Từ đồng nghĩa của pesky

Alternative for pesky

Tính từ

Annoying, troublesome or irritating in nature
aggravating annoying bothersome vexatious vexing exasperating galling irritating irksome maddening provoking rankling troublesome harassing abrasive riling carking chafing disturbing frustrating mean nettlesome nettling peeving pestiferous pestilent pestilential plaguy ugly wicked pesty plaguey rebarbative trying infuriating tiresome infernal upsetting disagreeable displeasing nagging difficult confounded unpleasant cussed grating troubling wearisome inconvenient burdensome awkward worrisome distressing tedious niggling perturbing unwelcome antagonizing unsettling antagonising worrying teasing enraging wearing agitating enough to try the patience of a saint enough to drive you up the wall disconcerting irking taxing thorny tricky painful troublous disappointing demanding discomposing discomforting jarring harrying objectionable boring wretched repugnant discouraging challenging forbidding puzzling knotty discommoding bedevilling incommodious problematic tormenting afflicting unpleasing agonizing unnerving concerning unamusing disquieting festering antipathetic punchable agonising uncongenial nasty unsatisfying unattractive impossible bedeviling traumatic unfortunate deplorable lamentable humiliating distasteful unpalatable plaguing acid afflictive accursed oppressive arduous nauseating laborious hard importunate tough heavy intractable repressive ungovernable uphill alarming rowdy undisciplined murder messy infestive rough dangerous damaging disorderly sticky hairy perplexing delicate ticklish problematical prickly sensitive complicated dodgy intricate complex baffling dismaying involved embarrassing onerous touchy disruptive harrowing convoluted distressful controversial nerve-racking cumbersome ominous sinister inopportune severe unsuitable untimely unwieldy uncomfortable unhandy threatening catchy tricksy spiny inexpedient unmanageable grave frightening startling creepy unseasonable gloomy foreboding depressing inappropriate daunting tense discommodious grievous discomfiting confronting vexed nerve-wracking toilsome mystifying intrusive impeding consequential elaborate perilous unfavorable unfavourable uncertain incommoding compromising pessimistic dire hostile bewildering scary critical dicey anxious-making dark cringeworthy clunky uneasy flustering cringey ill-timed tangled chancy precarious fraught questionable iffy bitter cringe-making formidable labyrinthine involute sophisticated confusing unfathomable obscure byzantine impenetrable involuted prophetic fiddly tight disadvantageous bleak serious charged hazardous grim detrimental problem awful punishing gnawing shameful tortuous unfriendly dubious spartan suspect demeaning degrading bulky ungainly cumbrous intimidating labyrinthian baroque daedal nail-biting Byzantine risky bunglesome unpropitious discountenancing cranky paradoxical unmanoeuvrable Gordian clumsy ponderous toe-curling excruciating detailed gnarly cryptic abstruse fancy incomprehensible confounding inscrutable undecipherable enigmatic entangled recondite difficult to understand full of twists and turns persistent hurtful shocking restless nervous anxious remote prejudicial emotive apprehensive provocative embarrassed echinated briery stimulating pointed dreadful tender infelicitous devastating like herding cats kittle inauspicious hulking tickly torturous operose strenuous nice devilish dolorous bumpy ill-shaped mistimed off-putting gut-wrenching unsteady unstable itchy distressed scratchy discordant capricious temperamental mercurial changeable inconstant volatile fickle rocky variable ill-chosen causing discomfort ill-fitting devil of a very devil of a grotesque inharmonious unaesthetic offensive harsh badly timed aggressive disobliging shaming mortifying sour violent stridulous ill suited dry insensitive stridulent harsh-sounding confused dirty serpentine filthy difficult to handle menacing troubled jumbled mixed interlaced dense knotted out of place quarrelsome Daedalian hi-tech Daedalean treacherous disputed direful unclear unintelligible abstract impractical minacious insoluble complicate unanswerable pugnacious ambiguous mind-boggling hard to solve inexplicable profound deep rambling advanced enigmatical hard to explain above your head mind-bending hazy over one's head beyond comprehension beyond one's grasp esoteric unsolvable mysterious mystical thought-provoking opaque fathomless ignominious lumbersome bellicose debated contentious contested barro disgraceful discreditable dishonouring blush-making terrible ramified reticular effortful mazy debatable moot a devil distracting dishonoring equivocal rattling unseemly undecided undetermined unresolved unsettled unconcluded afflicted hard to use in contention ongoing at issue in dispute trouble open to question open to debate hot-button full of problems up in the air yet to be decided much debated open to doubt fractious beset by problems

Tính từ

(of a person) Deliberately unreasonable or uncooperative
awkward difficult uncooperative unreasonable belligerent annoying disobliging exasperating perverse stubborn trying unhelpful obstinate obstructive unpredictable intractable prickly troublesome unaccommodating contrary irritable refractory thrawn tiresome touchy vexing chippy contumacious froward pervicacious renitent vexatious balky bolshie bulky complex cramped cussed disagreeable discommodious incommodious obdurate stroppy unmanageable bloody-minded hard to handle difficult to handle recalcitrant wilful unruly disobedient headstrong wayward obstreperous ungovernable willful insubordinate uncontrollable defiant rebellious restive untoward fractious pigheaded self-willed undisciplined mulish rebel recusant incompliant inflexible bull-headed unyielding unbending cantankerous disorderly disruptive mutinous naughty truculent unadaptable uncompromising intransigent badly behaved contrarious immovable stiff-necked rock-ribbed mischievous indomitable errant wild delinquent cross-grained incontrollable tough unbiddable impish noncompliant determined rascally roguish capricious opinionated unmalleable unwilling resolute unsupportive pertinacious turbulent ornery tenacious hostile argumentative non-compliant insoluble rowdy uncompliant persistent strong-willed attention-seeking pig-headed irrational peevish morose biased illogical unamenable shrewish crabby ill-natured inconsiderate unresponsive blinkered arbitrary flyaway nonobservant prejudiced intolerant sticky violent troublemaking resistive insurgent seditious riotous limit not giving an inch blocking stalling restrictive inhibiting delaying disputatious quarrelsome not cooperative obstinately disobedient unconstructive hindering not helpful burdensome demanding treacherous factious disaffected dissentious uncomplying contrariant nonconforming adverse dissident discordant arsey nonconformist disagreeing antagonistic paradoxical resistant resisting opposing insubmissive undisciplinable withstanding radical antipathetic converse negative inimical wrongheaded dissentient frustrating making difficulties adamant dogged indurate maleficent resolved malicious malign malevolent spiteful firm inexorable relentless out of control stalwart steadfast hardheaded impossible to cope with out of hand rigid fixed persevering ossified steely adamantine unpersuadable implacable unshakable unflinching inconvincible hardened unshakeable disputative unrelenting hard bullheaded hard-nosed iron-willed self-opinionated strong-minded single-minded bad set in one's ways stubborn as a mule misbehaving misbehaved playful incorrigible rude impolite wicked tricksy puckish brattish scampish prankish sinful teasing gallus fiendish wanton worthless rough wrong evil bad-mannered ill-disciplined full of mischief incurable hard-line pat thorny unpliable locked knotty problematic indocile hang tough locked in tough nut unwavering staunch indefatigable unfaltering set unswerving purposeful unflagging insistent spirited dedicated stiff settled committed intent steady constant untiring vigorous earnest decided strict strong unhesitating driven tireless enduring solid rooted bound undaunted valiant inveterate deep-rooted deep-seated assiduous undeviating gritty mettlesome dead set forceful serious ingrained plucky dead set on decisive unbendable abiding sure doughty diehard brave bold courageous devoted unshaken entrenched ardent perseverant true stout bent on gutsy ineradicable hardline importunate bent set in stone stout-hearted lionhearted bound and determined unmovable dyed-in-the-wool full of determination deaf to reason confirmed diligent enthusiastic persisting harsh established iron grim rigorous definite spunky hard and fast sedulous purposive ruthless patient inbred hard-core perennial manful lifelong stringent deliberate unsparing obsessed stable faithful bent upon unchanging zealous remorseless wrong-headed assertive fanatical rugged chronic dogmatic long-standing devout die-hard continuing severe cast-iron bulldog ironclad stern long-lived usual strenuous do-or-die unswayable avid hell-bent on hell-bent upon high-spirited loyal unalterable immutable keen unappeasable focused obsessive unflappable unchangeable hidebound unabating pitiless set on continual cynical eager narrow-minded hanging tough compulsive ceaseless pushy certain wholehearted lasting habitual four-square passionate feisty hardy fervent meaning business out dour focussed unmitigated routine recurrent recurring inborn continuous ever-present hell-bent sustained self-assertive hard as nails intrepid protracted unfailing unremitting invariable true-blue merciless emphatic illiberal closed-minded extreme heroic ambitious unrepentant deep motivated aggressive determinate intrenched immobile enterprising fierce active long-lasting indurated unswervable doctrinaire domineering seasoned sturdy bred-in-the-bone energetic monomaniacal positive explicit unqualified intense self-confident never-failing hard-and-fast hard-bitten go-getting fearless stanch picky fervid pious resilient brassbound draconian uptight oppressive fussy impassioned sworn tried-and-true gung ho fast frozen as stubborn as a mule stony cruel exacting overbearing reliable prolonged unbreakable concrete unvacillating good mean hooked critical hungry possessive trusty changeless unstoppable fixated querulous industrious vehement perfectionist tyrannical hard to please hard-headed thirsty desirous brick-wall inspired opinionative standing pat iron-fisted unforgiving dictatorial case-hardened independent high-powered lingering permanent inured aspiring dug in irredeemable standing one's ground possessed inexpugnable militant hard-edged unquestioning stand pat deep-set fiery assured hypercritical unabated toughened long-established accustomed habituated confident deep-dyed sticking to one's guns impulsive stupid self-starting hard-driving goal-oriented stop at nothing over-particular self-driven well-set two-fisted mean business hard-shell as tough as old boots hell bent on hard to satisfy shortsighted blind deaf unbudgeable unconverted unreformed self-disciplined haughty direct unreceptive boneheaded firmly-based implanted mullish stiffened aloof proud petrified long-drawn-out unfluctuating durable immalleable formidable dependable never-tiring hardboiled buckled down unfading impassive unimpressible gallant unbeatable invincible straight fossilized bony rigidified impertinent hardhearted bullhead uncompassionate unemotional unregenerate cohesive stony-hearted unimpressionable authoritarian unconquerable valorous unmoved heady responsible tried forbidding disciplinary unvarying coherent incessant unmodifiable quiescent close-minded cold fish proof against persuasion convinced down-the-line hellbent dauntless dragging slow great game robust unforgetful categorical cocksure fossilised jelled final flat gut instinctive intrinsic unflexible crisp pounding mortal undefeated tough nut to crack in for long haul obscene pornographic X-rated locked-in puritanical unsurpassable impregnable invulnerable set-on one-sided congenital iron-jawed single-minded about firm about remaining undiscouraged undeterred powerful fit thick-skinned unplacatable iron-handed unmollifiable inescapable unpacifiable unending acute dangerous set in concrete agreed in the bag arranged planned stated prearranged telelogical playing hard ball calculated be out for blood nose to the grindstone sagacious allegiant self-centered liege going all the way trustworthy solid as a rock like bad penny stuffy unpermissive clear-sighted all out flat-out straight out radicated customary old innate undismayed with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in untameable insurmountable bulletproof unassailable insuperable do or die hold the fort hold your ground hold the line unwaivering irrepressible set in your ways manly greathearted gutty stouthearted unafraid undauntable heroical drawn-out spun-out haunting ineluctable whole-hearted dire alarming grave driven in heavy-handed no-nonsense with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way tough as old boots red-blooded not put off not discouraged obsessive about inflexible about fixated on fanatical about intent on undefeatable impassable competitive consumed compelled dominant in earnest perceptive take charge like death and taxes no going back necessary compulsory tall in the saddle on one's mettle insistent on intent upon determined to committed to the idea of lion-hearted prevailing dynamic striving consistent going hopeful cutthroat ferocious firm in spirit keen as mustard animated tough-minded resourceful never-ending clamorous judgemental judgmental disapproving progressive bloodthirsty pioneering galvanized impelled preconceived triumphant fastidious boorish finicky nonmoving through-and-through warlike gladiatorial brutal scrappy induced obsessional unbudging self-asserting full-blooded intensely competitive in-your-face self-seeking fiercely competitive get up and go power-hungry having killer instinct cut-throat dog-eat-dog hang-tough high-pressure go for broke self-assured can-do eager beaver power-loving high-reaching self-possessed overexacting exigent imperious cavilling nagging oafish bearish irascible discontented dissatisfied pushed steered guided besetting galvanised nonmotile quibbling disparaging sticklerish faultfinding overscrupulous needy hairsplitting caviling censuring cavillous immotile testy choosy snappy temperamental grumbly irritating urged on thorough demeaning carping censorious unbowed sour indelible proved complete irremovable frenzied torrid thoroughgoing impenitent supreme unapologetic unashamed unreformable longtime over-rigorous fault-finding over-strict over-exacting over-censorious high-maintenance overcritical unsentimental hard-boiled piggish self-centred vexed captious huffy delicate particular ungracious finical invidious sensitive crotchety uppity staid immoderate infatuated shrewd practical realistic sicker matter-of-fact down-to-earth burning mad over-enthusiastic secure callous world-weary well established red-hot through and through all-consuming firmly established bona fide card-carrying well-established dotty frenetic crazy potty visionary nuts gung-ho anchored compacted packed hard-handed compact rocky impenetrable concentrated consolidated compressed nailed quiet hitched situated unmoving attached stationary still located tight rabid perfervid bigoted wackadoodle overenthusiastic wackadoo passional lacking sentiment made fast as hard as nails toughened by experience nuts for erratic partial bugged raving feverish high on credulous fanatic turned on addicted

Tính từ

Disobedient in nature
difficult disobedient defiant dysfunctional rebellious delinquent badly behaved ill-disciplined mischievous naughty undisciplined unruly wayward bad badly-behaved impudent insolent misbehaving petulant problematic pugnacious whiny aggressive bellicose belligerent cantankerous combative confrontational contumacious disorderly disruptive errant erratic rascally recalcitrant stubborn trying uncontrollable uncooperative argumentative disturbed exasperating fierce hostile hot-tempered ill-behaved incorrigible maladjusted rough rowdy rude scrappy socially impaired truculent willful bold demanding devilish indocile insubordinate loudmouthed malicious mean nasty roguish self-willed tiresome uncompliant uncontainable undisciplinable unmanageable unrestrainable wearisome irksome peevish sullen troublous contrary froward refractory intractable ungovernable obstreperous fractious wilful troublesome untoward rebel recusant incompliant balky restive mutinous perverse headstrong awkward wild unbiddable impish bolshie turbulent riotous insurgent non-compliant seditious disaffected obstinate noncompliant incontrollable aberrant treacherous factious sinful wrong out of control anarchic nonobservant resistive reckless fickle obdurate unpredictable resistant revolutionary unbearable intolerable impossible undependable persistent malign maleficent determined malevolent resolved spiteful mulish dissentious uncomplying nonconformist dissentient malcontent disloyal immoral ornery arbitrary insurrectionary cross-grained self-indulgent strong-willed threatening militant warring individualistic iconoclastic armed restless sabotaging quarrelsome alienated treasonable dissident radical anarchistic attacking offending sinning erring deviant culpable lawless criminal lawbreaking guilty transgressing misbehaved straying playful impolite wicked tricksy puckish annoying brattish scampish prankish devious unorthodox fallible deviating miscreant shifting stray unreliable heretic meandering errable wanton teasing gallus worthless fiendish tough evil off straight and narrow bad-mannered attention-seeking full of mischief unrestrained out of hand mistaken uncontrolled vexatious blundering transgressive faulty untrained unsteady capricious unschooled aberrative aberrational stroppy troublemaking unsettling disturbing upsetting ungoverned inconsistent in error distracting lacking self-control divisive noisy raucous out-of-order out-of-line off-base disrupting causing trouble

Từ trái nghĩa của pesky

pesky Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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