Từ đồng nghĩa của turned out

Động từ

To have furnished with, or caused to be present
provided furnished prepared equipped implemented made available planned accommodated arranged for procured readied added advanced allocated allotted anted up assigned brought forth came up with distributed donated extended fit fitted fitted out forked out issued laid out lay out lent lined parted with ponied up put forward put up spared accoutred afforded apportioned armed arrayed attired ceded dealt out deeded doled out fixed up gave granted handed kitted out made over meted out offered organised outfitted parceled out parcelled out plied with portioned presented prorated provisioned purveyed ran rendered rigged rigged out staked stocked supplied transferred yielded came with catered to gave out handed out lined up made up raised rigged up rustled up set up stocked up stumped up installed managed organized appointed geared equipt accoutered girt girded fitted up kitted up kitted suited endowed invested come up with decked manned harnessed blended blent arranged assembled come with tricked up geared up slapped together trapped out adorned got up tricked out prepped decked out gotten up yold given out given yolden dispensed dished out bestowed shared out delivered administered conferred shared accorded divided up dealt meted awarded disbursed divvied divvied up handed over contributed shelled out rationed passed out devoted divided split up passed round imparted lotted measured out gifted spread cut divided out set aside proffered circulated disseminated portioned out rationed out committed allowed appropriated entrusted kicked in given away gave away put out volunteered passed on designated chipped in served pitched in bequeathed partitioned turned over handed round admeasured parcelled parceled presented with earmarked payed paid conveyed split tendered consigned passed dispersed forked over coughed up presented to gifted with sliced endowed with set apart let someone have cut the pie carved up dished up pledged vested lavished sacrificed surrendered transmitted bestowed on sent conferred on awarded to laid on measured pieced up paid out furnished with payed out come through bequoth bequethen sent out inflicted reserved expended produced outlaid applied subscribed spent vouchsafed dropped set splurged doled bequested served up budgeted subsidized saved brought put forth put at someone's disposal put at disposal dispatched obliged defrayed ministered made a donation of favoured let oneself in for honoured with cut in passed around put a ceiling on set out favored decorated with allotted to sent on imparted to sweetened the kitty handed down handed out to lashed out assigned to let have provided with put in subsidised let shifted vested in cut up donated to footed the bill sliced up sweetened the pot set by cast put oneself down for lay on came through given over made known gave over dedicated submitted consecrated fixed fixt lodged determined scooped spooned ladled discharged rewarded ventured sold imposed affected registered sponsored funded kept stipulated specified decreed stored sprung feed delegated fed hypothecated assessed beared acquitted acquited given a donation of gave a donation of regulated extended to decided on relegated paid down left plated up carried out sanctified apportioned to paid up catered in entered sprung for ladled out sent in dealt in contributed to relinquished proportioned enshrined blessed granted to made a contribution of supplied with brought forward injected conceded traded in heaped on sharked partitioned out committed to fed the kitty indicated blest with bequeathed to hallowed blest trusted confided appropriated for budgeted for pieced out distributed to honored with lotted out passed the hat signed over laid on one curbed earmarked for concerned oneself loan sharked come across with allocated to got it up consigned to settled splashed out lavished on conferred on someone spent money vouchsafed to permitted knocked down crowned showed rendered to spooned out setted aside for invested in nursed forked up diffused designated for enriched made a gift of disposed of dowered vowed parted afforded to entrusted to prescribed lent-lease gotten rid of got rid of blew blown sprang bore borne broke up broken up sprang for begave begiven shown gave up given up letten leet given with gave with came across with thrown threw gave to given out to given to gave out to gave up to occupies oneself given up to occupied oneself given of gave of did one's part done one's part gotten in the act got in the act gotten it up

Động từ

To have pioneered
established innovated pioneered founded invented built designed developed devised launched originated produced revolutionized engineered forged introduced set up assembled authored constructed created fashioned made put together ushered in actualized began brought about brought into being came out with catalyzed commenced composed conceived conceived of concocted contrived cooked up crafted discovered drew up fabricated fathered gave rise to initiated instigated instituted issued kicked off modernized spearheaded started threw together brought into existence brought on brought to pass catalysed effectuated hatched inducted knocked off knocked together knocked up machinated modernised put up rang in revolutionised started out threw up cast manufactured formed moulded framed molded generated shaped developt modeled modelled wrought churned out worked found yielded formulated knocked out hammered out made up shope erected mass-produced processed shapen spawned dreamt up synthesized constituted drafted brought synthesised rendered provided completed confected effected fit thought up planned organized projected supplied draughted structured fit together coined beat thrown together cobbled together organised cut cranked out arranged realized invoked sculptured banged out whipped up executed beared yolden yold hammered engendered fixed fixt furnished prepared occasioned sculpted begot begat finished induced carved come up with did drawn up translated into realised spit out carried out implemented begotten brainstormed done imagined started up got enacted caused to be laid out outlined returned choreographed brewed earned plotted cobbled up rustled up pieced together envisioned accomplished netted fulfilled fetched writ put in place afforded readied fitted caused consummated inaugurated sketched discharged cultivated installed stamped got ready pounded set in motion tendered come out with hewed hew given rise to prompted came up with put in motion set off brought out schemed bred perfected thrown up drew on set put out raked in put down set type put pen to paper beat into shape blocked out run up paid out fudged together put in order payed out pulled in brought in prefabbed hit on brought forth put across endowed gave given begun bore borne drew drawn carven corve carved out got going lay out drawn on ground out visualized sparked pondered tailored spat out trumped up achieved strategized rigged up trotted out eked out worked on decided ruminated thrashed out ran up obtained drummed up visualised sparked off envisaged speculated determined whipped out pictured patched together conjured up conducted attained enforced brought off carried off carried through performed administered perpetrated founden fand administrated finalized pulled off wrote written managed provoked succeeded in served painted scraped up handed over cooked propagated indulged presented catered accommodated arranged for payed paid called forth incorporated indited penned pent raised harvested procured contributed accrued concluded floated bestowed reared pieced prefabricated masterminded minted malleated precipitated actuated adapted charted laid calculated adjusted equipped edited gotten going caused to happen caused to occur hewn proffered wreaked rhymed opened up gotten waxed gat versed started off opened elevated improvised run beaten blueprinted outfitted accoutred whittled prepped chiseled chiselled budgeted got underway kicked something off kindled vamped worked up machined come upon poetized coined a phrase offered ad-libbed joined tooled beamed finalised groomed started the ball rolling sold for got up blossomed made provision comped compiled cobbled winged rung in orchestrated fitted out improved anticipated scripted sketched out turned fired up filled in jammed timed mixt schemed out mapped out built up mixed smoothed the way scored activated tossed off milled gathered in fangled patterned faked settled on beaten into shape admitted worked out planted strategized about whomped up turned the trick jacked up pushed pencil ordained hashed out hauled in thought of appointed scribbled settled up rattled off made ready traced inculcated run into noted down equipt taken care of took care of made to happen made happen ran sang sungen sung gotten up gave off given off came upon thrown threw ghostwrote ghostwritten grew into ran into grown into triggered evolved set a trend stirred up fostered laid the foundations of set down incited excogitated set about set going set the ball rolling embarked on blazed a trail aroused promoted led the way inspired enkindled triggered off motivated based laid the first stone of elicited coordinated secured directed affected procreated led to kick-started rigged cogitated doped out entered into set on invested multiplied got under way gotten under way stimulated evoked manipulated negotiated roused manoeuvred influenced spurred wangled moved finagled maneuvered finessed authorized broke new ground broken new ground legislated mustered parented sired spitballed fixed up laid the cornerstone of made for got off predicated materialized laid foundation placed decreed authorised advanced materialised reproduced gotten off the ground gave birth to compounded contributed to given birth to got off the ground encouraged controlled excited touched off trailblazed proliferated mobilized superintended fomented sprung programmed laid the first stone led off persuaded mounted supervised instated dreamt dreamed progenerated impregnated mothered concerted bowed introed gotten things rolling got things rolling made a start on set afoot got the show on the road put up to blazed broken through set forth put on hit the ground running mapped put one on embarked upon jumped into put into effect vamped up paved the way leaded the way for made the first move put one over struck into put into operation got something moving set on foot got something going got the ball rolling mobilised put over sown the seeds of set an example burst into broke through put in codified sowed the seeds of got cracking on started ball rolling entered upon set in put through got something working stationed ratified corroborated lodged moored domiciliated implanted germinated exercised taken up diagrammed broken the ice diagramed broke the ice piloted forged ahead gotten off comprised took up got ahead initiated things rested commissioned grounded ground led leaded took the initiative taken the initiative objectified headed laid the foundation showed the way shown the way incarnated reified hinged appeared conceptualized dawned featured prodded urged impelled goaded heralded increased awakened necessitated scheduled setted enticed empowered passed rooted fronted prepared the way compelled made a start pushed pressed constrained egged on inflamed portrayed represented delegated hung regulated made real designated chartered symbolized sprang hanged depended stage-managed commanded captained bossed impassioned stirred ideated conceited spurred on swayed piqued encompassed staged prefaced preceded abetted self-seeded picked fermented summoned educed ordered deputed stemmed centered derived mooted intrigued stumbled upon uncovered prevailed upon pricked handled conjured marshalled marshaled presided over launched into entered on delivered debuted settled revved jockeyed got in operation brought to life scratched the surface got going on made waves steamed up blazed the trail broke in summoned up quarterbacked detected phased in gotten ball rolling resurrected laid the groundwork on tempted batched laid the groundwork for gotten going on fecundated come into being rooted on commenced on laid eggs ringed up the curtain on suggested broken in emanated got show on road pulled strings hinted got weaving rabble-roused angled centred played it by ear got working stayed slapped together swung guided ad libbed caused to appear doctored counterfeited fathered offspring colonised made up off the top of one's head upstaged lit the way run things mixed up gone out in front licked into shape took the lead in started on propped helmed conceptualised got functioning taken the lead got something off the ground used as a basis played games made pregnant come out called up brought up had as a result got going with inseminated leaded the way in scammed brought young into the world sorted out come into existence entered gotten show on road fallen to faked it trail-blazed colonized had as a consequence needled made arrangements for had its origin in brought forward made concrete got weaving on explored fertilised laid down operated emerged dealt with fixed together embarked had the bright idea of patented fell to budgeted for ushered timetabled got stuck into pushed the envelope shepherded insinuated pulled wires turned on prepared the way for went out in front got something functioning knocked down looked after revved up straightened out symbolised brought up the curtain on got ball rolling opened the door elaborated rolled out setted the ball rolling on produced offspring taken the lead in matured fertilized purposed took the lead sired offspring conned unveiled broken ground broke ground driven drove arisen broke broken arose brake taken the first step took the first step stung drove on driven on lay down drew forth drawn forth oversaw overseen added fuel ran things got the jump on gotten the jump on begotten offspring begot offspring broken open broken into given forth broke the seal given birth came out broken the seal broke open broke into gave birth gave forth was responsible for been responsible for saw about seen about were responsible for gotten together got together seen to saw to took action on broke the ice on taken action on broken the ice on got feet wet gotten feet wet given life gave life gone about went about showed the way on shown the way on taken the initiative in took the initiative in took the lead on taken the lead on gotten cracking got down to gotten down to torn into got down to business gotten one's feet wet gotten down to business came into existence got one's feet wet came into being tore into got cracking went ahead gone ahead

Động từ

Past tense for to arrive somewhere (for a given event or purpose)
arrived appeared attended came come comen emerged entered gathered went gone showed shown assembled showed up turned up got in gotten in popped in put in an appearance rolled in blew in blown in checked in clocked in dropped in piled out rolled out got there made an appearance presented oneself punched in popped up rolled up bobbed up materialized materialised come into view made the scene come out loomed landed surfaced walked on burst through set foot hit come on the scene breezed in wound up at come on punched the clock came into view unfolded came out approached proceeded become apparent pitched up manifested yourself shown one's face issued closed in weighed in sprung in pulled in hoved into view made made appearance made it entered into the picture reached manifested presented itself showed one's face gotten through hove in sight made it to rang in got here fallen by reported fell in come in arrived on the scene showed your face occurred started manifested oneself heaved into view came on got through ended up at passed in become evident signed in sprung come into sight come into kicked in presented come up skied in got to fell by fallen in become visible came on the scene come along come to exposed itself reappeared revealed itself cropped up fetched up come forth buzzed through revealed oneself manifested itself rung in setted foot on came to light shown your face visited emanated gotten here came along sprang in came in arose arisen began gone on begun taken place went on came into took place rose risen came into sight sprang up came up hoven in sight shown itself became evident shown oneself sprang became visible sprung up showed oneself became apparent showed itself gotten as far as hat came forth broken through broke through came to gotten to hitten got as far as

Động từ

Past tense for to happen, transpire, or take place
became becomed become becomen eventuated resulted proved prove proven developed developt evolved happened transpired came out come out ended up finished up panned out worked out came about come about came to pass come to pass fell out fallen out shook out shaken out occurred followed ensued come off proceeded happed cropped up chanced turned up taken place took place betided betid arose arisen ended materialized come befell befallen passed materialised come down issued emerged sprung surfaced appeared presented itself concluded come up arrived came off went down gone down felled come into being gone on went on succeeded flowed derived stemmed comen came emanated came down supervened went gone accompanied rolled up sprang attended finished manifested originated in supervened on culminated been were was came up passed off come into existence become a fact hit hit upon went over gone over fell fallen clicked came into being delivered come after come next fared played out progressed presented terminated netted yielded followed on formed unfolded flourished come forth took effect proved to be the case actioned took shape became a fact came into existence crystallized stumbled on tumbled blundered on showed dawned taken effect swung crystallised originated seen the light of day saw the light of day intervened germinated came to light stumbled resolved itself recurred lit upon taken shape came after fore faren came next sprang up sprung up shown rose risen broke broken brake hat saw daylight hitten seen daylight fell to one's lot fallen to one's lot lucked swungen swang came forth yold yolden grown took form taken form grew gone off went off proved out proven out

Động từ

Past tense for to expel or send away, especially permanently
expelled banished dismissed ejected chased ousted bounced evicted put out deported outed routed defenestrated extruded emptied slanged slang kicked out cast out drove out driven out threw out thrown out booted out forced out ran off run off sent away showed the door shown the door turfed out chucked out drummed out sent packing got rid of gotten rid of gave someone their marching orders given someone their marching orders threw someone out on their ear thrown someone out on their ear removed exiled dislodged pushed out displaced discharged expulsed excluded rejected shut out fired dispossessed sacked cashiered heaved out ostracized ostracised thrusted out deposed smoked out given someone the boot gave someone the boot banned unseated relegated axed transported removed from office put out in the street let go barred given the bum's rush gave the bum's rush expatriated flung out removed from power flushed out extradited binned off drove off dethroned chased out toppled overturned brought down eliminated cleared slung out repatriated forced to leave gave someone the push given someone the push sent off discarded outlawed let out booted purged set aside rid sent home disposed of proscribed excommunicated dispelled drove away driven away given the heave-ho gave the heave-ho gave the old heave-ho given the old heave-ho given someone the big E given someone the air gave someone the air gave someone the big E gave one the gate given one the gate debarred supplanted blackballed overthrew overthrown blacklisted blacked sorted exhausted busted suspended asked to leave tost unloosed eighty-sixed ditched bumped tossed irrupted disallowed defrocked unmade deprived uncrowned unsettled unthroned kissed goodbye squeezed out given the boot gave the boot gave the elbow given the elbow disenthroned disthroned usurped discrowned separated did away with done away with shown you the door showed you the door canned disbanded thrown out on your ear threw out on your ear tossed out on ear handed someone his hat uprooted bundled threw out on the streets liberated removed by force cleaned out dispersed thrown out on the streets showed the door to rusticated tossed out expropriated laid off stepped into shoes of shown the door to shown out heave-hoed chucked yeeted sequestered evacuated shipped out prohibited from entering casted off cleaned up sloughed off demobilised repulsed dispatched mustered out isolated turfed scattered chased off demobilized chased away pushed aside tidied up packed off dispensed with ferreted out showed out locked out cleared out bundled off fordrove fordriven given the 1-2-3 gave the 1-2-3 lay off taken over took over shaken off saw the back of shook off seen the back of done without did without allowed to go ridded dumped given the hook gave walking papers gave the hook given walking papers given the sack to gave the sack to gave someone the bullet threw overboard thrown overboard given someone the bullet threw out on ear thrown out on ear gave someone their cards given the chop given someone their cards given someone their P45 gave the chop gave someone their P45 showed the gate to shown the gate to upset replaced repudiated succeeded degraded defeated kept out erased omitted cut disowned come after brought low disregarded crowded out made redundant let one go left out split up run out of town missed out stepped into the shoes of put an embargo on cut out shut the door on unchurched froze out frozen out denounced outcasted anathematized dissipated forced demoted consigned disfellowshipped cursed takfired disfellowshiped overwhelmed triumphed moved shifted stripped disturbed overcome downgraded prohibited embargoed released retired terminated knocked over extricated disentangled excused squandered excepted flushed dislocated subverted unhorsed impeached nixed freed unfrocked superseded vetoed refused boycotted forbid repelled scrambled deleted extracted drained vacated jettisoned stripped of rank knocked out of place knocked out of position came after ignored disbarred slurred elided forgot zeroed dropped precluded interdicted dug out declared redundant occluded sidelined discounted discluded estopped prevented stopped obviated bated blocked denied access to ruled out closed out got out gotten out left off knocked loose brought about the downfall of deprived of office cleared away took out sin-binned refused admittance prevented from entering beat off sent to Coventry relieved of duty rode out on rail refused to admit sent for an early bath warded off ordered off given someone the sack told to leave the field brought out left out in the cold taken out turned off counted out passed over red-carded ran out of town gave someone the sack ridden out on rail not counted driven drove overcame forbidden forbade broke broken brake withdrawn withdrew extraught given heave-ho gave heave-ho forgotten pink-slipped gave someone their notice given somebody the push given somebody the boot given someone their notice gave somebody the push gave somebody the boot drawn out drew out shown someone the red card showed someone the red card gave something a miss given something a miss broken it up broke up broken up beaten off broke it up gave someone notice given someone notice gave one notice given one notice

Động từ

Turned outwards

Động từ

Past tense for to clean of undesirable material
deterged cleaned cleansed GIed washed bathed rinsed sanitized scrubbed laundered purified scoured lustrated clarified disinfected expurgated decontaminated sterilised sanitised sterilized refined restored made clean cleaned up rinsed out depurated distilled cleared depolluted freshened fumigated deodorized filtered antisepticized deodorised rarefied purged pasteurized autoclaved sublimated pasteurised washed out swilled treated elutriated fined gargled garbled processed rectified rinsed your mouth ventilated fanned aerated strained sifted redeemed oxygenated absolved atoned detoxified cauterized cleaned out sanctified cauterised expiated exculpated vaporized unburdened made pure vaporised made sanitary concentrated cleaned thoroughly reclaimed made sterile cut cut to the bone cut down detoxicated aired sanitated circulated smoked deloused upheld sieved refreshed cooled liquated boiled delivered relieved freed disinfested excused shrived pardoned filtrated smoked out aired out neutralized rarified edulcorated chastened remitted aerified exonerated neutralised rendered melted made safe desexualized bleached incapacitated changed made clear melted down gotten rid of impurities got rid of impurities extracted pressed out precipitated lathered pressed condensed freed from squeezed out evaporated expressed shampooed made germ-free cooked boiled down trimmed washed down got rid of impurities from infused soaped volatilized steamed removed impurities from upholden shriven forgiven shrove forgave molten gotten to the meat got to the meat extraught atoned for

Tính từ

(of a man) Neat and trim in dress and appearance
dapper smart natty spruce neat trim nice trig dainty sharp stylish well-groomed besuited crisp snappy well turned out chic dashing debonair elegant fly nifty sassy snazzy spiffy tidy bandbox brisk chichi classy clean doggy jaunty kicky modish nimble nobby posh prim rakish ritzy showy smartly dressed snug spiff sporty spry swagger swank swanky swell well dressed well-dressed well groomed neat and tidy well turned-out dressed to kill dressed to nines as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox fashionable trendy hip schmick cool dressy voguish swish with it in vogue slick on fleek tony groomed a la mode in attractive happening sophisticated now kicking gay well-presented polished supercool exclusive sleek orderly contemporary shipshape uncluttered suave kempt modern tidied antiseptic smug well-turned-out upscale fresh ultra-modern jazzy fashionably dressed au courant picked up raffish designer clean-cut presentable new tasteful confident urbane methodical flashy fastidious well-tailored groovy up to date mod up to the minute soigné in fashion beautiful uptown perky spirited genteel trendsetting up-to-the-minute breezy current lively daring latest flattering high-fashion understated smooth gallant all the rage in style saucy animated energetic charming pert fancy devil-may-care sprightly immaculate flamboyant systematic peppy pizazzy pizzazzy funky casual organized buoyant vivacious dap glamorous flash up-to-date ostentatious fine stunning organised well organized spick-and-span in good shape in good order bang up to date apple-pie order neat as a pin spick and span high-class dressed to the teeth impeccable sexy efficient prevailing hot popular faddy newest usual favored youthful party young styleworthy smartest newfangled finest formal Sunday nicest in-thing stylin' meticulous lovely well-pressed excellent distinctive first-class businesslike gorgeous spiffed-up dolled up swinging as if you had just stepped out of a bandbox splashy clever becoming spivvy dandy spiffing ingenious crucial bling dressed up to the nines bright loud colorful with style fancy-pants favoured good colourful in good taste pretentious big steezy modernistic zippy animate active airy frisky bouncing mettlesome vital racy springy spanking kinetic sparky spruced up well-turned out compact culty straight tidily dressed dressed to the nines faddish with-it du jour symmetrical well-ordered in order of smart appearance à la mode in the mainstream shipshape and Bristol fashion well looked-after well maintained in apple-pie order as neat as a new pin to rights well kept refined courteous latest thing last word cultured fit to be seen well put together civil self-possessed gracious self-assured chivalrous gentlemanly courtly dignified bold well mannered dazzling well bred svelte adventurous exuberant gentle affable well-bred mannerly cultivated cheerful happy nonchalant detached pleasant venturesome swashbuckling dynamic romantic plucky adventuresome audacious enterprising hardy venturous free-swinging intrepid nerved nervy emboldened gutsy spotless regular finical correct proper exact finicky taut fearless alert rousing striking keen well-kept in thing all the go red-hot well-liked popularized a go-go popularised de rigueur customary graceful vogue favorite favourite crowd-pleasing hep turned-on handsome def avant-garde prevalent plush le dernier cri pop large state-of-the-art massive cosmopolitan high-toned grand new-fashioned downtown sumptuous exquisite ornate leading edge expensive dress progressive upmarket sought-after advanced elaborate appealing in favour luxurious artistic gnarly recent in demand pretty restrained well-designed opulent cutting edge innovative delicate discerning ultramodern comely in favor novel majestic brand-new neoteric space-age present-day new age stately aesthetic plugged-in knowledgeable cute down classic knowing esthetic well-heeled undercool wicked handy well-made fashion-conscious couturial last-word impressive on trend soigne the new streamlined deluxe swishy comfortable offbeat swaggy desired flippant celebrated cutting-edge shiny exciting aerodynamic flowing big thing legendary liked well-known wanted preferred desirable timely fetching craze fad chi-chi bang up-to-date simple well-off enhancing dernier cri latest fashion latest wrinkle latest fad new look widespread commercially successful successful class agreeable in with it forward-looking dressed up looking sharp distinguished foxy inviting alluring awake perceptive familiar observant alive conscious savvy versed informed apprehensive aware on the cutting edge in the latest style in high feather select noble decorous choice switched on hep to on to plugged in turned on tuned in up on in on wise to hip to well-chosen leading-edge rare ornamented affected go-ahead high-tech overdone august superior recherche aristocratic stylized hi-tech modern-day in the know decent hospitable modernized modernised leading newly discovered contemporaneous latter-day groundbreaking innovatory pioneering recently developed never-before-seen ground-breaking updated nouvelle worldly worldly-wise suitable adorable good-looking welcoming enlightened experienced civilized jet-set intelligent citified blasé erudite mondaine civilised mature worldly wise been around media-savvy world-weary discriminating harmonious pleasing fit sensitive fitting quiet rich unobtrusive splendiferous pure chaste unaffected gratifying classical precise subdued aesthetically pleasing

Tính từ

Showing wild, apparently deranged, excitement and energy
manic deranged insane mad crazed demented hysterical lunatic maniacal raving wild crazy demoniacal demonic neurotic unbalanced sectionable unhinged agitated berserk busy excited flipped frantic freaky high nutty overexcited psychotic rabid up flipped out freaked out hopped up frenzied nuts mental batty bonkers delirious crackers barmy certifiable cuckoo loony disturbed bats screwy loco distraught gaga wacko daft bananas meshuga psychopathic loopy maniac cracked distracted non compos mentis porangi unstable wacky touched whacky crackpot kooky daffy kookie looney balmy buggy barking nutso bushed nutsy squirrelly dippy not together stark mad of unsound mind psycho raving mad whacko schizoid unsound crackbrained cranky haywire fruity mad as a hatter meshugge brainsick bughouse moonstruck away with the fairies foaming at the mouth mentally ill round the bend scatty barking mad nutty as a fruitcake off the wall wud not all there up the pole mad as a March hare not right in the head round the twist not quite right in the head not right upstairs not the full shilling dotty as daft as a brush stark raving mad stark staring mad bedlam slang looney tunes loony tunes sick in the head yarra irrational have kangaroos in the top paddock furious have a screw loose have bats in the belfry off one's head violent around the bend out to lunch eccentric out of one's mind off one's gourd feverish uncontrollable off one's nut off one's trolley uncontrolled frenetic berko raging stupid foolish hyper confused psychopathological sociopathic potty beside oneself off one's rocker severely mentally ill have kangaroos in one's top paddock have bats in one's belfry out of one's head with a screw loose silly senseless fatuous irrepressible preposterous bizarre odd schizophrenic out of control peculiar queer rampant sick panic-stricken swivel-eyed unreasonable aberrant carried away disordered unsettled off the deep end in a frenzy beside yourself like one possessed having bats in the belfry not of sound mind mentally deranged deprived of one's wits having a screw loose manic-depressive having kangaroos in the top paddock over the edge flipped-out non compos hectic mindless flakey baked flaky fried psyched out unsafe invalid fantastic yampy idiotic schitzy doolally aroused unglued moonstricken oddball derailed paranoid gonzo bemused overcome demoniac dazed off wrong dreamy irresistible fired up overwhelmed bedlamite absurd ungovernable nonsensical stunned struck incredulous overawed affected witless brainless off-the-wall asinine unwise touched in the head as mad as a hatter strong unstoppable unmanageable forceful uncontainable unquenchable zany harebrained out there a few cards shy of a full deck one sandwich short of a picnic a few sandwiches short of a picnic out of one's tree as mad as a March hare in another world out of one's gourd one card shy of a full deck in a daze in the ozone crazy as a loon incoherent simpleminded bubbleheaded lunkheaded cockeyed fervid unruly screwball overpowered featherheaded babbling jerky tomfool sappy inept fool ridiculous ape fierce ferocious perfervid passional amok devastated spare barro crook postal weird illogical goofy strange destroyed not knowing what to do with oneself unconventional impractical idiosyncratic lightheaded hot hallucinating restless deviant light-headed fevered rambling bewildered wandering hallucinatory out of one's skull disarranged deviate twisted half-witted half-baked on the rampage up the wall through the roof weak-minded off the air off your rocker mentally unbalanced overwrought emotional unrestrained unrestrainable distrait convulsive fiery in a panic impetuous impassioned maddened turbulent vehement driven to distraction nervous blazing tempestuous incensed fuming spasmodic seething intense hysteric unnerved possessed passionate worked up in a state very upset in a fit out of one's wits phrenetic gibbering ranting not in one's right mind ludicrous imbecilic unintelligent moronic inane imprudent injudicious dumb dopey laughable hare-brained simple dim-witted erratic ill-considered foolhardy ill-advised dim irresponsible outlandish funny doltish pea-brained incautious indiscreet kinky way out thoughtless farcical risible pointless quirky birdbrained wooden-headed weak troubled amusing off-centre comic reckless rash untenable dull implausible mixed up schizo thickheaded faulty damfool giddy dunderheaded gormless lamebrained boneheaded chowderheaded dotish glaikit screwed up madcap empty-headed unreasoning slow groundless simple-minded feeble-minded nonrational ill-conceived clownish offbeat hilarious comical humorous way-out derisible cretinous chucklesome dozy diverting curious flawed chuckleheaded muttonheaded thick unrealistic fallacious vacuous specious light-hearted witty slow-witted impracticable unjustifiable a bit lacking fat-headed off your trolley unscientific contradictory softheaded feebleminded illegitimate inconsequent inconsequential unfounded unreasoned incongruous daft as a brush imbecile soft in the head short-sighted cockamamie cock-eyed full of holes off beam avant-garde impolitic freakish dunce-like unorthodox far out far-out vapid waggish rum remarkable funky spaced-out queerish quaint off-kilter weirdo out-of-the-way bizarro unpredictable cockamamy dilly inconclusive spurious droll unworkable unthinking facetious puerile entertaining childish incorrect impossible halfwitted immature fanciful fantastical unscrewed humoristic nerdy unearthly brain-dead poor flighty false irreconcilable hollow joshing camp in left field comedic sidesplitting divvy unreal uproarious jocular priceless retarded sophistic antic riotous killing slow on the uptake blockheaded dof self-contradictory jocose screaming side-splitting rib-tickling backward gelastic without foundation without basis not making sense feather-brained half-cracked birdy dysfunctional clock psychoneurotic outrageous daggy paranoiac paranoic extravagant diseased unpractical infantile mentally incompetent bugged out left-field unzipped dingy ignorant pixilated fanatic obsessed nobody home campy off the chain pinheaded goofy loony original callow dense surreal idiotish unfamiliar schizzo scatterbrained credulous green vacant bone-headed obtuse unusual baseless arbitrary dull-witted chaotic off your chump off the rails dappy smoothbrained not right braindead grotesque addle-pated disorganized reasonless disconnected disjointed Bohemian inexperienced different wigged out nonconforming off-center two sandwiches short of a picnic very stupid bovine pig-ignorant not in your right mind out of your mind unthinkable severely mentally disordered off one's chump outré not well thought out ill-thought-out topsy-turvy dead from the neck up off your head not tightly wrapped tangled shambolic smooth-brained thick-witted wigged-out as thick as two short planks feather-headed wet behind the ears mentally slow extremely foolish stupidly irresponsible nonfunctional wonky broken fuddled bad naive featherbrained risky inappropriate misguided acting crazy out in left field thick as two short planks not quite right disorganised orderless amiss defective messy not functioning properly out of order jokey whimsical out of commission out of whack on the fritz in pieces in a mess on the blink up the spout unconvincing tenuous questionable sportive hysterically funny a card killingly funny joking goofus boffo a caution a laugh ironic a scream fool-headed fool around a hoot gump dizzy light crazy shtick Mickey Mouse vague improbable dubious unpersuasive unbelievable unsatisfactory unlikely flimsy nebulous doubtful farfetched lame inadequate unsubstantiated far-fetched incredible suspect feeble inconsistent meaningless frivolous slapstick unsustainable unsupportable inconceivable fishy sketchy shaky indefensible obscure puzzling derisory mirthful unjustified erroneous airy reachy vain problematic pathetic thin slight unimpressive jolly slaphappy sophistical casuistic unproved won't hold water won't wash good-humored good-humoured perverse irrelevant unconnected unsubstantial beyond belief not following beyond the bounds of possibility

Từ trái nghĩa của turned out

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