Từ đồng nghĩa của terrible

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Extremely bad or serious
dreadful horrible awful horrifying horrendous shocking appalling ghastly atrocious gruesome horrific monstrous dire hideous abhorrent desperate dread serious terrifying abominable hateful unspeakable grave grim heinous horrid vile alarming direful dismal distressing dreaded egregious execrable frightening grievous harrowing insufferable lousy severe sickening wretched bad fearsome forbidding grisly lamentable lurid macabre redoubtable rotten terrific vicious dangerous disastrous disturbing excessive extreme formidable inconvenient intimidating nightmarish petrifying punk scary unfortunate unnerving unwelcome hair-raising spine-chilling frightful fearful loathsome odious disgusting offensive revolting unpleasant nasty foul detestable repulsive repugnant calamitous beastly deplorable disagreeable repellent outrageous evil woeful gross obnoxious wicked tragic despicable miserable scandalous objectionable shameful distasteful daunting hellacious catastrophic upsetting grewsome cruel nauseating obscene ugly devastating nightmare disgraceful reprehensible contemptible cataclysmic diabolical menacing dark ruinous worrying abysmal savage godawful inhuman poor traumatic sinister disquieting painful ominous threatening fatal harsh brutal destructive depressing iniquitous chilling gloomy villainous black sad nefarious sorry pathetic base barbarous harmful infamous intolerable nauseous creepy eerie heartbreaking critical hairy hellish hard cataclysmal fierce pitiful damnable troublesome bleak flagitious morbid adverse spooky very bad unforgivable noisome startling bloodcurdling fiendish mean fateful grody parlous God-awful violent bitter agonizing loathly hopeless acute immoral regrettable noxious difficult from hell heavy disheartening excruciating distressful hostile depraved dismaying heartrending brutish disgustful fulsome unpropitious accursed displeasing agonising inexcusable murderous repellant rancid ferocious uncomfortable sinful unlucky foreboding undesirable unfavourable scurvy sombre unpalatable doleful perilous barbaric disconcerting perturbing bestial somber yucky baleful solemn unfavorable intense chronic tough crushing irksome injurious scaring stinking abject pitiable sick deadly desolate detrimental annoying unacceptable untoward low unsettling vexatious dishonourable damning overwhelming unearthly ignominious sordid inauspicious devilish low-down discouraging unsavoury unhappy icky cheerless dishonorable unsavory crippling shattering mortal piteous morose stressful irritating indescribable ill-fated tremendous ruthless mournful grotesque criminal merciless unutterable flagrant awesome indefensible dreary crying enormous trying unbearable gut-wrenching sorrowful galling ignoble grotty drab infernal tragical ungodly hurtful joyless cursed sick-making drear discomforting forlorn precarious comfortless glum striking funereal off-putting torturous agitating glaring diabolic damaging spine-tingling gory notorious unprincipled disreputable crummy inferior shuddersome unsatisfactory exceptionable bloody cacodemonic disadvantageous profound unpardonable heart-rending awe-inspiring opprobrious tormenting sadistic demanding furious worthless rough malevolent dirty brute corrupt shady afflictive degenerate catastrophal discomposing deep stark troubling taxing uninviting lethal ghostly intensive gut-churning unpleasing staggering depressive inhospitable sullen beyond the pale unpromising filthy malignant life-threatening sucky discreditable blatant fraught blood-curdling terrorizing lugubrious nerve-racking perverted devastative satanic bloodthirsty infuriating exasperating black-hearted annihilatory concerning rubbish pants terrorising shameless hazardous afflicting bothersome demoralizing sober ghoulish saddening feral great explosive exquisite blistering keen apocalyptic almighty heavy-duty vehement obvious trashy bodeful shabby hapless facinorous callous unsightly earth-shattering wild pressing debased disappointing insupportable shoddy arrant very great conspicuous degraded oppressive melancholy patent ill-starred peracute paltry heartless confounded austere rugged rueful yukky demoralising unlovely moving reprobate uncongenial aggressive unfriendly treacherous imposing rank impoverished melancholic dour pesky godforsaken humourless humorless pitiless truculent perverse pronounced weird inhumane significant butcherly mean-looking drastic invidious ill-boding untamed unhealthy demonic sepulchral capital demoniacal substandard worrisome astounding demoniac Mephistophelian abandoned terribly bad unpopular blameworthy unworthy laughable animal maddening pestilential amoral pits risky impossible mighty prurient inglorious untimely irretrievable rubbishy deleterious troublous unscrupulous cheap urgent degrading impressive dastardly unlawful sore useless unrespectable louche shy strong knavish onerous poignant coarse arduous unreasonable stunning inopportune unendurable barefaced powerful unwanted preposterous beyond contempt wrong unrestrained inordinate awkward portentous exigent dispiriting sanguinary consequential unwelcoming squalid cruddy dissolute brazen anguished gnarly unsafe humiliating blasted defective unappealing spiteful dodgy unsuitable utter undisguised outright sanguine mortifying brooding dispirited unsought unstable sour audacious naked evident fell remorseless manifest unethical unrighteous rebarbative unconcealed sedate complete cussed inexpressible vulgar crazed mad fiery dejecting infelicitous mirthless wanton palpable transparent overt extremely bad negative messy cold unrelenting raunchy deathly indigent scungy eldritch poverty-stricken uncool miscreant a load of pants uncivilised uncivilized major lachrymose dingy sleazy indecent tenebrous tear-jerking heart-wrenching uncontrollable impure shadowy gray grey venomous causing fear viperous heart-breaking sobering exacting serpentine out and out jeopardous out-and-out brass-necked real feared right proper undesired huge colossal inadequate Hadean perplexing wounding dislikeable dislikable baneful duff poxy strange sublime dicey Kafkaesque discommoding brackish catty beast ill-advised unadvantageous climactic climacteric unkind lou Stygian blood-and-guts blood-and-thunder vexing whopping bone-chilling too bad crucial testing pressured frustrating piggish gluttonous swinish unclean boorish ferine carnal irrational oppressed convulsionary jarring inimical sharp worst embarrassing nightmarey phantasmagorical unreal gruelling tiring tenth-rate senseless annihilative crashing evil-looking nagging unbelievable inconceivable cringe-making eery pernicious blighting ridiculous unconscionable foolish revulsive tortuous mediocre unapproachable pressuring browbeating bullying paralysing unimaginable disconsolate untold thrilling demonian demonical Luciferian stirring despondent dejected undescribable overpowering ill-famed sensational ineffable loss-making oppressing scowling afraid massive beneath contempt cold-blooded pulse-pounding unmanageable unjustifiable blood-stained predictive prophetic revealing oracular dolorous dolesome debauched glowering scarring exciting breathtaking irredeemable frenetic maniacal unhallowed possessed graphic exaggerated grueling ill-reputed questionable caitiff burdensome stiff monumental murky frozen unseemly resolute doughty indomitable invincible commanding eye-watering shivery shuddery paralyzing slimy vomitous snide bogging low-minded currish lame deficient melodramatic explicit beyond words preternatural undefinable intractable ungovernable recalcitrant spookish suggestive of evil depressed considerable all-powerful sheer plain costly sacrificial homicidal unsuited touching despairing yucko unholy resentful pestiferous ornery intimidatory indescribably bad indescribably wicked beyond description indescribably evil death-obsessed absolute downright unqualified valiant backbiting untrue maligning vilifying traducing detractive gossiping detracting vomit-inducing extremely upsetting searing hardhanded wayward wanting low-grade garbage profligate like death warmed up apparent exorbitant unmitigated pensive derisible plangent hard-pressed tortured doubtful rocky straitened discommodious troubled full of hardship strained ill-omened highly improper derisory dreich saturnine destitute hair-curling cliff-hanging extraordinary suspenseful stupefying rancorous minatory rowdy malicious vindictive minacious disliked lowest of the low rock-bottom the dumps the pits aberrant immoderate contaminated faulty lewd putrid insubordinate libidinous licentious demoralised impious demoralized brave imminent courageous sunless plutonian lonesome elegiacal tenebrific elegiac freaking darned cotton-picking doggoned durn doggone goddamned deuced curst danged durned dang darn heartstopping sensationalist extravagant overdramatized colourful improper red hot too horrible for words under par low-quality poor-quality below par sub-par cut-rate third-rate less-than-stellar second-class second-rate two-bit inapt inappropriate unseasonable strenuous toilsome a stinker of a a bummer of a unattractive astonishing bewildering amazing Cimmerian causing excitement surprising tasteless ribald salacious kitschy pulp blimming unwished-for ill-suited punishing grinding weighty big scorned unlikable shunned inexpedient outcast loathed incommodious uninvited inadmissible rejected suggestive shock-horror tacky vivid juicy ravaging illegal felonious illicit lawless for the birds unwished for affecting illegitimate yellow full-frontal beyond bearing not to be borne to be avoided out of place strictly for the birds crooked indictable scoundrelly transgressing unsuccessful off-color purple racy salty colorful distinct garish ruffianly blackguardly dishonest roguish bent underhand abortive thievish malfeasant warped rascally chancy doomed luckless speculative blue insecure culpable not cricket peccant maleficent nail-biting nerve-wracking delicate unruly venturesome rabid steely unmerciful ungentle stern gruff impetuous raging louring delirious flinty convulsive open thorny ticklish exposed cutthroat raving lowering enraged incessive undomesticated bold touchy frantic infuriated rapacious angry flaunting tigerish biffo animalistic primitive aggers ostentatious immodest venturous dangersome adventurous on collision course shaky impending vulnerable dynamite hot impregnable touch-and-go loaded breakneck queasy unashamed flagitous deliberate flaming noticeable bald-faced bare-faced stick out like sore thumb hanging out

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Extremely unpleasant or disagreeable
disgusting nasty abominable awful dreadful foul frightful ghastly horrible horrid loathsome vile hideous horrendous nauseating nauseous odious repellent repugnant repulsive revolting sickening very unpleasant appalling evil-smelling foul-smelling noxious objectionable obnoxious offensive rank smelly stinking acrid diabolical foetid fetid God-awful gruesome malodorous putrid rancid sick-making yucky beastly bogging gross grotty icky niffy pongy stinky whiffy disgustful funky hellacious loathly lousy mephitic miasmal noisome skanky from hell olid on the nose unpleasant distasteful disagreeable abhorrent shocking obscene off-putting repellant scandalous ugly fulsome despicable hateful contemptible unsavoury evil yucko unpalatable displeasing unsavory detestable execrable reprehensible deplorable uninviting rotten insufferable atrocious grisly intolerable rebarbative heinous monstrous beyond the pale scurvy bad stomach-turning unacceptable vomitous mean stomach-churning festy unspeakable vomit-inducing wicked unappetizing invidious unwelcome gut-churning dirty annoying exceptionable undesirable filthy dislikeable squalid wretched hellish grubby grimy cringe-making sordid creepy horrific unpleasing horrifying poison unbearable macabre irritating base polluted cruddy smudged bedraggled stained mucky unsportsmanlike besmirched black dingy yukky draggled befouled sneaking smutty bitter sorry unfair pitiful blackened grungy ratty sullied uncongenial unlovely harsh scabby muddy cheap begrimed scummy illegal bemired dusty unclean uncleanly sour soiled paltry lame pitiable bum ungodly unholy grewsome lurid terrific nightmarish nightmare sleazy grim very bad outrageous biting embarrassing cutting poisonous censurable opprobrious hateable dislikable off-color ornery sick yecchy catty extreme lamentable great gut-wrenching emetic insolent abusive impertinent discourteous unsightly lewd calamitous wrong diseased tainted offending discouraging hated reviled scabrous repelling disconcerting unseemly reeking heel pestiferous pill pesky forbidding reeky indecorous inadmissible strong stenchy fusty high musty very disgusting shameful shameless miasmic frowsty frowzy frowsy egregious insupportable vulgar rude unfit unwanted ripe pigpen incompatible adverse contradictory inconsistent hostile opposed inexcusable unpardonable grievous antipathetic inimical averse antagonistic terrifying dire unforgivable unsatisfactory inexpedient unsuitable ill-favoured opposite unfriendly revulsive extrinsic unfitted counter against extraneous alien unconformable foreign different unlikable tasteless dismaying galling grody fearful ill-favored sleazeball squicky scuzzy cloying surfeiting godawful in opposition corpselike uncanny ghostly unnatural unearthly dim faint anemic ghoulish mortuary sepulchral haggard funereal wraithlike weak upsetting supernatural deathlike anaemic distressing excruciating

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Of low or mediocre quality
poor awful inferior dreadful inadequate appalling hopeless lousy atrocious dire duff laughable pants pathetic unsatisfactory useless abysmal bad crummy frightful mediocre pitiful substandard wretched miserable chronic execrable junky poxy rotten rubbish rubbishy shoddy trashy bodger bum cheap cheapjack coarse common schlock schlocky sleazy trumpery cut-rate gimcrack low-grade low-rent second-rate bargain-basement el cheapo very bad a load of pants deplorable lamentable cheesy dismal unacceptable third-rate deficient ropy diabolical worthless imperfect dissatisfactory grotty paltry subpar woeful faulty suboptimal sad shabby sorry defective direful horrible low-quality tawdry below par below standard wanting lame crude second-class disgraceful egregious not up to snuff abominable punk two-bit God-awful disagreeable disappointing tatty under par not up to scratch sucky pitiable contemptible sub-par pits bush-league abject unsound dodgy insufficient dime-a-dozen tacky below average poor-quality average base middling junk ordinary not up to par flawed nasty subnormal incompetent tinny off jerry-built wrong indifferent crumby not up to much lemon poorer wack unexceptional pedestrian not much cop cruddy hack tenth-rate godawful shocking the pits déclassé disastrous leaving much to be desired good-for-nothing downmarket bush weak low unpleasant amateurish inept valueless mean horrendous ineffectual shameful meagre tinhorn meager lacking piss-poor poor quality no good careless vile detestable low-end feeble grim beastly unspeakable sour gaudy brummagem ineffective damnable gross odious less-than-stellar stinking for the birds cheapo of a sort half-pie harmful rough cheap and nasty no great shakes bungling dirty grubby hateful negligent poorly loathsome hellacious outrageous yucky calamitous regrettable repulsive flimsy hideous ghastly icky grody insubstantial tasteless vulgar naff amiss dilapidated displeasing unsuitable strictly for the birds impaired makeshift twopenny-halfpenny horrid impermissible intolerable inadmissible inappropriate undesirable insufferable ill end-of-the-pier garbage seedy not up to standard offensive weak sauce very poor reject reprehensible cheap-jack a dead loss scurrilous irremediable stinky indefensible from hunger not good enough unable to do something for toffee second rate of poor quality of low quality crook out of sorts sick off colour off-colour garbagy unfortunate corny cheeseball catastrophic grievous meretricious showy derisory commonplace throwaway rickety uncomfortable Brummagem trifling garish twopenny ramshackle slovenly dissatisfying broken inexpert ropey obscene foul noisome tricky unworthy second-best badly built kitschy low quality inefficient reduced limited excruciating cheapie desperate impotent little shlocky ratty shlock unsightly scabby scummy scurvy gruesome sordid godforsaken thrown together second class thin disturbing disconcerting distressing damaged disquieting not cutting it god-awful off-color restricted inappreciable inconsiderable sparing blah slipshod tinpot stupid unwelcome run down piddling downer diddly bummer not good erroneous worse plastic dingy scruffy pretentious run-down broken-down inglorious low-down poopy bad news fallacious grungy not the best incapable leaving a lot to be desired unseemly inproficient unproficient down at heel under-strength exceptionable objectionable distasteful insupportable obnoxious improper a dime a dozen unimpressive raunchy dubious unreasonable questionable repugnant condemnable out unable to do something to save one's life inacceptable unappealing uninviting won't do over the fence not on not quite the done thing half-baked not cricket beyond the pale out of order craptacular

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Very unwell or troubled
ill poorly sick unwell dizzy faint nauseated nauseous queasy rough crook indisposed peaky bad liverish lousy giddy lightheaded light-headed off awful crummy dreadful grotty peely-wally ropy off colour peaked peakish queer seedy wabbit green about the gills out of sorts under the weather rotten funny peculiar not oneself below par washed out run down not up to par sickly run-down woozy sick as a dog infirm unhealthy squeamish debilitated ailing weak off-color groggy in poor health not well sickened sickish queerish qualmish down off-colour pukish under par impaired rocky not very well in a bad way like death warmed up laid-up bummed horrible not up to the mark ghastly ropey queazy reeling qualmy green uneasy not up to snuff strange afflicted ugly unsightly pasty-faced drained pallid pasty ashen whey-faced ashen-faced gray colourless bloodless anaemic ashy grey frail on the sick list rickety diseased not in good shape invalided infected laid low iffy achy valetudinarian at death's door bedridden feverish feeble hypochondriacal disordered in pain decrepit laid up cadaverous sallow ill-looking corpse-like bilious seasick pale wan pinched carsick airsick trainsick travel-sick deathly pale upset uncomfortable sickly-looking drawn unsound emaciated punk etiolated thin peelie-wally uncertain odd suffering from motion sickness restless concerned dubious unsettling unsettled troubling doubtful fidgety as white as a ghost as white as a sheet colorless anemic suffering from altitude sickness green around gills in poor shape waxen white chalky deathlike milky chalk-white blanched sapped ghostly deathly bleached livid lymphatic haggard whitish jaundiced washed-out waxy tired-looking doughy invalid tired white as a sheet lurid dull paled mealy wheyfaced fatigued unfit fair enervated white-faced listless suffering delicate white as a ghost exhausted leaden rundown alabaster spectral languid insipid cream unhealthy-looking light-coloured ghostlike low faded light-colored grim hospitalized incurable in bad shape the worse for wear hospitalised confined out of action looking as if one has seen a ghost under medication on sick list out of condition feeling awful feeling rotten broken down down with slightly unwell yellowish failing mean weary worn-out characterless not yourself jaundiced-looking unstable pearly light wasted off one's feed lacklustre lackluster watery yellow muddy greenish-yellow off form discoloured dying languishing gaunt anaemic-looking not a hundred percent sick as a parrot forceless depressed worn discolored ineffectual ineffective in bed wasting enfeebled declining out of commission dragging shaky tottering in bad health hors de combat confined to bed got a bug knackered not so hot imperfect wretched defective not healthy wobbly not feeling well in ill health out of shape in poor condition in a decline worn out not feeling up to snuff creamy ivory waxlike milk-white fair-skinned light-skinned running temperature a wreck got the bug feeling terrible off one's feet

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Intolerable in nature
excruciating agonising agonizing extreme intense severe acute deep dreadful insufferable intolerable profound unbearable unendurable almighty blistering ferocious fierce explosive exquisite frightful furious ghastly hard heavy heavy-duty hellacious intensive keen vehement vicious violent fearsome fearful strong burning searing powerful sharp piercing concentrated consuming harrowing excessive racking tormenting raging torturous serious overpowering penetrating great cutting harsh bitter biting forceful frenzied vigorous passionate stabbing extraordinary fiery heightened grievous ardent awful shooting flaming strenuous overwhelming uncontrollable potent pounding savage very great thorough desperate fanatical total zealous all-out concerted major hellish inordinate fervent drastic intemperate heartfelt immoderate intensified full earnest marked energetic exceptional tough unrestrained vivid urgent poignant assiduous wild close thumping splitting shrill torrid hot wrenching punishing grueling all-consuming heated painful deep-seated determined resolute rigorous stormy turbulent blustery stinging gruelling tumultuous tempestuous devastating forcible storming volcanic durable industrial-strength sound pronounced heavyweight long-lasting diabolical unstoppable mighty transcending sincere relentless oppressive emotional wholehearted enormous supreme compelling abject unrelenting brutal repressive grim grave boiling baking scorching fervid high impassioned heartrending caustic galling frantic protracted unqualified eager deepest hearty undue diligent exaggerated sizzling roasting afflicting unsparing significant deep-rooted deeply felt towering strained pungent feverish sweltering blazing mother of all perfervid critical tropical parching withering resounding ungovernable exhaustive cut-throat warm-blooded rabid rampaging uncontrolled rampant riotous cyclonic gusty very bad uncurbed inflamed unchecked unbridled unmanageable unfettered emphatic scalding complete distressing inclement menacing boisterous volatile thundery squally bumpy thunderous windy howling convulsive enraged ruinous peppery peracute sudden in-depth detailed comprehensive typhonic blustering rough swirling choppy destructive paroxysmal dynamic outrageous aroused coercive blazing hot blistery baking hot broiling red-hot finely tuned chaotic restless roaring rugged stormful all-inclusive all-absorbing all-encompassing thoroughgoing painstaking demanding torturing extremely painful out of control full of force gale force boiling hot very hot killing conscientious all-embracing meticulous scrupulous methodical minute infuriating torturesome tearing toe-curling tedious embarrassing stultifying rending chastening cringe-making irritating like a furnace sedulous sweeping extensive searching high-pressure elaborate widespread careful out-and-out persistent accelerated fast insistent speeded-up radical more than one can bear more than flesh and blood can stand more than flesh and blood can bear

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In urgent need of immediate attention
acute critical urgent serious dire pressing grave imperative exigent crucial burning compelling dangerous desperate severe vital drastic clamant perilous crying emergent hazardous importunate imperious awful precarious necessitous important instant dreadful profound parlous alarming essential egregious bad decisive sudden afflictive life-threatening all-important life-and-death extreme great intense sore very great paramount necessary emergency significant heavy immediate impelling fundamental integral capital leading required driving primary indispensable principal key foremost momentous weighty chief demanded pre-eminent of the utmost importance called-for of the essence life and death must-have of great consequence top-priority high-priority consequential pivotal major considerable far-reaching requisite central substantial needed earnest mandatory cardinal needful solemn portentous material vitally important heavyweight of consequence meaningful somber of moment overriding sombre prime sober big historic of great import sedate heavy-duty compulsory obligatory monumental staid of significance large-scale no joke no laughing matter humourless humorless prerequisite earth-shattering appreciable climacteric called for of great importance no-nonsense main core intrinsic big deal influential underlined ponderous determining sizable noteworthy exceptional prominent fateful demanding extensive eventful basic clamorous exacting special uncomic pertinent top large uppermost binding extraordinary focal remarkable peremptory premier telling high-level especial predominant supreme notable deciding dominant pronounced forceful sensational powerful arch grand salient preeminent big-time big league tough very important substantive conspicuous determinative front-page newsworthy earthshaking all important insistent hefty life-or-death outstanding worthwhile forcing topical relevant tremendous unavoidable prodigious worrying invaluable high first greatest imposing requiring highest impactful striking mighty almighty inescapable marked difficult unforgettable life-changing grievous major-league of note constitutive radical involuntary nonelective master forced major league hard impressive of great moment nitty-gritty landmark strategic grim ruling now or never meat-and-potatoes primal bottom-line world-shaking quintessential incumbent particular much needed sad fatal deep emphatic immoderate coercive crash best interesting basal super demanding attention utmost without lacking needing head rush eminent vehement fierce furious dynamic arresting maximum super colossal mammoth valuable overruling vicious page-one unmissable germane business-critical mission-critical climactic constraining real necessitating involving exciting buzzworthy prevalent tectonic elevated active controversial time-dependent time-sensitive crisis immense current of import name-of-the-game contemporary lively coal-and-ice enormous sizeable huge clamouring hurry-up persuasive clamoring obliging heat-on irresistible claiming distressing unyielding very grave live commanding calling for out of the ordinary of substance of interest apocalyptic prevailing overbearing prior elemental sovereign exceeding ultra titanic vast astronomic astronomical ample staple overmastering controlling appropriate compulsatory inherent rudimentary innate impromptu much strong distinctive headline noticeable preponderant obvious rare signal resonant memorable keynote worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum uncommon generous milestone conclusive glaring unusual unordinary ponderable potent glorious earth-shaking epoch-making number one star sovran stellar No. 1 numero uno expedient wanted desired preferred proper de rigueur incumbent on name of game specified elementary recommended goodly biggish obstinate tireless unremitting intransigent tenacious stubborn indefatigable life-saving glum persistent unrelenting aggressive dogged obdurate persevering entreating nagging pertinacious stern high priority world-shattering life or death gloomy dour sweeping of vital importance extremely important austere avid disturbing high-pressure annoying troublesome suppliant overeager solicitous pushy harassing quiet downbeat time-critical cold sober pointed instrumental matter of life and death top-level overshadowing big-league of concern high-profile disheartening harrowing discouraging deadly wretched ill-fated forbidding sobering shocking forlorn strenuous devastating ill-starred unamusing destructive ruinous desolate ugly depressing overly solicitous most important most prominent

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Large in scale or size
great big immense appreciable boundless considerable enormous extreme gigantic high huge large sizeable strong tremendous vast colossal mammoth abundant ample extended extensive giant ginormous humongous humungous prodigious pronounced protracted stupendous thumping titanic towering voluminous whopping broad bulky cosmic excessive expansive gargantuan jumbo massive monstrous numerous oversize prolonged sizable spacious wide bull decided fat herculean lengthy long mondo husky astronomic astronomical biggish bumper cavernous cosmical elephantine galactic goodly Himalayan hulking king-size king-sized largish leviathan monolithic mountainous outsize outsized oversized supersized vasty walloping whacking brobdingnagian Bunyanesque heavyweight massy mastodonic king size mighty formidable mega awful extraordinary dreadful fearful very great whopping great whacking great monumental substantial grand epic astounding monster overwhelming intense super oceanic heroical heroic pharaonic appalling whopper gigantesque supersize cyclopean frightful planetary severe fierce horrific harsh inordinate super-duper Herculean thumping great awesome terrific thunderous Brobdingnagian great big very big hefty gross heavy weighty very large impressive stellar fantastic immeasurable handsome almighty magnificent remarkable imposing grandiose striking ponderous phenomenal significant infinite limitless behemoth blimp tidy marvellous major outstanding staggering marvelous pythonic generous extravagant princely exceptional excellent dirty great serious profuse amazing exorbitant whale of a measureless unlimited tall overgrown lavish fabulous large-scale cumbersome majestic supreme thundering unwieldy whaling lofty boxcar solid superb incalculable stunning sublime endless unbounded decisive notable spectacular illimitable memorable Homeric behemothic resounding roaring interminable incredible capacious copious splendid sensational complete unqualified commodious wonderful thorough fine out-and-out rip-roaring utmost awe-inspiring marked conclusive emphatic healthy magnific burly consequential important unmistakable noteworthy giant-size acute statuesque giant-sized august extra-large fathomless unfathomable never-ending roomy wondrous kingly glorious stately regal plenteous imperial baronial good resplendent proud substantive royal momentous maximum super-colossal unusual awkward sturdy titan eternal historic material cumbrous paramount elevated eminent bottomless strapping illustrious sweeping man-size of considerable size man-sized noble mortal inexhaustible barn door comprehensive far-reaching full-size ominous superior bountiful plentiful ultimate palatial gorgeous a whale of a splendiferous commanding super colossal unbelievable uttermost lumbering brawny brilliant surpassing mind-blowing beefy breathtaking stout top clumsy urgent critical extremely large extremely big ungainly mind-boggling well-built unforgettable dramatic jumbo-sized hunky untold meaty thick powerful hulky cracking Cyclopean abnormal liberal Gargantuan dignified enduring powerfully built solidly built renowned steep sky-high ambitious prolific mahoosive unending stiff exceeding exalted larger-than-life rich gallant devastating inestimable transcendent global distinguished superabundant much horizonless indefinite immensurable megalithic everlasting unreal detailed good-size good-sized mesomorphic socking great mastodontic heavy-duty earthshaking earth-shattering bounteous immoderate respectable without limit without end deep opulent swanky stirring no end to palatine sumptuous exquisite divine no end of queenly elegant celestial beautiful splendorous heavenly full sightly arresting solemn luxurious distinct Moby deafening ear-splitting ear-piercing booming thrashing superhuman Olympian unmitigated daunting crashing laborious lasting classic Brobdignagian startling miraculous very loud astonishing moving irresistible dynamic immortal flabbergasting widespread wicked pleasing desperate loud elephantic OS fantabulous expanded rare max honourable honorable mundo robust disproportionate through the ceiling epoch-making shattering fleshy heavyset muscular muscly chunky thickset priceless invaluable eventful what oafish lumpish abiding permanent leaden profitable spanking worthy measurable innumerable Falstaffian paunchy flabby fubsy vital crucial life-size burdensome loutish heavily built clodhopping clunky far-flung spread-out stretched-out lank wide-ranging comfortable meaningful out of this world larger buxom greater zaftig reasonable indeterminable swelled fair-sized family-sized family-size fair-size economy-size economy-sized authoritative interplanetary catholic cosmopolitan cosmogonic empyrean interstellar cosmogonal space intergalactic ecumenical all-inclusive wholesale unco thewy stark noticeable the what great tectonic fair lordly crushing paralysing prime precious not inconsiderable roly-poly big and strong muscle-bound broad in the beam broad-shouldered corn-fed well upholstered well fed soaring decent first-class first-rate haughty weighing a ton earthshattering wide-reaching exhaustive mass heightened above average intemperate unreasonable escalated increased jacked up intensified fundamental perpetual unnumberable myriad innumerous valuable tolerable overcoming paralyzing pretty maximal universal nationwide essential central pressing something else exciting eye-opening unfathomed numberless worth taking into account not to be sneezed at multistorey sky-scraping ostentatious portly eye-catching venerable leading packed across-the-board international chock-full stuffed intercontinental awash all-encompassing worldwide brimming crowded sempiternal incessant million all-embracing without number uncounted supertemporal perdurable amaranthine highest greatest beyond price unconscionable overextravagant overmuch undue overdue insane overweening intolerable plethoric baroque fancy unmerciful devilish altitudinous unhandy ultra superlative consummate unmanageable unmanoeuvrable incommodious worthwhile girthy deadly indescribable raging sovereign airy preeminent spiring aerial unmatchable towery unmeasurable skyscraping mother of all greatest possible especial high-priority dire uppermost overriding telling earnest special page-one portentous of great consequence unmissable life-and-death conspicuous grave downright egregious total absolute utter abounding cardinal capital of import burning of great import of moment front-page newsworthy of great moment determining veritable hellacious pure ceaseless unfailing undying unconfined forceful rank right unadulterated flagrant grievous radical proper outrageous brutal unalloyed uber sheer preposterous arrant unfading unbottomed unceasing wide open no holds barred no catch no strings no strings attached most important

Tính từ

splitting blistering breakneck breathless brisk dizzy fast fleet fleet-footed flying galloping hasty hot lightning nippy quick rapid rapid-fire rattling snappy speedy swift whirlwind zippy awful dreadful excruciating frightful intense piercing severe unbearable lively expeditious headlong nimble hurried sudden express agile prompt precipitate fast-moving alacritous immediate instant abrupt harefooted active meteoric fast-track quickie accelerated at speed sprightly on the double spry quick-fire overnight high-speed sharp ready short winged whistle-stop precipitous very fast expeditive mercurial fleet of foot in nothing flat on-the-spot energetic pacey spirited animated brief light-footed rash cracking summary urgent fleeting unhesitating vivacious punctual instantaneous rushed short-lived screaming speedball volant pronto PDQ quickened unpremeditated vigorous impulsive bustling with good acceleration alert adroit streaming zooming excessive reckless hurricane impetuous tornado cyclonic tumultuous quick as a wink double time tantivy dashing dangerous going nifty deft supple lissom limber nimble-footed acrobatic lithe passing perfunctory cursory timely light quick-moving impatient extremely fast dangerously fast smart swift-footed fiery ultrasonic supersonic lissome speeding early rathe hurrying flat-out twinkle-toed lightsome slambang transitory eager thoughtless slapdash at full tilt barreling light of foot chop-chop like greased lightning spanking without delay peremptory double-quick unexpected barrelling shaking a leg like crazy like mad desultory momentary superficial casual direct transient temporary ephemeral sketchy evanescent fugacious impermanent offhand unanticipated unforeseen unthinking rushing flash flitting short-term careless token slight inattentive incidental fugitive little unceremonious split-second deciduous drive-by limited snap without warning turbo velocious hypersonic uninterested surprising up-tempo mechanical overhasty gadarene shallow glancing uncritical depthless dismissive helter-skelter rude half-hearted slipshod half-baked pell-mell fading startling haphazard curtailed violent unlooked-for without notice surface-level temporal straightaway shifting spasmodic precipitant short and sweet volatile vanishing flashing wee gone in flash ultrarapid ultrafast in wink of an eye forthwith jerky determined no-nonsense resolute efficient prevenient arbitrary anticipatory diligent spur-of-the-moment touch-and-go willing rush effectual effective succinct infinitesimal without formality without hesitation hurry-up responsive irresponsible furious unenduring interim without discussion fast-tracked dreamlike fast-paced unfussy purposeless unconsidered now or never not to be delayed impromptu acute perishable inadequate nodding trite like lightning explosive unusual speeded hit-or-miss trifling uncivil undignified impolite discourteous imperfect flimsy partial insincere inconsequential feigning paltry flash in the pan here today and gone tomorrow fly-by-night nasty hastening indifferent routine automatic unpleasant not bargained for out of the blue random sloppy off unmannerly unconcerned harsh disagreeable spontaneous lackadaisical losing no time crude disinterested insensible apathetic pococurante uncurious complacent insouciant nonchalant negligent brutal hit or miss incurious slovenly wooden heedless hair-trigger brusque shocking unpredicted unforgiving on the spot in a flash cool phoning it in walking through it laid-back going through the motions

Tính từ

Detailed and complicated in design and planning, involving many carefully arranged elements
knotty complex complicated intricate difficult hard involved baffling convoluted tangled thorny tricky troublesome awkward mystifying perplexing Byzantine involute problematic puzzling taxing tortuous baroque byzantine complicate daedal elaborate insoluble labyrinthian labyrinthine obscure sophisticated unanswerable unfathomable impenetrable involuted problematical effortful formidable Gordian mazy ramified reticular uphill bewildering confusing entangled confused abstruse enigmatic Daedalian detailed cryptic serpentine fancy recondite inscrutable mysterious undecipherable difficult to understand fiddly incomprehensible jumbled inexplicable inextricable paradoxical mixed up mind-bending esoteric ticklish winding unaccountable mixed ravelled challenging raveled wildering confounding tough interlaced unclear beyond one ambiguous deep messy opaque mixed-up full of twists and turns hard to understand devious disconcerting worrying maze-like circuitous multifarious variegated heterogeneous hidden concealed impossible spiny dark advanced muddled cumbersome drawn-out long-drawn-out high-tech dense knotted multifaceted fathomless refined bamboozling surprising oracular Daedalean hi-tech gnarly enigmatical mystical scrambled chaotic plotty long-winded mazelike arduous intertwined interwoven labyrinthial labyrinthical labyrinthal labyrinthiform labyrinthic indivisible inseparable subtle weird strange composite compounded miscellaneous multiplex mosaic mingled multiple manifold multiform conglomerate motley compound frustrating bemusing delicate insolvable hairy beyond you full of surprises problem funny peculiar odd trying fiendish kittle devilish clever gimmicky new befuddling oblique indissoluble impossible to separate very devil of a devil of a unintelligible abstract hard to follow inaccessible mind-boggling hard to solve profound vexing beyond comprehension rambling beyond one's grasp unsolvable hard to explain above your head hazy thought-provoking over one's head weighty murky serious secret uncanny heavy veiled thorough clandestine untold particularized painstaking shadowy extensive full particular studied covert shrouded as clear as mud laboured exact precise perfected careful minute skillful prodigious labored circumstantial skilful imposing gingerbread clouded cloaked secretive overworked particularised many-faceted overdone arcane unrevealed anagogic mystic occult cloak-and-dagger black Delphic recherché highly wrought high tech cabalistic blow-by-blow nebulous sinuous twisted ornate rococo nuanced can of worms meticulous exhaustive complete comprehensive in-depth accurate specific scrupulous explicit rigorous close sweeping itemized all-inclusive fine methodical all-embracing demanding intensive encyclopedic itemised exquisite encyclopaedic elaborated radical seriatim punctilious thoroughgoing strict fastidious searching systematic sedulous total dainty all-encompassing widespread strenuous nice finicky hairsplitting definite layered inordinate state-of-the-art drastic developed faithful selective enumerated extreme revolutionary intrinsic topical in depth point-by-point daunting operose profuse abundant plentiful lavish rich copious ample stage by stage step by step at length major appropriate actual liberal sufficient elite personal immediate perfect experienced satisfying concentrated intense elegant finical faultless exclusive high-level higher-level in detail broad-ranging firsthand direct penetrating all-out concerted fine-drawn persnickety superior finicking orderly finespun nifty top-level absolute essential elemental vigorous all-absorbing ultra-fine hairline dead on winning unerring incorrupted well-crafted consummate intimate special categorical unqualified critical assiduous conscientious clocklike specialised specialized first-hand explosive heavy-duty violent vehement excruciating vicious fearsome hellacious ghastly high-pressure fierce dreadful determined blistering furious resolute keen acute ferocious almighty fearful frightful well-made well-executed out-and-out persistent accelerated fast severe insistent speeded-up polished compendious cyclopedic efficient embracive panoramic inclusive omnibus universal leaving no stone unturned cover-all all-in broad-gauge broad-gauged

Từ trái nghĩa của terrible

terrible Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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