Từ đồng nghĩa của forward thinking

Tính từ

Tolerant of opposing viewpoints
broad-minded open-minded liberal tolerant catholic flexible indulgent progressive permissive receptive unbiased dispassionate unbigoted undogmatic unprejudiced forbearing freethinking cosmopolitan impartial libertarian nonconventional nonorthodox nontraditional open radical responsive unconventional unorthodox unshockable fair free-thinking just advanced nonjudgmental wide free thinking lenient understanding latitudinarian soft easy-going sympathetic humanitarian magnanimous enlightened free forgiving charitable clement reformist merciful lax broad left kind kindly kind-hearted compassionate free and easy humanistic big mild high-minded considerate accepting humane accommodating generous loose receiving rational avant-garde reasonable intelligent interested laissez-faire revolutionary patient easy-oasy moderate complaisant easy favourable easygoing favorable gracious benevolent kindhearted benign gentle tender thoughtful friendly obliging caring all heart general anti-discrimination non-discriminatory liberalistic nonconformist antitraditional large-minded anticonventional modern contemporary antiestablishment non-restrictive liberal-minded acquiescent unprescriptive live-and-let-live unrestricted right-on non-partisan noninterventionist hands-off agreeable susceptible overindulgent permitting approving allowing fond politically correct nonconservative progressivist compliant soft-hearted tender-hearted left-wing left of center revisionist reforming doting cosseting mollycoddling pampering accommodative gratifying giving soft-shelled overpermissive generous to a fault long-suffering going easy on going along with able to live with tenderhearted unselfish beneficent altruistic benignant sensitive empathic commiserative accessible civilized sentimental good-natured righteous pitying good-hearted nice genial amicable philanthropic good helpful amiable warmhearted approachable big-hearted warm softhearted human empathetic bleeding-heart civilised stoic stoical uncomplaining excusing condoning sophisticated easy with easy on loving affectionate warm-hearted selfless open-handed chivalrous devoted noble decent hospitable supportive neighbourly unstinting polite neighborly fatherly affable courteous ungrudging munificent cooperative pleasant bountiful bounteous disinterested calm self-sacrificing solicitous denying incorruptible self-effacing extroverted amenable self-denying civil good-humored good-humoured self-forgetting cordial feeling concerned gallant paternal willing protective pardoning sparing self-forgetful fatherlike lavish maternal comforting attentive public-spirited princely submissive mellow motherly bighearted resigned congenial goodhearted serene patriarchal free-handed docile tranquil deferential adoring philanthropical openhanded amorous sociable great-hearted light well-mannered large-hearted spoiling encouraging unsparing cool well meaning composed relaxed well-disposed pliant tractable unflappable restrained biddable placid longanimous touchy-feely eager to please even-tempered tactful freehanded self-possessed temperate laid-back eager to help eleemosynary parental enamored enamoured forthcoming sweet pleasing regardful good-tempered bleeding heart avuncular yielding conciliatory prodigal lovey-dovey lovesome meek adaptable pliable undemanding imperturbable courtly soft-shell unruffled unexcitable peaceable reassuring freehearted fulsome impassive diplomatic enduring self-controlled self-restrained ardent equable humoring honourable honorable mannerly philosophical collected being big ethical upright humouring useful well-bred well mannered companionable philosophic moral worthy do-good ruthful cheerful mushy urbane bland bonhomous unctuous stately suave open-hearted greathearted sympathizing condoling commiserating with the patience of Job knightly sympathising well disposed loving and giving brotherly heart in right place parent hearty soft-boiled heroic courageous tolerating valiant overfamiliar placable uplifting sheltering matriarchal watchful plenteous brave mindful nonmalignant nurturing inspiring inspiriting handy pitiful beneficient valuable pacific assenting fearless intrepid stout-hearted bold dauntless handsome emotional emollient assuaging assuasive favoring letting observant heedful nonthreatening persuadable perceptive comprehending appreciative conformable non-malignant deceivable stimulating boosting favouring social thoughty willing to forgive onside persuasible suasible game dupable noble-minded valorous user friendly on tap on deck angelic soft touch propitious likeable unoffensive dutiful well intentioned respectful sweet-tempered openhearted wholesome lovable benefic likable delightful engaging trusting naive unsuspicious deludable unoppressive unburdensome gullible fleeceable unassuming live with weak spineless boneless overfond obedient consoling cheering soothing fulfilling modest willing to help living with elevated high lordly sublime natural lofty great detached sober unemotional ladylike decorous gentlemanly romantic predisposed addicted vigilant piteous peaceful soft-touch logical phlegmatic unperturbed going easy with having heart in right place fatalistic realistic chilled quiet glad to be of assistance free-and-easy compatible genteel admiring worshipping Santa Claus has heart in right place old softie well-intentioned practical sedate nonplussed tame mild-mannered jejune vapid dull flat subservient subdued spiritless obeisant smooth forbearant persistent persevering silly over wise profound deep deep-thinking learned couth appropriate equanimous untiring mild-tempered inexcitable passive venerating cool, calm and collected fortitudinous lovesick honest low-pressure devil-may-care breezy happy-go-lucky respectable adulatory reverential idolizing reverent virtuous trustworthy amatory besotted infatuated incorrupt dependable comradely principled upstanding worshiping idolising well-meaning foolish passionate suitable matching fitting right straight true poised casual nonchalant offhand outgiving unconcerned indolent uncritical complacent insouciant lazy unhurried carefree hang-loose informal uninhibited fascinated struck serving silly fatuous simple clean-living stand-up all right on the up and up well-brought-up squeaky clean right-minded impassioned fervid fervent erotic anacreontic amative sisterly

Từ trái nghĩa của forward thinking

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