Đồng nghĩa của shaken

Alternative for shaken

Đồng nghĩa: jolted,

shakes, shook, shaking, shaken

Đồng nghĩa: bounce, bump, jar, jerk, jolt, pump, quaver, quiver, rock, shiver, sway, tremble, twitch, vibrate,

Tính từ

Feeling angry, distressed or unhappy
unnerved flustered jolted overcome rattled upset shook up anxious troubled worried uneasy disturbed agitated bothered nervous perturbed tense disquieted discomposed distressed ill at ease apprehensive edgy alarmed unsettled disconcerted antsy ruffled insecure dismayed restless uptight unquiet jittery jumpy concerned uncomfortable fretful aflutter overwrought atwitter nervy vexed on edge confused hung up fidgety twitchy stressy queasy queazy dithery goosey hinky thrown fazed het up in a tizzy distraught wired frightened irked fearful discombobulated restive tormented discountenanced shaky muddled irritated inconvenienced annoyed harassed afraid keyed up anguished hurt perplexed grieved sad saddened unhappy excited shocked gutted choked disappointed frantic angered flurried distracted blue worked up hassled unglued stressed cut up self-conscious unrestful broken up angsty put out scared embarrassed having kittens in a dither beside oneself in a state in a tizz discomfited in a flap riled beset all of a dither hot and bothered tortured plagued on tenterhooks worried stiff like a fish out of water in turmoil unsteady overemotional angry emotional irrational histrionic hysterical awkward falling apart impatient turbulent disorientated hesitant out of place fraught afflicted asea disorderly pestered harried exacerbated puzzled harrowed displeased chagrined miffed aggravated provoked pained terrified mortified unpeaceful unbalanced wavering irritable palpitant all nerves suspicious wrung on the qui vive peevish irascible disoriented bewildered fretting worried sick trembling quaking strained strange shy high-strung lost unrelaxed unsure strung out under stress spooked toey angstful bugged squirrelly overstrung solicitous spooky windy clutched inflamed in a twitter a wreck strung up in a sweat overactive feverish frenzied hectic hyperactive heated with one's stomach in knots like a cat on a hot tin roof a bundle of nerves bricking oneself with butterflies in one's stomach all of a lather shaking in one's shoes on pins and needles with one's heart in one's mouth in a state of agitation in a stew in a twit in a cold sweat stirred up flapping in a panic moved aroused in a lather in a spin in a flat spin all of a flutter hot under the collar offended fretted low verklempt unzipped wounded in disorder amazed come apart psyched out bummed out at sixes and sevens all torn up

Tính từ

Astonished, taken aback
staggered amazed astounded flabbergasted nonplussed stunned astonished shocked surprised dumbfounded stupefied taken aback confounded shattered startled thunderstruck bewildered dumbstruck open-mouthed overwhelmed shell-shocked speechless benumbed bowled over dazed disconcerted floored flummoxed gobsmacked shaken up knocked for six struck dumb thrown off balance at a loss for words caught on the hop caught on the wrong foot perplexed bemused discomposed unnerved confused thrown stumped bamboozled addled blown away at sea discombobulated puzzled awestruck agape awed befuddled awestricken aghast muddled openmouthed wide-eyed fuddled disoriented lost for words fazed bushed distracted at a loss mystified baffled marveling wondering marvelling wonderstruck dumfounded discomfited troubled clueless filled with astonishment filled with amazement flustered bedeviled filled with wonder filled with awe fogged befogged mazed wildered bedevilled at sixes and sevens overcome incredulous goggle-eyed dismayed beat buffaloed dizzy silly mixed-up muzzy rattled dopey beaten raddled pixillated spaced-out addle punch-drunk slaphappy spaced pixilated spacy spacey zonked addlepated punchy zonked-out dopy muddleheaded foxed vexed unable to believe one's ears alarmed frightened jolted embarrassed taken by surprise lost in a dither hard-pressed in amazement uncertain had their heads messed with uncomprehending besotted discountenanced unable to believe your eyes confusticated gravelled got graveled thrown off caused to be at a stand frustrated hard put made to scratch their head unable to believe one's eyes breathless dumb foolish unhinged deranged woolly disorientated unbalanced demented woozy stuck knocked out licked knocked nonplused undone knocked sideways out of it unglued mixed up not with it slap-happy shook up shook wooly gone balled up fouled up addlebrained preoccupied engrossed absent-minded fuzzy horrified agog dazzled tongue-tied terrified afraid groggy fearful appalled all at sea overawed blank mute inarticulate silent petrified mum wordless voiceless uncommunicative giddy unsteady staggering reeling rendered speechless in shock mom upset disturbed gaga hazy spellbound impressed off balance cowed awe-stricken intimidated staring daunted paralyzed paralysed defeated foggy wonder-struck wonder-stricken reverential frozen light-headed vague muted faint vertiginous taciturn shaky wobbly obmutescent mumchance dumbstricken reserved terror-stricken swimming tight-lipped close-mouthed numb spooked terror-struck lightheaded weak-kneed blind tipsy blinded light scared terrorized bereft of speech horror-struck horror-stricken panicky anxious terrorised scared witless off-balance scared to death frightened to death out of control in awe unable to get a word out weak in the knees thunder-struck scared stiff without ideas worried stupid big-mouthed electrified eager expectant woolly-minded abashed enthralled fascinated admiring completely surprised unbelieving disbelieving mortified staring in amazement left speechless owly-eyed moon-eyed saucer-eyed tottering weak stymied awe-struck teetering disorganized slack-jawed with rubbery legs with legs like jelly weak at the knees rooted to the spot knocked for a loop awe-inspired disorganised numbed bashful stammering awkward shy timid garbled closemouthed adhered woolly-headed not knowing if you are coming or going quiet untalkative reticent laconic at your wits' end uncertain which way to turn brought to a standstill mousy soundless at one's wits' end up against a brick wall without an answer at a complete loss unable to speak choked up in disbelief saying nothing affected whirling swimmy aswoon emotional moved struck choky taken doubtful transfixed buried blown-away verklempt swamped bowled-over overthrown immobilised immobilized run-over unable to continue swept off one's feet pushing the panic button in a panic have cold feet in a cold sweat aphonic cool unflappable hit for six buttoned up clammed up cool as cucumber not saying boo

Tính từ

Experiencing pain
suffering miserable tormented distraught troubled afflicted sad upset anxious dejected depressed despondent disconsolate distressed hurt unhappy wretched agitated bitter bothered broken cheerless desolate devastated discomposed disconcerted disquieted doleful dolorous heartbroken heavyhearted inconsolable melancholy morose perturbed ruffled sorrowful tortured traumatised traumatized unnerved vexed aflutter anguished bereaved concerned despairing discombobulated discountenanced down flustered grieved grieving harassed heartsick hurting irked mournful overwhelmed plagued rueful saddened uptight weeping wrecked agonised agonized bugged crushed dolesome gutted harrowed haunted mourning pained shook spooked woeful wounded aching antsy bemoaning bewailing jumpy persecuted sorrowing unglued wailing brokenhearted broken-hearted bummed out cut up grief-stricken shook up strung out all torn up angst-ridden in pain woebegone heavy with grief in a stew in a tizzy overcome with sorrow racked with pain racked with suffering disappointed dispirited rattled dismayed horrified overwrought shattered shell-shocked emotionally defeated gloomy forlorn dismal glum blue joyless downcast crestfallen downhearted cast down low down in the dumps sorry melancholic hangdog heartsore droopy low-spirited down in the mouth bleak dreary somber solemn sombre lugubrious tearful grim sullen depressive bad heavy-hearted comfortless funereal drear lonesome lonely long-faced elegiacal fed up black chap-fallen destroyed regretful depressing dire morbid tenebrific cold sepulchral plutonian tenebrous godforsaken saturnine gray dreich elegiac grey chill Cimmerian darkening in a blue funk in the pits drab abject earnest sedate discouraged humourless dispiriting humorless grave stern disheartened hopeless dour weighty severe piteous choked spiritless sober unsmiling serious staid ruthful heartrending dragged bowed down mirthless out of sorts sourpuss stony-faced down and out bleeding tragic muted no-nonsense subdued in the dumps poker-faced ripped on a downer lamenting remorseful mortified overcome pining chapfallen bereft downbeat sorry for oneself grumpy lachrymose teary painful demoralized down-in-the-mouth shot down let-down not happy murky sunless lorn dark cloudy companionless in low spirits forbidding austere acheronian unwelcoming troubling dolent full of sorrow sick at heart in mourning tear-jerking singing the blues affecting in sorrow torn-up brassed off unsatisfied unconsolable as sick as a parrot cheesed off discontent in the doldrums demoralised moody pessimistic pathetic pitiful pitiable oppressed poor worthless daunted low in spirits let down crummy taken down cast-down emo weighed down in the toilet torn up low-down heartbreaking powerless calamitous helpless bummed down-and-out downtrodden sour hapless luckless strained discontented dull ailing racked

Tính từ

Having lost determination or confidence
disheartened depressed discouraged dejected dismayed dispirited crestfallen crushed daunted demoralised demoralized low-spirited despondent deterred disappointed downhearted unmanned choked disconsolate down downcast low saddened sapped thrown unnerved blue sad cast down weighed down down in the dumps down in the mouth sick as a parrot undermined subdued glum cowed woebegone gloomy melancholy cheesed off fed up brassed off despairing humbled broken drained devitalized deflated weakened melancholic woeful wretched miserable unhappy doleful forlorn mournful inconsolable joyless heartbroken desolate heavyhearted sorrowful sorry spiritless heartsick oppressed brokenhearted hangdog heartsore droopy morose shattered downbeat dragged bad in the doldrums bummed-out shot-down dismal heavy-hearted dolorous cheerless broken-hearted distressed lugubrious grief-stricken tearful sombre moody somber pessimistic in the dumps chap-fallen sullen upset in low spirits hurting in pain funereal bummed out long-faced grieving abject anguished dreary troubled comfortless grim chapfallen saturnine destroyed in the pits bleak down and out dull rueful hopeless black teary afflicted piteous depressing solemn wistful mirthless depressive elegiac morbid dour mopey sepulchral hurt down-hearted lonesome lonely tristful cast-down gray elegiacal grey in a blue funk dark devastated grieved pathetic shot down crummy let down mourning drear godforsaken bleeding cut up as sick as a parrot out of sorts taken down heartrending pitiful defeatist listless emotional austere ripped regretful all torn up tragic sulky weepy unwelcoming dire cold dysphoric uncomfortable lachrymose chill dreich murky sunless darkening plutonian tenebrous Cimmerian tenebrific cloudy singing the blues torn up saddening heartbreaking down-and-out sick at heart on a downer low in spirits distraught in despair drab pensive aggrieved bereaved painful drearisome uninviting sorrowing bereft weeping in tears in grief in doldrums disheartening dim dispiriting inhospitable dingy bare stark gutted sunk in gloom bowed down draggy bland dolent wintry jarring clinical wintery dejecting institutional impersonal in the toilet oppressive low-down dashed displeased shamefaced pained defeated intimidated perturbed bothered pitiable abashed disturbed mopish broody tormented disillusioned crabbed sour sheepish grumpy surly discontented Eeyorish unconsolable distressing unsatisfied adust down-in-the-mouth enervated suffering negative flat helpless damp plaintive heavy calamitous weary languorous triste in a funk agonised hapless in sorrow down in dumps ruthful agonized full of sorrow in mourning languid prostrated poor worthless desperate torn-up discontent sorry for oneself apathetic heart-sick lovesick griefstricken uneasy humourless humorless cringing browbeaten guilty dirgeful sorry for yourself at nostalgic let-down not happy sob story lamenting taken aback worried brooding sunk guilty-looking furtive off unable to be comforted beside oneself with grief lowered unable to be consoled bowed without energy sluggish prostrate with grief languished down in mouth crabby bitter troubling tear-jerking affecting with a long face ticked off teed off browned off peed off bummed powerless downtrodden feeling down full of gloom moping blue funk looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny ugly depressant have the blahs churlish tortured racked wounded strained ailing luckless ashamed embarrassed sneaking ill-humoured huffy ill-humored emo disgruntled dissatisfied cowering humiliated conscience-stricken afflicting concerned put off disenchanted disconcerted harrowing threnodic lamentable deplorable grievous plangent dirge-like lost frustrated discomfited forgotten homeless forsaken abandoned unenthusiastic unenthused unconfident discombobulated uptight bugged sore shook antsy burned contused chagrined miffed heart-rending friendless destitute uncared-for aghast irked beaten beat-down come-apart caved-in down-in-mouth beat dragging cynical solitary defenseless defenceless fruitless alone worsted vanquished baulked objecting balked shook up atrabilious clouded dampened drooping sagging lacking in confidence lacking in enthusiasm having lost heart with cold feet lost momentum in blue funk gone to pieces lorn companionless forbidding acheronian

Động từ

Past participle for to shake or vibrate jerkily or nervously
shuddered wobbled jiggled juddered quaked quoke quivered rocked trembled vibrated convulsed shivered swayed agitated joggled oscillated bucketed jerked jolted jounced swung swungen wabbled rolled tottered waved wavered bumped churned commoved dithered doddered flapped flaunted flickered flitted flittered fluctuated fluttered jarred jogged moved palpitated quavered reeled ruffled shimmied staggered stirred succussed tremored twittered whipped stirred up set in motion moved up and down put in motion wagged twitched waggled wiggled beat seesawed thrashed threshed swished undulated pulsated bobbled flailed quailed bobbed twisted tost tossed writhen writhed beaten faltered rippled pumped teetered heaved hove flourished throbbed twirled brandished squirmed bounced moved to and fro woven weaved nodded lurched jittered thrilled moved from side to side blown vacillated dangled pulsed rattled wriggled flopped flown cringed fidgetted fidgeted winced started squiggled jigged fiddled flinched quaved wielded cowered pitched swirled careened wigwagged flicked shaken like a leaf shaken up recoiled list skipped hopped disturbed roiled danced blenched squinched billowed wafted jumped around waved to and fro switched whirled swept stumbled swerved flowed streamed tingled let fly waddled risen and fallen had the shakes moved back and forth trilled warbled jostled rustled gyrated banged batted fish-tailed lashed noted raised pendulated jumped grinded ground blinked twinkled winked glimmered crouched swung back and forth swung backwards and forwards surged swelled swollen drifted roused swiped ducked waved rapidly whiffled concussed had the quivers plunged listed moved slightly swaggered moved backwards and forwards keeled floundered nutated flailed about laboured baulked balked tumbled waved around hanged hung pitchpoled moved around shaken in your boots quaked in your boots worked contorted wrought moved about veered curled shaken uncontrollably bothered shaken violently tormented unsettled titubated felt giddy gone around winded wound shrunken shrunk moved something to and fro sodden seethed chucked ditched bubbled foamed buffeted buffetted ebbed and flowed labored zigzagged wormed thrashed about balanced toddled simmered caught the wind tossed around shied pivoted stotted suffered a fit gone into spasms pounded toppled hovered walked unsteadily trembled precariously hesitated sprung frothed floated thumped boiled moiled thudded reverberated shied away drawn back resonated thrummed hammered pit-a-patted drummed pulled back blanched backed away quopped ached aken pitpatted gone pit-a-pat shrunken back gotten cold feet shrunk back

Động từ

Past participle for to shock, disturb, or upset
upset disturbed unsettled discomposed dismayed disquieted distressed perturbed rattled shocked troubled unnerved worried agitated alarmed daunted disconcerted flustered frightened moved scared thrown bothered consternated horrified intimidated jarred traumatised traumatized appalled unstrung got to gotten to taken aback knocked props out thrown off balance made waves thrown a curve ruffled fazed confounded disheartened cast down depressed discouraged demoralized distracted put off bewildered dispirited demoralised discomfited nonplussed saddened confused perplexed ailed cowed startled shaken up put someone off their stroke abashed psyched out unhinged dejected discombobulated alarumed put the wind up chilled discountenanced flurried undone discomforted derailed unmanned terrified subdued overcome crushed concerned embarrassed frustrated dampened afflicted oppressed knocked for six spooked frazzled fussed distempered hagrid hagridden freaked out weirded out sapped jolted knocked sideways disarranged awed surprised put out of countenance astounded floored enervated grieved put someone off their stride exercised vexed vext mortified desolated bugged overwhelmed disordered disorganized weakened jumbled panicked deterred terrorized undermined affrighted muddled knocked the stuffing out of amazed setted someone back on their heels dashed disappointed sickened chagrined harassed tormented annoyed deranged flummoxed made uneasy debilitated damped harrowed hurt tried terrorised weighed down put down put a damper on browbeaten stunned given someone the blues caused suffering to psyched outraged petrified disarrayed baffled unbalanced pained stupefied dumbfounded offended dazed plagued puzzled displeased disrupted hassled irked rummaged irritated needled angered rocked abased wound wounded aggrieved bowled over indisposed messed up bummed out overawed weighed heavily on poured cold water on thrown cold water on made someone fed up bullied excited beset dishevelled disheveled disgusted enfeebled scandalized devitalized mussed disoriented rumpled tousled shuffled astonished staggered tortured paralysed repelled dislocated scrambled provoked disjointed let down hashed insulted made anxious broken tumbled disparaged agonized caught off balance wearied put into a flap set back pothered paralyzed flabbergasted humbled destabilized mystified gravelled graveled interfered humiliated dumfounded spoiled spoilt stirred up brought low scarified frighted put someone off scandalised displaced stressed made downhearted made dejected disinclined haunted curst cursed anguished pestered turned thunderstricken fouled up dulled thrown off peeved fretted scared stiff miffed put the fear of God into destabilised beat devastated filled with fear scared the bejesus out of convulsed beaten down given a turn screwed up burnt up mucked up upset apple cart cast a pall over thrown into a panic scared to death run down brought down racked put out given someone a turn scared the pants off put the wind up someone gotten at ticked off got at picked on mixed up got down made sad scared someone out of their wits made your hair stand on end thrown into a blue funk scared the living daylights out of cast a gloom upon grossed out thrown into confusion made unhappy made someone scratch their head agonised thrown into disorder upset the apple cart rattled one's cage cut short hurt somebody's feelings caused to be at a stand made gloomy given a hard time hit a sour note pulled the rug out from under cut up made despondent broken someone's heart hung over hit like ton of bricks pulled the rug from under made uncomfortable shamed nettled blinded surprized got someone down subjugated stifled suppressed lowered disillusioned downed demented discommoded fuddled made dispirited made crestfallen affected disenchanted disgruntled knocked for a loop hindered balked disharmonized jangled discorded disaccorded squelched smothered diminished chilled off frightened to death frightened the living daylights out of taken by surprise baulked knocked the wind out of harshed one's mellow extinguished curbed overpowered quelled deadened defeated thrown into uproar revolted loused up filled with consternation thrown a pall over harried hounded nauseated stopped someone in their tracks addled nagged injured strained frightened off damped down borne down on made wretched strapped eaten at dogged pushed pushed buttons weighed on tantalised made miserable martyred aroused anxiety in caused anguish to done a number on pricked made it tough for tantalized thrown into a tizzy blown away made nervous inconvenienced stopped bollixed antagonized disempowered narked played havoc with caused turmoil in made a mess of intruded on thrown a monkey wrench in the works of caused confusion in thrown a spanner in the works of interfered with thrown into disarray turned upside-down broken up muddied the waters electrified numbed antagonised unzipped snarled crippled unglued deflated crazed incapacitated cramped flipped given offence to thrown into panic flipped out fired up wound up egged on stiffed scared witless bulldozed bedevilled bedeviled gotten across keyed up layed up hacked off turned on gotten someone got across laid up taken apart blown out sent up blown up knocked out given someone grief rocked the boat made a scene frozen your blood gotten on someone's wick taken steam out raised someone's eyebrows scared off given someone goose pimples got the wind up stricken terror into scared away blown your mind shaken out of your complacency completely surprised taken the wind out of your sails persecuted drained burdened made one's flesh creep thrown into a fright made teeth chatter given someone the heebie-jeebies curdled the blood made your blood run cold given one the creeps chilled someone to the marrow excruciated disarmed chilled to the bone scared someone half to death made blood run cold dragged darkened beaten drug besieged reduced to tears crucified made someone jump out of their skin ridden buffaloed rended rent turned one off kept under made desolate borne down harshed someone's mellow made your heart bleed brought tears to your eyes stabbed pierced thrown into a tizz complicated galled badgered piqued intruded aroused tired roused misplaced caused agony to caused pain to wrecked caused someone to lose their composure gotten in the way

Động từ

Past participle for to get away from by outmaneuvering
escaped dodged eluded evaded avoided shirked ducked scaped finessed gotten around run away from shunned weaselled out of weaseled out of shuffled out of eschewed sidestepped skirted steered clear of shaken off circumvented bypassed outrun cut bilked given the slip escaped from gotten away from gotten out of fled lost beat ditched given the slip to fended off left behind skirted round wriggled out of copped out of run from skipped juked slipped away from danced around skived off rid neglected missed beaten shortcutted skived tergiversated parried thrown off the scent shucked cheated let slide flown shied shied from declined quit pussyfooted around slid out of paid no attention to gone around ducked out of broken away from stayed away from slipped through the net of found a way round given the runaround given someone a wide berth run around stayed shy of found a way out of given a wide berth to put the move on slipped thrown off tricked outpaced outdistanced cleared outstripped frustrated given a wide berth kept out of the way of kept at arm's length foiled doubled outwitted thwarted gotten rid of sneaked away from gotten ahead of fudged pussyfooted weaselled weaseled skipped out on pulled out of turned one's back on kept clear of fought shy of stayed clear of brushed off given somebody the slip slipped through the net gotten away overlooked disregarded discounted ignored deked dispensed with shuffled off kept one's distance from paid no mind tuned out turned a blind eye to paid no heed to unminded turned back on taken no notice of laid low from unheeded turned your back on faked forgot forgotten swerved scrimshanked shrunk from shirked from quitted creeped played truant from bludged dogged fenced left undone skimped on crept balked lost sight of bobbed off baffled baulked paid little attention to lain down on job sloughed off faked out snuck away slipped out escaped the clutches of kept distance led on a merry chase short-circuited given something a miss forgat shook funked got out of shrank from got around ran away from lay down on job malingered put it on skulked goldbricked outmanoeuvred outmaneuvered played hooky shammed reneged feigned illness faked illness went around deserted abandoned outflanked let something slide run away goofed off mitched off bunked off pretended to be ill swung the lead cut someone dead cut someone cold got round shut eyes to let something go downhill let something go to seed pretended to be an invalid backed out of snubbed spurned excused backpedalled revoked renounced backpedaled welshed rationalized cold-shouldered loafed jouked truanted from bagged kept away from backed off weaseled out had alibi backed down rationalised used pretext copped out backed out mitched wagged took no notice of bunked had nothing to do with hid from absconded eloped burked played truant mooched gave the slip to shook off ran away got out of the way of swerved away from ducked out of the way of overcome played hookey truanted run off played hookey from gave the slip stymied departed from played the hop got past played the wag from hooked Jack winked at stayed away from school blinked at found a way around hopped the wag from hopped the wag gave a wide berth to played the wag deviated from withdrawn withdrew gotten out weaselled out got out absented yourself overcame ran off gave something a miss took a sickie taken a sickie end-ran gotten past got away from gave the cold shoulder to given someone the go-by given the cold shoulder to gave someone the go-by given someone the brush-off gave someone the brush-off went missing bagged it gone missing gone around the barn took back road went around the barn taken back road

Động từ

Past participle for to undermine or weaken
undermined weakened damaged impaired harmed hurt subverted debilitated decreased diminished disabled lessened sapped injured reduced threatened had a bad effect on pulled the rug out from under sabotaged compromised spoilt spoiled marred destabilized crippled ruined impeded enfeebled hindered eaten away emasculated destabilised put the kibosh on eroded consumed destroyed worn away used up crushed broken whittled detracted from botched whittled away disempowered dented frustrated corroded foiled sandbagged worn softened demoralized thwarted tunneled fouled up attenuated wrecked mined blunted challenged demoralised tunnelled dug torpedoed knocked the bottom out of queered the pitch of dragged through the mud thrown a monkey wrench in the works of thrown a spanner in the works of poked full of holes hollowed out clipped one's wings chipped away at dug out shook ate away wore threw a monkey wrench in the works of threw a spanner in the works of devitalized enervated jeopardized vitiated ravaged impoverished tarnished corrupted blighted debased jeopardised cost put out of commission put out of action caused detriment to etiolated broke brake deteriorated disrupted lowered tired wore away depressed afflicted tainted blemished incapacitated dismantled annihilated trashed wound wounded wasted prostrated disfigured inconvenienced withered flawed blasted endamaged scorched battered smashed bloodied crossed up crabbed shattered defaced shocked interfered with loused up smashed up roughed up messed up screwed up mucked up wreaked havoc on costed prejudiced resulted in harm to caused the loss of caused the sacrifice of leaded to the end of resulted in damage to shaken up taken out took out shook up wrought havoc done harm to did harm to wrought havoc on worn down wore down thrown a monkey wrench into threw a monkey wrench into drove a nail into the coffin of driven a nail into the coffin of

Động từ

Past participle for to greatly astonish or impress someone
bowled over amazed stunned astonished astounded dumbfounded stupefied surprised startled floored staggered shocked flabbergasted overwhelmed dazed bewildered nonplussed rocked impressed dumfounded thunderstricken thrown surprized overawed fazed delighted taken aback blown away knocked sideways knocked for six stricken dumb left open-mouthed left aghast taken by surprise caught off balance confounded disconcerted shaken up stopped someone in their tracks beat confused unnerved discomposed perplexed puzzled knocked out blown one's mind flummoxed stumped knocked for a loop put one away baffled mystified bemused buffaloed discombobulated jolted boggled bamboozled vexed vext beaten foxed gravelled graveled mazed fuddled disoriented muddled addled befogged posed befuddled distracted muddied gotten got mixed up knocked the stuffing out of boggled the mind dismayed shattered benumbed flustered wildered fogged setted someone thinking rendered speechless obfuscated upset disturbed knocked over with feather made punchy inebriated thrown off balance gone to one's head made someone scratch their head balled up thrown off taken your breath away caused to be at a stand bothered intoxicated alarmed struck touched moved stricken affected electrified thrown into a tizzy knocked over sprung on thrown a curve boggled someone's mind rattled snowed snown frustrated ruffled setted thinking messed with one's head brought up short stymied disorientated unsettled disquieted taken someone aback overpowered devastated taken someone's breath away given a shock paralyzed taken breath away paralysed consternated knocked the stuffing out of someone screwed up threw shook gat shook up struck dumb took aback blew away took by surprise thunderstruck awed dazzled hit like a ton of bricks blew one's mind numbed besotted knocked senseless petrified discomfited jarred took your breath away took someone's breath away threw a curve caused wonder sprung something on besotten sprang on took someone aback threw into a tizzy took breath away gave a shock taken the wind out of your sails stricken with awe struck with awe took the wind out of your sails took one's breath away sprang something on taken one's breath away threw off balance

Động từ

Past participle for to quit or stop a habit
kicked quit quitted abandoned ended broken renounced stopped ceased desisted forgone given up eschewed forsaken left off desisted from done without escaped from gotten out of laid off packed in gone cold turkey relinquished dropped axed cut off shut off cut out discontinued canceled cancelled terminated aborted halted scrapped repealed shunned scrubbed scratched rescinded ditched shelved revoked ignored interrupted remitted forfeited divorced jilted sacrificed written off parted with called off finished with resigned from retired from dispensed with laid off of broken with withdrawn from forgotten about knocked off broken off eighty-sixed packed up cried off thrown up broken up had done with wiped out parted from turned your back on dusted off given over shook broke brake forwent gave up forsook did without got out of lay off went cold turkey avoided refrained from jacked in let up abstained finished broke off steered clear of rejected refrained abjured abstained from forswore forsworn cut refused set aside suspended put a stop to called a halt to put an end to kept yielded held back concluded swore off sworn off declined canned passed checked gave over forbore forborne curbed left alone brought to an end had nothing to do with kept from pulled the plug on called it quits sat out passed up went without gone without belayed belaid surrendered paused disavowed repudiated resigned withheld surceased spurned abdicated killed resisted broke up not done brought to a halt forbore from forborne from withheld from cut into quit cold said goodbye to cut short given a wide berth to gave a wide berth to yolden yold stood down from chucked disowned discarded disclaimed waived jettisoned betrayed withdrawn withdrew ceded withholden stopped oneself abolished wound up skipped junked winked out dead-ended closed expired lapsed determined died elapsed disturbed rested spelled intermitted phased out reneged on come off stopped using restrained disunited inhibited resisted the temptation to not touched fought shy of intervened separated parted dissevered disconnected arrested interposed disjoined did away with done away with fasted constrained fence-sat starved evaded stopped having called a stop to interfered with stopped oneself from kicked over restrained oneself from passed on laid aside taken the cure stayed neutral kept off sat on one's hands brought to a stop prevented oneself from knocked something on the head not taken sides took the cure passed by prevented yourself from stopped doing left out kicked the habit ceased to indulge in came off gone went storven forewent foregone gotten rid of got rid of backed out of gave something a miss given something a miss broken into broke into given the go by gave the go by given a rest gave a rest lain by lay by gave something the chop blown off given something the chop bagged it blew off wrote off threw up broke with withdrew from forgot about gone on the wagon taken the pledge took the pledge avoided doing went on the wagon

Động từ

Past participle for to make something fluffy, typically by patting or ruffling

Động từ

Past participle for to influence, usually emotionally
affected influenced touched upset altered changed impacted modified struck stricken swayed transformed disturbed overwhelmed perturbed stirred troubled agitated attacked concerned conditioned damaged devastated distressed grieved hurt infected involved pained saddened shaped shapen controlled determined formed governed hit hitten hit hard impressed manipulated moved reached biased biassed decided exerted influence on fazed guided impacted on struck at thrown worked on bowled over emotionally moved had an effect on impinged induced inspired interested knocked back marked overcome prevailed regarded related shaken up taken hold of told on born upon borne upon got to gotten to had an impact on impinged upon impressed on knocked for six prevailed over made an impression on tugged at your heartstrings aroused stimulated grabbed molten impassioned softened melted disquieted excited acted on shope hat shook threw overcame shook up took hold of bore upon spread to injured vitiated corrupted afflicted crippled destroyed spoilt contaminated spoiled ruined marred impaired ravaged annihilated demolished compromised harmed sabotaged tainted constrained occurred polluted defiled poisoned crushed debased weakened blighted struck down played havoc with wreaked havoc on obtruded imposed encroached interrupted trespassed pried meddled intruded interacted with had a bearing on made inroads made an impact on left a mark on broke broken brake wore away worn away stricken down done damage to wrought havoc wrought havoc on did damage to

Động từ

Past participle for to seize or shake by the throat, especially of a dog or wolf

Trái nghĩa của shaken

shaken Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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