Đồng nghĩa của independent

Alternative for independent


Đồng nghĩa: self-reliant, dependent,

Tính từ

(on) Not influenced by others
detached impartial neutral objective just unbiased unprejudiced disinterested dispassionate equitable fair even-handed equal fair-minded uninvolved open-minded uncommitted non-discriminatory nonpartisan non-partisan unallied nonaligned nondiscriminating on the fence without favouritism free from discrimination without fear or favour with no axe to grind evenhanded indifferent impersonal uncolored unaffiliated unbigoted nondiscriminatory on-the-fence balanced clinical unemotional candid square middle-of-the-road unslanted without favor disengaged autonomous unconcerned bystanding unaligned undecided unconnected inactive nonchalant poker-faced uninfluenced disconnected on sidelines cool nonpolitical anti-discrimination judicial noncombatant nonbelligerent unprepossessed uncoloured collected middle-of-road easy nonparticipating calm unrelated neuter pacifistic relaxed inert aloof unimplicated unaffected strictly business cold honest indie unruffled composed level-headed rational sensible logical reasonable unmoved nonpassionate non-aligned non-discriminating broad-minded removed non-participating uninterested straight not taking sides upright honourable on the level honorable decent scrupulous on the up and up good unselfish trustworthy ethical fair and square right proper virtuous egalitarian even aboveboard above board righteous legitimate businesslike principled lawful outside unswayed moral conscientious sincere blameless level kosher upfront justifiable true fair-and-square focused steady open moderate selfless equable focussed rightful free from self-interest without prejudice sitting on the fence well balanced nonbiased due upstanding genuine equalized without distinction right-minded equalised straightforward proportionate pure on the up-and-up middle dinkum respectable conscionable incorruptible noble even-steven cricket fair-to-middling stable analytic truthful in proportion distant reliable dependable that takes everything into account middle of the road straddling the fence right and proper on the square on-the-level square deal fair shake full of integrity stand-up remote unfeeling unsympathetic unsentimental sober antiseptic emotionless clean legal legit hard-headed pukka liberal tolerant uncorrupted frank civil enlightened non-emotional accepting free catholic undogmatic permissive on up-and-up unprescriptive understanding acceptant perceptive observant acceptive according to the rules prejudice-free non-judgemental

Tính từ

Free from outside control or authority
free freethinking individualistic maverick unconventional bold liberated unconstrained undisciplined unfettered unhampered unrestrained untrammeled untrammelled wild contrary freewheeling headstrong individual wilful decontrolled uncontrolled unregimented free-spirited nonconformist uninhibited narcissistic egoistic egotistical egotistic egocentric egomaniacal egoistical selfish pompous vainglorious conceited self-loving self-indulgent self-absorbed self-interested stuck-up self-serving self-concerned self-centered self-centred wrapped up in oneself ungoverned abandoned unsuppressed unchecked unbounded frenzied hysterical open-minded enlightened rational liberal tolerant radical released unrepressed emancipated free and easy prideful vain grandstanding snobbish haughty proud solipsistic self-involved know-it-all having a swelled head puffed up self-regarding self-obsessed self-important inflated self-preoccupied on an ego trip inward-looking wrapped up with oneself self-infatuated self-seeking opinionated self-oriented self-sufficient self-admiring stuck on oneself aloof superior swollen unique original off-centre unorthodox atypical singular idiosyncratic uncommon groundbreaking characteristic distinctive pioneering bohemian particular eccentric special typical odd self-reliant strange megalomaniac individualist peculiar different unusual weird heterodox innovative avant-garde dissenting heretical offbeat bizarre dissident freakish quirky dissentient outlandish oddball iconoclastic nonorthodox unprecedented heretic unfamiliar out-there irregular alternative queer abnormal aberrant esoteric anomalous left-field extraordinary novel way out wacky new out of the ordinary rebel imaginative creative fresh innovatory way-out inventive ingenious far out rebellious innovational off the wall hippie inspired refreshing resourceful revolutionary welcome stimulating essential private distinguishing representative distinct specific personal extreme not just another rad groovy deep mod modern modernistic cool ultramodern contemporary all your own subversive questioning irreverent idiocentric sceptical critical out of this world malcontent renegade mutinous impious denunciatory schismatic nonconforming skeptical free thinking freak sectarian beatnik seminal trailblazing uncustomary visionary clever fertile artistic disruptive unknown originative rare unwonted inspiring untried newfangled informal demiurgic Promethean unaccustomed productive funny quaint unheard of wacko freaky curious ground-breaking avant garde breaking new ground unheard-of far-out kinky kooky off-the-wall out there hippy rum unceremonious madcap zany screwy boho outré bizarro exceptional crazy weirdo off the beaten track out in left field

Tính từ

(of a person or lifestyle) Isolated from others
solitary isolated private withdrawn individual lone reclusive antisocial introverted lonely lonesome retiring sequestered unsociable unsocial hermitic hermitical solo deserted introvert reserved retired distant standoffish aloof eremetic self-sufficient self-contained all alone alone companionless cloistered unaccompanied friendless only one-off unique singular sole one special by itself by oneself unattended separate forsaken misanthropic offish out-of-the-way particular sui generis lorn uncompanionable on its own stag secretive discreet reticent demure uncommunicative closemouthed restrained cautious silent constrained laconic ungregarious detached unforthcoming self-restrained cold insular media-shy unfriendly shy hermit-like guarded quiet cool unrevealing taciturn undemonstrative unapproachable snobbish stand-offish tight-lipped non-communicative close-mouthed close diffident secret shrinking dumb unresponsive modest remote mum bashful dark mom tight-mouthed clammed up timid close-lipped clamlike inhibited backward self-effacing nongregarious on the QT unemotional buttoned up secluded chilly frigid unaffable timorous mute unassuming coy unspeaking enigmatic deep tongue-tied untalkative peaceful cagey sheepish recessive evasive muted eremitic hush-hush hushed zipped playing one's cards close to one's chest dried up camera-shy formal unconversational meek inward-looking short humble unassertive not talkative wordless curt speechless mumchance of few words nervous withdrawing seclusive prim at a loss for words socially inhibited anchoritic eremitical Olympian cryptic unamiable rabbity unexpansive unconcerned aseptic disinterested incurious retreated thoughtful recluse uncurious casual uninterested indifferent gentle mild serene soft-spoken icy ceremonious noncommittal sedate collected composed placid conventional undercover furtive backstairs covert feline sly mysterious unneighbourly uncongenial hidden not forward aw-shucks inhospitable in chambers in the background in privacy in private playing your cards close to your chest in the dark rude uncivil haughty mopey frosty asocial unclubbable mopish unneighborly hostile buttoning up clamming up tight chops distrustful inaccessible brooding inapproachable scowling unbending dry standoff mum's the word zipping one's lips buttoning one's lip uptight unwilling suspicious antagonistic uppity stuck-up dummied up wouldn't say boo to a goose buttoned-up cold-eyed

Tính từ

Involving or having two extremes
bipolar contradictory contrastive opposed opposite antithetic antithetical clashing conflicting contrary contrasting different discordant dissimilar dissonant distinct distinctive divergent incomparable incompatible incongruent incongruous inconsistent mismatched opposing deviating differing discrepant disharmonious disparate distant diverging incommensurate inconsonant nonidentical separate unequal anomalous contrasted discrete unalike uncoordinated ill-matched non-identical at odds at variance in opposition unlike diverse unrelated distinguishable distinguishing particular respective alternative disproportionate express individual especial other alternate irreconcilable polar diametric converse antipodal disagreeing antipodean diametrical cross reverse adverse obverse hostile unconnected competing oppugnant inverse inimical reversed poles apart flip-side streets apart paradoxical unsimilar contrapositive violative counter diametrically opposed antagonistic antipathetic inharmonious repugnant variant mutually exclusive inverted oppositional anti unharmonious antonymous dissenting varying repelling against heterogeneous in disagreement unmixable unfriendly adversarial warring uncongenial at odds with allergic transposed out of line not in keeping out of sync out of step at loggerheads out of keeping on the outs backward varied turned manifold unique sundry incoherent unsuitable at variance with negative dissentient quarreling contrarient belligerent quarrelling combative various aggressive facing enemy restrictive battling exposing protesting denying confronting controverting defensive disputed crossing objecting combating defending obstructive gainsaying disputing rival unsympathetic confrontational inconformable resistant contentious averse offbeat reluctant at cross-purposes up against inhospitable like night and day factious quarrelsome not alike like chalk and cheese ill-disposed unsuited antipathic reciprocal polar opposite inside extreme counterbalancing antitypical contrariant disconsonant unfavorable unfavourable ambiguous nullifying contradictive ornery counteractive con negating agin self-contradictory dichotomous oppositive contrarious irresoluble hateful against the grain nothing like otherwise no go repellant untypical unnatural off-key atypical irregular factional inconstant jarring unadapted incompatible with polarized opposed to irreconcilable with contrary to conflicting with inconsistent with contradictory to miscellaneous assorted frictional in conflict acrimonious multifarious whale of difference not similar directly opposed to polarised divergent from differing from contrasting with different from different to back wrong repulsive weird myriad divers mismated out of tune out of harmony at outs everted far from not capable of comparison far cry march to a different drummer angry militant omnifarious indiscriminate mixed diversified on a sour note spiteful bellicose eclectic unassociated discriminable contrariwise regressive motley vitriolic jaundiced dissident wrathful virulent disapproving inside out turned back unwilling unsociable argumentative adversative truculent unreceptive pugnacious accusatorial difficult oppugning retroverted back-to-front bottom-to-top changed right-to-left flipped reverted not the same turned over down on dead set against dissenting from acting in opposition on the warpath set against in disagreement with

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Diverse in character or content
heterogeneous mixed varied assorted miscellaneous motley different diverse diversified contrasting disparate unrelated divergent unlike incongruous varying differing discrepant dissimilar eclectic indiscriminate kitchen-sink magpie patchwork piebald promiscuous raggle-taggle ragtag sundry variegated wide-ranging amalgamate composite confused conglomerate contrary contrasted contrastive discordant divers inharmonious jumbled legion manifold mingled mongrel mosaic multifarious multiplex myriad odd opposed unallied variant various multitudinous many distinct multiform distinctive numerous unalike omnifarious separate several unequal polymorphic all manner of many-sided discrete individual multitudinal populous polymorphous peculiar changing protean changeable multifaceted distinguishable multiple varicolored unique unsimilar farraginous contradictory opposite colorful loose nonidentical inconsistent non-identical colourful broad a variety of extensive catholic haphazard general alternate disproportionate discriminable unconnected unassociated wide alternative disordered compound mismatched dappled mottled conflicting distant other antithetical multicolored multicolour multicoloured dissonant multifold diversiform poles apart not alike multicolor like night and day some many and various like chalk and cheese an assortment of a mixture of a range of not the same dubious hybrid distinguishing irregular aberrant exotic scrambled unmatched scattered muddled unsorted random voluminous varietal clashing incompatible many and different a mixed bag of of every description disharmonious omniform variform collected a mixed bag anthologized jarring quite a few comprehensive morefold plural beaucoup collective all-embracing a number of nothing like ill-matched at variance at odds liberal broad-ranging universal kaleidoscopic chromatic prismatic polychromatic polychrome multihued rainbow colored broad-based inclusive encyclopedic interdisciplinary non-exclusive multidisciplinary cross-disciplinary selective combined blended alloyed united fused cosmopolitan versicolor coloured dilettantish incorporated amalgamated encyclopaedic unlimited unrestricted unqualified unspecialized multicultural assimilated hybridized multinational transfused multiracial hybridised joint brewed unsegregated heterogenous merged infused woven crossed embodied interdenominational interracial married international kneaded integrated tied not similar offbeat weird antonymous mismated far from far cry general-purpose all-purpose all-round all-around not capable of comparison pied spotted march to a different drummer flecked brindled blotchy blotched speckled skewbald pinto brindle marbled dapple patchy marked splotched tabby marled particoloured black and white two-colored brown and white parti-colored opposing irreconcilable disagreeing deviating inconsonant polar oppugnant incongruent antithetic incomparable uneven adverse streets apart antagonistic lopsided particular in opposition out of keeping ill-assorted mutually exclusive otherwise incommensurate differential anomalous counter differentiable as like as chalk and cheese repugnant unsuited diametrically opposed out of line not in keeping out of sync out of step at loggerheads on the outs single unbalanced asymmetrical diverging unidentical another incommensurable unsymmetrical disconnected reverse diametric uncoordinated unequivalent diametrical off-balance contradistinctive contradistinct antipodal unattached antipathetic antipodean dissentient hostile not matching not kin not kindred not related complementary very unalike very inconsistent very unlike a far cry from unharmonious discriminatory uncongenial bipolar respective express especial altered discriminating discriminative asymmetric unjust misallied one-sided inequitable unreconcilable specific antipathic untypical unnatural off-key factious atypical factional precise disconsonant unmixable unmistakable foreign oppositional anti unfriendly irresoluble reluctant hateful discriminational not so very different not as such sole detached other than supposed diacritical separated sour note uncoupled unlinked disunited isolated sui generis impertinent nongermane irrelative inappropriate remote removed out of tune out of harmony in disagreement at outs fluctuating variable converse irrelevant to incompatible to incongruent with unequal to incomparable to inconsistent with immaterial to unrelated to unsteady erratic unstable obverse cross inimical competing inverse reversed paradoxical contrapositive violative inequal not uniform warring facing enemy restrictive repelling battling exposing protesting denying confronting controverting defensive disputed crossing allergic objecting combating defending obstructive gainsaying disputing rival flip-side awry askew at cross-purposes up against remaining jerky unsmooth serrate spasmodic harsh top-heavy asperous unlevel nonsymmetrical spotty fitful scabrous overbalanced notched out of true not flat not level not parallel

Tính từ

Free of commitments or obligations
fancy-free at leisure at liberty carefree free liberated unconstrained unfettered footloose happy-go-lucky unattached without commitments without ties separate unconnected unaffiliated detached autonomous unallied uncommitted self-governing disconnected neutral self-ruling freestanding discrete single non-partisan non-aligned distinct individual uninvolved unassociated with off the hook on one's own apart independent of uncommited isolated separated loose disengaged disjoined removed uncoupled untied divided different not attached unhooked alone unfastened unhitched cut off unsecured open loosened unbuttoned unzipped undone segregated self-contained discontinuous free-standing by itself parted not joined set apart dissociated diverse unbound disparate severed standing apart standing alone unassociated divergent distant unengaged disunited selfstanding standalone unlaced unstuck released divorced secluded sequestered unrelated not fixed several disjunct various non-continuous irrelevant not related matchless distinctive unique specific dissimilar precise particular distinguishable unconfined unrestrained unalike unlike nonidentical sole contrasting offbeat other poles apart easygoing free and easy unrestricted unmarried sui generis go-as-you-please loosed undivided partitioned abstracted unaccompanied emancipated disassociated scattered apportioned asunder disjointed distributed sundered disembodied far between cut apart shut off fenced off in halves put asunder cut in two set asunder

Tính từ

That does not conform, for example to cultural norms, official regulations, or the rules of an established church

Tính từ

Not connected with or relevant to something
irrelevant immaterial impertinent inapplicable unconnected unrelated extraneous inapposite insignificant unimportant inapt negligible peripheral inconsequent tangential detached disconnected inappropriate inconsequential irrelative minor trivial disparate dissociated foreign inessential outside pointless remote superficial trifling unapt unassociated unnecessary inappurtenant inapropos separate beside the point neither here nor there off base out of place not applicable not connected not germane not pertinent not related off the subject not connected with not pertaining to not to the point of little account of no matter of no moment off the point off the topic out of order of no account of no consequence of no importance nothing to do with incidental wide of the mark extrinsic unsuitable incongruous wrong marginal lesser improper unfit unseemly unbecoming unfitting malapropos incompatible incorrect nothing to do with it secondary subsidiary misplaced inadmissible unsuited nonessential infelicitous non-essential inconsistent indecorous amiss untoward inept perverse graceless unhappy ill-suited supplementary external alien superfluous unconcerned adventitious subordinate borderline ancillary petty misguided different slight not to the purpose unessential ill-advised ill-judged ill-considered inconsonant unacceptable unbefitting not at issue ineligible all the same undue unseasonable uncalled-for ill-timed disproportionate out of character not proper out of keeping a minor point lower-level ill-fitted bad form OT parenthetical accessory supervenient garbage inappreciable minimal lightweight inconsiderable meaningless inconsiderate not important not significant off-topic by the by accidental by the way additional extra another thing beside the question nihil ad rem needless redundant not worth worrying about not the issue nothing to do with the case wide of the point no big deal matter of indifference a matter of indifference no never mind makes no difference unneeded intrusive uncharacteristic heterogeneous lower subservient indirect clashing inadequate unmatched inharmonious dissident discordant dissonant disagreeable not good enough jarring discrepant interfering senseless unassimilable side outermost not the main less important on the side perimetric outer exterior mismatched discrete distinct disconnected from distant from surface sideline bordering remote from different from tasteless untimely unprofessional not suitable out of its element ill-matched unattached free freestanding single unladylike ungentlemanly unfortunate injudicious unwarranted tactless inexpedient inadvisable regrettable inopportune divided individual undesirable insensitive in poor taste out of line lacking in propriety left-field ill-chosen foot-in-mouth off in bad taste way off separated isolated

Tính từ

Not easily persuaded to change beliefs or opinions
strong-minded determined firm resolute strong-willed uncompromising purposeful purposive resolved self-disciplined sure unbending unwavering unyielding dogged forceful inexorable persevering persistent tenacious unfaltering unshakeable unswerving committed dedicated gutsy rock-ribbed stalwart stubborn indurate iron-willed perseverant spunky indomitable single-minded steadfast obstinate unrelenting intent obdurate intransigent unflinching inflexible fixed pertinacious immovable relentless staunch set indefatigable adamant earnest spirited steely driven unhesitating undaunted implacable mettlesome headstrong unshakable mulish unflagging self-willed decided wilful insistent gritty pigheaded willful constant intractable refractory bent plucky serious steady strong full of determination bent on decisive bullheaded hard-nosed untiring dead set unshaken vigorous recalcitrant stout-hearted bent upon opinionated perverse set on hardheaded ossified hard adamantine stiff-necked inconvincible hardened self-opinionated brave bold hell-bent courageous stiff undeviating bull-headed unmalleable contumacious bulldog obsessed pat unbendable rigid deliberate stout bound strenuous hell-bent on do-or-die hell-bent upon out avid valiant solid keen stubborn as a mule industrious bloody-minded tough manful settled enthusiastic go-getting pig-headed dead set on ardent true four-square unswervable pushy focused motivated zealous unpersuadable assertive unchanging balky bolshie eager contrary uncooperative fanatical froward ruthless cross-grained intent on self-driven insistent on determined to self-assertive focussed self-starting goal-oriented hard-driving invincible unflappable ambitious unconquerable devoted iron emphatic compulsive meaning business tireless restive inspired unsurpassable invulnerable aspiring enterprising cantankerous single-minded about firm about thirsty cussed hungry active fierce desirous obsessive striving lionhearted monomaniacal intrepid hanging tough inflexible about on one's mettle bound and determined defiant doughty undefeatable unmanageable committed to the idea of obsessive about hell bent on militant fixated on energetic unreasonable fanatical about difficult deaf to reason firmly-based direct diligent mullish domineering straight reliable trusty unadaptable haughty ornery assiduous boneheaded unreceptive cast-iron awkward fervent devout passionate self-motivated unfailing faithful proud aloof hellbent cocksure iron-jawed loyal definite immutable persisting tall in the saddle intent upon locked-in hard-core hard-shell undismayed dauntless feisty hardboiled buckled down stanch positive flat-out clear-sighted all out straight out assured never-tiring patient aggressive as stubborn as a mule set in one's ways gung ho fervid impassioned dyed-in-the-wool sworn tried-and-true true-blue responsible pious tried inveterate remorseless stroppy unmoved unbreakable with one's feet dug in dogmatic convinced with one's toes dug in locked in contrarious uncompliant wrong-headed heady opinionative incompliant unalterable unbeatable eager beaver power-loving self-asserting get up and go like a ball of fire high-reaching on the make power-hungry progressive adventurous pioneering self-seeking thrusting desiring success out to fixed on fixed upon decisive about anxious to minding committed to obsessed with resolved on intending to impatient to resolved to determined on impregnable good compelled consumed fearless insuperable unstoppable untameable bulletproof heroic insurmountable impassable unassailable possessed hopeful galvanized impelled impulsive fixated urged on guided besetting pushed steered obsessional galvanised induced stony unimpressible unrepentant hardhearted bullhead uncompassionate unemotional impertinent harsh mean cold fish proof against persuasion tough nut to crack set in stone wholehearted unmovable grim dependable trustworthy fast unremitting stable tried and true tried and tested allegiant enduring absolute secure conscientious unqualified dutiful honest unvarying sincere upright honourable never-failing honorable sedulous certain strict abiding intense scrupulous safe genuine even uniform rigorous unfluctuating complete calculable thorough true-hearted unappeasable consistent deep-dyed patriotic down-the-line attached trustable unvacillating unchangeable hard-working truthful unwearied confirmed trusted dynamic inexhaustible total weariless sturdy high-spirited invariable sound out-and-out card-carrying true blue liege incorruptible close exact entrenched invariant regular established utter thoroughgoing sustained unquestioning correct full unreserved unerring entire unequivocal long-standing deep-rooted unwearying unimpeachable predictable loving brick-wall sensible reputable righteous circumspect meticulous mad keen hard-and-fast behind one confident flawless on the level perfect infallible whole long-established hearty cruel severe merciless impeccable Herculean diehard principled unceasing pitiless undying bosom painstaking ingrained incorrigible balanced unsparing incessant accurate inevitable stern unconditional daring redoubtable supportive unstinting unmitigated unforgiving just stringent unsinkable unafraid unadulterated unalloyed imperturbable full-bore unapologetic unashamed decent undivided laborious importunate exacting perky jumping grind hyper permanent through and through right-down arrant undeterred determinate continued incurable virtuous ethical ironclad whole-hearted high-principled sure-fire obedient calm equable changeless die-hard hard-line confiding affectionate true to life mature through-and-through poised veracious composed stand pat tough nut up front always there keen as mustard string along with level-headed stop at nothing tried and trusted impervious unshrinking well-founded immoveable unblinking gallant unending unretiring game perfervid valorous hardy perseverative indelible irremovable orthodox unintimidated straightforward restless uninfluenced homogeneous unswayable resistant credible respectable perfectionistic boon orderly careful incorrupt unabated iron-fisted pounding mortal hard-headed ballsy cohesive standing pat go-to same pledged undiscouraged audacious steamroller resilient nervy powerhouse radical in good faith coherent on the go ball of fire never give up competent rocklike copper-bottomed going all the way possessive unforgetful stouthearted undauntable manly greathearted heroical gutty expected nose to grindstone nerveless bred-in-the-bone chronic habitual lion-hearted punctilious not put off not discouraged studious engagé adherent in place in position as game as Ned Kelly full-fledged instilled congenital infixed deep-seated well-established deep-down idealistic red-hot concentrated austere true to type good as one's word to be counted on carrying the load unpliable inelastic exclusive authoritarian irreversible concrete brassbound level stationary impassive lusty static ramrod unpermissive fastidious fiery implicit to the core out and out deeply ingrained continuing plugging go-go unstinted fireball plodding hopeless unquenchable burning bitter furious ferocious granite unmoving stony-hearted unimpressionable unbroken undistracted collective unambiguous real categorical unplacatable unmollifiable inescapable iron-handed unpacifiable durable flat uncurving engrossed unshared pedantic fussy unmodifiable quiescent unlimited unrestricted draconian writ in stone cut-and-dried strait-laced decided upon hard and fast heavy-handed lasting frozen united absorbed consummate pure foolproof guaranteed stabile ineluctable unanimous attentive concerted in earnest dominant right moral nice finical nitpicking finicky saintly prevailing inexpugnable seasoned well grounded heartfelt unfeigned undiluted warm outright inseparable valued swift prompt forthright rapid necessary immobile compulsory all minute detailed vigilant right-minded dug in detail oriented going explicit irrepressible eternal beyond hope believable fly right straight-up above suspicion boy scout rock solid as good as one's word to be trusted worthy of trust down home full of integrity faultless worthy truehearted veridical creditable all right undistorted estimable square authentic fullhearted religious stick to guns set in concrete as straight as an arrow uncorrupted cherished dear compelling special undamaged best intimate close-knit normal convincing treasured long-lived staying put solid as a rock lock stock and barrel error-free mean business no lie influential persuasive well judged fresh trenchant felicitous unimpaired favourable seasonable expedient unspoiled eatable timely potent well timed unhurt dyed-in-the wool no going back hang tough uncanny deadly like death and taxes sober on the up and up unexpressed unspoken constructive virtual undoubting practical undeclared taken for granted tacit implicative implied understood inarticulate inferential unquestioned latent unuttered inferred unsaid contained hundred percent whole-souled bona fide undecayed well-timed uncontaminated promising intact fit to eat unblemished without reservations errorless dead unmistaken inerrable spot-on inerrant rational on one's side sedate staid levelheaded serene stolid favorable in a straight line reserved down-to-earth having both feet on the ground full of common sense well balanced self-restrained unruffled collected self-possessed serious-minded cool unexcitable spot on make good in good part make good on something

Tính từ

Possessing financial wealth
wealthy rich affluent prosperous moneyed flush loaded monied opulent pecunious flourishing thriving minted propertied upscale booming comfortable fat financial fortunate oofy plutocratic privileged substantial successful uptown blessed favoured favored lucky snug well off well-to-do upper-class well-endowed well-off deep-pocketed filthy rich fat-cat silk-stocking well heeled on easy street well-fixed cash rich having it made in easy street in the money of means stinking rich with deep pockets made of money of independent means rolling in money set for life well-heeled doing it easy in clover leisure-class on Easy Street rolling in it worth a bundle in luck of substance worth a packet multi-crore quids in in the chips on velvet landed gilded bloated upper class old money nouveau riche upper crust worth a million well provided for bountiful abundant plentiful ample luxuriant lavish profitable prolific powerful large doing well liberal productive bounteous lush cornucopian plenteous full aplenty overflowing easy lucrative generous luxurious property-owning copious fruitful galore heavy voluminous unstinting handsome no end a dime a dozen stinking with no end in sight well-situated remunerative on the up and up moneymaking money-spinning gainful fertile prospering healthy growing burgeoning buoyant developing blooming expanding profuse palmy progressing roaring halcyon golden boomy infinite inexhaustible bumper huge great socially advantaged fast-growing teeming superabundant plenty lank going strong plenitudinous a gogo sitting pretty landowning not short leisured happy in the black eminent famous influential happier prodigal solvent born with a silver spoon in your mouth elegant sizeable abounding big munificent commodious better-off profit-making lousy rich with money to burn advantaged in abundance in plenty enviable elite gracious pleasant strong vigorous mushrooming paying cushy fecund fructuous juicy economic resplendent fancy improving suitable sufficient chic grand extravagant fine jammy ballooning rampant snowballing and up on the up thick on the ground in the gravy satisfactory adequate living high off the hog in the lap of luxury free from hardship advancing going triumphant blossoming arrived rolling cooking robust have it made on top of heap have the wherewithal home free more fortunate

Danh từ

A person unlike most others
individual individualist nonconformist freethinker free spirit maverick rebel sceptic skeptic eccentric outsider radical dissenter dissident heretic nonbeliever renegade beatnik bohemian character extremist free thinker hippie iconoclast loner lone wolf malcontent misbeliever New Ager rare bird rarity rationalist dissentient flower child infidel libertine oddball odd one out one of a kind one-off oner rara avis revolutionary weirdo apostate bad boy objector disputant protester heresiarch rejectionist recusant separatist schismatic original deviant counterculturist nonconformer boho nihilist protestant mutineer lone ranger unconventional person enfant terrible revolutionist insurgent unorthodox person agnostic unbeliever doubter non-theist non-believer opponent humanist atheist pagan heathen disbeliever paynim nullifidian deist doubting Thomas sectarian sectary revisionist demonstrator activist separationist cynic agitator opposer questioner militant miscreant picketer subversive scoffer misfit pessimist campaigner protest marcher recreant protestor idolatress idolater tergiversator freak partisan dogmatist weirdie dropout withersake zealot troublemaker wackadoodle screwball kook wackadoo offbeat striker supporter outlier disrupter picket social justice warrior profaner misanthrope materialist reformer fish out of water odd fish marcher different breed SJW odd man out secessionist freedom fighter complainer gonzo insurrectionary refusenik insurrectionist rule breaker no trendsetter outcast giaour gentile nonworshiper irreligionist challenger independent thinker schismatist critic zetetic headshaker Pyrrhonist detractor ruiner innovator non-conformist denouncer image-breaker picketers exception oddity crank flake loser heckler bigot human chain square peg in a round hole round peg in a square hole dogmatizer partizan fanatic disciple boycotter rioter revolter lobbyist devotee adherent heterodox thinker unorthodox thinker firebrand inciter instigator rabble-rouser demagogue Young Turk cohort satellite traitor deserter defector turncoat incendiary fomenter stirrer true believer exciter demagog provocateur kindler agent provocateur leftist fighter agent pusher advocate mover sparkplug ringleader reactionary champion propagandist provoker anarchist Judas quisling serpent double-dealer betrayer double-crosser backstabber snake soapbox orator backslider wave maker rat renouncer deconvert hippy seceder swinger liberal night person

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One who services a loan or other obligation, by collecting receivables and carrying out related actions such as enforcement

Danh từ

Somebody able to act freely

Trái nghĩa của independent

independent Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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