Đồng nghĩa của annoying

Alternative for annoying

Đồng nghĩa: annoyance, bothersome, galling, irritating, irritation, nettlesome, pesky, pestering, pestiferous, plaguey, plaguy, teasing, vexation, vexatious, vexing,

annoys, annoyed, annoying

Đồng nghĩa: disturb, irritate, tease, vex,

Trái nghĩa: comfort, gratify, please, relieve,

Tính từ

Causing irritation or annoyance
irritating bothersome aggravating exasperating maddening vexatious boring galling irksome provoking agitating disagreeable displeasing disturbing harassing teasing tedious troublesome wearisome bedeviling bedevilling discomforting discommoding discomposing disconcerting peeving perturbing pesky pestiferous pestilent plaguy tiresome unpleasant unwelcome vexing abrasive agonizing antagonising antagonizing awkward carking chafing confounded cussed difficult frustrating inconvenient infernal infuriating nettlesome nettling pestilential pesty plaguey rankling rebarbative riling troubling trying unamusing unnerving unpleasing unsettling agonising burdensome distressing enraging grating harrying jarring nagging niggling punchable uncongenial upsetting wearing enough to drive you up the wall enough to try the patience of a saint worrisome nasty worrying painful disquieting harsh troublous hard wicked disappointing mean thorny tricky discouraging intrusive incommodious alarming disruptive taxing objectionable problematic unsuitable ugly offensive severe dismaying laborious bitter embarrassing perplexing distasteful unpalatable distressful inappropriate unattractive bad irking rough frightening startling toilsome ominous gloomy onerous sinister foreboding depressing impeding threatening consequential demanding obnoxious repugnant knotty discordant inopportune wretched insensitive inexpedient tormenting untimely unseasonable concerning unlovely unfortunate creepy yukky rotten unsavory icky yucky discommodious tough inharmonious nerve-racking pessimistic prophetic uncertain cruel inconsiderate rude unfriendly hateful unkind hurtful unsavoury sticky forbidding challenging puzzling hairy prickly festering antipathetic afflicting raucous shrill sharp sour traumatic unfavorable unfavourable cacophonous horrible unsatisfying impossible invasive incommoding strident disadvantageous lamentable deplorable nauseating grotesque unaesthetic unhandy dissonant unmanageable unwieldy vicious malicious detrimental cumbersome afflictive spiteful tense uneasy stridulent confronting undesirable poisonous gruff execrable ill-timed uncomfortable venomous vindictive detestable abusive harrowing fraught malign churlish unbearable wounding out of place repellent lousy ill-humored mean-spirited ill-tempered ill-natured ill-humoured bad-tempered accursed dislikable humiliating provocative sickening acid plaguing remote prejudicial shocking stupid restless nail-biting nervous anxious nerve-wracking interfering imposing daunting arduous oppressive idiotic grave importunate scary anxious-making intractable undisciplined murder heavy uphill rowdy infestive dangerous ungovernable damaging repressive messy disorderly apprehensive stridulous ill suited dry harsh-sounding ticklish unpopular charged complicated sensitive delicate unlucky undesired incongruous clashing screeching piercing blaring intricate involved disobliging tickly flustering discomfiting torturous regrettable rejected unwanted malevolent conflicting incompatible grinding contrasting malignant dodgy baffling dolorous bumpy blameworthy unacceptable reprehensible excluded uninvited noisy rasping jangling scraping squeaky uncharitable catty vile surly hostile despicable grievous itchy distressed scratchy unsought not wanted ill-advised too bad ill-favored ill-favoured exceptionable unwished for unwished-for inadmissible complex tricksy problematical touchy spiny catchy snide cantankerous ignominious sordid ignoble currish dirty despiteful dishonorable contemptible base virulent low paltry squawky boisterous fierce rabid rugged ferocious squawking unavoidable prominent high-profile inescapable interrupting causing discomfort ill-fitting convoluted uncharacteristic loud unharmonious ornery ruthless sarcastic dishonourable explosive forceful convulsive ear-piercing furious echinated briery stimulating pointed evil-minded low-minded low-down paroxysmal turbulent volcanic blustering unmelodious unmusical tumultuous forcible buffeting miserable cutting unlikable impolite repulsive biting unlovable appalling horrid caustic awful invidious terrible abominable odious dreadful revolting disgusting abhorrent gross ghastly frightful insufferable stern in one's face impossible to ignore unloveable vitriolic grody gnarly cross unfeeling brusque brutal acerbic callous curt pitiless acerb unsympathetic comfortless aggressive spiky argumentative eye-watering rubbing the wrong way hard to take

Tính từ

Causing someone to feel resentful, upset, or annoyed
offensive insulting rude objectionable abusive irritating displeasing disrespectful derogatory discourteous exasperating hurtful wounding affronting degrading embarrassing exceptionable galling humiliating impertinent impudent insolent personal provocative provoking slighting uncivil unmannerly vexing censurable coarse contemptuous crude disparaging impolite obnoxious outrageous reprehensible scandalous scurrilous shocking unacceptable vulgar detestable improper indecent upsetting contumelious denigratory defamatory pejorative vituperative uncomplimentary belittling disdainful slanderous deprecatory libellous libelous derisive scornful opprobrious ill-mannered ungracious critical cheeky inconsiderate vitriolic bad-mannered scathing censorious maligning depreciative damaging spiteful audacious derogative vilifying vituperatory calumniatory reproachful injurious tactless detractive catty brash demeaning malicious depreciatory sharp ill-bred fresh presumptuous invective derisory denigrative nasty reviling inappropriate deprecating unmannered scurril truculent scurrile thoughtless sarcastic curt uncalled-for unhandsome malapert mannerless churlish unkind blunt boorish offhand traducing brazen unpleasant short ungentlemanly unladylike ungallant uncouth negative foul intrusive cocky flip acerbic lippy brusque disagreeable arrogant obloquious calumnious insensitive calumniating decrying forward disapproving rough bold abrupt crass gruff surly pert unrefined indelicate sassy ribald obscene ignorant lewd brassy oafish underbred smart-alecky out of line undiplomatic disgracious discrediting blasphemous unflattering violent berating bitter cutting unfavourable scolding distressing venomous dishonouring cruel barbed mean biting detracting distasteful dismissive snide castigating disgusting abhorrent unfriendly uncharitable prying fault-finding unfavorable contemptible deplorable insufferable unwelcome repugnant undesirable saucy graceless harsh upbraiding offending loutish intolerable insupportable dishonoring despiteful malevolent defaming indecorous minimizing malign denigrating mordacious unwanted vicious minimising unchivalrous nosy insubordinate shameless mud-slinging sharp-tongued beyond the pale nervy sullen brazen-faced ungenteel overbearing out-of-line inaffable cavalier peremptory out of order arch wise bold-faced cocksure brassbound smart alecky procacious smart mortifying depreciating familiar repulsive ridiculing supercilious unsympathetic prejudicial dysphemistic epithetical detractory virulent withering judgmental sneering mischievous unsatisfactory diminishing deflating sardonic irritable moody disgustful loathly unbearable painful unceremonious uncourteous maledictory scandalmongering muckraking backbiting ranting denunciatory rustic inurbane crusty gauche sarky maledictive slurring discreditable terse hostile snarky acidulous brass-necked unsubtle exclusive prejudiced unaware groundless low infamous salacious gross scabrous aspersing inhospitable unfortunate loud-mouthed meddling meddlesome inquisitive off base incongruous unsuitable interfering raunchy dirty vituperous smutty filthy stinging self-assertive self-confident loud vivacious untactful Rabelaisian snoopy snooping nosy-parker lacking civility bad mannered un-PC barefaced imperative off-base breezy magisterial dictatorial destructive harmful grievous savage hateful foul-mouthed aspersive caustic pernicious put down libeling debasing injuring excoriating despicable hurting abasing libelling vile shaming malignant reproaching disgracing damning pointed maleficent acid trenchant politically incorrect reproving castigatory mouthy crabbed yokelish bounderish haughty bumptious pompous uppity pushy immodest lordly overconfident lofty superior imperious unabashed proud conceited overweening sniffy presuming pretentious high-handed unblushing smug blatant uppish high and mighty high-and-mighty snooty patronizing highfalutin huffy irreverent assumptive overbold egotistic egotistical hifalutin assuming condescending toplofty vainglorious flippant patronising self-important vain toploftical snobbish boastful arrant self-asserting hubristic snotty cool stiff-necked unashamed masterful stuck-up huffish flagrant unembarrassed high-hat opinionated chesty bold as brass important domineering blustering hoity-toity confident swaggering aloof snippy prideful narcissistic toffee-nosed defiant bossy overfamiliar self-assured mocking boldfaced self-satisfied puffed up bigheaded swollen-headed snobby stuck up bloated ostentatious forceful autocratic scoffing egoistic egoistical pontifical smart-arsed elitist know-it-all swellheaded full of oneself self-conceited biggity facetious assertive self-opinionated biggety cute smart-assed egocentric smarty-pants smart-aleck undisguised affected smarty bragging officious free self-centered self-righteous selfish self-serving self-centred unrepentant cold-shoulder self-affected self-promoting self-engrossed self-congratulatory self-contented self-adulatory self-glorifying big-headed unconcerned orgulous wise guy impetuous rash aggressive overt sacrilegious profane impious misbehaved despotic tyrannical hardened abandoned jeering aweless depraved profligate brazenfaced bald-faced unconcealed dissolute incorrigible unprincipled full of yourself showy flashy obtrusive reprobate as bold as brass unchaste immoral fancy-pants sure full of contempt assured without shame jumped up obvious too big for your boots on an ego trip insouciant glib hotheaded impulsive impolitic badly behaved in-your-face fearless witty indifferent authoritarian iconoclastic presumptive hotshot oppressive transparent jocular open precipitate hasty bright whimsical tongue-in-cheek thrusting snippety unshrinking gritty bantam coercive wanton bullish daring irreverential unhallowed ungodly unholy meretricious hard gaudy naked iron-handed humorous forthright low-bred garish bare-faced tyrannous autocratical authoritative tyrannic pushful unapologetic imperial regnant commanding on your high horse on high horse coming on strong too big for one's breeches too big for one's boots holier-than-thou self-respecting putting on airs blusterous boldface heavy brave plucky bad naughty ballsy casual impish ill-behaved uninterested amoral combative volatile weisenheiming feisty ill smart-mouthed undismayed undaunted throwing one's weight around unfilial profanatory overhasty previous premature foolhardy unreserved cursory off perfunctory highhanded temeritous grandiose spirited uncivilized take-it-or-leave-it pococurante offish uncultured uncultivated raw roughneck tacky cheap common indulgent overindulgent over-free relaxed cynical hypercritical remote swanky tony persnickety unawed unflinching careless frank temerarious standoffish self-aggrandizing loudmouth high puffed-up chirpy dapper dashing keen ill-humored tawdry spunky gutsy amusing playful uncivilised strident noisy blaring uninhibited jokey effervescent trashy pushing heedless headlong incautious maladroit ambitious overassertive direct dominating heavy-handed corrupt poised composed abashless unaffected unshamed unrestrained frivolous grating jarring overfriendly airy wiseguy aristocratic bullying rejecting contemning averse despising antipathetic scouting repudiating high-flown throwing one's weight about ill-humoured tolerant free-and-easy superficial piercing raucous not backwards in coming forwards overproud dogmatic shallow irresponsible carefree cacophonous deafening jangling dissonant thundering booming shrill over-assertive impenitent remorseless lording it turning up your nose at looking down your nose at ear-splitting discordant preponderant demanding ascendant prevalent stuffy funny comical puckish jazzy tinny light-hearted loudmouthed high-pitched metallic flirtatious on one's high horse patent glaring autarchic clever ingenious strict iron-fisted subjugating controlling draconian manifest evident severe dominant strong-willed arbitrary palpable agile highbrowed highbrow bantering apt droll incisive quick adept nimble jesting ready smooth nifty quick-witted unmistakable pronounced conspicuous sheer clear in driver's seat crack the whip straightforward bald outright noticeable undeniable flaunting positive certain rank indisputable cut-and-dried striking unmitigated egregious jaunty taunting snazzy protrusive deliberate glitzy prominent screaming crying in plain sight smart aleck smart guy smarty pants hard-nosed temperamental upstage high hat dog it

Tính từ

(of a person) Deliberately unreasonable or uncooperative
awkward difficult uncooperative unreasonable belligerent disobliging exasperating perverse stubborn trying unhelpful obstinate obstructive unpredictable intractable prickly troublesome unaccommodating contrary irritable pesky refractory thrawn tiresome touchy vexing chippy contumacious froward pervicacious renitent vexatious balky bolshie bulky complex cramped cussed disagreeable discommodious incommodious obdurate stroppy unmanageable bloody-minded hard to handle difficult to handle headstrong wilful mulish bull-headed pigheaded wayward recalcitrant disobedient capricious cantankerous self-willed contrarious cross-grained irrational biased illogical blinkered intransigent opinionated arbitrary inflexible peevish morose truculent prejudiced intolerant shrewish ill-natured crabby rebel incompliant willful unruly recusant untoward rebellious ungovernable insubordinate obstreperous restive defiant hostile arsey nonconformist disagreeing contrariant antagonistic dissident paradoxical nonconforming discordant adverse antipathetic wrongheaded converse ornery negative inimical dissentient pig-headed unyielding stiff-necked unbending uncompromising fractious argumentative quarrelsome mutinous unresponsive strong-willed determined uncontrollable unamenable disputatious immovable wrong-headed grumpy ill-tempered sullen sulky contentious unpersuadable unmalleable confrontational persistent dogged stubborn as a mule adamant blocking stalling restrictive inhibiting delaying not giving an inch noncompliant incorrigible bullheaded bad-tempered narky ratty shirty choleric unconstructive hindering scrappy unwilling frustrating disruptive making difficulties as stubborn as a mule inconsiderate unsupportive unadaptable with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way rock-ribbed sticky not cooperative grumbly hardheaded hypercritical overbearing importunate strong-minded pitiless strict picky single-minded dissatisfied rude querulous bearish set in one's ways boorish unrelenting rigid hard-line stiff finical huffy hard-nosed vexed testy invidious steadfast choosy fiendish delicate dogmatic oppressive captious snappy sensitive tough hard to please hard to satisfy temperamental irritating crotchety indomitable fussy unflinching overcritical uppity inexorable grim impolite uptight opinionative irascible feisty perfectionist particular resolute fastidious over-particular finicky dictatorial critical disputative sour oafish pertinacious discontented ungracious demanding tyrannical incorrect wrong inappropriate inept unapt unfit indecorous infelicitous contradictory malapropos inapposite graceless incongruous inapt unbecoming unhappy amiss improper unsuitable unseemly unorthodox irregular miscreant rotten erring aberrant delinquent unhealthy mean

Tính từ

Deserving of condemnation or execration
infernal accursed damnable blasted cussed cursed exasperating horrible infuriating irritating rotten wretched aggravating blessed blinking deuced dratted flaming pesky pestiferous pestilential accurst bally bleeding blimming bloody blooming chuffing confounded cotton-picking curst dang danged darn darned doggone doggoned durn durned effing flipping freaking goddamned plurry ruddy dashed blamed execrable hateful odious detestable loathsome abominable vile disgusting foul heinous awful terrible offensive dreadful horrid ghastly obnoxious beastly scurvy uncooperative perverse stubborn obstinate unpleasant objectionable disagreeable nasty maddening infamous vexatious devilish pernicious trying perturbing bothersome fell fiendish atrocious despicable obscene repellent revolting repulsive hellish repugnant loathly abhorrent appalling evil wicked monstrous diabolical villainous nefarious vicious unspeakable shocking demonic demoniac Mephistophelian contemptible iniquitous reprehensible satanic sinful horrifying cacodemonic base egregious precious cruel hideous diabolic demoniacal ungodly barbarous inhuman flagitious outrageous depraved immoral savage lousy black dark scandalous barbaric brutish black-hearted bad shameful facinorous miserable Hadean disgraceful distasteful malicious perverted God-awful blithering gross godawful amoral bestial footling undesirable malevolent malignant demonical demonian Luciferian deplorable sickening sordid unhallowed nightmarish horrendous brutal Stygian nauseating dirty nauseous frightful reprobate dastardly horrific abysmal intolerable stinking chronic yucky grody low-down fricking crazed frenetic mad maniacal possessed anathematized full insufferable criminal grave noxious noisome inexcusable culpable under a curse rancid forbidding unjust unpardonable unforgivable improper raunchy flagrant disgustful repellant fulsome unrighteous revulsive sleazy hairy grim afflicted unholy unsanctified blankety-blank foredoomed snakebit bedevilled voodooed blighted banned bedeviled heartless beneath contempt crying beyond the pale uncool invidious bitter shuddersome resentful ornery unbearable unlawful unfair unsavory wrong unethical cloven-footed ghoulish hellborn serpentine satanical lamentable malfeasant ignominious pitiless murderous bloodthirsty merciless ruthless ferocious unfeeling inhumane implacable brute truculent sadistic wanton butcherly naughty unsavoury very bad misbegotten pits tenth-rate woeful dismal punk dire pants sucky low paltry mean hell fire cast out abject cringe-making defective pathetic sorry detested execrated a load of pants currish dishonorable snide despised ignoble shabby useless cruddy measly degenerate worthless lame loathed abominated hated abhorred stupid dishonourable hateable yucko low-minded maggot

Tính từ

Causing one to feel bored
tiresome boring dull monotonous tedious wearisome humdrum uninteresting slow drab dreary ponderous stale stodgy irritating numbing pedestrian prosaic stuffy uneventful unexciting unremarkable unvaried unvarying arid colourless colorless common commonplace flat heavy jading jejune leaden old ordinary repetitious repetitive routine banausic boresome dry dusty everyday monochromatic quotidian stupid tame usual vexatious workaday dragging nowhere tired mind-numbing day-to-day ho-hum run-of-the-mill tiring wearying drudging weary lifeless insipid vapid mundane unimaginative uninspiring banal bland trite uninspired lacklustre lackluster plodding blah characterless spiritless sterile hackneyed nothing samey dead wishy-washy ho hum bromidic unoriginal vacuous soul-destroying fatiguing derivative weak vanilla unstimulating prosy dull as dishwater laborious deadly limp feeble plain dullsville platitudinous dry as dust soporific inane interminable featureless draggy lame as dry as dust bloodless hacky weariful lacking variety barren milk-and-water unchanging depressing monochrome enervating exhausting mediocre stiff dim wooden watery dreich treadmill zero anaemic zestless common or garden innocuous stereotyped stock mechanical uniform clichéd anemic laboured turgid irksome conventional stilted unentertaining unenjoyable unrelieved deadly dull lustreless monotone sluggish plain vanilla ornery namby-pamby pabulum dull as ditchwater nondescript lacking variation tasteless labored corny pallid no great shakes vacant not up to much mindless big yawn predictable flavourless nothing to write home about flavorless drivelling driveling long-winded threadbare hack customary normal overused overlong overworked soulless typical regular moth-eaten well-worn toneless sleepy trying safe pedantic quiet white-bread inoffensive pointless yawnsome prolix forced undistinctive empty dismal torpid long-drawn-out stagnant trivial desolate unanimated hoary truistic unexceptional antiseptic sapless timeworn lacking excitement lacking interest time-worn cliché-ridden one-horse downcast fuddy-duddy worn out old hat unpalatable middle-of-the-road played out dead-and-alive flat tire miserable long prosing bummer drag cloying drear bomb plebeian longwinded menial disheartening unsatisfying demoralizing unfulfilling neutral indistinct unlively unpassioned unmemorable passionless not fun nitty-gritty terrestrial puerile static unspirited clumsy unnatural awkward artificial wordy deadening serious stolid solemn workday lowly frustrating droning uncreative worn-out uninterested tepid mortal poky snooze slack average non-stimulating garden-variety cautious garden variety crude meagre simplistic meager depressed demoralising matter-of-fact endless heavy-going formal circumspect backward half-pie bog-standard OK so-so staid inert prudent cardboard bleak dowdy unprogressive inactive unproductive unfeeling expressionless mat unexpressive matte lusterless unexcited dulled raw dispiriting wintry wintery sorrowful damp oppressive windy verbose backwoods comatose waterish nerdy wimpy unappealing a dime a dozen chary uninflected stereotypical poor half-hearted inadequate weighty least Milquetoast attentive not so hot overdone unseasoned whitebread blind muted heavy going timid soft mild nebbish beige fatuous tenuous slight subdued behind the times shopworn cliche obligatory cornball musty hackney cobwebby gingerly unadventurous considerate careful heedful wary calculating dime-store out of date outdated hard to digest conservative old-fashioned without variety lead balloon facile noplace dumb hokey cornfed tripe square outmoded archaic obsolete reiterated samely monotonic all the same recurrent sing-song unchanged unobjectionable defunct harmless unenterprising mainstream extinct antiquated halfhearted diluted antediluvian superannuated leery passé boiled down without punch flat as pancake puts one to sleep antwacky out of the ark cut and dried apathetic undistinguished listless deadpan unemotional no-nonsense sober emotionless gray grey unimpassioned indifferent uncomic cold unadorned impassive down-to-earth passive humourless factual languid unsentimental humorless inexpressive unamusing distasteful somber unappetizing literal simple sedate sombre indistinctive unsavoury blank unembellished straightforward practical straight unresponsive phlegmatic unsavory hollow unpretentious desiccated grave uninviting lethargic disagreeable unpleasant inedible unvarnished undemonstrative unattractive level-headed hard-headed uneatable unexceptionable unenthusiastic noncommittal numb faceless realistic pragmatic insensitive businesslike anodyne pathetic hardheaded pragmatical indecisive calm difficult stern earthy gross grim unfunny severe run of the mill enervated unidealistic cold-blooded slow-moving uncomedic unwitty clean clear unsmiling off-putting earnest disgusting serious-minded constant restrained repeated familiar ineffectual stoical nauseating glassy savourless rational sensible yucky unromantic unobtrusive loathsome revolting faithful stoic institutional ineffective peaceful frigid slothful nasty foul commonsensical iterative benumbed placid lackadaisical standard unexcitable unmoved ceaseless reiterative insistent continual languorous understated dispassionate spineless impassible savorless lacking in vitality sick-making unostentatious affectless watered-down irresolute unembroidered undistorted unaffected exact lukewarm intense sullen straight-thinking repressed lazy droopy humble unflashy low-keyed languishing mournful elementary dour sour unconcerned hard-boiled cowardly down homely austere low-key with both feet on the ground toned-down folksy steady slow but sure literal-minded unidentified unspecified usual thing pompous dry-as-dust unmodulated earthbound shiftless sickening clinical uninventive unartistic glassy-eyed unpoetic repugnant derived over-serious unspecial logical lacking vitality useless duplicative vile general futile two-dimensional unnoteworthy unfateful noneventful inconclusive in the doldrums generic profitless vain unambitious noisome spent fishy standard-issue cut-and-dry cut-and-dried reserved unrewarding devoid of feeling devoid of emotion fruitless worthless lacking personality lacking charisma thin accustomed valueless unprofitable purposeless aimless actual practicable yawn diddly prose unmotivated catatonic effete glazed subtle incomprehensible inarticulate incoherent run-of-the mill unavailing bootless otiose unsuccessful inefficacious abortive neither one thing nor the other light discreet backwater wet limp-wristed weak-kneed sobersided bovine unflavoured drawly regimented dense unreadable unfruitful unfilled unprolific matter-of- fact unsympathetic inconspicuous puritanical douce strict supine wimpish weakened nerveless frail invertebrate weakling unnoticeable unkind indolent coldhearted not amounting to much anaesthetic insensible anesthetic unflappable unpleasurable badly written governmental utilitarian rudimentary corporate functional ugly innocent twangy imitative twanging callous numbed stony asleep inhuman po-faced unhumorous repulsive desensitized groggy disinterested tranquil uninvolved uncompassionate lymphatic uncharismatic senseless anesthetized yucko along for the ride desensitised detached without spice big zero peaceable unoffending vacillating wavering retiring drawling brackish detestable yukky abhorrent anaesthetized paralysed paralyzed still frequentative standard issue unrefined robust unsophisticated rough natural grody unenticing stinky icky forgettable innoxious nonprovocative meek direct uninhibited slavish inelaborate pure and simple normophilic uncluttered unornamented rustic your basic modest unelaborate uncomplicated undecorated submissive melancholic dispirited despondent mopy low dejected melancholy white non-aggressive non-violent benign non-combative hurtless stark nameless blue disconsolate gutless dopey broken sad drippy inanimate downhearted withdrawn tempered pensive fogeyish out-of-date backward-looking crusty gentle friendly pleasant frank chastened creaky mouldy old-fogeyish controlled home folk basic homey funky lowbred easygoing lusty down home outdoorsy dated antique fusty moldy past it old-time inobtrusive down in the mouth down in the dumps cast down lacking originality naked accurate impersonal feasible truthful

Tính từ

Used for emphasis, especially of something bad
frightful awful dreadful terrible appalling ghastly disagreeable insufferable unpleasant abominable atrocious deplorable extreme great grewsome grisly gruesome hideous horrendous horrible horrid horrific horrifying lamentable lurid macabre monstrous nasty nightmare nightmarish shocking terrific unbearable beastly God-awful irritating very bad bad calamitous lewd offensive vile wicked wrong distasteful repellent repugnant displeasing unpalatable disgusting repulsive revolting foul objectionable obnoxious odious abhorrent nauseating distressing sickening unsavoury unwelcome unsavory loathsome hateful detestable yucky upsetting unpleasing off-putting nauseous disturbing rotten icky distressful bitter uncongenial unacceptable obscene noxious loathly gross unnerving disgustful harsh worrying difficult disquieting repellant harrowing troublesome yukky unlovely irksome agonizing invidious sour bothersome unhappy painful galling agonising gut-wrenching reprehensible intolerable despicable contemptible exceptionable unsettling worrisome fraught troubling undesirable hairy execrable disconcerting rebarbative agitating daunting dislikable yucko bogging nail-biting ugly frightening severe lousy unsatisfactory trying rancid grim woeful miserable vexatious beyond the pale perturbing dire sad nerve-racking tragic alarming tense stressful anxious censurable noisome unwanted cruel fulsome scandalous evil grievous unsuitable inadmissible restless nervous creepy uneasy stinking grotty hellacious uninviting wretched traumatic torturous mean heartbreaking fierce depressing unfortunate uncomfortable inexpedient dismal mortifying tormenting regrettable sombre somber unappealing nerve-wracking hellish afflicting excruciating gloomy grody pesky hurtful heartrending poignant afflictive intense sick-making heart-rending aggravating vexing perplexing dislikeable pain drag catty poisonous base scabrous putrid skanky hateable insolent biting embarrassing abusive impertinent cutting discourteous heel pestiferous pill ornery dreaded unpopular disliked mighty unattractive off-color harmful acute unwished-for scary crashing injurious destructive fearful unsought unlikable loathed adverse inconvenient shunned useless incommodious disadvantageous scorned uninvited outcast defective rejected detrimental unseemly hard panicky menacing exasperating terrifying intimidating harassing anxious-making maddening taxing disheartening unwished for for the birds indecorous opprobrious to be avoided strictly for the birds out of place discouraging dispiriting disappointing ruthless savage rude unfit murderous onerous unrelenting stiff rough chilling brutal hardhanded burdensome oppressive tough heavy merciless inhuman rugged relentless searing ferocious dismaying remorseless sore poison ill-favoured inclement hard-hearted intemperate provoking rigorous melancholic austere unlucky testing parlous unfavorable unfavourable glum mephitical irritable unpropitious unkind dreary melancholy bewildering sinister depressive revulsive frustrating unamusing inauspicious hopeless foreboding ominous distressed bleak sullen morose troubled cheerless ill-favored discomforting forbidding humourless poor sober crummy doleful humorless solemn discomposing troublous unendurable sedate abysmal diabolical grave tragical pathetic uncool awkward godawful saddening affecting anguished sorrowful hostile concerning extremely bad heart-breaking

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Tending to misbehave or act badly
naughty bad disobedient mischievous wayward misbehaving fractious insubordinate misbehaved unruly contrary defiant disorderly errant refractory ungovernable unmanageable delinquent disruptive exasperating obstreperous perverse playful recalcitrant unbiddable uncontrollable undisciplined wilful difficult impish mutinous troublesome wild awkward impolite incorrigible rascally roguish rude wicked brattish froward intractable prankish puckish scampish sinful tricksy contumacious fiendish gallus headstrong rowdy teasing wanton willful worthless evil rough tough wrong badly behaved self-willed bad-mannered ill-disciplined attention-seeking full of mischief devilish arch sly waggish rebellious knavish pixieish elvish frolicsome leprechaunish pixy pixie elfin uncooperative cheeky sportive uncompliant ludic turbulent noncompliant elfish bolshie untoward rebel recusant incompliant balky restive badly-behaved erratic ill-behaved knowing non-compliant rakish raffish troublemaking artful saucy cunning riotous flippant trying irksome stubborn aberrant pert out of control insolent impudent vexatious violent pawky insurgent tongue-in-cheek seditious limit nonobservant affected coy wily resistive uncontrolled treacherous factious disaffected dissentious uncomplying unrestrained bothersome untrained raunchy unsteady capricious unschooled obdurate unpredictable fickle obstinate foxy stroppy coquettish ungoverned inconsistent out of hand frisky ruffianly kiddish thoughtless immature childish infantile ill-natured inconsiderate disrespectful mischief-making coltish incontrollable intolerable impossible unbearable undependable underhanded shifty beguiling crooked untruthful lying slick deceiving crafty espiègle underhand fraudulent sneaky deceptive tricky mulish giddy pixilated devil-may-care jaunty fresh casual implike offhand lacking self-control rollicking immoral cross-grained self-indulgent strong-willed ornery arbitrary sportful dysfunctional larky free and easy offending antic sinning fay pugnacious whiny petulant problematic erring deviant belligerent aggressive confrontational combative cantankerous bellicose culpable lawbreaking guilty lawless criminal transgressing whimsical socially impaired maladjusted argumentative hot-tempered disturbed truculent fierce scrappy hostile straying troublous tiresome bold malicious unrestrainable pesky uncontainable sullen peevish undisciplinable nasty loudmouthed wearisome demanding mean indocile pixyish mysterious unorthodox miscreant shifting stray heretic devious fallible deviating unreliable meandering errable off straight and narrow boisterous unyielding pigheaded bloody-minded resistant noisy intransigent irrepressible unreasonable insurrectionary pervicacious bull-headed inflexible renitent cussed contrarious thrawn impetuous unaccommodating dissident quarrelsome loud anarchic chaotic uproarious revolutionary stiff-necked rumbustious unbridled dissentient opinionated nonconformist raucous antagonistic inimical adverse unhelpful obstructive disobliging unbending roisterous clamorous rambunctious insubmissive rash determined subversive indomitable uncompromising insurrectionist reckless radical immovable intemperate iconoclastic contradictory unwilling unfavorable unfavourable obstinately disobedient alienated lively exuberant unmalleable uninhibited persistent malevolent resisting heedless spiteful contentious knockabout romping malcontent inappropriate impulsive impervious imprudent forward assertive drunken bawdy inexorable robustious tumultuous negative rackety rampant nonconforming unpersuadable irrational hell-raising rip-roaring infelicitous inapt unsuitable vociferous challenging anarchical roistering excited dogged dissenting adamant malapropos out of line disloyal abandoned maleficent stubborn as a mule rampageous anarchistic improper pertinacious militant traitorous bullheaded insoluble unpliable treasonable rioting threatening pat up in arms pig-headed inimitable irreconcilable estranged haughty morose shrewish crabby cross renegade opposing withstanding disputatious robust unresponsive resolved malign heretical maverick incurable swaggering swashbuckling cavalier impotent mutinying apostate schismatic unadaptable rock-ribbed crazy hysterical nuts outrageous madcap insurmountable berserk loath negativistic averse reluctant indisposed hesitant as stubborn as a mule complex burdensome antisocial without law and order tempestuous incorrect implacable wild and woolly daring provocative audacious hard-line thorny locked resolute tenacious knotty with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way rampaging unconstrained immoderate unchecked unhindered unconventional uncurbed unbounded active animated unlawful strong overwhelming intense insuppressible freaked overpowering unfettered extrovert untimely unfortunate unrelenting overexcited bouncy indisciplined locked in tough nut hang tough licentious corybantic incautious profligate ebullient spirited vibrant high-spirited inconvenient inopportune impossible to cope with feisty like a loose cannon beside oneself termagant hardheaded adamantine inconvincible hardened hard ossified piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous paradoxical contrariant discordant arsey disagreeing drunk out-of-line out-of-order on-a-tear out-of-control thrilled raving hard-nosed self-opinionated deaf to reason inept unfit inapposite incongruous unhappy amiss unanticipated unapt indecorous graceless illogical unbecoming wrong-headed ill-timed unseemly unexpected wrongheaded antipathetic converse restless individualistic warring armed sabotaging attacking raising Cain disregardful dareful sassy gutsy flighty raising the roof unforeseen disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted mistimed ready for a fight in high spirits clangorous irregular spoiling for a fight unlucky unwelcome inauspicious irritating effervescent strident energetic vociferant over-the-top brawling badly timed unseasonable unhealthy rotten vicious cruel unendurable objectionable offensive unpropitious misfortunate disturbing unpleasant hapless ill-starred star-crossed luckless insupportable terrible painful insufferable needless deliberate unjustified senseless excruciating maddening infuriating dreadful unprovoked gratuitous groundless motiveless unacceptable egregious unjustifiable willed unmotivated beyond bearing not to be borne inhumane aimless atrocious heartless savage butcherly barbarous brute brutal sadistic inhuman barbaric unfair double-crossing unjust merciless

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Persistent or pressing, often annoyingly so
importunate clamant exigent pressing urgent indefatigable intransigent obstinate stubborn tenacious tireless unremitting acute aggressive burning clamorous compelling critical crying demanding dire dogged emergent entreating exacting imperative imperious insistent instant nagging necessitous obdurate persevering persistent pertinacious unrelenting avid disturbing earnest forceful harassing high-pressure overeager pushy solicitous suppliant troublesome overly solicitous crucial vital important serious essential grave desperate necessary drastic determined immediate resolute continuous severe peremptory pivotal pertinent extreme emphatic unyielding significant relevant terrible sore great high-priority key climacteric paramount parlous fundamental principal primary foremost of interest life-and-death of the utmost importance of the essence repeated incessant needful binding overriding coercive unavoidable immoderate demanding attention major prevalent adamant controversial active current topical constraining firm unfaltering assertive contemporary lively heavy integral emergency intense impelling decided unwavering inexorable patient live inescapable leading required capital driving indispensable resolved pushful momentous weighty demanded chief clamouring hurry-up distressing forcing requiring persuasive claiming obliging heat-on irresistible clamoring reiterative resounding monotonous relentless perseverant called-for top-priority very great life and death must-have of great consequence pre-eminent now or never dangerous perilous main hazardous awful precarious salient germane dreadful profound operative standout alarming egregious bad decisive sudden solid of note noteworthy high marked definite of concern vigorous afflictive life-threatening all-important consequential considerable far-reaching requisite central substantial needed mandatory cardinal solemn portentous material vitally important heavyweight of consequence meaningful somber of moment sombre prime sober big historic of great import sedate heavy-duty compulsory obligatory monumental staid of significance large-scale no joke no laughing matter humourless humorless prerequisite earth-shattering appreciable called for of great importance no-nonsense core intrinsic big deal influential underlined ponderous determining sizable exceptional prominent fateful extensive eventful basic special uncomic top large uppermost extraordinary focal remarkable premier telling high-level especial predominant supreme notable deciding dominant pronounced sensational powerful arch grand preeminent big-time big league tough very important substantive conspicuous determinative front-page newsworthy earthshaking all important hefty life-or-death outstanding worthwhile tremendous prodigious worrying invaluable first greatest imposing highest impactful striking mighty almighty difficult unforgettable life-changing grievous major-league constitutive radical involuntary nonelective master forced major league hard impressive of great moment nitty-gritty landmark strategic grim ruling meat-and-potatoes primal bottom-line world-shaking quintessential incumbent particular much needed sad fatal deep crash best interesting basal super utmost without lacking needing head rush eminent vehement fierce furious dynamic arresting maximum super colossal mammoth valuable overruling vicious page-one unmissable business-critical mission-critical climactic real necessitating involving exciting buzzworthy tectonic elevated time-dependent time-sensitive crisis immense of import name-of-the-game coal-and-ice enormous sizeable huge very grave commanding calling for out of the ordinary of substance apocalyptic prevailing overbearing prior elemental sovereign exceeding ultra titanic vast astronomic astronomical ample staple overmastering controlling appropriate compulsatory inherent rudimentary innate impromptu much strong distinctive headline noticeable preponderant obvious rare signal resonant memorable keynote worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum uncommon generous milestone conclusive glaring unusual unordinary ponderable potent glorious earth-shaking epoch-making number one star sovran stellar No. 1 numero uno expedient wanted desired preferred proper de rigueur incumbent on name of game specified elementary recommended goodly biggish life-saving glum stern high priority world-shattering life or death gloomy dour sweeping of vital importance extremely important austere quiet downbeat time-critical cold sober pointed instrumental matter of life and death top-level overshadowing big-league high-profile disheartening harrowing discouraging deadly wretched ill-fated forbidding sobering shocking forlorn strenuous devastating ill-starred unamusing destructive ruinous desolate ugly depressing most important most prominent

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Interfering or meddling in the affairs of others
meddling intrusive interfering meddlesome prying nosy obtrusive pushy nosey officious intruding snoopy presumptuous busy presuming protrusive pushing snooping inquisitive curious impertinent forward peering busybody nebby probing tampering peeping questioning inquiring interested scrutinizing intermeddling investigative enquiring scrutinising importunate inquisitorial prurient analytical searching bumptious spying self-assertive interrupting eavesdropping inspecting examining disquisitive interruptive pragmatic bossy overbearing assertive gossipy brash bold over-curious over-interested forceful aggressive domineering loud nosy-parker offensive puzzled obnoxious interviewing interrogational cross-examining interrogative inquisitory fact-finding bustling busybodied interventionist self-important overzealous opinionated dictatorial interloping meddlesomeness nosiness interference research butting in overbusy invasive unwanted investigating undercover inspective exploratory researching mischievous rude fussy bureaucratic agog intrigued encumbering troublesome kibitzing hindering obstructive impeding chiseling interposing unwelcome trespassing disturbing ambitious nosy-parkering thrusting uncalled-for chiselling big-eyed personal speculative poking challenging keen sifting arrogant insensitive unpleasant protruding upsetting indiscreet burning with curiosity cocksure confident overconfident over-assertive cocky pushful blatant jutting flagrant projecting sheer bald prognathous bulging go-ahead insistent nervy strident loudmouthed full of oneself self-asserting in-your-face fierce militant go-getting enterprising high-pressure driven sharp-elbowed compelling bludgeoning persistent persuasive intensive high-powered coercive pressurizing pressured stressful relentless intense difficult strenuous demanding pressurising not taking no for an answer insolent brazen impudent cheeky audacious self-confident brazen-faced brassy bold-faced saucy arch sassy wise brassbound fresh hubristic effervescent impulsive brazenfaced trashy impetuous inconsiderate bright uppity flip incautious hasty vivacious thoughtless impolitic heedless precipitate full of yourself headlong untactful maladroit rash hotheaded as bold as brass

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Upset and angry
sore angry annoyed cross upset irritated angered enraged furious indignant vexed aggrieved bitter irked resentful bothered rancorous acrimonious disgruntled displeased dissatisfied exasperated galled offended peeved riled affronted aggravated embittered hurt miffed nettled pained piqued ruffled stung apoplectic ballistic cheesed off choleric eggy enflamed foaming fuming grieved hopping horn-mad hot in a temper incensed inflamed infuriate infuriated irate ireful livid mad narked outraged put out rabid rankled riley roiled shirty steaming ticked wrathful wroth hoha steamed teed off tooshie acrid afflicted brassed off browned off distressing grieving hacked off hard in high dudgeon peed off steamed up troubled weighty not best pleased ticked off in a huff hot under the collar bent out of shape hopping mad fit to be tied going crook in a fume in a pet blue in the face huffy provoked foaming at the mouth boiling raging seething up in arms fed up discontented beside oneself snaky miffy on the warpath incandescent testy choked snuffy crook maddened wild vex irritable ratty frenzied in a frenzy ropeable beside yourself aerated raving in a lather sullen as cross as two sticks frustrated ranting disturbed soreheaded in a bad mood worked up sulky agitated spiteful ill-humoured off the air ill-humored distressed crabby wounded splenetic perturbed waxy red unhappy grumpy insulted petulant irascible peevish sour surly scunnered ill-tempered bad-tempered impatient grouchy snappy touchy very angry seeing red wrath hot-tempered wound up short-tempered swollen fiery heated malcontent hateful churlish bloodshot flustered chafed harassed cranky antagonized frantic tetchy hostile prickly stroppy antagonised injured in a paddy in a bate quick-tempered out of humour out of sorts with all guns blazing grudging chagrined disgusted fractious querulous hacked nasty snappish crabbed fretful crotchety cynical waspish chippy perverse venomous spare snarky pettish snippy snippety liverish stuffy painful filthy passionate raspy bummed out out of humor boiling mad at daggers drawn raging mad needled sensitive disaffected rattled worried bugged violent berserk anguished disagreeable cantankerous malignant vehement scornful vitriolic slighted discontent disappointed unforgiving desperate demented crazed maniac bent unreasonable smoking insane corybantic irrational huffish harried malicious critical morose roused captious burned up dyspeptic uptight acid mean narky vindictive scandalized antagonistic crusty grousing out of temper griping dirty unglued shocked scandalised storming dark short ill-disposed gnashing one's teeth mardy caviling cavilling hard done by in a towering rage in a rage thin-skinned all steamed up overcome with anger ill-natured pushed too far at boiling point blown a gasket in a filthy temper beside yourself with rage sombre somber pink scalding steamy piping unimpressed airborne air-to-air flying ballistical surface-to-air goaded excited burning with excitement anxious het up blazing p.o.'d raw infected reproachful snubbed confused fretted hassled chafing septic reddened tormented rousted snitty bloody dishonored humiliated perplexed salty dogged buffaloed festered itching smarting tender stinging burning itchy angry-looking black flaming umbrageous dishonoured blazing mad flaming mad wronged wry as black as thunder puffed up fevered festering at end of one's rope hot and bothered rubbed the wrong way harmed very upset out of control out of countenance blistered burnt scalded in a wax ill-used woeful saddened malcontented crabbing bellyaching uncontent kvetching kicking ungratified contemptuous disdainful raving mad revengeful begrudging malevolent persecuted oppressed victimised depressed victimized full-on all-out uncompromising energetic manic breakneck concerted bad tempered out of joint red-rimmed vengeful pernicious jaundiced up the wall severe extremely angry sardonic irreconcilable caustic baleful virulent gory disillusioned exacerbated malign alienated soured catty maleficent malefic estranged with chip on shoulder grudge-bearing jumpy faultfinding with a chip on one's shoulder antipathetic poisonous fierce bloodstained ensanguined vicious frenetic rage tense implacable begruding evil-intentioned temperamental feisty bristly glum curt moody unsociable argumentative gruff volatile whingy full of hate with a chip on your shoulder nursing a grudge shrewish brusque misanthropic hotheaded pouty oversensitive ornery obstinate quarrelsome difficult bilious contentious truculent harsh pertinacious uncooperative snarling contrary peckish whiny peppery hypercritical whining miserable grumbling curmudgeonly crybaby ungracious gloomy iracund tough brooding iracundulous edgy bearish pouting fussy disputatious scratchy waspy trying having got out of bed on the wrong side dour nasty-tempered mumpish growling tart sharp in a mood sorehead saturnine blunt cussed fault-finding on edge cross-grained carping awkward like a bear with a sore head on a short fuse complaining fretting vinegary whingeing childish foul-tempered out-of-sorts hasty hot-blooded ugly having got out of bed the wrong side obstreperous short-fused chuffy easily offended unfriendly aggressive unpleasant belligerent bloody-minded rude glowering bellicose pugnacious mopey scrappy unkind combative moping discourteous uncivil impolite scowling arsey defiant uncommunicative confrontational abrupt excitable threatening inhospitable militant frowning aloof uncongenial warlike joyless unmannerly unsympathetic unresponsive censorious unsmiling inimical hot-headed menacing agonistic ticklish discordant taciturn ferocious assaultive obnoxious sourpussed distant humourless humorless sulking cruel unapproachable hurtful sarcastic mean-spirited negative restive destructive easily upset restless abusive cold adversarial wicked mopish cool disobliging unattractive snarly dejected envenomed chilly cheerless louring atrabilious bad frosty stern inconsiderate scathing boorish unhelpful unneighbourly frigid unruly gladiatorial discouraged unlikable dismal savage brawly withdrawn blue chill wintry clammy cold-blooded cold-eyed wintery antiseptic uncordial hard-eyed gelid brittle frozen icy arctic glacial coldish intimidating impulsive impetuous uncharitable hate-filled inflammable stiff down in the mouth ready for a fight sharp-tongued loudmouthed unsavoury uneasy offensive distraught uncomfortable overwrought objectionable mighty good and mad mad as hell stressed fidgety foul unlikeable disrespected terse disrespectful brief hypersensitive vinegarish crazy spunky acute acerbic bad-humored ready to be tied lugubrious wrought up ill at ease unsettled no-nonsense laconic rough bluff unindulgent uncontrollable ungenerous tempersome zowerswopped adverse disheartened recalcitrant offhand Eeyorish pessimistic sober wreck unquiet overstrung twitchy nervous refractory crackers forceful viperous perversely irritable emotional like a bear ill-mannered unceremonious froward plaintive murmuring stewed apt to fly off the handle toey indomitable indocile uncompliant ill offish off unfulfilled defeated perturbable dicey hazardous unsafe unpredictable highly strung unsavory litigious agitable broody with a long face sharp-tempered got up on wrong side of bed crude boisterous unsatisfied unsated disputative in a funk in the sulks in a strop having a fit of the sulks having short fuse unlovable evil-minded neurotic mopy kittle skittish warring factious wired up moaning wailing crying deploring lamenting grumbly bemoaning whimpering eristic hot under collar carrying a chip on your shoulder hung up bundle of nerves ghastly insufferable unbearable frightful irritating controversial polemical polemic battling dissentious fighting unloveable ructious arguesome wrangling bickering tempestuous impassioned turbulent war brawling high-strung long-faced hard to please easily agitated easily frightened have chip on shoulder forbidding evil despondent huffy irascible steely uninviting flinty disconsolate sad downcast serious formidable melancholic forlorn low down strict stony sinister stark lowering solemn ungentle fell austere grave unamicable antisocial inconsolable disenchanted crestfallen doleful gutted downhearted unsocial unwelcoming unaffable bolshie aggers resolute bleak reserved stand-offish sorrowful deadly terrifying cowing terrorizing vituperous terrorising trenchant mordacious insolent frightening browbeating bullying mordant gray grey grim supercilious unforthcoming haughty impersonal indifferent adversary mortal sick Olympian starchy spoiling for a fight mean-looking boot-faced against conflicting opposite competitive unpromising opposed unneighborly low-spirited not on speaking terms disparaging overcritical deprecating nagging pedantic quibbling niggling pettifogging nit-picking hair-splitting nitpicking criticizing judgemental judgmental disapproving rejective pernickety pass-remarkable nitpicky thorny exceptive criticising exacting unjust unfair hairsplitting very critical petty demanding trivial cavillous finicky tricky

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Not wanted
unwanted disliked rejected unloved useless forsaken friendless shunned superfluous uncherished outcast uncared-for unnecessary unpopular unneeded discarded nonessential de trop surplus to requirements uncared for abandoned spurned detested scorned unbefriended neglected tossed out waste dispensed with ostracized ostracised cast-off scrapped deserted thrown out thrown away unwelcome unvalued loathed hated despised avoided ignored abhorred isolated unaccepted disfavored disesteemed cold-shouldered lonesome forlorn companionless lonely out of favour estranged desolate all alone without friends out of favor with no one to turn to without a friend in the world blackballed damaged junked repudiated outmoded discontinued shelved worn-out done with run-down castaway out-of-date obsolete castoff withdrawn destitute sad despondent unhappy lorn unsocial without companions by yourself feeling friendless jilted unbeloved loveless unappreciated unliked unattractive undesirable alone not loved solitary drip lousy out in the cold sent to Coventry nerdy out execrated obnoxious weird wimpy gross dumpy loser creepy unattached alienated unsought after in bad odor lone single by oneself cut off not sought out adrift marooned without ties with no ties in bad odour not in the swim all by one's self unaccompanied unsociable introverted hermitic by itself reclusive antisocial on one's own solo separate retired sole detached independent unattended me myself and I me and my shadow stag immune insular apart insulated segregated unconnected sequestered single-handed unescorted on my own to one side unchaperoned remote lost secluded homesick in solitary unassisted unaided in a solitary state individual unmarried ditched stranded cloistered renounced disowned vacant betrayed derelict vacated forgotten void disused dropped dumped cast off left in the lurch thrown over left at the altar left behind retiring unique singular one only one-off special hermitical distant reserved eremetic misanthropic offish out-of-the-way particular sui generis standoffish self-sufficient uncompanionable aloof self-contained on its own

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Ironic in nature, usually in an absurd or annoying way
rich ludicrous ridiculous laughable preposterous risible absurd farcical ironic amusing funny hilarious humorous odd outrageous strange unreasonable comical incongruous irritating queer unlikely diverting droll entertaining foolish priceless a bit much a joke a laugh side-splitting a bit thick over the top OTT jocular comic witty facetious uproarious chucklesome hysterical jocose riotous mirthful killing rib-tickling sidesplitting hysteric comedic humoristic gelastic jolly waggish silly slapstick zany screaming antic jokey a scream bizarre scream joshing mocking har-har unusual camp campy eccentric inane riot fantastic merry sunny gleeful blithesome jocund jovial gay festive blithe joking light hysterically funny screamingly funny killingly funny a barrel of laughs a hoot nonsensical derisive derisory asinine laughing unimpressive unsatisfactory inadequate embarrassing pitiful sparkling scintillating wacky daft good-humored light-hearted laugh-a-minute good-humoured off the wall quick-witted playful whimsical lighthearted flippant tongue-in-cheek jesting mischievous crazy sportive cheerful frolicsome frivolous goofy lively flip smart clever teasing high-spirited nutty stupid glib pleasant daffy roguish too funny for words clownish very funny quirky wisecracking happy rollicking outlandish wry joyous insane mad screwy loony dippy dotty fun extremely amusing weird peculiar cheery fanciful impish madcap ludic quaint puckish oddball enjoyable bantering flaky unconventional slaphappy irreverent quizzical off-the-wall derisible boffo flakey kooky cockamamie crackpot cuckoo kinky satirical pathetic cockamamy batty grotesque smart-alecky freaky lunatic kookie for grins screwball looney balmy unserious smart-aleck vivacious tongue in cheek in jest animated hare-brained prankish cheeky original pert noisy curious arch sarcastic saucy offhand sassy impertinent engaging offbeat cocky delightful freakish fun-loving carefree nuts jerky fool disrespectful cranky pleasurable impudent rude off-centre idiosyncratic cute wacko pleasing fun-filled senseless cracked exhilarated joyful dismissive convivial beguiling wise simpleminded fatuous gagged up sharp-witted irrational smarty-pants wild fantastical brainless witless harebrained cockeyed unwise whacky lippy idiotic snappy out there featherheaded lunkheaded bubbleheaded gut-busting dry flighty spirited in fun sharp quick weak-minded half-witted half-baked barmy way out off the air not serious pulling one's leg putting one on nonserious boisterous rowdy comedical lightweight casual inappropriate custard-pie childish ludicrous. laughable fresh sardonic outrageously funny ingenious recreative exhilarating ribald hearty burlesque precious cutesy interesting piquant epigrammatic knee-slapper too much trivial trifling pixieish tricksy scampish pixie sly leprechaunish knavish wicked pixy rascally devilish elvish brilliant for a laugh stimulating joculous glad rip-roaring convulsive breezy mincingly clever very amusing recreational novel cheering charming gratifying gladdening singular amused clowning bubbly gamesome kittenish jaunty raucous incredible agreeable enchanting capricious illogical unbelievable chipper ribbing chaffing razzing kidding rallying fooling funning laffer crack-up implausible meaningless pointless gladsome crotchety chimerical penetrating piercing intelligent bright keen imbecilic buoyant laughter-filled euphoric highly amusing a laugh a minute unthinkable unreal cut up dicey imaginative random chancy uncertain old-fashioned creative arbitrary monstrous astonishing shocking inconsistent goofus fool-headed gump dizzy elated a card a caution nimble-witted perky in high spirits larking sprightly capering fool around crazy shtick Mickey Mouse highbrowed snazzy profound quick on the draw tactful racy cutting quick on the uptake avant-garde way-out surreal superficial far-out erratic bonkers shallow irresponsible inept tomfool sappy loopy unpredictable thoughtless overfamiliar insouciant unorthodox Bohemian far out potty dilly insolent brassy brainsick unhinged deranged crackers demented outré crazed loco maniac wud maniacal unsound bedlam scatty meshugge mental bughouse crackbrained psychotic slang fruity rum unbalanced remarkable haywire bats funky gaga spaced-out queerish moonstruck off-kilter weirdo out-of-the-way whacko psycho meshuga bizarro certifiable dumb gonzo looney tunes loony tunes non compos mentis in left field acting crazy