Từ đồng nghĩa của brave

Alternative for brave

braves, braved, braving, braver, bravest

Từ đồng nghĩa: bold, courageous, gallant, heroic, valiant,

Từ trái nghĩa: cowardly, faint-hearted, shy, timid,

Tính từ

Mạnh mẽ khi đối mặt với nỗi sợ hãi
courageous bold fearless valiant valorous daring intrepid plucky heroic lionhearted gutsy adventurous gallant nervy resolute stalwart tenacious brassy dauntless determined frightless indomitable lion-hearted mettlesome resilient unafraid undaunted unflinching unshrinking doughty game hardy heroical manful spartan spirited spunky stout stouthearted stout-hearted temerarious undauntable venturous gritty orped rock-ribbed unfearing greathearted gutty death-or-glory have-a-go herolike unfearful ballsy audacious confident feisty strong dashing daredevil manly vigorous venturesome tough staunch chivalrous noble steadfast adventuresome steely dogged firm unabashed unyielding unfaltering stubborn unbending powerful unwavering unblenching unswerving strong-willed macho swashbuckling fire-eating cocky assured strong-minded forceful unalarmed persevering indefatigable unshakeable constant dedicated earnest single-minded masculine male enterprising purposeful unhesitating resolved virile persistent as game as Ned Kelly obstinate red-blooded brash butch committed set decisive adamant muscular robust pertinacious strapping immovable bulldog true unrelenting intransigent inflexible perseverant strenuous steady stiff unshakable brazen aweless honourable reckless rash nerved emboldened intent impavid full of determination solid cheeky foolhardy purposive rugged decided insistent honorable fixed obdurate deliberate assertive forward relentless potent implacable unshaken loyal pushy uncompromising knightly all-male indurate unflagging eager two-fisted manlike untiring four-square positive muscly brawny unswervable sassy mannish impudent elevated man-size ripped man-sized hunky energetic free-swinging well-built redoubtable chivalric shredded cool well built quixotic worthy puissant icy buff jacked driven lively laddish generative peppy fiery hairy sporting go-ahead smart-alecky smart sprightly gingery zealous active peppery keen ardent animated enthusiastic high-spirited undeviating sure serious unbendable unchanging faithful meaning business aggressive nerveless shameless bravehearted enduring undismayed dynamic great-spirited unconcerned unworried unapprehensive Ramboesque impervious undisturbed carefree direct firmly-based devoted urbane suave dignified imprudent defiant chin-up fortitudinous superhuman invincible unbeatable unabashed by undaunted by straight trusty reliable Herculean unconquerable grand extravagant classic exaggerated epic unscared unalarmed by unfrightened high-flown inflated grandiose brisk impulsive heedless madcap adult jock stud beefcake ape stallion boyish caveman hunk champion mythological gung ho devil-may-care unsurpassable impregnable invulnerable bantam assuming high-minded wise fresh salty dareful crusty obtrusive mettled frisky bound fanatical stand tall not scared definite immutable persisting zippy passionate snappy bulletproof unassailable insuperable unstoppable untameable insurmountable settled out bigger than life bouncy fire eating hot shot chauvinist he-man having nerves of steel iron-willed fierce high-powered willful undefeatable ruthless impassable saucy arch bold-faced cocksure impertinent insolent brazen-faced brassbound go for broke intent on set on do-or-die determined to committed to the idea of tall in the saddle hell-bent on on one's mettle insistent on hell-bent upon bent on bent upon hell bent on dead set on intent upon hard-nosed intense out on a limb magnanimous zesty husky burly substantial hefty sturdy aggressively male ultramasculine unpleasantly masculine avid vehement sagacious self-confident chirpy irrepressible firm in spirit independent perceptive keen as mustard tough-minded ironclad self-assertive resourceful certain take charge mean just big high lordly sublime gentlemanly fair natural lofty great courteous crude crass rude pert inconsiderate studly powerfully built fecund beefy lusty well made fertile alert full of life full of spirit virtuous courtly reproductive driving sexually potent vibrant vital sound procreative gentlemanlike benevolent great-hearted noble-minded well-mannered unflappable wholehearted unmovable inexorable compulsive grim hard rigid headstrong tireless mulish bullheaded pigheaded stiff-necked intractable self-willed perverse adamantine opinionated hardened wilful assiduous emphatic hardheaded ambitious unremitting ossified pat refractory inconvincible diligent self-opinionated industrious motivated recalcitrant dead set bent rigorous focused sedulous absolute go-getting strict iron focussed bloody-minded patient unmalleable contumacious authoritative domineering hard-line unpersuadable unfailing bound and determined uncooperative contrary intensive demanding cussed unappeasable militant stable balky hardline bull-headed aspiring importunate unqualified obsessed unequivocal genuine conclusive harsh categorical hard-driving resounding hell-bent incompliant all-out concentrated full-blooded violent in-your-face set in stone self-starting hungry conscientious severe unmanageable forcible stern unreasonable impassioned remorseless diehard stringent cantankerous dyed-in-the-wool unambiguous uncompliant imperious dominant cast-iron progressive pioneering in the bag hanging tough hard-working unalterable trustworthy die-hard striving undeniable set in one's ways hard and fast insubordinate never-failing froward goal-oriented self-driven unquestionable stubborn as a mule unsparing desirous commanding thirsty unvacillating deep bullish established locked in explicit pushing definitive bolshie fervent hard-hitting known clear unswayable can-do unmistakable real thorough unwearied self-asserting dour abiding fast evident difficult indisputable sincere supreme unchangeable inexhaustible guaranteed irrefutable obsessive final infallible painstaking predestined destined dogmatic incontrovertible hard-core awkward rebellious weariless indubitable competitive eager beaver inveterate inspired incontestable hopeful effective authoritarian merciless unadaptable flat self-assured pig-headed ornery bossy exacting hearty dependable power-hungry punchy self-possessed pitiless complete hard-and-fast undoubted out-and-out on the make sustained plain no-nonsense demonstrable inarguable brick-wall incessant total unerring confirmable verifiable provable establishable ascertained safe self-seeking undisputable fixated full occupied overbearing untoward thoroughgoing concerted peremptory laborious studious draconian ungovernable wayward salted away on ice sure thing having down pat ferocious express pressing restive responsible unrestrained unwearying inexpugnable cruel unfluctuating disobedient outright unconditional perky furious determinate influential good true-blue invariable radical consistent never-tiring unaccommodating unchallengeable extreme downright careful unforgiving regular iron-fisted in earnest gladiatorial unvarying warlike high-pressure heavy-handed not giving an inch clamorous persuasive scrappy absorbed engrossed obvious cross-grained convincing compelling attentive ball of fire pulling no punches power-loving entreating high-reaching hard as nails standing one's ground exhaustive continuous exigent preoccupied concentrating get up and go tried and true stop at nothing deaf to reason tried and tested urgent immersed comprehensive specified undivided fervid unceasing defined precise unblinking stony unstinting oppressive burning hellbent meticulous obstreperous entire jumping grind hyper determining blunt uncontrolled unbridled wild disciplinary unmitigated distinct tried tried-and-true hardworking undeterred unarguable close scrupulous minute engaged clamant frozen unstinted irrefragable unanswerable monomaniacal renitent unlimited ultimate utter searching elaborate formidable accomplished plugging busy combative unalloyed unadulterated inescapable unmoved mule serious-minded profound dreadful unpermissive contentious entrenched pushful thrawn whole-hearted heartfelt even uniform cutthroat unquestioning truculent imperative honest bustling confirmed watertight wrapped up contrarious deep-dyed ineluctable well-founded secure go-go bloodthirsty hopping inalterable invariant proven necessary doctrinaire unabated racy storming assaultive predetermined mean business vicious exquisite terrible decreed stroppy all out dire opinionative compulsory carnivorous prescribed hardhearted predictable exact standing pat unmodifiable beyond dispute irreversible narrow-minded flat-out calculable beyond doubt trustable antagonistic austere beyond question on the go tough nut to crack desiring success dug in stand pat tough nut wrong-headed high-octane like a ball of fire not backward in coming forward having killer instinct writ in stone tyrannical beyond a shadow of a doubt proactive self-disciplined mature ended predisposed tending inclined leaning disposed repeated immoveable devout professional bombproof realistic unintimidated not joking hardboiled buckled down stanch restless observant sworn pious mullish sedate sensible resistant all exclusive enrapt whole uninfluenced stiffened cohesive unending unretiring pleading noncompliant watchful unbudgeable perseverative coherent iron-jawed unsentimental thrusting durable immalleable unthinking quick hasty snap undiscouraged beseeching begging possessive unforgetful mutinous self-motivated non-compliant unsinkable indelible ingrained irremovable arduous taxing forbidding illiberal sticky ultra-careful uptight picky pounding mortal hard-headed pervicacious hidebound unplacatable iron-handed unmollifiable unpacifiable consumed compelled impassive single-minded about firm about exhausting resolute about blinkered obstructive unhelpful unruly unimpressible fit telelogical calculated possessed manifest patent stony-hearted unimpressionable heady unbreakable believing in oneself employed working particular tied-up punctilious careerist bullhead unrepentant uncompassionate unemotional puritanical galvanized impelled going all the way convinced in place in position airtight self-evident clinching cynical undefeated brutal permanent quiescent continuing fireball continued plodding as stubborn as a mule involved meaning what one says in for long haul nose to grindstone clear-sighted straight out set in your ways hard-shell locked-in unflexible crisp desperate induced obsessional immobile optimistic intending aspirant wannabe potential would-be budding wishful cold fish proof against persuasion undebatable clear-cut steamroller self-respecting powerhouse pedantic religious fussy stuffy concrete hard-bitten resolved to never give up operose obsessive about inflexible about fixated on fanatical about with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way incontrollable rebel uncontrollable disobliging trying exasperating recusant pushed steered guided besetting galvanised riveted static ramrod playing hard ball crying reiterative monotonous agreed like bad penny cut-throat thick-skinned toughened imposing not discouraged future possible prospective likely unmoving changeless deep-rooted long-standing deep-seated bred-in-the-bone rooted intrenched do or die hold one's ground hold the fort sticking to one's guns hold the line arranged preset constructive formative creative developmental foundational seminal emulous not put off insistent about controlling be out for blood nose to the grindstone intensely competitive fiercely competitive dog-eat-dog hang-tough decided upon cut-and-dried strait-laced stick to guns set in concrete unquenchable bitter granite extremely motivated very motivated allotted prearranged not in doubt apodictic with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in enthralled vying arrogant longing tough as old boots disciplinarian callous drastic ascetical by the book astringent uncharitable hard-hearted browbeating rough ascetic unsympathetic autocratic grave no going back quantified as tough as old boots obscene pornographic X-rated planned incommutable competing detailed in-depth like death and taxes effectual collected composed impatient dictatorial pontifical shoo-in unanxious undoubtful sanguine easy nailed down able locked on expectant endeavoring endeavouring poised determinant limited warring opposing oppositional urged on stipulated still stated all-absorbing all-inclusive all-encompassing Type A upwardly mobile triumphant resisting ringing glaring significant stressed important solemn trenchant impressive pointed sober cogent accented unnatural mannered with one's shoulder to the wheel with one's nose to the grindstone high-handed intolerant arbitrary unwaivering prevailing seasoned one hundred per cent unreserved all-embracing methodical going opinioned not subject to change unrestricted no mistake self-reliant spoiling for a fight on the warpath ready for action magisterial small-minded malevolent maleficent malicious spiteful malign fractious crucial explosive ghastly sweeping blistering acute almighty heavy-duty excruciating fearsome heavy widespread frightful extensive hellacious fearful for a face sparkling cool-headed despotic fascistic high and mighty bigoted formal prejudiced one-sided egotistical dictative unbowed unfeigned undiluted warm exciting flourishing vivacious electrifying through-and-through accelerated speeded-up effervescent flamboyant alive dazzling authentic fullhearted happening airy stirring humming colourful zestful kinetic colorful animate buzzing vivid rousing decent upright spry coruscating bubbly stimulating astir sparky thriving abuzz posed hang tough unimpeachable truthful reputable impeccable respectable righteous high-principled bouncing springy vibrating radiant sensitive breezy responsive determinative quarrelsome bellicose pugnacious abubble jazzy pizzazzy pizazzy jaunty spanking aboil highly motivated veracious incorrupt categoric full-scale gay belligerent chippy confrontational discordant brawly argumentative agonistic disputatious alive and kicking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of the joys of spring full of beans full of vim and vigour bright and breezy full of pep full of get-up-and-go true-hearted plumb clean maximum consummate hundred percent whole-souled bona fide stark simple sheer arrant rank pure stone without reservations crashing deadly optimum dead very perfect unavoidable flip hot-tempered hostile have a bone to pick on the outs at loggerheads hot have chip on shoulder battling fighting have it in for bodacious blank blooming unpreventable fated imminent preordained foreseeable impending expected ineludible ordained obligatory full-blown full-on fateful impreventable required unescapable cotton-picking straight-out mandatory foreordained doomed irrevocable ineliminable to be expected bound to happen in the cards irresistible without recourse sure to happen for sure for certain no ifs ands or buts inevasible inevitable all locked up to be anticipated certain to happen binding open and shut

Tính từ

Bản chất quyết đoán
confident assured assertive strong firm unabashed aggressive collected defiant forward dashing gung ho militant sure unfazed unruffled self-assertive self-assured self-confident self-possessed strong-willed sure of oneself composed fearless courageous cool calm positive imperturbable poised impassive gutsy unflappable relaxed cool-headed tranquil unafraid intrepid secure self-asserting self-reliant bold can-do dauntless sure of yourself believing in oneself controlled daring unshakable plucky unemotional commanding authoritative nerveless patient cocky believing cocksure expecting expectant overconfident well-balanced cool, calm and collected full of oneself puffed up phlegmatic nonchalant unperturbed serene settled sanguine upbeat unhesitating audacious certain self-sufficient together nonplussed sure-footed surefooted equanimous at ease laid-back filled with aplomb level-headed self-respecting untroubled placid unworried undisturbed unshaken unflustered equable unmoved coolheaded self-composed self-controlled domineering peaceful sedate unagitated level decisive pushy bullish limpid equal recollected possessed smooth levelheaded unbothered at peace overbearing bossy even-tempered insistent forceful determined feisty unconcerned emphatic easygoing dominant imposing chilled doubtless imperious cool as a cucumber as cool as a cucumber dogmatic demanding dignified urbane suave undismayed fierce ambitious elegant powerful casual in-your-face decided undoubtful enterprising implicit clear unflinching civil zealous unaffected stolid easy spirited sensible stress-free mild-mannered grounded calmed commonsensical clearheaded not backward in coming forward dispassionate swaggy hotdog know-it-all hotshot self-secure controlling driven committed resolved resolute staunch steely steadfast tough tenacious unvexed unflurried unstirred graceful strong-minded debonair philosophical stoical stoic dynamic mellow neutral centred centered passionless steady in control unexcited detached unimpassioned unexcitable keeping a stiff upper lip cool as cucumber serious have one's act together temperate not turn a hair keeping your cool quieted keeping one's shirt on soothed disimpassioned staid repressed suppressed amenable vigorous reserved mild complaisant energetic tolerant insouciant potent carefree balmy halcyon balanced practical stable lackadaisical pacific idyllic peremptory dominating rational reasonable wise pragmatic prudent circumspect mature realistic pushing driving restful reposeful sober businesslike sane judicious reliable sound dependable resounding competitive violent vehement full-blooded muscular go-ahead strenuous lordly optimistic cheerful moderate unhurried straight buoyant hopeful masterful authoritarian autocratic dictatorial well adjusted with one's feet on the ground full of common sense well balanced well-adjusted happy-go-lucky easy-going having no doubt unshakeable in one's belief trusting in no doubt secure in one's belief convinced satisfied unwavering with no doubts about masterly cheery bright tyrannous despotic tyrannic arrogant autocratical imperative magisterial tyrannical in good heart of good cheer enthusiastic disposed to look on the bright side happy ridibund lively animated officious doctrinaire complacent brazen rosy high go-getting high-pressure assaultive carnivorous pushful pumped up absolute

Tính từ

Vượt trội về tiêu chuẩn hoặc chất lượng
prize excellent wonderful marvellous great superb fantastic fine awesome fabulous stellar grand splendid top terrific sensational marvelous choice fantabulous sterling divine cool superior quality superlative cracking fab topping radical heavenly prime unsurpassed neat lovely swell dandy topflight nifty beautiful peachy supernal immense classic groovy mean hot righteous dynamite noble crackerjack corking slick dope capital keen phat famous bumper banner frontline primo boss gangbusters gangbuster wizard boffo hype bully bonny brag down bonnie gone outstanding magnificent supreme best tremendous select topnotch champion elite winning leading cream star lead flagship fat pick first-class gilt-edged first-rate tip-top high-class top-notch A-OK out-of-sight bang-up jim-dandy gilt-edge first-string five-star blue-chip blue-ribbon four-star top-of-the-line top-shelf par excellence numero uno peachy keen very good top-tier top-class prizewinning number one out of this world super too much exceptional brilliant smashing glorious brill wicked perfect exquisite ace supercalifragilisticexpialidocious rad bosting sublime admirable matchless peerless ripping schmick amazing beaut world-class good top-hole delightful on fleek bodacious magic spiffing mega sik exo worthy remarkable tiptop premium pre-eminent incomparable sovereign bonzer highest spectacular belting mind-blowing pearler barrie crack impressive stunning incredible enjoyable eminent extraordinary class preeminent applaudable unrivaled dazzling premier accomplished transcendent of high quality of the highest quality of the highest standard formidable gorgeous unrivalled greatest amazeballs sound chillin' phenomenal of the first water A-1 of the first order striking stupendous attractive desirable unparalleled deluxe exemplary unique top-level dreamy awesomesauce consummate top-grade fly bosker flawless optimum breathtaking crucial beezer too good to be true highest quality very best of the highest order top-drawer dominant ideal entrancing outrageous enchanting illustrious skilful skillful unreal pleasurable elegant invaluable chic vintage rare praiseworthy laudable bad lofty notable noted high distinguished meritorious priceless estimable special fancy standout prodigious unequalled scrumptious high-grade high-quality solid nice pleasant unexcelled surpassing spanking model unmatched optimal faultless unbeatable finest quintessential uppermost tops marvy untouchable exalted def fabby effusive goodly singular extreme excessive hunky-dory inflated lank unequaled exaggerated kif worthiest in a class all by itself far out without equal the best beyond compare above and beyond of highest order classical award-winning key sharp quick bestselling agile deft clever smart memorable bewitching captivating charming radiant reliable valuable agreeable satisfying rewarding colossal far-out fashionable unorthodox way-out deep wild unforgettable arresting blissful top quality high quality virtuoso masterful masterly handy well-designed natty convenient adroit apt ingenious stylish spruce pleasing idyllic rapturous gratifying ravishing alluring certified exclusive enviable delectable sophisticated polished plush paragon peak posh ritzy foxy juicy rocking distinctive choicest first ka pai noteworthy solid gold mint commendable advanced crowning fantastical legit selected inspired splendiferous renowned sup rior all very well well and good elevated august splendorous A1 high-test prize-winning proud the very best state-of-the-art a standout with it pretty cool ambrosial superhuman yummy paradisal lush adorable spiritual paradisaic paradisic saintly the dog's bollocks moving eloquent surprising agitating most unbelievable top of the line top of the range top-quality grade A grade-A really nice top-of-the-range really good exciting congenial above average slap-up of a high standard superfine thrilling diverting not bad zero cool prominent imposing important foremost dignified stately majestic expert honorable honourable chief paramount second to none signal adept major celebrated inimitable unprecedented gifted regal able principal predominant powerful commanding skilled royal towering better especial talented exceeding monumental refined lordly ultimate imperial aristocratic classy extraordinaire educated mighty favoured awe-inspiring unusual influential intellectual proficient precious genteel dainty astonishing higher master particular delicate experienced luxurious central favored massive competent reputable high-ranking prestigious magnific heroic upmarket big honoured privileged mind-boggling honored out of sight uncommon dexterous practised marked grandiose courtly main versed epic magical anomalous primary practiced discerning baronial handsome wondrous unexampled seminal rich respected gallant complete essential unsurpassable extravagant upscale veteran esteemed well-known heroical professed venerable authoritative compleat greater dextrous upper-class Homeric swanky highly regarded high profile high-level high-powered out of the ordinary super-duper luxury cultivated bigger cultured advantageous tasteful preferential abnormal peculiar decorous intelligent astounding odd preferred graceful proper huge enormous polite respectable resplendent prevailing vast cardinal high-minded head recherche atypical aberrated freak unwonted aberrant uncustomary kingly finished integral significant miraculous tasty famed recognized favorable favourable preternatural monstrous learned larger nonpareil arch- serious trusted expensive iconic uplifting well-bred high-up senior top-ranking puissant resonant well known high-end grander out-of-this-world unimaginable top drawer recognised top-end more formal topmost brainy largest favorite genius sumptuous urbane bright opulent gracious handpicked gigantic lavish astute staggering palatial civil favourite happy welcome conspicuous unaccountable inexplicable consequential shipshape first-line gentlemanly transcendental trained strange entire up to snuff considerable whole gnarly intact giant mountainous princely capable creative acute modish irreproachable couth pivotal mammoth preponderant red-carpet titanic VIP artful workmanlike bravura knowledgeable scholarly imperious heavy to die for core fundamental eventful patrician dashing hulking portentous gentle precocious arch revered Brobdingnagian whopping penetrating inventive profound erudite cerebral perspicacious titled airy well-connected notorious prized courteous valued ladylike improved win-win aesthetic fabled creditable archetypal refreshing snazzy eye-popping eye-opening highborn costly dear pricey acclaimed suave banging excelling rational fast alert knowing of influence historical alpha all-important potent magisterial unmatchable world class industry leading unconventional highbred wellborn pompous Einstein sharp-witted spendy big-ticket well born best ever eggheaded silk-stocking supersmart very intelligent a la mode ultraexpensive well versed something else whip nimble esthetic hyperintelligent quick-witted major league whiz kid supermundane blue-blooded whip-smart big-time ultrasmart upper-crust pricy high-born big league far-reaching high-ticket hand-picked elect impeccable piked professional best in class unblemished popular 10 definitive plum outshining loftier unimpeachable artistic cherry-picked tough world efficient seasoned carefully chosen controlling blameless 24-karat critical top-flight amiable eclectic cat's meow like wow oratorical upper cogent successful of note deciding virtuosic acceptable unimpaired uninjured unharmed unhurt super-eminent unbroken super-excellent positive undamaged satisfactory paradisiacal paradisiac pro tophole apex coruscating A-list not too shabby utopian marquee supereminent hotshot golden demon delicious deadly vital beyond words beyond description five star of the highest type top grade best-quality highest-quality pretentious number-one biggest better than usual first class enhanced of the best quality streets ahead better than average well trained strong a million dollars like a million dollars awful providential a dab hand at habile glittering magnolious tip top without parallel without match beyond comparison without peer only one in a million unusually good extremely good eximious in a league of their own A-number-1 mostest hundred-proof worthwhile ornamented affected ornate ostentatious comely debonair well-favored very agreeable very pleasant very nice a cut above the rest best possible elder supernatural fascinating tall meritable dream splendacious intrinsic requisite pretty novel typical prototypical bulkier longer weightier deserving one-in-a-million well-dressed overdone stylized enthralling material focal well-born extra special freakish the utmost wonderworking numinous supranatural stupefying unheard of copacetic hunky dory worthy of admiration worthy of commendation cat's pajamas up to standard up to scratch up to par cordon bleu unearthly in a class of its own hors concours one-off irreplaceable indispensable high-priority major-league of high standing heavy-duty earnest big time big-league necessary needed skookum exhilarating theatrical soaring gentlemanlike blue upper crust Brahmin silver-spoon born with a silver spoon in one's mouth knightly queenly ennobled aristocratical festive unmarred of mark of great consequence well thought of in the public eye public steep awe-striking heart-stopping jaw-dropping exacting momentous historic unparagoned sui generis one of a kind mysterious no-expense-spared A-grade whimsical solemn staid paranormal fortunate lucky blessed pure astral self-important overblown immodest highest-ranking spesh unheard-of purpose-built new without precedent unrepeatable utmost fresh one and only once-in-a-lifetime one-of-a-kind unrepeated separate unordinary in a class by itself newfangled reserved ceremonious partisan covetable unthinkable dominating celebratory sky-high sky-scraping multistorey traditional magnanimous correct decent conventional sedate upright civilized weird metaphysical irregular mystical otherworldly uncanny supernormal unworldly other-worldly preferable immoderate exorbitant unconscionable overextravagant undue insane plethoric baroque unmerciful altitudinous inordinate overmuch overdue overweening stiff intolerable devilish partial ripe mature overbearing primal first rate admired of the first rank prior legendary triumphal idealistic redoubtable highly rated presentable highbrow portly composed unnatural grandiloquent higher up high up plushy swank cooler ginormous sombre somber distingué highfalutin' starchy grave right accepted untypical ghostly occult deviant unrepresentative deviative bizarre desired sought-after red-letter swish tony in uptown trendy dicty mod self-respecting just so very fine spiring aerial unmeasurable towery skyscraping of moment tempting in vogue high-toned precise biased discriminatory pukka comme il faut well-respected well-placed exciting envy much to be desired worth having ascendant close progressive rigorous accurate late evolved developed sensitive forward pinpoint spot-on mathematical discriminating fastidious punctilious well-mannered noble-born luminous of noble birth of gentle birth restrained civilised spiffy high-brow well mannered well bred infinite unlimited beyond grasp intuitive inspiring absolute inspirational eternal original primordial unequalable obscure hypothetical transcending unconfined boundless innate abstract theoretical large leviathan substantial oceanic gigantesque largish walloping humungous ambitious astronomic humongous voluminous vasty sizable outsized supersize jumbo sizeable monster whacking biggish elephantine supersized gargantuan astronomical boxcar pharaonic cosmical tidy cyclopean haughty oversized cosmic bulky planetary husky oversize outsize hefty herculean galactic king size Himalayan king-sized king-size more desirable most successful most important most desirable

Tính từ

Cực ấn tượng trong tự nhiên
splendid magnificent grand imposing impressive luxurious rich sumptuous superb costly dazzling gorgeous lavish resplendent glorious ornate deluxe elegant expensive majestic noble opulent palatial proud regal spectacular stately beautiful fine plush splendiferous handsome kingly posh princely swanky august baronial epic gallant grandiose heroic heroical imperial magnific massive monumental plushy ritzy royal splendacious splendorous splendrous swank swish magnolious palatian baroque flamboyant Homeric magnifico splashy solid gold dignified fancy striking luxuriant lush awe-inspiring luxury extravagant Lucullan lofty great silken luxe Babylonian Lucullian marvelous marvellous distinguished classy elaborate exalted palace awesome ostentatious sublime luscious elevated pretentious excellent stunning breathtaking lavishly appointed upmarket first-class brilliant lordly pompous commanding terrific towering upscale stylish superior fit for a king exquisite showy vast arresting queenly prodigious tremendous large glitzy exclusive de luxe choice illustrious super statuesque colossal outstanding solemn fit for a queen precious glittering remarkable wonderful extraordinary valuable high-class aristocratic eminent dramatic exuberant sovereign affluent powerful prodigal huge cosmic immoderate sensuous upholstered mega ambitious well-appointed eye-catching divine vivid stirring transcendent considerable something else priceless glamorous formidable fancy-pants fabulous ominous chic invaluable snazzy flashy immense inestimable abundant enormous colourful radiant mammoth large-scale gigantic exciting titanic ceremonious giant supreme monstrous gargantuan mighty mountainous elephantine humongous jumbo pricey monster gaudy bright whopping Olympian profuse comfortable astronomical dear imperious sybaritic astronomic haughty smashing fab epicurean magisterial sensual whacking unreal bumper leviathan herculean humungous oversized florid supersize voluptuous gigantesque staggering unreasonable profusive walloping oceanic well appointed cosmical cyclopean big supersized pharaonic overwhelming bombastic vasty mind-blowing purple planetary Brobdingnagian galactic high-flown fantastic first-rate portly colorful overblown high beyond price in the lap of luxury Himalayan king-sized king-size out of this world super-duper celestial amazing king size superlative sensational palatine stupendous heavenly sightly wondrous scintillating coruscating intense spacious courtly ravishing select legendary mythological classical no-expense-spared indulgent special quality honourable honorable snobby high-hat toffee-nosed potty elitist snotty persnickety snooty snobbish fit for a prince high-born dynamite admirable fit for a princess ultra rarefied godlike champagne ample loaded cultivated ornamented overdone refined stuffy tall in the saddle lux worthy comfy dainty rare delicate recherche frilly velvet riotous slap-up flash renowned authoritative wild notable very good unfathomable complex impenetrable theatrical fustian egotistic high-falutin' high-flying venerable exaggerated excessive wasteful unrestrained prime penetrating absorbing maestoso resounding sonorous staid effective thriftless intemperate copious improvident wicked pleasing spiffy embellished eloquent portentous formal forcible effusive unstinging over-the-top profligate openhanded moving cool long extended classic arduous Herculean marathon something to write home about one for the book larger-than-life very long very great very large loud garish lurid vibrant bold exorbitant grandiloquent rhetorical flaring noisy brash jazzy razzle-dazzle flowery premium brightly coloured swashbuckling bling gay brilliantly coloured hedonistic highfalutin pampered highly priced high-priced easy gratifying pleasurable flakey peacockish sporty flaming camp flaky outrageous gassy chichi self-indulgent pleasure-loving rhetoric cherished overpriced prizable extortionate high-cost prized treasured irreplaceable valued treasurable worth a king's ransom of inestimable worth of incalculable value of immeasurable worth of incalculable worth of immeasurable value without price of inestimable value substantial hulking hifalutin largish goodly sizable outsized sizeable biggish voluminous boxcar bulky husky oversize tidy outsize hefty yellow aureate high-sounding golden spendy big-ticket high-end worth its weight in gold ultraexpensive pricy high-ticket fashionable smart sophisticated modish tony graceful dashing trendy tasteful peacocky snappy sharp decorated fussy busy overwrought decorative adorned rococo tawdry schmick meretricious over-elaborate aesthetic discerning polished intricate with-it cultured urbane charming lovely swell suave glaring screaming tinsel histrionic comely detailed esthetic ornamental affected dicty up-market upper-class a la mode prominent OTT wedding-cake over the top swankish poised appealing attractive finest well-off gracious high fashion upper-crust happening voguish fresh in supercool hip with good taste conspicuous splurgy vulgar garnished sensory tasteless obtrusive skilful skillful au courant swishy kitsch with all the extras with all the options with bells and whistles artistic pleasure-seeking fleshly carnal kenspeckle bodacious noticeable grabby pronounced superfly catchy marked emphatic tinselly bling-bling complicated gingerbread extreme devilish sensorial bacchanalian affective bedizened overdecorated gingerbready gingerbreaded fanciful profound froufrou fancible custom beautifying unusual cushy overelaborate high-wrought bedecked decorous nice far-out astonishing fantastical out of sight dreamy unmitigated inspiring startling arrestive surpassing incredible phenomenal fascinating electrifying confounding perfect fleshy sensualistic deep passionate physical aesthetically pleasing primrose jewelled metaphorical glossy wordy superficial fancily decorated sparkling verbose coloured gilded jeweled flaunting embroidered variegated highly wrought colored genteel debonair high-quality stylized well-designed well-dressed well-bred swagger sprauncy plummy larney high-toned la-di-da top-drawer chi-chi

Tính từ

Hữu ích hoặc chức năng cho một mục đích cụ thể
good effective helpful advantageous beneficial constructive productive profitable suitable acceptable appropriate convenient decent desirable favourable favorable fitting fruitful healthy proper respectable satisfying usable utilisable utilizable approving comestible common consumable edible fit fit for human consumption fit to be eaten meet right safe to eat versatile all right ample apt auspicious becoming benefic benignant commendatory commending conformable congruous favouring favoring healthful hygienic needed opportune propitious protean salubrious salutary seemly serviceable tolerable toward unobjectionable wholesome useful applicable felicitous happy befitting expedient timely fitted fortunate lucky relevant beneficent pertinent kindly apposite friendly seasonable providential just benign suited valuable worthwhile pretty apropos correct germane well-timed functional practical ideal rightful promising adequate encouraging of use satisfactory heaven-sent fair well timed rewarding to the point fortuitous gainful qualified handy worthy comme il faut due golden conducive win-win ripe in keeping welcome perfect lucrative deserved of service equitable economic successful moneymaking nice decorous employable valid benevolent ready significant requisite to the purpose paying remunerative pat of benefit material related condign useable capable practicable reasonable well-suited exploitable fat juicy money-spinning adapted feasible operative available going sufficient pleasing tailor-made kosher right on on the nose on the button justified charitable informative well-chosen able flukey fluky connected prosperous bright efficacious thriving serendipitous generous prepared profit-making pleasant behooveful deserving equipped powerful furthersome conforming workable accessible compatible correspondent well-paying merited commodious telling running current just right sweet equal competent operable appurtenant preferable of assistance enough ad rem financially rewarding well paid expendable unused wieldy exhaustible adaptable utile open instrumental subservient spot on good enough made to order legit excellent cut out for in the black at hand at disposal in order healing hopeful timeous fairy-tale well disposed harmonious sensible blessed moderate warm clement conformed reconciled accommodated agreeable accommodating commercial illuminating enriching cheering pleasureful flattering gratifying pleasurable reassuring workaday good for one belonging judicious for-profit renumerative inspired comfortable good for you merciful dexter smiling ordinary utilitarian everyday neat choice well suited matched working just what was ordered that's the ticket obligatory warranted gentle casual incidental enviable accidental well chosen well spent done utility cut out strategic joyous well put well expressed convincing high-income right and proper bounden effectual comely best of value operational disposable functioning potent behooving beseeming relative linked applicatory associable congruent correlated consistent salient money-making well-paid great well judged full of promise applied ultrapractical applicative actionable contributive user friendly fit for purpose up to standard swell in character up to snuff advisable righteous right up someone's street in keeping with politic okay copacetic presentable altruistic to your advantage for the best humanitarian in one's interests kind bankable cost-effective high-paying facilitative apropos of on target having direct bearing on having to do with viable optimal just the thing big-hearted booming flourishing fatness in running order up and running at your disposal operating ready for use available for use fit for use in working order invaluable just what the doctor ordered the very thing just what one needs wonderful just the job active efficient what the doctor ordered according to Hoyle set disposed cost effective of help forceful decisive determinative conclusive sound forcible crying out meaningful meritorious -worthy instructive paid rich lush substantial fructuous going concern paid off very productive dominant superior commanding important favoured dominating privileged preferred favored fine more desirable most desirable

Tính từ

Có hoặc thể hiện phẩm chất cá nhân tốt hoặc nguyên tắc đạo đức cao
noble upright magnanimous decent honest honorable righteous virtuous worthy benevolent ethical generous honourable principled respectable upstanding beneficent chivalrous gallant good gracious humane just lordly moral reputable cultivated elevated great illustrious natural redoubtable uncorrupted bounteous charitable courtly greathearted liberal lofty outstanding polite refined unselfish benign extraordinary high meritorious remarkable sympathetic tolerant high-minded noble-minded great-hearted self-sacrificing stand-up anti-corruption right-minded incorruptible fair proper altruistic big considerate right pure true conscientious selfless helpful trustworthy nice philanthropic scrupulous high-principled exemplary open-handed kind straight law-abiding sublime blameless unstinting admirable big-hearted equitable munificent humanitarian irreproachable kindly laudable distinguished clean courteous indulgent ungrudging correct moralistic guiltless loving bountiful praiseworthy venerable angelic knightly innocent self-denying all right well-mannered sinless dignified thoughtful morally correct squeaky clean mannerly compassionate free disinterested openhanded saintly devoted reliable creditable immaculate wholesome conscionable civil bighearted hospitable respected lawful denying self-effacing extroverted giving impeccable unimpeachable self-forgetting gentle valiant dependable commendable reasonable kindhearted right-thinking square kosher trusty dutiful lavish decorous faithful public-spirited respectful heroic self-forgetful chaste large-hearted straightforward excellent philanthropical unsparing courageous fitting pure as the driven snow well-bred esteemed civilized squeaky-clean genteel cultured caring obliging clean-living irreprehensible pious open estimable unbribable easy freehanded impartial loose soft-touch lenient truthful seemly polished proud accommodating self-righteous merciful whiter than white kind-hearted prestigious civilised glorious incorrupt princely eminent notable freehearted fulsome gentlemanly unprejudiced urbane handsome gentlemanlike warm-hearted eleemosynary saintlike godly forthright affable free-handed undefiled prodigal moderate sophisticated deserving understanding sincere amiable inculpable unstained good-natured friendly intrepid bold fair-minded well-behaved amicable sociable genial classy sterling valorous tender rightful true-blue chivalric full of integrity all heart on the level true blue forgiving well mannered on the up and up suave celebrated acclaimed unbiased untainted loyal profuse well behaved modest soft-hearted noted renowned acceptable unsullied stately evenhanded sanctimonious constant faultless sportsmanlike peaceable stainless spotless unblemished unaffected unspoilt solid reverent aristocratic elegant celibate well-brought-up cordial warm nonpartisan willing honored fine sportsmanly mild congenial good-hearted benignant pleasing holy spiritual attentive aboveboard legit sensible vestal soft clement becoming unobjectionable well-disposed lily-white of principle of good repute above reproach punctilious white honoured worthwhile G-rated tender-hearted on the up-and-up nondiscriminatory applaudable graceful formal justified legitimate supportive neighbourly up front agreeable pleasant regardful salt of the earth befitting neighborly clean-cut sweet goodhearted generous to a fault idealistic beyond reproach rectitudinous large charming abundant ample almsgiving professional peaceful duteous sporting obedient balanced incorrupted favoring sound ready orderly God-fearing do-good circumspect rational daring well bred responsible matchless godlike peerless devout tractable plentiful full above board human legal self-respecting open-hearted Christian comradely favouring religious prim saving dinkum plenteous willingly given unstinted ladylike goodish morally right morally acceptable sporty according to Hoyle according to the rules companionable couth highbrow composed objective spirited manly quixotic independent self-sufficient regal good scout bleeding heart Robin Hood virginal heedful punctual exact precise fastidious critical valuable developed neutral open-minded even-handed non-partisan trusted maidenly dapper alright goody-goody unmarred highly regarded inoffensive precious unerring model highborn blue-blooded patrician well-born perpetual persistent inextinguishable immortal undestroyable unchanging untouchable virgin anti-discrimination non-discriminatory justifiable invaluable de rigueur fearless stout-hearted dauntless affectionate first-class dispassionate equal indifferent extremely careful thinking twice above suspicion very kind candid taught trained upper-crust uncolored guileless of good report A-1 inviolate unspotted continent unblighted unprofaned edifying uplifting easygoing soft touch cooperative propitious likeable softhearted unoffensive bleeding-heart well meaning motherly fatherly well intentioned sweet-tempered good-humored openhearted feeling deferential forbearing comforting tenderhearted lovable benefic maternal pitying brotherly calm tactful cheerful likable mellow delightful good-tempered good-humoured fatherlike heart in right place warmhearted engaging patient approachable bland forthcoming bonhomous complaisant unctuous lily white wide-eyed non-erotic non-violent improving pure as driven snow wet behind ears babe in woods world-beating meritious winner top drawer praisable meedful meritable thankworthy golden boss choice Santa Claus apple-pie simple invigorating ruddy sane practical together fresh-faced envigorating hygienic commonsensical sanitary normal open-faced safe blooming deserved all there hale and hearty in fine feather in the pink has heart in right place due merited condign competent appropriate suitable apt warranted earned fit holding water requisite official applicable canonical authorised twenty-four carat permitted well deserved card-carrying in principle authorized orthodox well earned untarnished without reproach in the clear of excellent character perfect dedicated uncorrupt sainted prayerful cleanhanded divine clear pristine god-fearing unoffending crimeless uncensurable guilt-free believing pietistic humble not guilty impeccant unblamable devotional uninvolved frank hallowed flawless free of seraphic angelical licit veracious paradigmatic classic quintessential sanctified unfeigned blessed consecrated bueno neato prototypical classical genuine unworldly steady glorified churchgoing sacrosanct steadfast unfailing not bad unwavering batting a thousand not too shabby unpretentious representative typical illustrative characteristic authentic without fault sacred pietistical revered venerated ecclesiastical celestial staunch compliant born-again unswerving trustable calculable earnest disciplined heartfelt unpretended unquestionable credible theological upfront valid heavenly wholehearted level-headed resolute positive real uncontaminated infallible ardent ideal harmless committed firm beatific sackless clerical priestly copybook secure consummate exceptional beyond criticism sure tried true-hearted definitive not to blame confirmed tried-and-true tried and trusted veritable above-board tried and true as pure as the driven snow tried and tested unassailable peacekeeping unspoiled undamaged unpolluted complying highly respectable seraph deified canonized ordained beatified demure fresh smart needy eligible untouched snowy undisturbed actual known undesigning artless well-established hearty canonised reserved messianic special clean-handed detached fast uncontrived particular free from blame free from guilt free of sin pukka enduring patriotic on up and up predictable fair and square straight-arrow honest-to-goodness submissive biddable amenable manageable conformable docile doctrinal scriptural well favoured well-favoured prudish full of good works on up-and-up moralising reverential moralizing smug decisive determined stanch practising sectarian churchly not responsible unequivocal careful picture-book picture-perfect letter-perfect absolute indefectible seamless archetypical imitable archetypal textbook prissy strait-laced finicky veridical allegiant down-the-line undistorted liege truehearted supplicant charismatic practicing transcendent deific superhuman church supplicating irreprovable unmannered pleading beseeching snow white reproachless very good no lie soliciting quality inspired divinely inspired goal driven delicate fussy cherubic ethereal entreating plain-spoken absolved cleared untroubled at peace serene tranquil exonerated exculpated schismatic imploring unadulterated suppliant supplicatory established fervent serious profound pernickety theistic supernatural deistic sacerdotal pontifical ministerial bona fide free-spoken round recognized reputed name well respected of repute well thought of well-thought-of literal ingenuous plainspoken believable meaning what one says truth-telling outspoken unreserved realistic like it is well known famous well-known popular copper-bottomed favored prominent famed high-ranking redoubted squeamish passionate favoured with a good reputation recognised empyrean foolproof guaranteed mature full-hearted fair dinkum in high favor of good standing accurate as good as one's word sure-fire worthy of trust fly right straight-up boy scout never-failing rock solid always there to be trusted down home factual archangelic entrancing radiant otherworldly angellike appealing angelly rapturous learned attested purpose driven certified scholarly empathetic empathic commiserative verifiable accessible sentimental sensitive responsive authenticated supported convincing from the horse's mouth well founded proven straight from horse's mouth documented authoritative circumstantiated validated verified broad-minded

Tính từ

Có khả năng chứng minh thuận lợi
propitious promising auspicious bright rosy favourable fortunate hopeful lucky advantageous encouraging optimistic timely opportune beneficial golden happy heartening providential apt fair favorable heaven-sent likely prosperous roseate rose-colored suitable upbeat fitting benign dexter favouring favoring pat seasonable toward useful well-timed well timed full of promise good felicitous convenient expedient profitable helpful fortuitous positive reassuring appropriate rewarding cheering valuable welcome fruitful serendipitous right beneficent gainful sunny nice cheerful benignant pleasing gratifying benefic fluky desirable effective worthwhile salutary successful of benefit satisfying constructive benevolent flukey productive of assistance uplifting blessed proper conducive meet handy friendly behooveful comforting heartwarming healthy of value of use gladdening delightful wholesome fit agreeable excellent accidental pleasant incidental utopian acceptable favored kindly satisfactory favoured efficacious best jammy instrumental lucrative serviceable meritorious strategic of service full of hope worth it bubbly buoyant halcyon clement joyful enthusiastic privileged stirring up fulfilling sanguine fine supportive ideal exciting chance coincidental pleasurable ripe warm congenial palmy inspiring genial unexpected enjoyable just enviable jolly appreciated idealistic brilliant casual unforeseen delectable sweet heavenly invaluable likely-looking refreshing well-off merry charitable delicious delightsome grateful needed worthy dulcet hot blest furthersome dreamy commodious of help in one's interests looking on the bright side to one's advantage to your advantage blushing blooming fond charmed well disposed capable assuring up-and-coming plus advisable alluring bullish facilitative rose-coloured moderate Utopian remunerative palatable of good cheer win-win much needed cordial long-awaited longed-for desired contenting enlivening inspiriting correct befitting in one's best interests unique superb arousing elating promiseful rousing trusting hoping confident expectant assured merciful smiling flourishing decent respectable usable utilizable special splendid tremendous set disposed to one's taste to one's liking gladly received Panglossian high encouraged thriving prompt wonderful terrific fit to be eaten consumable comestible versatile fit for human consumption safe to eat approving common edible punctual significant important keeping the faith glorious crying out beautiful blissful great hearty born with a silver spoon in your mouth essential practical pivotal vital crucial looking through rose-colored glasses booming ebullient effervescent lively bouncy jocund healthful congruous seemly commendatory salubrious tolerable hygienic all right conformable becoming commending unobjectionable protean ample for the best immediate timeous speedy believing fresh determined paramount indispensable imperative critical roaring lush judicious generous altruistic humanitarian kind feel-good can-do cheery go-getting redeeming towardly sensible big-hearted utilisable proactive inadvertent unintended requisite in demand relevant fundamental key necessary respected admired exigent rich prospering precious boomy in the nick of time up-to-date in good time up-to-the-minute at the right time first-class first-rate consoling unmarred unanticipated unpremeditated unplanned uncertain haphazard unlooked-for unintentional unwitting loved esteemed worth its weight in gold central held dear estimable of the essence one-off peak idyllic joyous paradisiac random chancy incalculable variable luscious pleasureful odd contingent worthful hot property scarce restful renewing rejuvenating restorative solacing temperate radiant clear cloudless darling restoring pretty at the mercy of events mild unclouded dry sunlit sunshiny balmy summery

Tính từ

(của một người) Đáng gờm, đặc biệt là đối thủ
redoubtable formidable fearsome alarming dreadful fearful mighty strong terrible impressive powerful awe-inspiring awful commanding daunting dire direful doughty dread forbidding frightening frightful ghastly hair-raising horrendous horrible horrifying indomitable intimidating invincible resolute scary shocking spine-chilling terrifying tremendous valiant awesome courageous imminent appalling grim chilling petrifying distressing unnerving disturbing creepy menacing hideous monstrous harrowing spooky horrid gruesome sinister bloodcurdling startling macabre unspeakable grisly baleful threatening dismaying eerie grievous scaring disquieting dangerous nightmarish horrific atrocious godawful worrying lurid terrific ominous perturbing calamitous upsetting hairy hellacious abysmal blood-curdling bad spine-tingling abominable gloomy repulsive imposing bodeful serious mean-looking overwhelming shuddersome dismal lamentable vile grewsome ugly from hell feared foreboding depressing brooding disgusting revolting desperate tragic traumatic outrageous dreaded disastrous unsettling abhorrent severe foul offensive nasty sickening odious grave disconcerting nerve-racking ghoulish ghostly unearthly parlous extreme wretched eldritch gross evil lousy beastly nightmare heinous deplorable unfortunate wicked causing fear perplexing grotesque bone-chilling eery terribly bad very bad afraid striking massive hateful off-putting thrilling strange sublime morbid astounding solemn unapproachable aggressive browbeating