Từ đồng nghĩa của cut up

Động từ

To engage in boisterous behavior, typically designed to attract attention
showboat hotdog skylark joke cavort clown romp roughhouse caper misbehave play monkey around clown around show off fool around act up horse around carry on play jokes whoop it up lark frolic sport gambol frisk play around rollick cut capers disport have fun revel jest skip muck about muck around mess about prance lark about mess around lark around act the fool jump make merry enjoy oneself let loose kid around goof off act out muck up yuk it up bound about spring around jump around bound around jump about roister rollic spring about go on the town celebrate kick up your heels let off steam leap about curvet trifle toy let go amuse yourself hang about kick up heels disport oneself fiddle rejoice goof around let one's hair down occupy yourself play games amuse oneself fool have a good time recreate fribble divert oneself be at leisure putter around carouse potter around divert go on a spree occupy oneself entertain oneself fiddle around entertain yourself kid idle away engage in games be life of party enjoy yourself rest relax doodle dally kick around fool about play about act foolishly play the fool play tricks act the clown monkey about indulge in horseplay horse about jig play the giddy goat act crazy bug out play for laughs act the goat engage in high jinks play the goat be silly bounce trip dance caracole leap bound cut loose hop horseplay spring bob go places and do things capriole flirt frivol kick up one's heels mess idle twiddle scamper dabble dawdle coquet woo lollygag coquette philander play with court seduce waste time mess with raise hell trifle with go on a tear dally with philander with come on to hit on wink at be all over wanton cut lounge cut a caper kibitz around loiter dilly-dally futz around fidget footle potter futz monkey fiddle about kill time hang around fool with play games with monkey with riot spree tease touch vie participate contend contest challenge rival handle feel finger paw pull vamp thumb take part engage in take on toy with chat up lead on fuss set one's cap at bat eyes at make eyes at make sheep's eyes at eyeball come hither gam come on make advances at make a pass pitch make a move linger with ogle pick up make romantic advances to banter give the come-on to proposition be on a team pick at tinker womanize womanise play fast and loose

Động từ

Make fun of
condemn censure knock denounce pan vilify crucify reprehend reprobate rap skin ridicule give a rough time attack criticize lambaste slam hammer slate monster pummel blast bag slag off pillory lay into pummelled excoriate find fault with roast criticise savage rubbish castigate rate objurgate berate denigrate have a go at malign bash slash disparage pull apart skewer rail against run down diss bad-mouth reprimand chastise reprove flame arraign trash pull to pieces deprecate revile abuse put down tear into maul inveigh against flay bawl out asperse animadvert on pick holes in rebuke give a bad press to carp at reproach lace into hit out at throw brickbats at derogate vituperate against dress down cavil at besmirch slur chew out disapprove of pour scorn on cast aspersions on carpet nitpick about cane give flak to give someone hell take to task lambast give someone a roasting give some stick to belabor belabour tear off a strip haul over the coals ream out fulminate against upbraid assail admonish vituperate blame rollick remonstrate with sledge scathe harangue take to pieces jump on tear a strip off impugn scold potshot bag on give someone a bad press give someone a rollicking take apart rap over the knuckles give someone a rocket pick to pieces rant at bollock chide blister denunciate tear to pieces sail into slag dis dispraise fault lecture lash nag at shoot down give someone a bollocking pass strictures upon go for the jugular criticize severely tear apart fustigate carp score baste rag jaw keelhaul tongue-lash scorch call down read the riot act rail at lash out at pitch into jump down someone's throat lash into scourge lampoon badmouth animadvert upon give a rocket review unfavorably criticize strongly deride bring under fire give something a battering jeer at execrate anathematize give a tongue-lashing complain about trim zap come down on skin alive decry nit-pick clobber find fault slug give bad press fluff throw shade do a number on cut down rip pick at take down cut to bits hit slog discipline scorn backbite ostracise contemn animadvert exprobate judge rebuff incriminate cavil disapprove remonstrate ostracize slap on the wrist look askance get after tell off pick apart read out refute argue with assault verbally disagree with pile in start on start in jump on one's case bite someone's head off jump down one's throat snap someone's head off take on get angry with give someone a dressing-down tick off give a talking-to pull up give someone a telling-off let someone have it give someone an earful give someone what for give someone a mouthful give someone a wigging give someone a rating wig row give someone a row give someone a caning slap down blow up give someone some stick accuse rake over the coals rail defame send someone away with a flea in their ear chasten put on the mat ream discredit belittle stigmatize nag deplore traduce call to account calumniate stigmatise object to slander charge vilipend light into insult smear indict blow up at give a piece of one's mind take exception to curse depreciate impute brand point the finger at punish impeach call on the carpet slap someone's wrist be against do a hatchet job on inculpate take someone to task tax hold accountable libel oppose rap someone over the knuckles correct yell at dump on detract check go on at come down hard on drag through the mud prosecute frame disgrace cry down take issue with criminate find lacking slight express disapproval of recriminate rip into talk to minimize kick up a fuss about kick up a stink about lay down the law diminish underestimate undervalue take to the woodshed thunder frown on despise underrate dismiss rave at rant fulminate challenge look askance at poor-mouth discount trash-talk caution whip inveigh hold responsible protest against object play down complain scoff at detract from do down minimise write off kiss off talk down oppose strongly lesson name monish speak out against finger raise objections to attribute bring someone to book chew someone out lean on jump all over tear down speak evil of climb all over complain vociferously about make a fuss about slap someone on the wrist gripe about speak ill of take down a peg take a stand against lay charges against prefer charges against abhor argue against spread lies about bring into disrepute detest whine about carp about blacken the reputation of blacken the name of sully the reputation of throw mud at protest downgrade moan about grouse about grouch about quibble about declaim dispute trivialize fume conduct a smear campaign against nitpick over rage against give a bad name bellyache about whinge about beef about mock tear to shreds growl declaim against find unacceptable lower treat lightly call over the coals sound off about visit cite penalize protest strongly at expostulate about remonstrate about summons spout rave implicate expostulate slang beat pooh-pooh discountenance rake shellac sneer at objurate make a protest against kick against jawbone speak minify misprize throw the book at allege summon complain bitterly about penalise kick strongly criticize make light of point finger at let have it hang something on draw the line speak to hold cheap trivialise lay at one's door slap on wrist rap on knuckles give one hell preach give a going over disagree violently with go on about trounce frown upon tell a thing or two accuse of take a dim view of charge with arraign for come down on like a ton of bricks bring charges against make a stand against prosecute for rag on try sound off point a finger at file charges against point the finger put on trial for bring to trial for take to court for impeach for make accusations about cast a slur on put up a fight against reprimand severely let fly round on speak badly of lash out pull someone up take heap satirize exprobrate warn confront bring to book cudgel slap smother strike counsel adjure advise rebut contradict be anti recompense threap satirise spank skelp ferule taunt degrade harass rap someone's knuckles deflate show someone up disdain fry debase blacken chew dishonor dishonour gainsay be hostile to controvert pronounce proscribe adjudge twit moralise moralize laugh at marginalize laugh off rake over coals mistreat caluminate voodoo dig demonize mudsling cuss jinx forewarn ding notice glue hoist have words give tongue-lashing give somebody a piece of one's mind dress-down criticize harshly sell short tear someone a new one give someone a dressing down give someone a telling off severely reprimand rap across the knuckles send up give something a bad press put away keep after have someone on the carpet carp on go after take somebody to task get on give a hard time burn one's ears have words with blacken someone's reputation have your knife in give someone stick lay on give comeuppance criticize hatefully cuss out give someone a carpeting eat out shout at demonise rank on give going-over jack up sit on rage humble clamor against spurn look down on expose to ridicule blow whistle on thumbs down on pin it on mete out punishment to make an example of call to task give piece of mind squash downplay understate squelch demean hold up to shame lower the boom send someone away with a flea in his give the dickens be in opposition to quarrel with rip up teach someone a lesson pick on be hard on send up the river devalue opprobriate snipe at question bring to account give the devil give a black eye put a whammy on present marginalise express strong disapproval of hold forth against thunder against think badly of express disapprobation of express disapprobation stick it to talk something down mark down take away flog thrash poor mouth pooh pooh sour grapes afflict have on the carpet suppress subjugate repress soften scarify drub take swipe at throw stones at indict for scapegoat single out hold at fault have the law on bring to trial bring a charge against bring a case against put on trial take to court be scandalized by be offended by be shocked by tax with lay blame on betray recriminate for serve summons lay at door incriminate for arrest bring charges apprehend sue lodge complaint blow the whistle censure with file claim vociferate storm think wrong not support lay at your door cut down to size take a swipe at shoot full of holes cut to the quick rile lay the blame bluster huff not believe in hold someone to blame complain to speak out withstand combat demur gripe squabble bicker rain resist object strongly to take exception lodge a protest against take issue fight express disagreement with except dissent argue hold someone responsible make a stand intimidate take a stand menace disfavour discommend disfavor remonstrate against express a poor opinion of zing negate disesteem be hostile towards kick up take great exception to rap someone the knuckles drag over the coals lay out mouth off about vociferate about raise an tie into swear at beat up on bark at pass on rant and rave saddle characterize label hold liable discourse orate expose classify class categorize mark assign fault to lay the blame on place the blame on assign guilt to assign liability to address descant expatiate exhort talk perorate mouth off face with charges serve with a summons identify describe consider guilty of earbash pontificate to spout to sermonize to find guilty of pass the buck lay a guilt trip on lay a bad trip on stump accost spiel hold forth to soapbox declaim to apostrophize sermonize preach to sermonise buttonhole taint characterise call categorise deliver a tirade to preachify to spout at spiel to speechify to label negatively accuse of being mark out get on a soapbox hold forth give a lecture to sound off to

Động từ

To act or behave in an inappropriate, improper, incorrect, or unexpected manner
be naughty act up be bad behave badly disobey misbehave play up carry on muck about transgress be insubordinate misconduct fail offend trespass roughhouse sin deviate be misbehaved get up to mischief be disobedient fool around be bad-mannered forget oneself act out raise Cain misconduct oneself run riot be indecorous show poor manners make trouble be reprehensible go astray be rude go wrong do evil be mischievous show bad manners be immoral be guilty be dissolute do wrong get into mischief bend the law be at fault be guilty of misconduct sow wild oats take a wrong turn be out of order be out of line get up to no good stir the pot cause trouble lapse fall from grace err stray fool about clown around clown about act foolishly give someone trouble degenerate fall mess about mess around act the goat muck around act the clown act the fool wander act badly stray from the straight and narrow malfunction act improperly give trouble rebel commit an offence break the law be difficult stir up trouble be on the blink make mischief be awkward cause a commotion create cause a fuss be stroppy be bolshie digress be up to no good carry-on be faulty be defective lose it do overstep exceed raise hell slip up not work properly sow one's wild oats violate the law break the rules cheat backslide go on the blink offend against God break commandment succumb to temptation live in sin take the primrose path behave inappropriately be led astray commit a sin wallow in the mire break law commit a crime commit crime blot your copybook

Động từ

To slaughter (animals) and prepare (meat) for market

Động từ

Engage in casual conversation about other people
tittle-tattle gossip babble chat chatter jaw talk blather cackle natter prattle tattle whisper witter yak blether chitchat skinder yatter bad-mouth blab chinwag circulate rumours dish hint imply insinuate intimate noise prate repeat report rumour rumor schmoose spread spread gossip spread rumours spread stories suggest tell tales wiggle-waggle bruit something about rattle on talk idly tell secrets bend one's ear cut to pieces spill the beans run off at the mouth tell tales out of school jabber gab gabble gas waffle yackety-yak converse yap jibber-jabber twitter patter yabber palaver yammer run on rabbit clack chunter twaddle drivel twattle slabber visit kibitz schmooze chaffer rattle shmooze rap kibbitz chin go on mag communicate chitter-chatter confabulate chew the fat shoot the breeze powwow engage in conversation have a conversation shoot the bull have a chinwag chit-chat speak claver blabber gibber chew the rag talk nineteen to the dozen rabbit on blither maunder gabber have a confab ramble bumble drool sputter rattle away dialog dialogue dish the dirt go on and on rant earbash burble witter on muckrake buzz have a chat orate gush spout blah inform have a tete-a-tete discuss blah-blah twiddle spread rumors talk a mile a minute talk the hind legs off a donkey yakkety-yak shoot one's mouth off talk ten to the dozen wag talk out of turn bruit something abroad leak grass sneak spill snitch criticize criticise pass comment make remarks tell on tell tale rat on give away spread rumor blow the whistle give the show away have a big mouth talk the hind leg off a donkey confer discourse parley commune consult have a discussion have a talk mumble mutter debate network interact interface touch base talk incoherently deliberate korero murmur liaise confab connect discuss things reach out exchange views be in contact talk a blue streak conversate exchange negotiate argue groupthink rave blubber meet contact clatter have negotiations utter counsel link keep in touch splutter blow smoke reason intercommunicate speak to each other talk rapidly talk foolishly have a word thrash out hold discussion have dealings make contact talk unintelligibly discuss matters be in touch be in communication have a tête-à-tête get in contact establish contact spit bark socialise banter socialize list stumble spiel use yakety-yak patter on and on piffle gaggle hold forth footle talk rubbish talk nonsense hesitate stutter consult with each other wander flannel bleat tongue yack runon peach squeal mouth deal palter blethe talk aimlessly run through reel off blurt chat idly swap gossip engage babble on run off at mouth brag boast talk at length talk a lot yakkety yak talk nonsensically talk trivially talk incessantly slabber on talk tete-a-tete renew communication have a friendly chat brainstorm get in touch engage in communication talk gibberish treat advise make conversation talk someone's ear off talk through one's hat shoot your mouth off collaborate rack brains share ideas put heads together cooperate discuss terms make a deal discuss a settlement consult together make terms hammer out a deal try to reach a compromise treat with someone hold talks work out a deal correspond interconnect interview vent huddle canvass collogue relate confide meet up chin-wag consult each other compare notes acquaint reply bicker have a meet carry on conversation join in conversation telephone e-mail text write phone moot go into a huddle commune with ring up kick about talk game toss around hash over bandy words bump heads wrangle over talk over bat around kick around have at it bat back and forth bat about have discussions lock horns hash out cross swords be close to drop a line drop a note get on the horn give a call be near give a ring associate with hear from

Động từ

To remove (a section) from a text or piece of music
excise delete erase blue-pencil cancel cross out cut efface eliminate expunge expurgate remove ax axe bowdlerise bowdlerize cross through scratch out scrub strike out blank out cut out dele edit out ink out kill score out scrap amputate destroy edit elide exscind exsect exterminate gut launder slash strike take out trim put a line through black out blot out blue pencil knock off lop off scissor out stamp out wipe out X out give something the chop obliterate rub out eradicate clean up annihilate extirpate liquidate abolish root out sweep away snuff out squash get rid of scratch extinguish raze squelch annul drop omit X-out quash demolish trash do away with zap block out terminate rub exclude unpublish nullify redact sanitize withdraw disannul negate cancel out white out bleep decontaminate sterilize censor chop shed sterilise sanitise x out conceal suppress decimate waste purge abate torpedo off total nix put an end to remove all traces of finish wipe from the face of the earth wash out put paid to wipe off the map wipe off the face of the earth finish off weed out shoot down subtract leave out crush uproot fade erode put down put a stop to cover over wipe off smooth away rub away wear away dispatch blank blot scrape off devastate score snip clean desolate wreck level stroke out cover sink obscure defeat smash ravage knock out wipe off face of earth blow to bits blow sky-high KO do in destroy root and branch take apart mark out rub off rule out Tippex out pass up end dissolve void repeal examine inspect overturn invalidate rescind ditch junk revoke red-pencil stop abrogate discard overthrow jettison throw out vitiate retract repudiate countermand discontinue subvert oversee prevent publication bleach revile blacklist make changes to criticise restrain amend refuse transmission gag repress purify review narrow make acceptable supervise communications restrict make cuts in criticize withhold delete parts of cork put the lid on drop the iron curtain abridge stifle control vacate dispense with avoid null dump deracinate strike down inhibit supersede disestablish undo roll back prohibit close down set aside call off put kibosh on bring to an end knock something on the head put the kibosh on deny forget recall lift strike through scrub out clear rid strip reverse abandon expel abort obviate call dismiss discharge cry off declare null and void extract renege cleanse oust disclaim overrule override renounce recant take back eject empty evict dismantle make void backpedal disown abjure counterorder render invalid forswear call back unload clear away take away back out of declare invalid clear out cast aside render null and void score through refuse rub something out banish strike something out slaughter pull slay massacre shut off give up declare forget about get off the hook put out of your mind postpone scour disinfect close obstruct shut out shroud hide screen shake out dispose of rout out clean out rid of black break off budge obfuscate shade darken batten smother eclipse sponge out clean off scrub off shift get off loosen slur disregard wash off rinse off cover up pass out hold back make dark keel over cut off throw out on your ear give the bum's rush kick out give something a miss chuck out turf out leave off boot out let go send packing miss out evacuate drain zero get out draw out bring out

Động từ

To inflict emotional or physical harm or distress upon
misuse abuse ill-treat mistreat maltreat ill-use manhandle injure mishandle molest bully harm beat brutalise brutalize hit maul misapply misemploy pervert profane prostitute exploit hurt knock around persecute strike wrong corrupt desecrate handle roughly knock about treat badly treat roughly blow kick around mess over misappropriate mismanage outrage rough up beat up do over go through mess up run through shake up damage oppress assault harass victimize mar roughhouse batter torture total ruin bang up bung up be violent toward victimise interfere with waste torment take apart spoil taint neglect harry dump on misdirect misallocate put down manipulate dissipate overwork overburden overtax exhaust squander wound push around take advantage of be cruel to pick on push pull deprave defile hustle jostle shove rip chop backbite trash wax bash pollute use inexpertly paw impair do wrong give black eye roust give the shaft mangle handle bundle slap around humiliate violate spite antagonize insult provoke belittle mock taunt abase aggravate deride intimidate dishonor harrow tyrannize browbeat hound menace distress domineer scare subjugate tyrranize aggrieve martyrize antagonise impose on do an injustice to martyr dishonour overbear cow dominate threaten terrorize overwhelm overpower hector frighten step on the toes of tyrannise terrorise play the heavy with push about treat harshly ride roughshod over walk all over be brutal to bloody give no quarter go for jugular lay a bad trip on hit where one lives anguish traumatize agonise agonize do violence to traumatise inflict suffering on inflict pain on disserve trample on cause injury to cause pain to incommode inconvenience lash out at discommode lay a finger on cross up

Động từ

To traumatize or cause distress to
harrow torment afflict trouble distress torture plague rack harass beset pain bedevil agonise agonize wound grieve vex persecute excruciate anguish curse perturb besiege mortify crucify rend wring sear tear gut cause suffering to cause agony to upset worry disturb bother disquiet sadden agitate dismay ruffle displease oppress stress irk unnerve annoy concern offend hurt ail discombobulate harry flurry fuss hound miff bug alarum frazzle discountenance pester distemper try rattle distract disconcert perplex depress discompose irritate alarm peeve unhinge discomfort derail unsettle faze injure fluster nag confound fret hassle hagride throw anger strain needle get to prick eat at throw off balance indispose push tick off dog cause anguish to exercise weird out arouse anxiety in make it tough for break freak out be on one's case shake nit-pick weigh on tantalize desolate make miserable strap pick on get at give a hard time burn up undo make wretched do a number on tantalise martyr push buttons aggrieve burden smite haunt blight beleaguer tax gnaw at exasperate badger crush gall affect mistreat weigh down sting give someone grief molest discommode aggravate stab pierce cause trouble to maltreat victimize abuse devastate assail ill-treat weigh heavily on move deject pursue provoke dispirit dishearten cause pain to discourage punish lacerate inflict anguish on victimise cast down cut to the quick bum out prey on drive up the wall strike tease overwhelm touch attack taunt face press buffet visit confront wrong cut ride daunt demoralize devil break the heart of abase hector dash nettle nag at make your heart bleed demoralise lie heavy on infest be a nuisance to get someone down knock the stuffing out of make gloomy give someone the blues make sad get down make someone fed up knock sideways make despondent make unhappy hang over dash someone's hopes break someone's spirit knock for six break someone's heart frustrate tear at harm traumatize shatter convulse hunt importune suffer rock hurt deeply ridicule lampoon browbeat damage muse labor labour buttonhole mither squirm stir excite hit hard inconvenience keep after tyrannize rouse thrill make one's heart bleed bring tears to one's eyes dampen someone's spirit incommode gnaw chafe be in someone's way bend someone's ear scourge affront obsess overcharge tear away at tyrannise discriminate against get in your hair get on your nerves drive round the bend be on your back be afflicted with suffer from be plagued with be troubled by traumatise scar consume cause anguish cause someone distress cause pain be blighted with be burdened with be bedevilled by bait dish it out give it to stick it to dish out scorn bully rib chaff inflict suffering on inflict pain on tear to shreds tear to pieces inflict chivvy possess wreck wreak befall impose recur rag appall preoccupy discomfit be a weight on one's mind come back to weigh heavily on one's mind stay with be ever present madden appal heckle bone engulf overcome swamp be a pest to lead someone a merry dance play cat and mouse rub salt in wound put through wringer drive bananas grip avenge take eat up devour exploit manipulate humiliate violate spite embarrass bring down entangle hamper aggress belittle mock antagonize insult dampen spirits bring one down break one's heart make blue rile drag down put into a funk nark put a damper on descend on descend upon force upon bring down on swallow up put the squeeze on misuse deride chasten hack off jump on one's case give a bad time give one the business fall upon fall on start in on give the needle dishonor chill dump on put down ill-use impose on martyrize take advantage of antagonise dishonour do an injustice to drain weary go for jugular hit where one lives give no quarter lay a bad trip on step on the toes of dampen drag cow dull darken damp beat debilitate enervate run down reduce to tears bring tears to someone's eyes bear down harsh someone's mellow turn one off make someone's heart bleed bring tears to your eyes keep under make desolate dampen someone's spirits pour cold water on throw cold water on cast a gloom upon beat down

Động từ

slur defame slander vilify malign denigrate smear traduce discredit libel calumniate disgrace blacken stain blot reproach slight detract roast snub scorch blister offend brand miff zing spatter blemish cap chop insinuate push put down give a black eye tear down dump on kick in the teeth blow off skin alive cut to the quick hit where one lives slap in the face disparage asperse besmirch sully dishonour dishonor bad-mouth tarnish stigmatize scandalize drag through the mud scandalise belittle taint stigmatise injure drag through the mire speak ill of smirch derogate do a hatchet job on rubbish knock degrade decry disrespect shame defile besmear debase censure fling mud at give a bad name damage slag off sling mud at run down deride cast aspersions on soil bring discredit to lower muckrake bring into disrepute bring shame upon attack spread scandal about spot cast a slur on revile befoul insult reflect badly on assail bring shame on spoil do a number on rip blotch reduce breathe on tar and feather run smear campaign rip up and down speak evil of vilipend dis misrepresent embarrass humiliate slam pan throw mud at tell lies about affront wound outrage badmouth hurt backbite impugn diss mudsling abase criticize mock mortify ridicule poison undermine blacken the name of run a smear campaign against blacken someone's name sully someone's reputation drag someone's name through the mud criticise annoy provoke upset blaspheme aggravate back-bite slap pillory humble demean irritate caricature burlesque cheapen chasten prejudice belie sink foul pervert villainize disfavor disoblige disfavour take down sling mud put in a bad light give offence to show up backstab write false reports about spread tales about pooh-pooh sneer at spread lies about hurt someone's feelings drag someone's name through the mire mark wrong drag name through mud lampoon accuse slag gossip about ruin blackguard destroy vituperate lie about deprecate blacken the character of poor-mouth drag through mud put zingers on cast slur on demonise demonize disregard give a bad name to make someone eat crow take down a peg take down a peg or two desecrate own cause to lose face cut down to size attaint lose face put someone in their place sully the reputation of conduct a smear campaign against blacken the reputation of speak badly of accuse falsely sully someone's name injure the reputation of cast aspersion taint someone's name blacken someone's character tarnish someone's name soil someone's name stain someone's good name scorn contemn taunt rag devalue discount despise label denounce expose tease diminish compromise scoff at disesteem treat contemptuously treat with contempt rag on cut down poke fun at jibe at make jokes about make fun of abuse condemn mark sledge miscall slang gird jeer curse scoff shoot down detract from characterize class designate stamp tag classify ruin the reputation of destroy someone's credibility bring into disfavour damage someone's reputation show in a bad light cause offence to distress be rude to call names step on one's toes cut dead treat disrespectfully throw shade trash-talk call someone names characterise mark out displease pique vex gall ruffle disgruntle pour scorn on cast a slur upon exasperate anger rile nettle irk dismay disconcert agitate peeve needle pain nark shock antagonize rattle aggrieve spite jar fret disturb bug get to give offence hack off put out rub up the wrong way turn one off tread on someone's toes antagonise cause offense put someone's back up be disagreeable rankle with hurt somebody's feelings be an affront to tick off be offensive sting horrify get someone's goat put someone's nose out of joint depreciate sneer strumpet plaster hit blacken name defame someone's character

Tính từ

Emotionally upset
upset distressed miserable devastated dismayed grieved hurt sad saddened troubled unhappy traumatised traumatized affected distraught heartbroken in a state in a bad way worried anxious agitated bothered perturbed uptight antsy in a tizzy shook up jittery shaken disconcerted disturbed disquieted unsettled discomposed jumpy unglued all torn up bummed out ruffled confused flustered unnerved vexed gutted choked discountenanced rattled inconvenienced irked alarmed frightened irritated muddled shocked angered atwitter annoyed disappointed aflutter tense nervous uneasy hung up broken up blue apprehensive overwrought thrown ill at ease excited angry overemotional irrational emotional falling apart histrionic hysterical frantic queasy offended queazy insecure nervy fretted dithery edgy psyched out unzipped verklempt hinky low come apart unquiet put out amazed het up goosey at sixes and sevens in disorder hassled wounded afflicted tormented distracted miffed shaky exercised discombobulated harassed peeved dragged concerned bugged wretched shook wrecked wired ripped spooked strung out distrait in a stew hyper basket case unconsolable inconsolable up the wall bundle of nerves disconsolate shot down fidgety stressed worked up restless twitchy fearful fretful uncomfortable frenzied scared on edge afraid stressy fazed flurried beside oneself desperate overstrung in a panic keyed up angsty hot and bothered in a flap fraught panicky wound up strained raving crazed terrified worried sick having kittens crazy hectic overwhelmed toey adrenalized horrified hysteric high-strung overexcited beset plagued panic-stricken delirious nonplussed pressured discomfited beside yourself in a tizz strung up on tenterhooks daunted timid startled insane unbalanced in a flat spin taut excitable under pressure restive overactive heated crushed timorous shattered wrought-up overcome windy mad feverish aghast hot under the collar hag-ridden aroused highly strung harried skittish swivel-eyed embarrassed under stress all of a dither abashed flighty perplexed in a twitter worked-up in a cold sweat on pins and needles stressed out like a fish out of water febrile irritable neurotic mortified at the end of your tether careful chagrined wild provoked fretting shy touchy shivery hounded stunned panic-struck beleaguered hard-pressed panicked trembling hyperactive berserk awkward angstful solicitous anguished pained careworn spooky squirrelly riled frenetic in a dither in a spin tortured flummoxed deranged unscrewed hesitant in a sweat unhinged a wreck a bundle of nerves fuddled demented self-conscious pressurized in a twit in a state of agitation bewildered pressurised worried stiff floored all of a lather out of your mind out of place up against it under the cosh flipped out like a cat on a hot tin roof taken aback stressed-out out of one's mind in pieces with one's stomach in knots with one's heart in one's mouth with butterflies in one's stomach shell-shocked in shock undone trepidatious skittery sensitive brittle spasmodic weak fluttery emotive quaking dispirited inflamed mousy appalled fussy injured damaged strung-up horror-struck scary terrorized affrighted stirred up flapping asea easily frightened easily agitated emotionally charged moved unsteady clutched exacerbated puzzled displeased aggravated pestered harrowed overstretched impaired in a lather turbulent disorderly bricking oneself disorientated consumed all of a flutter wavering unpeaceful unrestful terrorised flushed intense browbeaten galled chafed aquiver butterflies in stomach biting one's nails disoriented shaking in one's shoes intimidated fearsome suspicious cowardly terror-stricken discouraged frozen cowed funky faint-hearted blanched petrified disheartened tearing one's hair out tied up in knots unreluctant dazed confounded hurried frayed rushed strange unrelaxed in turmoil lost unsure tooshie broken-hearted hyped-up afire atingle hyperexcited carried away at one's wits' end not knowing what to do with oneself in a frenzy out of one's wit hunted freaked-out wound-up under a strain high keyed-up fired-up hot-and-bothered stirred weary strung-out worn unstrung tired spent furious frazzled throwing a wobbly emotionally defeated at the end of one's tether with one's back up against the wall at the end of one's rope raging fevered uncontrolled steamed up caught off balance out of countenance shook-up at sea messed-up in botheration psyched-out mixed-up thrown off balance in awe scared stiff run scared violent fierce maniacal rabid ferocious hot under collar all shook up zipped up hot juiced up knocked sideways nuts addled out of control berko cross complaining put out of countenance weird last-minute zonkers corybantic scared to death have cold feet fractious petulant put upon sick very upset knocked for six weirded out freaked out spazzed out wigged out testy querulous at your wits' end at wits' end at wit's end ill crabbed captious crotchety tetchy peevish on the rack grumpy short-tempered ill-natured bad-tempered irascible like a chicken with its head cut off bad disordered cranky splenetic out of sorts ill-tempered wrought up whining crabby grumbling ratty wreck snappish perverse contrary ornery caviling faultfinding carping huffy critical mean poorly cavilling shaking watchful dreading in suspense in a state of nerves a basket case sweating bullets shot to pieces like a cat on hot bricks having butterflies in the stomach

Tính từ

Suffering from overwhelming distress
heartbroken dejected miserable crushed disconsolate grieved inconsolable desolate despondent downcast sad sorrowful anguished brokenhearted choked crestfallen devastated disheartened dispirited grief-stricken heartsick broken-hearted despairing grieving heavy-hearted shattered suffering dismal distressed upset bad blue depressed disappointed doleful down downhearted droopy forlorn gloomy glum hangdog heartsore heavyhearted joyless low low-spirited melancholic melancholy mournful saddened sorry unhappy woebegone woeful wretched chap-fallen dolorous gutted cast down discouraged distraught down in the mouth in low spirits sick as a parrot down in the dumps cheerless afflicted tormented sorrowing rueful morose hurting agonized pained troubled mourning bereaved weeping angst-ridden sullen agonised perturbed bothered sombre somber hurt regretful broken overwhelmed tearful tortured traumatized harrowed overcome with sorrow heavy with grief bitter displeased anxious dolesome wounded traumatised comfortless concerned aching bewailing bemoaning wailing lugubrious lonesome lonely discombobulated uptight shook bugged hopeless disconcerted solemn antsy disturbed dreary depressive elegiacal bleak drear irked shook up racked with pain tragic racked with suffering all torn up pathetic pitiful pitiable lamenting remorseful mortified poor abject worthless overcome pining piteous spiritless shaken vexed ruffled disquieted unnerved agitated discomposed heartrending heartbreaking harassed flustered aflutter wrecked discountenanced plagued powerless calamitous helpless bummed mirthless downtrodden sour hapless down-and-out haunted spooked in the pits long-faced funeral plangent lamentable deploring plaintive jumpy unglued persecuted worried strung out bummed out painful aggrieved in pain in a tizzy in a stew emotional tristful down-hearted demoralized demoralised teary weepy burned wistful sore contused disillusioned discontented dissatisfied disgruntled in doldrums in tears in grief in the dumps disenchanted dismayed frustrated discomfited bereft chagrined miffed beaten unsatisfied aghast let down taken down worsted vanquished as sick as a parrot baulked chapfallen objecting balked shot down gray black chill dreich murky sunless Cimmerian tenebrific elegiac cold lorn sepulchral grey darkening funereal plutonian dire dark tenebrous godforsaken saturnine morbid depressing cloudy companionless in a blue funk forbidding austere acheronian unwelcoming grim drab disheartening dispiriting uninviting pessimistic dull dour stark discouraging moody distressing oppressive dingy inhospitable bare grievous grave harrowing severe saddening unfortunate dim fed up in the doldrums oppressed terrible dreadful uncomfortable harsh defeatist deplorable impersonal dragged clinical unpromising humourless humorless sulky serious institutional barren sober pensive appalling awful heart-rending weary disagreeable unpleasant negative hostile sick at heart brassed off cheesed off sedate spartan moving weighed down upsetting dejecting distressful mopey desperate downbeat hard unfavorable unfavourable foreboding gruesome shocking colourless colorless moping lachrymose poignant empty adverse inauspicious dolent drearisome destroyed shadowy bland earnest ill-fated down and out horrible excruciating draggy ghastly unsmiling agonizing subdued weighty wintry jarring wintery horrific frightful regrettable dirgelike ruinous disturbing horrendous crushing atrocious crabbed dirge-like devastating horrid mopish broody surly ominous grumpy tear-jerking resigned agonising Eeyorish unpropitious troublesome sunk in gloom ugly nightmarish listless out of sorts monotonous crummy worrying lifeless in despair cast-down singing the blues macabre destructive ill-starred stern ruined disastrous sterile traumatic squalid catastrophic affecting staid sordid hideous uninhabitable cataclysmic sourpuss muted cynical intolerable shameful nostalgic threnodic brooding disappointing grisly unconsolable unlucky execrable inferior lousy stony-faced no-nonsense poker-faced suicidal gut-wrenching heavy horrifying tough sinister indigent scurvy scungy impoverished displeasing detestable low in spirits daunted rotten stricken difficult taciturn vexatious destitute doomed monstrous lurid adust ripped fatal deathly afflictive deadly bleeding ruthful crabby sunk dysphoric in sorrow in mourning bowed down down in dumps lacklustre deep lackluster unfriendly chilling full of sorrow blue funk long-suffering direful torn up languorous triste dangerous unexciting blah uninteresting uninspiring boring ill-omened languid humdrum uncaring abandoned deserted unimpassioned waste unmoved solitary formal sapped tragical prostrated disadvantageous threnodial bummed-out drained undermined abashed demoralizing demoralising prostrate with grief maudlin overcast heart-sick lovesick portentous touching Stygian obscure hollow devitalized routine uniform frowning glowering sheepish defeated sorry for oneself exequial deathlike funebrial bad-tempered uncommunicative unable to be comforted unable to be consoled churlish dolorific shamefaced fraught taken aback deflated grousing cranky bellyaching cantankerous beefing ill-humoured huffy down-in-the-mouth phlegmatic ill-tempered unresponsive dirgeful atrabilious clouded dampened drooping dashed sagging regimented off-putting gaunt galling discomposing ill-humored beside oneself with grief bearish flat gloom-ridden given to looking on the black side torn-up discontent stirring troubling uneasy down in mouth derisible mortifying heart-wrenching having the blahs having blue devils fatalistic lethal mortal unmitigable uninhabited looking on the black side acherontic abominable emo in a funk fateful abhorrent up the creek without hope at the end of one's tether at one's wits' end tortuous moved heart-stricken heart-struck frantic unoccupied inimical languished in the toilet on a downer low-down heinous afflicting foul despicable contemptible feeling down full of gloom looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny sobering urgent strenuous unamusing acute critical far-reaching no-win strabilious suspicious alarmist distrustful doubting disgraceful vile characterless soulless unenthusiastic chilly cataclysmal trashy shoddy filthy onerous burdensome derisory perilous injurious can't win not a prayer at end of one's rope at the end of your tether in the soup straitened hard-pressed unwelcome discommodious harmful undesirable full of hardship doubtful threatening objectionable strained exacting treacherous ill-boding parlous pressing precarious exigent messy jeopardous apocalyptic rocky very bad trying rough inhuman rugged stringent frightening unearthly poverty-stricken overwhelming Spartan bare-bones insufferable searing grinding eerie luckless grotesque ghostly terrifying gory fearsome revolting wearing unbearable unendurable pitiless grewsome loathsome repulsive terrific repugnant nightmare cursed spookish weird scary shady spooky offensive sickening jinxed forsaken unprosperous sick unhealthy snakebitten unsuccessful God-awful death-obsessed awkward snakebit burdened hard luck star-crossed out of luck in a bad way sad sack

Tính từ

Causing laughter and providing entertainment
amusing diverting entertaining farcical comic comical delightful droll enjoyable facetious funny humorous interesting jocular laughable witty chucklesome light-hearted ludicrous mirthful rib-tickling waggish beguiling charming cheerful cheering engaging fun gladdening gratifying hilarious lively merry novel pleasant pleasing pleasurable rollicking whimsical agreeable boffo camp campy enchanting gut-busting jokey joshing priceless screaming sidesplitting side-splitting wacky for grins too funny for words uproarious risible ridiculous riotous comedic hysterical humoristic hysteric jocose killing jolly antic playful absurd slapstick gay zany silly lighthearted good-humored good-humoured fascinating clever frivolous joking jovial absorbing hysterically funny sparkling blithe sportive tongue-in-cheek stimulating mischievous frolicsome exciting riveting compelling captivating jesting a scream high-spirited jocund gelastic intriguing appealing enthralling engrossing happy teasing gleeful joyous preposterous flippant killingly funny a hoot smart vivacious rich gripping cheery sunny ludic riot blithesome scream flip crazy odd goofy eccentric scintillating fun-filled festive recreational roguish entrancing ironic animated curious thrilling arresting provocative very funny compulsive bright mesmerizing consuming extremely amusing leisure immersing involving screamingly funny joyful unputdownable wisecracking mesmerising brilliant piquant laughing slaphappy quick-witted wry foolish relaxing light fantastic unusual derisory flaky spare time inane stirring glad flakey bewitching a laugh spellbinding enticing bizarre alluring tantalizing attractive exhilarating impish carefree prankish puckish clownish tantalising fanciful thought-provoking buoyant perky stupid arch noisy recreative bubbly jaunty daffy original quaint ingenious ebullient distracting bantering derisible effervescent nutty exhilarated quirky outrageous convivial satirical queer sharp-witted glib snappy dry dazzling gagged up unserious spirited in fun in jest striking impressive sharp quick off-the-wall derisive titillating affecting har-har mocking moving quizzical inspiring rousing seductive transfixing flighty tongue in cheek sprightly action-packed invigorating vibrant hypnotizing preoccupying charismatic not serious magnetic hypnotic hypnotising mesmeric magical inviting envigorating pulling one's leg putting one on racy nonserious madcap escapist fantasy boisterous rowdy lightweight irreverent custard-pie childish comedical grotesque cockamamie pathetic cockamamy upbeat ribald epigrammatic outrageously funny oddball chirpy genial untroubled happy-go-lucky ludicrous. laughable trivial trifling unsatisfactory inadequate embarrassing pitiful unimpressive too much laffer crack-up hearty knee-slapper joculous pixieish tricksy scampish pixie sly leprechaunish knavish wicked pixy rascally devilish elvish breezy bouncy optimistic easy-going positive insouciant clowning gamesome kittenish chipper loony jerky fool batty goofus dippy fool-headed gump dizzy screwy a barrel of laughs rip-roaring convulsive penetrating piercing intelligent keen nonsensical asinine a card a caution raucous fool around crazy shtick Mickey Mouse addictive coruscating capering in good spirits free and easy dramatic strange unreasonable irresistible nimble-witted glittering enrapturing monopolizing unlikely incongruous irritating daft highbrowed snazzy profound quick on the draw tactful smart-aleck smart-alecky cutting quick on the uptake glinting glimmering monopolising annoying fetching elfin peculiar luring tempting delectable ravishing glamourous glamorous laugh-a-minute off the wall weird a joke a bit much provoking winning seducing congenial nice freakish attention-grabbing OTT a bit thick over the top very interesting easy eloquent worth reading well-written easy to read satisfying worthwhile well written rewarding readable smooth singular meaty astonishing eventful worthy of note spectacular fresh memorable portentous trenchant marvellous galvanising topical fine unboring buzzworthy breathtaking wonderful unique newsy splashy relatable marvelous fabulous eye-opening amazing prepossessing remarkable vivid out of the ordinary exceptional newsworthy intoxicating noteworthy electrifying showy wondrous emphatic galvanizing electric refreshing arousing puzzling poignant gas restorative capricious unconventional outlandish offbeat idiosyncratic amused dotty fantastical crotchety freaky chimerical be a ball dicey imaginative random chancy uncertain kinky old-fashioned creative arbitrary gladsome laughter-filled euphoric elated in high spirits fun-loving larking

Danh từ

A playful, extrovert person
clown buffoon comedian comic jester joker prankster harlequin humorist wag wit jokester wisecracker buffo case character fool hoot kidder laugh scream zany card caution dolt funny girl funny man funny woman joculator merry-andrew pierrot punchinello riot antic cut-up droll entertainer farceur funnyperson funster gagman gagster jokesmith madcap merrymaker mime mountebank mummer picador punch quipster ribald hard case barrel of laughs life of the party funnyman cutup gagger trickster stand-up comic comedienne punster dag stooge banana actor top banana merry andrew funny person court jester trifler fribble motley eccentric one josher quiz straight person second banana stand-up show-off practical joker nut oddity pantaloon punner original screwball oddball crank knee-slapper flake merryman nutcase nutter kook weirdo crackpot crack crackbrain fruitcake codger court fool million laughs head case satirist banterer stand-up comedian gag person a million laughs comedian comic tease jackpudding yell sketch comedy actor comedy actress kibitzer hoaxer epigrammatist caricaturist cartoonist jestress larker japer comic writer impressionist clownlike person standup comic writer of comedy Pantaloon Pierrot Punchinello class clown wearer of the motley amusing person lark giggle amusing situation nonconformist individualist somebody very funny something very funny piece of fun simpleton moron idiot wacko odd fellow oner square peg in a round hole queer odd bod zombie odd fish wack spook rara avis freak queer fish rare bird

Từ trái nghĩa của cut up

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