Từ đồng nghĩa của unwished for

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Not wanted or agreeable
unwelcome disagreeable undesirable unpleasant displeasing distasteful unpopular unpalatable disappointing undesired unfortunate unlucky bad bitter deplorable distressing harsh icky lamentable nasty regrettable rejected rotten sour uncongenial unlovely unpleasing unsavoury unsavory unwanted upsetting wicked yucky yukky blameworthy excluded reprehensible unacceptable uninvited annoying exceptionable inadmissible lousy objectionable obnoxious repellent unsought unwished-for ill-advised not wanted ill-favoured ill-favored too bad unappealing unenviable horrible unattractive infelicitous uncoveted unasked uninviting difficult painful uncomfortable blackballed thankless shut out not in the picture left out in cold excess baggage repugnant awful dreadful off-putting insufferable terrible repulsive loathsome disgusting frightful detestable abhorrent revolting hateful appalling obscene foul disliked dreaded vile offensive intolerable odious unsuitable despicable contemptible beastly loathly horrid sickening noxious disgustful nauseating ghastly nauseous rebarbative unsatisfactory unlikable loathed abominable troublesome inexpedient adverse outcast inconvenient shunned defective useless beyond the pale incommodious disadvantageous bothersome scorned detrimental for the birds strictly for the birds to be avoided out of place dire wretched gross shocking miserable hideous gruesome grievous irritating unappetizing horrendous woeful sad grotty atrocious stinking unfavourable execrable dirty yucko disturbing unfavorable ugly repellant irksome vexatious tragic filthy distressful pitiful grim noisome grody unhappy skanky severe rancid galling black dismal heartbreaking sick-making heartrending horrific censurable insupportable cruddy rude harmful agonizing sorry mucky harrowing pitiable funky diabolical putrid scandalous sordid macabre evil fulsome mean scurvy dislikable disastrous poison agonising cheap festy shameful bum hellish God-awful calamitous intense tragical horrifying hostile tough injurious inauspicious hard monstrous unpropitious unbearable egregious inappropriate vexing invidious unspeakable sleazy malodorous untoward afflictive hurtful squalid grisly smelly depressing unnerving rank acrid grubby fetid polluted mephitic worrying forbidding grave sombre somber pongy stinky whiffy frightening smudged bedraggled stained besmirched befouled smutty unfair blackened miasmal sullied scummy bemired dusty unclean uncleanly lame niffy unsportsmanlike dingy draggled sneaking grimy grungy ratty scabby muddy begrimed illegal soiled paltry lurid gloomy nightmarish olid hopeless out of line foetid ungodly unholy on the nose gut-wrenching out of order brackish inopportune crummy disgraceful aggravating pesky disconcerting rough poor destructive cruel troubling vulgar messy fierce creepy disquieting wrong coarse traumatic torturous scuzzy inhospitable heinous abysmal yecchy dismaying disheartening perturbing daunting mortifying poignant trying tormenting desperate bogging outrageous discouraging afflicting excruciating evil-smelling foul-smelling austere provoking doleful solemn alarming pathetic oppressive heart-rending chilling parlous bleak cheerless very bad ill-fated direful punk troubled glum foreboding morose dangerous sinister ominous unsympathetic discordant unseemly indecorous opprobrious raunchy mighty unfit acute drag pain weak flat crashing fearful regretful gnarly ignominious eye-watering not pleasant disrespectful serious terrifying dread a pity dispiriting derogatory discourteous ruthless savage provocative impudent impertinent affronting insolent murderous onerous unrelenting burdensome heavy relentless stiff brutal hardhanded merciless inhuman rugged searing ferocious vicious fearsome redoubtable terrific worrisome discomforting melancholic testing sore remorseless great spine-chilling scary petrifying intimidating extreme formidable hair-raising excessive unsettling stressful degrading wounding slighting insulting intemperate rigorous inclement poisonous humourless humorless discomposing sober agitating irritable bewildering depressive frustrating dour perilous negative dark sedate hairy troublous unendurable fraught uncivil impolite unmannerly hard-hearted mephitical unkind dreary sullen perplexing melancholy revulsive unamusing distressed straitened unfriendly hard-pressed joyless shadowy discommodious tortured full of hardship doubtful threatening gray mournful strained exacting ill-omened treacherous ill-boding grey pressing precarious comfortless desolate exigent jeopardous morbid apocalyptic rocky uncool godawful saddening awkward hellacious affecting shameless concerning anguished sorrowful maddening unpardonable inexcusable grating jarring nerve-racking nail-biting heart-breaking extremely bad nerve-wracking sick unforgivable glaring glary vomitous tasteless infuriating exasperating untimely cataclysmic squicky cloying surfeiting sleazeball strong blinding dazzling catastrophic unadvantageous ruinous gut-churning stomach-churning cringe-making stomach-turning vomit-inducing cataclysmal fatal unaesthetic grinding inferior unpromising inimical devastating damning shoddy second-rate grotesque deadly catastrophal duff slovenly crippling fateful shattering damaging low-rent off poxy disagreeing incompetent inadequate two-bit trashy substandard bush-league cut-rate wack subpar piss-poor wanting dime-a-dozen low-grade schlocky gimcrack cheapjack bush sucky cheesy crumby suboptimal common mediocre schlock junky deficient dissatisfactory bargain-basement rubbishy careless trumpery rubbish tinhorn pants bodger stupid a load of pants faulty of a sort no good not up to scratch el cheapo not much cop worthless

Từ trái nghĩa của unwished for

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