Từ đồng nghĩa của abject

Alternative for abject

Từ đồng nghĩa: miserable, wretched,

Từ trái nghĩa: exalted, noble, proud,

Tính từ

Humble or lower in rank or status
base contemptible degraded worthless despicable debased ignominious vile low sordid humble ignoble mean menial reprehensible servile slavish unworthy detestable dishonourable scungy shabby deferent dejected deplorable dishonorable dismal gloomy grovelling groveling hangdog horrible humiliated meek outcast self-effacing subservient wretched shameful disgraceful execrable dirty nasty disreputable degenerate scurvy low-down disgusting discreditable snide low-minded currish abominable abhorrent paltry odious unprincipled immoral sorry cheap loathsome heinous foul bad lousy corrupt miserable offensive wicked depraved infamous unscrupulous unsavoury villainous rotten wrong unsavory revolting shocking shoddy dishonest lame nefarious scummy beastly sleazy vulgar degrading vicious pitiful hateful scandalous poor grubby distasteful shady ratty scabby evil sinful undignified uncharitable appalling squalid dastardly pathetic unpleasant petty underhanded underhand pitiable cruddy repugnant coarse unethical cowardly obscene sneaking crooked no-good humiliating dissolute beggarly unfair despisable disdainable dreadful lamentable treacherous notorious shameless lowly ugly cruel iniquitous awful horrid repulsive louche deceitful atrocious repellent monstrous unrespectable inglorious stinking nauseating tawdry reprobate impure common filthy indecent outrageous lewd sneaky crass deceptive unlawful slimy egregious useless good-for-nothing off-color mortifying demeaning meanspirited disagreeable improper horrifying abandoned terrible no-account gross blameworthy illegal inferior obnoxious perverted opprobrious unspeakable sad shy unbecoming sickening dark debauched unrighteous measly diabolic diabolical fiendish black seedy rascally graceless inelegant illegitimate seamy caitiff inequitable illicit flagitious beyond the pale shifty beyond contempt low-life not cricket callous thoughtless unheroic unsuccessful crude rude shiftless unseemly blithering shaming failed malevolent malicious disrespectful uncouth incompetent feckless hard-hearted narrow-minded craven cursed flaming slipshod malignant base-minded smutty unchivalrous infernal accursed confounded trashy indelicate plebeian footling hateworthy ungodly wrongful decadent swinish irreligious sacrilegious profane impious unholy blasphemous peasant ordinary reproachful modest simple plain stupid erring fallen unskilled good-for-naught meritless no-count sleazoid avaricious skanky murderous barbarous godless fraudulent low-status boring calculated venal mercenary covetous criminal untrustworthy sullied tainted roguish bent lawless unsporting crafty dull routine off-putting suspect questionable disorderly scoundrelly warped malfeasant double-dealing ungentlemanly peccable sly cunning devious wily humdrum of bad reputation dubious suspicious slippery unwholesome self-seeking embarrassing Machiavellian cheating conniving designing calculating guileful impoverished destitute fishy dodgy yucky black-hearted deceiving unsportsmanly shrewd unsportsmanlike gut-churning hellish icky sick-making God-awful damnable devilish in low esteem licentious in the doghouse no good derogatory in bad libidinous morally wrong needy poverty-stricken knavish slick scheming vomitous sick bogging noisome noxious fawning yucko disgustful loathly humiliatory indecorous low-grade sycophantic below the belt ill-gotten against the rules Janus-faced out of order debasing discomfiting indigent penniless beggared vomit-inducing obsequious blue-collar penurious impecunious horrific baseborn basic tedious obeisant ghastly hideous skint needful pauperized dirt-poor broke necessitous threadbare down-and-out famished distressed frightful horrendous hard up harrowing dire nightmarish alarming scaring terrifying grisly frightening grim gruesome meagre meager intimidating daunting dismaying fearful unnerving astounding grewsome lurid unpardonable petrifying godawful macabre terrific distressing tremendous nightmare unforgivable disheartening hellacious grotesque heavy grody inexcusable formidable upsetting beneath contempt below contempt from hell dirty rotten

Tính từ

Showing utter hopelessness, helplessness
wretched hopeless miserable forlorn pitiable pitiful dismal outcast pathetic piteous sorry stark woeful appalling atrocious awful degrading deplorable lamentable poor inferior substandard mediocre bad unsatisfactory terrible inadequate dreadful shoddy execrable dire lousy rotten low-grade deficient abysmal faulty insufficient rubbishy trashy unacceptable crummy diabolical grotty imperfect defective below standard bum pants sad tatty suboptimal subpar rubbish third-rate shabby dissatisfactory below par second-rate tinny tenth-rate frightful crude a load of pants duff jerry-built ropy cheap cheapjack direful egregious lame wanting paltry bush-league sleazy tacky junky disappointing common schlock cheesy schlocky gimcrack coarse trumpery crumby worthless low-rent weak horrible punk cut-rate bargain-basement wrong el cheapo bush nasty wack off under par low-quality poor-quality feeble lacking disagreeable bodger low abominable less-than-stellar meager meagre below average not up to scratch not up to standard contemptible weak sauce two-bit half-pie cruddy disastrous horrendous gross from hunger cheap and nasty no great shakes not much cop God-awful indifferent naff ropey commonplace tawdry end-of-the-pier inefficient reduced limited uncomfortable unpleasant piss-poor dime-a-dozen hateful impotent little flawed ineffectual tinhorn dilapidated unspeakable ill sour second-best insubstantial restricted inappreciable inconsiderable sparing ineffective sucky poorly useless strictly for the birds second class cheap-jack of a sort not up to much yucky beastly piddling subnormal dirty flimsy shlocky calamitous seedy hideous ghastly ratty shlock unsightly grubby scabby scummy scurvy repulsive gruesome sordid godforsaken mean sub-par under-strength run down off-color down at heel unseemly disgraceful impermissible exceptionable objectionable distasteful offensive intolerable insupportable displeasing obnoxious improper inadmissible unsuitable inappropriate undesirable amateurish insufferable unimpressive reprehensible stinking dodgy dubious laughable unreasonable questionable repugnant damnable odious garbage loathsome condemnable scurrilous horrid out cheapo vile irremediable indefensible stinky inacceptable unappealing uninviting reject won't do over the fence not up to par not on not up to snuff second-class not quite the done thing poor quality half-baked second rate not cricket of poor quality beyond the pale of low quality out of order valueless craptacular middling

Tính từ

Cast down in spirit or hope
servile cringing fawning groveling grovelling humiliating obsequious craven humble submissive crawling creeping ingratiating sniveling snivelling subservient toadying toadyish low mean slavish sycophantic bootlicking unctuous soapy sucky brown-nosing slimy self-abasing menial ass-kissing oily Uriah Heepish smarmy deferential arse-licking obedient compliant obeisant oleaginous sycophantish greasy unresisting truckling kowtowing flattering docile base passive prostrate forelock-tugging excessively deferential apple-polishing suckholing ignoble brownnosing spineless subordinate cowering acquiescent subject yielding self-effacing meek unassertive timid resigned parasitic mealy-mouthed reptilian under one's thumb lowly reverential beggarly despicable accommodating biddable dutiful duteous ductile pliant mild subdued spiritless downtrodden lamblike resistless longanimous complacent parasitical crouching respectful enslaved stipendiary sneaking compliable conniving creepy arse-kissing cringey slick smooth sycophant scraping saponaceous bowing adulatory gushing effusive gushy bowing and scraping smooth-tongued glib suave eating crow eating humble pie malleable amenable tractable manageable non-resisting all over someone patient forbearing supine under someone's thumb inferior nonresisting nonresistant law-abiding soft disciplinable agreeable domesticated comformable pliable conformable obeying governable controllable trainable surrendering obliging teachable amiable giving-in placable bowing down uncomplaining complying tame handleable dominated subjugated browbeaten bullied dancing oppressed intimidated repressed at one's mercy in one's power in one's clutches a slave to at one's beck and call in one's pocket nagged constrained uxorious henpecked treated like dirt led by the nose tied to someone's apron strings under the thumb subjected to nagging ground down without a mind of one's own wife-ridden in fear of one's partner under someone's heel complaisant cooperative persuadable gentle easy willing manipulable quiet tolerant polite persuasible adaptable peaceable unassuming impressionable suggestible regardful long-suffering flexible orderly workable susceptible reverent well-behaved modest peaceful retiring good disciplined indulgent easy-going unresistant unprotesting cowed tolerating lenient accepting courteous attentive easily influenced shy influenceable calm enduring easygoing forgiving devoted stoical milky restrained diffident mannerly considerate deferent cool easily handled receptive timorous stoic gullible hesitant responsive weak serene fearful well-mannered awed frightened moldable apathetic inactive tranquil good-natured civil non-resistant go-with-the-flow demure supple transformable bendy assenting cowardly admiring laid-back quiescent gracious thoughtful weak-kneed mellow docious decent unobtrusive ready idle loyal faithful unpretentious philosophical game appreciative non-violent well disciplined unflappable solicitous proletarian plebeian unconfident unambitious conciliatory common nonviolent insecure well trained trusting lowborn sleepy motionless civilized genial susceptive shrinking plain well behaved lumpen baseborn low-life vulgar prole lower-class venerating suasible flat charitable kind unsure apprehensive compassionate easily swayed moderate obscure sympathetic lax poor ordinary simple self-conscious merciful civilised unwashed dull mundane withdrawing prosaic everyday good-tempered like putty in your hands well mannered good-humored rolls with punches putty in hands cast down with the patience of Job good-humoured scared administrable conformist assentient accordant consentient seemly domestic consenting tameable tamable controlled acceding conscientious open agreeing conforming approving adoring loving trained untroublesome convenient amendable fatalistic reconciled under someone's control ingratiatory well-trained courtly chivalrous gallant decorous credulous convincible devout tender rulable adapted well-disposed phlegmatic cordial satisfied adjusted renouncing relinquishing accommodated down-to-earth dedicated responsible punctilious mousy acquiescing assentive observant under control pacific submitting putty in one's hands filial laissez-faire wormlike average declassed commonplace placid backward bashful sheepish supplicatory childlike usable ruly selfless easily persuaded wimpish boneless obligatory binding pabulum Milquetoast nothing wishy-washy zero tentative encourageable pious worshipping worshipful solemn easily manipulated spongy easily led putty like putty in one's hands lithy wussy unforthcoming aw-shucks warm soft-hearted at peace able to be influenced sheeplike honouring hearsome honoring unquestioning mim understanding composed sensitive pleasant warm-hearted tender-hearted generous friendly upholding worshiping incumbent on affable uninvolved non-participating wrapped around finger on a string equable chilled easy-oasy permissive imperturbable even-tempered unexcitable mild-mannered jejune vapid forbearant like a lamb to the slaughter honest persistent persevering honourable correct honorable righteous equanimous untiring mild-tempered unruffled self-possessed inexcitable lifeless honey-tongued insincere silver-tongued smooth-talking impassive philosophic fortitudinous solid high-minded worthy moral virtuous lawful ethical principled proper right-minded non-aggressive reactive unassured nervous anxious self-controlled self-restrained saccharine nauseating slippery endearing cloying insinuating wheedling cajoling winsome winning sickening disarming static reflexive bearing flaccid disinterested unreceptive asleep latent stolid poker-faced moony deceivable clean-living upstanding upright self-doubting not self-assured lacking in confidence wimpy lacking confidence uncertain lacking assurance lacking self-confidence not confident dupable clement insinuative timeserving charming serving silken inert pampering naive liberal unsuspicious mollycoddling deludable unoppressive pardoning benign temperate unburdensome humoring spoiling excusing light condoning fleeceable low-born low-bred straight just respectable hands off humouring peasant low-ranking going through motions walking through it above board lethargic indifferent deprived enervated sluggish lazy negligent careless effete indolent lymphatic listless languid uninterested slothful torpid heedless slack unresponsive dormant unoccupied lackadaisical sedentary do-nothing tired

Tính từ

Feeling, deserving of, or characterized by, severe unhappiness or sadness
wretched unhappy gloomy depressed disconsolate dejected downcast forlorn sorry distressed melancholy pathetic pitiful sad heartbroken pitiable sorrowful woeful crestfallen doleful down glum cheerless downhearted inconsolable poor woebegone worthless anguished grieving melancholic morose mournful mourning sorrowing sullen blue despairing devastated hopeless piteous rueful somber sombre brokenhearted comfortless saddened solemn spiritless bleak choked depressive despondent dolorous drear dreary droopy elegiacal hangdog heartsick heartsore heavyhearted joyless lonely lonesome gutted heartbreaking heartrending low afflicted bummed calamitous dispirited downtrodden hapless helpless hurting mirthless powerless sour tragic broken-hearted cast down down-and-out grief-stricken cut up down in the mouth in the pits long-faced low-spirited chap-fallen down in the dumps miserable dismal desolate distressing dire grim lamentable depressing deplorable dark funereal black bad grievous tearful godforsaken disheartening lugubrious sepulchral harrowing drab unfortunate uncomfortable morbid tenebrous tenebrific saturnine plutonian dreich sunless elegiac terrible heart-rending uninviting Cimmerian gut-wrenching dispiriting moving oppressive gray cold murky darkening grey dreadful chill awful cloudy dull vile distressful base scurvy disheartened affecting pessimistic unwelcoming saddening mopey touching sordid paltry shabby in the dumps horrible lousy heavy-hearted demoralized discouraged horrendous unpleasant suffering stirring destitute drearisome desperate discouraging austere fed up dour dim inhospitable dingy bare stark demoralised bland clinical draggy dejecting impersonal poignant plaintive teary wintry jarring wintery institutional shamefaced squalid disastrous appalling mean defeated shameful gruesome despicable contemptible upsetting atrocious ruined compassionate commiserative arousing execrable inferior disagreeable disappointed abashed troubled beggarly to be pitied unlucky indigent scungy impoverished displeasing detestable disturbing rotten sheepish forsaken chapfallen disgraceful painful foul defeatist in the doldrums ruthful resigned oppressed doomed bummed out shot down pained shattered brassed off cheesed off sick as a parrot ill-fated in pain in despair ill-starred merciful tragical sinister intolerable beseeching entreating supplicating imploring commiserable lame cheap inadequate insignificant foreboding ominous crushed hideous ghastly sorry for oneself unsightly nasty repulsive abominable gross dragged atrabilious clouded moody dampened mopish drooping broody dashed sagging traumatic sober down-in-the-mouth cringing browbeaten guilty cowed disconcerting offensive guilty-looking furtive unnerving disquieting discomforting distraught fraught suicidal all torn up ashamed intimidated embarrassed sneaking overcome horrific horrid unpromising trashy shoddy filthy cowering humiliated conscience-stricken derisory humourless humorless sick at heart tear-jerking dismayed luckless regretful lost disillusioned taken aback deflated forgotten homeless abandoned heart-breaking at the end of one's tether at one's wits' end bereft friendless uncared-for derisible meagre meager small cursed lachrymose jinxed destroyed dragging cynical solitary defenseless defenceless fruitless alone taken down broken unprosperous out of sorts in a funk singing the blues upset bearish downbeat stricken poverty-stricken weighed down weary negative snakebitten unsuccessful down and out unmitigable sunk awkward snakebit burdened hard luck star-crossed up the creek long-suffering without hope out of luck ill-omened in a bad way sad sack catastrophic fatal deadly ruinous shocking cataclysmic agonizing galling devastating vexatious regrettable lethal adverse mortal crushing deathly agonising fateful destructive grave severe forbidding bitter in low spirits sulky serious unfavorable unfavourable harsh stern hurt disappointing surly bereaved grumpy brooding unsmiling sedate inauspicious stony-faced off-putting moping aggrieved agonized earnest agonised tormented no-nonsense staid glowering grieved angry sobersided hostile pensive heavy frowning emotional subdued troublesome tristful tortured spartan weepy down-hearted poker-faced shadowy lamenting dirgelike displeased crabby macabre in a blue funk unamused disgruntled hard sickening scowling dirge-like perturbed bothered colorless unpropitious colourless discontented Eeyorish difficult monotonous wistful repugnant worrying weeping threatening frightening in grief in doldrums in tears po-faced deserted demoralizing listless sterile deadpan undesirable stony repellent threnodic gloom-ridden cross concerned intense demoralising fatalistic daunting overwhelmed revolting dolesome disenchanted frightful weighty uptight discombobulated disconcerted horrifying vexed objectionable distasteful unpalatable bugged shook excruciating unhumorous traumatized churlish grouchy disturbed antsy taciturn plangent bad-tempered angst-ridden sourpuss muted lurid irked overcast suspicious crabbed ugly wounded alarmist distrustful doubting shook up sick ill-tempered lackluster lacklustre deep heavy with grief mortified overcome with sorrow nightmarish traumatised menacing straight-faced afflictive acheronian heart-wrenching daunted racked dolent God-awful sunk in gloom loathsome irritable boring lifeless fiery unwelcome bleeding chilling blue funk strained down in dumps parlous intimidating crummy unfriendly with a long face uninspiring let down given to looking on the black side bowed down cast-down languorous triste as sick as a parrot unexciting blah uninteresting languid on a downer humdrum uncaring unimpassioned unmoved disadvantageous formal portentous waste worried maudlin nostalgic disenchanting funebrial exequial deathlike threnodial routine uniform empty barren desolating regimented remorseful Stygian hollow obscure isolated lorn discomposing uncommunicative burned sore contused companionless pining uninhabitable unresponsive phlegmatic acherontic expressionless impassive mortifying afflicting annoyed gaunt dirgeful depressant inimical adust down in mouth uneasy remote derelict sequestered ailing have the blahs blank dissatisfied looking on the black side full of gloom looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny feeling down unhopeful let-down not happy languished dysphoric contemplative in sorrow in mourning frustrated discomfited emo ripped disowned full of sorrow torn up low in spirits in the toilet low-down fierce steely chagrined miffed having blue devils having the blahs tough unappealing unappetizing unattractive untempting troubling dismaying grisly aghast unsatisfied beaten aggressive indignant temperamental cantankerous aggravated vanquished baulked worsted objecting balked testing alarming unearthly resolved ruminative resolute thoughtful reflective introspective composed cruel feeble injurious perilous enraged ferocious implacable unappeasable critical flinty cast-iron boot-faced ungentle disapproving furious mephitical unkind repellant perplexing aggravating unpleasing hellish bewildering vexing annoying abhorrent perturbing revulsive frustrating unamusing uncongenial irritating irksome chilly unenthusiastic eerie exacting exigent nauseating ghostly terrifying gory grotesque hard-pressed harmful doubtful treacherous pressing precarious jeopardous apocalyptic rocky very bad straitened discommodious dangerous full of hardship direful ill-boding messy monstrous fearsome quiet unplayful bookish deep in thought bound and determined unenticing disgusting terrific pitiless grewsome nightmare weird shady spooky spookish scary unhealthy anxious louring hazy leaden overclouded shaken agitated ruffled disquieted unnerved discomposed darkened death-obsessed harassed wrecked flustered discountenanced aflutter plagued huffy spooked harrowed haunted beclouded lowering misty dirty hazed foggy clouded over resentful pouting piqued petulant persecuted wailing aching jumpy bewailing bemoaning unglued promising rain nebulous put out ill-humoured fractious strung out not fair not clear peeved perverse chippy aloof mumpish pouty racked with suffering in a tizzy racked with pain in a stew withdrawn uncooperative obstinate sourpussed querulous stroppy mardy out of humour fretful ornery sulking unsociable gruff ill-humored in a bad mood in a huff in a mood in the sulks in a strop having a fit of the sulks

Tính từ

Basely or weakly fearful
cowardly chicken craven gutless lily-livered pusillanimous recreant spineless yellow boneless chicken-hearted dastardly faint-hearted fearful pigeon-hearted shrinking soft spiritless timorous trembling weak weak-kneed feeble poltroon quaking sookie white-livered base caitiff candy-assed chickenhearted chicken-livered cowering milk-livered scared sissified sissy timid unheroic wet wimpish wimpy yellow-bellied afraid anxious apprehensive backward cowhearted diffident dismayed fainthearted frightened jittery nervous panicky pigeonhearted poor-spirited retiring shy worthless lacking courage no guts paper tiger running scared having the willies submissive irresolute mean-spirited coward niddering poltroonish wussy namby-pamby weakling characterless nerveless wishy-washy effete limp-wristed invertebrate milk-and-water tremulous hesitant pathetic frail weakened meek mousy jumpy unassertive mousey easily frightened weak-willed unmanly vacillating intimidated indecisive ineffectual ineffective skittish cowed daunted weedy tentative cringing scary fearsome wavering silly foolish shaky unnerved feart drippy impotent servile squeamish nervy coy daft half-hearted tame spooked milksoppish inept enervated bashful having cold feet antsy easily led easily scared inadequate reluctant soppy sheepish debilitated petrified inefficient incompetent funky cringey gentle browbeaten Milquetoast capricious bullied unassured self-effacing startled terrified epicene deceitful offensive treacherous sneaking low unprincipled unethical tricky insufficient reserved quiet modest unassuming demure afraid of one's own shadow swishy snowflake ignoble insignificant lame humble reticent trepidatious dishonourable dishonorable excited weak-minded nerdy fickle passive uncertain unconfident agitated wormlike faltering dithering useless persuasible persuadable infirm impressionable doubtful compliant faint shuddering vapid agog powerless undetermined indeterminate fallible biddable feeble-minded forceless pithless corruptible supine hemming and hawing waffling yielding unreliable unsure undependable bland limp quivering jejune insipid twitchy without a will of your own stressy windy flavourless mediocre watered-down listless sapless flavorless languid dull afraid of one's shadow overstrung unquiet keyed up spooky having kittens crouching a bundle of nerves in a cold sweat like a cat on a hot tin roof like a cat on hot bricks frightened of one's own shadow obsequious

Tính từ

(of an emotion or feeling) Intensely felt
deep intense ardent profound earnest fervent heartfelt impassioned strong acute avid burning devout entrenched fervid genuine passionate powerful torrid true zealous consuming enthusiastic exceptional extraordinary extreme fanatical fiery hard-core heightened honest intrenched keen rooted serious severe sincere unfeigned vehement wholehearted bona fide deep-rooted deep-seated excessive grave great inflamed inveterate rousing stirring supreme thorough warm all-consuming deeply felt red-hot settled thoroughgoing bred-in-the-bone confirmed explosive intensive emotional heavy overpowering vicious exquisite overwhelming violent hellacious almighty heartrending fierce dreadful hard furious terrible excruciating ghastly frightful ferocious hearty deepest fearsome fearful blistering heavy-duty very great perfervid flaming passional concentrated forceful dramatic heated harsh incredible feverish eager indescribable vigorous prodigious tremendous sharp agonizing unbearable warm-blooded raging hot-blooded remarkable unutterable marked impossible blazing charged urgent agonising significant immoderate searing insufferable piercing uncontrollable potent demonstrative incandescent moving religious superheated glowing drastic meaningful compelling grievous touching intolerable strenuous poignant unendurable penetrating full frenzied complete excited comprehensive eloquent inspiring vivid intensified mournful expressive affecting full-hearted relentless major sad total doleful harrowing incommunicable energetic sound dire torturous racking feeling all-out oppressive hellish tough cutting careful tormenting uplifting soulful in-depth besetting exhaustive close shrill stormy tender wild compulsive devastating detailed unqualified uncommunicable hot uncontrolled animated inordinate biting considerable intemperate dominating obsessive radical forcible protracted assiduous meticulous scrupulous rigorous extensive enthused desperate diligent spirited melodramatic frantic overemotional sentimental emotive weighty far-reaching true blue ablaze hopped up gung ho from the heart industrial-strength durable real pronounced right proper heavyweight long-lasting diabolical awful reprehensible indefensible inexpressible inexcusable unforgivable unstoppable cordial transcending amorous boiling baking scorching shameful disgraceful parlous very bad devoted substantial warming cheering cheerful gladdening roasting sizzling critical enormous inspired committed dedicated card-carrying ecstatic cut-throat sweltering high raw encouraging pious mad keen warmhearted responsive tropical parching withering mushy romantic considered purposeful gripping engrossing absorbing undue exaggerated bitter worked up steamed up fired up white-hot starry-eyed on fire scalding stinging strained pungent heartening instigative elevating enriching inspirative improving inspirational heart-warming inspiriting complex onerous complicated labored confused abstruse te formidable rough laborious recondite solemn knotty gotta have keen as mustard dying to hot for sensitive wakeless undescribable mother of all baking hot blazing hot blistery broiling enthralling concerted boiling hot very hot demanding all-inclusive all-absorbing all-encompassing painstaking stirred preoccupying devouring shooting hectic stabbing resounding ungovernable like a furnace all-embracing minute conscientious methodical rampaging rabid rampant riotous unrestrained intriguing riveting interesting immersing involving fascinating arresting engaging distressing storming unchecked unmanageable unfettered uncurbed unbridled emphatic laboured peracute searching high-pressure elaborate widespread resolute sedulous sweeping determined irresistible peppery convulsive painful enraged blustery ruinous sudden paroxysmal turbulent volcanic coercive dynamic outrageous tumultuous aroused tempestuous exhausting finely tuned out-and-out persistent accelerated fast insistent speeded-up out of control gale force full of force irrepressible overbearing shattering crushing confronting driving pervasive stifling overriding thought-provoking telling suffocating irrefutable overmastering difficult hard-hitting reflective challenging very strong provocative thoughtful confrontational insightful more than one can bear more than flesh and blood can stand

Tính từ

Of or characteristic of a miser
miserly mean parsimonious penny-pinching stingy close ungenerous avaricious grasping illiberal close-fisted mingy tight greedy near penurious tightfisted beggarly cheap cheese-paring Scrooge-like ascetic chintzy closefisted covetous masochistic money-grabbing money-grubbing pinching pinchpenny puritanical spare sparing stinting tight-fisted uncharitable snoep cheapskate churlish derisory ignoble meagre meager scrounging skinflint sordid frugal thrifty scrimping selfish economical saving acquisitive grudging pennywise chary skimping prudent rapacious grabby provident economizing cheeseparing curmudgeonly unwasteful skinflinty economising ungiving petty miserable careful canny abstemious costive cautious mercenary hungry hoarding forehanded materialistic coveting moneygrubbing avid penny-wise scrimpy skimpy careful with money venal tightwad hard-fisted ironfisted sensible narrow money-oriented desirous usurious money-conscious grabbing gluttonous preserving conserving extortionate possessive wary cost-effective efficient money-saving time-saving work-saving pleonectic predatory prehensile itchy watchful on the rims practical circumspect prudential methodical Mammonish Mammonistic insatiable pennypinching extremely thrifty scurvy pinchfisted financially savvy scanty on a tight budget tight-wad stewardly economic close-handed not generous cost-conscious extremely frugal shrewd wise cupidinous austere spartan abstinent budget-conscious monastic monkish self-denying nunlike non-indulgent self-disciplined bribable mean-spirited extorting meticulous discreet Scotch money motivated money hungry on the make voracious corrupt unprincipled unethical unscrupulous gold-digging fuel-saving fuel-efficient energy-efficient energy-saving hoggish swinish narrow-minded intolerant rude edacious ravenous crude esurient piggy boorish reactionary prejudiced hidebound bigoted small-minded self-indulgent guzzling ravening eager piggish carnivorous gormandizing intemperate omnivorous gobbling craving devouring gulping insatiate fundamentalist conservative unenlightened authoritarian strict despotic undemocratic alt-right anti-democratic oppressive repressive totalitarian draconian fascist tyrannical biased proscriptive myopic partial antiliberal farsighted sagacious forearmed judicious politic equipped well-prepared vigilant commonsensical foresighted forethoughtful far-seeing expedient prepared

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