Đồng nghĩa của complex

Alternative for complex


Đồng nghĩa: bias, complicated, confused, inclination, involved, leaning, mixed, prejudice,

Trái nghĩa: brief, plain, simple,

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Difficult to analyze or understand
complicated involved intricate convoluted tangled elaborate difficult hard impenetrable labyrinthine serpentine sophisticated tortuous thorny fiddly knotty perplexing problematical tricky involute labyrinthian recondite Byzantine Daedalian Gordian involuted abstruse bewildering cryptic enigmatic inscrutable interlaced obscure puzzling tough undecipherable unfathomable byzantine baffling confusing baroque daedal complicate detailed problematic confused delicate awkward entangled ticklish fancy spiny troublesome hairy sticky sensitive mystifying prickly multifaceted catchy tricksy dodgy taxing touchy jumbled confounding incomprehensible nasty worrying advanced mysterious serious deep inextricable difficult to understand challenging chaotic profound multifarious mazy trying manifold formidable mind-bending controversial mixed up disconcerting subtle inexplicable vexed uncertain dense messy muddled gnarly paradoxical esoteric devious winding demanding circuitous mixed ornate meticulous ravelled irksome befuddling bothersome vexatious painstaking finicky multidimensional dicey concerning raveled precarious unaccountable extensive critical dark weighty heavy compound nettlesome full of twists and turns thorough mixed-up particular wildering ramified labored refined many-faceted maze-like abstract insoluble strenuous minute risky drawn-out beyond one fathomless laboured unanswerable variegated heterogeneous dainty nice exact long-drawn-out cumbersome impossible upsetting high-tech knotted nuanced precise careful arduous elite embarrassing ambiguous unstable Daedalean rocky volatile high-level hi-tech fine metaphysical plotty long-winded layered inordinate scrambled weird strange state-of-the-art mazelike unintuitive perplexed unreadable polygonal many-sided dry searching penetrating funny amazing surprising peculiar odd labyrinthial labyrinthical labyrinthal labyrinthiform labyrinthic intertwined interwoven clever gimmicky new radical frustrating bemusing reticular effortful uphill terrible unpleasant stunning astonishing eye-popping staggering insolvable daunting murky hidden concealed disorganized disarranged composite compounded miscellaneous multiplex mosaic mingled multiple multiform conglomerate motley harassing loaded pluridimensional indivisible inseparable fiendish severe uncanny stupefying disorienting astounding contentious varied disordered provocative like herding cats drastic operose problem pointed echinated briery annoying stimulating untold heated sinuous twisted kaleidoscopic disorganised kittle sweeping extreme revolutionary complete emotive divisive scandalous rococo indirect roundabout as clear as mud hard to understand unpredictable uncomfortable multilayered indigestible devilish higher-level major particularized irreducible unsteady hair-trigger full studied indissoluble impossible to separate very devil of a devil of a top-level inconstant capricious fickle temperamental mercurial chancy dangerous variable changeable can of worms misleading unstraightforward perfected picky old-maidish exacting finical pernickety fussbudgety choosy finicking fussy choosey fastidious unintelligible unclear skillful prodigious circumstantial skilful imposing gingerbread overlong verbose deceptive lengthy onerous stormy te intolerable rough fierce oppressive laborious harsh concentrated intensive intense solemn grievous grave mind-boggling overworked particularised overdone vexing rambling mystical thought-provoking elevated top cunning perverse touch-and-go hard to solve beyond comprehension beyond one's grasp hard to explain opaque above one's head over one's head blow-by-blow enigmatical highly wrought high tech difficult to follow heightened unsolvable hazy quirky undependable pedantic persnickety nitpicking punctilious iffy distressing disturbing hazardous perilous worrisome questionable uneasy dubious disagreeable humiliating compromising incommodious unsafe cringeworthy discomfiting cringey painful parlous flustering suspect cringe-making high-risk bitter unsettled inconvenient troubled fraught with danger tight dire bleak forbidding grim unchancy treacherous awful punishing shameful tense debatable demeaning degrading barro unsound unfriendly spartan hostile discomposing discountenancing agitating unnerving equivocal shaky moot scratchy toe-curling excruciating exasperating fraught open to doubt full of problems beset by problems tender intractable vulnerable discomforting shaming mortifying scary unhealthy wicked jeopardous erratic fluctuant stressful rugged threatening eventful incalculable insecure kid-glove ignominious lively disgraceful discreditable dishonouring blush-making disputed unpropitious discommodious distracting discommoding dishonoring inopportune troubling rattling unseemly charged bristly barbed debated contested tickly galling torturous briary thistly brambly irritating dolorous bumpy afflicted doubtful embarrassed undecided undetermined unresolved unconcluded itchy confronting distressed afflictive wearisome untimely sharp spiculate pronged bristled spiniferous spicular spiky aculeate spinous spiked trouble in contention ongoing at issue in dispute causing discomfort ill-fitting dubitable disputable nervous anxious setaceous jaggy muricate pointy barbellate spinose open to question open to debate hot-button suspicious shady fishy queer doubtable nerve-racking restless unsettling creepy disquieting nail-biting distressful nerve-wracking up in the air yet to be decided much debated fractious indecisive open arguable uptight apprehensive emotionally charged up for grabs unhandy unwieldy clunky cumbrous cranky impractical clumsy bunglesome ungainly ponderous unmanageable burdensome lumbersome a devil hard to use

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Unintelligible or hard to understand
incomprehensible unintelligible impenetrable unfathomable inexplicable inscrutable esoteric obscure opaque unclear confusing cryptic enigmatic abstruse arcane complicated puzzling baffling involved perplexing inconceivable intricate mystifying recondite unaccountable wildering bewildering incognizable mysterious unknowable fathomless unimaginable sibylline ungraspable Delphic Greek beyond comprehension beyond one beyond one's grasp clear as mud impossible to understand over one's head above your head all Greek to someone beats me beyond your grasp double Dutch too difficult to understand too hard to understand all Greek to you deep profound occult difficult abstract hard mystic ambiguous hidden dark cabbalistic secret hermetic hermetical subtle cabalistic rarefied mystical involuted heavy little known hard to understand enigmatical vague involute acroamatic orphic secretive convoluted Greek to me clear as dishwater technical out of one's depth uncanny insolvable indiscernible unsolvable sphinxlike indecipherable tough intense private concealed dense scholarly little-known pedantic academic out-of-the-way Alexandrian inner hypermetric magical highbrow elliptical refined inconsistent contradictory oblique uninterpretable riddling murky oracular elliptic nebulous misleading unexplained strange coded fuliginous insoluble illegible incredible indecisive illogical muddling hazy far-out double-edged recherché specialist as clear as mud not easily understood befuddling blurring disorienting confounding unsettling labyrinthine muddlesome mistakable Byzantine difficult to understand scientific above one's head specialized specialised

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Involving the use of exaggerated or flowery writing or language
inflated grandiloquent bombastic rhetorical flowery magniloquent pompous pretentious florid oratorical ornate orotund fustian verbose highfalutin turgid grandiose overripe euphuistic purple affected overwrought elaborate aureate wordy extravagant overdone declamatory lofty prolix ostentatious fancy showy fussy ranting ornamented puffed complicated decorated detailed involved hyperbolic excessive exalted overestimated rhapsodical high-flown la-di-da baroque busy rococo beautiful embellished adorned elegant gingerbread gingerbreaded over-elaborate flashy overdecorated gingerbready bedizened overelaborate high-wrought flash bedecked wedding-cake resplendent jewelled superficial fine sumptuous metaphorical opulent decorative fancily decorated highly wrought dazzling tawdry gilded luscious glossy bright jeweled flaunting magnificent glamorous ornamental sparkling meretricious splashy colored brilliant lavish gaudy glitzy rich coloured embroidered variegated flamboyant convoluted luxurious overblown high-sounding tumid pleonastic laboured hyperventilated Ossianic posh plush sophisticated classy labored exaggerated exquisite curlicued high-class strained hifalutin magnific rhetoric intricate figurative very elaborate deluxe towering extreme devilish sonorous stylish swish garnished refined cultivated artistic overstated beautifying snazzy fancy-pants handsome dignified swanky aristocratic grand ritzy select chic stately choice delicate superior redundant diffuse windy euphemistic swollen impressive bizarre arty garish grotesque undue overdue insane overweening stiff immoderate intolerable inordinate plethoric exorbitant unconscionable overextravagant steep overmuch unmerciful skillful skilful highly decorated gilt gee-whizz with all the extras with all the options with bells and whistles cluttered palatial gorgeous luxury splendid glittering costly attractive graceful contrived crowded pretty tasteful fashionable embellishing elitist snobby swank snotty high-hat upmarket lavishly appointed persnickety toffee-nosed snooty snobbish plushy lush potty expensive over-detailed overworked discerning polished cosmetic adorning enhancing classic modish untidy over-embellished over-ornate mixed-up messy muddled disarranged staged disorderly nonfunctional non-functional urbane courtly smart distinguished palatian Lucullan stuffy spiffy quality cultured lovely dashing aesthetic charming majestic excessively ornate excessively ornamental furbishing dressy patterned festooned garnishing accessory heightening decorating decking for show prime fanciful jazzy special nice suave noble decorous froufrou frilly fancible unusual cushy custom chichi dainty rare comely genteel debonair august schmick recherche esthetic stylized high-quality setting off a la mode well-designed well-bred well-dressed over the top OTT

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Being advanced in development
advanced forward progressive modern state-of-the-art avant-garde sophisticated innovative revolutionary higher developed foremost innovatory latest new newest up-to-date ahead evolved futuristic groundbreaking intricate leading newfangled pioneering prime recent supreme cutting-edge radical refined trailblazing avant breakthrough complicated elaborate ingenious pre-eminent excellent exceptional extreme flash improved late nifty paramount precocious principal snazzy leading-edge ultra-modern up to date forward-looking forward-thinking highly developed new-fashioned newly discovered recently developed up to the minute up-to-the-minute far ahead far along high-end well ahead well along ahead of the times future contemporary innovational high-tech high creative inventive ground-breaking hi-tech landmark updated current modernistic visionary topical modern-day latter-day ultramodern new age fashionable present-day red-hot never-before-seen well-designed germinal strategic well-planned well-thought-out clever well-built Promethean inspired involved multifaceted original originative formative imaginative novel mod trendsetting hot 21st-century designer neoteric modish au courant space-age nouvelle technologically advanced highly-developed in fashion in in style in vogue all the rage stylish voguish chic smart fresh trendy cool with it swinging now hip happening cutting edge natty leading edge go-ahead kicking kicky tony influential fly spiffy brand-new sassy modernised modernized stylin' a la mode contemporaneous popular faddish in-thing plugged-in

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Having multiple or many syllables

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Done with great effort and difficulty
laboured contrived affected studied unnatural artificial awkward forced overdone ponderous stiff stilted strained heavy long-winded mannered over-elaborate over-embellished overworked overwrought clumsy convoluted inelegant laborious turgid unconvincing elaborate intricate ornate prolix not spontaneous feigned false pretended assumed phoney mock pseudo simulated fake spurious phony mechanical put-on insincere bogus sham plastic factitious labored wooden self-conscious hollow put on pretend constrained exaggerated fakey guarded manufactured faked planned uneasy overripe actorly pseud unspontaneous unrelaxed ham hammy theatrical rehearsed improvised not fluent campy meretricious overblown hokey manipulated recherche far-fetched fixed voulu staged reserved inhibited binding conscripted slave rigid inflexible begrudging stringent coercive grudging forcible bound counterfeit superficial imitation reticent overly planned posed posey distant restrained tongue-tied embarrassed repressed put wreck unglued uptight tight choked wired taut farfetched ungraceful playacting melodramatic affectated counterfeited fraud conceited imitated uncomfortable gauche graceless nervous wreck strung out hard put cool controlled subdued stand-offish cold aloof mincing rustic rustical in a state at end of rope rough-hewn formal calculated deliberate punctilious austere prim measured correct decorous proper ceremonious considered intentional knowing thoughtful conscious careful purposeful stuffy priggish starchy volitional frigid nice icy thought-out studious weighed wilful premeditated well-considered reasoned designed advised stagy pretentious voluntary investigated thought-through thought-about willful examined aforethought prepared willing reviewed plotted prepense stiff-necked gone into ersatz fictitious fraudulent fabricated cod make-believe forged dummy synthetic substitute deceptive faux untrue invented not genuine made-up man-made unreal specious misleading imitative mimic unauthentic so-called inauthentic imaginary trumped-up tortuous arduous leaden difficult reproduction quasi- strenuous snide concocted apocryphal tortured fictional unfounded fallacious professed invalid ostensible queer wrong falsified pirate deceitful avowed trick delusory delusive adopted facsimile replica model toy apish quasi dishonest cooked-up apparent seeming surface pseudonymous unsubstantiated baseless groundless unproven manmade derivative adulterine chemical cast mealymouthed framed bum ungenuine bent imagined virtual wannabe would-be self-styled purported phoney-baloney phony-baloney inept weighty hard operose effortful uphill toilsome maladroit incorrect not real not legit not kosher inaccurate erroneous without foundation unsound untruthful alleged inexact as it were arty-farty precious distorted hypocritical flawed beguiling deluding deceiving simpering camp genteel highfaluting chichi airish artsy to all intents and purposes cooked up mistaken fishy faulty imprecise bluffing shammed supposed masked lying impostrous in name only quack charlatan cheating covered concealed dissimulated imposturous counterfactual truthless improper casuistic misrepresentative sophistical colored mythical stuck up gone Hollywood non-existent coloured mythic fantastical made up fantastic dud hoax incredible not what it is cracked up to be unheard of make believe

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Over-concerned with procedure at the expense of efficiency or common sense

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Slow or complicated and therefore inefficient
cumbersome inefficient complicated involved unwieldy wasteful slow slow-moving badly organized elaborate convoluted tangled labyrinthine knotty intricate difficult sophisticated detailed perplexing fancy involute puzzling thorny baroque abstruse impenetrable tortuous confused daedal tricky bewildering labyrinthian confusing baffling byzantine obscure serpentine hard fiddly cryptic entangled involuted unfathomable undecipherable inscrutable enigmatic recondite dense jumbled knotted mixed interlaced Byzantine Daedalian Gordian hi-tech difficult to understand Daedalean full of twists and turns ravelled circuitous winding sinuous twisted ornate complicate heterogeneous nuanced muddled multifarious rococo multifaceted variegated raveled long-drawn-out high-tech mixed up can of worms maze-like drawn-out unproductive awkward weak uneconomical purposeless unsystematic profligate deficient badly arranged time-wasting tough problematical problematic troublesome arduous delicate incomprehensible ticklish mysterious mystifying sticky sensitive deep spiny prickly hairy profound touchy esoteric catchy tricksy inexplicable dodgy taxing confounding arcane opaque unaccountable controversial nasty unclear beyond one ambiguous wildering hidden abstract worrying heavy challenging occult paradoxical subtle advanced mazy inextricable trying dark chaotic formidable dicey hard to understand uncertain precarious vexed mystic mind-bending befuddling mystical Delphic gnarly devious disconcerting cabalistic messy secret serious concealed risky irksome demanding bothersome cabbalistic vexatious meticulous hermetic hermetical surprising concerning fathomless critical painstaking emotive extensive nettlesome volatile over one's head little known beyond comprehension enigmatical thorough manifold mixed-up compound ramified particular misleading labored refined insoluble unintelligible intense strenuous unanswerable rarefied minute many-faceted embarrassing dainty nice laboured disorienting exact upsetting uncanny acroamatic orphic impossible dangerous unstable unpredictable uncomfortable insolvable careful precise rocky pedantic sibylline secretive hazy bamboozling oracular recherché unsolvable fine clear as mud above one's head out of one's depth long-winded plotty layered scrambled inordinate weird strange unintuitive private state-of-the-art perplexed amazing mazelike searching penetrating radical peculiar odd funny intertwined interwoven loaded vague stunning astonishing eye-popping staggering inner uphill terrible reticular effortful weighty murky unpleasant labyrinthial labyrinthical labyrinthiform labyrinthic labyrinthal bemusing frustrating new clever gimmicky hypermetric pluridimensional contradictory inconsistent daunting harassing ungraspable stupefying astounding magical miscellaneous multiplex mosaic multiple multiform conglomerate motley composite compounded mingled indivisible inseparable tender contentious severe drastic disarranged disorganized muddling impossible to understand indiscernible fiendish roundabout indirect like herding cats provocative untold operose problem heated complete sweeping extreme revolutionary incognizable indecipherable sphinxlike unknowable oblique kid-glove Greek to me varied disordered full of surprises beyond you blurring unsettling echinated briery annoying stimulating pointed elite divisive scandalous veiled kittle inaccessible as clear as mud unsteady clear as dishwater multidimensional muddlesome mistakable major clandestine unstraightforward hard to follow shadowy devilish disorganised capricious temperamental mercurial chancy changeable kaleidoscopic inconstant fickle variable covert shrouded verbose lengthy overlong deceptive irreducible hair-trigger high-level higher-level particularized perverse cunning indissoluble impossible to separate devil of a very devil of a clouded cloaked full studied finical fussbudgety choosy finicking choosey picky old-maidish exacting pernickety fussy fastidious finicky perfected unrevealed top-level mind-boggling onerous fierce concentrated intensive grievous stormy te intolerable rough oppressive laborious harsh solemn grave nebulous anagogic cloak-and-dagger black circumstantial skilful imposing skillful prodigious gingerbread vexing rambling thought-provoking difficult to follow hard to solve hard to explain beyond one's grasp overdone overworked particularised touch-and-go little-known Alexandrian scholarly academic out-of-the-way blow-by-blow high tech highly wrought heightened undependable quirky nitpicking persnickety punctilious

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Causing emotion, excitement, and enthusiasm
mind-boggling exciting stimulating stirring thrilling rousing exhilarating electrifying inspiring intoxicating breathtaking galvanising galvanizing charged exhilarative electric galvanic kicky amazing astonishing wonderful overwhelming stunning challenging spectacular startling stupendous baffling complicated confusing difficult puzzling staggering surprising mind-blowing heart-stopping hair-raising mind-bending rip-roaring eye-opening moving dramatic invigorating envigorating heady emotional lively eye-popping gripping animating fascinating inspiriting incredible sensational wondrous awesome spirited astounding awe-inspiring spine-tingling inspirational captivating enlivening energizing riveting stem-winding anthemic dynamic energetic energising enthralling magnificent enchanting arousing jaw-dropping striking impressive emotive impassioned animated passionate provocative refreshing emotion-charged soul-stirring shocking provoking motivating stimulative remarkable miraculous marvelous marvellous fabulous out of this world action-packed uplifting vigorous exhilarant sexy powerful thought-provoking exalting enthusiastic hearty explosive encouraging unbelievable knife-edge mind-altering cliffhanging awakening prodigious fantastical wild brilliant fantastic dazzling intense memorable beautiful empyreal unique sensorial amazeballs bewitching heart-stirring glorious galvanical inflammatory agitational brisk heartrending heartbreaking strong imbued suffused fraught laden loaded full saturated pervaded permeated filled potent vitalizing compelling elating hallucinogenic compulsive suspenseful stupefying inconceivable hallucinatory psychedelic nerve-racking edge-of-the-seat adrenaline-charged motivational affecting heartening bracing revitalizing cheering gladdening splendid outstanding eye-catching grand never to be forgotten gee-whizz unforgettable picturesque arresting persuasive impactful ripping adrenaline-fueled boisterous rollicking riotous uproarious vibrant influential triggering instigating inciting meaningful piquing affective poignant touching instigative impelling intriguing interesting sparkling entertaining giddy revitalising quickening animative tonic elevating exhilaratory piquant tense adrenalizing exalté appealing hectic titillating extraordinary giving one food for thought jolting far-out resplendent like a dream come true blissful unimaginable fabled beguiling splendorous heavenly sublime out of the ordinary ethereal special divine unheard-of charming portentous majestic far out tremendous enlightening fairy-tale fairytale-like dream-filled magical volatile buzzy adrenalized power-driven magnetic AC plug-in DC juiced motor-driven absorbing electrical electronic rechargeable battery operated theatrical shaking trembling some blinding theatric awe-striking shivering quaking vibrating shuddering frantic blood-tingling exquisite swinging delightful fab large boss mad zero cool

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Many and various
manifold multifarious divers myriad abundant assorted copious different diverse legion many miscellaneous multiple multiplex multitudinous numerous several sundry varied various diversified diversiform multifold multiform multiplied multivarious mixed heterogeneous motley variegated disparate eclectic indiscriminate distinct differing variant unlike distinctive omnifarious varying multifaceted unalike all manner of dissimilar separate divergent polymorphic jumbled piebald patchwork raggle-taggle ragtag kitchen-sink magpie promiscuous compound many-sided multitudinal populous mingled discrete unequal individual composite conglomerate confused polymorphous unrelated contrasting peculiar changing protean changeable a variety of incongruous contrastive unique unsimilar wide-ranging distinguishable farraginous contrary muddled disordered a number of complicated intricate an assortment of a mixture of mosaic a range of convoluted alternate disproportionate discriminable unconnected unassociated alternative morefold contradictory opposite non-identical contrasted colorful plural varicolored haphazard discrepant nonidentical some inconsistent odd colourful collective many and various like night and day not the same compounded a mixed bag of mixed-up entangled circuitous random conflicting voluminous varietal multipartite of every description independent mongrel inharmonious discordant amalgamate unallied opposed omniform variform collected dissonant a mixed bag anthologized jarring not alone dual not singular beaucoup scrambled unmatched scattered unsorted quite a few mismatched broad loose hybrid extensive comprehensive general many and different labyrinthian sophisticated byzantine baroque involved elaborate daedal tangled labyrinthine knotty complicate catholic distant other not similar all-embracing interwoven offbeat weird antithetical antonymous mismated liberal wide broad-ranging universal poles apart not alike chaotic dense winding multipart knotted detailed fancy sinuous nuanced meandering mazy far from far cry broad-based inclusive encyclopedic not capable of comparison disorganized confusing disarranged interdisciplinary non-exclusive multidisciplinary cross-disciplinary selective like chalk and cheese march to a different drummer dilettantish combined blended alloyed united fused cosmopolitan encyclopaedic incorporated amalgamated kaleidoscopic disorganised many-faceted multicultural assimilated hybridized multinational transfused multiracial hybridised joint brewed unsegregated heterogenous merged infused woven crossed embodied interdenominational interracial married international kneaded integrated tied Daedalian involute tortuous distinguishing irregular aberrant exotic more than one

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Hard to control or deal with
intractable unmanageable uncontrollable difficult ungovernable unruly awkward froward headstrong incontrollable recalcitrant refractory untoward wayward wilful willful burdensome demanding insoluble troublesome out of control impossible to cope with out of hand uncooperative unreasonable belligerent disobliging stubborn unhelpful trying perverse exasperating annoying obstructive obstinate unpredictable unaccommodating prickly pesky tiresome thrawn contrary touchy irritable vexing vexatious chippy renitent contumacious pervicacious stroppy bolshie obdurate cramped cussed balky disagreeable discommodious incommodious bulky bloody-minded hard to handle difficult to handle disobedient obstreperous insubordinate defiant rebellious restive pigheaded self-willed undisciplined mulish rebel recusant incompliant inflexible bull-headed fractious unyielding unbending cantankerous disorderly disruptive mutinous naughty truculent unadaptable uncompromising intransigent badly behaved contrarious immovable stiff-necked rock-ribbed mischievous indomitable errant wild delinquent cross-grained tough unbiddable impish noncompliant determined rascally roguish unsupportive capricious opinionated unmalleable unwilling resolute pertinacious turbulent ornery tenacious non-compliant rowdy uncompliant persistent strong-willed attention-seeking pig-headed not helpful irrational peevish morose biased illogical unamenable shrewish crabby ill-natured inconsiderate unresponsive blinkered arbitrary flyaway nonobservant prejudiced intolerant sticky violent troublemaking resistive insurgent seditious riotous limit not giving an inch blocking stalling restrictive inhibiting delaying not cooperative obstinately disobedient unconstructive hindering treacherous factious disaffected dissentious uncomplying contrariant nonconforming adverse dissident discordant arsey nonconformist disagreeing antagonistic paradoxical hostile argumentative resistant resisting opposing insubmissive undisciplinable withstanding radical antipathetic converse negative inimical wrongheaded dissentient frustrating making difficulties adamant dogged indurate maleficent resolved malicious malign malevolent spiteful firm inexorable relentless stalwart steadfast hardheaded rigid fixed persevering ossified steely adamantine unpersuadable implacable unshakable unflinching inconvincible hardened unshakeable unrelenting hard bullheaded hard-nosed iron-willed self-opinionated strong-minded single-minded bad set in one's ways stubborn as a mule misbehaving misbehaved playful incorrigible rude impolite wicked tricksy puckish brattish scampish prankish sinful teasing gallus fiendish wanton worthless rough wrong evil bad-mannered ill-disciplined full of mischief incurable hard-line pat thorny unpliable locked knotty problematic indocile hang tough locked in tough nut

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Impressive and imposing in appearance or style, especially pretentiously so
grandiose magnificent grand imposing majestic monumental impressive splendid stately glorious awe-inspiring elaborate lavish resplendent striking superb august baronial classy epic gallant heroic heroical Homeric imperial large luxurious magnific massive noble opulent palatial plush proud regal royal flash flashy lofty swanky bombastic cosmic egotistic fustian high-falutin' high-flying impenetrable lordly overwhelming purple splashy theatrical unfathomable vast dignified kingly distinguished great princely exalted sumptuous elevated fine sublime marvellous marvelous splendiferous commanding awesome elegant excellent gorgeous pompous spectacular extravagant ambitious beautiful illustrious eminent queenly stunning ostentatious solemn rich towering terrific posh arresting divine statuesque remarkable renowned supreme imperious big outstanding superior dazzling brilliant pretentious aristocratic venerable ritzy splendacious magnolious tremendous portly extraordinary prodigious bold splendorous formidable stirring ominous showy celebrated fantastic honoured honourable honorable acclaimed costly breathtaking first-class radiant deluxe esteemed large-scale first-rate smashing fab ceremonious magisterial staid dramatic staggering sovereign Olympian honored eye-catching mind-blowing powerful something else sensational fit for a king heavenly fabulous palatine amazing exquisite stupendous colossal celestial sightly wondrous considerable legendary mythological classical courtly high wonderful worthy high-ranking authoritative famous rarefied godlike respected fancy ample fit for a prince prestigious hallowed fit for a queen fit for a princess ornate famed tall in the saddle important expensive dynamite unreal haughty admirable super maestoso highly regarded resounding sonorous handsome eloquent high-flown portentous formal of repute of distinction noted bright triumphant long splendrous swank swish brave plushy effective unrealistic overambitious far-reaching on a grand scale extended classic high-minded highfalutin' well thought of of high standing cool immortal shining palatian forcible huge arduous Herculean magnifico flamboyant baroque moving mega exciting overblown marathon very good effulgent unforgettable solid gold out of this world transcendent something to write home about one for the book notable preeminent gratifying memorable adored well-known time-honored glittering immoderate immodest audacious larger-than-life very great very large very long exorbitant extreme exaggerated excessive outrageous disproportionate insane ballsy fanciful adventurous zealous unreasonable wild pleasurable delightful enjoyable grandiloquent Miltonian high-sounding enduring perennial evergreen time-honoured abiding traditional ageless timeless remembered fateful landmark momentous consequential eventful historic commemorated meaningful significant groundbreaking noteworthy pivotal fulfilling uplifting epochal good cheering red-letter material heart-warming rewarding pleasing satisfying paragon genius laureate storied

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Capable of making fine distinctions
subtle astute shrewd keen sharp acute clever fine ingenious intelligent perceptive percipient quick sagacious adroit aware canny discerning insightful intuitive penetrating sapient sensitive bright brilliant cerebral dextrous dexterous discriminating incisive smart thoughtful wise analytical cagey cagy genius intellectual knowing perspicacious piercing politic precocious savvy skilful analytic brainy deep deft detailed exacting experienced intriguing judicious quick-witted ratiocinative skillful vigilant fly on the ball whip-smart rapier-like razor-like razor-sharp sharp-witted prudent profound cunning artful crafty wily sly observant critical delicate calculating argute foxy guileful sage alert discreet clear-sighted ready pawky heads-up scheming long-headed sophisticated knowledgeable careful tactful erudite hardheaded streetwise heady suss cautious tricky clear-eyed hard-boiled smooth devious enlightened slick designing cute dodgy diplomatic considerate polite gnostic nimble trenchant clear understanding penetrative rational courteous slippery probing tactical beguiling searching quick off the mark quick on the uptake razor-edged knife-like sensible refined fast supersmart media-savvy ultrasmart insighted respectful skilled gentle suave exceptional sympathetic sharpened capable resourceful gracious accurate hyperintelligent nimble-witted agile sharp as a tack treating with kid gloves wary enquiring inquiring able not born yesterday finely honed leery cultivated tasteful exquisite cultured whiz good einstein selective precise responsive apt circumspect razor sharp heedful fastidious keen-witted foresighted sussed minute acuminous worldly-wise Machiavellian sneaky seemly cordial decorous polished awake conscious sophic questioning watchful hep frugal softly-softly kid-glove inventive creative original exact witty shifty urbane civil poised mannerly kind not missing a trick tuned in ear to the ground knows what's what wise to smart as a tack having smarts quick on the trigger knowing how many beans make five nobody's fool with all one's wits about one with it street smart street-smart manipulative unscrupulous as sharp as a tack having fancy footwork imaginative innovative insidious learned masterly examining pointed thorough exploratory inquisitive researching investigative intense curious interested scholarly inspired gifted enterprising adept talented philosophical treating something with kid gloves innovational fertile elaborate trailblazing innovatory originative Promethean abstruse serious informed recondite strategic conciliatory conniving arch bland contriving opportunistic pioneering weighty esoteric arcane difficult artistic deviceful reflective hermetic hermetical occult orphic acroamatic secret thinking outside the box complicated tough full of insight showing great knowledge with great knowledge prickly thorny intricate hairy sticky fiddly knotty underhand problematical problematic disingenuous farsighted inside shark astucious calculated far-sighted tricksy spiny catchy far-seeing wised up in the know on the inside on top of up on cognizant sentient alive mindful thinking receptive witting familiar acquainted active educated abreast apperceptive versed sharp-sighted conversant ware proficient worldly apprehensive quick-thinking cognitive mature apprised well-informed competent wide awake visionary reasoning particular observing logical fussy sensatory finicky aesthetic accomplished choosy sensorial sensory nice finical picky seasoned sensile feeling practical reactive wired unprovincial persnickety mental intent emotional perceiving seeing esthetic all there well-read prescient having been around versant open-eyed downy cluey reasonable responsible cosmopolitan enthusiastic academic discriminatory expressive animate attentive familiar with bookish extraordinary expert demanding lively scrupulous acquainted with consummate pernickety comprehending crack spirited cool knowledgeable about poetic vigorous appreciative squeamish faddish dainty ace master choosey well informed well read well educated brisk fussbudgety finicking meticulous quick on the draw au fait with hotshot faddy clued-up sensitive to well versed in well informed about au courant well up on no stranger to old-maidish au courant with genial hard to please genned up on on the beam plugged in in on down with impeccable diagnostic differentiating powerful handy strong reliable beady hawklike concise adult dependable steely umbrageous irritable impressible easily affected unstable turned on to ticklish oversensitive touchy touchy feely supersensitive tense hung up high-strung nervous susceptible precarious emotionable impressionable hypersensitive psychic crisp succinct punchy pithy eloquent heightened elite swift PDQ prompt finely tuned lettered sprightly psychological egghead mincing mentally keen qualified arty bright-eyed and bushy-tailed to the point grown-up well-developed well-honed virtuoso star up-to-date up effectual effective level-headed schooled literate scientific mercurial curt intrapersonal instructed highbrow together abreast of practiced informed about into hip sensuous with-it tuned-in tutored widely read live living thought intellective very smart susceptive moving well-taught having a good head on one's shoulders know how many beans make five having no flies on smart as a whip practised in practised skilled in proficient in apprised of at home with experienced in at home ambitious adventurous energetic brain elevated figurative elegant symbolic flowery graceful discriminative venturesome nifty sentimental breathing self-aware sensate flesh-and-blood recognizing noticing aggressive discriminational differential kept posted up to speed on plugged into up to date on perfect in clued up on cognizant of au fait beautiful recognising admiring supportive able to recognize in the right mind capable of feeling full of feeling learning select individualising eclectic opinionated individualizing choicy forward tasty first-rate phenomenal selfish materialistic grasping blasé privy appraised hot wizard remarkable worldly-minded avaricious greedy covetous pleased recognizant clued with good taste disenchanted callous hardened uptown self-centered power-loving mondain unprincipled self-centred switched-on commendatory applauding complimentary favorable positive approving friendly approbatory top-notch top-drawer alive to grounded sensible to sensible of alert to well versed in the ways of the world worldly wise been around have the goods top-hole ahead of one's peers class act out of the ordinary have smarts old beyond one's years got it shining at advanced for one's age certain encouraging regardful sure up with conversant with hip to cooperative satisfied favourable generous affectionate clued in on ware of in the picture hep to on to in the know about up to date with up to date inflexible puritanical prim pure prudish stuffy pedantic proper punctilious prissy perfectionist nitpicking overdelicate overparticular overnice hypercritical Victorian strait-laced difficult to please schoolmarmish over-particular impossible to please nit-picking nit-picky

Danh từ

A psychological dislike or fear
obsession phobia fixation preoccupation neurosis uneasiness idée fixe hang-up paranoia dread fear worry anxiety compulsion concern derangement mania niggle thing bee in one's bonnet mental disturbance psychosis terror fetish aversion horror fetich prepossession bug passion fascination addiction affliction inhibition antipathy infatuation problem bugbear bogey nightmare craze irrational fear hatred abnormal fear revulsion detestation repulsion dislike loathing distaste obsessive fear crush case enthusiasm avoidance irrationality resentment fright disgust hobbyhorse hobby horse pet subject bee in your bonnet care torment block demon daemon difficulty spectre specter impasse restraint disturbance dilemma predicament reserve aversion to awe indisposition ruling passion overwhelming anxiety about thing about fancy must monkey phantom consuming passion delusion attraction disfavor disinclination disfavour repugnance opposition disliking antagonism abhorrence animosity hostility psychological block mental block one-track mind concrete idea monomania yen ax to grind bug in ear fad mania for rage obsession with preoccupation with something on the brain tiger by the tail fixedness psychoneurosis psychopathy bête noire neurasthenia insanity idiosyncrasy crack-up aberration maladjustment hysteria instability abnormality breakdown quirk neuroticism madness deviation psychological maladjustment mental disorder mental derangement mental illness psychological disorder mental instability personality disorder fashion weakness taste trend love vogue desire partiality mode kick latest sensation buzz chic flavour flavor style go whim ton furor furore cry hot ticket tonne dernier cri last word newest wrinkle penchant propensity predilection bias proclivity craving fondness prejudice leaning novelty cacoethes hobby fever fixed idea caprice conceit vagary wrinkle in in thing latest thing pet topic fanaticism inadequacy depression hobby-horse obsessive compulsion irresistible impulse appetite jag idee fixe preference the last word pastime interest soft spot inclination affection susceptibility liking keenness happening in-spot freak now in-thing crotchet urge inferiority complex zeal affinity hot spot latest wrinkle tiger grabber disorder craziness bee bee in bonnet tunnel vision single-mindedness stimulant engrossment sexual fixation luck golden calf affectation humor whimsy cult innovation eccentricity kink amusement frivolity sport humour fantasy custom passing fancy fool notion latest word new look

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The creation or forming of
development creation forming establishment inauguration conception conglomeration constitution construction design formation formulation foundation genesis inception laying down making manufacture origination production setting up generation initiation instigation institution invention thickening unraveling unravelling widening site fabrication shaping building innovation contrivance devising composition fashioning concoction fabricating evolution discovery introduction erection erecting engendering structure coinage organization founding launch starting architecture emergence induction organisation assembly pioneering finding contriving arrangement brainchild raising device format constructing compilation establishing institute endowment instituting initiating putting up flotation settlement hatching originating putting together coming into being set-up build birth masterminding propagation framing writing original idea modelling authoring making up thinking up modeling nativity imagination nascency causation spawning causing occasioning manufacturing triggering kindling prompting provision inspiration breakthrough installation find launching start advance blossoming engineering leap enactment headway advancement casting release discovering conclusion getting going bringing about figuration elevation step forward quantum leap leap forward gadget machine contraption apparatus lucky strike wrinkle gizmo instrument widget waldo configuration pattern opus doodad gimmick fertility implement novelty original baby grouping disposition black box order array layout conformation rank ordering moulding setout alignment positioning figure setup crystallization marshalling accumulation materialisation shape deposit realisation embodiment synthesis marshaling makeup molding materialization crystallisation dispersal realization growth

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The whole of something
entirety total whole aggregate sum totality absoluteness completeness entireness fullness gross perfectness unity wholeness all allness collectiveness collectivity comprehensiveness ensemble everything intactness integrality integrity omneity omnitude oneness perfection plenitude undividedness universality sum total grand total the works whole bit whole enchilada whole nine yards whole ball of wax summation full whole shebang body works bulk mass extent lot alpha and omega be-all and end-all beginning and end whole caboodle result quantum amount full amount inclusiveness purity thoroughness consummateness unmitigatedness the lot all of it the whole thing whole amount tale integral net majority entire most the whole kit and caboodle worth score addition product A to Z final figure jackpot budget quantity whole kit and caboodle lock, stock and barrel output list totalness lump whole shooting match assembly assemblage aggregation every part better part greater part nearly all entire amount larger part best part more than half tally collection count number final total final amount utterness tout ensemble magnitude quota volume abundance record size proportion measure toll census measurement assessment tab reckoning figure cluster capacity amplitude greatness value pile agglomeration combination accumulation mixture heap running total bundle clump build-up concentration conjunction mix synthesis alloy blend amalgam compound miscellany jumble hotchpotch marriage skandha conglomerate group conglomeration agglomerate mixed bag whole schmear

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Set of symptoms
syndrome ailment complaint condition disorder illness symptoms affection affliction diagnostics disease infirmity malady pattern problem prognostics sickness sign set of symptoms bug infection indisposition complication trouble ail distemper distemperature ill fever virus lurgy malaise upset ill health weakness disability contagion flu wog debility attack defect unhealthiness unsoundness ache diseasedness unhealth plague seizure fit blight breakdown cancer epidemic collapse inflammation poor health plight health condition health issue health complaint predicament dose dysfunction irregularity bad health unwellness cachexia unhealthfulness mild sickness paroxysm convulsion health problem canker abnormality evil scourge decrepitude pestilence bane endemic pathosis curse sickliness contamination coath misery Cancer hemorrhage visitation spell feebleness rot haemorrhage stroke convulsions silent killer medical condition disturbance ailing valetudinarianism relapse failing health what's going around frailty fragility delicacy frailness decay debilitation pest menace flimsiness delicateness poison corruption vulnerability shortcoming deficiency failing imperfection fault pandemic confinement injury puniness fragileness unsubstantiality weakliness insubstantiality pollution enervation distress depression lassitude outbreak languor incapacity listlessness Black Death infestation septicity mildew fungus temperature woe pain thinness misfortune suffering bubonic plague tribulation trial anguish contagious disease weariness ordeal adversity hardship ills enfeeblement killer wretchedness calamity exhaustion faintness impairment infirmness asthenia languidness lowness wimpiness lightness failure mould smallness slightness littleness sepsis fineness diminutiveness queasiness lues malignancy corrosion unwholesomeness morbidness mold feverishness rash toxicity smutch shivering febricity febrility pyrexia taint venom miasma impurity nuisance morbidity delirium ague calenture temp lameness etiolation meagerness effeteness eyesore sight withering dump peril lack of strength shakiness unease blot on the landscape angst melancholy anxiety discomfort high temperature devitalization dejection unhappiness restlessness despondency doldrums disquiet deadly illness tiredness fatigue overtiredness prostration instability vagary derangement threat to life cause of death fatal illness ailments encumbrance weediness ineffectiveness disablement uneasiness lack of vitality lack of energy murrain handicap weltschmerz dissatisfaction despair discontent Weltschmerz ennui influenza wave hydra pneumonic plague aberration incompetence incompetency detriment drawback disadvantage unfitness lack disqualification inability restriction inexperience impotence invalidity learning difficulties special needs putrefaction decomposition gangrene torment learning disability sorrow grief hurt excruciation torture rack agony travail straits difficulty burden crux cross cross to bear

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An area of land and modern buildings developed for residential, industrial, or commercial purposes

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The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual or group
character nature personality constitution make-up temperament cast disposition individuality attributes complexion persona stamp essence ethos identity mentality psyche psychology spirit tone traits features make mold mould temper aura bent calibre characteristic air feel fingerprint grain hallmark particularity peculiarity qualities tenor aspect caliber colours colors distinctiveness essential quality makeup mettle properties shape uniqueness vein ambience appearance badge estimation feeling frame individualism kind mark mood mystique singularity speciality specialty streak style affection clay crasis humor humour key kidney marked traits selfhood sense set vibrations self-identity sum and substance turn of mind frame of mind quality property note attribute feature trait touch flavour attribution flavor atmosphere point marker diagnostic criterion differentia manner specific idiosyncrasy distinction self ambiance impression element way climate attitude habit vibe virtue soul smell semblance mind look quirk form genius odor odour facet inclination tendency outlook suggestion type sort trademark bearing oddity aroma cast of mind effect sign mode mannerism selfdom halo side substance color condition selfness colour ipseity heart strain undertone overtone being originality eccentricity description karma oneness patina nimbus indication singleness symbol mien environment image custom slant meaning background significance demeanor position mindset approach guise demeanour fashion fiber component timbre angle way of thinking fibre expression quintessence ego affectation value emanation endowment behavior gist tinge ilk subcurrent factor structure behaviour core detail point of view stature leaning status earmark drift standing capacity variety circumstances standpoint vibes separateness standard figure direction countenance build view perspective stance foible intention presence faculty thing face emotions thinking existence stripe design constituent token worth proclivity merit belief viewpoint philosophy sentiment energy mind-set context orientation integrity manifestation ambient difference theme identification undercurrent ability surroundings arrangement headset state of mind carriage turn principle savor trend intellect eminence person intent strand lineament savour discreteness feather echo stuff method ingredient force unlikeness rarity unity singularness dissimilarity independence seity purport pattern dimension opinion outline individual predilection regard sure sign particular setting meat telltale sign burden interpretation purpose power thought penchant class hint part thrust differentness body respect perception backdrop outward form thoughts feelings hand sentiments sensibility talent capability emblem colouring mental state mental outlook typical feature mental attitude crux composition excellence name coherence attitudes state scene exterior kernel expertise proficiency competence superiority hue essentiality repute nuance evidence ethic organization practice name of tune nature of beast import quiddity coloring ring glow nucleus cheer comportment strength qualification formation conduct prevailing tendency message framework deportment characteristics lifeblood configuration thread moral fibre dominating characteristic indicator symptom convention front gifts habilitation worthiness strengths motivating force animating principle moral fiber physique aim nicety inner self etiquette inner man trick pith looks notability reaction address inner woman tradition ritual rule bottom line construction pre-eminence policy procedure differential twist organisation usage level name of game convictions judgment vantage point judgement ideas praxis fundamental nature consciousness outside persuasion prejudice essential nature architecture consuetude school of thought way of looking at things notion bias outward aspect mind set where one is at say so like it is light edge milieu facade egoism selfishness façade seeming reverberation importance reminiscence attidue wave tang current vagary dash trace personality type taste scent influence situation conditions lot conformation subjectiveness internal predisposition proof druthers breed morale grace charm distinctive quality reference mark star curiosity person's character parameter like abnormality clue distinctive feature essential predication perspicacity embodiment incarnation denominator birthmark thumbprint likeness reputation prestige highlight unconventionality visage weight management posture affirmation course bag chi ch'i ki item self-conception self-view prospect way of it path oneself way one is individual trait reasoning article material status symbol habit of mind tendencies handling technique imprint contortion question way of being idea true intention real meaning true meaning I nature of the beast phase way someone's mind works web scheme