Từ đồng nghĩa của mature

Alternative for mature

matures, matured, maturing, maturer, maturest

Từ đồng nghĩa: adult, full-blown, full-grown, mellow, prime, ready, ripe,

Từ trái nghĩa: immature,

Tính từ

Having much experience in a particular field
experienced veteran expert seasoned accomplished established practised tried adept skilful skilled skillful tested trained vet hardened knowledgeable long-time master practiced advanced familiar long-serving well trained well-versed battle-scarred old hand well versed wise qualified old professional competent versed worldly-wise consummate weathered sophisticated pro worldly been around sensible well-rounded capable time-served full of years patriarchal of long standing past your prime habituated prepared toughened instructed matured proficient ace crack au fait worldly wise versed in been there masterly good compleat masterful great virtuoso crackerjack educated professed complete mean well up in disciplined exercised old-time inured steady practical from way back knows one's stuff not born yesterday wise to ways of the old school up to speed talented adroit able dexterous deft dextrous gifted clever brilliant polished efficient excellent handy fine first-rate wizard apt artful tasty stellar workmanlike savvy superb nifty first-class outstanding bravura habile delicate sharp magnificent supreme marvellous impressive genius smart wicked superlative marvelous effective ingenious formidable a dab hand at schooled slick top-notch on the ball suitable effectual fit superior demon exceptional deadly elite whiz multiskilled multitalented refined big league out of this world quick certified sure-handed fitted taught tutored all-round all-around proper leading splendid versant learned world-class topflight dazzling up to snuff brainy dynamite cool there smooth tuned in wised up a hand at wonderful reliable useful finished serviceable intelligent smashing fab very good working exquisite hotshot magic conversant tip-top suited specialist peerless brill facile knowing the score class best adequate hot A1 with it extraordinarily skilled on the beam very skilled highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled exceptionally good highly trained highly qualified quintessential accurate satisfactory very well exemplary ultimate perfect fluent impeccably credentialed virtuosic faultless balanced leet preeminent transcendent ready first class drilled phenom hep hip handpicked deluxe choice capital licensed chartered switched-on acquainted well-informed right on errorless dead-on spot-on thorough sure-fire well sporting exact on-target precise trustworthy stringent certificated equipped well credentialed sussed methodic methodical systematic clean rounded accustomed sport hardy nimble-fingered very able no slouch sharp as a tack know stuff top-drawer no dummy top-hole equal eligible well up champion authorized dynamic ultraefficient up on broken in licenced proved accepted authorised feasible like a pistol having the goods adapted knowing the ropes has what it takes like a one-man band equal to the task up to it having the right stuff having know-how up there green thumb able to perform old-timer the right stuff knowing one's stuff in the know sensational fabulous terrific tremendous fantastic employable long-term realizable killer useable realisable hyperefficient usable practicable dominant awesome supremely skilled canny star top topnotch distinguished super experient applied firsthand empirical real objective hands-on active existential actual experiential experimental empiric heuristic non-theoretical pragmatic factual in the field how-to

Tính từ

Used euphemistically to describe someone middle-aged or old
elderly old older senior aged ageing aging matured ancient gray grey olden middle-aged advanced in years over-the-hill up in years getting on of advanced years senescent hoary venerable grey-haired grizzled decrepit past it over the hill no spring chicken doddery doddering geriatric unyoung long in the tooth not long for this world not as young as one was senile as old as the hills grey-bearded superannuated septuagenarian octogenarian nonagenarian centenarian not as young as one used to be longevous long-lived ripe been around on last leg advanced patriarchal declining retired tired full of years past your prime antique age-old long in tooth lot of mileage dateless antiquated hoar immemorial antediluvian passé cobwebby moth-eaten creaky worn ripened oldie shot timeworn rusty senior citizen worse for wear abiding long-lasting along in years of age gray-haired in one's dotage on in years not young past one's prime weakly frail feeble faltering of a certain age pensioned old-fashioned out-of-date pensioned off archaic outmoded outdated past your sell-by date silver-haired grizzly white-haired silvery-haired relic worn-out weak on its last legs wasted debilitated infirm of an advanced age very old incapacitated enfeebled former tottering weakened discharged emeritus ex- dotard anile crippled fragile major past out of shape put out to grass in bad shape Elder I First resigned emerita leading above primary high-grade oldest eldest higher over first-born in retirement the elder next higher more advanced

Tính từ

Dealing in or with explicit material suitable only for grown-ups
crude indecent adult arousing carnal erotic lewd obscene racy raunchy ribald rude saucy sensual steamy vulgar blue pornographic salacious suggestive titillating porny X-rated smutty dirty filthy sexy lascivious offensive porn porno hard-core coarse risqué bawdy gross improper foul impure profane earthy prurient soft-core nasty wanton trashy gutter unprintable stag immoral full-frontal skin rank locker-room off-color sexual fleshy taboo sexually explicit Rabelaisian naughty raw spicy gamy fruity ithyphallic Cyprian off colour Fescennine XXX near the bone near the knuckle grown up explicit graphic uncensored sex grownup indelicate adults-only exploitative corrupting off-colour rough purple licentious vile indecorous scatological scatologic immodest scurrilous lustful unchaste unseemly low foul-mouthed sordid wicked lecherous shameless tasteless inappropriate depraved uncouth nudge-nudge disgusting unclean libidinous unwholesome loose salty base blasphemous crass abusive colourful debauched broad off-colored gamey off scandalous colorful degenerate dissolute scabrous provocative concupiscent distasteful cheap lubricious rakish hot shocking fleshly voluptuous libertine fast sleazy profligate corrupt bad-mannered unrefined unvirtuous impolite randy close to the bone in bad taste lowbrow bad debased juicy dishonourable barnyard evil sinful obnoxious dishonorable dissipated unsavory lowbred inelegant unsavoury sickening bodily incontinent sick villainous goatish lusty low-down outrageous uninhibited repulsive orgiastic abandoned malicious questionable odious discourteous luscious promiscuous unprincipled sensuous mean horny unscrupulous wrongful vicious lurid unbecoming reprobate disreputable uncivil unblushing uncultured shady whorish tacky mucky horrible XXXX corporeal boorish low-down-and-dirty exciting unpolished roughneck hideous loathsome atrocious tactless raffish page-three rugged of easy virtue repugnant noisome unrestrained sooty evil-minded daring profanatory undecorous ridiculous malodorous foulmouthed ill-bred indiscreet sizzling risque embarrassing ruttish vulgarian rough-hewn in the gutter low-minded illicit shameful scurvy lowdown and dirty farmyard dirty-minded gruesome profaned not pure desecrated libelous libellous untoward in poor taste ignorant awkward unsophisticated grody blunt out of line low-down and dirty sly rascally rogue devilish desirous barro voyeuristic itchy wayward lubricous impious hypersexual satyric passionate wild uncultivated ignoble hankering sneaking contemptible slippery outlandish unworthy fractious brutish callow untactful longing unhealthy sexually suggestive itching grimy grubby insensible common incult illiberal unconventional uncivilised tawdry degrading colloquial vituperative unsettling derisive uncivilized churlish loutish affronting ill-mannered insulting unutterable vilifying brash unmannerly ungracious seductive amoral animal physical alluring epicurean desirable excessive attractive unethical beyond the pale iniquitous dishonest nefarious sybaritic lush luxurious hedonistic wrong amorous come-hither vixenish sultry tempting unconscionable appetitive unspiritual voluptuary Dionysiac fraudulent morally wrong unfair devious underhand perverted animalistic moving stirring tactile delightful heavy physically gratifying hedonic sharpened pleasing stimulating sensory rotten dodgy black crooked unlawful cutthroat unrighteous dark Machiavellian miscreant saturnalian decadent unjust graceless not cricket

Tính từ

Mentally calm, having no emotion too strong or too weak
balanced sane rational sensible reasonable sound sober realistic practical judicious stable pragmatic commonsensical prudent grounded collected composed wise circumspect together cool steady calm businesslike dependable reliable poised serene equable imperturbable unflappable unworried relaxed confident unemotional unmoved secure level-headed well balanced self-possessed even-tempered full of common sense well adjusted well-adjusted cool-headed laid-back at ease cool, calm and collected with both feet on the ground levelheaded responsible down-to-earth moderate no-nonsense unruffled matter-of-fact all there hard-headed logical firm solid unfazed coolheaded unperturbed shrewd unagitated controlled unbothered unflustered clearheaded discreet commonsense coherent sage discriminating sagacious thoughtful reasoned possessed assured discerning astute well-founded sedate analytic analytical canny settled good self-controlled well-balanced serious-minded with one's feet on the ground advisable politic dispassionate deliberative farsighted lucid normal right sound of mind mentally sound clear-headed intelligent calmed of sound mind stolid staid decided determined resolved established ended serious far-sighted valid able to reason clearly able to think clearly right in the head hard-nosed calculable unswerving reserved unexcitable well-grounded commonsensible informed sharp consequent justified hard just undisturbed recollected untroubled straight placid level tranquil limpid peaceful smooth equal unshaken compos mentis in possession of all your faculties having all marbles with both one's feet on the ground assertive clever well-advised well-informed attentive well-thought-out knowing conversant well-reasoned self-composed self-assured self-confident au courant having both feet on the ground self-restrained having all one's marbles steady-going in right mind nonplussed nonchalant at peace equanimous quiet easy chilled insouciant phlegmatic impassive unconcerned still easygoing casual easy-going as cool as a cucumber undismayed stoical dignified blithe mellow cool as cucumber somber carefree temperate sombre mild proper halcyon cool as a cucumber stilly right-minded happy-go-lucky hushed seemly in one's right mind lown decorous even unexcited stiff formal solemn patient stately devil-may-care deliberate sure of oneself urbane unstirred pacific complacent sanguine grave fair unaffected disimpassioned graceful unshakable free and easy sure of yourself informal positive in your right mind well grounded fair-minded suave tolerant low-key elegant uninterrupted unbroken unanxious blasé understated nerveless breezy content sure undemanding unhurried certain forbearing constant peaceable trouble-free agreeable without a care in the world unflinching restful audacious keeping your cool gentle downbeat unflurried fearless bold self-reliant easy-peasy self-asserting untouched dauntless consistent upbeat unhesitating gutsy unfluctuating good-natured cogent filled with aplomb centered gung ho credible well good-tempered centred objective plausible sapient detached in control intellectual well reasoned playing with a full deck well advised abled undaunted regular fine debonair philosophical resolute unalarmed unchanging unvarying unperturbable unvexed even-keeled liberal earnest uniform muted subdued undistracted indulgent demure happy measured invariable soothed repressed suppressed quieted flexible lenient clubby benign not moved bovine blissful subtle unostentatious inconspicuous complaisant stoic civil euthymic stabile orderly systematic methodical irenic docile cocksure doubtless pushy implicit brazen clear unaltering unalterable proportional symmetrical well-proportioned prim stuffy conciliatory amenable permissive overconfident well-disposed pellucid satisfied reconciled resting quiescent comfortable stick-in-the-mud boring starchy neutral mild-mannered unimpassioned stress-free passionless got head together in possession of one's faculties with all one's marbles easeful reposeful rosy high calm and collected broad-minded considerate amiable thick-skinned immovable smug self-satisfied harmonious mentally stable aware cognizant keeping a stiff upper lip have one's act together anxiety-free enlightened not turn a hair keeping one's shirt on understanding open-minded cordial good-humored pleasant generous good-humoured cold sober puffed up pumped up at rest in repose fit playing with full deck both oars in water oriented healthy perceptive played down unpretentious downhome toned down hard as nails stiff upper lip roll with punches unidealistic lax hard-boiled clear-sighted deductive joined-up clear-eyed philosophic common-sense perspicacious affable friendly leisurely equitable self-sufficient brave intrepid courageous tenable acceptable decent can-do impartial justifiable believable legitimate viable understandable surefooted sure-footed percipient restrained conservative reflective unprejudiced feasible believing in oneself self-assertive convincing self-respecting low-pressure thought-out unexcessive evenhanded based on good sense thinking legit cognitive open to reason admissible ratiocinative making sense clear-cut unbiased standing to reason cerebral well thought out unextreme live-and-let-live weighty authoritative chilled out telling satisfying satisfactory recognized holding water watertight correct profound holding up holding up in wash got it together faultless true unassailable accurate flawless impeccable right-thinking recognised standing up exact precise orthodox accepted well founded whole mentally healthy in good mental health

Tính từ

Dependable, or capable of being trusted
safe trustworthy trusty faithful reliable dependable responsible rational sane reasonable sensible sound stable discreet adult capable competent conscientious calculable good reputable sure tried tried-and-true true trustable upright honest honorable honourable capable of being trusted level-headed staunch secure incorruptible principled virtuous unimpeachable ethical steadfast truthful constant unfailing loyal unswerving unwavering solid guaranteed steady righteous foolproof straight saintly true-blue tried and true fly right down home worthy of trust on the level to be trusted straight-up full of integrity above suspicion never-failing tried and tested sure-fire rock solid true blue boy scout tried and trusted always there up front as good as one's word decent just respectable moral scrupulous firm upstanding sincere devoted genuine fair proper right-minded worthy noble certain right dedicated credible dutiful creditable high-principled authentic committed legitimate high-minded proven unquestionable trusted kosher correct infallible nice valid blameless stand-up law-abiding established pure resolute fast tested irreproachable legit square certified lawful veracious straightforward candid strong proved real ardent devout enduring all right positive allegiant unerring frank respected anti-corruption conclusive definite pious equitable authoritative indisputable aboveboard effective attested indubitable laudable unassailable stalwart uncorrupted fixed admirable impeccable impartial of good repute on the up and up conscionable above board fail-safe verifiable forthright absolute exemplary patriotic incontrovertible demonstrable unfeigned accurate unequivocal convincing acceptable down-the-line true-hearted fair-minded morally correct believable well-founded determined open venerable irrefutable recognized guiltless faultless sinless incontestable estimable legal stanch unmistakable perfect veritable confirmed bona fide precise known upfront immovable undoubted praiseworthy meritorious unchanging recognised commendable flawless undeniable establishable balanced unfaltering dyed-in-the-wool compelling unadulterated persuasive unpretentious actual close attached clean efficacious in the bag watertight plausible above reproach persistent unambiguous clear official well-thought-of exact stout immaculate evident plain inarguable squeaky-clean realistic highly regarded consistent approved confirmable predestined hard provable supreme set ascertained destined guileless sterling undisputable true to life unprejudiced unbiased clean-living fair and square inculpable liege strict innocent justified passionate well founded unbribable objective squeaky clean wholehearted orthodox even-handed open-minded unchallengeable pukka salted away on ice sure thing having down pat maintainable sustainable viable definitive dispassionate non-partisan copper-bottomed surefire can't-miss distinguished chivalrous loving unanswerable tenable potent non-discriminatory equal incorrupt probable decisive intimate original accepted well-established justifiable evenhanded veridical nondiscriminatory moralistic honored angelic well-built satisfying earnest unaffected fervent on the up-and-up heartfelt uncounterfeited bonafide of good standing beyond question unfaked failsafe unpretended sturdy circumspect right-thinking hard-core esteemed behind one salt of the earth fanatical bosom unblemished able to hold water well-grounded predictable emphatic feasible honoured creditworthy rigid supportive prestigious regular vigorous conforming lasting settled notable likely excellent unarguable factual astute efficient neutral knightly irrefragable telling obdurate unstained anti-discrimination eminent easy accomplished untarnished inexorable influential fair dinkum helpful defensible powerful airtight cogent sanctioned verified authenticated indifferent nonpartisan elevated never failing lofty demonstrated logical overt civil defendable agreeable perceptive decorous assured able redoubted honest-to-goodness uncompromising polite peaceable disinterested unselfish godly saintlike supported inerrable inerrant unshakable imaginable uncolored forceful apodictic possible supportable arguable seemly redoubtable deserving courteous for real conceivable impressive fitting satisfactory obedient beyond dispute self-righteous workable beyond doubt presumable obvious above-board invariable of principle confiding affectionate whiter than white pure as the driven snow of good report punctilious holy spiritual noble-minded vindicable well-engineered abiding well grounded from the horse's mouth time-tested well-tried well built beyond a shadow of a doubt safe as houses high-quality string along with hopeful well engineered tested and proved right-hand important principal main favorite having clean hands humble uncontrived unalloyed undisputed certifiable impervious echt standup glorious go-to familiar simple undesigning artless natural hearty zealous pucka civilized careful unconcealed rocklike peaceful duteous boon unflappable impassioned checked favourite quality egalitarian idiot-proof goofproof unbreakable orderly licit hardened inextinguishable immortal undestroyable untouchable perpetual upheld great undistorted truehearted perfervid unflinching fervid authorized accredited straight-shooting card-carrying hard-working confidential chaste humane qualified self-reliant manifest patent carrying the load sustained self-evident clinching respectful even unhesitating no lie Christian well behaved unmannered on up and up undebatable clear-cut categorical durable deep-dyed good as one's word to be counted on tough inflexible stiff straight-arrow by the book morally right morally acceptable unchangeable immutable gallant magnanimous right as rain telling the truth authorised keen final God-fearing in good faith die-hard valuable worthwhile right on straight from shoulder civilised sovereign with no axe to grind irresistible fine applaudable model ultimate not in doubt godlike philanthropic matchless peerless reverent charitable philanthropical confident wise sagacious judicious intelligent plain-spoken error-free invaluable verisimilar assuasive suasive excusable condonable impregnable warrantable beyond criticism unexceptionable unshakeable first-class thinking twice fastidious critical extremely careful heedful punctual concluded decided warranted ensured insured stipulated stated permanent colourable deadly uncanny meticulous inevitable persevering shrewd percipient shoo-in unanxious undoubtful sanguine nailed down locked on carefree equable classic on the nail the real McCoy based on facts straight from the horse's mouth fact-based stainless spotless untainted beyond suspicion free-spoken round moving true-to-life carrying conviction swaying believeable A-1 used endless boundless unmistaken errorless dead spot-on intense stubborn immobile unquestioning adamant bound unmovable changeless unbending unqualified intent bulletproof perdurable literal ingenuous plainspoken truth-telling outspoken unreserved significant fly canonical serious cordial profound long-standing long-lived long-lasting inexhaustible learned inseparable valued well balanced well-balanced unbeatable ceaseless continuous scholarly tried out put to the test time-honoured deep-rooted reputed name well respected of repute well thought of meaning what one says special cherished dear undamaged best close-knit normal treasured on one's side detached unlimited unfading spot on undying continual coherent genteel well known famous well-known renowned popular celebrated acclaimed favored prominent famed high-ranking illustrious presumptive like it is substantial documented circumstantiated validated handy useful undeceivable omniscient effectual always effective unflagging bottomless well judged unimpaired seasonable unspoiled eatable timely unhurt fresh trenchant felicitous favourable expedient whole well timed full-hearted reasoned honest-to-god supposable fiduciary colorable credential thinkable favoured with a good reputation befitting presentable dignified prudent lucid congruent grounded same unrelenting assiduous delivering there diligent eternal counted on come-through continuing kind obliging commonsensical perspicuous deductive informed on up-and-up neat tidy smart spruce undecayed promising fit to eat well-timed uncontaminated intact neighbourly pragmatic germane determinative commonsense weighty analytical practical levelheaded discerning accommodating according to the rules appropriate suitable becoming modest done comely ordinary well bred moderate august sublime mediocre de rigueur pertinent analytic relevant sober consequent commonsensible generous thoughtful gracious friendly amiable considerate hospitable in high favor indulgent benevolent kindly amicable comradely altruistic benign sympathetic holding water matter-of-fact well-advised intellectual well reasoned clear-headed well advised down-to-earth well-reasoned well thought out favorable straight from horse's mouth with a ring of truth within the bounds of possibility sociable pleasant genial regardful companionable mannerly comme il faut neighborly make good in good part make good on something well-disposed well mannered well-brought-up well-mannered irreprehensible without reproach in the clear of excellent character

Tính từ

Characterized by exceptionally early development or maturity
precocious advanced forward developed gifted quick ahead early premature prematurely developed ahead of time rathe-ripe exceptionally smart ahead of one's peers old beyond one's years talented masterly capable skilled brilliant expert consummate clever skilful adroit accomplished exceptional competent polished dexterous proficient able deft adept apt skillful bright perceptive sharp genius crack phenomenal tasty ingenious smart intelligent extraordinary first-rate ace remarkable hot hotshot master wizard dextrous shining at top-hole got it advanced for one's age class act on the ball out of the ordinary have smarts top-drawer top-notch have the goods virtuoso masterful practised practiced good experienced savvy efficient crackerjack trained great versed handy educated mean veteran excellent keen nifty brainy complete compleat qualified professional knowledgeable astute artful fine professed alert wicked habile first-class elite outstanding learned quick-witted well versed seasoned nimble impressive ready whip-smart slick stellar discerning effective sharp-witted fast perspicacious intellectual supersmart ultrasmart hyperintelligent workmanlike delicate effectual resourceful whiz knowing magnificent inventive deadly acute all-around supreme superb bravura superior canny wise penetrating suitable cerebral all-round facile creative fit up to speed formidable a dab hand at versatile au fait scholarly erudite multitalented rational schooled conversant marvellous pro multiskilled quick on the uptake out of this world profound superlative shrewd peerless deep refined marvelous with it fitted magic smooth ambidextrous practical up to it nimble-witted useful imaginative serviceable ingenuous splendid agile suited strong big league topflight old perfect adaptable dazzling faultless choice multifaceted cool endowed logical observant nimble-fingered up to snuff quick-thinking sensible world-class exquisite there balanced sage sagacious many-sided plastic varied mobile pliable functional elastic all-purpose protean puttylike various sure-handed taught tutored well-rounded proper quick off the mark wised up reliable sharp as a tack powerful effortless complex complicated intuitive flawless impeccable tremendous academic artistic prompt equal versant cultured specialist highbrow crafty adequate unrivaled enlightened cunning percipient insightful bookish awesome virtuosic class eggheaded whip flexible variable finished original vet unrivalled alive sapient responsible dynamite active prudent very intelligent well-versed exceptionally good smashing brill wide awake no dummy Einstein witty quick on the trigger know the ropes whiz kid on the beam all there highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled quick on the draw highly qualified extraordinarily skilled very skilled no slouch tuned in highly trained a hand at prolific accurate satisfactory very well prodigious decent methodic methodical star systematic productive kosher well-endowed right on errorless dead-on well sporting on-target trustworthy spot-on thorough sure-fire exact precise stringent quintessential thoughtful informed best pitch-perfect happy mighty terrific select certified fluent handpicked capital deluxe lively exemplary ultimate redoubtable hardy leading philosophical reflective employable long-term receptive invincible indomitable studious bluestocking classic drilled phenom golden teachable foresighted arty swift PDQ brisk sensitive dominant quick to learn universal sufficient swotty dynamic ultraefficient elegant well executed supremely skilled wonderful crisp vigorous mercurial curt wired puissant amazing innovational exciting memorable innovative thrilling fab perfected feasible astounding admirable clever with one's hands good with one's hands adept physically nobody's fool malleable enthralling innovatory A1 clean multilayered polygonal manifold multidimensional well read cultivated graceful incisive enterprising smart as a whip well trained penetrative not born yesterday killer useable know one's business know ins and outs know the score all around working realizable know one's stuff realisable hyperefficient usable know the answers practicable easy equipped tip-top thinking genial well-read egghead heady urbane very able know stuff very good worthy prepared adjustable multiform polymorphic polymorphous super sharp-sighted well-informed book smart cut out for having a knack for coruscating adapted discriminating highly endowed inspired understanding instructed together comprehending calculating artsy-craftsy old hand very smart hep hip know one's onions having the goods knowing the ropes green thumb old-timer knowing the score having know-how supercalifragilisticexpialidocious having a good head on one's shoulders know how many beans make five having no flies on of genius having the right stuff has what it takes like a one-man band able to perform know backwards and forwards like a pistol equal to the task up there neat demon nippy hot tamale

Tính từ


Động từ

To develop or grow rapidly
burgeon grow expand increase rise escalate swell multiply mushroom snowball proliferate develop spread boom enlarge mount appreciate flourish balloon climb thrive accumulate prosper accelerate gain progress bloom wax blossom rocket sprout skyrocket flower explode build up shoot up roll up grow rapidly spring up increase rapidly run riot increase exponentially become more numerous put on a spurt bourgeon advance succeed bud make headway be successful bear fruit improve fare well evolve effloresce germinate batten make progress come along come on burst forth get on well make strides move forward do well move ahead go great guns go forward unfold open go places blow shine open out emerge work up make inroads get ahead gain ground fly high get places get on get somewhere spread one's wings shoot come into flower burst come into blossom be in flower arrive produce outbloom score ameliorate press forward move onward press on go well become better grow well forge ahead cover ground push ahead develop well come of age make it take steps forward turn out well come into bud go to town come into bloom come to fruition move forward in leaps and bounds hit it big arise fructify be in blossom pullulate profit tassel out leaf build vegetate yield pick up crack on develop buds form buds augment be strong be well be vigorous make good do wonders go ahead push forward catch on get better go be in good shape grow vigorously make good speed grow rich become rich be enriched peak send out shoots be in good health be in its heyday make a go get there abound be in your prime be in the pink be on top of the heap go up in the world have legs upgrade elevate proceed move up maturate be promoted march work one's way grow up strengthen take root push on step forward move on better oneself climb the ladder work one's way up make one's way be elevated star stand out triumph figure perform prevail lead feature be skilful be brilliant be excellent be outstanding excel glow be very good reign supreme be proficient be expert be pre-eminent be unparalleled be talented be unrivalled be good at be good wear the crown be skilled at be skilled be unequalled make the big time have a gift be without equal stand out in a crowd be unsurpassed have a gift for be a success be unexampled be the best steal the show be second to none come to life strike gold strike oil be fine and dandy be in clover do all right for oneself be on easy street get on in the world hit the jackpot spread out widen out spread wide get bigger widen inflate green intensify enhance make one's mark surge soar spurt rise in value appear come out put forth shoots put forth buds benefit bear fatten be fortunate make mark make out feather nest become wealthy make money make a killing strike it rich live the life of Riley

Động từ

To undergo metamorphosis
metamorphose transform convert alter change transfigure transmute transubstantiate mutate remodel transmogrify remake reshape alchemize modify recast reconstruct reorder restyle translate transpose vary age become be reborn commute develop diverge metamorphosize morph reorganise reorganize ripen turn make over undergo a sea change switch evolve shift adapt revise interchange make switch over modulate progress refashion fluctuate appropriate apply download reform downlink adjust veer shape swing vacillate pivot rebuild redo digress revamp revolutionize fashion doctor amend mold revolutionise drift mould slip improve edit deviate rearrange remould renew grow distort render rejig permute substitute rework update deform recondition tailor affect redesign customize tweak reconstitute readjust refine snap remold resolve refit stir up diversify swap customise turn upside down make adjustments to make alterations to transfer become different undergo a change contort form restructure exchange trade generate differentiate shapeshift metastasize move metamorphize innovate modernize swerve back mutant anomaly mutation fit reconcile barter alter dramatically suit qualify square condition break change direction modernise shake up pass realign transmutate transit prepare bend become clearly visible as naturalize truck put merge alternate transition disguise flip-flop replace displace make improvements to materialise reduce naturalise commutate make far-reaching changes in break with the past materialize renovate reorient overhaul retool reorientate reshuffle rehash fix upgrade redevelop rehabilitate rectify permutate denature recalibrate correct warp rejigger reconfigure regulate regenerate cook refurbish tune redraft change completely shift gears turn around make innovations turn the tables turn the corner fix up sing different tune do up tamper with turn over new leaf reverse repair change over mend invert restore swap round change around change round supplant restitute reinstate influence turn about move around reclaim make different make changes to advance go turn one around better blend set reset control ameliorate govern backtrack revert inverse dial back phony up correct mid-course fine tune emend manipulate salvage remedy shade predispose relocate uplift cure debug double back switch round bear upon impinge upon have an impact on change gradually red-pencil bring up to code make better redirect divert deflect reestablish recover define reinstall rejuvenate revitalize reinvigorate sidetrack furbish redecorate bring something up to code patch bring back make good spruce up re-establish bring up to date service freshen up revitalise brighten up re-equip make fit for use bring into the twenty-first century frame guide produce create determine shunt turnabout model turn aside devise construct build chop and change change course chart choreograph map out lay out design transmit switch around remove rotate

Động từ

To teach, train or educate in a given field
educate teach train instruct school tutor coach develop inform guide inculcate indoctrinate cultivate drill edify enlighten improve foster upskill discipline lesson prepare prime better civilise civilize elevate exercise nurture rear uplift brainwash brief explain homeschool illume illuminate illumine inspire show the ropes put through the grind drum into teach information direct advise mold mould counsel mentor lead condition groom ready verse give lessons to breed ground acquaint tell show care for update raise shape equip initiate lecture acculturate look after pilot familiarize form sophisticate clarify let in on familiarise break in parent program programme wise up socialize tame bring up put someone through their paces make ready catechize provide for socialise apprise hone instill influence support nurse nourish take care of instil qualify season clear refine fit polish give lessons clue fill in mother clue in caution humanize keep posted give instruction to promote give pointers reclaim help re-educate communicate advance tend humanise imbue persuade notify sharpen implant propagandize convince proselytize hip shepherd steer din something into catch up propagandise proselytise give the facts lay it out for warn give advice to acquaint with make conversant with fill in on post forewarn give counsel to give counselling to point out give direction to tip clue in on report to put through the mill put in the picture about bring up-to-date send word put in the picture give someone hints let know be responsible for the education of level with give information to make suggestions to give someone tips gen up on announce to make recommendations to leak to keep someone posted lick into shape tip off tailor regiment explain to soften bring someone up cram pressurize mellow manage arm give character temper demonstrate convert alter watch over feed raise youngster pull one's coat walk through pressurise rub the rough edges off give instructions expound describe explicate talk into supervise disclose engineer reveal level plant radicalize aid base alert ennoble spiritualize ethicize enrich idealize fanaticize radicalise extremize sponsor rehearse practise give lessons in practice harden inure work over break down set break it to endow idealise predicate introduce rest declare to enlighten as to give the low-down lay it out give notice update about put on the line give the word make aware offer information make known to clue up about make known keep up to date with make familiar with give information about wake put wise about keep up to speed with give the gen give intelligence give the rundown show the way to explain things to prep enable facilitate hang inform about demonstrate something to make fit whip into shape make something clear to help forward suit impart cherish protect familiarize with get ready set up clue up on preach give the gen about give the low-down on equip with pound into open eyes polish up give counsel give advice teach school give counselling give guidance give direction give a grounding in relate give hints give instruction give directions offer opinions offer suggestions make recommendations give tips tout improve mind attend to keep in the loop give a pointer blow the whistle on clue up wise tattle sneak on give two cents give the low-down to give a tip send word to give someone to understand communicate to leak grass up impart to communicate knowledge fill someone in warm up accustom get into shape work out habituate break study hypnotize work compel manipulate order loosen up adapt hypnotise organize brace break someone in tune up get set organise provide din drill into hammer into spar empower make suitable stretch shadowbox impress upon get into condition limber up toughen up shape up get used to provender age acclimatize bolster back nursle labor labour strain do ripen toughen orient give the lowdown supply with facts gen up give somebody the lowdown anneal moderate mitigate make experienced illustrate orientate present climatize acclimate acclimatise learn put through grind put through mill knock up do exercises prime in train in instruct in make aware of teach about drill in school in coach in tutor in ground in fix demonstrate to make clear poise plan keep your hand in arrange go through one's paces lay fortify anticipate forearm give someone an idea allow make plans for arm oneself put together gird up one's loins make up lay out pave the way fit out make provision adjust take steps make preparations take precautions take measures make provision for guard forearm oneself contrive make arrangements make plans be prepared lay the groundwork

Động từ

To contrive of (something) using skill or ingenuity
concoct fabricate invent contrive devise manufacture formulate make up plot brew hatch create design prepare think up construct dream up excogitate fashion forge form scheme cook up project trump up batch compound conceive discover drum up envisage envision frame originate plan prefab produce vamp vamp up ad lib mix up slap together stir up throw together develop put together make compose come up with craft arrange work out draw up improvise organize coin whip up organise set up mastermind assemble machinate engineer shape imagine rustle up evolve build draft draught turn out knock together orchestrate conceive of map out outline mould generate knock up mold cast brainstorm knock off rig fake pioneer fix fix up put up lay choreograph falsify bring about hit on think of cobble together conjure up lay out hammer out blueprint feign establish spawn innovate model author ad-lib cook work intrigue get ready budget found wangle initiate erect write dope out spark set out bring into being actualize cogitate strategize about scheme out ponder fake it bring into existence launch play it by ear compile ready cultivate synthesize lie institute cause beget prevaricate introduce confect rattle off map effect negotiate calculate fib inaugurate coordinate manoeuvre improv pretend maneuver chart synthesise misrepresent jury-rig finagle constitute churn out make ready thrash out knock out rough out catalyze run up give rise to block out instigate effectuate bring to pass usher in work up catalyse throw up contemplate structure plant spin conceptualize marshal procure dream conspire sketch stage-manage compass yield render simulate conceptualise start marshall begin fit ruminate handle think out pen trace engender derive strategize prep manipulate picture visualize visualise sketch out pattern weave find parent procreate equivocate get going groom piece together stage finesse bear come out with dissemble dissimulate set in motion script start up cause to be codify kick off jam perfect make believe father con complete jive issue commence start off open up put in motion do offhand do induct start out bring on endow put on make do comp carve out cut wing it get up dash off rig up ring in bake fudge together fly by the seat of one's pants do off the top of your head cook something up throw something together dream something up propose intend trump something up set down fable revolutionize connive think something up collude counterfeit draw bring forth uncover moot stumble upon spearhead modernize scribe detect delineate work something out piece mint modernise revolutionise implement head trip get off process carve sculpt stamp hew fabulize adumbrate draw on invoke fudge extemporize fictionalize fictionalise storify plan ahead narrate recount tell wing improve execute fangle skeleton rough reach an agreement propagate patch together whip out fit together cobble up sculpture eke out set finish consummate come upon toss off bring decide work on scare up harvest relate busk it extemporise adjust equip supply edit adapt gather collate systemize systematize mass-produce bring out carry out tailor spark off grind out determine speculate crank out get obtain furnish outfit accoutre cause to happen becast move unfold hatch a plot make like appoint anticipate speak off the cuff cogitate on hit upon connect join anthologize accumulate combine collect mix sort out amass link indite consider cast about install jack up make provision smooth the way put in order fill in settle on build up fit out emerge occasion breed induce spitball sire provoke spoof be the inventor of study incorporate deliberate control manage weigh enact bring together systematise patent put in place affect sham sing verse rhyme float give birth to perpend misstate score poetize scribble ghostwrite clef time ghost open set off give birth lay eggs give forth break open come out premeditate slate fantasize mobilize mount direct superintend kick something off get underway ordain instal fire up inculcate be the mother of break the ice be the father of bring off encompass pull off see detail represent forecast activate mind tell untruth put down set type put pen to paper bang out push pencil note down coin a phrase conduct concert depict fancy settle up start the ball rolling plan out make a pretence of give the appearance of make a show of make-believe conceit ideate perceive slapdash punt improvisate swing operate angle doctor scam supervise mobilise jockey upstage think ahead educe image vision foster quarterback meditate steer chalk out mull over tell a white lie hallucinate bargain for line up figure on figure out fix to rough in lay in provisions reckon on make arrangements fantasy play games put over pull strings pull wires put through order learn create out of thin air fantasise put one on put one over balance fantasize about think on one's feet rely on your wits grasp imbibe materialize master dream about form a picture of build castles in air see in the mind's eye form a mental picture of see in one's mind assimilate acquire materialise perjure exaggerate kid speak with forked tongue create fiction be economical with the truth make up a story tell stories invent a story palter pull someone's leg tell a lie not tell the truth promote shovel deceive stretch the truth tell a fib tell untruths forswear yourself tell a terminological inexactitude pull the wool over somebody's eyes depart from the truth tell a little white lie take up pick up make arrangements for shape up pull together dispose raise rationalize schematize regulate array standardize schedule rear diagram methodize make uniform get act together tighten up straighten up jerry-build rationalise standardise purpose hammer perform realise realize provide see to see about make plans lay the foundations of pencil in make preparations for prepare for classify hook pound beat make hastily prepare roughly prepare hastily make roughly tabulate range sequence make up off the top of one's head advance translate into comprise plan for categorize whittle chisel edify prefabricate superstruct reconstruct carpenter lay on throw beat into shape have achieve accomplish fulfill fulfil describe categorise predict estimate unite make it up elaborate elevate find a way put together hastily put together roughly settle sew reckon expect resolve assemble hastily patch up draw together weld set up hastily erect hastily lump together sew up join up lay plans come to an agreement agree to come to terms set stage make plans for iron out agree on come to terms about pull things together suppose extrapolate whomp up cobble something together gauge run predetermine administrate foresee foretell think gage feature programme program brace allow timetable deal with act profess assume bluff be responsible for get together take care of lick into shape be in charge of get off the ground look after straighten out budget for practice guard take steps take precautions make provision for lay the groundwork take measures practise forearm oneself pass for imitate put up a front play at playact aspire to lay it on thick do a bit go through the motions of make out like prime make preparations train warm up be prepared