Từ đồng nghĩa của fixed upon

Động từ

To have picked one option over another
took picked chose favoured preferred selected favored elected embraced went for decided on handpicked opted for settled on wanted to cherry-picked decided upon elected to choose felt disposed to fixed on hand-picked made a choice to picked out plumped for singled out took up voted for adopted chosen named opted taken optated cast the die gone for determined resolved nominated concluded tagged aimed specified identified reached planned established ruled purposed figured decreed desired marked voted settled agreed guessed cinched tapped cited made a choice decided picked and choose conjectured come to a conclusion wanted had the intention sorted out made up your mind called shots settled on a plan of action awarded come to decision had in mind committed yourself had final word reached decision come to agreement reached a conclusion wished come to conclusion elected for made your mind up ended with reached a decision formed opinion flagged up made up mind marked out settled upon made a decision committed oneself mediated come to a decision polled sifted out surmised forechose forechosen taken up came to a decision arrived at conclusion came to a conclusion came to conclusion came to agreement went down line took a stand drew a conclusion came to decision gone down line drawn a conclusion taken a stand willed appointed designated set put in power agreed on pinned down put down for pitched on fixed fixt made culled ordained returned pegged fingered accepted plumped on plumped committed oneself to assigned discriminated between arranged delegated stipulated commissioned allotted constituted placed installed proposed voted in indicated put in made a decision on made up one's mind on set aside made a choice on pointed out put finger on made a selection resolved on come down in favour of arrived at pondered weighed considered came to come to scheduled deputed committed flagged announced declared intended confirmed allocated earmarked labeled labelled imposed inducted branded denoted employed prescribed recognized moved for come to the conclusion deliberated on balloted received signed up came down in favour of charged fancied made choice fixed up instructed predestined admitted deputised voted into office recognised ended up co-opted detailed deputized buttoned down authorized classified dictated made the decision to made up one's mind laid down made a point of slotted settled for come to an agreement on capped come to a decision on come to a conclusion on judged made the choice of tabbed reached a decision on pointed to made a selection on remained firm authorised exercised choice determined on called for taken on took on agreed upon lay down seen fit to saw fit to saw fit seen fit chosen by ballot chose by ballot gone down the line went down the line undertaken undertook came to a conclusion on came to a decision on came to an agreement on took a stand on taken a stand on came to the conclusion taken a decision took a decision

Động từ

To have come to a judgment
determined finalized resolved confirmed specified agreed to concluded decreed designated ruled on adjudged adjudicated arbitrated authorised decided on deemed finalised judged settled on agreed on assigned authorized cinched clinched figured out nailed down named ordained pinned down prescribed setted worked out squared off squared up set come to a decision about called the shots on took a decision on came to a decision about taken a decision on selected appointed decided picked elected chosen chose opted for established picked out fixed nominated singled out settled fixed on plumped for handpicked adopted cherry-picked put in power arranged stipulated preferred favoured favored tagged settled upon allotted voted for returned accepted embraced identified defined recognized imposed taken took dictated scheduled set down indicated laid down fancied installed culled made figured arrived at voted in resolved on fingered pegged tapped put in set a date for demanded optated recognised decided upon set aside pointed out put down for put finger on marked hand-picked gone for went for distinguished ordered spotted pinpointed required commanded wanted desired wished pleased craved located ID'ed IDed voted ruled enjoined directed recommended limited delegated announced wished for declared pronounced formulated allocated prearranged nailed completed closed lay down commissioned peached promulgated opted agreed sealed achieved branded denoted placed employed made a choice worked balloted received signed up discriminated between made choice fixed up instructed yearned solved guided predestined particularised admitted inclined toward made a decision voted into office espoused particularized detailed come to an agreement loved called the shots come to a conclusion classified made up one's mind made provision for made a selection slotted felt disposed to capped liked come down in favour of proposed tabbed constituted pointed to come to a decision wrought sifted out called for saw fit seen fit willed taken on took on agreed upon chosen by ballot chose by ballot gone down the line went down the line wrote a prescription for written a prescription for wrote prescription written prescription came to a decision came to a conclusion came to an agreement came down in favour of taken up took up

Tính từ

(determined to) Having made a firm decision
determined intent on bent on bent upon set on dead set on fixed on committed to resolved on resolved to firm about hell-bent on insistent on single-minded about hell-bent upon obsessive about determined on determined to fixated on obsessed with fanatical about out to decisive about fixed bound intent determined upon resolved set driven committed eager bent insistent firm decisive resolute keen purposeful out steadfast decided persistent tenacious industrious minding single-minded hell-bent inflexible about do-or-die intending to strong-minded impatient to anxious to strong-willed unwavering dedicated persevering dogged earnest stubborn staunch unfaltering unrelenting obstinate steady unyielding unflinching indefatigable stalwart unswerving obdurate unbending inflexible relentless unflagging constant focused unhesitating unshakeable zealous pertinacious settled uncompromising immovable untiring focussed ardent intransigent spirited enthusiastic diligent serious assiduous adamant motivated vigorous undaunted deliberate active undeviating obsessed implacable unshaken tireless indurate avid forceful assertive dead set steely indomitable full of determination bold plucky strong wholehearted mettlesome perseverant sedulous faithful ambitious devoted go-getting true pushy enterprising conscientious rock-ribbed gritty stout intense fanatical gutsy rigorous devout hard-driving loyal self-starting goal-oriented self-driven aspiring unshakable hard-working self-assertive hungry stout-hearted eager beaver desirous thirsty inspired purposive fierce studious energetic ruthless positive definite militant concentrated fast manful stable bulldog obsessive brave rigid courageous strenuous unqualified thorough stiff attentive spunky unchanging unbendable four-square striving laborious unswervable emphatic stanch pious persisting true-blue progressive pioneering certain dyed-in-the-wool meaning business unmalleable operose hell bent on sincere careful sure bound and determined fixated painstaking power-loving power-hungry solid meticulous self-asserting high-reaching committed to the idea of self-seeking never-failing get up and go fervent passionate detailed hellbent busy valiant engaged engrossed absorbed self-willed mulish grim compulsive monomaniacal minute iron-willed sworn scrupulous domineering unremitting aggressive hardworking fervid impassioned tried-and-true gung ho adventurous dependable bustling unmovable inexorable reliable good established hopeful assured absolute hard explicit inexpugnable down-the-line consistent hard-and-fast enduring abiding in earnest determinate allegiant unquestioning like a ball of fire on the make on one's mettle desiring success tending inclined predisposed leaning disposed firmly-based headstrong hardboiled buckled down resolute about wilful intrepid immutable responsible tried inveterate intractable refractory recalcitrant thrusting searching mullish insistent about self-motivated trusty involved unfailing preoccupied immersed telelogical calculated cocksure iron-jawed going for broke intent upon unstoppable perseverative occupied riveted concentrating alert methodical mean business be out for blood playing hard ball nose to the grindstone patient tall in the saddle strict trustworthy changeless liege immobile consumed compelled genuine deep enthralled pigheaded possessed unappeasable with one's shoulder to the wheel ball of fire with one's nose to the grindstone competitive stubborn as a mule clear-sighted all out flat-out straight out confident dynamic galvanized impelled cutthroat sustained feisty ferocious hanging tough impatient whole-hearted unabated bloodthirsty stringent obsessional induced honest heartfelt vehement meaning what one says serious-minded close hard-line dominant unalterable never-tiring never give up tough nut warlike gladiatorial defiant brutal scrappy bullheaded pig-headed supportive durable impulsive besetting pushed steered galvanised guided prevailing hardened seasoned dutiful pledged going wrapped up go-ahead stand pat hang tough through-and-through hang-tough full-blooded intensely competitive high-pressure go for broke in-your-face self-assured can-do fiercely competitive stop at nothing having killer instinct self-possessed self-confident cut-throat dog-eat-dog upwardly mobile final express specified whole engagé attached adherent entire defined precise quantified urged on known definitive conclusive limited exacting punctilious particular red-hot mad keen card-carrying deep-dyed true blue complete total full heedful frozen ultimate flat distinct exclusive categorical unbroken undistracted collective employed unadulterated unmitigated unshared unreserved unalloyed determining slogging swotty plugging working plodding united consummate unanimous continued concerted out-and-out circumspect all lock stock and barrel undivided vigilant unflappable

Từ trái nghĩa của fixed upon

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