Từ đồng nghĩa của smug

Alternative for smug

smugger, smuggest

Từ đồng nghĩa: arrogant, boastful, conceited, confident, egotistical, self-satisfied, vain,

Tính từ

Having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements
conceited pompous proud vainglorious egotistical vain egoistic egotistic overweening egoistical complacent bigheaded important prideful arrogant assured biggity biggety swellheaded haughty consequential superior snobbish priggish wisenheimer stuffy hotshot self-satisfied self-important stuck-up self-conceited self-opinionated self-righteous puffed up goody-goody self-congratulatory holier-than-thou pleased with oneself self-approving puffed-up full of yourself well pleased self-assured proud of oneself self-contented stuck on oneself cocky pretentious swaggering supercilious narcissistic snooty boastful uppity high-and-mighty imperious presumptuous self-centered cavalier egocentric lordly uppish bumptious bragging huffy high and mighty high-hat self-centred disdainful lofty highfalutin sniffy high-handed swollen-headed self-admiring overbearing patronizing domineering hifalutin immodest peremptory chesty huffish snotty toplofty presuming toploftical masterful bossy pietistic self-loving sanctimonious pious strutting aloof inflated affected too big for your boots condescending patronising unctuous snobby confident overconfident selfish Pharisaic toffee-nosed self-assertive preachy self-regarding self-asserting self-absorbed big-headed pleased with yourself know-it-all opinionated insolent cocksure content pleased boasting hoity-toity snippy hypocritical magisterial peacockish self-confident forward ostentatious impertinent hubristic brash pi self-pleased religiose moralizing full of oneself above oneself stuck up mealy-mouthed Tartuffian in love with oneself canting Pharisaical contemptuous moralising individualistic swollen satisfied persnickety aristocratic assumptive egomaniac inner-directed audacious autocratic too good to be true cheeky stiff-necked smart-alecky think too highly of oneself have an excessively high opinion of oneself self-serving self-involved self-seeking think a lot of oneself braggart bombastic saucy braggy self-affected pontificating self-complacent pontifical impudent self-promoting self-adulatory unreserved self-glorifying self-flattering self-engrossed self-gratulatory self-dramatizing authoritarian blustery self-applauding dominating extroverted extraverted blusterous uninhibited pharisaic noble standoffish vaunting crowing commanding airy self-opinioned scornful la-di-da dismissive flushed posh self-obsessed wiseguy egomaniacal blustering swanky insufferable ingrained obsessive personal intimate inborn inherent idiosyncratic intrinsic isolated introverted subjective happy officious dictatorial blowing one's own horn wrapped up in oneself bloated assuming cool smarty gratified too big for your breeches too big for one's britches nose in the air too big for your britches bold too big for one's boots contented serene secure think one is the cat's pyjamas think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift well-pleased gloating triumphant unconcerned sure pushy highhanded obsequious proud of yourself I'm all right, Jack flushed with success like a cat that has swallowed the canary like the cat that's got the cream cold-shoulder certain wise guy on an ego trip on one's high horse self-respecting squeaky-clean elitist pleased as Punch pietistical judgmental artificial simon-pure like the cat that swallowed the canary potty easy-going self-possessed churchy resting on your laurels like the cat that got the cream ritzy pharisaical insincere sassy unco guid fresh highfalutin' censorious false deceiving bigoted Pecksniffian high falutin la-de-da loudmouth windbag to keep up appearances brag boast ham phony gall conceity phoney snot-nosed blowing one's own trumpet full of hot air big talking

Tính từ

Being in a clean and tidy state
neat tidy orderly trim shipshape uncluttered prim crisp groomed kempt trig tidied antiseptic bandbox snug well-groomed picked up spruce smart immaculate clean straight in order spick-and-span well kept in good order spick and span dapper natty in good shape in apple-pie order shipshape and Bristol fashion as neat as a new pin well ordered well-kept well-ordered neat and tidy apple-pie order neat as a pin systematic organized nice spotless tricksy organised methodical elegant fastidious chic regular dainty exact proper correct finical finicky slick sleek well-turned-out ordered businesslike well organized well groomed clean-cut chipper well turned out to rights well-dressed impeccable well-presented taut compact snappy spiffy sharp symmetrical soigné Bristol fashion well-organized as fresh as paint well-regulated in tip-top condition sorted out cleanly presentable well arranged straightened out well-pressed well turned-out well looked-after well maintained systematized arranged methodic besuited systematised well-turned out arranged well well-designed stylish snazzy classy modish dashing debonair fly sassy kicky well dressed swanky swank chichi as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox fashionable attractive trendy rakish nifty jaunty swell cool tony schmick with it dressed to kill on fleek as if you had just stepped out of a bandbox clever groovy kicking ingenious crucial spruced up dressed to the nines in place in position personable fit to be seen inviting appealing alluring stunning beautiful cute good-looking gorgeous suitable hospitable welcoming adorable decent voguish sophisticated nobby doggy posh smartly dressed sporty spry ritzy swagger showy nimble brisk spiff flattering swish high-fashion understated tasteful logical precise careful now hip contemporary ultra-modern coherent structured punctilious efficient meticulous turned out exclusive dressy happening up-to-date fresh in supercool new dressed to nines in vogue culty regulated framed well planned all together thorough neat as button fixed neat as pin alike well regulated uniform together in shape formal rangé scientific set-up conventional a la mode current latest thing faddish last word up to date mod au courant well put together modern with-it du jour dap up to the minute

Tính từ

Conceited or confident in a bold or cheeky way
cocky arrogant bold presumptuous insolent cheeky impudent conceited audacious impertinent brash pompous brazen haughty overweening proud forward fresh egotistical sassy vain saucy cocksure supercilious vainglorious bumptious disdainful lordly nervy brassy lofty overconfident boastful wise swaggering patronising patronizing uppish opinionated confident hubristic brassbound arch blustering smarty sure positive hotshot certain jaunty self-important self-assertive swollen-headed self-satisfied brazen-faced bold-faced high and mighty self-confident know-it-all self-assured full of yourself wise guy smart aleck smart guy smarty pants uppity overbearing pretentious imperious egotistic superior condescending snooty cavalier stuck-up high-handed sniffy hifalutin highfalutin high-and-mighty huffy toploftical toplofty stiff-necked important puffed up contemptuous prideful presuming scornful snobbish chesty assumptive huffish immodest high-hat self-asserting pushy domineering full of oneself hoity-toity toffee-nosed self-opinionated bigheaded snobby stuck up affected egoistic self-conceited peremptory pontifical egoistical masterful elitist big-headed swellheaded biggity snotty biggety aloof narcissistic egocentric rude self-righteous self-centered selfish self-serving self-centred snippy bloated strutting fancy-pants contumelious self-contented self-affected self-promoting self-adulatory self-glorifying self-engrossed self-congratulatory orgulous assuming disrespectful familiar bragging ostentatious shameless pert mocking smart-alecky scoffing sneering assured bossy cool jumped up too big for your boots sententious grandiose showy foolhardy overfamiliar unabashed bullish flip overbold puffed-up improper inappropriate rash high officious impolite inconsiderate dismissive free self-aggrandizing smart malapert autocratic cold-shoulder too big for one's boots too big for one's breeches blusterous on an ego trip holier-than-thou putting on airs pontificating vaunting stiff loud obnoxious magisterial throwing one's weight around complacent consequential offensively self-assertive despotic loudmouth tyrannical pleased with yourself flippant impetuous uncivil previous premature overhasty hasty precipitate presumptive irreverent lippy temerarious madcap daredevil reckless mouthy smart-arsed assertive full of hot air la-di-da riding for a fall overoptimistic heedless careless above oneself bold as brass meddlesome combative intrusive volatile smart-assed weisenheiming obtrusive reserved distant detached indifferent indulgent overindulgent over-free relaxed out of line on your high horse on high horse heading for a fall tolerant free-and-easy dictatorial remote swanky pushful persnickety tony unblushing boldfaced barefaced procacious high-flown throwing one's weight about

Tính từ

Affectedly proper, or formal, and rather prudish
Victorian prim prudish puritanical proper priggish prissy stuffy starchy straitlaced bluenosed straightlaced stiff conventional square demure conservative genteel respectable uptight rigid nice-nelly strait-laced self-righteous sanctimonious moralistic holier-than-thou old-maidish schoolmistressy schoolmarmish goody-goody Pecksniffian narrow-minded Grundyish pompous self-satisfied narrow niminy-piminy fuddy-duddy stick-in-the-mud prim and proper pious governessy mimsy shockable pi moral god-fearing virtuous straight-laced unctuous nice PC puritan politically correct goody two-shoes staid old-fashioned formal reserved sober impersonal sedate deadly stilted musty fogeyish conformist humourless fusty straight tight-laced sententious old-fogeyish smoky foetid strict smelly magisterial important warm supercilious fetid self-important hot bloated humorless arrogant of the old school as dry as dust puffy pedantic Pharisaic censorious hypocritical complacent vain severe overnice austere bigoted stern old-maid precise fastidious overmodest precious po-faced square-toed goody-two-shoes overscrupulous ascetic forbidding pietistic disapproving fanatical spartan hair-shirt abstemious conforming abstinent squeamish overexact simpering mincing scrupulous offish affected rigorous finicky pretentious illiberal artificial fussy particular blue-nose spic-and-span polite snobbish spruce meticulous wooden correct cleanly good dapper upright dignified stickling decorous ceremonial nit-picking ceremonious choosy epicene namby-pamby

Tính từ

Not easily perturbed, upset or excited
imperturbable calm collected composed cool unflappable sedate serene tranquil undisturbed unmoved nerveless self-possessed unexcitable unruffled complacent equanimous unfazed cool-headed poised relaxed self-controlled stoic stoical easy-going even-tempered phlegmatic placid unbothered unperturbed untroubled nonchalant together unagitated undismayed unflustered unshakable assured disimpassioned immovable laid-back level-headed nonplussed self-satisfied steady thick-skinned unaffected untouched at ease as cool as a cucumber cool as cucumber hard as nails roll with punches stiff upper lip cool, calm and collected equable unworried unemotional impassive dispassionate coolheaded peaceful possessed self-composed recollected unshaken sober controlled easygoing confident quiet easy level stolid chilled smooth equal limpid stable self-assured patient staid well balanced insouciant self-confident dignified levelheaded mellow grounded mild indifferent temperate forbearing detached unexcited serious emotionless unconcerned sensible at peace rational philosophical cool as a cucumber businesslike passionless secure tolerant assertive reserved blithe cold-blooded proper resigned casual seemly decorous realistic apathetic somber undemonstrative reasonable mature practical dependable balanced stiff formal solemn sound impassible restrained numb affectless commonsensical wise reliable stately unfeeling moderate still cold sombre aloof philosophic indulgent sure of oneself long-suffering in control full of common sense matter-of-fact sane uncomplaining pragmatic grave fearless circumspect judicious accepting prudent gutsy deliberate clearheaded good-natured sanguine pacific urbane gentle self-asserting well-balanced sure of yourself heartless positive expressionless poker-faced unimpassioned laid back lenient understanding happy-go-lucky accommodating considerate breezy undemanding unhurried agreeable brave certain courageous fatalistic easy-peasy settled remote audacious even frigid glacial suave free and easy longanimous bold halcyon self-reliant intrepid hushed stilly lown dauntless upbeat unhesitating distant unexpressive sure elegant logical calmed self-respecting filled with aplomb gung ho enduring inexcitable serious-minded good-tempered dead blank bland vacant toneless wooden deadpan stony hollow centered passive keeping your cool devil-may-care chill nowhere icy impersonal nonemotional centred flat down-to-earth dry self-restrained with the patience of Job well adjusted stony-eyed well-adjusted even-keeled liberal daring unperturbable plucky flexible carefree no-nonsense clubby benign graceful unafraid complaisant restful straight hard-headed debonair amenable permissive unflurried stabile orderly systematic unfluctuating methodical lackadaisical happy discreet deliberative farsighted broad-minded amiable measured forgiving civil cocksure doubtless pushy implicit brazen clear hard-boiled with one's feet on the ground soothed repressed suppressed quieted indomitable open-minded cordial good-humored pleasant generous good-humoured euthymic persistent persevering kind overconfident well-disposed neutral mild-mannered stress-free all there pellucid content satisfied reconciled resting fair quiescent comfortable rosy high responsible submissive untiring mild-tempered calm and collected unsentimental unswerving good calculable fortitudinous keeping a stiff upper lip not turn a hair keeping one's shirt on have one's act together earnest puffed up pumped up nonpassionate clinical unpassionate demure having both feet on the ground analytical scientific uncaring unsympathetic enlightened profound deep moral ethical deep-thinking learned tough abstract iceberg prim stuffy cold-fish cool cat non-emotional couldn't care less peaceable stick-in-the-mud boring starchy bovine irenic docile callous self-contained cold sober informal inscrutable lax affable friendly insensible leisurely pokerfaced understated unimpressible insusceptible straight-faced downbeat unrevealing reticent hardened indurated taciturn spiritless self-sufficient can-do surefooted sure-footed low-pressure low-key believing in oneself self-assertive live-and-let-live chilled out with both feet on the ground careless offhand heedless uninterested cozy disinterested loose cosy cheerful pococurante perfunctory lazy unceremonious slack comfy inattentive negligent incurious open blasé gay irresponsible simple slipshod natural sloppy uninhibited unresponsive congenial neglectful remiss cursory lighthearted relaxing disregardful unmindful slapdash derelict homely snug feckless airy sunny delinquent cushy jaunty intimate light-hearted buoyant unpretentious lukewarm unconstrained lightsome genial uncurious regardless unanxious reckless improvident slap-happy blithely unconcerned without a care in the world without care warm lively subdued muted unrestricted cheery reposeful vivacious free familiar sprightly jolly effervescent overindulgent homey cavalier soft blithesome listless slaphappy unstudied uninvolved welcoming hospitable optimistic hard-hearted flippant blah half-hearted languid unstirred unassuming forgetful unheeding uncircumspect tardy incautious unaccountable obliging undependable uncommitted unobservant untrustworthy good-for-nothing unreliable unrestrained liberated untaxing unostentatious inconspicuous bright animated subtle joyful merry homelike sparkling free-and-easy contented jovial uncritical unforced sparky bored glad spirited hassle-free spontaneous unflinching freewheeling easeful played down toned down unfussy frolicsome thoughtless at home chirpy peppy indolent insensitive leisured unthinking oblivious supine unserious lethargic superficial high-spirited light objective non-committal unstuffy soothing frivolous neglecting non-restrictive uninterrupted Laodicean modest unbroken withdrawn sociable trouble-free could care less wimpy non-formal slovenly full of beans amicable moony draggy expansive don't give a damn what the hell behindhand retiring resilient sympathetic plain limp unstressed in a relaxed manner compromising harmonious conciliatory overfamiliar unreserved taking your time unimpressed uninfluenced self-indulgent weary comforted unvexed unrestrictive lacking concern effortless artless jaded glutted outgiving hang-loose protected free from worry free from care comforting calming laissez-faire reassured matey take-it-or-leave-it couldn't-care-less world-weary impervious chummy not formal gratified unbuttoned pally bouncy cloyed fun rested asleep at switch unheedful oscitant failing to take proper care balmy fancy-free free-spirited transparent free-wheeling unstructured off the hook unenthusiastic cold fish nonaffected restored fresh homestyle idyllic tractable cautious unoppressive careful unburdensome safe bubbly laissez faire free-minded snug as a bug in a rug delightful folksy down-home gleeful boon nonformal convivial footloose carefree and untroubled living the life of Riley torpid sluggish joyous ebullient vital homy uninquiring unofficial inert unambitious unmotivated downhome gamesome frolic winsome gladsome zestful eupeptic perky chipper exuberant zippy crank bullish hopeful canty jocund uneager versatile sketchy zingy playful impartial removed spacey unprejudiced spaced-out out of it unpassioned unbiased funny footloose and fancy-free approachable supple invigorated full of zip elastic droopy dispirited desultory jocular unglamorous humorous chilly laodicean indecisive uncertain unenthused irresolute undecided wishy-washy hesitant halfhearted unresolved tepid receptive available gemütlich accessible easy to get along with communicative well disposed easy to get on with conversable non-hostile door's always open unobtrusive minimalist unspectacular unflashy hurried fleeting quick mechanical brief summary passing token hasty facetious toned-down played-down modulated muffled low-profile softened conservative soft-sell low-keyed self-effacing free as the wind free as a bird unexacting commodious phoning it in dismissive going through the motions rapid walking through it jokey volatile feelgood unimpressionable obdurate inexpressive coldhearted marble uncompassionate brisk everyday frisky thoughtful inhibited leisure ventilated easy-breezy guarded compassionate tender caring pleasing along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches under wraps uptight inobtrusive under control nonaggressive corked up unaffable unexcessive in charge bottled up in check on a leash unexpansive not given to excesses in control of yourself shrinking unextreme benevolent kindly lovable meek humane vague indefinite broad inaccurate general spicy racy workaday slouchy loose-fitting baggy day-to-day sporty ordinary non-dressy normal sportif flabby flaccid nonspecific imprecise over-tolerant shapeless inexact yielding bright-eyed and bushy-tailed humble merciful likeable softhearted fatherly loving non-confrontational sweet-tempered lamblike sisterly brotherly likable gracious kind-hearted angelic soft-spoken unoffensive shy goodhearted motherly respectful decent dovelike tenderhearted tender-hearted maternal reverent large-hearted dove-like warmhearted kindhearted harmless paternal asleep on job nonjudgmental floppy paying no mind any way full of the joys of spring not bothered self-centered blind self-centred deaf undaunted not giving a toss

Tính từ

Exuberantly or triumphantly joyful
gleeful merry delighted happy cheerful exuberant jubilant mirthful pleased elated joyful joyous overjoyed gay gratified jolly jovial triumphant amused cock-a-hoop exultant glad blithe blithesome chirpy euphoric exhilarated festive high-spirited jocose jocular jocund laughing sunny boon exalted excited frolicsome gloating hilarious lighthearted over the moon stoked thrilled in high spirits satisfied contented chuffed thankful tickled blissful complacent content tickled pink pleased as punch fulfilled comfortable unworried cheery tranquil assuaged untroubled placid at ease serene willing can't complain agreeable relaxed appeased at peace grateful wrapped rapt gruntled appreciative on cloud seven made up charmed on cloud nine like a child with a new toy as pleased as Punch well pleased like a dog with two tails ecstatic enraptured rapturous transported in seventh heaven on top of the world sparkling bright beaming radiant beside oneself with joy entertained walking on air in raptures smiling floating on air rejoicing blissed out pleasant genial upbeat honored honoured jumping for joy up on a high as happy as Larry as happy as a clam entranced carefree chipper tickled to death peppy rhapsodic light-hearted buoyant diverted wonderful enjoyable in good spirits proud felicitous pleasing effervescent flattered spirited captivated lively grinning convivial bubbly enchanted peaceful blessed intoxicated orgasmic optimistic prideful perky gladsome hopeful sent beatific pleasurable smiley flying occupied interested cheered as happy as a sandboy without a care in the world beside oneself with happiness engrossed beguiled thrilled to bits gladdened animated glowing delirious ebullient airy sprightly breezy appreciatory light playful blest jaunty gratifying reassured treading on air ravished esteemed dignified flying high looking good delightful heartwarming deliriously happy high enchanté positive fantastic vivacious peart sparky sportive happy-go-lucky good-humoured good-humored rollicking amusing humorous rhapsodical winsome boisterous riotous uproarious larking jumping grooving zippy saturnalian zingy zappy rocking flipping wild fun-loving full of hope mad of good cheer full of the joys of spring rip-roaring doing handsprings in transports of delight complimented lauded enthralled thrilled to pieces electrified atingle providential sober poised measured collected composed pacific possessed commodious having fun enjoying oneself privileged loving it high as a kite vigorous heartening triumphal aglow overwhelmed comforted relieved consoled blissfully happy easy unruffled hushed unflustered sedate unperturbed funny comical comic crowing soothed solaced facetious crank glorying triumphalist exulting elevated good unconstrained entertaining celebrating in transports of pleasure in transports of joy only too happy extremely happy giddy pacified enrapt wigged out heady welcome self-possessed enthusiastic satisfying in transports heavenly happy as a lark happy as a clam carried away filled with joy gone spaced-out harmonious crazy cool perfect turned-on idyllic dreamy floating paradisiacal sanguine paradisiac rousing well rosy paradisal fun paradisaical paradisaic magical in ecstasies secure safe Panglossian in the twilight zone in ecstasy like the cat that's got the cream in a good mood protected calm sheltered popping feel-good starry-eyed full of beans rose-colored very pleased revered venerated confident involved engaged pleasantly surprised well-pleased absorbed pleasantly occupied at one's ease at rest home-like eathful at home cared for beautiful cheering obliged indebted beholden pleasurably entertained filled with gratitude in someone's debt obligated in your debt under obligation much obliged

Tính từ

Falsely earnest, smug, or ingratiating
smarmy flattering fulsome greasy ingratiating obsequious oily slick slimy smooth sycophantic unctuous buttery creepy fawning grovelling groveling gushing insincere oleaginous soapy suave sucky adulatory hagiographical hagiographic gushy sleek toadying servile cringing bootlicking crawling subservient glib humble urbane saccharine effusive cloying plausible cajoling nauseating hypocritical sickening wheedling slippery saponaceous phoney pinguid creamy phony smooth-tongued silver-tongued brown-nosing self-abasing arse-licking smooth-talking apple-polishing smooth-spoken honey-tongued forelock-tugging Uriah Heepish ass-kissing deferential slavish toadyish abject charming honeyed sugary soft submissive complimentary serving silken creeping enthusiastic mealy-mouthed suckholing laudatory disarming encomiastic sycophantish gracious craven refined praising insinuating sweet-talking truckling appreciative menial extravagant excessively deferential compliant kowtowing sophisticated glowing courteous debonair silky persuasive lavish applauding insinuative acclamatory eulogistic rhapsodic bland respectful polished polite civilized encomiastical civil OTT sweet courtly civilised prostrate reptilian ingratiatory over the top reverential excessive overdone affable parasitical commending base arse-kissing brownnosing parasitic sniveling spineless timeserving commendatory admiring friendly beggarly obeisant low mean cool gentlemanly snivelling mannerly insinuatory suggestive favourable soft-soaping unrestrained cultivated svelte ebullient expansive unreserved lyrical exuberant bowing and scraping pleasing pleasant mushy sentimental emotional despicable self-possessed rave highly favourable over-effusive genial over-enthusiastic favorable hyped up media-savvy laid on with a trowel mellifluous overly flattering conniving self-effacing worshipping sycophant bowing scraping cowering supple coaxing flannelling blarneying credible winsome winning endearing blandishing worshipful gratifying docile eloquent fast-talking lionizing gentle amiable convincing blubbery hammy voluble crouching enslaved stipendiary sneaking subordinate complacent subject compliable all over someone congenial unemotional assured inordinate lionising worshiping worldly worldly-wise good-natured immoderate poised gallant dignified profuse extensive liberal ample generous hard to resist approving over-appreciative cringey diplomatic agreeable tactful rapturous self-assured congratulatory gross obedient unresisting passive ignoble impeccable cultured soft-spoken sociable politic cordial well-bred obliging formal distingué magniloquent bombastic grandiloquent canting coarse overgenerous sanctimonious panegyrical well mannered eating crow eulogizing good positive approbatory eating humble pie sugarcoated laudative plauditory honoring fair-spoken celebrating eulogising well-wishing with high praise with highest recommendation honouring praiseful kind approbative highly favorable sweet-sounding maudlin chivalrous respectable considerate genteel decorous decent overemotional mawkish nostalgic together facile collected composed overacted bathetic icky corny affectionate moonstruck jejune inane demonstrative languishing overenthusiastic impressionable affected dreamy idealistic insipid unruffled possessed loving coolheaded equable sedate royal self-composed dewy-eyed lovey-dovey

Tính từ

Following the precepts of a religious practice
pious religious devout godly holy saintly dedicated devoted spiritual reverent righteous God-fearing prayerful churchgoing dutiful sainted faithful born-again clerical divine ecclesiastical moral moralising moralizing orthodox priestly reverential sacred virtuous pure blessed hallowed believing saintlike devotional sanctified consecrated angelic god-fearing good pietistic sacrosanct venerable revered venerated innocent upright perfect unworldly spotless humble seraphic glorified just chaste clean immaculate practising committed pietistical faultless untainted uncorrupt godlike sublime undefiled practicing scriptural blest consecrate sacral sinless sacramental unprofane theological celestial churchly church heavenly theistic enshrined supernatural numinous solemn ordained beatified canonized deified goody-goody canonised reserved messianic special obedient evangelic apostolic Christian blameless ethical doctrinal reverend uncorrupted stainless irreproachable beatific worthy guiltless charismatic superhuman deific transcendent sectarian conformist late upstanding seraph cherished law-abiding conforming schismatic deistic sacerdotal pontifical canonical ministerial late lamented full of good works observant evangelical worshipful ritual worshiping ceremonial of blessed memory immortal exalted worshipping inviolable reverenced eternal anointed devoted to God dedicated to God supplicant supplicating pleading beseeching soliciting entreating imploring suppliant supplicatory ecclesiastic pastoral non-secular prelatic parsonical untouchable unassailable ecclesial bible biblical non-temporal churchy worshipped papal episcopal worshiped honoured otherworldly ethereal dogmatic hierological metaphysical mystical theologic respected honored adored purified classical prophetic clerkly vicarial set apart hieratic rectorial presbyteral among the angels theocratical cleric monastic monkish rabbinical parsonish parochial diaconal inalienable unchallengeable unalterable absolute unbreakable impregnable intemerate firm uninfringeable indestructible unbreachable inviolate

Từ trái nghĩa của smug

smug Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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