Từ đồng nghĩa của guiltless

Alternative for guiltless

Từ đồng nghĩa: clean-handed, innocent,

Tính từ

Free from guilt
blameless innocent immaculate impeccable irreproachable spotless unimpeachable unsullied untainted untarnished clear faultless pure sinless clean uncensurable cleanhanded inculpable lily-white squeaky-clean stainless unblemished uncorrupted undefiled above reproach above suspicion beyond criticism crimeless exemplary free free from blame free from guilt good righteous virtuous without fault in the clear not to blame squeaky clean whiter than white as pure as the driven snow not guilty guilt-free honest upright chaste perfect pristine uninvolved unoffending virginal flawless impeccant uncorrupt lawful legal angelic licit free of unstained legitimate white pure as the driven snow safe angelical ideal incorrupt seamless picture-book picture-perfect absolute letter-perfect indefectible uncontaminated cleared unspotted unpolluted decent moral unblamable model untouched beyond reproach scrupulous undamaged acquitted harmless irreprehensible honourable honorable sackless virgin wholesome snowy holy modest unflawed exonerated unspoiled reliable trustworthy dependable clean-handed without guilt crime-free unguilty fresh gleaming shining undisturbed not responsible unexceptionable peaceful law-abiding having clean hands demure without sin unspoilt calm serene tranquil at peace without blemish free of sin whole unmarred intact unmarked sound uninjured unimpaired unhurt innocent as a lamb absolved untroubled exculpated exact precise exquisite unerring copybook outstanding meritorious consummate exceptional admirable accurate errorless ten fleckless right nice aces correct apple-pie infallible A-okay note-perfect irreprovable on target reproachless snow white let off free to go free of blame off the hook scot free crisp natural refreshing unadulterated unharmed invigorating sterilized salubrious sparkling undebased envigorating restorative organic unscathed unaffected sterilised unchanged earthy sanitary unsoiled primal onside sweet luscious not rotten not sour unfermented artless cool unmixed distilled purified well-preserved unpunished delicate void nescient bereft devoid preserved unassuming unmoved indifferent ignorant empty unaware unimpressed unconcerned unaltered dry-eyed unstirred uninfluenced unprocessed recent latest young just out unstudied new original unfilled with out of danger in perfect condition safe and sound secure shipshape without a scratch entire untried unbroken in good condition tonic without lacking airy revitalising cooling energising pleasant lacking in unfamiliar with untouched by refreshful revitalizing rejuvenative revivifying energizing rejuvenating vitalizing scot-free sterile unacquainted with disinfected uninfected healthful taintless pasteurised aseptic intemerate healthy pasteurized good for you germ-free health-giving

Tính từ

Having or showing high moral standards
virtuous honest upright righteous honorable ethical moral good just decent honourable principled respectable upstanding noble worthy trustworthy admirable reputable pure right laudable straight scrupulous true incorruptible meritorious praiseworthy exemplary nice blameless commendable irreproachable unimpeachable faithful saintly lawful moralistic lofty elevated clean sinless impeccable immaculate unbribable angelic kosher irreprehensible godly saintlike inculpable legit untarnished right-minded high-minded law-abiding high-principled anti-corruption true-blue right-thinking morally correct all right on the level squeaky clean self-righteous clean-living up front whiter than white squeaky-clean pure as the driven snow without reproach in the clear on the up and up of excellent character innocent uncorrupted pious estimable wholesome undefiled conscientious punctilious holy faultless correct model dignified lily-white chaste excellent equitable proper stainless spotless dutiful spiritual noble-minded unsullied paradigmatic classic sterling quintessential bueno prototypical classical neato stand-up above reproach not bad batting a thousand not too shabby devout modest God-fearing unblemished decorous reverent seemly untainted unaffected unspoilt fair religious celibate charitable characteristic typical illustrative representative sanctimonious chivalrous vestal white gallant magnanimous conscionable unblamable proud G-rated beyond reproach square flawless perfect inviolate without fault redoubtable unobjectionable infallible rectitudinous high professional truthful aboveboard distinguished greathearted natural lordly favoring obedient balanced incorrupt sound incorrupted unfailing sainted courteous cultivated tractable well-behaved devoted impartial matchless deserving philanthropical philanthropic godlike creditable peerless fitting favouring prim lenient sportsmanlike saving dinkum sportsmanly blessed responsible humane prayerful salt of the earth ideal Christian straightforward virginal beatific god-fearing unworldly morally right morally acceptable fine maidenly virgin divine seraph true blue copybook consummate outstanding exceptional guileless imitable archetypal archetypical textbook definitive unstained applaudable continent unblighted unprofaned unspotted very good lily white wide-eyed full of good works wet behind ears babe in woods pure as driven snow reliable dependable trusty sincere solid fair-minded sensible respected rightful unbiased above board unprejudiced venerable evenhanded nonpartisan reasonable gracious benevolent constant generous candid peaceful orderly full of integrity great civilized duteous loyal of good repute forthright objective peaceable steady well behaved dispassionate steadfast disinterested due veracious equal indifferent unwavering nondiscriminatory justifiable civilised justified helpful safe unselfish above suspicion compliant fair and square genuine dedicated disciplined fastidious untouchable even-handed knightly of principle legal anti-discrimination non-discriminatory deserved neutral open-minded non-partisan level-headed merited resolute respectful esteemed mannerly open legitimate kind considerate thoughtful condign altruistic staunch competent warranted uncolored on the up-and-up upfront polite clean-cut benign sympathetic kindly unswerving hospitable secure impersonal sure trustable tried big calculable liberal tolerant tried-and-true great-hearted self-sacrificing unerring above-board peacekeeping idealistic unassailable complying rational strict sporting circumspect frank glorious gentlemanlike highly respectable uncorrupt submissive amenable manageable biddable conformable docile notable sporty according to Hoyle according to the rules deferential firm particular credible heedful punctual exact precise critical sublime fast humble authentic honest-to-goodness eminent unbigoted egalitarian unpretentious unfeigned uncontrived prudish on up and up prestigious straight-arrow true-hearted enduring patriotic worthwhile valuable perpetual persistent inextinguishable immortal undestroyable unchanging trusted extremely careful thinking twice stanch on-the-level beneficent uncoloured proportionate strait-laced prissy finicky supportive illustrious dapper alright goody-goody unmarred highly regarded inoffensive precious invaluable level stable even-steven cricket fair-to-middling fair-and-square first-class truehearted veridical allegiant down-the-line wholehearted ardent undistorted liege confirmed brave courtly bounteous refined without fear or favour extraordinary remarkable right and proper on the square inspired divinely inspired goal driven delicate fussy compassionate loving caring selfless kind-hearted no lie fair shake square deal with no axe to grind edifying uplifting quality of good report A-1 pernickety bighearted kindhearted non-erotic non-violent improving understanding merciful sweet big-hearted goodhearted public-spirited tender heroic giving free valiant princely goodish humanitarian large-hearted munificent squeamish apple-pie simple invigorating ruddy sane practical together fresh-faced envigorating hygienic commonsensical sanitary normal open-faced blooming obliging neighbourly foolproof guaranteed mature appropriate suitable apt earned accommodating friendly amiable all there agreeable indulgent civil comradely amicable sociable pleasant tried and true fly right fit holding water requisite official straight-up boy scout applicable canonical never-failing authorised rock solid always there as good as one's word to be trusted twenty-four carat tried and tested permitted well deserved sure-fire card-carrying in principle authorized worthy of trust befitting tried and trusted down home orthodox well earned hale and hearty in fine feather in the pink genial companionable regardful purpose driven neighborly well-disposed well mannered well-brought-up well-mannered

Tính từ

Abstaining from extramarital, or from all, sexual intercourse
chaste pure virginal decent innocent modest virgin celibate immaculate moral uncontaminated unsullied virtuous incorrupt intact maidenly undefiled unwed vestal wholesome abstinent decorous maiden nunlike self-denying self-restrained uncorrupted unmarried proper sinless clean continent demure elegant good G-rated quiet refined simple upright austere restrained unaffected controlled faithful free of sin impotent inexperienced intemerate monogamous neat prudish squeaky clean subdued unblemished pure as the driven snow single spouseless husbandless seemly wifeless unattached bachelor unwedded partnerless free unhitched available eligible widowed spinster uncoupled sole divorced separated spotless footloose and fancy free young, free and single nunnish monklike monkish monastic nice on the shelf left on the shelf reserved gentle girlish untainted flawless nonmarried unstained platonic stainless retiring respectable ascetic polite clean-living free from sin sober discreet untarnished severe coy delicate in good taste solo uninvolved uncommitted lonely lone solitary alone unengaged independent companionless unbetrothed footloose unloved unfettered marriageable unaccompanied unescorted by oneself not going out with anyone not spoken for living alone having missed the boat a bachelor all alone going one's own way without a partner a spinster with no ties without a wife not married on your tod footloose and fancy-free not tied down by yourself on your own without a husband on one's own fancy-free

Từ trái nghĩa của guiltless

guiltless Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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