Đồng nghĩa của defective

Alternative for defective

Đồng nghĩa: bad, faulty,

Tính từ

Lacking or deficient
deficient lacking short inadequate insufficient scant wanting incomplete low inferior poor lousy unsatisfactory substandard bad terrible faulty deplorable imperfect shoddy unacceptable dreadful crummy awful rotten appalling execrable atrocious abysmal wretched lamentable mediocre diabolical rubbish dire second-rate miserable pathetic low-grade dismal rubbishy dissatisfactory duff frightful useless pitiful below par suboptimal subpar trashy disappointing not up to scratch junky third-rate hopeless ropy cheap worthless lame tenth-rate crude punk below standard bum shabby amateurish pants abominable laughable paltry disagreeable not up to snuff abject incompetent horrible jerry-built a load of pants disgraceful not up to par sad bush-league schlocky trumpery egregious weak woeful crumby wrong wack off bush low-quality God-awful offensive unsuitable common cheesy schlock gimcrack coarse tatty sleazy cheapjack low-rent sorry grotty cut-rate bargain-basement ineffectual el cheapo sour unsound displeasing ill second-class nasty chronic contemptible poor-quality tinny under par below average not much cop no good direful unworthy poxy pits hateful unpleasant inexpert inefficient ineffective obnoxious subnormal meager loathsome insufferable vile impotent repugnant reprehensible intolerable odious meagre inadmissible inappropriate undesirable junk from hunger sucky no great shakes not good enough negligent careless feeble tacky disgusting foul revolting inept distasteful flawed limited piddling despicable abhorrent unskilful less-than-stellar detestable not up to standard repulsive weak sauce repellent impermissible two-bit regrettable obscene objectionable cruddy unimpressive distressing damaged unfit sickening broken grim amiss exceptionable cheap and nasty strictly for the birds nauseous horrid improper damnable stinking impaired sub-par powerless inapt for the birds second rate leaving much to be desired beyond the pale commonplace reduced unfortunate tawdry end-of-the-pier uncomfortable piss-poor dime-a-dozen little incapable tinhorn half-pie bodger low quality base trifling average ordinary unexceptional insubstantial restricted inappreciable inconsiderable sparing second-best unsatisfying negligible lemon poorly pedestrian unproficient trivial minimal unequal second class dissatisfying not cutting it insignificant unqualified heinous minor league small potatoes not satisfying minor-league under-strength unseemly not much chop unfitted off-color thin disturbing disconcerting disquieting insupportable shameful pitiable dodgy dubious unreasonable questionable disastrous horrendous garbage condemnable scurrilous out cheapo gross irremediable indefensible stinky inacceptable unappealing uninviting reject unspeakable shocking scandalous very bad unproductive ill-suited incompatible flimsy unable not proper unadvantageous futile inconsistent inefficacious unsuited won't do over the fence not on not quite the done thing poor quality half-baked not cricket of poor quality of low quality out of order leaving a lot to be desired accursed cringe-making unsavoury off-putting monstrous horrific confounded cursed unwelcome unwanted dreaded unpalatable unpopular disliked unattractive noxious disgustful nauseating ghastly beastly loathly unpleasing rebarbative unwished-for unsought icky unlikable loathed adverse inconvenient shunned to be avoided incommodious disadvantageous unwished for scorned uninvited annoying unsavory troublesome inexpedient outcast out of place rejected bothersome detrimental valueless craptacular middling

Tính từ

Lacking in a required or necessary quality
wanting deficient inadequate disappointing insufficient lacking faulty imperfect inferior poor substandard unsound patchy sketchy incomplete unacceptable unsatisfying flawed impaired pathetic short shy absent limited low missing not good enough restricted scarce second-rate shabby shoddy unfinished bodger needing not acceptable not up to standard unpolished unrefined away bankrupt bereft cooked deprived destitute devoid empty failing gone half-baked less needed omitted scant scanty unfulfilled below par burned out cut off in default not up to par out of gas not much cop not up to expectations not up to scratch too little too late leaving much to be desired scrappy meagre bitty meager fragmentary unsatisfactory crude rough skimpy rudimentary incoherent piecemeal perfunctory fragmented exiguous short of half-pie infrequent rare not enough superficial slipshod untidy bad sparse low-grade worthless disjointed unqualified incommensurate mediocre too few insubstantial too little paltry unample minus drained measly too small dry thin incompetent unfitted incapable piddling weak puny short on low on at a premium low-quality low-rent unsystematic uneven disorganized in short supply out of strapped for pushed for duff unsuitable unworthy unassembled undersupplied injured amiss damaged unequal underprovided marred simple unskillful makeshift inconsistent disconnected cursory vague slight second string second fiddle found wanting outta gas third string basic with an insufficiency of patchwork disorganised thrown together outline not make it imprecise rough and ready not cut out for hurried hasty fuzzy provisional preliminary cobbled together woolly uncritical shallow coarse wooly unclear hazy introductory on the back of an envelope depthless partial undeveloped undone abridged shortened qualified unaccomplished unexecuted unwhole inchoate rude not total curtailed broken expurgated underdone not whole fractional unconsummated part not entire immature garbled under construction

Tính từ

Not working or taking effect
inoperative broken broken-down down unserviceable faulty kaput useless ineffective invalid non-functional bust ineffectual inoperable jiggered kaputt knackered malfunctioning nonfunctional nonfunctioning nonoperating not functioning not working out of order shot unworkable wonky acting up conked out in disrepair inefficacious nonactive gone haywire gone kaput gone phut not in working order null and void on the blink out of commission out of service broken down hors de combat out of action out of whack out of use on the fritz damaged busted unsound done for non-functioning playing up duff out of kilter dud on its last legs imperfect finished flawed unusable impaired ruined conked-out out disabled inactive gone run-down worn out up the spout worn-out in need of repair had it dilapidated sunk bad dead injured blemished spent haywire hurt spoiled marred screwed up beat-up fallen apart gone to pieces in the shop on the shelf in a state of disrepair spoilt given up the ghost gone bust stopped working packed up old failed rumpty worthless inoperational clapped out wrecked done in bonkers kerflooey valueless unoperational done incapacitated crashed doomed unavailable debilitated harmed unfunctional off not functional non-operational unproductive unavailing no good not in operation dysfunctional scrap bootless abortive not in service not in use unavailable for use doesn't work wracked scratched dented smashed exhausted unsatisfactory weak feeble buggy bent flubbed dinged totaled snafued coming unglued coming unstuck gone to pot in smithereens loused up messed up in poor condition fouled up mucked up wounded no go glitched deteriorated decayed run down ramshackle battered tumbledown crumbling gone to rack and ruin ill-maintained badly maintained poorly maintained falling to pieces worse for wear destroyed toast wiped out dashed lost defeated devastated in ruins in flames at an end washed up down the tubes down for the count down the drain past its best darned S U in repair decommissioned on the bum shattered through crushed over bankrupt beaten undone drained thwarted empty liquidated over with in pieces dead and buried over the hill played out gone to the wall past it washed-up wound up derelict in shreds in tatters in ashes dead in the water ruinous disintegrating decaying neglected shambly uncared-for decrepit munted shacky blasted botched mutilated robbed uninhabited plundered pillaged harried abandoned falling apart defaced defunct cooked ended extinct floored on the skids out of circulation burned out belly-up out of business down and out all washed up

Tính từ

Wrong or faulty
amiss incorrect wrong inappropriate faulty improper unsuitable untoward awry confused false mistaken rotten adrift astray bad flawed graceless imperfect inaccurate inapposite inapt incongruous indecorous inept infelicitous malapropos perverse unapt unbecoming unfit unhappy unsatisfactory unseemly erroneous fallacious crooked erring foul haywire sick unfair unlawful out of order glitched up unsound fallible confusing problematic askew not working not right out of commission out of place unfitting out of keeping ill-advised unbefitting unsuited unacceptable untimely ill-suited misplaced tasteless tactless inopportune indelicate injudicious undue ill-timed awkward undesirable ill-considered unwarranted inapplicable inadvisable inexpedient ill-judged unseasonable discordant lacking in propriety unprofessional unladylike ungentlemanly indecent irregular incompatible uncalled-for inharmonious in bad taste undignified misguided unfortunate regrettable indiscreet clumsy irrelevant uncouth ineligible gauche rough ungodly in poor taste imprudent discrepant odd inadequate uncomely disproportionate inadmissible at odds beyond the pale out of the way bad form contradictory impolite illogical coarse rude absurd immoral extraneous immodest unworthy discreditable maladroit malodorous unmannerly impolitic vulgar ill-fitted ill-adapted clashing dissonant inconsistent jarring off target inapropos abnormal preposterous insensitive off ludicrous unfitted off beam unworthy of out-of-place out-of-season off-base off course wide of the mark not proper off the right track ill-chosen improprietous uncalled for untactful impertinent immaterial incautious offensive unconventional out-of-the-way irrelative funny off-balance detrimental unhandsome tacky unlovely salacious meaningless pointless ridiculous not done up unmatched disparate dissident disagreeable interfering senseless unvirtuous loose wanton ill-bred shameless not pertinent not germane out of character irrational wrong-headed unreasonable boorish churlish ill-mannered discourteous not good enough uncivil shocking inconsonant dishonourable illegitimate dishonest corrupt unethical unorthodox unscrupulous unrefined disreputable dishonorable out of line not as it should be left-field foot-in-mouth way off against the rules not cricket disobliging disobedient miscreant thrawn wayward aberrant delinquent uncontrollable ornery troublesome obstructive unhealthy fractious rebellious unhelpful mean not suitable inefficient uncool useless ineffective not designed poor crass tawdry ruffian shameful raffish inelegant crude cheap rowdy not up to scratch ineligible for unequipped for not equal to unprepared for not good enough for unsuited to inadequate for ill-suited to unsuitable for unfitted for inappropriate to not designed for ill-adapted to no good wide afield gone vanished lost roaming wandering straying disarranged off the mark off track conflicting stray contrary out of position disconsonant strange bizarre irreconcilable stupid slow incompetent dull off-key incoherent inexpert ironic paradoxical inexperienced unhandy unfacile flat jejune inadept unmeet undexterous unproficient insipid banal not in harmony divergent unrelated uncoordinated shifting unbalanced unpredictable distorted lopsided jumbled unavailing uneven rambling in opposition unconnected alien foreign incongruitous unintelligible twisted incongruent fitful fantastic standing out a mile like a fish out of water sticking out a mile

Tính từ

Not based on sound or reliable evidence or reasoning
unsound weak flawed illogical faulty shaky tenuous unreliable flimsy questionable untenable dubious illegitimate irrational nonrational suspect unfounded ungrounded unreasonable unreasoning unsubstantiated fallible hollow sophistic specious spurious unsupported wrong casuistic dodgy iffy inconsequent inconsequential unbacked incongruous unsubstantial ill-founded implausible unjustifiable groundless invalid baseless indefensible insupportable unsustainable unconvincing inaccurate doubtful unwarrantable unjustified unwarranted chancy untrue rocky disreputable risky absurd inexcusable unforgivable undependable uncertain erroneous deceptive mistaken incorrect false unpardonable fallacious senseless preposterous unacceptable flakey pseudo unstable flaky sham foundationless inexpiable uncorroborated unconfirmed wide of the mark off-target open to doubt without foundation open to question without basis arbitrary bad uncalled-for without justification refutable unarguable undefendable inadmissible falsified fake disputable dubitable debatable nebulous untrustworthy arguable fishy unproven suspicious doubtable equivocal problematic improbable unlikely unverified conjectural far-fetched speculative nonvalid problematical moot sketchy vague shady vain controversial insecure unclear indefinite dicey untested unattested unbelievable fabricated incredible idle unsettled unsure unestablished nonsensical ludicrous farfetched queer fantastic feeble misguided controvertible indecisive impossible fragile contentious gratuitous bottomless inconceivable borderline obscure suppositive suppositious issuable indeterminate not backed up by evidence in doubt negotiable unsafe empty unprovoked misinformed mootable open to debate open to suspicion subject to debate unauthorized unapt reasonless trumped up trumped-up chimerical illusory imaginary vulnerable not reliable not dependable up in the air under suspicion uncalled for not backed up causeless without substantiation without merit precarious exaggerated without cause unauthorised without reason not kosher perilous outlandish without explanation fanciful misleading overblown presumed assumed not validated sensational embellished dishonest outrageous untruthful extravagant unpersuasive spectacular laughable bizarre hyperbolic farcical incoherent insubstantial poor unsatisfactory inadequate contradictory inconclusive lame undecided unresolved unprovable easily threatened easily destroyed easily broken apocryphal marginal undefined in dispute unrealistic mind-boggling unimaginable embroidered distorted histrionic disputed unsupportable irreconcilable puzzling ambiguous occult hypothetical cryptic enigmatic contingent beyond belief tall cock and bull hard to swallow blown up far out negligible in question pathetic airy fatuous nutty thin wacky slight reachy unreasoned unimpressive complicated out of the ordinary hard to believe under advisement not obvious under examination not definite open to discussion unspecific insignificant hazy off the wall won't hold water full of holes won't wash self-contradictory

Tính từ

Having no use, purpose or reason
worthless valueless useless futile pointless ineffectual meaningless unavailing paltry trifling empty ineffective nugatory unproductive fruitless inferior no use deficient hollow inadequate inconsequential insubstantial measly miserable poor senseless trashy trivial unsatisfactory banal chaffy insignificant junky lame negligible nickel-and-dime no-good null pathetic petty poxy rubbishy silly unimportant unusable vain wanky wretched bootless inutile of no benefit pants piddling to no avail unfructuous abandoned barren bogus counterproductive ignoble mediocre nothing profitless rubbish sterile unessential unprofitable waste not much cop two a penny a dead loss a dime a dozen not worth a hill of beans idle unsuccessful inefficacious abortive otiose purposeless hopeless aimless in vain impotent inept inefficient feckless failed incompetent weak to no effect to no purpose good-for-nothing of no use unrewarding feeble powerless unfruitful thwarted lazy non-successful unpurposed wasted needless irrelevant apathetic spiritless of no avail without rhyme or reason impractical no good purportless lousy vapid hamstrung inexpedient foiled slothful indolent inoperative frivolous irresponsible unambitious doomed shiftless without success insufficient unenterprising no dice unable lifeless unnecessary inane scrap expendable motiveless impracticable unremunerative spineless superfluous baulked unprolific bungled frustrated incapable unfit unavailable balked void no-account indecisive Sisyphean limited on a treadmill uninspiring lacklustre not worth the candle lackluster thankless unworkable footling nonfunctional unreasonable unfunctional misfired rambling mindless unreal dysfunctional dallying nonsensical dry goalless unsuitable forlorn vacuous vacant delusive unsubstantial stupid disadvantageous defeated disastrous unhelpful exhausted casual loafing redundant botched lost forceless withered neutralized defeasible neutralised innocuous anticlimactic of no value broken gainless inapt drifting for nought ne'er-do-well impuissant pyrrhic unsalable specious uneconomic failing throwaway insincere groundless scant absurd unserviceable objectless cheap bungling miscarried stillborn nonpractical emasculate slack-spined dead of no earthly use unimpressive time-wasting baseless insipid rotten unuseful inoperable insane fatuous no-win misleading unnotable puny slight shuck delusory frustaneous unlucrative wandering nonproductive uncreative slow unyieldly blocked wasteful ruined spoiled unfounded save one's breath no go no way not effective unanimated lustreless listless muted unneeded resultless dull sorry Pyrrhic nongermane for naught not useful pitiful adrift boring going nowhere spoilt lacking foundation not a prayer in vicious circle not needed stale spinning one's wheels wild goose chase invertebrate no good to gundy bad woeful tame messed up uninteresting helpless impossible lamentable deplorable meagre despicable contemptible without grounds without foundation arid tedious flat commonplace not pertinent wet not serious null and void dreary drab unstimulating prosaic monotonous humdrum witless indiscriminate designless thoughtless illogical irrational wanton ill-fated bleak flaccid unmeaning unsound ill-suited inappropriate unsuited unfilled clear pitiable crummy sad unskillful unskilled desultory brainless random lackadaisical flimsy junk not proper unadvantageous inconsistent not good enough incompatible improper beyond remedy unachievable despaired of fustian reckless incautious uncareful carefree careless unreliable wild inexpert unskilful ridiculous floundering undirected haphazard shameful disgraceful dishonourable dishonorable meager unused unwanted inproficient bum unproficient wishy-washy uncalled for uncalled-for hit-or-miss lethargic improvident excess deceitful unindustrious dubious dishonest suspicious slack laggard directionless inattentive lagging unenergetic untrustworthy workshy devious procrastinating unmotivated lacking ability extra supernumerary leftover spare remaining discarded surplus left over effete soft nerveless weak-kneed wimpish wimpy cowardly weakling chicken characterless milk-and-water namby-pamby limp-wristed timid timorous bland irresolute enervated frail weakened yellow-bellied half-hearted unassertive unconvincing boneless craven gutless lily-livered faint-hearted thin wussy sissified sissy uninspired yellow implausible pale unimaginative flabby etiolated bloodless wavering vacillating faltering anemic anaemic abject drossy base disorganized pallid vigourless stymied halfhearted disorganised hindered stonewalled obstructed cramped inactive shallow niggling picayune minute nominal piddly pimping piffling inconsiderable peanut limp meek weak-willed fickle passive off jejune dithering fouled up flavourless watered-down flavorless sapless languid non-functioning indeterminate pusillanimous undetermined fallible de minimis Mickey Mouse unlikely transparent chicken-hearted corruptible supine hemming and hawing waffling undependable yielding unsure foolish half-baked easily led weedy not in use out of use silent turned off not working out of service hard to swallow faulty unpersuasive hard to believe unpleasing drippy nerdy daft chicken-livered pigeon-hearted fearful poor-spirited candy-assed

Tính từ

Departing from an accepted standard
aberrant abnormal anomalous odd irregular peculiar atypical deviant strange eccentric extraordinary divergent curious exceptional singular uncommon wandering weird deviating digressive erratic nonconformist queer rambling rogue straying untypical aberrated aberrational deviate devious especial exceeding extraordinaire freak freakish oddball off-the-wall phenomenal preternatural quirky rare transgressing uncustomary unique unnatural unusual unwonted daggy outré perverted twisted wacko warped bizarre different flaky flakey mental nonstandard off-base off-color psycho uncharacteristic out of line outlandish unconventional out of the ordinary funny remarkable unorthodox offbeat unexpected unfamiliar wacky freaky out-of-the-way off the wall rum quaint crazy idiosyncratic off-centre kooky kinky far-out unaccustomed way-out screwy bizarro wild uncanny surprising unprecedented kookie fantastic way out out of the way cranky whacky mysterious queerish novel weirdo funky incongruous off-kilter unrepresentative unaccountable spaced-out isolated prodigious eerie zany unparalleled exotic original unco puzzling perverse special mystifying whimsical perplexing baffling unheard of out there inconceivable outstanding dubious heteroclite spooky amazing foreign incredible unheard-of suspicious droll fishy surreal left-field infrequent creepy noteworthy distinctive new scarce non-typical unthinkable inexplicable fresh monstrous outre particular notable anomalistic far out questionable heterodox distorted avant-garde characteristic alien fanciful signal striking miraculous capricious unreal unknown out of the common unimaginable something else supernatural quizzical out in left field astonishing unconforming grotesque alternative conspicuous individual nutty bent revolutionary incomparable marvellous sporadic unexampled absurd distinct wayward marvelous off-center malformed informal seldom superior jarring sensational unceremonious radical astounding wonderful contrary nonconforming off-key awesome ludicrous unordinary wondrous ridiculous tremendous preposterous stupendous mad extreme cockeyed momentous beat limited inconsistent distinguishing aberrative individualistic unlikely occasional distinguished sick unhealthy non-standard unpredictable pervy chance eminent corrupt sicko specialized paranormal errant incomprehensible newsworthy maverick heretical specific superlative atypic unlike disparate stunning unbelievable significant madcap esoteric spectacular deviative fabulous impressive mind-boggling mind-blowing terrific doubtful comical make-believe out-there suspect outrageous unmatched unequalled unrivalled obscure specialised fantastical nonsensical untraditional irrational Bohemian dilly unrivaled foolish cockamamie insane matchless unexcelled unequaled extravagant record groundbreaking peerless pioneering first-time in a league of its own without equal out of this world beyond compare ground-breaking sui generis one of a kind newfangled without parallel intriguing odd strange depraved marked typical bohemian varying variant sparse dotty humorous arbitrary custom customized exclusive signature personalized unsavoury degenerated sadistic degenerate masochistic out of keeping progressive advanced essential private representative alternate inimitable vagarious teratoid changeable fitful eccentrical scattered intermittent unearthly batty experimental unrecognized excentrical personal licentious immoral loner cool not typical hippy unrecognised other aperiodic unnormal heteromorphic boho marginal episodic casual episodical discontinuous kookish rummy thin on the ground few and far between crinkly twisty unsavory disorderly pretend concocted labored laboured ersatz made-up imitation staged memorable awe-inspiring prominent refreshing shady fluky slang avant garde off the beaten track interesting discordant unharmonious breaking new ground separating rarefied periodical scant periodic dubitable disputable disquieting debatable shaky doubtable equivocal dodgy off the air transcendental transcendent magical in left field unforeseen fortuitous unforeseeable unanticipated surprise problematical problematic single scanty spasmodic semioccasional out of character unhinged touched demented unbalanced otherworldly superhuman metaphysical supernormal unworldly other-worldly mystical off-beat off the rails bugged out remote unexplored uninvestigated untried recondite unfrequent seldom seen personalised customised magnificent staggering not normal beyond your ken little known improbable unforgettable eye-catching arresting only alone breathtaking unrealistic all your own ghostly supermundane occult dissenting dissident nonorthodox heretic iconoclastic dissentient brilliant surpassing stellar funny peculiar serious eye-popping implausible grandiose digressing divagating improper unsuitable inappropriate illegal amazeballs beatnik anarchic sectarian schismatic supercalifragilisticexpialidocious unusually good heavy flash gnarly forby hare-brained deformed far-fetched substantial huge great off beaten path never to be forgotten all-time off the beaten path misshapen ugly too good to be true extra special hideous unsightly misproportioned mangled mutilated gnarled unhandsome unbeautiful ill-favored homely unpretty unappealing unattractive unlovely unpleasing vile uncomely fugly huckery inscrutable like nothing on earth flamboyant antic grody ill-favoured surrealistic laughable gross parenthetical obliquitous tortuous tangential excursional excursionary excursive tangent serpentine circuitous sublime dramatic overwhelming eye-opening startling shocking jaw-dropping imposing considerable intense important glorious splendid excellent impossible superb monumental powerful supreme major stupefying grand portentous indescribable strong noticeable awful dazzling massive towering big acute jolting flabbergasting profound exciting fascinating famous deep paramount perfect bewildering meaningful commanding beyond belief enormous unutterable super dumbfounding thrilling consequential vast blindsiding historic unconvincing large emphatic bold pronounced unreasonable material incredulous exquisite unconceivable uncompelling sizeable sizable formidable unsurpassed dumfounding consummate immense celebrated pre-eminent solid ample excessive high appreciable sudden gee-whizz lavish unpredicted majestic incogitable extensive exorbitant smashing inordinate red-letter showy weighty electrifying splashy illogical catchy hard to swallow salient renowned classic top ultimate beautiful noisy bodacious hefty substantive famed colossal astronomical utmost identifying attractive eventful healthy mythical heroic fine abundant confounding second to none horrendous unknowable divine splendorous stirring epic ideal steep unsettling romantic magic unconscionable immoderate stiff nonpareil voluminous intolerable landmark kenspeckle grabby manifest observable legendary discriminating unimagined unfathomable diagnostic symptomatic diagnostical whopping generous obvious handsome giant tidy standout severe respectable arcane earth-shattering harebrained good much moving earthshaking preeminent dynamite primo unsubstantial weird and wonderful one and only far-reaching unintelligible from left field scarcely credible alarming incommunicable thin proud gorgeous royal out of the question cock-and-bull undreamed of elevated inane resplendent celestial stately luxurious unholy tall risible frightening God-awful lofty differentiating fatuous best glamorous disturbing enigmatic ungodly scary uncommunicable engaging evident barbarous proper undue arrestive befuddling profuse glamourous illusory senseless cock-eyed ineffable gigantic overmuch imaginary farcical unspeakable unsurpassable plethoric frightful tectonic recherche dreadful untold headline mystic overextravagant enthralling unmistakable overdue unnerving devilish illustrious out of place fancy awkward unmerciful critical touching boundless overweening suspenseful baroque attention-grabbing unthought of supranatural impenetrable perceptible titanic mammoth hallucinatory hulking hypothetical insupposable numinous humongous forceful vital large-scale mythological dissimilar theatrical fab few inspiring best ever above average crucial major-league goodly out-of-this-world par excellence phony weak august uplifting fateful better than expected highly unlikely buzzworthy influential urgent front-page phoney principal imperial undreamed-of flimsy largish not in the least likely out of sight steady of note pivotal out of the blue awe-striking too much opulent palatine swell elegant regal won't wash palatial first-rate in a class of its own hair-raising full of it princely magnific without warning solemn kingly difficult to believe swanky beyond the realm of reason sumptuous first-class queenly statuesque splendiferous noble heavenly heroical beyond the bounds of possibility venerable ominous very great sightly baronial Homeric very unique immortal bigger than life very unusual leading finest chief foremost confusing inexpressible determining blinding unbeaten offhand unsocial cherished topmost star providential innovative disconcerting perturbing chimeric imaginative romanesque without peer egregious nondescript asinine pointed wonderworking copious captivating humbling reasonable upsetting exhilarating colourful whopping great what old-fashioned faultless flawless immaculate impeccable flustering devastating chimerical shock disconsonant irrelevant inapropos incongruent incoherent unexplainable the utmost exemplary model prototypical quintessential disproportionate unannounced astronomic gargantuan larger than life very different altered imported ready dope legit enjoyable mind-altering ambitious visionary misleading artificial inapprehensible raving antisocial whacking lunatic tense psychic one-off irreplaceable fat titantic suppositious potty illusive barmy daft whacking great immeasurable can't miss it undescribable the foreign-looking unrestrained surpassing belief random insoluble unsolvable not prepared unblemished not on insupportable beyond possibility festive psychedelic bountiful goofy silly impracticable mercurial what great streets ahead unparagoned heart-stopping godlike deranged not understandable beyond wildest dreams beyond your wildest dreams rad oversize decent loony infantile imbecilic crazy-ass pointless wackadoodle idiotic wackadoo wicked maximum imcomprehensible reachy exaggerated overblown happy maniacal stupid featherheaded external outside enticing extrinsic extraneous colorful alluring peregrine bad ill imprudent dreamlike derisory foolhardy unworkable puerile quixotic balmy pure gripping riveting lively Herculean herculean fundamental unacceptable offensive undiscovered topical extremely implausible extremely unlikely extremely doubtful archetypal in a class by itself clear-cut visible overdone nasty late horrid unseemly uncivilised atrocious uncivilized spesh hidden dark uttermost inexplainable abstruse beyond comprehension beyond understanding world class graphic climactic vivid citable mentionable namable nameable red-carpet primary main celebratory drop-dead clear over-the-top OTT not to be thought of beyond reason won't fly extremely difficult to believe reaching infeasible daring impassioned groovy dandy delicious absorbing affecting like wow hunky-dory rousing wildering omnipotent bionic irresponsible plentiful oversized bulky outsized outsize biggish maximal from abroad extramundane phantom non-rational hypernormal unsung disgraceful unremarked unregarded very good relevant lamebrained scatterbrained shock-horror effective stem-winding high-octane heady forcible heightened intemperate increased escalated jacked up limitless unrepeatable unrepeated of particular interest worthy of note delightful admirable ostentatious gilt-edged telling charming jazzy compelling cogent gratifying studied bird-brained half-baked out of all reason short-sighted ill-conceived beyond all reason spectral zero cool worthy of mention murder splash boss hot underlined stand-out patent high-profile nameless never before encountered little-known unrenowned golden beyond one's wildest dreams top drawer portly won't hold water full of holes open to doubt for the birds past belief discrete diacritic mythic decisive milestone breath-taking purpose-built without precedent once-in-a-lifetime one-of-a-kind separate highest greatest beyond human intensified fairy invisible unrevealed superordinary ghostlike secret uncomprehensible concealed predominant ascendant rip-roaring action-packed fairy-tale of substance preponderant cardinal impactful high-priority mighty capital keynote burning conclusive glaring high-level pressing heavy-duty earnest resonant all-important worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum ponderable potent climacteric grave triumphant fulfilling real worthwhile key of moment epoch-making the end worth mentioning worth taking a look at subtile subtle tenuous attenuate short light attenuated deficient firm sturdy sound folkloric fictitious soaring cheering shining satisfying honorable exalted pleasurable rewarding bright pleasing honourable epochal heart-warming deadly raging sovereign mortal excelling useful durable valuable heavyweight recognizable fictional imagined apocryphal traditional proverbial untenable superabundant infinite unlimited entire intellectual intuitive absolute inspirational eternal accomplished primordial unequalable transcending whole unconfined intact innate abstract theoretical finished mother of all greatest possible strained uncredible distinguishable familiar identifiable allegorical parabolic symbolic storied earth-shaking terrifying rings phony hard to believe hard to take sky-high sky-scraping multistorey mountainous big-deal horrifying recognisable individualised enchanted storybook made up fabled well-known of importance beyond grasp altitudinous Brobdingnagian not able to hold water spine-chilling of consequence of significance independent idiomatic subjective intimate patented individualized privy detectable express decipherable cock and bull ginormous petrifying airy spiring aerial unmatchable unmeasurable towery skyscraping chilling fearsome blood-curdling scaring appalling forbidding ghastly hairy dread sinister bloodcurdling intimidating dire terrible eldritch horrible redoubtable direful spine-tingling nightmarish fearful hair-curling cliff-hanging causing excitement more than human

Tính từ

Affected by a disease or illness
laid-up sick ailing bedridden broken down confined debilitated declining delicate diseased disordered down feeble feverish frail funny green hospitalised hospitalized ill impaired imperfect in a bad way incurable indisposed infected infirm in poor health invalid lousy mean nauseated not so hot peaked poorly qualmish queasy rickety rocky rotten run down sick as a dog suffering tottering under medication under the weather unhealthy unwell weak wobbly unsound crook pale sickened below par bad wretched off-color peaky on the sick list off colour not healthy off laid up not oneself run-down out of sorts under par grim sickly nauseous crummy liverish grotty rough wabbit seedy ropy punk peculiar green about the gills not up to par queer washed out terrible awful not well dreadful peely-wally not very well peakish faint not in good shape giddy off-colour dizzy afflicted not up to snuff valetudinarian lightheaded light-headed laid low out of action unfit like death warmed up invalided iffy bummed woozy groggy septic pallid wan at death's door tired anaemic disabled incapacitated unstable sickly-looking drawn emaciated injured thin shaky ill-looking out of commission anemic haggard confined to bed enfeebled sickish the worse for wear down with in poor shape squeamish feeling awful feeling rotten on sick list slightly unwell rundown horrible fatigued not up to the mark bilious housebound immobilized ugly strange failing low unsightly ghastly pasty pasty-faced drained dying languishing unwholesome ill in bed ashen whey-faced gray colourless bloodless ashy grey ashen-faced off form in bed in pain ropey corpse-like cadaverous sallow plague-ridden festering infested gangrenous disease-ridden putrefying wasting not feeling well not yourself pinched immobilised in bad health valetudinary handicapped weakly contaminated tainted blighted hors de combat deathly pale miserable got a bug peccant abnormal off one's feed etiolated peelie-wally in bad shape achy hypochondriacal decrepit sick as a parrot infectious not a hundred percent as white as a ghost as white as a sheet colorless dragging in ill health out of shape in poor condition out of condition unsteady poisoned in a decline flimsy tottery bockety queerish queazy inconstant insecure wavering ticklish quaking staggering doubtful tricky a wreck off one's feet feeling terrible running temperature got the bug

Tính từ

Unable to walk properly
lame hobbling limping crippled game deformed disabled halt handicapped debilitated incapacitated infirm maimed mutilated gammy bruised gimp gimpy pained raw sidelined sore stiff physically challenged damaged housebound paralysed bedridden wheelchair-using immobilized injured quadriplegic tetraplegic monoplegic hemiplegic paraplegic ruined destroyed impaired weakened paretic paraparetic enfeebled having a disability spoiled palsied hog-tied immobilised confined to bed harmed physically handicapped spoilt differently abled hamstrung mangled physically impaired broken paralyzed marred laid up out of commission helpless hurt powerless wounded weak immobile impotent incapable numb disadvantaged learning-disabled invalid benumbed paralytic insensible restrained restricted dead useless feeble impuissant broken-down laid-up out-of-action confined frail handcuffed inert having special needs having learning difficulties inactive high and dry having a mental disability torpid hors de combat nerveless fractured unfit indisposed ailing disfigured dismembered compromised wornout undermined humpbacked hunchbacked lifeless limp unmoving bad out of action disadvantageous battered deterred foiled stymied blocked hampered impeded checked obstructed curbed balked limited burdened encumbered deadened tender strengthless impoverished diminished unfeeling frozen exceptional challenged at a loss scarred hindered baulked disarmed worn-out out-of-commission run-down wrecked stalled decrepit insensitive insensate desensitized toothless diplegic palsified ineffective mentally disabled physically disabled unable effete incompetent desensitised enervated with a disability gutless unproductive forceless inept past it infecund prostrate paper tiger puny dud

Tính từ

Erratic or out of control
haywire crazy chaotic confused disordered bonkers disorganised disorganized erratic mad wild topsy-turvy balmy barmy bats batty bedlam berserk brainsick bughouse certifiable crackbrained cracked crackers crackpot cranky crazed cuckoo daffy daft demented deranged faulty fruity gaga insane kookie kooky loco looney loony loopy lunatic maniac maniacal mental meshuga meshugge moonstruck nuts nutty potty psycho psychotic scatty screwy shambolic slang tangled unbalanced unhinged unsound wacko wacky whacko whacky wud berko broken disarranged fuddled irrational nonfunctional porangi wonky amiss amok flipped looney tunes loony tunes messy mixed up orderless out of control schizo screwball touched unglued non compos mentis not functioning properly out of order in pieces off the air on the fritz out of commission up the spout in a mess mad as a hatter on the blink out of whack out to lunch dotty around the bend disturbed psychopathic unstable off one's head off one's gourd not all there sectionable frenzied raving bananas delirious mentally ill of unsound mind eccentric raving mad distracted nutsy dippy barking nutty as a fruitcake stark raving mad distraught buggy sick in the head barking mad not the full shilling round the bend manic squirrelly off the wall round the twist hysterical out of one's mind away with the fairies mad as a March hare bushed nutso as daft as a brush foaming at the mouth frantic not right in the head not right upstairs not quite right in the head stark staring mad up the pole not together off one's rocker idiotic stark mad schizoid gonzo yarra silly stupid schizophrenic flaky flakey out there crazy as a loon have kangaroos in the top paddock off one's nut off one's trolley paranoid foolish odd unsettled flipped out have a screw loose have bats in the belfry doolally peculiar sick bizarre queer off rabid oddball inoperable derailed off-the-wall raging not working one card shy of a full deck zany out of kilter a few cards shy of a full deck a few sandwiches short of a picnic malfunctioning sociopathic inoperative senseless fatuous wrong preposterous busted kerflooey in disrepair with a screw loose have bats in one's belfry have kangaroos in one's top paddock goofy unconventional strange outlandish troubled neurotic kaput freaky uncontrolled fantastic bedlamite kinky freaked out not in one's right mind down disabled psychopathological broken-down bust out screwed up ape moonstricken unscrewed shot fried demoniac dazed dreamy not functioning spent fallen apart playing up having bats in the belfry deprived of one's wits manic-depressive in need of repair over the edge non compos gone to pieces severely mentally ill in the shop not of sound mind in another world mentally deranged out of one's gourd having a screw loose in a daze off the deep end on the shelf in the ozone run-down having kangaroos in the top paddock unusable flipped-out psychoneurotic half-cracked birdy irresponsible impractical paranoiac paranoic daggy violent mindless unwise schitzy unrealistic a bit lacking unreasonable maddened schizzo baked unzipped dingy unsafe invalid aberrant severely mentally disordered off one's chump bemused psyched out off the chain panic-stricken yampy daft as a brush nobody home not in your right mind out of your mind simple as mad as a March hare one sandwich short of a picnic out of one's tree as mad as a hatter weird witless imbecilic simple-minded moronic offbeat off your trolley dull-witted slow-witted dim-witted half-witted feeble-minded dull cretinous slow dunce-like off your chump off the rails empty-headed vacuous dopey thick vapid way-out madcap quirky ridiculous absurd surreal idiosyncratic dim bovine dozy dumb pig-ignorant birdbrained pea-brained far-out nonsensical funny unusual boneheaded chuckleheaded dunderheaded wooden-headed lamebrained fat-headed brain-dead muttonheaded amusing unpredictable clownish freakish comic unorthodox Bohemian far out inactive out of use incapacitated outré off-centre rum remarkable funky spaced-out queerish quaint off-kilter weirdo out-of-the-way curious bizarro slow on the uptake thick as two short planks giddy not quite right soft in the head hare-brained damaged non-functioning acting crazy way out imperfect ruined finished knackered wracked unsatisfactory had it gone gone haywire exhausted acting up duff coming unglued not in working order gone phut done for conked out coming unstuck worn-out weak conked-out on its last legs gone to pot feeble on the bum touched in the head out of one's head nonoperating wrecked nonfunctioning kaputt ludicrous abnormal droll extraordinary singular uncommon laughable comical anomalous irregular whimsical atypical hilarious brainless humorous out of the ordinary unfamiliar unnatural harebrained cockeyed different asinine farcical deviant sappy witty unique left-field featherheaded risible half-baked uncustomary entertaining simpleminded chucklesome jerky lunkheaded bubbleheaded freak weak-minded inept fanciful fool illogical sidesplitting jocular unexpected rare tomfool cockamamie facetious diverting rib-tickling out of the way grotesque untypical uncanny light-hearted incongruous exceptional dubious mirthful side-splitting inane humoristic comedic fantastical unco avant-garde hysteric uproarious unwonted waggish mystifying puzzling perplexing baffling implausible out in left field jocose unreal mysterious jolly riotous merry eerie surprising capricious unaccountable fishy killing off-center priceless aberrated unaccustomed foolhardy in left field outre joshing camp spooky preternatural extravagant questionable suspicious alternative perverse dilly incredible outrageous unbelievable astonishing slapstick nonconformist antic phenomenal creepy screaming especial campy exceeding original unthinkable extraordinaire good-humored inexplicable untenable good-humoured imprudent lively individual novel bohemian pointless doubtful frivolous quizzical unreasoning pathetic groundless derisory nonrational inconceivable ill-conceived jokey uncharacteristic monstrous unheard of gelastic cock-eyed sparkling radical cheerful meaningless suspect improbable puerile flawed fallacious unlikely injudicious specious impracticable far-fetched exotic alien esoteric amazing unjustifiable derisive unscientific unprecedented illegitimate unfounded inconsequent inconsequential contradictory nonconforming unreasoned sportive foreign derisible cockamamy anomalistic tongue-in-cheek slaphappy boffo special nonstandard pleasant full of holes off beam for grins jovial reckless perverted warped individualistic distinctive rash unconvincing flighty ill-advised unhealthy twisted inconclusive spurious dizzy unworkable thoughtless scatterbrained unknown beat characteristic bent playful inconsistent unrepresentative unthinking innovative joking divergent corrupt impossible incautious incorrect shaky isolated rollicking wayward hollow false irreconcilable arbitrary hippy engaging wry obscure extreme eye-popping boho incoherent malformed heterodox problematic sophistic aberrational devious hysterically funny non-typical unparalleled deviate a scream bugged out unheard-of grandiose smart clever self-contradictory unimaginable fresh heteroclite shocking off the beaten track out of line off-base off-color out of the common too funny for words gagged up without foundation out of this world without basis not making sense make-believe clock oddish intriguing excited wigged out infantile depraved incomprehensible progressive advanced chance animated high-spirited not tightly wrapped maverick informal childish mentally incompetent unordinary kookish experimental old-fashioned custard-pie goofy loony exclusive unsavoury pervy sadistic degenerated degenerate masochistic baseless untraditional eccentrical tenuous unconforming unceremonious vivacious excentrical vagarious changeable teratoid fitful out-there reasonless disconnected disjointed shady off your head vague unpersuasive immoral licentious deviative sicko contemptible something else new unrecognized very unconventional disputable equivocal dodgy dubitable disquieting debatable doubtable laffer riot crack-up scarce ill-thought-out not well thought out ill-considered out of keeping problematical avant garde foolheaded feather-brained extremely foolish stupidly irresponsible inscrutable poor flimsy lame nebulous farfetched inadequate unsubstantiated unrecognised unpractical unintelligent crinkly twisty unsavory noisy rowdy boisterous like nothing on earth wigged-out imaginary jesting incomparable inimitable incredulous illusory indefensible unsustainable unsupportable sketchy teasing funny peculiar deviating ribald sensational astounding romantic ambitious visionary unconceivable misleading uncompelling artificial roguish notable momentous prodigious miraculous stunning striking off-key untried impulsive delightful interesting enjoyable suppositious hallucinatory illusive unforgettable eye-catching arresting airy unimpressive reachy vain thin slight groundbreaking distorted off-beat wonderful a laugh light killingly funny goofus ironic fool-headed a hoot gump tongue in cheek diagnostic discriminating classic symptomatic identifying one and only diagnostical barbarous noteworthy spectacular stupendous conspicuous awkward out of sight cock-and-bull ludic jocund unnormal heteromorphic a card a caution serious wondrous tremendous rad hippie ultramodern contemporary groovy modern modernistic deep mod cool daredevil heedless amazeballs frolicsome gleeful cheery festive blithesome laughing gay sunny blithe won't hold water won't wash crazy shtick Mickey Mouse fool around cheering charming beguiling pleasurable pleasing fun gratifying gladdening flash heavy gnarly forby not normal hot-headed off beaten path never to be forgotten agreeable gut-busting enchanting flip joyous mischievous joculous flippant happy lighthearted daring adventurous ditzy featherbrained temerarious audacious brash indiscreet overbold overconfident hasty ditsy cut up erroneous unjustified frothy yeasty radge futile lightheaded inconsiderate hotheaded sophistical scintillating unproved casuistic irrelevant unconnected unsubstantial beyond belief not following beyond the bounds of possibility light-headed light-minded rich laugh-a-minute quick-witted

Tính từ

Displaying a lack of sensibleness or judgment
half-witted asinine foolish senseless silly witless absurd balmy brainless bubbleheaded cockeyed crackpot crazy cuckoo daffy daft dippy dotty fatuous featherheaded fool half-baked harebrained inept insane jerky kookie kooky looney loony lunatic lunkheaded mad nonsensical nutty preposterous sappy screwball simpleminded stupid tomfool unwise wacky weak-minded whacky zany feebleminded ridiculous idiotic ludicrous inane irrational imbecilic moronic unreasonable hare-brained illogical mindless bizarre pointless unintelligent barmy laughable imprudent risible goofy cockamamie dumb screwy dopey damfool farcical cockamamy glaikit empty-headed foolhardy dotish chowderheaded doltish loopy odd fantastic gormless batty strange thickheaded puerile dim-witted wild potty irresponsible ill-advised impractical eccentric crackbrained dim wooden-headed pea-brained giddy comical weird rash reckless outlandish cretinous simple fantastical imbecile unthinkable fanciful thoughtless injudicious dunderheaded indiscreet divvy out to lunch off the wall dof feather-brained ill-considered madcap unstable wacko peculiar vacuous outrageous meaningless incredible shocking scatty monstrous unreal unbelievable thick birdbrained incongruous scatterbrained astonishing pathetic derisive derisory grotesque halfwitted incautious lamebrained boneheaded blockheaded slow-witted inconsistent derisible oddball clownish infantile childish nuts funny cracked unconventional unrealistic ill-conceived slang hilarious impracticable immature queer ignorant cock-eyed pinheaded way out braindead chuckleheaded muttonheaded unusual dozy as daft as a brush implausible off the air softheaded up the pole fat-headed brain-dead dappy off beam clueless clock bathetic rattlebrained unsteady heedless careless changeable bugged out mentally incompetent incomprehensible flighty impolitic dense dull erratic unworkable addle-brained frivolous freaky goofy loony soft unsafe unsound off the beam surreal contemptible foolheaded untenable extremely foolish stupidly irresponsible full of holes donkeyish dead from the neck up obstinate thick-witted flakey flaky muddle-headed nitwitted pie-faced sheepheaded dopy short-sighted unearthly nerdy weak gonzo doolally insensate complacent unaware insipid extreme impossible excessive extravagant off your trolley off your head exorbitant callow far-out credulous retarded green quirky off-centre avant-garde too much out of the question taking the cake inexperienced feather-headed slow wet behind the ears as thick as two short planks simple-minded backward feeble-minded amusing light-hearted comic chucklesome waggish diverting cranky kinky dilly demented unhinged deranged unbalanced crazed psychotic joshing humorous camp witty campy bonkers mental certifiable crackers out there loco gaga touched disturbed in left field bats frenzied distraught meshuga psychopathic distracted sectionable raving bananas delirious frantic manic barking hysterical nutso buggy squirrelly nutsy schizoid bushed porangi yarra idiosyncratic not right upstairs nutty as a fruitcake not quite right in the head mentally ill raving mad not all there not together stark staring mad not the full shilling mad as a March hare round the twist have kangaroos in the top paddock mad as a hatter barking mad away with the fairies of unsound mind have a screw loose have bats in the belfry round the bend foaming at the mouth not right in the head out of one's head stark raving mad non compos mentis mentally unbalanced twisted stark mad sick in the head abnormal offbeat freakish extraordinary whimsical funky remarkable weirdo curious irregular uncommon singular rum quaint anomalous aberrant capricious freak unnatural off-the-wall spaced-out off-kilter droll quizzical far out out in left field off-center inconceivable nonconformist bizarro outré queerish questionable unsubstantial beyond belief dubious beat suspect characteristic bent way-out out-of-the-way derpy off one's head mercurial off one's trolley rummy wackadoodle bewildering crazy-ass mystifying unique baffling wackadoo phenomenal puzzling daggy eccentrical dreamlike quixotic excentrical avant garde beyond all reason bird-brained out of all reason inappropriate invalid fallacious incorrect faulty specious unscientific spurious unjustifiable unjustified wrong erroneous unconvincing unimaginable improbable flawed inconclusive sophistical unlikely amazing staggering unconceivable uncompelling incredulous casuistic illegitimate unreasoning inconsequent inconsequential nonrational groundless unfounded unreasoned unproved sophistic flimsy reaching incogitable infeasible contradictory perverse false irrelevant unconnected irreconcilable self-contradictory hollow difficult to believe mind-boggling mind-blowing eye-popping hard to swallow fishy for the birds cock-and-bull won't hold water phoney won't wash doubtful far-fetched thin past belief open to doubt jaw-dropping scarcely credible phony unco not following without foundation without basis not making sense beyond the bounds of possibility suspicious funny peculiar