Từ đồng nghĩa của bold

Alternative for bold

bolder, boldest

Từ đồng nghĩa: arrogant, audacious, brazen, cavalier, defiant, haughty, impudent, insolent, rude, saucy,

Từ trái nghĩa: cowardly, diffident, faint-hearted, shy, timid,

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Willing, or inclined, to take chances or risks
brave courageous daring fearless heroic intrepid adventurous audacious gallant undaunted valiant dauntless enterprising gutsy valorous unafraid unflinching dashing plucky adventuresome venturesome ballsy confident daredevil gritty positive spirited swashbuckling assured brash decisive doughty emboldened foolhardy free-swinging greathearted gutty hardy heroical lionhearted manful nerved nervy rash reckless spunky stalwart stout stouthearted undauntable venturous feisty game lion-hearted temerarious assuming aweless bantam resolute mettlesome stout-hearted vigorous determined unshrinking indomitable energetic strong manly have-a-go chivalrous dynamic peppy devil-may-care madcap lively tough active powerful tenacious heedless vital noble forceful fiery unabashed animated macho flamboyant enthusiastic red-blooded rock-ribbed unfearful wild go-ahead death-or-glory muscular unblenching imprudent hasty ostentatious ambitious impulsive exciting zippy impetuous headstrong virile incautious overbold showy robust fire-eating passionate potent aggressive risky vivacious high-spirited sprightly masculine male steely dazzling jaunty zealous driving bouncy brassy snappy precipitate pushy vibrant unalarmed extravagant carefree rugged assertive full of life gay overconfident cocky sparky butch grandiose spartan dogged risk-taking big harum-scarum ill-advised as game as Ned Kelly unfearing strapping effervescent sparkling gingery brisk lusty injudicious exploratory hotheaded frisky chirpy thrill-seeking emphatic resourceful exuberant thoughtless pert spanking brazen vehement high-powered intense racy staunch honourable buoyant epic full-blooded careless dangerous go-go breezy keen hazardous steadfast sturdy alert death-defying impavid grand bright full of beans full of vim and vigour frightless eager peppery honorable tireless irresponsible unguarded perky overhasty bubbly furious romantic unwary hare-brained ardent desperate improvident pushing unthinking zesty indiscreet kinetic zestful animate headlong springy pizazzy pizzazzy bouncing jazzy unwise indefatigable harebrained all-male effective resounding striking airy manlike original imaginative ingenious shameless strenuous muscly sporty inventive forcible firm brawny high-octane bright-eyed and bushy-tailed creative urbane smart mannish unswerving unfaltering unyielding entrepreneurial high-flown man-size ripped man-sized hunky hot-headed exaggerated well-built lordly shredded up-and-coming elaborate elevated progressive defiant innovative monumental Herculean well built unconsidered buff jacked lofty irrational fortitudinous laddish quixotic violent generative cheerful dareful sharp forward precipitous hell-for-leather kamikaze hairy outrageous go-getting persevering redoubtable cool sporting rousing ebullient shocking joyful sound cheeky herolike merry frolicsome pretentious frenzied jumping to conclusions slapdash insuppressible immature premature ill-considered worthy puissant icy gumptious zappy jolly stirring two-fisted overambitious busy industrious lavish gamesome effectual persistent spry precipitant peart impassioned fresh ill-judged storming punchy intensive coming on strong full of spirit alive and kicking bright and breezy unsafe foolish full of get-up-and-go full of the joys of spring all-out hard-hitting swaggering nerveless rakish unwavering unbending stylish stubborn bravehearted debonair gaudy eye-catching startling flashy full of determination roisterous resilient undismayed ungoverned uncurbed restless presumptuous seeking sassy saucy unspeakable Ramboesque mettled resolved rumbustious cavalier orped attractive raffish unconcerned unworried unapprehensive earnest pioneering boisterous superhuman impervious undisturbed great-spirited fun-loving swish elegant on the go unremitting pertinacious chin-up liberal disruptive advanced forward-looking modern enduring purposeful classic unabashed by unshakable undaunted by dapper perseverant unthought-out ill-conceived misjudged inflated enlightened forward-thinking driven suave dignified irrepressible frolic crank champion mythological unscared sure unalarmed by unfrightened tearaway bull-in-a-china-shop exclusive swank adult jock stud beefcake ape stallion boyish caveman hunk flourishing electrifying full of fun new rising alive bustling frantic gung ho badly thought out not thought through excited happening colorful humming colourful buzzing vivid stand tall unheeding lawless hopping coruscating stimulating thriving astir abuzz salty impudent crusty smart-alecky obtrusive avant-garde chauvinist he-man sensitive untiring vibrating unflagging radiant responsive bigger than life solid husky burly substantial hefty not scared abubble aboil over-venturesome over-adventurous fire eating hot shot monstrous scandalous heinous anxious stupid wide open mad silly breakneck off deep end out on limb ball of fire full of pep studly powerfully built fecund beefy well made fertile having nerves of steel aggressively male ultramasculine unpleasantly masculine go for broke atrocious worried distracted in-your-face pulling no punches high-sounding magnetic electric high-minded egotistic out on a limb reproductive sexually potent procreative large imposing knightly pompous bombastic OTT cheery happy sunny immoderate immodest upbeat large-scale unrealistic high-falutin' high-flying far-reaching on a grand scale flush exorbitant magnificent commanding extreme excessive chivalric magnanimous jovial gleeful playful charismatic influential compelling energizing hyped-up activating go-getter productive vitalizing self-motivated highpowered energising blithesome chipper imperious impressive fantastic disproportionate impish jocose exhilarated loyal just high true sublime gentlemanly fair natural great courteous gifted capable able talented clever quick-witted rollicking sparkly sportive wick devilish glad perk light play for keeps play hard ball over the top fanciful unreasonable insane trim easy natty virtuous courtly constant flip joking spruce avid barnstorming rocking hot jumping burning zingy hyper hungry take-over itching craving hardworking yearning diligent aspiring hustling lusting advancing self-starting ready in good spirits gentlemanlike benevolent great-hearted noble-minded well-mannered as merry as a grig as lively as a grig spark plug hard ball negligent inconsiderate misguided unwatchful inattentive unobservant mindless impolitic off-guard unalert uncautious regardless unmindful wary unvigilant neglectful caught napping asleep at the wheel playing with fire leading with one's chin off guard pay no mind fast-and-loose sticking one's neck out not careful any old way asleep on the job foot-in-mouth

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Marked by, or displaying, a boldness of character
impudent brash cheeky forward saucy brazen audacious fresh insolent sassy shameless cocky pert barefaced brassy immodest impertinent presumptuous unabashed confident feisty pushy rude arch blatant bold-faced brassbound brazen-faced cocksure defiant familiar free in-your-face nervy overfamiliar presuming unashamed unblushing unembarrassed unreserved unshrinking wise arrogant brass-necked forceful spirited assuming gritty self-assured smart smart-alecky bold as brass coming on strong not backwards in coming forwards flip disrespectful bumptious overconfident self-assertive contumelious malapert disdainful supercilious uppity overbold haughty impolite discourteous irreverent lippy pompous flippant overweening overbearing conceited flagrant assumptive smug lordly arrant self-asserting hubristic inconsiderate lofty uppish insubordinate high-handed pretentious imperious cavalier contemptuous assertive insulting offensive mouthy self-confident aggressive procacious high and mighty unmannerly egotistical loud sniffy ill-mannered uncivil improper proud opinionated vain boastful patronizing obtrusive blustering cool superior snippy scornful self-important hifalutin highfalutin huffy chesty huffish toplofty toploftical boldfaced vainglorious intrusive patronising high-and-mighty stiff-necked high-hat indecorous officious bad-mannered peremptory outrageous full of oneself domineering out of line egotistic thrusting pushing crude mannerless smart-arsed swaggering brazenfaced meddlesome bald-faced bossy swollen-headed derisive abusive smart-assed important masterful indelicate indecent snobbish off-base condescending out-of-line disparaging snotty snooty abandoned wanton impetuous interfering undisguised rash prying meddling nosy indiscreet ungracious obnoxious immoral facetious strident thoughtless smarty-pants cute smart-aleck bigheaded affected smarty shocking ill-bred mischievous sneering pushful snobby elitist dictatorial mocking full of yourself know-it-all loudmouthed as bold as brass scoffing hoity-toity stuck-up toffee-nosed sacrilegious profane impious blasphemous wise guy unseemly cold-shoulder ambitious aweless unconcerned fearless too big for your boots hotheaded crass pontifical egoistic egoistical narcissistic prideful egocentric impulsive impolitic over-free open busy intruding tactless naughty inappropriate unconcealed hotshot breezy forthright depraved dissolute unchaste hardened incorrigible lewd reprobate profligate unprincipled protrusive nosey snoopy precipitate hasty vulgar flashy daring bright coarse unrepentant self-affected bloated selfish self-promoting self-serving self-engrossed self-congratulatory self-opinionated self-centered self-righteous self-contented self-adulatory swellheaded biggity self-glorifying self-conceited self-centred bare-faced presumptive magisterial showy self-satisfied undiplomatic unhandsome unmannered uncalled-for sheer loud-mouthed orgulous untactful vivacious iconoclastic bantam insistent over-assertive fancy-pants big-headed bragging biggety autocratic disgracious snippety puffed up stuck up irreverential unhallowed crusty ungodly unholy jumped up hard unapologetic on an ego trip brave plucky amoral boldface obvious heavy indulgent overindulgent relaxed ballsy lacking civility bad mannered imperative impish throwing one's weight around overhasty previous premature foolhardy meretricious tawdry spunky gutsy temeritous combative volatile weisenheiming effervescent trashy heedless headlong incautious maladroit bullish tolerant free-and-easy go-ahead smart-mouthed uninhibited put down overassertive direct chirpy dapper dashing keen highhanded overt overfriendly overfree undismayed undaunted importunate remote swanky ostentatious tony persnickety aloof unduly familiar noisy blaring harsh projecting prognathous bald bulging jutting grating jarring frank temerarious naked churlish high-flown throwing one's weight about putting on airs driven unawed unflinching piercing raucous unfitting unbecoming making passes at making advances towards misbehaved unfilial profanatory cacophonous deafening jangling dissonant thundering booming shrill poised composed abashless unaffected unshamed unrestrained high-pressure enterprising fierce go-getting militant chatting up gaudy ear-splitting discordant personal unsubtle undignified suggestive unladylike ungentlemanly jazzy tinny garish sharp-elbowed inquisitive incongruous unsuitable high-pitched metallic flirtatious without shame risqué smutty scandalous unwholesome untoward distasteful off base smart alecky off-colour out of keeping withering derisory taunting jeering sure witty demeaning scathing degrading derogative snide abhorrent depreciative denigratory slighting detractive belittling derogatory decrying pejorative uncomplimentary depreciatory deprecatory denigrative positive certain jaunty high hat hard-nosed on your high horse temperamental full of contempt on high horse sardonic disapproving dog it upstage opprobrious smart aleck smart guy smarty pants clever pointed ingenious sarcastic incisive adept smooth agile highbrowed humorous whimsical highbrow sharp bantering apt tongue-in-cheek droll quick nimble jocular jesting ready nifty quick-witted authoritarian tyrannical assured despotic complacent authoritative commanding dogmatic grandiose strutting tyrannous autocratical tyrannic consequential arbitrary la-di-da oppressive dismissive above oneself aristocratic inflated doctrinaire inflexible dominating portentous puffed-up rigid imperial wilful sententious self-loving uncompromising posh potty stuffy ritzy holier-than-thou pleased with oneself pontificating obstinate unyielding puffy repressive draconian willful flaunting severe stiff adamant bombastic imposing indifferent blusterous prejudiced opinionative opinioned vaunting bigoted iron-handed exclusive obdurate heavy-handed intolerant dogmatical self-aggrandizing undemocratic autarchic pigheaded boasting loudmouth anti-democratic peacockish strict stubborn self-regarding self-absorbed braggart self-admiring self-applauding pleased with yourself firm in love with oneself too big for one's boots coercive biased absolute full of hot air high controlling brusque abrupt emphatic dominant regnant crowing totalitarian egomaniac careless iron-fisted summary gracious flatulent windbag illiberal high-minded la-de-da wisenheimer single-minded definite bull-headed demanding highfaluting dictative of fixed views too big for one's breeches think too highly of oneself think a lot of oneself self-approving goody-goody have an excessively high opinion of oneself well pleased self-complacent self-flattering extraverted braggy self-pleased self-gratulatory self-dramatizing blustery extroverted proud of oneself too big for one's britches offhand puffed standoffish elitist refined airy powerful casual curt cliquish masterly bullying poncey windy disciplinarian honourable honorable silliness giddy dizzy flighty insouciant uninterested offensively self-assertive ironhanded overproud high falutin reserved distant detached selective self-obsessed decisive wiseguy self-willed unceremonious lording it stooping insufferable ranting glib terse cursory off perfunctory preponderant ascendant prevalent majestic regal august judicial stately dignified blowing one's own horn partisan self-opinioned grand spectacular magnificent splendid exaggerated flowery overstated priggish wrapped up in oneself take-it-or-leave-it pococurante offish la-dee-da complaisant blowhard sure of oneself compulsatory obligatory mandatory exacting required compulsory discriminatory daredevil reckless madcap brisk fustian swanking big-mouthed too big for your breeches swollen with pride on a high horse on one's high horse self-respecting nose in the air riding for a fall overoptimistic Neronian cynical hypercritical big of preconceived ideas exultant denigrating monocratic clamorous crack-the-whip stern throwing weight around despicable malicious stuck on oneself compelling undeniable rigorous decided fixed stringent finished think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift think one is the cat's pyjamas downright unchallengeable entrenched narrow-minded unquestionable categorical unbending pleased rejecting contemning averse despising antipathetic unsympathetic scouting repudiating content absolutist small-minded flushed brag boast hot stuff conceity ham phony gall phoney fascistic fanatical one-sided unequivocal tenacious determined wrong-headed formal bullheaded uncontrolled one-party unaccountable unconstitutional single-party sure of yourself heading for a fall on ego trip ruthless tsarist czarist merciless turning up your nose at looking down your nose at subjugating I'm all right, Jack well-pleased proud of yourself like a cat that has swallowed the canary flushed with success like the cat that's got the cream strong-willed snot-nosed devastating big talking blowing one's own trumpet humiliating in driver's seat crack the whip solemn stinging biting mortifying blistering blasting searing ponderous snubbing blighting hurtful sonorous grandiloquent declamatory crushing rhetorical overblown oratorical overripe apostolic serious grave headstrong pig-headed

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Showy, bold or audacious in behavior or appearance
striking conspicuous ostentatious bright prominent pronounced eye-catching showy strong vivid flashy arresting bodacious brilliant catchy colourful commanding distinct dramatic emphatic exhibitionistic flamboyant glittery grabby kenspeckle lively loud marked noisy noticeable obvious outstanding remarkable spectacular splashy garish gaudy lurid salient colorful definite evident forceful manifest plain well marked dazzling impressive extraordinary amazing incredible stunning notable astonishing astounding phenomenal sensational powerful awesome graphic breathtaking imposing staggering distinctive rare noteworthy awe-inspiring exciting out of the ordinary stirring intense surprising significant thrilling electrifying wonderful startling momentous memorable unusual uncommon arrestive jaw-dropping gee-whizz stimulating clear invigorating rich vibrant envigorating effective engaging refreshing unmistakable resplendent radiant glitzy signal telling exceptional singular heady attractive distinguished glaring rousing gripping marvellous unbelievable attention-grabbing wondrous terrific jazzy titillating fascinating observable amazeballs fantastic hair-raising unreal super marvelous primo out of this world distinguishable conclusive decisive screaming bright-coloured pointed resounding deep-coloured tense storming decided positive suspenseful thumping thundering glowing riveting climactic shock-horror stem-winding high-octane gay breath-taking sudden rip-roaring action-packed studied highly-coloured highly colored clear-cut visible extravagant miraculous drop-dead bombastic lucid elaborate animated eye-popping perceptible appreciable forcible prodigious pre-eminent unforgettable important dynamite cogent compelling lofty charming confounding bizarre famous great tremendous considerable imaginative racy stupendous uncanny weighty solid warm blinding interesting preeminent smashing wicked beautiful gorgeous captivating hot gleaming exhilarating high world class unco never to be forgotten zero cool gilt-edged biting energizing spine-tingling sharp energising can't miss it arousing insane cool bad splendid daring moving excellent groovy influential dandy inspiring impassioned ridiculous first-rate fabulous monumental superb delicious profound first-class deep lavish grand absorbing divine like wow stately crazy majestic swell glorious far out touching massive affecting hunky-dory luxurious

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(typography) Of a kind of typeface having dark, heavy strokes, used especially for emphasis

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Clearly perceptible or self-explanatory
obvious clear plain evident apparent manifest patent conspicuous pronounced transparent palpable prominent marked decided salient striking distinct noticeable perceptible perceivable visible discernible detectable observable tangible recognisable recognizable unmistakable indisputable self-evident incontrovertible incontestable axiomatic demonstrable undeniable blinding inescapable overt open undisguised unconcealed frank glaring blatant flagrant explicit self-explanatory unquestionable unsubtle bald barefaced broad lucid luculent luminous nonambiguous pellucid perspicuous ringing straightforward unambiguous unambivalent unequivocal conclusive distinguishable exposed precise public understandable as clear as day as plain as a pikestaff as plain as the nose on one's face bald-faced beyond doubt beyond question bright-line clear as a bell clear-cut crystal clear cut-and-dried open-and-shut plain to see right under one's nose standing out a mile standing out like a sore thumb staring someone in the face sticking out a mile sticking out like a sore thumb writ large written all over one outstanding arresting naked showy brazen obtrusive pointed shameless dramatic signal definite remarkable out-and-out under one's nose eye-catching commanding flamboyant brilliant grabby emphatic splashy catchy unhidden kenspeckle bodacious noisy revealed seeable easily seen out in the open big as life complete utter notable arrant audacious flashy visual seen ocular discoverable macroscopic significant in view in sight viewable not hidden to be seen outrageous strong wholehearted appreciable flaunting egregious stark thoroughgoing unfeigned ostentatious gross unashamed sharp loud gaudy garish identifiable rank certain crying brass-necked as plain as day as clear as crystal deliberate notorious full audible in plain sight assured bare-faced black-and-white sensible noteworthy well-defined clean-cut recognized recognised open and shut written all over someone as plain as the nose on your face genuine dinkum direct noted considerable distinctive evinced divulged disclosed thick standing out clearly visible staring one in the face on show substantial great evidenced sheer categorical unrestrained unabashed outright indubitable unblushing impudent insolent unembarrassed brash unmitigated dominant predominant enunciated unrepentant clear cut stunning snazzy without shame screaming protrusive meretricious overbold brassy glitzy beyond a doubt forestanding unchallenged accepted uncontested much in evidence staring you in the face on display on view plain as day well defined in evidence easily distinguishable protruding make no bones anywhere to be seen plain as the nose on your face intrusive protuberant thrusting to the fore lurid in the foreground measurable sticking out out of place sensational arrestive spectacular sure positive settled absolute final in full view can't miss it firm unarguable decisive guaranteed concrete proven express univocal definitive specific right under your nose convinced confident crisp silhouetted forthright graphic severe vivid well-marked undubitable well-grounded stated known incisive minute black and white hard and fast clearly defined not vague cut and dried as plain as daylight enormous shocking dreadful scandalous atrocious awful heinous infamous immodest monstrous disgraceful flagitious terrible reprehensible wicked iniquitous shameful villainous flagitous flaming capital grody out and out stick out like sore thumb hanging out irrefutable comprehensible undoubted apprehensible intelligible acknowledged inarguable irrefragable not in doubt unanswerable unchallengeable true graspable fathomable confirmed downright undebatable comprehendible unassailable knowable accomplished easy to understand compelling unqualified coherent real accurate beyond a shadow of a doubt undisputed accessible user friendly user-friendly digestible nailed-on legible scrutable verifiable watertight penetrable uncontroversial logical apodictic simple beyond dispute convincing confirmable sure thing unquestioned pure authentic discernable provable ultimate doubtless demonstrative not in question avowed glaringly obvious clinching hard airtight actual blunt surefire flat authoritative determinate inordinate no mistake extreme excessive particular safe for sure in the bag as sure as eggs is eggs easy to follow perspicacious understood conceivable manifestly cognizable traceable unmissable exclusive controlled unshakable established well-known sound prima facie candid attestable evincible obligatory necessary binding compulsory imaginable glanceable readable uncontestable unequivocable clear as day noncontroversial unimpeachable factual plausible believable colorable credible ostensible seeming patently true serious telltale nailed down undisputable runaway grievous published unique verified exorbitant major inimitable immoderate unfailing infallible supportable sustainable checkable empirical empiric well grounded well-proven well founded publicized cinched on ice unalterable no ifs and or buts for certain no ifs ands or buts inevitable no two ways about it foolproof irrevocable unerring deducible ascertainable inferable honest ascertained resolute publicised shared broadcast set inexpugnable stable frozen sealed fixed hard-and-fast secure in circulation hardened corrupt abandoned solid fail-safe inerrant sure-fire can't-miss questionless failsafe freely available establishable supreme truthful fundamental plainly seen public knowledge in the public domain in the open widely known depraved indecent profligate improper straight brutal unexaggerated harsh realistic having down pat dissolute impenitent incorrigible remorseless unprincipled there are no two ways about it all sewn up thorough unvarnished upfront literal reprobate unconditional bare cold unchaste cheeky presumptuous rude lewd immoral high-handed total consummate wholesale perfect double-checked veridical unfabled true to life unadulterated warts and all all-out unalloyed that's a fact dead categoric crashing deadly profound blank very cotton-picking unmodified flat-out unrestricted stone straight-out fair plumb regular clean blooming no ifs ands or buts about it deep-dyed entire all whole

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Resolute and steadfast in one's will or ambition
steely resolute determined steadfast firm dogged unyielding unbending tenacious obstinate unflinching staunch inflexible strong unwavering persevering unrelenting undaunted unswerving fixed unfaltering unshakable purposeful rigid vigorous hard gutsy assertive hardened forceful gritty unshaken ruthless fierce untiring zealous hearty sturdy fanatical emphatic steady aggressive iron lusty fiery grim bitter burning ferocious furious granite stony unquenchable single-minded stalwart committed unshakeable constant immovable courageous earnest resolved unhesitating dedicated persistent indefatigable decided stubborn strong-minded strong-willed relentless spirited bulldog implacable brave plucky indomitable mettlesome stout strenuous stiff intent stout-hearted unflagging rock-ribbed purposive pertinacious adamant set insistent obdurate deliberate intransigent manful perseverant uncompromising indurate solid spunky true four-square unswervable full of determination valiant serious unbendable unchanging undeviating meaning business robust tough firmly-based unshrinking direct devoted unblinking fearless immoveable unappeasable intrepid faithful decisive bound reliable trusty straight unintimidated persisting loyal definite immutable settled out intent on do-or-die hell-bent on hell bent on tall in the saddle on one's mettle insistent on set on dead set on determined to hell-bent upon bent on intent upon committed to the idea of bent upon driven unflappable wholehearted inexorable unmovable compulsive

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Boldly self-assured
dominant assertive commanding confident domineering assured bullish strong demanding determined feisty firm authoritative forceful imposing pushy controlling decisive forward insistent bossy imperious overbearing positive ambitious audacious driven fearless fierce collected committed composed daring emphatic intrepid poised powerful resolute resolved spirited staunch steadfast steely tenacious tough zealous self-assertive self-assured self-confident self-reliant strong-minded can-do cool-headed decided self-possessed strong-willed self-asserting aggressive militant enterprising in-your-face vigorous sure energetic go-getting unwavering dynamic secure unhesitating uncompromising competitive strenuous high-pressure industrious earnest keen persistent dogged indefatigable certain untiring eager unfaltering purposeful unflagging unrelenting active gutsy dauntless vehement potent gung ho believing in oneself sure of yourself sure of oneself violent diligent steady calm cool dedicated phlegmatic motivated tireless ardent nonchalant unperturbed unswerving imperturbable assiduous hungry intent rigorous persevering unruffled enthusiastic avid unyielding impassive full-blooded serene obstinate tranquil unflappable sedulous unshakeable thirsty desirous sanguine relaxed inspired obdurate undeviating pertinacious ruthless together courageous brave cocksure unfazed unflinching level-headed aspiring upbeat stubborn overconfident nonplussed equanimous filled with aplomb laid-back not backward in coming forward self-driven single-minded puffed up at ease self-starting self-respecting goal-oriented hard-driving pushing driving resounding muscular go-ahead hardline solid settled influential self-sufficient immodest compelling convincing stable restless wholehearted painstaking passionate surefooted sure-footed dogmatic assaultive persuasive robust stout carnivorous pushful fast unerring safe conscientious constant intense effective absolute cocky believing unafraid expecting expectant well-balanced brassy laborious radical hard-hitting full of oneself hard-working compelled obsessed unbending consumed undaunted obsessive set unshakable mettlesome fixed unbendable fanatical stalwart unshaken striving bent possessed immovable galvanized adamant serious monomaniacal indomitable plucky impelled fixated compulsive obsessional induced impulsive urged on hell-bent guided besetting bent upon pushed full of determination steered dead set galvanised complacent doubtless implicit brazen clear pumped up rosy cool, calm and collected high unremitting relentless rigid cutthroat sustained ferocious unabated progressive bloodthirsty pioneering stringent eager beaver power-loving gladiatorial hang-tough self-willed bound and determined get up and go high-reaching defiant intensely competitive stop at nothing power-hungry brutal iron-willed having killer instinct go for broke scrappy warlike cut-throat self-seeking dog-eat-dog bullheaded fiercely competitive untroubled placid unworried controlled undisturbed unflustered equable unmoved coolheaded self-composed self-controlled peaceful unemotional sedate unagitated level limpid equal recollected smooth levelheaded unbothered at peace even-tempered unconcerned easygoing patient chilled cool as a cucumber as cool as a cucumber dignified urbane suave undismayed elegant casual undoubtful civil unaffected stolid easy sensible stress-free mild-mannered grounded calmed commonsensical clearheaded dispassionate swaggy hotdog know-it-all hotshot self-secure unabashed nerveless dashing unvexed unflurried unstirred graceful debonair philosophical stoical stoic mellow neutral centred centered passionless in control unexcited detached unimpassioned unexcitable keeping a stiff upper lip cool as cucumber have one's act together temperate not turn a hair keeping your cool quieted keeping one's shirt on soothed disimpassioned staid repressed suppressed amenable reserved mild complaisant tolerant insouciant carefree balmy halcyon balanced practical lackadaisical pacific idyllic peremptory dominating rational reasonable wise pragmatic prudent circumspect mature realistic restful reposeful sober businesslike sane judicious reliable sound dependable lordly optimistic cheerful moderate unhurried straight buoyant hopeful masterful authoritarian autocratic dictatorial well adjusted with one's feet on the ground full of common sense well balanced well-adjusted happy-go-lucky easy-going having no doubt unshakeable in one's belief trusting in no doubt secure in one's belief convinced satisfied with no doubts about masterly cheery bright tyrannous despotic tyrannic arrogant autocratical imperative magisterial tyrannical in good heart of good cheer disposed to look on the bright side happy ridibund lively animated officious doctrinaire

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(of clothing, decorations, etc.) Having tastelessly contrasting colors or patterns
loud garish gaudy flashy flamboyant lurid glaring showy ostentatious obtrusive vulgar tasteless flash colourful colorful extravagant naff bombastic glittering kitsch outrageous tawdry brash bright elaborate tacky brassy chintzy meretricious pretentious splashy flaring gimcrack glitzy razzle-dazzle swank swanky trashy brilliant striking jazzy eye-catching vivid vibrant noisy rich conspicuous strong dazzling snazzy resplendent ornate fancy intense deep ritzy bling dramatic fancy-pants bling-bling gay flaming sparkling lustrous warm glowing bright-coloured exciting kenspeckle commanding bodacious prominent catchy noticeable grabby marked pronounced arresting remarkable emphatic florid expensive tinselly overdone tinsel nifty over the top pizazzy pizzazzy crude brightly coloured Brummagem radiant bedazzling sensational opulent clear irradiant sheeny glossy gleaming psychedelic incandescent luminescent candescent luminous blazing shiny kaleidoscopic lambent glistering refulgent beaming deep-coloured ablaze highly-coloured highly colored shining dark scintillating lucid saturated harsh exaggerated glamorous multicoloured multicolored spectacular fiery lively imaginative stimulating effective interesting graphic over-elaborate affected theatrical flaunting splendid stylish smart wild glittery OTT superfly pompous like an explosion in a paint factory looking like an explosion in a paint factory in bad taste dicty swashbuckling brilliantly coloured blatant brazen cheap catchpenny classy peacocky histrionic splendiferous overwrought sumptuous screaming tony luxurious dashing flakey peacockish luxuriant sporty gassy luscious chichi camp flaky in poor taste cheap and nasty full visual spiffy raffish sharp snappy trendy natty brummagem rakish sassy elegant chic fashionable voguish sophisticated dapper now beautiful slick upscale uptown jaunty in vogue high-class dressed to kill over-bright violent schmick distasteful unattractive nauseating bilious sickly kitschy debonair modish cool baroque swish dressy fly kicking kicky stunning groovy rococo with it on fleek sleek mod a la mode in fashion whimsical casual informal tatty convivial merry plastic splurgy fun spivvy dandy spiffing crass cheap-jack cheapjack rubbishy paltry shabby shoddy junky worthless pizzazz frou-frou coarse gross poor dirty offensive common sleazy twopenny-halfpenny pzazz trumpery gussied up putting on the ritz trendsetting hip in modern fine contemporary polished designer funky exclusive happening fresh swell supercool intricate urbane latest big steezy modernistic dap tasteful new decorative well turned-out à la mode in the mainstream up-to-date up to date au courant all the rage dressed to the teeth bang up to date up to the minute ultra-modern decorated embellished ornamental ornamented lovely adorned gorgeous spruce deluxe fussy busy posh trim swinging quality towering extreme superior select devilish attractive prime fanciful special trig swagger froufrou frilly fancible unusual cushy custom beautifying highfalutin high-quality as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox

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Ambitious or difficult to achieve
aggressive ambitious challenging audacious difficult hard grandiose demanding lofty monumental tough daring extravagant formidable unrealistic exigent impressive onerous ballsy brash herculean idealistic improbable unfeasible fanciful impossible killer unreal unreasonable unlikely far-fetched large-scale difficult to achieve exacting arduous strenuous trying exhausting taxing industrious severe elaborate intrepid toilsome grand visionary energetic stiff hellish pretentious killing magnificent knackering high-pressure grueling gruelling rigorous testing laborious rough backbreaking punishing stressful oppressive back-breaking effortful harsh burdensome daunting torturous tortuous excruciating tedious ponderous wearisome tiring bruising rugged wearying agonizing brutal troublesome grievous moiling draining forbidding harrowing uphill thorny fierce crushing bothersome fatiguing unsparing heavy agonising mighty painstaking hellacious intense stringent extreme colossal unforgiving weighty titanic wearing grim toilful debilitating galling tiresome cumbersome operose upstream vigorous intimidating unyielding grinding sweaty tall painful sapping hairy gargantuan energy-consuming Herculean tricky immoderate crippling merciless immense unremitting staggering gigantic prohibitive imperious murderous really hard very hard intolerable unbearable unpleasant distressing jarring solemn distressful shattering backbreaker depleting exorbitant excessive unfair steep persnickety pressing time-consuming Augean pick-and-shovel dicey awful hazardous easier said than done nerve-racking high-impact slavish torturesome unendurable hard-won drudgy labored serious no picnic vicious marathon cruel uncomfortable troubling difficile laboured unnerving tough going problem ominous insufferable sticky tormenting not easy worksome like getting blood out of a stone ferocious almighty savage scabrous problematic uphill battle discomforting stretching hefty thoroughgoing major

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Showing defiance
defiant recalcitrant aggressive challenging disobedient insubordinate obstinate rebellious contumacious non-compliant truculent uncooperative antagonistic audacious daring hostile mutinous obstreperous provocative refractory resistant resisting belligerent confrontational insolent intransigent argumentative bellicose combative dissenting pugnacious balky contentious contrary feisty froward incompliant intractable quarrelsome rebel recusant restive stroppy subversive ungovernable unruly untoward wayward wilful willful bolshie scrappy cheeky dareful disregardful gutsy insubmissive reckless resistive sassy ready for a fight spoiling for a fight dysfunctional delinquent undisciplined ill-disciplined naughty badly behaved mischievous bad badly-behaved impudent misbehaving whiny petulant problematic cantankerous erratic difficult trying errant uncontrollable stubborn disruptive rascally disorderly socially impaired incorrigible rowdy fierce maladjusted rude hot-tempered exasperating rough disturbed ill-behaved undisciplinable tiresome nasty devilish unrestrainable loudmouthed unmanageable self-willed malicious uncompliant pesky wearisome uncontainable roguish demanding mean indocile peevish troublous irksome sullen headstrong perverse fractious unyielding obdurate insurgent wild turbulent noncompliant disaffected militant seditious riotous ornery awkward factious dissident threatening pigheaded discordant mulish out of control insurrectionary unbiddable incontrollable inflexible warlike bloody-minded disputatious revolutionary agonistic assaultive chippy ill-tempered renitent bad-tempered bull-headed irascible troublesome determined violent gladiatorial cussed brawly warring stiff-necked insurrectionist dissentient cross nonconformist pervicacious opposing unreasonable fiery impish iconoclastic unbending irritable choleric radical arsey uncompromising lawless persistent quick-tempered nonconforming immovable opinionated indomitable unrestrained contrarious destructive unwilling relentless out of hand negative dissentious resolved anarchic disloyal cross-grained unaccommodating captious touchy boisterous dogged adamant unmalleable anarchistic treasonable thrawn uncontrolled aggers pertinacious bullheaded irrepressible strong-willed malcontent tenacious attention-seeking up in arms pat stubborn as a mule alienated surly obstinately disobedient malevolent offensive treacherous pig-headed unpredictable traitorous troublemaking testy inimical grouchy pettish litigious snappy prickly cavilling crabby huffy disputative unpersuadable chaotic antipathetic loud implacable steadfast firm noisy wrangling battling fighting rigid bickering adverse querulous unrelenting ill-natured annoying tempestuous rumbustious inexorable hardheaded adamantine inconvincible hardened hard ossified caviling playful impetuous brawling capricious unbridled tough tricksy brattish scampish puckish prankish fiendish gallus wanton wrong on the warpath strong-minded single-minded hard-nosed full of mischief locked in self-opinionated deaf to reason dead set on irreconcilable estranged haughty renegade nonobservant undefeated heretical maverick unorthodox mutinying apostate schismatic irregular unfavorable unfavourable rioting withstanding malign maleficent spiteful triumphant fickle declinatory refusing divergent impatient objecting declining disobliging naysaying disagreeable hot-blooded restless individualistic armed sabotaging attacking treasonous militaristic hawkish obstructive unhelpful unresponsive incurable jingoistic oppugnant sabre-rattling warmongering battleful vexatious impotent rampant as stubborn as a mule unadaptable unbowed untrained unbearable undependable intolerable impossible civil disobedience rock-ribbed with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way unsteady unschooled paradoxical contrariant disagreeing salty uncomplying immoral aberrant arbitrary without law and order wrongheaded converse pushy biffo insoluble hard-line thorny unpliable locked resolute knotty excited strong overwhelming intense insuppressible freaked abandoned overpowering vociferous uproarious raucous inconsistent ungoverned lacking self-control clamorous rampaging loath negativistic averse reluctant indisposed hesitant have a bone to pick tough nut having a chip on one's shoulder hang tough self-assertive ready to fight itching to fight rambunctious self-indulgent angry inhospitable adversarial hotheaded controversial polemical polemic anti roisterous rackety tumultuous like a loose cannon beside oneself misbehaved raunchy artful kiddish infantile sly frolicsome foxy bothersome ruffianly thoughtless immature childish inconsiderate disrespectful ructious arguesome splenetic unfriendly abusive narky miffy exasperated rip-roaring excitable impassioned passionate churlish war rampageous roistering against opposed snarly grumpy piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous wicked impolite lively rollicking romping anarchical heedless lawbreaking thin-skinned sinful rancorous snappish cranky unkind fretful mighty peppery soreheaded raising the roof raising Cain teasing worthless impulsive impervious rash intemperate imprudent forward assertive drunken bawdy evil short-tempered have chip on shoulder hostile to inimical to opposed to averse to stiff out of line bad-mannered unbendable unshakable steely unflinching unenthusiastic about persevering unshakeable unalterable dead set against disinclined to accept reluctant to accept unwilling to accept unmoved indurate unbreakable fixed dogmatic heady opinionative convinced remorseless unpleasant discourteous with one's feet dug in iron-willed with one's toes dug in wrong-headed itching scathing deadly vituperous terrifying intimidating cowing terrorising trenchant sharp hateful mordacious frightening browbeating caustic terrorizing harsh bullying ferocious mordant

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Vehement or impassioned in expression
declamatory rhetorical theatrical bombastic grandiloquent high-flown inflated oratorical pompous dramatic elaborate extravagant florid flowery magniloquent ornate high-sounding lofty orotund overblown overripe affected discursive fustian highfalutin overdone overinflated overwrought pretentious purple turgid aureate euphuistic Ossianic stagy tumid arresting booming elocutionary eloquent fluent formal melodramatic grandiose verbose sonorous ostentatious windy rhetoric magnific hyperbolic flatulent silver-tongued articulate big showy complicated mouthy effusive gassy gaseous wordy hifalutin flamboyant pedantic arty-farty scholarly erudite histrionic boastful bombast rotund swollen exaggerated Ciceronian stilted epideictic imposing exalted Demosthenic Demosthenean convoluted haughty periphrastic pleonastic long-winded hyperventilated flashy loud braggart bragging over-elaborate Falstaffian fancy ranting portentous la-di-da grand-sounding prolix strained laboured embellished ornamented big-talking windbag puffed-up labored majestic impressive mannered fulsome actorly boasting elevated heroic high oratorial high-falutin baroque lexiphanic blathering blustering snobbish high-minded Miltonian epic Homeric linguistic verbal tall stylistic rhapsodic loudmouthed balderdash tall-talking euphistic figurative overwritten self-important solemn forceful fervid gesticulative senatorial impassioned noisy persuasive expressive intoning gesturing important noble vivid stentorian stuffed shirt ponderous pontifical rococo ornamental diffuse redundant euphemistic full of hot air fussy crass egotistic vain flaunted brazen vaunting garish jaunty contrived glib voluble tumescent vocal grand puffed complex decorated involved detailed excessive rhapsodical overestimated serious arrogant grave large loquacious garrulous tedious tautological rambling palaverous circumlocutory circuitous repetitious lengthy gabby logorrheic talkative tortuous chatty sesquipedalian protracted long talky ambagious long-drawn-out meandering expansive monumental tiresome vast prolonged overlong babbling prating gushing prattling indirect wandering jabbering digressive big-mouthed wittering multiloquent multiloquous gobby logorrhoeic yacking with the gift of the gab self-righteous curlicued learned over-the-top superfluous roundabout wedding-cake busy gingerbread swaggering very elaborate elegant shallow superficial breezy stodgy iterative fine prim sententious stuffy ambitious boring wearisome maundering arty overelaborate high-wrought decorative garnished rich luscious sublime interminable circumlocutionary waffly effervescent fizzy carbonated sparkling bubbly overambitious full of verbiage highly decorated OTT reiterating padded over the top empty yakking gossiping chattering tautologous repeating repetitive gossipy conversational chattery full of air having kissed the Blarney stone communicative forthcoming motormouthed blabby magnificent tonguey able to talk the hind legs off a donkey flap jaw loose-tongued blabbermouth having kissed the Blarney Stone loose-lipped motormouth yakkity running on at the mouth prosy wind-bag yakky splendid stately glorious resplendent awe-inspiring superb lavish striking palatial august opulent plush imperial heroical classy massive royal gallant proud baronial regal luxurious flash swanky unfathomable cosmic impenetrable splashy overwhelming high-falutin' high-flying lordly

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Frank, honest or blunt in manner
plain frank direct forthright honest candid outspoken straightforward blunt upfront open unreserved unvarnished downright explicit straight unequivocal unguarded blatant forthcoming foursquare freehearted openhearted plainspoken abrupt bald truthful round straight from the shoulder up-front free-spoken out-front plain-spoken sincere unrestrained uninhibited free unqualified outright unambiguous authentic categorical plain-speaking no-nonsense straight-talking straight-shooting demonstrative unconstrained point-blank unreticent open-hearted scrupulous unrestricted natural artless real easy upright apparent undisguised unconcealed man-to-man heart-to-heart transparent ingenuous aboveboard brazen matter-of-fact guileless familiar bare-faced naive straight-out call a spade a spade lay it on the line saying what one thinks from the hip like it is up front clear bluff simple genuine not afraid to call a spade a spade brutal naked unmistakable unembellished unadorned bare clear-cut undiplomatic undissembled definite certain absolute on the level flat-out decisive talking turkey express innocent tactless unevasive harsh straight-from-the-shoulder stark unsparing patent undissembling barefaced unfiltered straight to the point point blank warts and all speaking as one finds flat on the up and up laying it on the line calling spade a spade undecorated pure unornamented severe black-and-white incontrovertible positive undeniable realistic unexaggerated manifest incontestable uncontestable evident distinct specific obvious vocal cut-and-dried unstinting square plain vanilla palpable complete well defined crystal clear true to life unfeigned dinkum not beating around the bush open-and-shut forward fundamental basic sheer indiscreet free-speaking vociferous flagrant brusque unceremonious communicative literal hard heartless total unbiased unprejudiced opinionated strident grim fair insensitive impolitic cold no beating around the bush unpretended frontal parrhesiastic no lie above board unpretentious unadulterated unaffected vanilla out-and-out right up front unpretending unhypocritical naïve true telling it like it is pretenseless level unembroidered clean meaning what one says austere at close range accountable unveiled no fooling two-fisted folksy homey plain-dealing on the square straight-arrow right-on honest-to-goodness rude square-shooting to the point laid on the line threadbare worn patchy pure and simple indubitable unambivalent indisputable nonambiguous definitive lucid luculent emphatic pellucid perspicuous unblurred decided understandable ringing luminous comprehensible univocal unquestionable undisputable intelligible lucent limpid broad crystal no catch bald-faced easily understood black and white no strings attached no fine print self-evident bright-line crystal-clear no holds barred nailed-on no ifs ands or buts open and shut straight out clearly expressed

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Being clear enough to be read, readable, particularly for handwriting
legible clear neat plain readable comprehensible decipherable distinct intelligible understandable accessible apprehensible coherent comprehendible easily read fathomable graspable scrutable sharp vivid clean lucid printed carefully written easily deciphered easy to read explicit straightforward logical easy to understand simple user friendly user-friendly penetrable unambiguous digestible perspicuous transparent knowable self-explanatory precise clear-cut crystal clear obvious tidy orderly unequivocal unmistakable luminous conceivable pellucid unblurred spelled out well-defined concise imaginable glanceable meaningful recognizable recognisable easy to appreciate easy to follow soluble solvable resolvable identifiable explainable articulate uncomplicated cogent in words of one syllable direct transpicuous discernable clearly expressed open illustratable explicable interpretable audible well-marked definite apparent exact lucent fluent flowing graphic regular smooth palpable patent evident manifest luculent perceptible unambivalent nonambiguous barefaced bald decided ringing broad open-and-shut bright-line bald-faced easily understood sensible tangible limpid intuitive practical easy untroublesome wieldy manageable perspicacious translucent self-evident discernible eloquent crystal crystal-clear communicative easily operated easy to use specific well-spoken crystalline foolproof perceivable silver-tongued valid handy convenient manipulable positive smooth-tongued well-grounded absolute undeniable indubitable certain ergonomic useful feasible adaptable indisputable categorical easily grasped unquestionable clear as day well defined visible layman's unproblematic of one syllable readily comprehensible percipient corporeal cognitive cognoscible cognizable observant appercipient sensitive knowing trenchant glaring noticeable understood clearly explained without explanation uninvolved expressive persuasive vocal effective crystalling magniloquent grandiloquent illuminating well constructed thought through decisive incontrovertible smooth-spoken downright express unqualified definitive straight unreserved emphatic outright blunt candid pure see-through bright liquid univocal incontestable uncontestable undisputable solid actual real substantial thin filmy sheer diaphanous black and white no strings attached flat-out no fine print cut-and-dried no holds barred nailed-on no catch no ifs ands or buts straight from the shoulder point-blank open and shut straight out black-and-white concrete rational genuine hard legitimate veritable authentic certified verifiable demonstrable material veridical confirmed appreciable legit factual verified certifiable reasonable reasoned sound undoubted objective firm honest substantive true consistent proper striking observable measurable quantifiable detectable systematic well documented bona fide honest-to-goodness consequent analytic good analytical organized well-founded relevant methodical joined-up well reasoned organised well organized identified

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Having an interest in the future, and planning for it
forward-looking modern progressive enterprising liberal reforming dynamic enlightened go-ahead go-getting ambitious farseeing farsighted forehanded foreseeing foresighted forethoughtful forward pioneering positive prescient proactive progressivist provident pushing visionary avant-garde forward-thinking open-minded radical revolutionary advanced cutting-edge reformist right-on left-wing freethinking libertarian leftist inventive resourceful ingenious imaginative latitudinarian PC free-thinking humanistic creative innovative disruptive original entrepreneurial enthusiastic driven vigorous vital spirited up-and-coming energetic adventurous daring new rising courageous intrepid audacious high-powered politically correct gumptious gutsy dashing venturous nervy brave valiant fearless valorous plucky heroic unflinching mettlesome dauntless unafraid ballsy spunky game have-a-go gutty undaunted venturesome gallant hardy free-swinging adventuresome nerved emboldened doughty stout stalwart temerarious unblenching unabashed manful stouthearted lionhearted unshrinking aweless resolute greathearted heroical indomitable confident gritty undauntable lion-hearted stout-hearted cocky sassy icy feisty brassy frightless assured impavid undismayed unalarmed reckless daredevil madcap death-or-glory devil-may-care rash risky wild overconfident foolhardy brash overbold clever active bright sharp gifted able eager keen capable alert talented quick-witted death-defying zealous ungoverned uncurbed zippy itching snappy yearning go-go lively peppy diligent spanking hungry stirring craving industrious advancing aspiring self-starting hustling lusting driving take-over ready busy hardworking coming on strong hard ball spark plug

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Free from outside control or authority
independent free freethinking individualistic maverick unconventional liberated unconstrained undisciplined unfettered unhampered unrestrained untrammeled untrammelled wild contrary freewheeling headstrong individual wilful decontrolled uncontrolled unregimented free-spirited nonconformist uninhibited narcissistic egoistic egotistical egotistic egocentric egomaniacal egoistical selfish pompous vainglorious conceited self-loving self-indulgent self-absorbed self-interested stuck-up self-serving self-concerned self-centered self-centred wrapped up in oneself ungoverned abandoned unsuppressed unchecked unbounded frenzied hysterical open-minded enlightened rational liberal tolerant radical released unrepressed emancipated free and easy prideful vain grandstanding snobbish haughty proud solipsistic self-involved know-it-all having a swelled head puffed up self-regarding self-obsessed self-important inflated self-preoccupied on an ego trip inward-looking wrapped up with oneself self-infatuated self-seeking opinionated self-oriented self-sufficient self-admiring stuck on oneself aloof superior swollen unique original off-centre unorthodox atypical singular idiosyncratic uncommon groundbreaking characteristic distinctive pioneering bohemian particular eccentric special typical odd self-reliant strange megalomaniac individualist peculiar different unusual weird heterodox innovative avant-garde dissenting heretical offbeat bizarre dissident freakish quirky dissentient outlandish oddball iconoclastic nonorthodox unprecedented heretic unfamiliar out-there irregular alternative queer abnormal aberrant esoteric anomalous left-field extraordinary novel way out wacky new out of the ordinary rebel imaginative creative fresh innovatory way-out inventive ingenious far out rebellious innovational off the wall hippie inspired refreshing resourceful revolutionary welcome stimulating essential private distinguishing representative distinct specific personal extreme not just another rad groovy deep mod modern modernistic cool ultramodern contemporary all your own subversive questioning irreverent idiocentric sceptical critical out of this world malcontent renegade mutinous impious denunciatory schismatic nonconforming skeptical free thinking freak sectarian beatnik seminal trailblazing uncustomary visionary clever fertile artistic disruptive unknown originative rare unwonted inspiring untried newfangled informal demiurgic Promethean unaccustomed productive funny quaint unheard of wacko freaky curious ground-breaking avant garde breaking new ground unheard-of far-out kinky kooky off-the-wall out there hippy rum unceremonious madcap zany screwy boho outré bizarro exceptional crazy weirdo off the beaten track out in left field