Từ đồng nghĩa của restive

Alternative for restive

Tính từ

Unable to rest or relax due to stress or worry
restless uneasy agitated edgy nervous impatient jittery fidgety jumpy unquiet anxious tense nervy twitchy unruly uptight apprehensive fractious fretful on edge recalcitrant unrestful antsy refractory stressy wired worked up ill at ease keyed up obstinate on tenterhooks ornery perverse stubborn unyielding champing at the bit like a cat on hot bricks like a cat on a hot tin roof worried troubled unsettled upset perturbed insecure disturbed irritable het up uncomfortable queazy queasy aflutter dithery hinky goosey atwitter hung up overwrought irascible on pins and needles shaky touchy disquieted discomposed high-strung unnerved peevish strung out bothered concerned overstrung excited shaken wound up rattled distressed testy alarmed tetchy fazed dismayed a bundle of nerves crotchety stressed crabbed querulous bad-tempered excitable skittish short-tempered captious ill-tempered critical unsteady neurotic highly strung hyper flustered nervous wreck cross disconcerted strung up bundle of nerves ruffled confused thrown petulant complaining self-conscious strained embarrassed awkward grumpy discomfited ill-natured crabby unrelaxed ratty splenetic wriggly unstable squirmy turbulent cranky wiggly suspicious brittle sensitive hysterical snappish wrought up itchy unpeaceful chippy prickly wreck huffy mean hot-tempered quick-tempered shook up snappy spooky adrenalized beside oneself overanxious in a tizzy up the wall in a state eager exasperated shy miserable distraught bashful faltering inhibited unnatural gauche hesitant out of place unsure jerky fidgeting fitful quivering uncertain retiring shrinking blushing irresolute spooked unhappy distrustful discombobulated disorderly whining out of sorts grumbling restlessly moving withdrawn unbalanced wavering doubtful temperamental under pressure strict cautious conventional faultfinding carping contrary caviling moody oversensitive panicky under a strain old-fashioned on the defensive squirrelly white-knuckled windy fearful cavilling toey pressured fraught moving moved stressed out fluttery shot shot to pieces white knuckled in a state of agitation in a state of nerves choked clutched under stress palpitant anguished perplexed afraid vexed wrung harassed tormented all nerves in turmoil grouchy on the qui vive like a fish out of water all wound up pettish cantankerous ill-humoured waspish curmudgeonly disagreeable shrewish in a mood peppery scratchy crusty cross-grained liverish choleric bilious short-fused dyspeptic soreheaded stroppy narky peckish eggy shirty in a bad mood froward miffy as cross as two sticks waxy snaky thin-skinned like a bear with a sore head on a short fuse indomitable ill-humored scrappy uncompliant having got out of bed the wrong side indocile wild nerve-racking feeling anxious stressful nail-biting in suspense nerves on edge frightened scared in a stew in a flap in a tizz in a sweat all of a dither having kittens in a twitter all of a lather flurried unglued distracted emotional in a twit timid taut worried sick in a cold sweat annoyed hot and bothered saddened all of a doodah frantic irked in a dither timorous bugged bricking oneself febrile sad cut up shocked desperate grieved trembling hurt terrified shaking afflicted discountenanced irritated hassled in a panic plagued trepidatious flighty skittery frenzied all torn up angsty spasmodic creepy hectic paranoid quaking shivery mousy disappointed disconsolate irrational fevered inconsolable pained conservative muddled gutted blue shook inconvenienced tortured beset hysteric bummed out waiting for the axe to fall unsettling unnerving in a flat spin disturbing disquieting careful hairy waiting with bated breath overexcited distressful weak agitating startled dejected despondent defensive worrisome distressing overactive heated wrought-up volatile depressed grieving displeased tired heavyhearted sorrowful exercised unconfident wretched fretting mournful easily frightened easily agitated nerve-wracking umbrageous doleful heartbroken cheerless feverish frazzled panic-struck panic-stricken down bereaved wrecked rueful miffed hyperactive desolate introverted angered hot under the collar overwhelmed frozen provoked despairing heartsick swivel-eyed low woeful broken-hearted brokenhearted distrait aghast angry hurried angstful solicitous violent stiff uncontrolled crazy wounded harried fierce riled harrowed easily offended easily upset frayed woebegone basket case unzipped beside yourself a wreck broken up disoriented hag-ridden grief-stricken flipped out lily-livered emotionally charged put out worried stiff at the end of your tether with one's stomach in knots running scared with butterflies in one's stomach with one's heart in one's mouth angst-ridden aroused twittering self-justifying indecisive tentative fussy dithering vacillating overemotional drawn swithering flushed intense histrionic disorientated caught up graceless overtaxed taxed peeved dragged ripped aquiver daunted frisky reserved charged exciting unreluctant all of a flutter bewildered unconsolable shot down hyped-up afire atingle hyperexcited emotive curt trying sapped drained discomforted strange lost falling apart strung-up straight unhip strait-laced agog eagerly difficult tricky rigid stilted prim asea zipped up hot juiced up diffident active transient wandering intermittent changeable inconstant footloose roving sleepless nomadic bustling anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting fatigued lacking social skills tongue-tied all agog avid open-mouthed compulsive manic obsessive exacerbated puzzled chagrined aggravated mortified pestered shaking in one's shoes concerning tearing one's hair out tied up in knots butterflies in stomach biting one's nails self-doubting unassertive self-effacing forlorn sullen disheartened with bated breath mercurial watchful meek lacking confidence unforthcoming fixated phobic dreading foreboding mistrustful melancholic discouraged heavy-hearted glum aggrieved downcast passionate hasty not self-assured lacking self-confidence passive terrorized in a spin unhealthy abnormal offended fretted a basket case sweating bullets mad tossing and turning cowed hounded frenetic berserk maladjusted fiery tempestuous joyless tearful demoralised dispirited tristful down-hearted demoralized downhearted beleaguered having stage fright biting nails having butterflies having cold feet having a funny feeling vague Delphic unassured questioning unpoised affrighted petrified verklempt having butterflies in the stomach hyperexcitable hyperkinetic furious erratic aberrant deviant disordered obsessed browbeaten in disorder amazed terror-stricken abashed gloomy droopy sombre teary sorry crestfallen weepy sore hangdog heartsore cast down burned wistful somber contused hypersensitive pressurized unhinged raging crazed delirious touch and go up in the air hanging by thread on thin ice come apart psyched out impulsive impetuous volcanic vehement inflammable rash intolerant demonstrative reckless agitable galvanic enthusiastic overzealous susceptible quick alarmable horror-struck scary horrified rushed demented maniacal rabid raving ferocious at sixes and sevens hyper-sensitive uncool out of control berko pressurised hunted chicken-hearted yellow numb chicken scared stiff rabbity sissy butterflies jellyfish in tears down in the mouth in grief down in the dumps in doldrums low-spirited in the dumps tooshie short fused deranged weird last-minute zonkers insane corybantic unscrewed hard-pressed at the end of one's tether with one's back up against the wall up against it under the cosh at the end of one's rope freaked-out wound-up high keyed-up affected fired-up hot-and-bothered stirred weary strung-out worn worked-up unstrung spent fiddle-footed blowing hot and cold hot-headed terrorised devastated traumatized morose broken melancholy bitter dolorous throwing a wobbly weirded out freaked out spazzed out at your wits' end wigged out at wits' end easily hurt in fear and trepidation very scared pushing the panic button have cold feet numb with fear steamed up out of your mind weeping hurting hot under collar all shook up mourning haunted crushed agonized dolesome easily affected sorrowing bewailing persecuted bemoaning wailing agonised suffering aching traumatised in pain heavy with grief racked with suffering overcome with sorrow racked with pain

Tính từ

Impatient under delay, duress, or control
disobedient unruly defiant rebellious recalcitrant refractory ungovernable wilful disorderly insubordinate contumacious unbiddable uncontrollable unmanageable balky contrary disaffected dissentious froward incompliant insurgent insurrectionary insurrectionist intractable mutinous obstreperous rebel recusant riotous seditious untoward wayward willful bolshie out of control revolutionary uncooperative up in arms perverse fractious undisciplined headstrong obstinate turbulent difficult wild lawless stubborn unyielding factious non-compliant noncompliant uncompliant incorrigible dissenting quarrelsome ornery subversive resistant intransigent truculent dissident naughty incontrollable rowdy iconoclastic delinquent errant disruptive anarchistic unrestrained irrepressible badly behaved radical reckless impetuous nonconforming obdurate alienated belligerent malcontent mischievous nonconformist dissentient troublesome traitorous anarchic boisterous chaotic insubmissive loud impish awkward disloyal noisy stroppy pugnacious bellicose rascally roguish treasonable militant treacherous rumbustious resistive unbridled out of hand heedless violent impulsive impervious drunken opinionated rash intemperate bawdy imprudent forward inexorable assertive mean out of line renegade estranged haughty inflexible pigheaded irreconcilable nonobservant heretical maverick adverse peevish unfavorable unfavourable petulant cross unorthodox mutinying apostate schismatic unrestrainable indocile impotent rampant rioting erratic unpredictable fickle negative irregular threatening warring armed restless sabotaging individualistic attacking without law and order uncontrolled intolerable impossible unbearable undependable refusing divergent declinatory impatient objecting declining uncomplying mulish rough tempestuous uproarious raucous vociferous immoral aberrant arbitrary clamorous rampaging aggressive challenging self-willed rambunctious cross-grained self-indulgent strong-willed roisterous rackety tumultuous rip-roaring daring provocative bold resisting audacious antagonistic hostile rampageous roistering insolent confrontational screaming booming strepitous piercing blusterous combative argumentative raising Cain raising the roof contentious feisty scrappy attention-seeking troublemaking disregardful cheeky sassy gutsy dareful reforming progressive lawbreaking lively rollicking romping anarchical ready for a fight reformist extreme spoiling for a fight extremist revisionist fanatical progressivist rabid fanatic diehard revolutionist immoderate far-out ultraist loony looney swivel-eyed nihilistic way out

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Refusing to change one's position, attitude or opinion
stubborn obstinate headstrong obdurate wilful adamant uncompromising unyielding dogged indurate resolute bolshie firm inexorable perverse relentless unmalleable pigheaded recalcitrant refractory stalwart steadfast unadaptable hardheaded immovable mulish ornery willful contrary fixed opinionated persevering rigid awkward indomitable intransigent ossified pertinacious steely adamantine cantankerous determined implacable unbending unpersuadable balky cussed persistent tenacious unflinching unshakable contumacious hardened inconvincible intractable tough unshakeable bullheaded froward hard inflexible uncooperative unrelenting bloody-minded bull-headed cross-grained hard-nosed iron-willed rock-ribbed self-opinionated self-willed single-minded stiff-necked strong-minded strong-willed set in one's ways stubborn as a mule pig-headed defiant wayward disobedient incompliant rebellious insubordinate unmanageable difficult obstreperous rebel recusant unruly ungovernable untoward uncontrollable stroppy fractious undisciplined unaccommodating unreasonable noncompliant contrarious pervicacious renitent mutinous thrawn wild pat incontrollable unwilling resistant negative undisciplinable obstinately disobedient resolved locked in contentious disputatious incorrigible unresponsive incurable stiff unpliable insoluble hard-line locked thorny knotty problematic indocile unbendable uncompliant unalterable tough nut hang tough dogmatic heady opinionative unmoved unbreakable convinced remorseless insubmissive argumentative withstanding resisting opposing radical disobliging unpredictable obstructive unhelpful wrong-headed annoying troublesome vexatious tiresome hesitant loath negativistic averse reluctant indisposed with one's toes dug in dead set on with one's feet dug in deaf to reason capricious malign maleficent malevolent malicious spiteful arsey nonconformist disagreeing contrariant antagonistic paradoxical nonconforming adverse hostile dissident discordant wrongheaded dissentient antipathetic converse inimical unwavering staunch indefatigable unfaltering set unswerving purposeful unflagging insistent spirited dedicated settled committed intent steady constant untiring vigorous earnest decided strict strong unhesitating driven tireless enduring solid rooted bound undaunted valiant inveterate deep-rooted deep-seated assiduous undeviating gritty mettlesome dead set forceful serious ingrained plucky decisive abiding sure doughty diehard brave bold courageous devoted unshaken entrenched ardent perseverant true stout bent on gutsy ineradicable hardline importunate bent set in stone stout-hearted lionhearted bound and determined unmovable dyed-in-the-wool full of determination confirmed diligent enthusiastic persisting harsh established iron grim rigorous definite spunky hard and fast sedulous purposive ruthless patient inbred hard-core perennial manful lifelong stringent deliberate unsparing obsessed stable faithful bent upon unchanging zealous assertive fanatical rugged chronic cynical long-standing devout die-hard continuing severe cast-iron bulldog trying ironclad stern long-lived usual strenuous do-or-die unswayable avid hell-bent on hell-bent upon high-spirited loyal immutable keen unappeasable focused obsessive unflappable unchangeable hidebound unabating truculent pitiless set on continual eager narrow-minded hanging tough compulsive ceaseless pushy certain wholehearted lasting habitual four-square passionate feisty hardy fervent meaning business out dour focussed hard-bitten unmitigated routine recurrent recurring inborn continuous ever-present hell-bent sustained self-assertive hard as nails intrepid protracted unfailing unremitting invariable true-blue merciless emphatic illiberal closed-minded extreme heroic ambitious unrepentant deep motivated aggressive determinate intrenched case-hardened immobile enterprising fierce not giving an inch active long-lasting indurated unswervable doctrinaire domineering seasoned sturdy bred-in-the-bone energetic monomaniacal positive explicit unqualified intense self-confident never-failing hard-and-fast go-getting exasperating fearless stanch picky fervid pious resilient brassbound ill-natured crabby draconian uptight oppressive fussy hard-edged impassioned sworn tried-and-true gung ho fast frozen as stubborn as a mule stony cruel exacting overbearing unamenable reliable demanding prolonged irritable concrete unvacillating good mean hooked prickly critical hungry possessive trusty changeless unstoppable touchy fixated querulous industrious vehement perfectionist tyrannical hard to please hard-headed thirsty desirous chippy brick-wall inspired standing pat iron-fisted unforgiving dictatorial independent high-powered lingering permanent inured aspiring dug in irredeemable standing one's ground possessed inexpugnable militant unquestioning biased stand pat hard to handle deep-set fiery assured hypercritical unabated toughened long-established accustomed habituated confident deep-dyed impulsive stupid self-starting hard-driving goal-oriented stop at nothing over-particular self-driven well-set two-fisted mean business hard-shell as tough as old boots hell bent on hard to satisfy shortsighted blind deaf intolerant peevish morose unbudgeable unconverted unreformed shrewish self-disciplined haughty direct unreceptive boneheaded firmly-based implanted mullish stiffened aloof proud petrified long-drawn-out unfluctuating durable immalleable formidable dependable never-tiring hardboiled buckled down blinkered unfading impassive unimpressible gallant unbeatable invincible straight fossilized bony rigidified sticky impertinent hardhearted bullhead uncompassionate unemotional unregenerate cohesive stony-hearted unimpressionable authoritarian unconquerable valorous responsible tried forbidding disciplinary unvarying coherent incessant non-compliant unmodifiable quiescent close-minded cold fish proof against persuasion down-the-line hellbent dauntless dragging slow great game robust unforgetful categorical cocksure fossilised jelled final flat gut instinctive intrinsic pounding mortal undefeated unflexible crisp tough nut to crack in for long haul obscene pornographic X-rated locked-in puritanical unsurpassable impregnable invulnerable set-on one-sided congenital iron-jawed single-minded about firm about remaining undiscouraged undeterred powerful fit thick-skinned unplacatable iron-handed unmollifiable inescapable unpacifiable unending acute dangerous stick to guns set in concrete agreed in the bag arranged planned stated prearranged telelogical playing hard ball calculated be out for blood nose to the grindstone sagacious allegiant self-centered liege going all the way trustworthy solid as a rock like bad penny stuffy unpermissive clear-sighted all out flat-out straight out radicated customary old innate undismayed untameable insurmountable bulletproof unassailable insuperable unwaivering irrepressible set in your ways do or die hold one's ground hold the fort hold the line manly greathearted gutty stouthearted unafraid undauntable heroical drawn-out spun-out haunting ineluctable whole-hearted dire alarming grave driven in heavy-handed no-nonsense with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way tough as old boots red-blooded not put off not discouraged sticking to one's guns obsessive about inflexible about fixated on fanatical about intent on undefeatable impassable competitive consumed compelled dominant in earnest perceptive take charge like death and taxes no going back necessary compulsory tall in the saddle on one's mettle insistent on intent upon determined to committed to the idea of lion-hearted prevailing dynamic striving consistent going hopeful cutthroat ferocious firm in spirit keen as mustard animated tough-minded resourceful never-ending clamorous judgmental disapproving progressive bloodthirsty pioneering galvanized impelled preconceived triumphant belligerent fastidious boorish finicky nonmoving through-and-through warlike gladiatorial brutal scrappy induced obsessional overexacting exigent imperious cavilling nagging unbudging self-asserting full-blooded intensely competitive in-your-face self-seeking fiercely competitive get up and go power-hungry having killer instinct cut-throat dog-eat-dog hang-tough high-pressure go for broke self-assured can-do eager beaver power-loving high-reaching self-possessed oafish bearish irascible discontented dissatisfied pushed steered guided besetting galvanised nonmotile unsentimental hard-boiled quibbling disparaging sticklerish faultfinding overscrupulous needy hairsplitting caviling censuring cavillous immotile testy choosy snappy temperamental quarrelsome grumbly irritating impolite shrewd practical realistic urged on demeaning carping censorious thorough matter-of-fact down-to-earth unbowed sour rude indelible proved complete irremovable pesky vexing callous world-weary over-rigorous fault-finding over-strict over-exacting over-censorious high-maintenance frenzied torrid thoroughgoing impenitent supreme unapologetic unashamed unreformable longtime compacted packed hard-handed compact rocky impenetrable concentrated consolidated compressed overcritical piggish self-centred vexed captious disputative huffy delicate particular ungracious finical invidious fiendish sensitive crotchety uppity staid immoderate infatuated lacking sentiment cramped complex bulky discommodious incommodious disagreeable sicker as hard as nails toughened by experience burning mad over-enthusiastic secure well established red-hot through and through all-consuming firmly established bona fide card-carrying well-established dotty frenetic crazy potty visionary nuts gung-ho anchored nailed quiet hitched situated unmoving attached stationary still located tight difficult to handle rabid perfervid bigoted wackadoodle overenthusiastic wackadoo passional made fast nuts for violent erratic partial bugged raving feverish high on credulous fanatic turned on addicted

Tính từ

Showing enthusiasm or displaying positive energy about something
excited enthusiastic eager buoyant delighted desirous elated jovial joyful joyous thrilled ecstatic encouraged engaged enlivened enraptured enthused euphoric excitable exhilarated glad great interested motivated overjoyed rhapsodic stoked willing craving electrified exuberant exultant gung ho happy inclined inspired jolly roused agog ambitious amenable animated appetent athirst avid awakened bursting disposed elevated giddy hungry hung up impatient intoxicated keen longing on cloud nine peppy pining piqued solicitous sparky thirsty tickled tickled pink covetous full of beans geeked greedy hankering hepped up hopped-up alive blissful bright-eyed and bushy-tailed jubilant moved tumultuous aflame beside oneself cock-a-hoop antsy zealous restless intent voracious vehement yearning desiring heated anxious hot raring wishful ardent ready and willing hot to trot fervent rarin' to go breathless dying to self-starting champing at the bit wild crazy pumped ready aching hoping wishing devoted obsessed active unreluctant diligent committed assiduous habitual dedicated warm nuts wholehearted diehard game passionate hearty fanatical hopeful itching juiced ripe gagging dying intent on set on on tenterhooks bent on desirous of raring to go waiting with bated breath on the edge of one's seat hankering after on pins and needles fervid earnest acquisitive warmblooded thirsting aroused stimulated lively rapturous over the moon spirited vivacious rapt ebullient high-spirited energetic gleeful zestful high keyed up transported cheerful fired up entranced in seventh heaven bouncy gay merry impassioned chomping at the bit pleased enrapt heady stirred bubbly delirious in raptures chirpy rhapsodical in high spirits effervescent on a high hysterical sparkling psyched blissed out frenzied jaunty sunny keen as mustard peart vigorous sprightly jumping for joy walking on air cheery dynamic exalted zingy charged carried away zippy upbeat full of life crank frolicsome wigged out breezy triumphant irrepressible light-hearted atingle in transports of delight chipper corybantic worked up sent mad keen on cloud seven on top of the world frolic gamesome psyched up beside oneself with happiness intense vibrant as keen as mustard mad animate perky afire vital energized feverish expectant airy blithe blithesome nutty gratified chuffed bright wild with excitement turned on in suspense energised wrapped driven juiced up bright and breezy on fire captivated proud in a frenzy of delight determined full of vim and vigour titillated gladsome smiley flying fiery overwrought uplifted activated inspirited gloating all agog agitated brash enchanted on edge gone on turned-on galvanized desperate wacky in a frenzy lighthearted of good cheer delirious with happiness zesty mettlesome astounded pert itchy rejoicing with bated breath galvanised alive and kicking cheered stirred up full of fun as merry as a grig perfervid industrious puffed up infatuated exulting conscientious bubbling curious flushed open-mouthed potty scintillating crowing dizzy forceful vivid frantic happy-go-lucky carefree apprehensive glorying prideful daft touched infatuated with devoted to enamoured of smitten with edgy triumphalist alert zappy prepared boisterous flipping in heaven brisk mirthful very keen on floating satisfied influenced enamored of turnt up insatiable pumped up pizazzy bouncing springy snappy kinetic jazzy racy spanking pizzazzy concerned jumpy frisky overexcited amused grasping emotional flying high geared up ravenous hilarious cranked up rapacious feeling one's oats dashing itching for dying for as pleased as Punch in a hurry pleased as punch amped-up blazing accelerated possessed fierce approving triumphal inflamed exhilarative aglow ablaze fired transfixed awestruck amazed effusive dotty nutso hot for contented frothy gushing in paradise in rhapsodies started lusty overwhelmed overpowered celebrating tingling tingly enthralled amped chafing straining fun-loving avaricious raving uproarious in love with hooked on lusting filled with joy doing handsprings revelling daring untrammeled untrammelled unrestrained impetuous restored refreshed revitalized distraught distrait hysteric distracted rabid burning extravagant lyrical eulogistic bold swaggering boastful jocose laughing jocund jocular festive full of the joys of spring absorbed affected quickened Corybantic gotta have straining at the leash victorious content reveling wowed beatific set all a-gog smug boon self-driven fascinated passional playful very excited spunky over-the-top revitalised thunderstruck flabbergasted drunk fain tantalized unqualified ravished coltish gallant kooky zany cottonmouthed juiceless bone-dry sapless tantalised bugged gaga minded jumping up and down in transports extremely happy grateful flattered privileged eagerly red-hot blown away riled up full of enthusiasm orgasmic charmed longing for wanting hoping for beside yourself consumed with desire favourably inclined fond romping sportive skittish jittery gone athrill dreamy tickled to death beside oneself with joy in exaltation very happy out floating on air up for on for in the mood of a mind pysched up keen on smitten enamored ludic rollicking kittenish frolicky chafing at the bit gladdened diverted entertained partial to crazy for wild for dry as dust honoured honored thankful wanton anxious for yearning for ambitious for eager for uptight worried nervous uneasy enchanté fulfilled wicked larkish prankish full of get-up-and-go full of joie de vivre ready for willing for avid for in love def in trendy groovy now mod hep downtown with-it cool hip made up as happy as a clam very pleased pleasantly surprised as happy as Larry like a child with a new toy like a dog with two tails lustful hopeful for envious aspiring towards prehensile amorous aspiring keen for gluttonous predatious piggish unsatisfied hungered intemperate swinish unfilled edacious hoggish ravening esurient insatiate anticipatory greedy for ravening for thirsty for craving for wishing for hungry for with an appetite covetous of in need of lusting after with a yen in want of waiting expecting fond of sweet on very enthusiastic aspiring to quick enamoured wigged-out awaiting anticipating agape anticipant waiting for the axe to fall au courant aggressive proactive bullish banzai watchful go-go vitalized anticipative vigilant take-charge can-do extremely enthusiastic hopped up set up looking good looking for waiting on

Tính từ

Dissatisfied and complaining or rebellious
malcontent discontented disgruntled dissatisfied unhappy disaffected displeased rebellious resentful annoyed factious grumbling irritated vexed complaining dissentious malcontented peeved piqued troublemaking aggrieved bellyaching carping discontent disgusted fault-finding fed up nitpicking ill-disposed put out unsatisfied belly-aching brassed off browned off cheesed off hacked off not best pleased peed off teed off ticked off frustrated disappointed unfulfilled disquieted angered angry exasperated ungratified restless disapproving regretful offended envious begrudging insatiable kvetching not satisfied sniveling picky fed-up faultfinding fretful grudging unappeased plaintive sulky querulous crabby critical jaundiced put-out grumpy jealous ennuied fretting unassuaged sullen bothered griping irked unsated snivelling out of joint upset miffed narked indignant sore aggravated riled cross irate nettled hurt disturbed furious in a huff in high dudgeon enraged distressed disillusioned mad incensed embittered huffy tooshie steamed affronted eggy discouraged acrimonious troubled disheartened provoked fuming chagrined depressed perturbed wrathful infuriated inflamed in a temper saddened afflicted disenchanted galled sick testy rancorous cynical bitter ruffled let down miserable choked pained snuffy hoha choleric wounded wroth blasé ireful hot under the collar acrid sick and tired indifferent bored petulant weary peevish churlish vex unpleased livid tired sour scunnered agitated crestfallen jaded spiteful worried harassed blue harried flustered maddened rankled rabid hot outraged roiled infuriate hopping steaming riley ticked ballistic shirty enflamed foaming apoplectic horn-mad wearied miffy glum tormented up in arms fretted down steamed up hard hot-tempered ill-humoured hateful crabbed grieving ill-humored hard done by thwarted stung impatient grieved weighty annoying distressing defeated anguished wronged sick to death gloomy surfeited satiated dismal sated injured harmed fed up to the teeth hung up carrying a chip on your shoulder up the wall ill-used woeful disapproving of morose heated splenetic with a chip on your shoulder fed up to the back teeth oppressed victimised persecuted victimized up to here vehement caustic sardonic irreconcilable soured unforgiving seeing red undeceived revengeful with a chip on one's shoulder with chip on shoulder grudge-bearing scornful boiling p.o.'d bugged surly confused going crook hopping mad huffish insulted perplexed grousing cranky irritable out of temper grouchy crabbing kicking uncontent vitriolic in a pet burned up in a fume disabused in a bad mood wrath off the air bent out of shape fit to be tied blue in the face sophisticated worldly mondaine sophisticate disenthralled knowing worldly-wise disentranced bad tempered foaming at the mouth out of countenance alienated set straight estranged disloyal antagonistic hostile seditious mutinous out of love sick of bored by unfriendly dissident insurgent insurrectionary uncompliant insubordinate renegade unsubmissive surfeited by weary of distressed by glutted by surfeited with jaded with jaded by satiated by glutted with apathetic downcast despondent downhearted have had enough disconcerted disconsolate have had a basinful of have had it up to here with have had something up to here dismayed dispirited discomfited melancholy forlorn dejected sad beaten hopeless aghast gutted cheerless worsted vanquished cast down baulked chapfallen objecting dolorous balked cut up low-spirited taken down shot down down in the dumps as sick as a parrot

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Easily excitable with an excessive amount of energy
skittish excitable nervous jumpy skittery fidgety fiddle-footed flighty fluttery high-strung hyper hyperactive hyperexcitable hyperkinetic jittery lively spasmodic spooky antsy agitable alarmable animated combustible dizzy easily frightened edgy excited flappable frivolous giddy harebrained irresponsible lightheaded light-headed panicky peppy restless scatterbrained sensitive skitterish spirited spookish squirrelly undependable uneasy unreliable volative wary whimsical zippy highly strung very nervous tense nervy uptight anxious agitated twitchy wired neurotic unsettled worried hysterical apprehensive dithery insecure brittle keyed up on edge fearful impatient troubled perturbed upset touchy timid irritable irascible unstable ill at ease stressed flurried emotional frightened scared queazy overstrung volatile shy disturbed aflutter adrenalized unquiet temperamental queasy discomposed het up distressed chippy testy moody easily agitated overwrought hung up timorous frenzied hot-tempered quick-tempered easily upset overexcited bothered spooked overactive unnerved manic toey disquieted shaky terrified irrational rash afraid wound up hinky snappy overzealous curt tetchy goosey peevish fiery atwitter stressy crabbed in a tizzy critical fierce crotchety bad-tempered short-tempered ill-tempered overanxious hot-headed shrinking bashful mouselike graceless stiff uncontrollable energetic wild prim stilted prickly querulous captious nerve-racking feeling anxious beside oneself nervous wreck stressful nail-biting in suspense hectic distraught excessively active oversensitive on tenterhooks desperate flushed startled annoyed intense alarmed shocked nerves on edge bundle of nerves in a panic daunted aquiver mercurial fixated obsessed phobic have cold feet paranoid on pins and needles frantic unreluctant distracted unbalanced hotheaded hasty passionate like a cat on a hot tin roof like a cat on hot bricks wrought-up dismayed febrile fraught hot under the collar hyped-up afire atingle heated hyperexcited tempestuous on the edge disconcerted ruffled provoked worked up zipped up hot juiced up hot and bothered violent taut impulsive galvanic impetuous enthusiastic volcanic vehement uncontrolled inflammable intolerant susceptible demonstrative quick reckless concerned angsty sulky trepidatious sullen fretful short fused angry grumpy morose blowing hot and cold unglued careful offended cantankerous cross wriggly squirmy frowning glum miserable moping mopish saturnine sour petulant crusty mousy uncomfortable shivery wiggly crabby dour piqued splenetic mardy mopey huffy dejected waspish broody huffish blue mumpish kittle mopy tooshie wounded a bundle of nerves all wound up ill-humored ill-humoured strained strung out strung up in a state in a flap flustered windy all of a dither shaken in a tizz rattled self-conscious wrought up in a state of agitation in a stew embarrassed in a sweat in a twitter all of a lather in a state of nerves awkward hesitant unrelaxed having kittens in a twit uncertain discomfited fazed all of a doodah in a dither vexed unrestful discombobulated unsure worried sick trembling bricking oneself stressed out shaking like a fish out of water aroused retiring shook up tormented suspicious perplexed confused unsteady harassed fractious in a cold sweat out of place inhibited quaking irresolute frazzled moved doubtful under stress choked pressured under pressure irritated turbulent thrown unpeaceful fidgeting anguished hassled waiting for the axe to fall irked waiting with bated breath unnatural gauche wreck blushing unhappy weak fevered white-knuckled diffident perverse ornery quivering under a strain fretting wavering in turmoil unconfident withdrawn fitful unruly stirred worked-up clutched itchy inflamed discountenanced shot to pieces introverted aghast watchful affected creepy feverish angstful solicitous careworn bugged unyielding inconvenienced frozen a wreck in a spin beset riled active sleepless muddled tortured plagued all of a flutter in a flat spin beside yourself with one's stomach in knots with one's heart in one's mouth put out worried stiff with butterflies in one's stomach tossing and turning stressed-out eager difficult twittering complaining indecisive tentative disorientated faltering dithering vacillating highly-strung disoriented bewildered swithering constrained frisky strange lost distrustful ill-natured caught up reserved overtaxed taxed roused exasperated fussy cranky out of sorts whining grumbling ratty stirred up flapping disorderly moving shot agog eagerly galled chafed snappish contrary caviling faultfinding carping mean strict conventional cautious in a lather discomforted recalcitrant stimulated stoked jazzed sheepish shamefaced modest white knuckled all agog avid open-mouthed afflicted asea refractory cavilling palpitant wrung shaking in one's shoes up the wall anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting hurt obstinate stubborn mannered artificial ill-at-ease aw-shucks exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined aggravated pained mortified pestered harried harrowed miffed hurried transient wandering intermittent changeable inconstant footloose roving nomadic bustling lacking social skills tongue-tied with bated breath foreboding mistrustful overstretched frayed all nerves at fever pitch self-doubting unassertive self-effacing grieved pressurized pressurised old-fashioned on the defensive pumped-up gutted sad meek lacking confidence unforthcoming on the qui vive out of countenance champing at the bit shell-shocked on the rack saddened not self-assured lacking self-confidence passive dreading lily-livered running scared having stage fright biting nails having butterflies having cold feet having a funny feeling angst-ridden intimidated fearsome cowardly terror-stricken discouraged panic-stricken abashed horrified stunned cowed funky faint-hearted blanched petrified disheartened angered disappointed fretted swivel-eyed wakeful unsure of yourself low a basket case sweating bullets freaked-out overwhelmed wound-up crazy high keyed-up fired-up hot-and-bothered weary strung-out worn unstrung tired spent insomniac vague Delphic unassured questioning unpoised verklempt unzipped throwing a wobbly cut up in disorder amazed steamed up flipped out out of your mind awake unsleeping having butterflies in the stomach touch and go up in the air hanging by thread on thin ice come apart psyched out bummed out broken up at sixes and sevens all torn up in awe scared to death scared stiff run scared hot under collar all shook up insomnolent at the end of your tether alert rigid disturbing disquieting vigilant unsettling without sleep wide awake wide-awake attentive unnerving flexed tight distressing hard worrisome agitating hairy solid tensed firm tightened distressful stretched worrying close inflexible snug extended tightly drawn exciting scary nerve-wracking

Tính từ

Unable or unwilling to sleep
wakeful awake insomniac restless sleepless unsleeping watchful wide-awake disturbed alive astir aware careful insomnious tossing and turning waking without sleep wide awake on guard unable to sleep aroused alert awakened roused up up and about out of bed up and around conscious attentive observant vigilant open-eyed tentie tenty Argus-eyed insomnolent not sleeping heedful cognizant stirring excited knowing lucid on the alert on the lookout on your toes bright-eyed and bushy-tailed active wary on the qui vive on one's toes on the ball circumspect cautious mindful cagey perceptive guarded chary ready sharp on tiptoe up and doing all ears on the job not missing a trick wise leery quick regardful keen intelligent fully awake beady-eyed on the watch apprehensive responsive prudent eagle-eyed wired keen-eyed concentrating discerning prepared sharp-eyed not asleep bright acute hawk-eyed on your guard heads up sensitive focused considerate suspicious anxious clever spirited sensible interested focussed gingerly conservative discriminating broad awake safe with eyes like a hawk with it good hands gimlet-eyed fast on the draw keeping a weather eye on things paying attention with eyes peeled canny concerned hooked glued with one's eyes skinned quick-witted agog perky agile astute measured ever-wakeful intent protective unhurried always-vigilant all there whip-smart defensive expectant arising rising wakened with weather eye open looking to on alert keeping your eyes peeled looking for wide-eyed on toes waiting on unsettled deliberate stirred arisen percipient studious heeding noticing jumpy fidgeting antsy troubled fidgety edgy playing safe clued up with your wits about you on top of vital on the stick lively quick off the mark quick on the uptake clued-in listening diligent rapt committed earnest deep scrupulous rigorous assiduous reckful listening carefully sentient reactive upon one's guard never-sleeping getting up on edge strung out feeling always-awake seeing supraliminal diplomatic tactful judicious politic surveying understanding advertent clear-sighted discovering deducing correct eager detecting searching contemplating considering questioning comprehending intentive penetrating observative compos mentis strategic reserved close-lipped in right mind judgmatic close-mouthed judgmatical softly-softly kid-glove sagacious delicate hip having foresight like a clam moderate civil thoughtful controlled reasonable temperate calculating noncommittal on lookout discreet worldly-wise not rash precautious jazzed switched on psyched up

Tính từ

Acting or done quickly and without thought or care
impetuous impulsive hasty rash precipitate spontaneous unplanned headlong reckless spur-of-the-moment unthinking violent ardent eager fierce foolhardy furious heedless ill-conceived imprudent incautious injudicious overhasty passionate precipitous hurried ill-considered impassioned impromptu unbridled unreasoned unrestrained unthought-out vehement rushed unpremeditated unreflecting abrupt fervid hotheaded precipitant subitaneous sudden swift unexpected going off deep end careless thoughtless wild madcap devil-may-care temerarious irresponsible harum-scarum brash negligent ill-advised hot-headed daredevil unguarded inconsiderate daring hare-brained unwary audacious unconsidered indiscreet harebrained mindless cursory flying carefree kamikaze adventurous hell-for-leather helter-skelter venturesome gadarene improvident premature headstrong bold drive-by pell-mell inattentive venturous capricious unheeding quick casual unwise speedy slapdash foolish regardless irrational unsafe overbold flighty breakneck over-adventurous determined death-or-glory insouciant free ill-judged jumping to conclusions unobservant abandoned giddy unforeseen uninhibited unanticipated overconfident desperate misguided fiery frenzied insuppressible immature tearaway previous flippant over-venturesome rushing unwatchful instant uncareful easy-going fast instantaneous uncircumspect napping dangerous off-guard not bargained for absent-minded out of the blue unalert unvigilant without notice without warning extemporaneous instinctive free and easy frivolous risky erratic scatty prodigal scatterbrained cavalier extravagant unrepressed frantic uncontrolled lavish wanton emotional silly rapid intemperate unreserved whimsical remiss immoderate dippy hectic perfunctory nonchalant relaxed lightning dotty shortsighted excessive snap superficial unworried dizzy profuse unannounced adventuresome whirlwind death-defying blithe happy-go-lucky light-minded untroubled accelerated fleet neglectful sloppy bull-in-a-china-shop unmindful dozy playing with fire fast and loose credulous not in the cards ignorant unlooked-for jumping the gun unprepared heady extempore suicidal unthoughtful fearless intrepid courageous snatched senseless haphazard brave dauntless undaunted reactive rough tempestuous misjudged inconstant divvy hazardous unduly quick blind romping disorderly unconcerned wasteful knee-jerk stupid mad badly thought out not thought through self-destructive shiftless spendthrift profligate risk-taking lawless airy unchecked swaggering breezy indifferent thriftless uneconomical unthrifty wide open unconstrained demonstrative uncurbed unrestricted off deep end out on limb monstrous scandalous heinous anxious short-sighted disregardful uncaring inadvertent irreflective careless of lackadaisical involuntary intuitive fly-by-night off-the-cuff off one's guard unadvised smart shocking atrocious worried distracted squandering free-spending unprompted freakish prompt alacritous quick-fire unhesitating asleep at the switch out to lunch without regard from the hip unpredictable offhand careless of one's duty feckless myopic without a care in the world prankish jaunty light-hearted blasé boisterous untimely ill-timed forgetful automatic unmeditated blindsiding unheralded impolitic uncautious wary too soon inopportune unhoped for unlooked for dissolute immodest effusive caught napping asleep at the wheel leading with one's chin off guard pay no mind fast-and-loose sticking one's neck out not careful any old way asleep on the job foot-in-mouth easygoing easy unselfconscious unaffected natural half-cocked half-baked ditzy skittish abstracted unreflective oblivious ad-lib overventuresome touchy-feely unsmart ill-thought-out excitable winging it genuine open frothy batty dopey featherbrained goofy ditsy puerile futile birdbrained yeasty unfettered abundant volatile out of control nutty dappy excited brainless bemused gaga bubbleheaded immediate sharp empty-headed light-headed feather-brained hot breathless rapid-fire overnight nippy splitting snappy galloping fast-track zippy whistle-stop meteoric fleet-footed rattling blistering brisk footloose and fancy-free expeditious spasmodic acute quickened quickie explosive unusual speeded cyclonic brief hurricane tumultuous short very fast tornado short-lived without delay lax slack slipshod apathetic derelict disinterested uninterested delinquent lazy cool slap-happy unsystematic laid-back disorganized hit-or-miss disorganised insensitive tactless tardy slovenly undiplomatic indiscriminate loose witless messy random desultory unreasoning unmethodical detached uncurious indelicate crackbrained aimless neglecting chaotic untidy oscitant behindhand incurious shoddy rude unthorough idiotic crazy outrageous deaf crackpot nonsensical blithely unconcerned without care all over the place all over the shop directionless inept daft inadvisable unorganized shambolic arbitrary inane pococurante undependable untrustworthy unaccountable unreliable complacent unreasonable inaccurate simpleminded insensible inexact scattered thrown together lost half-witted shabby pointless unmeticulous unintended mechanical unorganised unintentional unconscious unwitting unmoved good-for-nothing unintelligent asinine brutish unkind gratuitous last-minute absurd preposterous listless unfocused wacky imbecilic uncharitable impolite clueless moronic lukewarm clumsy unmeant gay graceless undirected damfool laid back inexpedient dismissive orderless wayward unguided unsympathetic imperfect faulty botched threadbare junky unfastidious fainéant barmy irregular unsettled lamebrained illogical unsound idiotical meaningless lamebrain nonrational fruitless asleep at switch uncalled-for dim-witted without goal without direction ad hoc asleep on job without purpose blundering disregarding luxurious selfish unfeeling nonobservant uninvolved unaroused aloof disordered muddled coarse unselective undiscriminating trivializing informal without a goal undiscerning impractical failing bored weary naive unaware uninformed crude unsubtle infelicitous garrulous nosy radge high-rolling poor jumbled unprofessional barbarous barbaric glutted distant jaded trivialising riotous procrastinating failing to show proper care and attention unadvisable unwarned unknowing unsuspecting otiose faineant accidental lively uncritical inobservant couldn't-care-less not interested sketchy impervious world-weary barratrous dilatory indolent chance purposeless ridiculous uncalled for reflex unworkable unrealistic impracticable cloyed unexcited blameworthy culpable slothful defaultant inconsistent daydreaming reprehensible slow woolgathering promiscuous forgotten ignored unnoticed fleeting summary passing token in the dark goalless vagrant drifting wandering leaving self wide open off the deep end cock-eyed loony unruffled supererogative vacant blunt untactful wooden innocent fortuitous incidental uncalculated flukey fluky equanimous equable composed calm serene sunny kooky cuckoo screwball jerky looney fool weak-minded lunatic insane featherheaded fatuous cockeyed zany tomfool lunkheaded whacky daffy kookie sappy balmy driftless objectless not in the loop at fault lacking concern buoyant unserious coincidental undevised unthought undesigned fluctuating fickle fitful upbeat half-hearted going through the motions phoning it in walking through it any which way dispassionate fanciful supererogatory lighthearted slaphappy lightsome debonair unheedful free from worry free from care thrown-together not on purpose soft lenient optimistic content free-minded cheerful ungracious stray catch-as-catch-can overindulgent failing to take proper care permissive vague indulgent liberal non-restrictive complaisant indefinite broad general carefree and untroubled flabby over-tolerant flaccid nonspecific shapeless imprecise yielding easy-peasy intolerant discourteous rattlebrained unsteady unstable changeable bizarre disrespectful accepting tolerant floppy nonjudgmental limp living the life of Riley unhandsome uncivil callous unmannered impertinent unmannerly boorish unfair heartless unceremonious any way paying no mind ill-bred ill-mannered

Từ trái nghĩa của restive

restive Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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