Từ đồng nghĩa của deep seated

Tính từ

Implanted or firmly established
deep-rooted entrenched basic deep firm fundamental inveterate profound settled bred-in-the-bone built-in confirmed dyed-in-the-wool established hard-core inbuilt ineradicable ingrained intrenched irremovable persistent radical rooted secure unshakeable abiding chronic fixed habitual inborn inbred inherent innate lingering long-lasting longstanding longtime subconscious well established deep down deeply felt lodged in one's brain enduring stubborn incurable lasting obstinate long-established long-standing accustomed lifelong habituated set continuing hardened constant persisting perennial seasoned firmly established continual unyielding ceaseless indelible tenacious ever-present continuous permanent long-lived usual proved hard-shell staid inured recurrent recurring unabating staunch diehard steadfast accepted routine unmitigated uncompromising deep-dyed ineffaceable protracted dedicated irradicable committed deep-set worn valid implanted indestructible die-hard devoted faithful extreme incorrigible unfading true through and through rigid unforgettable well-established prolonged embedded intransigent congenital irredeemable imperishable fast hard-line obsessive inextirpable sustained explicit compulsive complete resolute thorough unshakable thoroughgoing out-and-out loyal unwavering true blue unapologetic unashamed haunting card-carrying through-and-through inexorable instilled undestroyable infixed immutable out and out unremovable unchangeable full-fledged deeply ingrained deep-down long-l instinctive intrinsic gut endemic long-drawn-out driven in slow dragging resistant remaining val grounded inannihilable dug in fortified set firm spun-out drawn-out based on serious incessant devout fiery torrid ardent sicker fervent all-consuming earnest vehement definite unreformable fanatical bona fide stalwart supreme red-hot zealous wholehearted impenitent severe inerasable memorable obsessional inexpungible unexpungeable unending acute dangerous driven irresistible alarming dire grave impulsive uncontrollable rememberable not to be forgotten unerasable stirring never to be forgotten never-ending indurated old sworn adamant radicated customary besetting prevalent obscene pornographic X-rated absolute utter determined unwaivering unswerving unrepentant full-bore unfaltering right-down arrant to the core keen as mustard mad keen genuine

Tính từ

Having or displaying a passionate intensity
fervent ardent fervid intense passionate emotional enthusiastic impassioned vehement earnest animated heartfelt devout eager flaming perfervid sincere warm zealous fanatical feeling fiery avid excited keen passional profound spirited wholehearted blazing burning card-carrying charged committed dedicated demonstrative ecstatic feverish glowing hot-blooded incandescent red-hot religious superheated torrid warm-blooded deeply felt raw enthused hearty heated mad keen pious responsive serious tender unfeigned warmhearted true blue dying to gotta have gung ho hopped up hot for keen as mustard acute strong fierce deep extreme consuming deep-rooted powerful all-consuming heightened great excessive severe ferocious heavy explosive furious hellacious blistering violent raging uncontrollable urgent extraordinary frenzied exceptional almighty ghastly exquisite hard vigorous forceful dreadful abject terrible intensive vicious fearful inflamed fearsome frightful excruciating heavy-duty overpowering overwhelming full-hearted frantic hectic amorous cordial entrenched true genuine immoderate uncontrolled marked heartrending potent inordinate penetrating unqualified piercing vivid intemperate honest hard-core intrenched rooted ablaze deepest melodramatic intensified wild emotive overemotional sentimental supreme stirring thorough inveterate bona fide grave rousing very great settled thoroughgoing bred-in-the-bone confirmed relentless compelling major drastic energetic sharp significant critical cut-throat hot on fire pyretic excitable febrile flushed fevered angry impetuous burning up impulsive devoted sweating delirious rabid lively gung-ho temperamental thrilling rash tempestuous dithyrambic obsessive obsessed incensed shivering messianic forcible frenetic stormy febrific fanatic possessed expressive volatile with a temperature moving opinionated fired up white-hot hyper mercurial steamed up hot-tempered from the heart fuming enraged desirous arousing sexy titillating aflutter wrathful mighty tremendous seething aroused bubbling over effusive irascible scintillating dramatic red-blooded nutty restless impatient nervous vivacious sultry hallucinatory emphatic assiduous steadfast allegiant susceptible overzealous very angry sensitive agitable hysterical neurotic clamorous outspoken vocal loud noisy vociferous inspired in a cold sweat volcanic stirred exciting overcharged loving roused heartwarming forthright insistent strident tumultuous short-fuse hot-headed high-strung highly strung desperate full-throated pronounced concentrated mushy romantic touching sentient verklempt ungovernable inspiring eloquent poignant high-pressure hotblooded stimulated precipitate affecting headlong quickened high-powered touchy-feely worked up starry-eyed on the make militant fixated infatuated over-enthusiastic compulsive mad single-minded pushy zestful purposeful aguey dotty visionary nuts hooked crazy potty itchy ripe zealotic antsy fired go-ahead fireball afire self-starting wild-eyed wackadoodle wackadoo bigoted overenthusiastic incorrigible credulous biased willful raving addicted erratic monomaniacal unruly partial stubborn obstinate bugged headstrong contumacious domineering with a high temperature above normal running a temperature coming on strong turned on nuts for high on

Tính từ

Most intimate or private
innermost deep private intimate personal profound deepest hidden veiled inward secret true underlying concealed masked unexpressed unrevealed heartfelt honest in-depth real sincere unapparent inmost bottled up deeply felt undisclosed darkest unspoken unvoiced undeclared confidential nonpublic guarded inner privy esoteric hushed non-public individual covert clandestine reserved sneaking secretive shrouded closed closet unseen top-secret tight-lipped exclusive inside hush-hush behind-the-scenes classified privileged restricted off the record top secret unofficial unpublished one-on-one not for publication internal close quiet protected mum mom backdoor under wraps not for circulation not to be disclosed not to be made public personalized discreet personalised unknown censored sub rosa underground untold undercover one-to-one incognito dissembled strictly confidential home bosom repressed buried ulterior obscured interior obscure strict tight unacknowledged uncommunicated dissimulated individualised individualized carefully guarded closely guarded sub-rosa under-the-table psychological religious within intellectual inner-directed spiritual in private stealthy stealth surreptitious sneaky furtive backstage backstairs between ourselves between you and me and the wall between you and me between you and me and the gatepost between you and me and the bedpost between you and me and the doorpost underhanded offstage sneak inconspicuous dark underhand not open hugger-mugger behind the scenes close to one's chest behind someone's back cloak-and-dagger under one's hat tête-à-tête in camera hole-and-corner not in the public domain face-to-face direct head-to-head sensitive soft low dern arcane

Tính từ

Not able to be changed
set rigid entrenched firm inflexible steadfast concrete deep-rooted fixed invariable strict hard hardened hardheaded ingrained settled stable stubborn unbending unyielding definite immovable obstinate rooted solid stiff unchangeable unchanging unvarying bound certain determinate final flat frozen hidebound inexpugnable inveterate ironclad jelled pigheaded unflappable cast-iron hard and fast hard-and-fast stiff-necked locked in well-set set in stone solid as a rock biased preconceived unalterable immutable established unwavering changeless rigorous stringent constant uncompromising undeviating permanent decided incommutable steady inalterable enduring abiding irreversible exacting determined lasting binding fast hard-line unshakeable static perpetual precise unadaptable explicit tight absolute exact consistent uniform incontrovertible stationary severe sure resolute unfluctuating unmodifiable specific clear-cut definitive express secure clear conclusive unmovable anchored regular iron-fisted still predetermined preset invariant specified unmoving unfailing harsh eternal tough draconian stern adamant defined irrevocable obdurate decisive brassbound unrelenting ineradicable moored unchanged continuing persistent unpermissive unfading indelible immobile stipulated incontestable outright nailed stabile agreed cut-and-dried well defined arranged stated positive unqualified indisputable unquestionable adamantine never-failing unvaried unequivocal authoritarian predictable confining unfaltering valid convincing intransigent picky indestructible confirmed bullheaded unrelieved distinct unshaken convinced irremovable even immotile lifelong inexorable same perdurable ultimate prescribed relentless limited direct unswerving categorical fastened riveted plain hitched durable sturdy attached hooked emphatic dead set heavy-handed ageless ceaseless writ in stone imperishable locked secured narrow equable continual hard-nosed dyed-in-the-wool black-and-white never-ending made fast clearly defined set in concrete pegged straight nonnegotiable strong inevitable quantified safe known austere unbreakable level regimented independent nonmoving ramrod incompliant dictated mandatory written compulsory sustained continuous uninterrupted controlled disciplined unbudging balanced not changeable fixed as the laws of the Medes and the Persians unabated unabating incessant interminable unceasing non-stop well-established sacrosanct nonmotile motionless demanding finite circumscribed bounded restricted measured particular intent determining telling satisfied confident indubitable undeniable real genuine unshakable doubtless free from doubt for a fact unquestioning persuaded assured calm unremitting braced jammed cemented absolutist single-minded tough nut to crack strait-laced decided upon well grounded tied unshaking never-changing everlasting irrefutable authoritative literal assigned beyond doubt carved in stone tenacious long-lived staying put long-standing close faithful true unambiguous compelling poignant forceful powerful acrimonious drawing extreme rough brick-wall dour oppressive perennial unappealable undiversified monotonous habitual fixed as the laws of the Medes and Persians closely controlled strictly controlled rigidly enforced unending unchallengeable forbidding disciplinary illiberal endless undying indefinite forever uptight grim undoubting unmistakable determinative unanswerable peremptory irremediable unreversible non-relative non-variable remove indissoluble irreparable standing obvious by the numbers by the book dead set on intractable headstrong hardline indurate not changing unrectifiable finished unrepealable quiet situated located dateless immortal deathless manifest accurate in black and white puritanical pertinacious nailed down set fast immobilized unmoveable immobilised set firm stuck down straightforward univocal perduring stuffy forever and a day in for the long haul for keeps unpersuadable unsparing crystal clear no-nonsense allotted prearranged decreed planned resolved unblinking not subject to change in the bag

Tính từ

Holding one's attention or interest
consuming absorbing engrossing gripping enthralling overwhelming all-consuming besetting compelling compulsive devouring preoccupying ardent arresting dominating engaging fascinating immersing immoderate intense interesting intriguing involving obsessive powerful riveting strong burning exhausting fervid profound raging captivating exciting spellbinding entrancing bewitching mesmerizing unputdownable enchanting mesmerising alluring beguiling thrilling transfixing hypnotic stimulating appealing enticing seductive attractive entertaining diverting amusing mesmeric irresistible charming monopolizing delightful tantalizing monopolising hypnotizing magnetic provocative curious very interesting hypnotising tantalising thought-provoking enrapturing dazzling titillating winning seducing stirring memorable action-packed exhilarating provoking charismatic magical obsessing controlling arousing puzzling addictive distracting dramatic elfin fetching transporting readable ravishing glamourous glamorous delectable luring tempting striking impressive moving meaty vibrant inviting exceptional breathtaking wonderful astonishing eventful attention-grabbing unique newsworthy newsy portentous inspiring intoxicating splashy relatable noteworthy envigorating trenchant marvellous galvanising marvelous electrifying fabulous topical eye-opening amazing prepossessing invigorating fine showy pleasing remarkable unboring piquant wondrous affecting emphatic vivid racy out of the ordinary galvanizing electric buzzworthy pleasurable rousing refreshing worthy of note spectacular fresh very exciting beautiful desirable lively lovely pleasant siren winsome sensational dreamy mind-blowing come-hither sexy colourful heavenly staggering colorful hair-raising stunning brilliant drawing attracting agreeable divine witty heady startling magnificent rip-roaring scintillating charged extraordinary suggestive astounding inspirational mind-boggling incredible phenomenal heart-stopping lurid enjoyable sparkling mouthwatering persuasive hot miraculous sublime eye-popping eye-catching glorious awe-inspiring graphic specious salacious viral pretty animated gorgeous fairy-tale imposing encouraging shock-horror outstanding galvanic conspicuous kicky mind-bending exhilarative awesome challenging exquisite notable shareable prominent spicy relaxing scandalous flirtatious clever perfect commanding sensuous idyllic witching spirited jaw-dropping sensual appetizing magic erotic glitzy enchanted glittering fun dreamlike lovable taking disarming risqué ritzy sexually arousing sexually exciting raunchy passionate superb orphic funny juicy appetising picturesque sirenic humorous bonny sultry prestigious rich inveigling rapturous fairylike detailed splendid noticeable evocative chucklesome droll clear hilarious likeable likable forcible smart emotional significant tremendous comical distinctive unusual stem-winding marked emotive distinct salient fab spine-tingling theatrical fantastical great extravagant bodacious noisy bold motivating telling signal eloquent highly coloured gee-whizz out of this world arrestive confounding ensational enveloping salty endearing pulling illecebrous totally absorbing anodyne storybook romantic traditional fortunate happy sweet Orphean warm welcoming edgy escapist fantasy teasing pornographic comely stimulative cute fair cutesy influential saucy lewd sexually stimulating smashing mouth-watering strong in character immodest shameless immersive bright adrenalizing exalté hectic glossy cordial open full of personality come-to-bed coquettish slinky amorous steamy fantastic prodigious potent larger than life influencing prompting excellent stupendous unbelievable cosmopolitan tinselled exotic tarty invincible unconquerable inevitable scrumptious indomitable beckoning uncontainable overriding ineluctable exhilarant elating hallucinogenic mind-altering ebullient elegant giving one food for thought superior high profile jet-setting bling fast-lane royal super effervescent coruscating vivacious tense admirable obvious evident fashionable stylish manifest chic classy characterful suspenseful shocking horrifying unmistakable glam awe-striking realistic clear-cut visible transcendent well dressed first-class first-rate kenspeckle flamboyant rare grabby uncommon drop-dead pronounced surprising catchy glinting glimmering sprightly opulent foxy trendy righteous flashy nifty resplendent far-out sumptuous grand special out of sight majestic unmitigated splendorous towering monumental surpassing lavish magnific sightly luxurious observable perceptible appreciable climactic lifelike easy worth reading well-written easy to read satisfying worthwhile well written ingenious gratifying rewarding smooth entranced charmed bewitched dynamite forceful distinguished singular jazzy cogent lofty bizarre lucid effective high-octane drop-dead gorgeous appalling sensationalistic revealing visual faithful unforgettable authentic haunting sudden studied fiendish conjuring sharp sensationalist screaming important gee-whiz catchpenny breath-taking cheering pictorial delineated looking like a million shaking impassioned trembling emotion-charged graphical expressive yellow historic momentous melodramatic congenial recreative nice too good to be true shivering quaking vibrating soul-stirring anthemic inspiriting shuddering active definite true-to-life sharply-etched true to life crystal clear frantic blood-tingling large mad swinging boss wild tabloid vulgar coloured pointed rough pungent excessive livid coarse X-rated colored intellectual intelligent poignant scream riot cheerful fun-filled gas gay restorative side-splitting priceless zero cool be a ball cultured highbrowed cultivated serious deep scholarly heavy highbrow sophisticated heavyweight learned literary classical intellective

Tính từ

Essential, as an element, principle, or law
fundamental basic essential rudimentary underlying elementary basal central elemental first key primary prime radical cardinal foundational necessary principal original vital indispensable initial intrinsic organic primitive primordial root structural capital chief constitutional important abecedarian beginning crucial ingrained inherent introductory meat-and-potatoes rudimental critical integral pivotal profound axiological axiomatic bottom bottom-line constitutive deep grass-roots groundlaying major paramount requisite significant substratal substrative supporting sustaining theoretical ultimate underived innate natural native deep-rooted inborn inbred connate quintessential focal true core real congenital indigenous immanent engrained material hardwired built-in hard-wired deep-down primal inner characteristic inseparable genuine indelible permanent ineffaceable ineradicable ingrain connatural indwelling particular inmost intimate hereditary main dominant salient staple foremost predominant in one's blood needed component constituent formative pre-eminent nuclear required consequential mandatory imperative substantive necessitous all-important compulsory needful obligatory burning connected all important at the heart of prerequisite must-have vitally important high-priority called for integrant composite ingredient fractional divisional partial factorial part combinative formational constituting constructional leading supreme highest top overriding greatest master premier preeminent best organizational configurational tectonic big commanding overbearing great lead arch high head overmastering grand simple sovereign supereminent number-one number one presiding ruling numero uno sovran systemic organisational constructural formalistic skeletal architectural anatomical anatomic most important

Tính từ

Based on an instinctive emotional response rather than considered thought
gut instinctive involuntary innate intuitive instinctual spontaneous natural automatic emotional unthinking unconscious impulsive visceral basic internal intimate inner heartfelt viscerous interior subjective knee-jerk hard-wired inherent intrinsic inborn ingrained reflex mechanical habitual rooted congenital native unpremeditated intuitional accustomed mechanic unlearned robotic inbred subconscious mental psychological second-nature normal typical intellectual regular cerebral primeval animal primitive unwilled psychologic unmeditated built-in settled established entrenched deep-rooted primaeval spiritual engrained unintentional inadvertent unintended unwitting dyed-in-the-wool hardwired indigenous characteristic ingrain immanent hereditary unconditioned unprompted untaught unplanned routine unbidden inbuilt natural-born by seat of one's pants in-built ingrown subliminal accidental unrealized uncontrolled uncalculating spur-of-the-moment off-the-cuff from the hip psychic passionate uncalculated undeliberate reflexive psychical implanted fixed charged ardent fervent feeling of the mind intraphysic mindly of the heart hidden perfunctory mindless unforced thoughtless autogenetic abiding firm enduring unshakeable stubborn ineradicable unfading inveterate core underlying constitutional embedded genuine inherited fundamental essential primal central organic constitutive natal inward material expected ordinary customary standard stock usual conventional connate inmost integral indwelling elemental base connatural autogenous personal endogenous native-born set everyday wonted bred in the bone deep-down in one's blood within driven in predictable obvious default in the blood in the family original in your blood rash careless impromptu precipitate extemporaneous impetuous injudicious imprudent reckless primordial ill-considered unacquired distinctive wild ingenerate genetic existing from birth innermost physical responsive immediate inwrought raw unsophisticated born congenite genetous inspired in one's genes quintessential blind uncontrollable structural inexpungible indelible implicit permanent ineffaceable inseparable unbewised conditioned unchosen resident unalienable indispensable latent individual elementary integrated untutored part and parcel unmindful negligent heedless extempore hasty headlong ill-advised absent-minded foolish unwise hurried capricious snap stupid silly neglectful senseless remiss incautious whimsical uninhibited sudden freakish unconsidered adventurous daredevil unrepressed foolhardy oblivious abrupt daring unguarded unpredictable irresponsible madcap abandoned unwary quick offhand witless swift hectic superficial speedy brash unexpected hot-headed feckless brutish unreasoning indelicate outrageous napping unheeding vacant unmeant blunt untactful ad-lib devil-may-care jumping the gun ill-thought-out winging it

Từ trái nghĩa của deep seated

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