exacting boundless super limitless hard-nosed dear criminal illogical elevated too-too absonant arbitrary over the odds overflowing wild up to here copious sweeping unacceptable too many unneeded costing an arm and a leg diametrical out of all proportion direct ample extensive single-minded unlimited exact vast epic ridiculous massive astronomical riotous indulgent ruthless recrementitious supernatural more wasteful giant major relentless prodigious intractable fantastic pitiless senseless overblown considerable far-out posh unrightful unlawful wrongful peremptory supererogatory iron-fisted savage hard-line out of bounds large diehard hardline imposing reckless de trop significant undeviating intransigent unmerited inexcusable expensive undeserved grandiose dissipative debauched supreme unprovoked excess unbalanced outstanding grim very great unhampered unchecked exceeding big shocking spare prohibitive elaborate abundant rampant gigantic prolific hardhanded authoritarian uninhibited profound magnificent appalling liberal over impressive colossal intense wicked unstinting nasty supernumerary dramatic mountainous cast-iron brassbound ludicrous advanced not required plentiful exuberant generous galore diabolical mammoth remaining gushing horrifying humongous dispensable inhuman teeming luxuriant bountiful expendable out of control useless crawling with no end opulent a dime a dozen sumptuous alive with aplenty thick with profusive plenty tyrannical swarming bounteous openhanded callous stupendous effusive above average hardheaded demanding inexorable uncivilised uncivilized ungodly unwanted overgenerous polar gushy imperious unsympathetic heavy-handed nonessential hard-core steadfast leftover vicious merciless unrequired residuary illegitimate dyed-in-the-wool pleonastic superfluent unasked by the book harmful over the limit overripe marked distinct unreasoned Draconian wildly excessive costly indiscriminate going too far untempered punitory very too passionate uncontrollable absurd theatrical overdone unpardonable indefensible unforgivable raw dissolute unhindered tempestuous abandoned runaway unsuitable inappropriate voluminous ungovernable incontinent open-handed non-essential unreserved definite tall greedy sizable sizeable blown up out of all proportion fancy-pants very high unbecoming very expensive lofty a lot far-fetched onerous grievous wrong despotic summary soaring inept untimely ill-advised underhanded unapt unfitting forbidden indecorous sinister inapt ill-timed illegal unseasonable imbalanced unfeeling abrasive grossly excessive substantive ruinous crippling bitter rugged off complicated unused unproductive disposable inflated excessively high extremely high suppressive repressive without justification unkind heartless insensitive inconsiderate decadent murderous trying excruciating burdensome searing left over waste to spare forcible ostentatious ambitious complex outré heightened escalated handsome increased healthy jacked up entire diametric surplus to requirements extraneous on your hands unessential headstrong a bit thick out of order striking multistorey sky-scraping rowdy curt immodest audacious bold intricate daylight robbery highway robbery costing a bomb a rip-off comprehensive thoroughgoing exhaustive hard-hitting truculent virulent robust costing the earth out of sight over one's head paramount titanic Brobdingnagian surpassing superior altitudinous abnormal intensified total unthinkable inconceivable sneaky conscienceless knavish reprehensible barbarous unholy lordly commanding showy improvident inessential sophisticated very severe staunch adamant hard-boiled unwavering indurate ungiving militant infinite immeasurable astronomic transcendent hulking sublime stellar ginormous tight mega mighty unfettered thumping silly monster gargantuan pervasive difficult involved fierce airy imperial preeminent spiring aerial unmatchable ultimate towery skyscraping beyond the pale dour grave ultra iconoclastic revolutionary ballsy fanciful grand adventurous heroic super-duper binding stand pat uncharitable solid disciplinarian resolved dogged obdurate hardened hard-hearted unforgiving obstinate no-nonsense resolute ascetical immovable domineering hardhearted browbeating mulish ossified formidable stiff-necked ascetic unsparing determined unflinching pressing astringent autocratic disciplinary bullheaded set compelling poignant valid powerful acrimonious drawing picky unpermissive ironclad convincing brick-wall confining not giving an inch tricky supererogative lush wide-ranging scandalous atrocious root-and-branch top-to-bottom by the numbers hard and fast dead set on terrible horrible disgraceful heinous infamous abominable villainous offensive unspeakable nefarious abhorrent horrendous beastly iniquitous evil odious dreadful horrid hideous loathsome shameful nauseating ghastly foul unbearable vile sickening insupportable unendurable insufferable barbaric infernal fiendish maddening exasperating impossible distressing execrable godawful hellacious depraving flagitious debasing contumelious scurrilous malevolent shaming disgracing ignoble despicable contemptible debauching corrupt notorious degenerate sinful opprobrious very bad

Tính từ

Behaving or done in a determined and forceful way
aggressive forceful assertive determined dynamic hardline insistent uncompromising dominant influential powerful strong vehement vigorous audacious bossy bullish commanding compelling confident convincing domineering emphatic fierce imperious pushy ambitious authoritative competitive feisty firm militant persuasive potent robust stout bold effective energetic zealous brassy strenuous violent hard-hitting in-your-face self-asserting strong-willed spirited resolute forcible mettlesome enthusiastic ardent fervent eager keen intense intensive fiery uncontrolled unbridled passionate unrestrained blunt wild punchy pulling no punches plucky all out active assured demanding imposing decisive controlling forward muscular resounding full-blooded taxing hard arduous overbearing positive driven fearless exhausting brisk all-out rigorous collected daring composed committed intrepid resolved poised staunch steely steadfast tenacious strong-minded self-assertive self-confident self-assured self-reliant decided cool-headed self-possessed can-do cogent moving telling striking effectual eloquent vivid irresistible rugged impactful sound high-powered animated vivacious zestful great impressive dramatic impassioned driving storming racy gutsy mighty vital inspiring inspirational pivotal motivating virile severe touching efficacious stirring rousing swayful alluring masterful motivational hardy exciting impelling expressive stimulating meaningful purposeful high-octane efficient puissant capable successful material able far-reaching evocative authoritarian pushing complete incisive go-ahead thorough thoroughgoing sweeping full wholehearted total graphic exhaustive all-embracing zappy out-and-out unmixed hearty succinct terse pithy out and out lively sparkling crucial flourishing electrifying instrumental effervescent peppy flamboyant dashing alive dazzling zesty bustling animate humming happening airy colourful buzzing bouncy perky indefatigable kinetic sprightly colorful zippy lusty hopping astir fresh snappy abuzz spunky spry coruscating industrious bubbly sparky thriving tireless busy provocative guiding enticing seductive affecting unflagging ballsy frisky bouncing pert stalwart enterprising sturdy springy sensitive untiring vibrating breezy radiant responsive vibrant pizazzy jazzy jaunty abubble spanking aboil pizzazzy competent fateful formative monumental useful swaying central responsible contributory encouraging momentous operative consequential inducing critical considerable animating gay high-spirited almighty red-blooded have-a-go full of the joys of spring full of life go-go bright and breezy full of pep alive and kicking full of get-up-and-go bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans full of spirit full of vim and vigour ball of fire ferocious explosive crushing strict extreme drastic stringent draconian brutal devastating heavy thunderous coherent credible plausible on the ball weighty rational logical reasonable significant lucid reasoned unanswerable grand pertinent charming direct theatric histrionical trenchant graceful sufficient well-founded articulate definitive important relevant acute well founded well reasoned performant clear satisfying powerhouse overpowering blistering destructive radical overwhelming mightful calamitous damaging annihilating desolating tremendous strengthful strengthy rigid vicious cruel truculent virulent savage stern grievous really hard very hard all-powerful

Tính từ

(of a person) Making others work hard or meet high standards
demanding perfectionist trying uncompromising clamorous critical dictatorial disapproving fussy importunate intractable judgmental obstinate rigorous strict tiresome cavilling difficult exigent fractious hard harsh imperious inflexible insistent nagging overbearing overexacting querulous stringent troublesome unaccommodating unamenable unbending unmanageable caviling cavillous censuring disparaging faultfinding firm hairsplitting hardheaded hypercritical needy obdurate overscrupulous possessive quibbling sticklerish stiff stubborn unflinching unreasonable unsparing carping censorious cynical demeaning serious tyrannical high-maintenance fault-finding hard to please hard to satisfy over-exacting hard-line over-censorious over-particular over-rigorous over-strict unrelenting grim recalcitrant picky boorish rigid hard-nosed argumentative pigheaded fastidious finicky pitiless dissatisfied bearish inexorable irascible opinionated resolute perverse immovable oafish discontented obstreperous refractory grumbly snappy irritable temperamental irritating set in one's ways cantankerous impolite unyielding uptight quarrelsome testy negative choosy dogmatic strong-minded intransigent single-minded rude indomitable wrong-headed bloody-minded opinionative headstrong stiff-necked sour pertinacious steadfast oppressive overcritical delicate disobliging prickly captious sensitive ill-natured crotchety ornery crabby contrarious thrawn uppity touchy finical huffy stroppy froward disputatious chippy obstructive feisty vexed unpredictable balky particular hard to handle invidious bolshie disputative bull-headed contrary cussed ungracious fiendish pedantic pernickety niggling hair-splitting rejective nit-picking pass-remarkable nitpicking pettifogging overnice exacting severe exceptive sarcastic persnickety nice deprecating judgemental criticizing criticising nitpicky trivial thorny unfair unjust peevish very critical petty acrimonious petulant cross tricky punctilious overparticular meticulous scolding humbling diagnostic calumniatory belittling discerning biting discriminating derogatory analytical lowering critic judgy reproachful trenchant sharp cutting penetrating contemptuous choleric condemning withering satirical stern uncontrollable ungovernable unruly incontrollable willful untoward wilful wayward awkward complex insoluble burdensome impossible to cope with out of control out of hand

Tính từ

Of considerable importance or seriousness
big significant serious substantial considerable critical important major urgent consequential crucial decisive difficult momentous paramount all-important appreciable earnest fateful influential key landmark leading material meaningful monumental powerful prime principal prominent sizable solemn super vital weighty big league big-time eminent eventful far-reaching fundamental grave hard heavy historic major league sober somber sombre earthshaking earth-shattering heavy-duty heavyweight hefty high-priority mammoth super colossal valuable life-and-death main tectonic of consequence of great import of moment of significance exceptional no joke no laughing matter strategic pivotal exigent glum profound staid sedate severe stern humourless gloomy dour portentous grim acute austere downbeat cold sober quiet humorless underlined no-nonsense matter of life and death of great importance life and death of great consequence sad big deal uncomic telling ponderous pertinent primary pressing dire imperative necessary great requisite extensive uppermost essential invaluable conspicuous dynamic intense cardinal intrinsic core overriding large-scale emphatic central salient germane special major-league worthwhile integral noteworthy grand almighty life-changing determinative deep indispensable sizeable solid focal large sweeping real sturdy firm strong respectable sound marked substantive extraordinary notable capital pronounced imposing much massive good ample useful durable healthy striking pointed instrumental mighty top-priority especial impactful immediate foremost burning determining big-deal superabundant abundant vast steady high-profile of note top-level overshadowing high-level of concern dangerous grievous big-league most important