Từ đồng nghĩa của ostentatious

Alternative for ostentatious

Từ đồng nghĩa: fancy, flashy, garish, overdone, pretentious, showy, swanky,

Tính từ

Characterized by pretentious or showy displays
flamboyant extravagant flashy gaudy showy garish swanky flash loud splashy grandiose ritzy swank theatrical tinsel tinselly affected classy dashing fancy glitzy pretentious brash conspicuous glittery kitsch ornate overdone vulgar actorly bling superfly chichi crass dicty flaring flaunted flaunting noisy obtrusive pompous specious tasteless exhibitionistic fussy gay jaunty peacocky spectacular splurgy sporty tony uptown fancy-pants high-flown over-elaborate over the top arty-farty bling-bling razzle-dazzle OTT tawdry meretricious florid jazzy brilliant bold bright baroque elegant lurid rococo elaborate glaring tacky resplendent sumptuous snazzy colourful colorful striking rich busy luxurious dazzling ornamented brazen eye-catching bombastic trashy decorated glamorous overwrought embellished cheap opulent exaggerated camp wedding-cake dramatic artificial sophisticated posh flowery plush naff glittering gingerbread stylish screaming beautiful histrionic overripe vivid high-class lavish crude swashbuckling raffish catchy adorned brassy harsh fashionable outrageous decorative trendy nifty chintzy overelaborate luxuriant swish over-bright stagy pronounced smart mannered chic prominent in bad taste vibrant expensive noticeable remarkable gross stilted curlicued grabby commanding marked arresting emphatic splendiferous brummagem superficial kenspeckle bodacious deluxe highfalutin campy blatant melodramatic very elaborate grand exclusive ornamental overdecorated rakish fine snappy gimcrack orotund luscious sharp modish turgid tumid common spiffy upscale debonair cheap and nasty hammy upmarket unreal lively high-sounding egotistic actressy overacted intricate exciting convoluted aureate detailed forced stagey barnstorming animated sensational ham magnificent high-wrought catchpenny staged violent splendid unrefined low sparkling coarse unnatural comic pizazzy pizzazzy bedizened gingerbready gingerbreaded nauseating bilious distasteful unattractive schmaltzy sickly Brummagem over-the-top big posturing towering extreme devilish kitschy bedecked peacockish wild polished tasteful stately flaming select lovely natty Daliesque superior pedantic cool voguish in poor taste aristocratic dapper gorgeous urbane dressy fly kicky kicking sassy schmick groovy now slick with it mod on fleek a la mode in vogue dressed to kill plastic sham strong theatric farcical pinchbeck expressive whimsical nasty ambitious festooned startling corinthian outstanding obvious distinct plushy swankish with-it impressive overstated imposing superb convivial merry arabesque salient overambitious epic daring saucy audacious adventurous unspeakable shameless well marked forceful manifest evident definite plain arrestive grandiloquent rhetorical overblown oratorical magniloquent brightly coloured brilliantly coloured confident buoyant exuberant fun declamatory common as muck garnished vain vaunting boastful inflated euphuistic purple pleonastic flakey flaky gassy shocking daredevil defiant elite energetic vivacious skilful skillful prestigious gee-whizz hyperventilated Ossianic fustian arty pizzazz frou-frou bizarre priggish pzazz trumpery with all the extras with all the options with bells and whistles grotesque immoderate inordinate exorbitant unconscionable overextravagant overmuch undue overdue insane overweening stiff intolerable plethoric excessive steep unmerciful gussied up prestige highly decorated large cosmopolitan high-end upper-class hifalutin complex complicated putting on the ritz crummy corny clinquant ivory-tower cheesy twee gimmicky trendsetting hip poncey refined in contemporary modern designer la-de-da graceful gilt funky cultivated high-minded la-di-da hoity-toity happening fresh swell supercool over the top OTT artistic sleek new latest steezy modernistic dap jewelled metaphorical glossy wordy verbose coloured gilded jeweled embroidered variegated colored toffee-nosed high falutin' discerning handsome up-to-date au courant all the rage dressed to the teeth up to the minute ultra-modern well turned-out à la mode in the mainstream in fashion up to date bang up to date exquisite classic dignified gone Hollywood courtly distinguished delicate fancily decorated highly wrought cultured aesthetic charming majestic noble decorous nice choice suave stunning spruce ceremonious dainty rare comely genteel camped up trim swinging august recherche esthetic stylized far out rude emotional legitimate acting show amateur tragic dramaturgic vaudeville attractive quality well-designed well-bred well-dressed uncouth inelegant trig swagger prime fanciful special improper froufrou frilly fancible custom beautifying unusual cushy rough-hewn roughneck uncultured incult insensible indiscreet unpolished rough lowbrow tatty tactless lowbred uncultivated rugged unseemly ill-bred illiberal as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox indecorous indelicate graceless impolite high-quality stupid raunchy useless hideous foolish unsightly outlandish barbarous off-color unclassy low-down-and-dirty trivial unlovely barbaric makeshift low-down notable noteworthy extraordinary significant astonishing amazing uncommon phenomenal singular incredible unmistakable distinctive signal astounding out of the ordinary clear surprising exceptional decided unique awesome considerable peculiar prodigious important unexpected recognizable perceptible distinguishable unwonted staggering odd atypical curious abnormal strange identifiable weird recognisable memorable especial queer awe-inspiring thick weighty exceeding observable inconceivable powerful breathtaking fantastic uncustomary pointed momentous unfamiliar anomalous uncanny aberrant preternatural aberrated freak apparent appreciable heavy visible particular substantial broad clear-cut discernible solid detectable attention-grabbing miraculous tremendous wondrous electrifying eminent stupendous jaw-dropping unprecedented telling unparalleled amazeballs eye-popping different extraordinaire fascinating novel unconventional offbeat unaccustomed predominant unheard-of noted refreshing dominant unordinary protruding measurable wonderful intrusive famous patent crucial essential something else out of the way inescapable engaging palpable individual great cogent decisive compelling terrific easily seen thrilling unbelievable unforgettable conclusive forcible effective distinguishing revealing confounding unco irregular identifying can't miss it private infrequent preposterous atypic freakish oddball unlikely far-fetched never to be forgotten individualized funny far-out freaky patented subjective privy express personalized out of this world out-of-the-way shock-horror personalised individualised unthinkable unimaginable idiomatic hair-raising off the wall multicoloured multicolored perceivable assured tidy sizeable reasonable fair undeniable hard captivating chief primary major principal sensible untypical resounding flagrant goodly consequential forestanding storming positive dense uncharacteristic superlative thumping thundering big as life under one's nose in plain sight in full view open and shut tense staple pivotal main basic key vital critical boldface bold face fabulous protuberant thrusting worthy of attention of consequence of importance seldom seen right under your nose open suspenseful to the fore leading moving paramount projecting pertinent relevant central jutting focal unorthodox in the foreground gripping riveting out of place sticking out quirky graphic climactic convincing deviant marvellous pre-eminent isolated alien scarce sporadic written all over one stem-winding high-octane heady persuasive potent standing out a mile sudden rip-roaring intense breath-taking action-packed studied influential trenchant characteristic seldom improbable out of the common way out off-centre thin on the ground occasional few and far between left-field sticking out a mile effectual scandalous horrifying ridiculous absurd dubious unrealistic super serious ludicrous fantastical doubtful nonsensical implausible irrational specific meaningful satisfying preeminent smashing primo wicked marvelous wacky crazy mad cockamamie zany comical personal individualistic idiosyncratic gnarly forby hare-brained standing out like a sore thumb sticking out like a sore thumb off-the-wall make-believe world class operative devastating satisfactory sound typical off beaten path stirring appalling sensationalistic gilt-edged eerie quaint diagnostic set discriminating representative diagnostical separate intrinsic proper natural symptomatic signature precise valid zero cool sensationalist interesting gee-whiz local concrete disconcerting incomprehensible mystifying spooky baffling befuddling puzzling yellow historic buzzworthy newsworthy appropriate inimitable restricted endemic diacritic unforeseen flustering muddling overwhelming unannounced portentous unanticipated discomfiting jarring nonplussing jolting shattering dumfounding nonplusing confusing dismaying upsetting piquant tabloid stimulating sultry pungent livid X-rated familiar original dissimilar specialised customised independent nonconformist customized specialized intimate decipherable drop-dead dynamite lofty

Tính từ

Affectedly grand or self-important
grandiose pompous pretentious affected boastful egotistic hifalutin highfalutin highfaluting inflated snippy snobbish vain brazen high-minded la-de-da la-di-da puffed up conceited arrogant haughty stuck-up vainglorious snooty superior proud uppity self-important overweening high-and-mighty supercilious high and mighty overbearing imperious cocky lofty disdainful sniffy egotistical bigheaded presumptuous lordly toffee-nosed important prideful uppish cavalier huffy hoity-toity self-satisfied narcissistic patronizing bumptious smug self-centered self-centred condescending toplofty patronising high-handed snotty swanky snobby swaggering big-headed aloof assuming swollen-headed egoistic insolent toploftical domineering self-conceited stiff-necked egoistical swellheaded immodest bloated biggety assured biggity self-opinionated flaunting peremptory high-hat elitist pontifical dismissive fancy-pants contemptuous scornful audacious cool artificial mannered showy chichi bragging posh portentous poncey chesty huffish presuming egocentric complacent masterful assumptive stuck up overconfident opinionated selfish self-asserting self-assertive persnickety cocksure brash full of oneself blustering hubristic exaggerated grand flatulent contrived puffy refined consequential self-righteous smart-alecky know-it-all precious flowery remote tony self-serving confident self-confident over-refined high-flown chi-chi sure self-affected too big for one's britches impudent self-promoting self-contented self-adulatory self-glorifying too big for one's boots holier-than-thou too big for one's breeches self-engrossed self-congratulatory orgulous self-respecting self-assured putting on airs blusterous ranting windy above oneself boasting fustian exclusive nose in the air ritzy aristocratic potty pushy bullish cliquish bold forward dictatorial smart officious brassy self-loving self-admiring self-regarding self-obsessed self-absorbed saucy rude flip wise pushful contumelious impertinent unabashed sassy genteel schmaltzy campy peacockish egomaniac unblushing boldfaced pert fresh barefaced cheeky procacious malapert throwing one's weight about bossy smarty wrapped up in oneself in love with oneself autocratic lah-di-dah think too highly of oneself think one is the cat's pyjamas pleased with oneself have an excessively high opinion of oneself think one is the cat's whiskers pleased with yourself think one is God's gift think a lot of oneself high falutin' upper-class wise guy on an ego trip on one's high horse cold-shoulder gone Hollywood snot-nosed full of airs and graces twee fastidious effete studied alembicated crowing vaunting overrefined stagy overnice braggart blowhard artful self-conscious choosy fussy particular finicky fragile big-mouthed swanking puffed-up self-aggrandizing bombastic strutting big loudmouth windbag self-applauding exultant full of yourself hot stuff magisterial on ego trip extravagant overambitious flashy full of hot air stiff sententious conspicuous tinselly kitschy posey flamboyant flaunty elaborate heroic splendid spectacular magnificent overstated pseudo specious pseud sophomoric poseur dicty hollow splashy arty feigned hyperventilated swank put-on too-too stilted gaudy fake arty-farty egomaniacal too big for your boots self-interested sneering self-seeking indifferent swollen solipsistic mocking self-involved self-oriented self-preoccupied self-infatuated self-concerned authoritarian stuck on oneself stuffy individualistic tyrannical despotic inner-directed scoffing unconcerned introverted reserved detached nervy wisenheimer distant pleased content standoffish on high horse dominating offish pontificating on your high horse jumped up self-approving personal self-pleased braggy proud of oneself inconsiderate derisive cold withering unfriendly insulting disrespectful high oppressive frosty unsociable withdrawn frigid disparaging slighting antisocial unresponsive jeering unsympathetic uncommunicative abhorrent brassbound chilly arch hotshot unapproachable satisfied unclubbable unforthcoming full of contempt thoughtless unbending asocial iron-handed standoff certain formal uninterested dogmatic heavy-handed subjective obsessive intimate intrinsic isolated tyrannous autocratical authoritative tyrannic brazen-faced dry bold-faced forbidding austere goody-goody imperative well pleased inward-looking self-indulgent stand-offish self-complacent self-flattering extraverted unreserved self-gratulatory self-dramatizing blustery extroverted uninhibited cold-eyed too big for your breeches laid back buttoned-up ambitious highhanded priggish puffed silliness giddy dizzy flighty blowing one's own horn self-opinioned obnoxious loud honourable honorable gracious offhand flushed inborn ingrained inherent idiosyncratic secure uncaring unthinking offensively self-assertive throwing one's weight around icy looking after number one undemonstrative airy commanding wiseguy grandstanding too big for your britches casual curt independent restrained happy insouciant individualist insensitive inward looking self-minded megalomaniac reticent gratified taciturn self-sufficient having a swelled head wrapped up with oneself well-pleased like the cat that swallowed the canary on a high horse contented uncompanionable swollen with pride uncivil unceremonious discourteous serene coercive bullying proud of yourself flushed with success ceremonious triumphant gloating rejecting contemning averse despising antipathetic scouting repudiating I'm all right, Jack like a cat that has swallowed the canary like the cat that's got the cream insociable self-aggrandising cock-a-hoop positive abrupt brusque glib terse cursory off perfunctory ungracious overproud obsequious jaunty keeping people at arm's length mean-looking put on airs lording it take-it-or-leave-it pococurante derisory brag boast conceity ham phony gall phoney preponderant imperial demanding regnant ascendant prevalent careless smart aleck smart guy smarty pants draconian taunting turning up your nose at looking down your nose at iron-fisted repressive demeaning scathing degrading derogative snide depreciative denigratory detractive belittling derogatory decrying pejorative uncomplimentary depreciatory deprecatory denigrative easy-going self-possessed strict willful rigid inflexible severe wilful harsh arbitrary resting on your laurels like the cat that got the cream Neronian dogmatical unyielding hard-nosed hard temperamental sardonic disapproving upstage opprobrious clamorous crack-the-whip doctrinaire stern firm throwing weight around dictative big talking blowing one's own trumpet high hat dog it impersonal incurious thick-skinned cold fish hard-hearted hard-boiled lone wolf on ice

Tính từ

Soft and shaggy
plushy luxurious lavish sumptuous plush opulent deluxe palatial luxury posh fancy ritzy grand luxuriant lush rich magnificent splendid expensive upscale costly extravagant grandiose gorgeous luxe silken majestic Lucullan Babylonian elaborate imposing luscious stately Lucullian impressive pretentious palace immoderate comfortable hedonistic sensuous sybaritic voluptuous pampered epicurean sensual easy gratifying pleasurable well-appointed self-indulgent pleasure-loving fit for a king fit for a queen in the lap of luxury swanky classy swish upmarket swank elegant stylish ornate lavishly appointed palatian lux de luxe indulgent high-class well appointed chic snazzy affluent glitzy fancy-pants princely showy champagne prodigal regal pompous up-market upper-class glittering upholstered frilly exuberant riotous profusive velvet comfy toffee-nosed elitist snobby snooty glamorous snobbish snotty high-hat aristocratic potty persnickety beautiful classic refined cultivated choice fine exquisite dignified handsome ornamented overdone stuffy upper-crust hedonic profligate overindulgent intemperate high pleasure-seeking exclusive fashionable select smart trendy modish tony flash dicty swell chichi plummy larney schmick swagger sprauncy high-toned top-drawer la-di-da chi-chi splendiferous resplendent superb noble proud glorious august monumental spectacular first-class imperial kingly awe-inspiring splendacious magnolious royal striking exalted breathtaking distinguished epic massive gallant baronial heroical heroic magnific Homeric superior dazzling abundant profuse brilliant lordly great sovereign sublime spacious large-scale illustrious courtly finest quality special loaded pricey dear ultra dainty rare delicate recherche super lofty high-born wild heavenly fit for a prince exaggerated excessive unreasonable wasteful unrestrained fit for a princess stunning elevated marvelous out of this world spiffy embellished valuable precious thriftless copious improvident outstanding awesome over-the-top effusive unstinging openhanded divine radiant transcendent commanding arresting beyond price towering marvellous splendorous splendrous brave splashy magnifico flamboyant baroque solid gold

Tính từ

Conspicuously or obviously bad, wrong or offensive
flagrant blatant barefaced glaring outrageous dreadful enormous shocking atrocious brazen open scandalous awful bold egregious heinous shameless undisguised arrant flaunting infamous notorious audacious conspicuous evident gross immodest naked obvious patent unconcealed complete palpable transparent utter crying disgraceful flagitious manifest monstrous overt pronounced rank reprehensible striking terrible wicked flagitous iniquitous shameful unashamed villainous capital deliberate flaming grody noticeable bald-faced bare-faced brass-necked out and out out-and-out stick out like sore thumb hanging out unmistakable sheer clear straightforward outright unabashed bald unblushing undeniable impudent insolent brash cut-and-dried unmitigated unembarrassed indisputable unsubtle unrepentant obtrusive showy flashy without shame screaming prominent brassy protrusive meretricious overbold loud garish gaudy glitzy snazzy in plain sight plain apparent visible stark downright recognizable distinct perceptible observable recognisable discernible unqualified frank definite plain to see cheeky absolute extreme explicit total thoroughgoing pure unequivocal unadulterated as plain as a pikestaff standing out a mile sticking out a mile presumptuous standing out like a sore thumb sticking out like a sore thumb marked salient inescapable clear-cut thorough unambiguous positive unalloyed writ large hardened abandoned distinguishable crystal clear depraved profligate improper dissolute incorrigible unprincipled bodacious reprobate forward flat-out brazenfaced outstanding categorical perceivable unchaste rude lewd immoral high-handed avowed self-evident detectable decided unhidden consummate public cocky categoric unconditional unfeigned real profound pellucid ringing unambivalent perspicuous lucid luculent luminous nonambiguous broad perfect regular simple open-and-shut bright-line plumb surpassing fair exposed dead flat right stone clean as clear as day deadly blooming crashing blank very all-out straight-out through and through cotton-picking indecent saucy impertinent unconcerned unrestrained inordinate tangible excessive preposterous incontrovertible forthright incontestable wanton wholehearted fresh sassy inveterate nervy grievous cocksure brazen-faced plainly seen demonstrable blinding wise recognized unquestionable arch brassbound remarkable as plain as day staring someone in the face unapologetic bold-faced recognised arresting severe beyond doubt beyond question bold as brass undiluted veritable brutal matter-of-fact on show easily seen staring one in the face in every respect full-bore deep-dyed right-down extravagant genuine amoral unexaggerated temerarious above board unveiled confident appreciable dinkum serious glaringly obvious exclusive controlled full unmissable undismayed undaunted notable well-known defiant comprehensive exorbitant significant major pointed pert immoderate corrupt exhaustive undiminished much in evidence unchallenged uncontested accepted uncompromising whole open and shut artless pushy discernable apprehensible sensible fearless unawed unshrinking unflinching infernal entire blasted standing out clearly visible as clear as crystal impenitent remorseless sure plausible believable colorable credible ostensible seeming certain poised composed abashless unaffected unshamed true-blue dyed-in-the-wool through-and-through full-scale published written all over someone flip contumelious hotshot tawdry gritty smart-alecky spunky gutsy publicized eye-catching as bold as brass revealed acknowledged publicised known shared broadcast in circulation freely available public knowledge in the public domain in the open widely known blunt flamboyant brilliant dominant grabby predominant commanding dramatic emphatic splashy catchy candid unvarnished unembellished unstinting unsparing direct kenspeckle forestanding noisy axiomatic honest straight upfront guileless upright outspoken unreserved unadorned uninhibited to the fore in the foreground plainspoken heartless forthcoming unguarded natural maximum utmost deep overwhelming intense radical thundering ultimate hellacious proper supreme harsh great tremendous acute almighty uber self-explanatory conclusive understandable precise as plain as the nose on one's face written all over one right under one's nose clear as a bell free-spoken up-front no-nonsense plain-spoken unregenerate vile

Tính từ

Impressive or grand in size, appearance, or manner
solemn proud august distinguished imposing commanding dramatic grand impressive spectacular splendid staggering arresting fine imperial noble awesome glorious gorgeous grandiose heroic magnificent majestic massive monumental portly powerful stately statuesque stirring striking sublime superb venerable amazing awe-inspiring beautiful celestial colossal divine elegant epic excellent exquisite extraordinary extravagant fabulous kingly magnific opulent prodigious regal remarkable resplendent royal considerable formidable heavenly lavish luxurious marvellous marvelous ominous palatial princely queenly sensational sightly stunning stupendous sumptuous towering tremendous wondrous baronial heroical Homeric palatine splendiferous splendorous terrific eye-catching swanky gallant fab exalted dynamite ambitious large admirable lofty eminent very good pretentious dignified first-class smashing elevated unreal illustrious outstanding rich haughty super pompous first-rate something else great superior lordly vast renowned supreme dazzling big celebrated honoured aristocratic honourable honorable esteemed plush brilliant posh handsome honored ritzy splendacious mighty magnolious huge notable cosmic mega famous acclaimed famed respected high-ranking prestigious deluxe worthy noted imperious breathtaking highly regarded staid magisterial important high ceremonious radiant prominent sovereign authoritative eloquent preeminent memorable well-known immense showy ample overwhelming splashy leviathan mammoth substantial hulking monstrous giant enormous largish walloping goodly titanic humungous sizable outsized supersize whopping jumbo sizeable monster whacking biggish mountainous astronomic elephantine supersized gargantuan humongous voluminous astronomical gigantic mind-blowing phenomenal pharaonic bulky husky oversize bumper cosmical tidy cyclopean outsize hefty oversized transcendent galactic super-duper king-size Brobdingnagian out of this world king size king-sized legendary mythological classical large-scale wonderful fantastic fit for a prince glittering fit for a queen fit for a princess tall in the saddle hallowed fancy elaborate classy fit for a king flash flashy maestoso long of repute of distinction costly resounding sonorous Olympian extended classic effective unfathomable complex impenetrable theatrical fustian bombastic purple egotistic high-falutin' high-flying ornate high-flown portentous formal high-minded well thought of highfalutin' of high standing arduous Herculean forcible expensive marathon cool moving exciting overblown influential triumphant bright larger-than-life very long very great very large swish brave plushy splendrous swank something to write home about one for the book immortal shining palatian profound unforgettable effulgent magnifico flamboyant baroque solid gold gratifying adored time-honored far-out astonishing special fantastical out of sight dreamy unmitigated inspiring startling arrestive surpassing incredible fascinating electrifying confounding perfect spacious man-size Bunyanesque swelled thumping great good-size unlimited good-sized great big socking great inordinate exorbitant roomy tall expansive of considerable size immeasurable super colossal deep overgrown unwieldy fair-sized comprehensive capacious whopping great full-size family-sized family-size brobdingnagian whopper commodious man-sized dirty great thumping massy thundering fair-size extensive a whale of a extreme mondo economy-size life-size wide cumbersome economy-sized whacking great mastodonic broad megalithic excessive ponderous ginormous boundless gross almighty prevailing prime eventful top-level well-connected dominant premier predominant head pre-eminent highest notorious prized controlling valued leading recognized of influence high profile senior high-up distinctive integral incomparable historical signal alpha oratorical trusted all-important chief foremost top-ranking high-powered upper reputable fabled high-level puissant cogent four-star successful potent seminal of note deciding upper-class VIP good resonant recognised iconic oceanic gigantesque vasty boxcar planetary herculean Himalayan

Tính từ

Seemingly well-reasoned, plausible or true, but actually fallacious
specious deceptive fallacious misleading casuistic false sophistic unsound beguiling deceitful deceiving deluding delusive delusory plausible sophistical apparent baseless bogus captious colorable credible empty erroneous flattering hollow idle illogical inaccurate incorrect insincere likely meretricious nugatory ostensible phoney phony presumable presumptive pretentious probable seeming sham sophisticated spurious unfounded untrue vain wrong seemingly correct apparently right plausible but wrong invalid fabricated mistaken flawed fake illusory mock unreal unreliable inexact fraudulent misguided distorted counterfeit faulty unsubstantiated fictitious pseudo untruthful groundless artificial imaginary unsupported imprecise without foundation off flimsy invented defective weak unreasonable manufactured factitious trumped-up ersatz pretend ill-founded faked concocted trumped up iffy shaky imitation simulated questionable in error unproven ungrounded unjustifiable dodgy unjustified chimerical unwarranted counterfactual implausible illusive foundationless uncorroborated synthetic irrational apocryphal untenable wide of the mark forged plastic without basis contrived out made up substitute feigned pretended tenuous off beam full of holes fishy fanciful unnatural falsified dummy way off glib indefensible insupportable unconvincing superficial dubious off target imagined dishonest fallible fictional mythical suspect unconfirmed misrepresentative made-up visionary fantastic misinformed fabulous improper not genuine reasonless put-on nonvalid untrustworthy dicey uncalled-for gratuitous bottomless ambiguous economical with the truth off-target off-base not exact not accurate unsustainable unwarrantable off base way out doubtful disingenuous make-believe illusionary inexcusable unforgivable assumed untested unverified unattested unpardonable chancy rocky disreputable risky strained forced mechanical affected conjectural notional chimeric imperfect mad faux lying undependable unreasoned truthless uncertain speculative ideal discrepant colored absurd unauthentic inexpiable snide queer inauthentic coloured faithless cod imitative man-made unacceptable senseless preposterous cooked-up flakey unstable flaky adulterine reproduction mimic mythological ungenuine without justification abroad replica supposititious open to doubt askew way off beam falsie all wet open to question off-beam not backed up by evidence hyped up wide way off-beam deluded unarguable undefendable refutable inadmissible cooked up hallucinatory chemical cast unprovoked fakey confusing unfitting impostrous evasive unfactual nonfactual unauthorized delusional misconceived without substantiation without merit off the mark contrary to fact amiss manmade tricky nonrational illegitimate unreasoning fancied non-existent insubstantial quixotic copy pirated casuistical not trustworthy so-called nonnatural shallow duplicate quasi unstraightforward unbacked inconsequent inconsequential uncalled for not backed up causeless unfaithful careless wild non-natural facsimile pat awry cunning devious cheating pretending copycat copied unsubstantial incongruous Barmecidal Barmecide whimsical fictive semblant suppositious float adrift mendacious engineered unassured unsure without cause unauthorised without reason counterfeited hypocritical equivocal garbled unoriginal crooked dud pinchbeck erratic cynical without explanation way-out not true way-off doesn't wash not right perplexing bewildering mistakable demagogic catchy distracting confounding puzzling erring wrong number all off devised fantasied phantom mythic phantasmal fantastical imaginal phantasmic arbitrary fluffed blue sky pipe dream dissimulating dissembling not precise out of line astray on the wrong track not working out of commission at fault misfigured goofed misconstrued mishandled miscalculated treacherous insignificant prepared bad double-dealing hollow-hearted devoid of validity two-faced slick framed bum pirate bent laboured labored mannered pseud quasi- stilted put on overdone stiff worthless model studied trick exaggerated actorly toy improvised wooden not kosher hokey self-conscious phony-baloney professed purported overripe fantasy Hollywood plant brummagem crock fantasized dream duplicitous pseudo- knock-off dreamed-up adopted won't fly soft shell avowed alleged theatrical supposed underhand pseudonymous overworked ham hammy crafty guileful shady sharp unspontaneous quack virtual hoax play-play shifty unscrupulous illegal imposturous imitated constrained unprincipled would-be fast underhanded rogue fantasised representative phoney-baloney bootlegged rehearsed legendary unauthenticated unqualified repro surface uncanonical campy miniature derivative overblown elaborate planned debatable wannabe self-styled made makeshift constructed apish not what it is cracked up to be low-grade low-quality poor-quality shoddy inferior ostensive semi- nominal allonymous experimental unsatisfactory substandard adulterated mealymouthed posed near reported not real not legit terminologically inexact voulu manipulated far-fetched fixed recherche staged lookalike gingerbread posey as it were mock-up conceited melodramatic affectated awkward playacting fraud charlatan bluffing shammed masked in name only covered concealed dissimulated not the case knock off to all intents and purposes sly sneaky scheming null stagy overly planned perfidious Machiavellian rigid inflexible bound begrudging coercive grudging binding conscripted slave stringent forcible null and void void nonbinding inoperative subtle slippery foxy wreck uptight taut farfetched wired put unglued tight choked slim not binding uncollectible double-faced Punic false-hearted in a state hard put nervous wreck strung out at end of rope insidious rascal roguish designing serpentine oblique astucious indirect wily acted swindling criminal corrupt illicit dishonourable unlawful Janus-faced defrauding unfair dirty unjust unethical shonky knavish bamboozling dishonorable against the law

Tính từ

Showing poor taste and quality
tacky crude gaudy tasteless tawdry vulgar cheap garish kitsch nasty showy tatty beat-up bombed-out Brummagem common dilapidated dog-eared down-at-heel down-at-the-heels dumpy flash grungy loud mangy mean miserable moth-eaten neglected ratty run-down scrubby scruffy second-rate seedy shabby sleazy tatterdemalion threadbare timeworn trashy tumbledown flashy naff broken-down dingy faded frumpy low messy outmoded out-of-date poky shoddy sloppy slovenly stodgy unbecoming unkempt unsuitable untidy waxy cheap and nasty in bad taste inferior poor tattered rundown bedraggled grotty crummy mediocre decrepit ragged worn wretched squalid rubbishy low-grade ramshackle gimcrack meretricious run down grubby gone to seed raggedy worn-out lousy down at heel cheapjack glaring bad scuzzy brash paltry junky cheesy worthless worse for wear execrable sorry rickety glitzy substandard chintzy low-rent battered flamboyant tinny rotten pitiful trumpery duff third-rate ropy rubbish schlocky poor-quality decaying brummagem old brassy slummy frayed terrible coarse bum insalubrious base worn out decayed tinsel el cheapo rough frowzy two-bit jerry-built pretentious dismal disheveled flimsy derelict sordid dirty ruined sad dishevelled lurid crumbling kitschy tired flaunting glittering uncared-for flaring bush-league inadequate schlock swanky dreadful filthy cut-rate bargain-basement falling to pieces dodgy deteriorated dowdy ruinous slipshod jazzy deteriorating tinselly low quality downmarket below par yucky raffish shacky below standard bodger disreputable obtrusive blatant brazen awful atrocious abysmal splashy appalling unsatisfactory unpleasant swank razzle-dazzle ornate lowbrow deficient gone to rack and ruin beat up frightful shambly pants cruddy dire twopenny-halfpenny over-bright torn useless ragtag well worn rumpty dime-a-dozen low-quality rinky-dink crass scraggy low-class in disrepair gross poor quality raunchy bright down-at-the-heel in ruins bling-bling a load of pants harsh insubstantial screaming bilious noisy weather-beaten cheapo abject cheap-jack extravagant makeshift insufficient lamentable deplorable skanky sickly valueless unacceptable scungy scroungy tinhorn diabolical unmaintained lame holey desolate subpar punk degenerated direful egregious damaged low cost tenth-rate used unfashionable poverty-stricken frazzled in tatters in poor taste brilliant not up to much plastic uncultured badly dressed tumble-down seen better days badly maintained the worse for wear in a bad way having seen better days poorly maintained snazzy corny violent bold seamy unprepossessing nauseating distasteful unattractive average inelegant florid imperfect overdone defective pitiable ritzy unrefined faulty skeezy dud slimy catchpenny junk limp lemon cheapie colorful daggy rugged slobbish depressed pinchbeck low-down disfigured bare meager disintegrating meagre over the top ripped colourful slobby half-pie ungroomed sloven frowsy raggedy-ass warby entry-level low-end impaired injured shaggy blowsy no great shakes slatternly down and dirty untended below average dime-store shaky off-color artificial wild not much cop all the worse for wear bottom-rung unsound blowzy tousled a dime a dozen not up to snuff in shreds falling apart used-up tangled contemptible schlumpy second-class poorly made out at elbows ill-maintained in rags two a penny badly worn full of holes under par draggle-tailed uncombed falling apart at the seams on its last legs thin unsophisticated cheap-looking sporty offensive down scale badly built shopworn overwrought thrown together over-elaborate trifling underprivileged deprived down-market garbagy sucky indifferent dishonest crooked smirched inglorious withering conspicuous expensive OTT ropey poxy chronic throwaway outworn slumlike twopenny fakey ancient old-fashioned rent pizazzy fancy glittery pizzazzy fancy-pants nifty ordinary distressed bombastic outrageous tottering middling menial bling elaborate scabby bad quality of a sort well-read well-thumbed sparkling downscale peaked shattered broken split patched wrecked uncared rank mucky indigent sick impoverished sticky gunky gungy uncomfortable disagreeable common as muck slum-like in bad repair out of condition in bad condition dumbed down destroyed marred crumbly hateful horrible creaky antiquated in holes wack wanting off bush sour suboptimal dissatisfactory wrong ill creaking superannuated noddy desultory unpressed unfinished down at the heel worn to shreds shredded poorly pathetic unimproved beat straggly mussy ruffled unstylish styleless ticky-tack ticky-tacky from hunger fallen-in uncared for beaten up fallen in scraggly mussed tumbled snarled torn to pieces weak sauce sub-par quavering shaking in a state of disrepair haggard effete anile crippled fragile messed up mussed up matted rumpled windblown unneat manky commonplace droopy overgrown wilted wilting drooping ailing sagging flagging end-of-the-pier bogus empty garbage no-good despicable good-for-nothing abandoned barren piss-poor grody pigpen Mickey Mouse used up second-best ill-groomed Daliesque clinquant affected twee camp mod posturing gimmicky strictly for the birds rude second class uncouth cure pot improper low in quality rough-hewn roughneck incult insensible indiscreet unpolished tactless lowbred uncultivated unseemly ill-bred illiberal indecorous indelicate graceless impolite stupid hideous foolish unsightly outlandish barbarous unclassy low-down-and-dirty trivial unlovely barbaric gay splendiferous pizzazz frou-frou chichi pzazz gussied up putting on the ritz scurvy scummy sneaking abominable laughable woeful hack not up to scratch weak poorer horrendous subnormal vile crumby stinking beastly God-awful déclassé the pits hopeless horrid repulsive flawed unexceptional pedestrian leaving much to be desired not up to par disappointing loathsome sickening repellent disastrous objectionable revolting odious jerrybuilt grim wicked icky rancid ghastly gruesome repellant shocking scandalous displeasing unwelcome stinky loathly foul disgustful hellish slapdash knocked together distressing disgusting repugnant detestable obnoxious unappetizing nauseous unpalatable noxious very bad malodorous noisome unsavoury unspeakable incompetent uninviting smelly acrid putrid fetid polluted mephitic pongy whiffy ugly smudged stained besmirched yukky befouled smutty unfair blackened miasmal sullied abhorrent evil bemired dusty unclean uncleanly niffy unsportsmanlike black fulsome draggled bitter grimy funky obscene uncongenial unpleasing unsavory muddy begrimed illegal soiled grievous less-than-stellar festy yucko olid no good foetid poison ungodly unholy slight second rate sick-making off-putting on the nose unfortunate breakable light regrettable heartbreaking frail mournful insignificant unstable tottery wobbly superficial careless feeble of little value pits disgraceful of no value calamitous evil-smelling foul-smelling unimpressive downer bummer of poor quality of low quality godawful of no financial value damnable for the birds cheeseball amateurish negligent vicious delicate unsaleable well below par merciful amiss unsubstantial desperate of negligible value shlocky godforsaken shlock unhappy meritless rebarbative hellacious insufferable tinpot reject piddling unworthy harmful melancholy craptacular unsatisfying negligible without value worse lacking moving compassionate afflicted stirring beggarly joyless commiserative tearful arousing suffering rueful piteous sorrowful heartrending touching comfortless affecting cheerless minimal poopy would fetch nothing not up to standard of no worth of little worth nickel-and-dime blameworthy overwhelming unbearable dishonourable intolerable dishonorable horrifying dolorous afflictive opprobrious minor-league minor league small potatoes not satisfying not good enough of little financial value theatrical ill-constructed specious sham ruthful blah dicty superfly diddly not good erroneous ten a penny dislikable bad news fallacious not the best scurrilous reprehensible indefensible irremediable

Tính từ

Characterized by exaggerated or affected politeness, refinement, or respectability
genteel polite refined respectable cultured courteous cultivated decorous elegant mannerly polished proper correct seemly civil courtly gentlemanly sophisticated civilised civilized gracious ladylike stylish urbane well-bred accomplished affected befitting couth decent dignified formal nice distingué posh punctilious well bred well mannered well-mannered artificial chivalrous condescending confined de rigueur discreet fashionable graceful hollow intolerant la-di-da patronising patronizing pompous precious pretentious priggish prim prissy prudish snobbish snooty straitlaced stuffy well-behaved respectful gallant considerate becoming conventional suave obliging comme il faut suitable affable conforming diplomatic gentle fitting fit cordial appropriate right tactful ceremonious kind well behaved honourable modest honorable accommodating charming thoughtful debonair genial accepted pleasant comely done orthodox complaisant sedate noble meet tasteful friendly presentable moral good apt classy politic traditional well brought up stately demure reputable virtuous hospitable distinguished smart aristocratic benevolent attentive deferential charitable apposite amiable standard staid straight august unctuous good-mannered pleasing puritanical approved sociable acceptable in good taste stiff pukka congenial well brought-up smooth ceremonial starchy strait-laced amicable bland stiff-necked stilted well-spoken well spoken womanly gentlemanlike educated finished wellmannered cavalier impeccable reserved mannered majestic fine handsome developed restrained seasonable prudent kindly usual customary highbred flattering preux adulatory complimentary lofty high-bred imposing studied conciliatory mild amenable good-natured neighborly obsequious poised solicitous sympathetic concerned neighbourly au fait kosher OK okay careful warm-hearted beneficent indulgent benign kind-hearted magnanimous tip-top top-notch suited right stuff well-respected well-placed superior high-class upper-class congruous timely compatible consistent consonant done thing understanding easy giving good-hearted approachable big-hearted loving tender forthcoming bonhomous soft-spoken persuasive glib slick honest upright the done thing smarmy ingratiating together cool admirable worthy facile svelte collected composed unruffled silky possessed respected trustworthy coolheaded clean-living equable oily royal neat venerable estimable spruce above board tidy self-possessed self-composed moderate redoubtable sublime well-thought-of mediocre ordinary redoubted creditable of good repute smooth-tongued silver-tongued conservative bourgeois media-savvy conformist in line highly regarded traditionalist narrow-minded suburban parochial square stodgy by the book by the numbers Pooterish doctrinal strict Biedermeier dogmatic old-fashioned button-down straight-laced stick-in-the-mud small-town bien pensant fuddy-duddy of the old school applicable fitted relevant convenient pertinent felicitous apropos opportune expedient happy due qualified adequate germane rightful usable just to the point to the purpose related propitious useful desirable favourable auspicious pretty serviceable conformable correspondent favorable employable in keeping helpful advantageous able harmonious wholesome deserved material capable functional prepared feasible significant adapted deserving ready perfect well-suited belonging ideal useable available equal equitable preferable right on satisfactory on the nose on the button condign justified fairy-tale pat protocol in order pointed relative well-chosen welcome legit fair judicious tailor-made just right spot on made to order connected fortunate lucky golden promising palatable that's the ticket providential ripe reasonable congruent just what was ordered apple-pie requisite well timed sufficient best accordant heaven-sent coherent nonconflicting effective well judged concordant competent savoury savory corresponding constructive beneficial profitable productive agreeing ad rem equal to up to trained in the running likely capable of in line for eligible appurtenant healthy fruitful utilizable satisfying conformable to correspondent to correspondent with fit to be eaten consumable comestible safe to eat approving common versatile brave edible fit for human consumption healthful salutary benefic favoring commending needed commendatory unobjectionable protean benignant toward salubrious tolerable hygienic ample all right favouring utilisable exploitable equipped operable practicable good enough -worthy

Từ trái nghĩa của ostentatious

ostentatious Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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