Từ đồng nghĩa của ritzy

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Tính từ

Elegant and luxurious
deluxe gorgeous luxury palatial costly glittering magnificent splendid aristocratic classy elitist expensive fancy fancy-pants glamorous glitzy grandiose high-hat lavish lavishly appointed lush luxurious opulent persnickety plush plushy posh potty rich snobbish snobby snooty snotty stylish sumptuous swank swanky swish toffee-nosed upmarket chic choice cultivated dignified elaborate elegant exquisite fine grand handsome high-class Lucullan ornamented ornate ostentatious overdone palatian refined snazzy stately stuffy exclusive upscale luxuriant extravagant smart majestic pretentious fashionable luxe trendy impressive silken Babylonian imposing resplendent Lucullian superior luscious showy splendiferous palace tony flashy superb select princely sophisticated regal pompous prestigious proud fit for a queen fit for a king de luxe beautiful high-toned sharp modish glorious noble dazzling immoderate spectacular dicty splashy upper-class stuck-up monumental affluent indulgent snappy well-appointed awe-inspiring arrogant uppity schmick high and mighty condescending prodigal conceited haughty august breathtaking lux imperial tinselled distinguished cosmopolitan first-class glossy elite splendacious magnolious sybaritic chichi well appointed comfortable swankish epicurean flamboyant patronizing flash la-di-da sensuous special quality supercilious high-end formal hoity-toity striking up-market exalted royal tasteful spiffy upholstered kingly epic exciting exuberant massive gallant baronial patronising heroic heroical magnific hedonistic Homeric tinsel attractive pampered bling swell fascinating self-indulgent courtly with-it disdainful high-quality champagne illustrious sensual affected voguish aloof jet-setting voluptuous top-drawer cliquish dashing graceful intemperate in cool fresh genteel profligate uppish embellished egotistic toplofty self-important snippy lofty sassy brilliant profuse abundant baroque great in the lap of luxury sovereign upper-crust frilly sublime yuppie towering profusive a la mode posh-looking peacocky spacious five-star artistic coffee-table finest heavenly overindulgent hedonic large-scale selective happening supercool hip egotistical cavalier high pleasure-seeking comfy arty classic prestige high-born premier pricey loaded high fashion high-society trendsetting well-off valuable precious famous velvet riotous fit for a prince lordly rich-looking dainty rare super delicate recherche highbrow discriminatory limited fit for a princess well produced stunning elevated marvelous dear ultra beyond price wild private on a high horse outstanding awesome uptown mod divine transcendent radiant unreasonable exaggerated excessive wasteful unrestrained au courant swishy commanding arresting cliquey thriftless copious improvident clannish star-studded marvellous intricate on fleek in vogue swagger sprauncy plummy larney effusive unstinging over-the-top openhanded high class decorative stimulating thrilling out of this world upper crust brave splendorous splendrous decorated chi-chi ornamental overbearing remote high-flown high-and-mighty sniffy rococo gaudy adorned sexy colourful exotic magnifico A-grade fly natty dress busy fussy solid gold kicky high profile hot fast-lane extreme devilish dressy with it prime fanciful jazzy easy gratifying pleasurable froufrou florid fancible custom beautifying unusual cushy highfalutin dressed up looking sharp putting on airs colorful pleasure-loving in high feather dressed to kill OTT over the top dressed to the nines charming alluring entrancing cocky smug charismatic bewitching enchanting lovely seductive appealing cheeky intriguing captivating beguiling impertinent fetching luring irresistible magnetic tantalizing elfin engaging glam highfalutin' well dressed siren tantalising foxy righteous desirable nifty looking like a million drop-dead gorgeous puffed up la-de-da smart-alecky know-it-all exorbitant priceless premium extortionate overpriced high-priced high-cost big-ticket high-ticket spendy ultraexpensive big-budget steep remarkable extraordinary highly priced pricy excellent decadent dramatic over the odds terrific amazing lotus-eating stiff prolific bold plentiful wealthy invaluable powerful worth its weight in gold tremendous inestimable fat sensational stirring fabulous sightly wondrous gilded large ambitious dissolute well-heeled well-fixed fast-living outrageous inflated well-to-do inordinate big complex cher self-gratifying fantastic profound high-falutin' high-flying highly-priced bright insane notable eye-catching palatine queenly statuesque out of sight stupendous celestial considerable inspiring prodigious formidable incredible absorbing ominous staggering colossal solemn plenteous no-expense-spared comfort-seeking executive top slap-up libertine debauched licentious well-resourced well-furnished luxury-loving bacchanalian voluptuary an arm and leg unfathomable cosmic impenetrable theatrical overwhelming fustian bombastic purple vast costing the earth costing an arm and a leg daylight robbery costing a bomb dissipated prosperous full bountiful ample immodest audacious cherished prizable prized treasured irreplaceable valued treasurable portly venerable parsimonious effete miserly greedy overambitious unrealistic far-reaching on a grand scale well-situated worth a king's ransom of inestimable worth of incalculable value of immeasurable worth of incalculable worth of immeasurable value without price of inestimable value monied moneyed penetrating recherché imperious disproportionate overflowing admirable ballsy adventurous zealous flush an arm and a leg very expensive pretty penny at a premium astonishing phenomenal well-equipped deep-pocketed bad daring moving influential impassioned ridiculous deep primo momentous like wow crazy far out intense hunky-dory wonderful groovy dandy unreal first-rate delicious rousing touching affecting unbelievable fat-cat silk-stocking well-endowed far-out fantastical dreamy unmitigated prominent startling arrestive surpassing electrifying confounding perfect overextravagant detailed complicated gingerbread over-elaborate overwrought bedizened overdecorated gingerbready gingerbreaded flowery overelaborate high-wrought bedecked aureate wedding-cake jewelled metaphorical wordy meretricious superficial fancily decorated sparkling verbose coloured tawdry jeweled flaunting embroidered variegated highly wrought colored

Tính từ

Characterized by pretentious or showy displays
ostentatious flamboyant extravagant flashy gaudy showy garish swanky flash loud splashy grandiose swank theatrical tinsel tinselly affected classy dashing fancy glitzy pretentious brash conspicuous glittery kitsch ornate overdone vulgar actorly bling superfly chichi crass dicty flaring flaunted flaunting noisy obtrusive pompous specious tasteless exhibitionistic fussy gay jaunty peacocky spectacular splurgy sporty tony uptown fancy-pants high-flown over-elaborate over the top arty-farty bling-bling razzle-dazzle OTT tawdry meretricious jazzy snazzy trashy bold glaring cheap tacky expensive naff brilliant lurid nifty brummagem crude florid glittering blatant chintzy brazen catchpenny in bad taste splendiferous screaming Brummagem plastic plush superficial sham gimcrack pinchbeck bright raffish pizazzy pizzazzy harsh over-bright violent distasteful sickly unattractive bilious brassy nauseating sparkling pizzazz kitschy frou-frou coarse gross colorful pzazz colourful trumpery kenspeckle commanding striking bodacious prominent catchy noticeable eye-catching grabby marked pronounced arresting remarkable emphatic dramatic in poor taste cheap and nasty gussied up resplendent sensational opulent histrionic overwrought sumptuous luxurious putting on the ritz vivid dazzling vibrant rich shoddy common intense sleazy shabby tatty inferior glowing rubbishy schlocky junky strong second-rate poor low miserable brightly coloured flaming elaborate bright-coloured cheapjack outrageous bombastic low-grade mediocre lousy luxuriant cheesy radiant rotten low-rent psychedelic glamorous kaleidoscopic blazing deep-coloured shining nasty worthless exciting swashbuckling unrefined obvious multicoloured paltry baroque multicolored bad execrable cut-rate wretched terrible bum schlock bargain-basement clear rococo many-coloured scruffy mean makeshift run-down dingy el cheapo broken-down shameless audacious stylish highly-coloured highly colored rude uncouth lowbrow cheap-jack splendid useless decorated festooned tactless improper lustrous graceless impolite offensive unseemly deep indecorous indelicate bedazzling rough lowbred jerry-built irradiant dilapidated seedy multicolour lively unmistakable third-rate poor-quality sheeny warm glossy luminescent incandescent gleaming peacockish camp wild motley smart luminous candescent artificial varicoloured prismatic variegated luscious shiny tinny manifest evident polychromatic harlequin rainbow lucid grand ropy graphic glistering lambent multicolor exaggerated refulgent beaming rubbish grotty duff ablaze low-down slipshod rainbow-like many-hued base looking like an explosion in a paint factory not up to snuff like an explosion in a paint factory frowzy jarring clashing blinding painful to look at cheap-looking flowery fakey startling aureate whimsical full richly coloured fresh brave daring saucy adventurous unspeakable dirty twopenny-halfpenny animated visual common as muck corinthian flimsy insubstantial rickety sickening magnificent cheapo convivial merry ramshackle revolting vile inappropriate casual informal bodger titillating shocking daredevil defiant eye-searing badly built outstanding distinct unacceptable substandard inglorious trendy brilliantly coloured fun salient imaginative stimulating effective interesting disgusting thrown together garbagy sucky valueless natty flakey flaky gassy well marked forceful definite plain undiplomatic bizarre dreadful cruddy fiery bloody fluorescent elegant stately trifling multihued sick gruesome embellished ornamented adorned sharp gilded prosperous imposing beautiful superb iridescent chromatic glowering sanguine livid overbright busy impressive overstated dime-a-dozen two-bit varicolored multichromatic colored gingerbread spiffy snappy schmick rakish sassy scintillating polychrome gorgeous lavish varied hued versicolor wedding-cake gee-whizz phantasmagoric particoloured coloured picturesque particolored patent parti-colored many-colored multi-coloured many-splendoured flagrant open protruding transparent overt intrusive protuberant inescapable thrusting palpable unconcealed scrubby neglected dumpy bombed-out tumbledown mangy moth-eaten beat-up dog-eared tatterdemalion down-at-the-heels threadbare grungy down-at-heel ratty timeworn naked undisguised sheer observable perceptible Day-glo inflated straightforward bald unabashed outright unashamed mannered out of place sticking out impudent barefaced undeniable unblushing overambitious inelegant rank brass-necked indisputable cut-and-dried unembarrassed unmitigated insolent egregious arrant outmoded faded out-of-date stodgy frumpy untidy slovenly unbecoming waxy unsuitable poky unkempt messy sloppy unrepentant unsubtle sticking out a mile standing out like a sore thumb standing out a mile sticking out like a sore thumb rough-hewn roughneck uncultured incult insensible indiscreet unpolished uncultivated rugged ill-bred illiberal posey la-di-da assuming without shame protrusive deliberate crying overbold in plain sight flaunty conceited heroic snobbish pseudo snippy hifalutin sophomoric vainglorious pseud poseur stupid raunchy hideous foolish unsightly outlandish barbarous off-color unclassy low-down-and-dirty trivial unlovely barbaric flatulent toffee-nosed poncey hollow puffed up feigned hyperventilated high-minded put-on stilted highfaluting la-de-da arty too-too fake chi-chi

Tính từ

In the current style
in vogue fashionable modern modish stylish chic in fashion in style trendsetting ultra-modern voguish current desired hip popular prevalent smart sought-after trendy all the rage big cool happening in in demand in favor in favour latest thing up to date big thing flash last word natty nifty now snazzy swinging up to the minute avant-garde chi-chi craze fad kicky le dernier cri mod swank tony with it dernier cri in thing latest fad latest fashion latest wrinkle new look a la mode in with it bang up to date in the latest style on the cutting edge spiffy elegant fly sassy snappy sharp dashing dapper classy chichi dressed to kill debonair rakish jazzy showy beautiful slick upscale uptown latest spruce trim trig jaunty stunning flashy groovy kicking swell swagger dressy on fleek sophisticated sleek well turned-out as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox ostentatious high-class de rigueur spivvy spiffing dandy glamorous lovely gorgeous splashy pizazzy attractive pizzazzy bright loud colourful flamboyant colorful gay neat nice dainty well-groomed crisp well turned out besuited tidy smartly dressed snug sporty swanky spry well-dressed prim bandbox nobby doggy posh nimble brisk well groomed well dressed spiff clean neat and tidy turned out dressed to nines fancy schmick fine contemporary polished designer au courant steezy swish exclusive dressed to the teeth urbane modernistic supercool à la mode dap tasteful in the mainstream new pretentious fancy-pants bling up-to-date funky fresh state-of-the-art up-to-the-minute space-age newfangled ultramodern hot new-fashioned newest present-day red-hot new age futuristic advanced hi-tech automated ultra modern high-fashion understated flattering recent progressive cutting-edge high-tech cutting edge leading edge brand-new stylin' excellent distinctive first-class revolutionary innovatory trailblazing avant forefront highly developed in-thing SOTA culty with-it du jour faddish well put together present extant modernised modernized immediate ongoing hot off press present-time just out leading-edge nouvelle topical modern-day latter-day updated forward-looking twenty-first-century gimmicky novel innovative quite recent unique neoteric most recent

Tính từ

Elegant and cultured in appearance, manner, or taste
refined cultured polished civilised civilized cultivated elegant civil courtly genteel sophisticated gentlemanly gracious polite tasteful urbane precise couth discerning stylish accomplished accurate advanced airy classy close dainty developed evolved exquisite forward graceful handsome high higher improved ladylike late majestic mathematical pinpoint progressive rigorous sensitive spot-on stately discriminating fastidious punctilious sublime well-bred well-mannered courteous distinguished aesthetic esthetic experienced high-brow high-minded plush posh restrained snazzy spiffy suave superior swanky well bred well mannered fine mannerly decorous dignified proper respectable gallant chivalrous decent formal seemly correct exact debonair nice delicate charming respectful affable smooth well-behaved befitting hairline gentle noble becoming considerate cool educated obliging worldly aristocratic honourable worldly-wise de rigueur honorable smart diplomatic strict fitting fit cosmopolitan tactful svelte chic conventional meticulous beautiful careful enlightened ceremonious attractive self-possessed fashionable suitable prim cordial highbrow comely well behaved pleasant sedate genial grand right moral unctuous poised snobbish conforming modest media-savvy dashing harmonious glib accommodating comme il faut slick knowing pleasing mature appropriate proud lofty scrupulous swish swank elitist distingué politic liberal unerring upright ostentatious particular kind in good taste composed orthodox done persnickety good pure attentive trim august opulent sumptuous luxurious scientific thoughtful lovely affected snooty imposing well-born artificial rich stuffy reputable pretentious prudish priggish prissy studied discreet erudite silky chaste bland demure balanced artistic magnificent fancy intelligent unprovincial smooth-tongued impeccable royal staid ceremonial upmarket plushy humane classical tolerant metropolitan sharp ingratiating aesthete virtuous streetwise expensive conscientious standard uptown trained reserved la-di-da precious methodical highbrowed fancy-pants apt venerable accepted silver-tongued oily complaisant deep esthete approved well travelled benevolent painstaking meet magnanimous worldly wise lordly traditional aesthetically pleasing starchy charitable high-class soft-spoken inch-perfect on fleek great well brought up overnice fussy finicky been around haughty womanly gentlemanlike discriminative appealing smooth-talking finished good mannered industrialized critical agreeable privileged cavalier aloof well-brought-up soft sociable fulsome adulatory complimentary high-bred highbred flattering preux wellmannered amicable apposite streamlined well-educated well informed well read learned with good taste deferential well brought-up tasty literate seasonable highborn blue-blooded patrician good-mannered friendly hospitable pukka presentable au fait prudent aerodynamic flowing persuasive taught upper-crust gorgeous luxury palatial deluxe honeyed sweet mellifluous knowledgeable symmetrical simple rigid calculated measured smarmy together jet-set citified blasé highly-developed industrialised initiated well-spoken glittering costly splendid facile collected well spoken faithful mondaine customary usual understated austere plain sleek world-weary possessed unruffled wise solemn seasoned aware stilted kosher OK stiff stiff-necked literal thorough equable coolheaded snobby high-hat toffee-nosed lush potty glitzy snotty lavishly appointed lavish glamorous grandiose exalted decorative broad-minded acceptable unprejudiced okay sure true old with experience matured well-proportioned Augustan self-composed raised upscale exclusive kingly confident self-assured diligent verbatim pretty ornamental straight puritanical well-travelled precision exhaustive detailed select in tony trendy dicty modish mod imperial serious portly imperious regal impressive eminent ornate ornamented elaborate overdone palatian choice Lucullan reared right stuff creative pedantic finical nitpicking studious pernickety perfectionist dapper spruce quiet unobtrusive splendiferous unaffected gratifying subdued planetary similar catholic lifelike definite gregarious public ecumenical sombre magisterial respected highfalutin' somber grave nifty in line strait-laced having been around been there old hand in the know religious fly snappy moving emotional imaginative expressive pompous confined intolerant patronizing patronising hollow straitlaced condescending lethal deadly effective on target well aimed by the numbers by the book trig well groomed well dressed a la mode in vogue high-toned resembling hair-splitting ultra-careful just so self-respecting subtle spot on on the mark bang on casual nonchalant detached buoyant well-groomed well turned out cheerful jaunty happy sprightly honest worthy righteous word for word ethical principled generous upstanding musical pictorial ideal rhythmical stimulating dramatic picturesque just beneficent produced contrived uncorrupted elevated redoubtable natural illustrious outstanding brave greathearted bounteous unselfish effete over-refined alembicated twee mannered chichi extraordinary benign remarkable meritorious sympathetic bred brought up stand-up great-hearted noble-minded self-sacrificing anti-corruption stagy overrefined poncey flowery showy artful choosy self-conscious chi-chi fragile

Tính từ

Very good or high in quality
swell excellent wonderful fantastic great fine marvellous superb fabulous terrific awesome sensational splendid grand marvelous stellar cool divine fab heavenly top fantabulous neat cracking lovely sterling choice superior dandy peachy quality radical groovy superlative topping mean nifty beautiful prime unsurpassed classic topflight corking hot immense dynamite righteous supernal crackerjack dope noble phat prizewinning capital slick banner keen wizard bumper primo boss gangbuster gangbusters famous frontline prize boffo bully bonny down hype bonnie magnificent brag brave gone brilliant super amazing brill tremendous good rad schmick exo sik deluxe desirable sovereign fly plush first-class posh first-rate gilt-edged A-OK high-class tip-top jim-dandy out-of-sight top-notch bang-up gilt-edge blue-chip first-string five-star blue-ribbon top-shelf four-star number one top-of-the-line out of this world par excellence numero uno peachy keen the dog's bollocks really nice outstanding smashing glorious exceptional sublime wicked champion supercalifragilisticexpialidocious supreme ace ripping magic delightful exquisite spiffing beaut top-hole bosting bonzer perfect admirable too much dreamy impressive phenomenal mega enjoyable extraordinary amazeballs spectacular select on fleek very good bodacious incredible mind-blowing gorgeous beezer remarkable world-class def best crucial sound goodly stupendous fabby pleasant far out spanking worthy pleasurable matchless bad belting peerless exemplary striking tiptop nice pleasing marvy A-1 crack eminent stunning A1 pearler barrie lank kif chillin' topnotch premier applaudable formidable premium notable pre-eminent rare unreal accomplished agreeable dazzling greatest delectable of high quality too good to be true splendiferous preeminent distinguished consummate class elite satisfying incomparable top-drawer gratifying of the first water highest high-quality high-grade breathtaking delicious laudable unparalleled special flawless meritorious commendable outrageous estimable prodigious elegant vintage transcendent unrivaled enchanting of the highest quality of the highest standard awesomesauce winning unrivalled bosker top-level top-class congenial scrumptious thrilling hunky-dory exciting exclusive chic attractive of the first order skilful skillful dominant fancy noted ideal fantastical colossal unique masterly praiseworthy standout leading captivating solid lofty charming finest optimum singular top-grade magical diverting quintessential optimal frabjous tops far-out gnarly delightsome felicitous way-out dulcet luscious jolly pretty welcome palatable solid gold sweet tasty grateful darling blessed savoury blest savory splendorous top-quality top-tier very best highest quality of the highest order grade A enviable valuable illustrious entrancing invaluable certified radiant high priceless unequalled rewarding legit creditable memorable virtuoso masterful astonishing amusing entertaining mint unexcelled majestic celebrated arresting surpassing cream star lead unmatched flagship wondrous rapturous ravishing top-of-the-range renowned alluring faultless unbeatable model to die for uppermost untouchable inspired effusive extreme excessive deep inflated unequaled exaggerated worthiest ducky exalted unbelievable fun luxurious engaging likable moving ambrosial yummy lush likeable award-winning noteworthy without equal beyond compare the best in a class all by itself top of the line top of the range super-duper like wow top-flight very agreeable awe-inspiring above and beyond to your liking of highest order classical of a high standard superfine very pleasant reliable sharp quick key advanced crowning agile deft clever smart bewitching bestselling unforgettable blissful really good sophisticated polished handy well-designed natty convenient adroit apt ingenious stylish spruce idyllic fashionable unorthodox wild beauteous refined crashing paragon top quality high quality mighty hypnotic upmarket classy upscale foxy juicy rocking splendacious astounding miraculous important peak hand-picked elect sup rior amiable pick fat well-known eye-popping jaw-dropping prominent selected distinctive choicest first all very well well and good dainty prize-winning ka pai principal something else proper superhuman paradisal adorable spiritual paradisaic paradisic saintly eloquent surprising agitating most favored 10 popular preferred preferential high-test elevated august second to none not too shabby best ever out of sight cat's meow above average slap-up not bad proud eventful fascinating the very best state-of-the-art a standout handpicked plum favorite precious virtuous top drawer baller crash hot nang No. 1 well-favored very nice predominant grade-A with it pretty cool favoured favourite uncommon cherry-picked unusual ineffable cheery refreshing chief hundred-proof zero cool very attractive greatly to one's liking very pleasurable A-number-1 mostest out-of-this-world carefully chosen first-line 24-karat able acceptable appealing honourable competent spiffy mild peach suitable pleasureful to one's taste to one's liking to your taste fair comfortable ready pussycat insane deserving replayable crazy tough honorable pillar meritable thankworthy daring influential stirring impassioned ridiculous profound momentous powerful intense imposing inspiring monumental bold lavish dramatic rousing absorbing stately touching massive affecting genial deserving congratulations worthy of admiration salt of earth staggering weird resplendent cute spellbinding enchanted taking fetching eye-catching out of the ordinary magnetic uncanny mythical mysterious signal lovesome otherworldly comely bewitched sightly occult happy good-looking entranced expert charismatic mystic delicate unimaginable glamorous eye-opening mind-boggling handsome wizardly abnormal unheard of especial ghostly favorable enthralling fiendish conjuring pulchritudinous aesthetic seductive imaginary extraordinaire adept drop-dead spellbound splashy showy intoxicating exhilarating skilled esthetic favourable heroic enticing bizarre thaumaturgic sorcerous spiritualistic unutterable odd spectral anomalous peculiar atypical knockout witching parapsychological haunted ensorcelled necromantic dreamlike thaumaturgical demoniac tranced diabolic spooky clairvoyant fey theurgic witchlike eerie runic theurgical telekinetic talismanic strange flamboyant unwonted inconceivable portentous statuesque significant venerable likely inviting angelic conspicuous seemly shining picturesque master electrifying proficient bright copacetic whimsical tasteful noticeable coruscating joyous historic fairy-tale awful unprecedented catchy commanding overwhelming aberrant graceful charmed glamourous beguiling consequential emphatic unexpected shapely exceeding aberrated freak uncustomary unspeakable transcendental extremely good winsome immortal gee-whizz unthinkable traditional famed preternatural romantic fortunate never to be forgotten red-letter symmetrical fine and dandy drop-dead gorgeous triumphant storybook well-formed positive satisfactory tantalizing experienced practised ecstatic tantalising reputable indescribable recherche super-eminent shipshape super-excellent inexpressible hotshot demon sunny practiced talented versed educated veteran complete professed indefinable supernatural compleat clear considerable marked imaginative unspoilt genius ethereal dexterous irresistible photogenic tempting legendary salient dignified illusory comforting flashy euphoric presentable cheerful cordial incommunicable lovable dear dollish pronounced intriguing sexy uncommunicable inenarrable nameless arrestive outlandish glossy showstopping zingy prettyish mesmeric mesmerizing unusually good capable strong authoritative dextrous endearing epic distinct queer profitable forcible telegenic paradisiacal recreative paradisiac relishable unsurpassable irregular utopian extravagant confounding improbable unlikely implausible incomprehensible irie mesmerising untold golden out of the way easy on the eye observable deviant startling beggaring description beyond words beyond description sacred holy interesting curious banging loveable disarming impossible vivid unthought of compelling uplifting cutesy easy on the eyes mooi fit lekker adorbs hip chocolate-box prepossessing sensual unordinary buzzworthy unexampled splendrous effulgent time-honored esteemed honored unblemished splendent fairytale-like irreproachable exacting entire up to snuff unimpaired uninjured unharmed unhurt unbroken undamaged whole intact festive convivial balmy definitive honoured awing major jovial spesh bewildering red-carpet primary main celebratory immaculate worthwhile dream creative affable hunky eximious respectable luring decorative titantic utmost large imperial regal grandiose unmarred babelicious unfamiliar unaccustomed big lordly surpassing belief snazzy OK in order dishy relief glad cunning soothing hospitable heartwarming a million dollars baronial nonpareil inimitable bootylicious professional qualified vital crash-hot innovational innovative mind-bending chur spine-tingling rockin far-fetched left-field obvious evident very beautiful different inconsistent couthy awe-striking inspirational abstract unearthly passable elating copasetic paradisaical calming bravura hunky dory one in a million like a million dollars innovatory of moment manifest better better than usual improved first class enhanced of the best quality better than average difficult to believe in a league of their own knowledgeable magnific gallant effective enterprising original inventive unmistakable physically attractive trained unconventional offbeat exotic fateful landmark freakish plummy cushy enigmatic indelible haunting the most gifted resourceful clear-cut visible unaccountable inexplicable weighty unpredictable infrequent heroical nice-looking aesthetically appealing aesthetically pleasing fine-looking worthy of commendation cat's pajamas virtuosic specialist kenspeckle noisy grabby paranormal seldom freaky divergent scarce artful one and only lasting cherished appreciable perceptible voluptuous curvaceous beddable fanciable huge substantial from left field unpredicted chimeric out there romanesque cheering pivotal fulfilling meaningful material groundbreaking epochal heart-warming far-reaching propitious auspicious well versed facile workmanlike leet royal Homeric out of the common unheard-of way out covetable plump prestigious preferable telling jazzy forceful cogent timeless unfading well-done opportune schooled savvy au fait dapper sheen willowy personable camera-friendly debonair unco world class filled with dreams metaphysical mystical supernormal unworldly other-worldly extra special off the beaten track one of a kind everlasting notorious eternal perpetual undying treasured beyond one's wildest dreams beyond the realm of reason undreamed of optimistic advantageous hopeful undefinable imperishable enduring not to be forgotten chimerical weird and wonderful deviating unnatural big league rosy heartening encouraging providential mythic provocative stimulating heady immensely skilled highly qualified very skilled highly skilled exceptionally skilled extraordinarily skilled highly trained remembered rememberable idealized halcyon roseate upbeat promising untypical unrepresentative deviative supermundane meaty gripping hypnotizing invigorating piquant riveting preoccupying unputdownable envigorating immersing hypnotising attention-grabbing engrossing involving racy newsworthy thought-provoking electric worthy of note fresh compulsive trenchant galvanising topical unboring vibrant newsy relatable action-packed consuming galvanizing mythological of genius peaceful pastoral rustic stamped on your memory fixed in the mind fairylike celestial untellable empyrean empyreal folkloric fictitious cherubical cuddly cherubic phantasmagoric phantasmagorical visionary wistful hallucinatory oneiric pretty-pretty innocent as pretty as a picture twee kawaii fictional imagined apocryphal hypothetical proverbial full of promise one-off rose-colored too sacred for words allegorical parabolic symbolic storied rural Utopian unspoiled bucolic arcadian Elysian sylvan Arcadian fanciful made up fabled make-believe scenic restful calm serene idealised tranquil relaxing dream-filled just right the very thing well-suited appropriate useful pertinent just the thing befitting fitting just what the doctor ordered just what one needs made to order tailor-made just the job

Từ trái nghĩa của ritzy

ritzy Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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