Từ đồng nghĩa của intrusive

Alternative for intrusive

intrusive /in'tru:siv/
  • tính từ
    • ấn bừa, tống bừa, đưa bừa, vào bừa
    • xâm phạm, xâm nhập
    • bắt người khác phải chịu đựng mình
    • (địa lý,ddịa chất) xâm nhập

Tính từ

Causing disruption or annoyance through being unwelcome or uninvited
interfering meddlesome pushy intruding invasive meddling nosy obtrusive unwanted prying officious presumptuous busy busybody disturbing forward interrupting nosey presuming protrusive pushing snoopy trespassing unwelcome curious impertinent importunate inquisitive uncalled-for indiscreet insensitive protruding unpleasant upsetting snooping probing nebby interested questioning inquiring investigative eavesdropping searching intermeddling tampering enquiring scrutinizing peering inquisitorial analytical spying scrutinising peeping prurient examining bumptious self-assertive inspecting disquisitive annoying bossy overbearing pragmatic assertive over-curious over-interested brash nosy-parker bold interruptive forceful aggressive domineering loud gossipy inquisitory interrogative fact-finding offensive obnoxious puzzled speculative personal imposing interviewing interrogational cross-examining bustling self-important overzealous opinionated dictatorial busybodied interloping meddlesomeness nosiness interference butting in research agog intrigued mischievous overbusy nosy-parkering encumbering troublesome kibitzing hindering obstructive impeding chiseling interposing big-eyed poking challenging keen sifting ambitious interventionist investigating undercover inspective exploratory researching chiselling burning with curiosity thrusting rude fussy bureaucratic arrogant wondering cocksure confident overconfident over-assertive cocky pushful doubtful go-ahead insistent nervy strident loudmouthed blatant jutting flagrant projecting sheer bald prognathous bulging investigatory outward-looking studious catechistic heuristic penetrating quizzical Socratic full of oneself self-asserting in-your-face fierce militant go-getting enterprising high-pressure driven sharp-elbowed compelling bludgeoning persistent persuasive intensive high-powered coercive pressurizing pressured stressful relentless intense difficult strenuous demanding pressurising not taking no for an answer insolent brazen impudent cheeky audacious self-confident brazen-faced brassy bold-faced saucy arch sassy wise brassbound fresh hubristic effervescent impulsive brazenfaced trashy impetuous inconsiderate bright uppity flip incautious hasty vivacious thoughtless impolitic heedless precipitate full of yourself headlong untactful maladroit rash hotheaded as bold as brass

Tính từ

Tending to or able to penetrate
penetrating carrying loud piercing shrill high-pitched piping strident sharp strong ear-piercing ear-splitting harsh high screechy all-pervading clear-cut clearly audible crisp earsplitting edged entering forcing infiltrating ingoing penetrant permeating pointed puncturing going through passing through shattering air-rending squawky treble discordant thin stentorious screeching shrieking acute squeaky whistling squeaking clangorous clanging raucous jarring cacophonous deafening noisy argute metallic blatant blaring grating dissonant shrieky soprano jangling unmelodious rasping unmusical inharmonious unharmonious stridulous hoarse falsetto rough clarion rank rancid putrid malodorous reeking smelly squawking shrilly clamorous stridulant ringing scratchy brassy gruff clashing tumultuous jangly grinding off-key reedy stridulatory feeble tinny high-frequency husky booming thunderous croaky croaking raspy irritating annoying stentorian boisterous vexatious incongruous tuneless forceful inappropriate absonant unsuitable riotous stertorous out of place soaring inspiring gravelly head-splitting fluting throaty gravel rusty coarse definite clear vibrant pellucid unmelodic guttural unvocal whiny plinky jingling jingly horrisonant flat maddening hissing tooting calling warbling out of keeping growling growly bright resounding sonorous caterwauling creaking astringent persuasive vocal vociferant baying vociferous obstreperous rabid fierce rugged ferocious thundering out-of-tune out-of-key explosive convulsive furious roaring faint weak small unpleasant blasting offensive paroxysmal turbulent volcanic blustering stridulent forcible buffeting soft plangent incompatible conflicting contrasting low grotesque unaesthetic scraping disagreeable slam-bang displeasing irksome atonal unbearable upsetting uncharacteristic braying cracked

Tính từ

Informal or intimate to an inappropriate degree
familiar bold forward overfamiliar presumptuous disrespectful presuming impudent free immodest impertinent over-free overfree pushy brazen cheeky nervy obtrusive sassy unduly familiar making advances towards making passes at chatting up fresh audacious insolent cocky pert rude brash shameless wise saucy smart smart-alecky overconfident flip contumelious barefaced assuming unabashed brassy flippant malapert unblushing confident bumptious overbold assumptive blatant bold as brass irreverent arrogant uppity smug cocksure brazen-faced procacious self-assured boldfaced cool brass-necked arrant cute smart-aleck smarty-pants facetious overweening improper inappropriate pompous pretentious lippy impolite inconsiderate conceited daring smart-arsed mouthy supercilious bold-faced arch brassbound self-assertive unashamed smart-assed out of line coming on strong off-base assertive indulgent overindulgent relaxed free-and-easy tolerant snippety indelicate indecorous indiscreet feisty defiant unembarrassed in-your-face unreserved unshrinking coarse chirpy bright dapper breezy keen dashing forceful spirited gritty snippy meddlesome weisenheiming combative volatile not backwards in coming forwards egotistical uppish rash huffish impetuous lofty self-asserting chesty imperious masterful high-and-mighty high-handed uncivil haughty hasty huffy high-hat peremptory foolhardy important stiff-necked precipitate cavalier highfalutin lordly previous hifalutin premature superior toplofty toploftical overhasty sniffy presumptive bigheaded egotistic self-confident self-satisfied aggressive forthright uninhibited direct overassertive too big for your boots overfriendly thrusting bantam bare-faced over-assertive overbearing domineering disdainful officious prying self-important nosy patronizing opinionated interfering discourteous meddling vain proud snoopy patronising offensive insubordinate pushing protrusive busy nosey vainglorious boastful loud insulting swaggering intruding magisterial hubristic condescending full of oneself snooty unmannerly inquisitive self-opinionated ill-mannered outrageous bossy contemptuous full of yourself abusive bad-mannered mannerless obnoxious swollen-headed high and mighty flagrant pontifical dictatorial fearless blustering curious prideful indecent personal busybody crude derisive stuck-up sententious grandiose abandoned wanton affected shocking snooping scornful strident immoral brave bald-faced showy importunate brazenfaced impulsive pushful as bold as brass pontificating undaunted plucky loudmouthed out-of-line egoistic egoistical swellheaded complacent self-conceited assured unseemly gutsy spunky snobbish ballsy crusty snobby ambitious nebby stiff unwanted strutting naughty nosy-parker hotheaded impolitic disparaging iconoclastic vulgar thoughtless hotshot uncalled-for depraved dissolute unchaste hardened incorrigible lewd reprobate profligate unprincipled puffed up sacrilegious profane impious blasphemous ungracious flashy probing spying adventurous ill-bred intrepid insistent eavesdropping aweless irreverential unhallowed ungodly unholy enterprising know-it-all valiant heroic jaunty courageous unflinching heedless dauntless venturesome valorous peering have-a-go unafraid game venturous daredevil gallant gutty as game as Ned Kelly boldface obvious heavy braggart self-affected selfish self-complacent self-promoting self-flattering self-engrossed authoritarian self-congratulatory bragging self-applauding dominating extraverted self-centered bombastic self-loving braggy narcissistic self-contented self-pleased self-adulatory self-glorifying holier-than-thou self-gratulatory self-dramatizing blustery egocentric extroverted blusterous puffed bustling overzealous vituperatory scurrile scurrilous scurril invective vitriolic vituperative truculent opprobrious mischievous crass vaunting unconcerned overbusy undisguised undismayed driven pragmatic throwing one's weight around self-centred lacking civility bad mannered highhanded bullish humiliating effervescent trashy headlong untactful incautious vivacious maladroit high-pressure fierce go-getting militant meretricious tawdry bureaucratic fussy intermeddling projecting prognathous bald bulging jutting sheer imperative unrepentant unawed gossipy temeritous biggety biggity consequential invasive offensively self-assertive amoral sharp-elbowed remote swanky ostentatious tony elitist snotty persnickety aloof peeping butting in puffed-up put down unhandsome unmannered unsubtle undiplomatic tactless busybodied poised composed abashless unaffected unshamed unrestrained go-ahead pleased with yourself noisy blaring harsh unfitting unbecoming hoity-toity grating jarring incongruous unsuitable disgracious disturbing unwelcome trespassing interrupting high-flown toffee-nosed throwing one's weight about putting on airs stuck up piercing raucous off base smart alecky cacophonous deafening jangling dissonant thundering booming shrill undignified suggestive unladylike ungentlemanly unpleasant protruding insensitive upsetting full of hot air gaudy ear-splitting discordant lionhearted risqué smutty scandalous unwholesome untoward distasteful mettlesome doughty determined indomitable jazzy tinny loud-mouthed garish resolute off-colour hard high-pitched metallic flirtatious staunch stouthearted stalwart death-or-glory undauntable stout-hearted manful greathearted heroical rock-ribbed stout out of keeping imprudent herolike firm chivalrous chin-up fortitudinous reckless questioning scrutinizing adventuresome inquiring hardy free-swinging nerved peppy madcap emboldened over-curious agog over-interested intrigued enquiring interested nosy-parkering salty fire eating temerarious go for broke hot shot dareful out on a limb smarty sure positive big-eyed analytical searching speculative challenging investigative inquisitorial poking prurient sifting certain scrutinising burning with curiosity wise guy smart aleck smart guy smarty pants

Tính từ

Noticeable or prominent in an unwelcome or intrusive way
obtrusive conspicuous noticeable obvious prominent protruding inescapable pronounced protuberant thrusting unmistakable blatant bold flashy garish gaudy loud lurid showy striking observable perceptible out of place sticking out standing out a mile sticking out a mile standing out like a sore thumb sticking out like a sore thumb patent manifest clear evident open unconcealed palpable visible plain glaring apparent transparent outstanding discernible perceivable detectable distinguishable salient marked undisguised seeable visual seen ocular revealed arresting discoverable pointed macroscopic signal unhidden to be seen under one's nose in sight out in the open big as life in view not hidden viewable flagrant overt gross egregious rank brazen straightforward audacious undeniable indisputable bald barefaced plain to see protrusive crying distinct as plain as a pikestaff staring someone in the face self-evident as plain as the nose on your face clear-cut recognizable tangible sensible easily seen in evidence on display recognisable on view anywhere to be seen written all over someone writ large naked sheer unabashed outright unashamed shameless unblushing flaunting impudent insolent brass-necked unembarrassed ostentatious brash cut-and-dried unmitigated arrant unsubtle unrepentant snazzy without shame screaming brassy meretricious overbold glitzy deliberate in plain sight unequivocal unambiguous explicit certain indubitable positive definite outrageous unambivalent categorical nonambiguous distinctive lucid luculent pellucid telltale particular perspicuous unmissable undoubted decided univocal unquestionable unique ringing luminous broad sure inimitable self-explanatory beyond a doubt for certain well defined crystal clear no ifs ands or buts beyond question open and shut bald-faced open-and-shut bright-line as plain as daylight excessive inordinate capital extreme stark as plain as day

Tính từ

Causing anxiety or concern
perturbing discomforting discomposing disquieting distressing disturbing nagging nasty troublesome troubling troublous unsettling upsetting worrisome aggravating agitating alarming annoying bothersome burdensome consequential creepy depressing difficult disagreeable discommoding disconcerting discouraging dismaying disruptive distressful embarrassing foreboding frightening gloomy harassing hard impeding inconvenient irksome irritating laborious nerve-racking ominous onerous painful perplexing pessimistic prophetic provoking severe sinister startling threatening tiresome toilsome tormenting trying uncertain unpleasant vexing wearisome worrying confronting displeasing harrowing hurtful shocking disappointing restless anxious nail-biting hairy tense unnerving nerve-wracking fraught nervous uneasy off-putting confusing bothering bewildering disrupting diverting distractive diversionary distracting sad dreadful heartbreaking awful traumatic tragic vexatious dire terrible agonizing appalling heart-rending grim heartrending horrible agonising grievous pitiful saddening daunting awkward lamentable poignant woeful horrifying ghastly pathetic taxing unfortunate horrendous wretched concerning disheartening regrettable galling dismal horrid gut-wrenching bitter exasperating deplorable frightful affecting distasteful horrific moving miserable tricky bad offensive forbidding pitiable hideous tough problematic piteous tear-jerking unwelcome scary repugnant grave maddening vile dispiriting unpalatable pesky sorry mournful thorny atrocious harsh touching frustrating macabre sickening monstrous plaguy gruesome terrifying nettlesome bleak repellent disgusting unhappy objectionable pestilent foul sticky ugly intimidating stressful demoralizing dreary sorrowful doleful pestiferous grisly nauseating pestilential excruciating infuriating unlucky hopeless niggling oppressive prickly sombre wicked revolting somber repulsive tragical cheerless loathsome abominable plaintive fearful rotten demoralising lurid rankling obnoxious melancholy rebarbative nightmarish abrasive riling peeving unpleasing chafing carking nettling dangerous uncongenial unfavourable mean detestable formidable afflicting unfavorable unsavoury unsavory pesty plaguey challenging odious yucky harrying drear abhorrent heavy direful joyless stirring intolerable dark afflictive emotional nauseous knotty crushing unspeakable uncomfortable godawful anxious-making undesirable chilling dejecting black beastly shameful demanding rough funereal cruel hateful yukky delicate grewsome icky sour morose gross unlovely nightmare poor tearful terrific arduous impressive repellant precarious teasing desolate ticklish impactful enraging dodgy infernal fearsome tender melancholic unacceptable problematical confounded calamitous grating jarring morbid depressive mortifying redoubtable solemn cussed comfortless exacting heinous stunning wearing glum inauspicious obscene hair-raising spine-chilling lousy hellacious haunting sensitive teary menacing brutal perilous hostile controversial noxious devastating emotive disenchanting drab rueful disastrous scaring tedious execrable tight heart-warming petrifying dread lachrymose intense antagonizing outrageous forlorn critical weighty egregious harmful reprehensible sullen testing abject heart-wrenching torturous antagonising unpropitious scandalous uninviting chancy heart-breaking exigent unbearable damaging noisome unamusing unfriendly rancid evil fulsome sick-making enough to try the patience of a saint enough to drive you up the wall parlous disgustful rocky yucko loathly discomfiting from hell unpopular scarring undesired injurious dampening baffling dolorous unattractive surprising mind-blowing touchy sober boring grotesque melting complex tricksy complicated involved spiny catchy festering ignominious intricate convoluted disconsolate astonishing amazing staggering disgraceful blameworthy sentimental vexed messy hazardous telling soul-stirring unsatisfying bedevilling stupefying humourless humorless lugubrious meagre meager unwanted murderous stiff hardhanded inhuman rugged searing ill-advised iffy punishing astounding brackish unkind savage anguished overwhelming dramatic affective too bad glaring abysmal expressive unsought inexcusable dubious spartan suspect questionable pressing punchable bloodcurdling weak stomach-churning stomach-turning hellish unrelenting grody vomitous emetic exceptionable sepulchral tortured austere putrid bedeviling very bad gut-churning God-awful bogging troubled serious causing fear extreme vomit-inducing barro anxiety-inducing desolating gnawing gory offending disillusioning accursed apprehensive irking dreaded terrorizing mirthless dispirited dolesome flustering embittering shattering puzzling godforsaken squalid panicky powerful wounding disorienting dazing warming crummy sordid cold depressed incommodious dissatisfying uplifting unsatisfactory stinking sedate diabolical unendurable acute evocative terrorising derisible dingy plangent pensive uncool grotty unappealing eerie antipathetic despairing untoward inferior to be pitied unpardonable tremendous unforgivable fierce ruthless anticlimactic indigent scurvy scungy impoverished iniquitous nefarious flagrant impossible rejected unforgiving irritable relentless merciless ferocious fatiguing spooky useless petty puny commiserable afflicted grieving compassionate sympathetic wistful responsive hefty heartsickening heartwarming sore remorseless great drag dislikable pain excluded uninvited flagitious mephitical revulsive distressed agonized extremely upsetting eldritch baleful intemperate rigorous inclement strong unappetizing anxiety provoking extremely bad blood-curdling spine-tingling ill-favoured inadmissible catastrophic racked agonised feeble paltry importunate sickly villainous emotionally moving pressured sobering life-threatening risky nice unwished for unwished-for intractable undisciplined murder uphill rowdy infestive ungovernable repressive disorderly hard-hearted tiring gruelling exhausting unpromising despicable contemptible insufferable chunderous unsightly arousing affect unsteady unstable extraordinary unexpected not wanted ill-favored flat strenuous straitened dour ill-fated hard-pressed inhospitable shadowy discommodious full of hardship doubtful gray strained adverse ill-omened treacherous ill-boding negative grey jeopardous apocalyptic passionate nostalgic grueling woozy blue capricious temperamental mercurial changeable inconstant volatile fickle variable repressing dissuading hindering inopportune disadvantageous deterring unforeseen jaw-dropping uncanny ghostly dim faint mortuary haggard wraithlike supernatural deathlike beyond the pale corpselike unnatural unearthly anemic ghoulish anaemic inspiring numbing sudden jolting dumbfounding flabbergasting dumfounding eye-opening blindsiding remarkable exciting arousing not hopeful emotionally exhausting not encouraging emotionally depleting a stinker of a impelling gripping breathless meaningful striking significant rousing sententious thrilling heartstopping dirty desperate hurting god-awful emotionally draining

Tính từ

Most noticeable or important
salient arresting chief conspicuous important major noteworthy noticeable outstanding primary principal prominent pronounced remarkable signal striking predominant basic critical crucial dominant essential key main marked notable obvious pivotal prime staple vital arrestive central famous focal impressive jutting leading moving obtrusive paramount pertinent projecting protruding relevant significant weighty exceptional extraordinary memorable momentous unforgettable special sticking out distinguished preeminent eminent extending illustrious prestigious renowned noble rare serious pressing consequential considerable eye-catching star peninsular bright foremost redoubtable luminous monumental great historic astral emphatic heavy influential big-time protuberant bulbous superior distinctive unusual urgent celebrated particular fundamental uncommon core grave glaring immediate pre-eminent famed germane substantial meaningful intrinsic ponderous singular catchy material far-reaching brilliant eventful of concern of note heavy-duty large-scale high-priority dire intense exigent telling especial notorious cardinal powerful overriding solid well known never to be forgotten life-and-death out of this world vivid indelible haunting tough esteemed necessary requisite extensive uppermost earnest dynamic decisive imperative invaluable noted acclaimed not to be forgotten honoured respected citable elevated headline observable evident reputable legendary venerable mentionable namable nameable manifest august glorious honored peerless distingué shining major league highly regarded nonpareil name talked of aristocratic well-known big name red-letter wonderful bulging phenomenal astonishing amazing miraculous incredible sensational stunning prodigious marvellous astounding unbelievable terrific tremendous overhanging proud commanding stupendous wondrous fantastic uncanny splashy awesome bold dramatic showy unreal flamboyant super amazeballs marvelous world class smashing out of the ordinary primo unco zero cool gilt-edged wicked peculiar exsertile protrudent excrescent protrusive extrusive big operative standout sweeping integral profound large appreciable importunate definite of interest standing out gibbous beetling prognathous extruding jutting out severe sizable capital imposing pointed impactful heavyweight instrumental mighty top-priority acute almighty burning determining worthwhile vigorous top-level overshadowing high-level life and death life-changing major-league grand high-profile all-important dangerous grievous of consequence big-league big league high of great consequence most important

Tính từ

Occurring at an unfavourable or inappropriate time
ill-timed inappropriate inconvenient inopportune awkward untimely unwelcome premature unseasonable disadvantageous early hasty inapt inept mistimed unfortunate unsuitable ill-judged improper malapropos misjudged unbecoming unbefitting unfavorable unfavourable unseemly badly timed precocious unpropitious too early too late before time anachronistic soon advance oversoon bright and early overearly undue previous a bit previous disagreeable early bird wrong abortive unsuited inexpedient out-of-date unlucky too soon early on inauspicious unfit troublesome difficult bothersome infelicitous adverse problematic ill-chosen disturbing contrary annoying discommoding irritating bad untoward disruptive detrimental uncomplimentary incommodious discommodious incommoding inimical disastrous unmanageable unpleasant vexatious objectionable unprofitable aggravating unhelpful vexing distressing tough impractical unsynchronized disobliging obtrusive prohibitive testing trying challenging out of keeping tiresome incongruous unfitting misplaced ill-fitted unhandy unanticipated pestiferous worrisome unexpected cumbersome unwieldy unforeseen unpredicted unusual unpredictable surprising refractory incontrollable uncontrollable willful intractable ungovernable wilful wayward froward headstrong recalcitrant unruly hard poor unpliable stubborn star-crossed unyielding misfortunate undisciplined fractious hapless luckless indocile ill-starred wild jinxed cursed wretched regrettable hopeless prejudicial harmful damaging too bad hurtful deleterious injurious unsympathetic unfriendly destructive hostile negative counter pejorative debit-side dyslogistic disparaging depreciative slighting depreciatory derogatory detracting downside on the debit side

Tính từ

Irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with
extraneous irrelevant immaterial inapplicable inapposite inappropriate incidental unconnected unrelated impertinent peripheral additional extra nonessential pointless unnecessary inadmissible inconsequential irrelative needless redundant superfluous supplementary adventitious inapt inessential not germane not pertinent tangential unessential unneeded beside the point minor unimportant neither here nor there not to the point nothing to do with it not to the purpose off the subject out of place wide of the mark insignificant trivial extrinsic foreign trifling petty of no consequence negligible inconsiderable of no moment off the point of no account of no importance nugatory slight unassociated superficial frivolous non-essential small-fry minute fiddling small little meaningless remote outside Mickey Mouse dispensable unconcerned expendable secondary more added paltry disconnected inconsistent foolish worthless excess supplemental surplus further detached insubstantial dissociated alien incongruous separate light fresh inappurtenant inapropos piddling picayune nickel-and-dime disparate dinky independent casual supernumerary not worth mentioning of little consequence of little importance of no matter of little account not at issue not worth speaking of contributory not connected with not pertaining to off the topic subsidiary subordinate unsuitable unsuited ancillary misplaced garbage wrong inconsiderate by-the-way by-the-by background auxiliary not worth worrying about not the issue nothing to do with the case not important not significant less important beside the question nihil ad rem no big deal matter of indifference a matter of indifference no never mind makes no difference gratuitous of less importance occasional wide of the point all the same related contributing unwarranted incompatible inconsonant uncharacteristic scanty meagre flimsy nominal footling measly heterogeneous unsubstantial inappreciable excessive nondescript niggling piddly infinitesimal pimping piffling unassimilable separated disengaged divorced purportless minuscule minimal senseless lightweight lesser meager of minor importance de minimis no-account of little import apart deadwood luxury uncalled-for isolated excess baggage remote from different from disconnected from distant from spare severed withdrawn free inconsequent increased removed cut off unapt leftover farther another collateral complementary one more other bonus new new-found reserve alternative on the side supererogatory inferior small-time low-ranking optional special frothy zero useless zilch tinpot zip nothing twopenny-halfpenny second-rate shoestring null indifferent not applicable off base not connected not related nothing to do with out of order add-on no great shakes over and above of no great concern

Tính từ

Referring to an individual's character, appearance, or private life in an inappropriate or offensive way
personal offensive belittling critical derogatory insulting rude abusive calumniatory damaging defamatory degrading demeaning denigrative denigratory deprecating deprecatory depreciative depreciatory derisory derogative disparaging hurtful negative scurrilous slighting spiteful uncomplimentary vilifying vituperative disrespectful nasty pejorative cheeky familiar impertinent contemptuous humiliating unflattering detracting diminishing deflating injurious dishonouring unfavourable discrediting disapproving calumnious slanderous mean scornful decrying libelous libellous discreditable disdainful traducing mud-slinging detractive contumelious catty fault-finding aspersing malevolent dishonoring reproachful minimizing sarcastic censorious maligning despiteful unfavorable minimising opprobrious malicious objectionable irritating annoying displeasing wounding discourteous exasperating provoking insolent affronting exceptionable provocative uncivil galling impudent embarrassing vexing unmannerly crude obnoxious censurable impolite coarse shocking vulgar outrageous reprehensible unacceptable scandalous detestable upsetting improper indecent derisive sneering deprecative scathing snide mocking judgmental harsh cynical unsympathetic scoffing jeering condemning hypercritical condemnatory cutting dismissive debasing denigrating vicious aspersive taunting supercilious carping lowering condescending caustic biting hostile satirical withering censuring detractory ridiculing jibing unpleasant shameful undignified prejudicial lying backbiting muckraking reproving discouraging slurring criticizing cavilling damning denunciatory pedantic false misrepresentative depreciating patronizing sarky disgraceful untrue downgrading adverse patronising mortifying shaming ignominious abject unworthy dyslogistic captious pernickety disadvantageous cheapening inglorious quibbling infra dig dishonourable contemptible menial unhelpful picky stern arrogant contrary overcritical niggling haughty abhorrent hairsplitting unfriendly nitpicking faultfinding rejective caviling dishonorable bringing shame snotty sardonic cavillous pass-remarkable nit-picking sniffy destructive snooty criticising troublesome full of contempt uncharitable epithetical brusque cruel teasing pillorying libeling lampooning defaming maledictory scandalmongering snidey dirty poisonous maledictive invective cursing defiant smearing aspersory irreverent sniping superior overbearing egotistic libelling antagonistic despicable sharp-tongued shrewish undermining disobliging invalidating obstructive unkind insinuating vexatious snarky ill-natured mordacious hair-splitting over-censorious over-particular corrosive abrasive hateful overscrupulous punctilious hard to please fussy overparticular meticulous perfectionist fastidious finicky over-exacting cavalier castigatory corrupting wretched unbecoming frowning scolding humbling diagnostic exacting discerning severe discriminating analytical critic judgy exceptive nagging trenchant sharp penetrating overnice particular choleric demanding vain imperious proud judgemental dissatisfied boot-faced denouncing disapprobatory snippy hard-nosed bold hard audacious temperamental snobbish uppity cool upstage cold-shoulder pettifogging displeased slating knocking harmful high hat dog it on your high horse high and mighty on high horse deleterious detrimental full of reproof inopportune inexpedient ill-timed griping bellyaching unpropitious inconvenient inauspicious unfortunate whingeing reprobatory reprobative nit-picky bad untoward inimical counter unlucky ultra-critical untimely debit-side unprofitable downside on the debit side

Từ trái nghĩa của intrusive

intrusive Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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