Từ đồng nghĩa của insensitive

Alternative for insensitive

insensitive /in'sensitiv/
  • tính từ
    • không có cảm giác; không nhạy cảm
      • insensitive to light: không nhạy cảm ánh sáng

Tính từ

Showing or feeling no concern for others' feelings
unfeeling thick-skinned callous heartless uncaring unconcerned cold-blooded compassionless hard hard-hearted inconsiderate unsympathetic merciless pitiless thoughtless cold-hearted indifferent inhuman stony-hearted uncharitable unkind affectless case-hardened crass cruel desensitised desensitized hard-boiled hardened harsh indurate inhumane insensate ironhearted obdurate pachydermatous remorseless ruthless slash-and-burn soulless stoney stony stonyhearted take-no-prisoners tough unmerciful unresponsive unsparing imperceptive lacking compassion obtuse tactless unpitying unsusceptible aloof bloodless cold coldhearted feelingless hardhearted impervious inattentive incurious oblivious unaffected unmoved unsensitive as hard as nails inured to with a heart of stone hard as nails unemotional brutal severe unforgiving uncompassionate apathetic rude stern impolite savage discourteous barbarous impassive unbending frigid inflexible boorish mean cool sadistic uncivil insensible indelicate unrelenting undiplomatic implacable relentless unfriendly crude hard-nosed rough unpleasant uncompromising ungracious barbaric intolerant vulgar icy brash uncouth unrefined austere grim hard-bitten brutish ill-bred heedless unyielding graceless fierce strict nasty ill-mannered unloving untouched unmannerly disrespectful inexorable indiscreet coarse dispassionate disinterested sharp careless passionless rigorous emotionless impassible tasteless lukewarm stolid rigid phlegmatic illiberal injudicious gruff vicious calm impolitic unmindful steely impertinent unmannered numb passive loutish uncultured unpolished uncultivated undemonstrative marble-hearted detached gross toughened surly uncivilized hurtful ignorant expressionless draconian curt unstirred stoical bestial selfish wanton torpid repellent truculent monstrous exacting imprudent poker-faced unwise stoic uncalled-for tyrannical gauche mean-spirited ungentlemanly uncivilised anesthetized deadened unfair unimpressionable ill-advised unconsiderate dead spiritless unsentimental unsophisticated inelegant lifeless self-centered firm self-centred stiff anaesthetized reckless unthinking bad-mannered hasty ferocious unhandsome common incautious churlish flinty rough-hewn deadpan ill-judged fiendish unremitting cutthroat unruffled cut-throat halfhearted aversive repugnant oppressive dog-eat-dog antipathetic blunt bloodthirsty atrocious wicked loveless listless heinous incult inexpressive hostile cynical unladylike inclement heavy matter-of-fact butcherly brute authoritarian vindictive murderous uninterested distant sanguinary insusceptible offensive dull heavy-handed laid-back awkward benumbed inadvisable indurated antisocial immune unempathetic asocial inured unthoughtful immune to impervious to oafish blank adamant rash rustic unsubtle philistine wooden diabolical violent forceful excessive untroubled unappeasable unceremonious brusque bearish languid unperturbed clumsy impudent insolent stubborn despotic feral short abrasive evil hard-headed unexcitable frosty without sentiment offhand misguided unworried restrained ill-considered chilly serene stone-hearted ramrod imperturbable foolhardy cavalier cloddish collected wolfish yobbish indecorous fell unkindly beastly dastardly ungallant abusive roughneck lowbrow lowbred raffish low rugged plebby equable deaf to limp reserved flat uncongenial blind tyrannous ironfisted flagitious egregious cold fish unflappable hardhanded sluggish remote lethargic heedless of inactive slow quiet hateful nonplussed lazy neutral proof against uninvolved forbidding indolent unhappy supine cool, calm and collected inert disregardful ungenerous nonresponsive uncommiserating stringent in poor taste distasteful ill-chosen stonehearted stingy unjust unperceptive impenetrable casehardened insentient impenitent unchristian censorious armour-plated invulnerable demanding untactful unsympathizing spiteful satanic hatchetjob coldblooded depraved hellish solid rowdy extreme hard-as-nails seasoned unimpressed blind to tormenting maleficent torturous mechanical punishing terse premeditated killer rancorous malevolent mortal revengeful infernal abominable vile appalling unseemly senseless nonreactive asleep dry-eyed undismayed constant vengeful punitive faceless utilitarian gray subhuman grey bleak killer instinct dour dictatorial raw immovable intense world-weary unapproachable without pity suppressive onerous common as muck unchivalrous crotchety cantankerous unamiable sensationless uncordial inhospitable unfortunate unflinching uneducated bloody sour avaricious unregenerate greedy unrepenting indefatigable uncontrite no-nonsense browbeating bullying withdrawn with a hide like an elephant critical empty vacant catatonic provincial parochial lacking sentiment hard-line hard-edged hard-shelled obstinate headstrong indifferent to impartial in bad taste iron-fisted unimpressible resolute mean machine placid having a killer instinct unwelcoming hard-shell agrestic inurbane fixed toughened by experience ardorless inhibited cold-shoulder impotent unromantic formal insensitive of insensible to insensitive to insensible of cutting oblivious to adamantine Rhadamanthine biting as tough as old boots unmindful of disregardful of caustic malign malicious cannibalistic malignant dry indecent ungentlemanlike thuggish grating carefree unsavoury undiscriminating vitriolic bitter nonchalant insouciant blithe frank outspoken foolish controlled inadvertent unguarded improvident annoying irritating acerbic relaxed slobbish abrupt bluff ungraceful stilted uncomfortable rustical uneasy self-controlled clinical impersonal unconsidered harebrained wounding galling clodhopping loudmouthed ocker level-headed businesslike cool-headed acerb comfortless devil-may-care happy-go-lucky overbearing irresponsible unwary easy casual unanxious aggressive spiky argumentative swinish unsavory rational unagitated sober high-handed autocratic unenthusiastic unanimated half-hearted feeble sullen lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome debonair unthought-out spur-of-the-moment badly thought out ill-conceived ill-thought-out not thought through hare-brained impulsive short-sighted precipitate composed tranquil Neanderthal uncalled for plain-spoken rubbing the wrong way hard to take pococurante misbehaved untimely inexpedient infelicitous garrulous nosy speaking as one finds bland vapid wishy-washy chill reticent marble blah objective glacial inept bungling domineering slack calling a spade a spade deaf unbothered not bothered without a care in the world at ease not giving a toss forgetful feckless undisturbed lackadaisical negligent undaunted mannerless ill-humored overstrict coercive OTT anaesthetic anesthetic enervated unenergetic sleepy tired idle along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches ill-humoured low-bred stagnant static languorous dilatory laggard lax somnolent slothful fatigued depressed over the top slow-moving tardy neurasthenic dozy asthenic logy dormant lymphatic weary yawny drowsy faineant quiescent weak fainéant

Tính từ

Having an unkind or spiteful character or nature
mean unkind nasty spiteful foul malicious malevolent despicable contemptible obnoxious vile odious loathsome disagreeable unpleasant unfriendly uncharitable shabby unfair callous cruel inconsiderate vicious base low horrible horrid thoughtless hateful hurtful heartless rotten low-down vindictive wicked bad beastly hostile coldhearted uncaring unfeeling unsympathetic catty harsh malignant gross ill-natured inhuman inhumane barbarous brutal cold-blooded hard-hearted not nice sadistic savage snide despiteful malign virulent currish deplorable detestable dirty dishonourable dishonorable execrable ignominious low-minded scummy wounding upsetting mean-spirited pitiless ruthless compassionless merciless cold-hearted unkindly ungenerous inhospitable unamiable uncivil hardhearted unchristian selfish ill hard prejudicial unreasonable mischievous painful distressing biting acerbic barbed sarky offensive cutting acidulous snarky mordacious inappropriate tactless disgusting revolting awful wretched repulsive shocking abominable appalling terrible dreadful obscene yucky repellent sickening nauseating rude surly distasteful sordid churlish abusive cantankerous repugnant ignoble paltry ugly poisonous venomous evil abhorrent depraved filthy monstrous reprehensible ill-humored God-awful coarse noisome degraded lousy damnable noxious bogging bad-tempered sleazy yucko ill-tempered ill-humoured evil-minded ghastly belligerent aggressive antagonistic annoying vitriolic confrontational combative pugnacious wrathful bellicose objectionable ornery sarcastic nauseous rancorous angry unsociable bitter joyless militant uncongenial viperous scrappy furious sour horrendous repellant hideous scandalous creepy frightful animal boorish brutish piggish gluttonous carnal ferine brute bestial swinish feral irrational prurient unclean rancid fulsome slimy uncool pestiferous invidious pesky disgraceful vulgar corrupt perverted unsavoury atrocious sinful off-putting degenerate debased iniquitous shameful sorry heinous dark miserable dissolute reprobate humiliating diabolic diabolical debauched gut-churning hellish icky degrading nefarious sick-making fiendish abject devilish worthless immoral black vomitous unlawful villainous unrighteous sick unsavory wrong scurvy unethical flagitious egregious disgustful loathly impure stinking abandoned vomit-inducing

Tính từ

(of a person, action, or motive) Making decisions based solely on one's own self-interest or personal profit
selfish inconsiderate ungiving thoughtless unthinking uncaring heedless unmindful regardless tactless apathetic discourteous uncharitable unkind mean miserly grasping greedy mercenary egocentric egomaniacal egotistic egotistical introverted self-loving acquisitive opportunistic self-absorbed self-centered self-centred self-obsessed self-regarding self-seeking self-serving inward-looking money-grubbing looking after number one on the make out for what one can get wrapped up in oneself narcissistic self-interested self-involved self-infatuated solipsistic self-oriented self-preoccupied self-concerned egoistic egoistical puffed up undiplomatic blundering indiscreet careless rude injudicious impolite vain self-important conceited proud inward looking individualistic stuck-up self-indulgent self-minded megalomaniac individualist vainglorious pompous haughty prideful boastful snobbish superior smug arrogant opinionated cocky overweening bragging bigheaded self-conceited swellheaded self-opinionated self-admiring self-satisfied swaggering supercilious uppity imperious immodest biggity snooty uppish biggety high-and-mighty self-congratulatory aloof swollen-headed pretentious assured presumptuous lordly patronizing high-handed pontifical disdainful important snobby lofty brash self-affected bumptious self-promoting self-contented self-adulatory self-glorifying self-engrossed cavalier big-headed overconfident huffy impudent hifalutin toploftical condescending highfalutin toplofty sniffy inflated affected boasting chesty patronising stuck up complacent toffee-nosed full of oneself swollen high and mighty full of yourself hubristic overbearing contemptuous insolent elitist self-righteous blustering scornful huffish self-asserting high-hat self-assertive stuck on oneself bossy bloated hoity-toity stiff-necked orgulous audacious know-it-all confident self-confident domineering inner-directed holier-than-thou self-assured blusterous too big for your boots snotty autocratic egomaniac consequential ostentatious cocksure on an ego trip in love with oneself bold wrapped up in yourself mocking brazen scoffing assumptive brassy sneering fancy-pants snippy cheeky smarty cold-shoulder independent wise guy jumped up personal peacockish unthoughtful dismissive cool think too highly of oneself pleased with oneself think a lot of oneself sure have an excessively high opinion of oneself assuming too big for one's boots too big for one's breeches braggart bombastic saucy braggy pontificating self-complacent self-pleased unreserved impertinent self-flattering masterful self-gratulatory self-dramatizing authoritarian blustery forward peremptory self-applauding dominating magisterial extroverted extraverted presuming uninhibited obsessive intimate intrinsic isolated subjective grandstanding swanky looking out for number one pleased with yourself in love with yourself self-contained self-sufficient having a swelled head wrapped up with oneself think one is the cat's pyjamas think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift idiocentric unique original off-centre unorthodox singular idiosyncratic nonconformist unconventional atypical individual uncommon liberated characteristic distinctive unconstrained bohemian eccentric untrammelled special typical groundbreaking free-spirited pioneering freethinking particular unfettered strange peculiar odd maverick self-reliant untrammeled strutting loudmouth windbag brag boast ham phony gall conceity phoney snot-nosed blowing one's own trumpet above oneself full of hot air smart-alecky big talking

Tính từ

Having low intelligence
thick stupid dense dull brainless dopey obtuse doltish mindless slow thickheaded unintelligent witless dumb ignorant vacuous dim foolish moronic birdbrained boneheaded dozy idiotic pinheaded vapid chuckleheaded dunderheaded gullible imbecilic lamebrained naive bovine cretinous dippy fatuous oafish daft dopy lamebrain senseless simple airheaded blockheaded bonehead bubbleheaded dorky gormless knuckleheaded lunkheaded muttonheaded numbskulled opaque softheaded unsmart dof dotish slow-witted dim-witted dull-witted empty-headed half-witted simple-minded brain-dead dunce-like pea-brained pig-ignorant thick-witted weak-minded fat-headed thick-skulled wooden-headed slow on the uptake soft in the head as thick as two short planks thick as two short planks not the full shilling uncomprehending stolid imperceptive blockish lumpish glaikit soft crass chowderheaded blind unperceptive unimaginative duncelike half-baked sluggish thick-skinned unresponsive dimwitted limited divvy log-headed hebete woodenheaded not with it thick as mince dead from the neck up slow on uptake blundering coarse gross boorish asinine unrefined indelicate silly crazy inane imbecile simpleminded unwise barmy illiterate dotty uneducated daffy unschooled untaught shallow mad tomfool unlearned goofy benighted unread harebrained wooden unlettered uninformed absurd inexperienced featherheaded ridiculous green scatty unthinking screwy feeble-minded unenlightened thoughtless feebleminded unreasoning innocent unintellectual unmindful uninstructed insane nonsensical crackpot nutty damfool cuckoo feather-brained braindead wacky lunatic nonliterate fool insensible unwitting clueless untutored giddy scatterbrained hare-brained oblivious untrained analphabetic unknowledgeable in the dark sappy unaware inept jerky nescient unconversant uninitiated halfwitted batty loopy unconscious ludicrous kooky loony looney whacky kookie deficient balmy ill-advised preposterous backward torpid thick-headed misinformed lethargic vacant Boeotian uncultured nitwitted rude imprudent apprenticed uncultivated unsuspecting laughable unreasonable pointless irrational screwball zany cockeyed pie-faced blind to very stupid heavy clownish dark deranged without thought hebetudinous immature unknowing cloddish credulous puerile incognizant superficial crackbrained rash unacquainted unsophisticated risible flighty injudicious unscholarly irresponsible dappy insensate impractical indiscreet cockamamy cockamamie numskulled not intelligent short-sighted mentally deficient mentally handicapped wet behind the ears ill-mannered childish lifeless inert slumberish comatose phlegmatic placid unstudious inanimate somnolent anencephalic anencephalous callow rattlebrained underdeveloped soppy retarded addle-brained stupefied inactive listless surd idiotical unconsidered invalid notional nonrational boobish fallacious weak unreasoned buffoonish idiot purblind undeveloped slothful chowderhead foolhardy loggerheaded clottish incompetent dummy feeble reckless fatheaded impassive shortsighted erratic unstable negligent careless featherbrained ditzy dizzy frivolous skittish unversed forgetful neglectful not bright foolishly stupid impolitic feather-headed mooning daydreaming inattentive spaced-out out moony out to lunch know-nothing pea-brain inconsistent ill-informed out of it sheepheaded unworldly shocking outrageous unqualified muddle-headed incredible ill-considered monstrous unthinkable extreme impossible comical bizarre farcical extravagant excessive unbelievable astonishing exorbitant pathetic derisive illogical derisory unhinged a brick short of a load as green as grass two sandwiches short of a picnic far-out out of the question outlandish too much unusual taking the cake touched crackers mental nuts cracked bonkers brainsick cranky demented crazed loco maniac wud maniacal unsound bedlam meshugge potty bughouse psychotic slang fruity unbalanced haywire bats gaga wacko moonstruck whacko psycho meshuga certifiable flakey not all there looney tunes bedlamite not quite right flaky loony tunes fried non compos mentis in the ozone off the wall out of one's gourd

Tính từ

Having no regard
regardless inconsiderate heedless unmindful disregarding reckless unheeding uninterested careless derelict inattentive neglectful negligent nonobservant unfeeling delinquent rash remiss blind coarse deaf inadvertent listless mindless crude lax rude slack irresponsible thoughtless unthinking slipshod disregardful imprudent hasty lazy incautious sloppy neglecting slapdash indifferent injudicious impetuous forgetful madcap devil-may-care behindhand foolhardy precipitate impulsive casual ill-considered daredevil ill-advised wild indiscreet hell-for-leather unwise unobservant harum-scarum oscitant unguarded unwary foolish offhand temerarious kamikaze hot-headed harebrained unconcerned unreflective lackadaisical precipitous overhasty indolent dilatory flighty misguided improvident tardy fainéant absent-minded daring brash slothful hare-brained venturesome easy-going venturous slovenly hotheaded permissive oblivious uncareful carefree laid-back disorderly asleep at switch asleep at the wheel playing with fire any old way asleep on the job asleep on job suicidal uncaring self-destructive failing to show proper care and attention giddy uncircumspect scatty untrustworthy unreliable undependable abstracted napping erratic frivolous haphazard dotty dippy inconstant scatterbrained divvy barratrous romping light-minded blameworthy culpable slow defaultant woolgathering inconsistent daydreaming reprehensible unsafe unwatchful impolitic off-guard unalert uncautious wary bold unvigilant inefficient caught napping fast-and-loose sticking one's neck out not careful leading with one's chin ill-judged off guard foot-in-mouth pay no mind procrastinative incompetent slap-happy disorganized inactive idle otiose pococurante any which way at fault nonchalant lethargic leisurely disorganised faineant workshy quiescent do-nothing unprofessional laggard inert passive dormant detached soft lenient cursory dispassionate insouciant overindulgent incurious unheedful relaxed vague indulgent liberal complaisant loose indefinite broad inaccurate non-restrictive general nonspecific shapeless inexact imprecise yielding flabby over-tolerant flaccid easy-peasy failing to take proper care accepting tolerant any way floppy nonjudgmental paying no mind limp tactless irreflective headlong undiscerning unreasonable audacious overconfident ditsy unreasoning overbold apathetic undiplomatic irrational senseless tearaway unconsidered overventuresome adventuresome adventurous uncontrolled breakneck unsmart death-or-glory ill-conceived out of control helter-skelter fast and loose bull-in-a-china-shop over-adventurous over-venturesome silly headstrong hurried brave stupid courageous spur-of-the-moment risky blithe unrestrained intrepid fearless indelicate short-sighted rushed abandoned gutsy sudden inadvisable hardy premature enterprising perfunctory dauntless undaunted precipitant dashing gadarene flying unthought-out wanton intemperate drive-by nervy pell-mell nerved emboldened dangerous inexpedient spontaneous free-swinging unpremeditated ill-thought-out crazy ballsy unafraid crackbrained capricious immoderate feckless extravagant cool furious outrageous free and easy spunky inappropriate passionate crackpot valiant asinine immature abrupt hazardous daft heroic dissolute unbridled untroubled valorous disinterested graceless unworried uninhibited plucky unconstrained free game unplanned brazen determined unconscious ignorant jumping to conclusions pushy preposterous idiotic absurd ridiculous cavalier unchecked desperate impudent easy risk-taking unrestricted unreserved death-defying have-a-go unintelligent cock-eyed blithely unconcerned without care wrong-headed unfettered nonsensical flippant untimely spirited uncurbed brainless witless confident fanciful unrepressed involuntary happy-go-lucky fiery frenzied insuppressible gutty exciting shameless reactive naive profligate bizarre unsystematic unthoughtful licentious unexpected half-baked knee-jerk lavish impracticable unaccountable inane unworkable impractical good-for-nothing profuse unflinching violent unintended instinctive prodigal wacky unintentional frantic unwitting undisciplined fantastic mad swaggering gallant unshrinking unbounded rampant speedy chaotic cocky unhampered fantastical empty-headed intuitive previous presumptuous accidental runaway peppy ludicrous whimsical automatic chance emotional excessive unhindered quick nutty impromptu rushing raw unabashed lawless careless of corrupt ungoverned aweless resolute gritty illogical random insane unreal maladroit dareful unadvised hectic aimless unmeant unsound indiscriminate arbitrary unsympathetic messy smart dozy hit-or-miss unreasoned superficial blunt subitaneous doughty futile untidy immoral incontinent featherbrained birdbrained swift light-hearted impertinent unpolitic credulous unprepared fluky desultory stray scattered catch-as-catch-can stalwart stout incidental uncalled-for blasé feather-brained all over the place ad hoc badly thought out shoddy not thought through macho hedonistic heady shortsighted whirlwind unrealistic nerveless barmy mechanical radge unsubtle infelicitous garrulous nosy demonstrative rough tempestuous unseemly lively snatched misjudged undesirable unfortunate childish high-risk airy wide open restless exploratory thrill-seeking seeking unduly quick fly-by-night unaware uninformed breezy off deep end out on limb badly planned confused wrong boisterous good-time lunatic imbecilic unadvisable clueless moronic extemporaneous snap unwarned unknowing unsuspecting spur of the moment unpractical dumb fatuous mettlesome dynamic reflex careless of one's duty inept monstrous scandalous heinous anxious immodest effusive extreme life-threatening thrilling off one's guard aggressive sturdy resourceful on the go go-ahead damfool without regard unprompted freakish decadent shocking atrocious worried distracted unthorough unmeticulous wasteful positive swashbuckling unpredictable touchy-feely inexperienced in the dark leaving self wide open off the deep end fast-paced stouthearted decisive undauntable lionhearted manful greathearted heroical assured asleep at the switch out to lunch unmethodical vacant untactful brutish without a care in the world prankish jaunty unmeditated gratuitous supererogative irregular idiotical simpleminded lamebrained feisty lion-hearted off the top of one's head farcical self-indulgent self-gratifying salacious lamebrain nonrational meaningless pointless fruitless ditzy dizzy skittish bantam assuming salty cheeky forward crusty smart-alecky brassy obtrusive implausible dim-witted half-witted ad-lib jumping the gun winging it thriftless fluctuating spendthrift fickle fitful eager fierce ardent unlimited temeritous orderless undirected hit-and-miss exorbitant incredible fast impassioned vehement higgledy-piggledy excitable fire eating hot shot innocent fortuitous uncalculated flukey unreflecting supererogatory unbalanced unconfined harsh ungracious jumbled unorganized willy-nilly unorganised designless unselective uncoordinated hit or miss all over the map fluke purposeless go for broke frothy batty dopey goofy puerile yeasty coincidental undevised unthought undesigned fervid restive last-minute inordinate unshackled untrammelled unresponsible not in the loop as game as Ned Kelly out on a limb dappy heedless of O.T.T. too much a bit much OTT over the top unkind clumsy gadabout louche carnal unimpeded natural unsuppressed uncontrollable boundless cocksure hubristic overweening young inattentive to disregardful of excited bemused gaga bubbleheaded irrepressible unbound unquenchable unstoppable footloose uncontainable not on purpose intolerant impolite discourteous conceited uppish self-assured smug bumptious neglectful of regardless of oblivious to thrown-together paying no heed to blind to unheeding of taking no notice of unconscious of deaf to not paying attention disrespectful going off deep end shambolic overbearing blustering arrogant self-assertive presuming abundant volatile unhandsome uncivil callous unmannered unmannerly light-headed frank flamboyant candid out of hand saturnalian impotent plenary open exaggerated untrammeled riotous limitless sophomoric depraved dissipated unruly thrown together uncharitable boorish unfair heartless sharp unceremonious short riding for a fall overoptimistic bullish lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome debonair wicked incorrigible reprobate unprincipled sinful debauched all over the shop ill-mannered ill-bred optimistic content free-minded cheerful full of yourself heading for a fall carefree and untroubled living the life of Riley

Tính từ

Incapable of being injured
invulnerable invincible impenetrable safe secure indestructible unassailable impregnable insusceptible immune impervious bulletproof indomitable insuperable insurmountable inviolable strong unattackable unbeatable unconquerable unshakeable unstoppable impassable powerful untouchable proof against safe and sound undefeatable unyielding protected sacrosanct hallowed sacred holy unsurpassable firm defended unflinching indefatigable unbending irresistible overwhelming fortified shielded stout staunch resolute steadfast inviolate defensible unshakable irrepressible well fortified well defended stalwart inalienable supreme dauntless impossible unimpeachable solid intransigent lionhearted hopeless determined guarded unthreatened tough willful dogged doughty steely spirited riskless certain sheltered challenging strong-willed sure strong-minded stout-hearted snug fortress-like out of harm's way safe as houses free from danger in safe hands in a safe place immortal tenable impassible above criticism unkillable well-defended unsurmountable unfaltering unflagging feisty enduring immovable undismayed unchallengeable respected sound sanctified risk-free indefeasible undefeated intractable innate inexpugnable unattainable resistant low-risk matchless defendable unsurpassed peerless holdable set apart locked steady iron unmatched protectable excellent outstanding unhackable unexcelled unalterable intangible impalpable imperceptible persisting persistent inevitable inescapable unrelenting inexorable overpowering relentless persevering no-win inaccessible unmasterable ineluctable not beatable forget it no way able to be protected not a prayer set brave plucky fearless intrepid inflexible adamant heroic valiant untameable stubborn ruthless gritty obstinate mettlesome courageous pertinacious confident reassured unworried undamaged unharmed assured protected from harm protected from danger alright all right tenacious unwavering bold gutsy undaunted vigorous spunky gallant single-minded unswerving obdurate daring uncompromising manful valorous resolved rock-ribbed dedicated stouthearted gutty game unafraid purposeful audacious unhesitating fixed untiring greathearted undauntable headstrong implacable ballsy recalcitrant constant earnest committed heroical refractory lion-hearted forceful venturous wilful have-a-go unmanageable perverse intent unshrinking indurate hardy driven nervy insistent froward enthusiastic stiff contrary high-spirited defiant contumacious adventurous strenuous balky pigheaded bolshie decided self-willed ungovernable unruly stiff-necked bloody-minded dyed-in-the-wool iron-willed uncontrollable purposive hard-nosed devoted ardent wild uncooperative bulldog rigid undisciplined serious mulish unshaken restive difficult true cantankerous opinionated full of determination tireless hardheaded dashing unfearful bull-headed unbendable perseverant obstreperous patient unremitting fractious stroppy set in one's ways awkward dead set on wayward industrious unmalleable deliberate unadaptable hard-line avid zealous energetic unchanging noble keen disobedient indocile insubordinate dynamic daredevil manly faithful venturesome ossified loyal cussed adamantine untoward inconvincible hardened undeviating death-or-glory resilient hard bullheaded incompliant active intense unaccommodating strict pat self-opinionated four-square impavid fire-eating uncompliant unswervable passionate assiduous bent diligent settled unwearied set on bent on true-blue Herculean inexhaustible insuppressible unrestrainable unpersuadable rebellious ornery weariless fanatical undeterred chivalrous reliable frightless assertive unblenching unabashed rebel recusant diehard fierce trusty cross-grained spartan brassy temerarious bound eager incontrollable compulsive remorseless immutable herolike decisive pushy hell-bent ironclad unreasonable stubborn as a mule unswayable independent grim meaning business dogmatic opinionative pig-headed locked in contrarious as game as Ned Kelly go-ahead standing one's ground undisciplinable bound and determined argumentative bent upon self-assertive wrong-headed unsubduable bravehearted uncontainable sporting direct self-disciplined firmly-based undiscouraged adventuresome dependable fervent devout redoubtable aweless straight fiery incessant unalarmed honourable macho great-spirited rigorous hidebound stringent stanch hardboiled buckled down cool blinkered unfearing orped lively brisk inalterable stable sturdy hard-working unchangeable brassbound unvacillating unmoved unbreakable heady fervid impassioned sworn tried-and-true responsible pious tried inveterate gung ho peppery gingery cocky icy sassy high-powered definite unfailing unceasing set in your ways hard and fast stern not put off not discouraged ambitious convinced reactionary traditionalist conservative urbane hairy honorable quixotic suave dignified mettled frisky sprightly out unwilling mutinous aggressive motivated with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in deaf to reason superhuman disorderly steamroller powerhouse perky continuing plugging jumping go-go grind unstinted fireball continued hyper plodding obstinately disobedient firm in spirit perceptive vehement two-fisted sagacious keen as mustard animated tough-minded resourceful self-confident take charge mean ultra-conservative hard-core unprogressive deep-dyed tried and true hanging tough tried and tested intent on do-or-die determined to committed to the idea of tall in the saddle hell-bent on on one's mettle insistent on hell-bent upon hell bent on intent upon grand extravagant classic exaggerated epic renitent pervicacious inspired hungry enterprising consumed compelled obsessed turbulent violent delinquent incorrigible non-compliant elevated high-flown inflated grandiose good possessed thirsty desirous obsessive striving noncompliant resisting insubmissive radical opposing withstanding out of control champion mythological incurable long-standing eager beaver galvanized monomaniacal impelled like a loose cannon excited insurgent beside oneself badly-behaved freaked abandoned lawless fixated aspiring militant obsessional induced hopeful stand tall impulsive besetting pushed steered galvanised guided unwearying entrenched blimpish bigger than life go-getting self-starting hard-driving never-tiring insoluble thorny unpliable problematic knotty self-driven urged on goal-oriented dead set sedulous unsinkable painstaking fogyish stick-in-the-mud conformist tough nut hang tough imprudent forward chin-up foolhardy fortitudinous nose to grindstone stop at nothing demanding grumbly disobliging overbearing importunate pitiless irritable trying boorish finical tiresome vexed unpredictable testy hard to handle invidious choosy fiendish captious snappy sensitive ill-natured hard to please temperamental crotchety uppity touchy troublesome uptight chippy quarrelsome unamenable disputative sour oafish discontented tyrannical hypercritical picky prickly dissatisfied rude querulous bearish crabby thrawn huffy negative delicate oppressive hard to satisfy irritating fussy overcritical impolite disputatious irascible obstructive perfectionist particular fastidious over-particular finicky dictatorial critical ungracious unflappable wholehearted unmovable

Tính từ

Causing disruption or annoyance through being unwelcome or uninvited
invasive annoying disturbing imposing interfering intrusive pushy meddlesome meddling nosy obtrusive unwanted intruding prying presumptuous officious trespassing nosey protrusive busy busybody interrupting forward pushing unwelcome presuming snoopy uncalled-for importunate inquisitive curious impertinent unpleasant indiscreet protruding upsetting snooping probing nebby interested questioning inquiring investigative eavesdropping searching intermeddling tampering enquiring scrutinizing peering inquisitorial analytical spying scrutinising peeping prurient examining bumptious self-assertive inspecting disquisitive bossy overbearing pragmatic assertive over-curious over-interested brash nosy-parker bold interruptive forceful aggressive domineering loud gossipy inquisitory interrogative fact-finding offensive obnoxious puzzled speculative personal interviewing interrogational cross-examining bustling self-important overzealous opinionated dictatorial busybodied interloping meddlesomeness nosiness interference butting in research agog intrigued mischievous overbusy nosy-parkering encumbering troublesome kibitzing hindering obstructive impeding chiseling interposing big-eyed poking challenging keen sifting ambitious interventionist investigating undercover inspective exploratory researching chiselling burning with curiosity thrusting rude fussy bureaucratic arrogant wondering cocksure confident overconfident over-assertive cocky pushful doubtful go-ahead insistent nervy strident loudmouthed blatant jutting flagrant projecting sheer bald prognathous bulging investigatory outward-looking studious catechistic heuristic penetrating quizzical Socratic full of oneself

Tính từ

Inappropriate for a given purpose, situation or occasion
infelicitous inappropriate indecorous improper inapt inapposite incorrect inept malapropos perverse unbecoming unfit imprudent incautious indelicate indiscreet injudicious unapt unseemly unsuitable untoward amiss inadvisable incongruous tactless graceless wrong out of place unfitting unbefitting tasteless unprofessional untimely unacceptable unladylike unfortunate ungentlemanly regrettable undue misguided unwarranted unsuited inexpedient misplaced uncalled-for unhappy inapropos incompatible inapplicable inopportune undesirable ineligible disproportionate irrelevant unseasonable off inconsonant ill-suited ill-timed ill-advised ill-considered ill-judged ill-fitted lacking in propriety not proper left-field out of keeping in poor taste ill-chosen foot-in-mouth in bad taste out of line bad form way off out of order extraneous immaterial unconnected unrelated impertinent unnecessary irregular discordant beside the point inconsistent not germane irrelative undignified awkward unreasonable unjustified discreditable neither here nor there indecent inadmissible erroneous foreign discrepant not pertinent unfair unworthy shameful inharmonious uncalled for unmerited disreputable off the subject gratuitous contradictory dishonourable inaccurate illogical disgraceful undeserved uncouth inessential mismatched needless peripheral dishonorable unjust vulgar disparate unrefined beyond the pale wide of the mark uncomely false conflicting absurd odd offensive unfitted superfluous ignoble unjustifiable inadequate dissonant not to the point out-of-place irreconcilable pointless at odds nonessential unessential alien unimportant inconsequential clashing clumsy low unassociated crass unqualified impolite not good enough gauche rough ungodly faulty jarring immoderate inordinate excessive impolitic malodorous unsatisfactory immodest abnormal preposterous defective degrading not done indefensible inexcusable ludicrous unneeded off the point incompetent base ignominious unprovoked erring unforgivable out-of-season fallacious wanton mistaken contrary flawed off-base disconsonant bizarre not cricket wretched incoherent out of character unfounded infra dig extrinsic unsound shifting unpredictable distorted jumbled rambling fantastic divergent uncoordinated unbalanced lopsided unavailing uneven unintelligible twisted fitful tangential ill-adapted useless a bit much crude out of the way different varying trivial unsuitable for unwise nothing to do with it inappropriate to coarse awry misconceived forbidden rotten rude unethical maladroit immoral unmannerly inelegant incongruent cheap tawdry unwelcome dishonest corrupt crooked groundless illegitimate contemptible demeaning non-essential foul unscrupulous debasing cheapening not on ill-matched confused unwanted unceremonious astray unconscionable shaming belittling lowering mortifying objectionable senseless despicable vile redundant humiliating unwarrantable meaningless dispensable scandalous inglorious haywire unworthy of insignificant outside remote not suitable inappurtenant unconcerned ineffective avoidable minor against the rules ungrounded not required worthless separate trifling inefficient bottomless independent over the fence a bit thick futile not designed superficial unsuited to ineligible for of no matter off base inadequate for not pertaining to off the topic of no moment of no consequence unfitted for not related not designed for ill-adapted to no good not up to scratch unequipped for not connected with unprepared for of no importance of little account ill-suited to of no account diverse at variance differing unmixable undiplomatic gross unequipped below the belt untactful ridiculous out-of-the-way improprietous unfavorable disappointing unfavourable unconventional beneath one's dignity out of turn unmatched dissident interfering disagreeable detrimental funny off-balance misdirected unprepared outrageous unpardonable deplorable dreadful antipathetic disagreeing repugnant unhandsome tacky salacious unlovely loose unvirtuous ill-bred shameless stupid dull slow boorish churlish ill-mannered discourteous inexpert garbage uncivil shocking unhandy jejune undexterous insipid banal inexperienced unfacile flat inadept unmeet unproficient irrational wrong-headed not up to snuff not qualified poor rowdy ruffian raffish sordid ill suited mutually exclusive unorthodox optional fortuitous not deserved not merited not earned unrequired not warranted uninvited accidental out of its element causeless bad imperfect adrift not worth worrying about not at issue not the issue nothing to do with the case unsavoury uncharacteristic petty inconsiderable naughty unallowable baseless seamy sleazy louche seedy shoddy fallible confusing disobliging disobedient delinquent ornery troublesome unhealthy rebellious miscreant thrawn wayward aberrant uncontrollable obstructive fractious unhelpful mean sorry abject heterogeneous sick unlawful unreasoning indiscriminate without reason brutish careless no big deal matter of indifference a matter of indifference makes no difference all the same inconsiderate no never mind invalid debased depraved nasty degenerate low-minded unearned without cause unassimilable beneath you lacking dignity grey uncool abhorrent odious prohibited precluded disallowed impermissible unsupportable assumed reasonless supererogatory shady unofficial askew problematic glitched up sleazoid disgusting abominable gray de trop not necessary extreme ill-favored not acceptable unadmittable not allowable exceptionable censored unadmissible excluded barred banned not equal to not good enough for not working squalid unsavory foolish beneath your dignity negligible ill-favoured out of commission not right incidental back-door disconnected from distant from inconsequent intemperate extravagant overmuch ineffectual insufficient deficient inefficacious limited remote from different from detached disconnected deluded misled not appropriate strange dissociated additional extra fulsome out-of-order contrary to the rules inferior off-key undeserving beneath reprehensible unlike rash supplementary paradoxical ironic not applicable not connected nothing to do with exorbitant too great overextravagant overdue insane overweening stiff too much intolerable plethoric towering baroque lavish fancy steep unmerciful devilish flimsy junk unadvantageous hopeless unproductive impotent broken powerless unable lousy adventitious unattached disinformed stray errant deceived bum-steer bearded faked-out stonewalled straying not in harmony in opposition incongruitous intrusive unfitting to recreant valueless nothing blamable improper to no-good good-for-nothing pitiful no-account exceeding underhanded sinister unmeasurable illegal uncoupled unallied discrete unlinked individual distinct inexact unbecoming to dissimilar variant isolated off course labouring under a delusion led up the garden path sticking out a mile standing out a mile not to the purpose untrue out not kin not kindred nongermane wrongly identified off the mark off track off-target labouring under a misapprehension off beam in error in the wrong way off beam wide of mark barking up wrong tree off-beam off target barking up the wrong tree like a fish out of water over the top not deserving not worth out of place with out of character with not fit

Tính từ

grating jarring irritating annoying displeasing infuriating irksome vexatious disagreeable discordant exasperating galling maddening rankling aggravating grotesque harsh inappropriate inharmonious niggling offensive tiresome troublesome unaesthetic unpleasant unsuitable dry harsh-sounding ill suited stridulent stridulous vexing out of place bothersome frustrating disturbing pesky riling abrasive chafing nettlesome peeving pestiferous pestilent carking nettling pestilential plaguy provoking rebarbative plaguey pesty trying infernal inconvenient upsetting confounded awkward difficult nagging cussed tedious wearisome troubling perturbing unwelcome antagonizing antagonising burdensome wearing harassing agitating disconcerting unsettling teasing distressing enraging harrying enough to try the patience of a saint enough to drive you up the wall incongruous dissonant shrill jangling cacophonous boring worrisome discommoding bedevilling discomposing discomforting unpleasing agonizing unnerving unamusing punchable agonising uncongenial bedeviling unmelodious accursed disquieting off-key nauseating objectionable traumatic stupid idiotic clashing strident worrying wretched repugnant thorny painful irking out of keeping incompatible conflicting grinding contrasting troublous deplorable discouraging challenging forbidding puzzling lamentable knotty taxing problematic rasping scraping squeaky raucous tormenting incommodious afflicting disappointing tricky concerning mean festering antipathetic ugly wicked demanding unbearable loud uncharacteristic unharmonious unsatisfying unattractive impossible sticky tough harrowing nasty grievous hairy severe prickly hard onerous oppressive delicate sensitive uncomfortable grim bitter stressful excruciating crushing heavy ticklish rough arduous dodgy nerve-racking dire awful terrible grave exacting weighty dreadful problematical miserable afflictive punishing bad alarming laborious unfortunate distasteful unpalatable daunting toilsome distressful appalling cruel formidable embarrassing controversial rigorous exhausting abominable detestable odious sad exigent disgusting gruelling dangerous critical heartbreaking execrable hostile shocking strenuous brutal rugged rotten dismaying grueling unsavory tragic tiring unhappy heartrending yukky unlovely icky yucky back-breaking fraught humiliating unsavoury hurtful heart-rending hateful scary complicated vile involved intricate uphill touchy stiff bleak untimely perplexing anxious-making complex tricksy spiny catchy tense horrible horrid repulsive dismal convoluted revolting woeful regrettable torturous obnoxious sore gross repellent pathetic doleful sorrowful testing nerve-wracking abhorrent lousy gloomy chancy precarious dark cumbersome unfriendly grody sour mortifying destructive compromising provocative gut-wrenching dicey charged inopportune loathsome hurting tight aching cringeworthy inexpedient stinging unseasonable cringey discommodious disadvantageous Herculean embittering obstructive tender raw poignant throbbing stimulating baffling cringe-making flustering fierce murderous hardhanded inhuman searing burning unhandy poor saddening discomfiting hazardous killing persnickety depressing unmanageable unwieldy horrendous atrocious vexed inflamed fatiguing pitiable melancholy pitiful foul detrimental irritated intolerable sharp gnawing dolorous adverse sombre somber desolate calamitous invidious perilous iffy anxious intense gruesome superincumbent moving horrific smarting pressing anguished mournful unappealing sickening horrifying achy undesirable serious draining frightful enervating pressured dubious spartan suspect questionable backbreaking gnarly piteous caustic merciless hellish hectic sapping off-putting anxiety-ridden apprehensive acid plaguing disruptive echinated briery pointed demeaning degrading importunate responsible embarrassed incommoding unfavorable unfavourable damnable discountenancing intractable undisciplined murder rowdy infestive ungovernable damaging repressive messy disorderly disheartening mighty harmful acute shameful crashing injurious fearful fiendish infamous pernicious fell heinous devilish dispiriting depressive humourless crummy ghastly humorless sober solemn toe-curling ruthless savage rancid reddened chafed ill-timed time-consuming austere excessive ponderous overtaxing overpowering plodding headache unrelenting relentless chilling ferocious uneasy unsatisfactory stinking hideous lurid unacceptable sedate abysmal grisly diabolical unendurable frightening macabre nightmarish stringent risky uncertain nice hurt melancholic disconsolate joyless hopeless drab demoralizing glum rueful demoralising comfortless cheerless remorseless great monstrous tragical repellant uncool grotty godawful hellacious uninviting affecting nauseous negative instigative intemperate inclement red bruised cursed unsteady unstable beastly dreary mirthless morose dejecting dispirited dolesome tickly a nuisance in pain injured wounded capricious temperamental mercurial changeable inconstant volatile fickle rocky variable bumpy drear cold funereal depressed inflammatory exciting inciting incendiary affronting agitational agitative edgy inflaming instigating piquing goading insulting nail-biting heart-breaking extremely bad hard-hearted remote prejudicial an imposition vicious antagonistic afflicted abscessed pained ulcerated itchy confronting distressed scratchy lachrymose sorry derisible lugubrious dingy plangent pensive heart-wrenching wearying causing discomfort ill-fitting in-your-face unhelpful tear-jerking undermining disobliging invalidating contrary disparaging discrediting derogatory disastrous hefty piercing catastrophic fatal biting deadly ruinous corrosive abject cataclysmic devastating stirring unlucky dejected despondent lethal forlorn mortal deathly hapless fateful tingly keen ill-fated ill-starred eye-watering

Tính từ

Honest and straightforward in speech or behavior
unguarded frank candid open direct forthright honest outspoken straightforward forthcoming indiscreet openhearted plain plainspoken straight undiplomatic unreserved foursquare freehearted artless guileless impolitic free-spoken out-front up-front blunt plain-spoken upfront downright sincere uninhibited up front truthful unequivocal unambiguous straight from the shoulder bald explicit matter-of-fact free unvarnished ingenuous real round undisguised unconcealed transparent no-nonsense not afraid to call a spade a spade like it is natural genuine bluff outright lay it on the line straight-shooting bare-faced from the hip straight-talking call a spade a spade saying what one thinks bold clear undissembling unqualified abrupt unreticent blatant unsparing categorical brutal unrestricted undissembled point-blank brazen upright unfiltered aboveboard flat-out on the level talking turkey unrestrained unevasive vocal unembellished simple square unadorned barefaced naked unstinting complete stark tactless unfeigned plain-speaking straight to the point straight-out speaking as one finds laying it on the line not beating around the bush on the up and up point blank calling spade a spade authentic basic unstudied unaffected free-speaking communicative forward unprejudiced unbiased vociferous bare definite distinct specific unpretentious unpretending true brusque unceremonious absolute express innocent fair unpretended frontal parrhesiastic harsh grim demonstrative unconstrained opinionated strident above board man-to-man unartificial unartful open-and-shut flagrant right up front telling it like it is heartless palpable severe patent total no lie open-hearted pretenseless level out-and-out plain-dealing right-on dinkum on the square two-fisted laid on the line honest-to-goodness straight-arrow square-shooting easy apparent familiar naive scrupulous to the point heart-to-heart warts and all clear-cut unmistakable obvious lucid crystal clear perspicuous manifest understandable precise exact pellucid comprehensible curt intelligible short realistic gruff brusk sharp snippy brief evident rude crusty coherent definitive luculent well defined short-spoken rough terse certain snappy true to life uncivil impolite unexaggerated unambivalent clearly expressed nonambiguous discourteous uncomplicated decided bald-faced ringing luminous accurate broad literal univocal graspable limpid bright-line user friendly user-friendly cavalier overt tart unveiled straight-from-the-shoulder crude ungracious emphatic impetuous articulate self-explanatory raw fathomable accessible full unblurred transpicuous not beating about the bush positive offhand decisive snappish brisk caustic impatient churlish pure snippety undeniable crisp concrete surly detailed defined breviloquent crystalline laconic digestible graphic set particular hard vivid sheer lucent crystal apprehensible black-and-white cogent well-defined comprehendible readable cut-and-dried clearly defined unquestionable crystal-clear easily understood pulling no punches knowable on the nose calling a spade a spade open and shut no holds barred flat gritty fundamental unsubtle testy unmodified abrasive noticeable pointed actual glaring conspicuous cold pinpoint conclusive full-on committed all-out wholehearted full-scale concerted intolerant joined-up distinctive easily grasped off-the-record layman's not pulling any punches irascible prominent unhypocritical naïve speaking straight from the shoulder crystalling unfriendly hearty no beating around the bush meticulous petulant marked visible rudimental at close range dead on very verbatim meaning what one says correct well constructed thoughtless unmannerly for real good-natured genial approachable graceless clipped no fooling friendly perceptible bad-tempered bad-mannered ill-mannered comprehensive minute exhaustive accountable succinct concise blustering cheery bearish loud sure stated short-tempered ill-tempered see-through bright liquid strict legible logical easy to understand spelled out in words of one syllable discernable monosyllabic pithy error-free translucent austere off in depth diaphanous thin filmy unimaginative easily understandable indelicate parsimonious unornamented plain vanilla undecorated over-literal lacking subtlety lacking nuance clear as day trenchant hard-hitting unpolished patchy threadbare worn full-frontal uncompromising of one syllable determined not mincing one's words speaking one's mind fixed recognizable established uninvolved finite determinate narrow circumscribed bounded restricted measured confirmed limited recognisable assigned convinced prescribed beyond doubt indubitable incontrovertible indisputable incontestable uncontestable undisputable no catch straight out black and white self-evident no ifs ands or buts no strings attached no fine print nailed-on

Từ trái nghĩa của insensitive

insensitive Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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