Từ đồng nghĩa của spineless

Alternative for spineless

Tính từ

Cowardly and weak in character
cowardly craven gutless wimpish wimpy yellow chicken effete feeble timid timorous weak frail pusillanimous weakling fearful characterless weakened nerveless recreant soft unheroic invertebrate spiritless dastardly irresolute poltroon chickenhearted pathetic submissive sissy frightened boneless sissified vacillating unmanly squeamish forceless pithless lily-livered weak-kneed wishy-washy chicken-livered faint-hearted namby-pamby limp-wristed chicken-hearted milk-livered yellow-bellied milk-and-water weak-willed candy-assed poor-spirited without a will of your own afraid of one's shadow wet afraid cowering scared pigeon-hearted ineffectual quaking nervous trembling shrinking wussy enervated ineffective apprehensive impotent fainthearted indecisive weedy meek jittery languid tremulous unassertive hesitant intimidated insipid debilitated infirm base jumpy abject panicky drippy easily frightened pigeonhearted vapid inept shy impressionable mousy enfeebled tame lacking courage mousey slight wavering silly cowed wasted foolish sapped unsubstantial delicate low faint asthenic tender easily led softened prostrate inadequate prostrated feart white-livered shaky diffident down-and-out unnerved half-hearted daft daunted useless milksoppish caitiff retiring persuasible persuadable compliant weak-minded fallible passive colourless jejune tentative limp skittish nerdy anxious listless powerless feeble-minded dismayed dull colorless having cold feet inefficient incompetent petrified reluctant easily scared nervy innocuous soppy mean-spirited spooked disorganized wasteful insufficient scary fearsome niddering coward funky coy poltroonish insignificant lame epicene simpering ignoble swishy snowflake sheepish deceitful offensive treacherous sneaking unprincipled unethical tricky fickle doubtful dishonourable dishonorable cringing cringey sookie afraid of one's own shadow faltering dithering gentle browbeaten Milquetoast capricious bullied unassured disorganised flabby biddable bland vulnerable errant defenceless susceptible malleable undetermined indeterminate cowhearted backward worthless startled corruptible supine hemming and hawing waffling yielding unreliable unsure undependable terrified imperfect erring flawed resistless paper tiger no guts running scared without guts changeable flavourless mediocre watered-down sapless flavorless having the willies easily tempted defenseless exhausted drained spent decrepit worn out vitiated washed-out declining played out lacklustre unenthusiastic droopy apathetic lifeless melancholic melancholy passionless dispirited torpid unmoved lackadaisical bloodless despondent languorous depressed mopy desiccated dejected flat unimpassioned wooden languishing dry uninspired anaemic uninspiring unconcerned draggy slothful broken boring blue down lackluster disconsolate dopey subdued inanimate downhearted indifferent sad blah downcast anemic down in the dumps flat tire cast down down in the mouth lacking in vitality

Tính từ

Without a physical spine

Tính từ

Readily conforming to the authority or will of others
submissive compliant yielding malleable acquiescent accommodating amenable tractable manageable unassertive non-resisting passive obedient biddable dutiful duteous docile ductile pliant meek timid mild patient resigned forbearing subdued humble self-effacing spiritless deferential obsequious servile slavish self-abasing groveling grovelling lamblike supine bootlicking subservient under someone's thumb resistless longanimous abject bowing down comformable complying domesticated giving-in ingratiating nonresistant nonresisting obeisant obeying pliable tame uncomplaining unresisting agreeable amiable conformable fawning kowtowing law-abiding lowly menial obliging placable soft subordinate surrendering controllable disciplinable governable handleable teachable trainable under one's thumb sycophantic cringing unctuous flattering smarmy toadyish oleaginous prostrate oily slimy brown-nosing soapy sucky reverential brownnosing sniveling parasitic mealy-mouthed ass-kissing unprotesting Uriah Heepish snivelling crawling creeping arse-kissing suckholing sycophant scraping saponaceous bowing cowering adulatory unobtrusive demure shy cowed weak bowing and scraping gentle weak-kneed wimpish boneless frightened polite sheepish supplicatory wussy hesitant timorous quiet unambitious tentative apprehensive fearful mim self-conscious toadying sycophantish greasy like a lamb to the slaughter complacent parasitical crouching arse-licking truckling respectful enslaved subject stipendiary sneaking beggarly compliable smooth slick gushing craven fulsome silver-tongued suave honey-tongued gushy glib cajoling smooth-tongued apple-polishing mean complimentary praising saccharine insincere cloying base honeyed nauseating hagiographical hagiographic low creepy forelock-tugging smooth-talking ignoble sugary sweet-talking effusive sickening laudatory plausible excessively deferential buttery wheedling hypocritical encomiastic appreciative applauding commending reptilian enthusiastic glowing slippery acclamatory eulogistic insinuating timeserving smug encomiastical soft-soaping cringey smooth-spoken persuasive despicable inferior humiliating admiring favourable flannelling blarneying gratifying overly flattering conniving winsome winning endearing disarming worshipping supple bland coaxing serving insinuative charming silken favorable commendatory blandishing worshipful rhapsodic lionizing highly favourable all over someone credible rave silky eloquent fast-talking extravagant lionising worshiping eating crow inordinate excessive overdone convincing eating humble pie immoderate lavish profuse extensive liberal ample generous over-appreciative unskilled rapturous sugarcoated boring degrading low-status OTT gross hard to resist routine dull sweet pleasing magniloquent bombastic grandiloquent canting coarse overgenerous sanctimonious downtrodden civil regardful courteous humdrum considerate sorry urbane dancing at one's mercy at one's beck and call in one's pocket in one's power in one's clutches a slave to over the top sweet-sounding thoughtful complaisant attentive demeaning vile awed low-grade ignominious reverent deferent phoney blue-collar unworthy creamy pinguid phony ingratiatory mannerly tedious common baseborn basic

Tính từ

Feeling fear or frightened
scared frightened afraid fearful nervous panicky agitated alarmed worried intimidated terrified petrified horrified panic-stricken scared stiff frightened out of one's wits scared out of one's wits scared witless frightened to death scared to death terror-stricken terror-struck horror-stricken horror-struck frantic hysterical beside oneself with one's heart in one's mouth shaking in one's shoes shaking like a leaf shaky feart in a cold sweat in a funk in a blue funk jumpy jittery anxious frozen funky startled timorous windy spooked aghast apprehensive tremulous bricking oneself unnerved frit afeared affrighted tense uneasy hesitant nervy timid shrinking disquieted wired scary hysteric terrorized diffident shocked faint-hearted pusillanimous rabbity lily-livered sheepish worried sick aflutter goose-bumpy terrorised phobic chickenhearted quivery nerveless disturbed perturbed discomposed solicitous unmanly weak-kneed running scared in a dither have cold feet overwrought uptight in a flap in a state upset having kittens worked up stressy in a tizzy in a tizz trembling stressed troubled on edge twitchy antsy keyed up cowed hung up on tenterhooks in a sweat edgy restless quaking fidgety unquiet spooky overstrung het up in a stew like a cat on a hot tin roof strained daunted concerned strung out distraught panic-struck chicken yellow distressed distracted insecure fevered queasy queazy toey dithery goosey in a panic squirrelly hinky atwitter strung up ill at ease in a state of agitation in a twitter on pins and needles in a twit all of a dither all of a lather like a cat on hot bricks in a flat spin dismayed abashed frenzied flustered shaking bothered febrile wrought up unsettled numb fretful cowardly rattled cowering stunned shaken in a state of nerves neurotic quivering numb with fear hassled in a fluster desperate adrenalized all of a doodah hyper in fear and trepidation pushing the panic button fraught unglued a bundle of nerves shook up hot and bothered having cold feet frightened out of your wits wound up awed paralysed with fear excitable highly strung apprehensive about intimidated by alarmed at browbeaten overwhelmed bullied overawed in awe fretting appalled emotive tormented under stress strung-up hag-ridden disconcerted anguished vexed stupefied riled beset ruffled discombobulated irked flurried tearing one's hair out emotionally charged suspicious trepidatious foreboding mistrustful doubtful angstful uncomfortable tortured bugged plagued paralyzed dumbfounded speechless dazed paralysed uncertain stiff weak muddled angsty clutched chicken-hearted sissy mousy butterflies shivery jellyfish in a frenzy a wreck benumbed transfixed worried stiff having a funny feeling having stage fright biting nails having butterflies angst-ridden immobilised immobilized frightened of one's own shadow very scared with one's stomach in knots with butterflies in one's stomach scared out of your wits wild mad frenetic berserk feverish furious unhinged uncontrolled raging crazed delirious rabid raving violent demented hectic fierce maniacal distrait ferocious out of control swivel-eyed berko weirded out excited angry beside yourself deranged insane freaked out corybantic weird at wits' end spazzed out last-minute hot under the collar at your wits' end at the end of your tether flipped out zonkers unzipped crazy wigged out unscrewed frazzled stressed out

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Failing to act or protest as a result of moral weakness or indolence
supine passive inert apathetic indifferent lethargic careless enervated idle inactive lazy negligent sluggish weak yielding acquiescent docile effete indolent languid listless lymphatic pliant servile spiritless submissive uninterested heedless slothful torpid do-nothing dormant dull lackadaisical lax motionless peaceful quiet sedentary slack sleepy tired unoccupied unresponsive phlegmatic heavy leaden slow impassive comatose drowsy easy slow-moving dreamy leisurely languorous laggard shiftless blah laid-back dopey unhurried lagging lifeless snoozy dilatory unenthusiastic limp moony procrastinating languishing ponderous plodding weary unconcerned dawdling measured creeping energyless stagnant unenergetic crawling wimpy somnolent nebbish sleepyhead tardy deliberate snaillike delaying moderate loitering tortoiselike postponing slow-going relaxed blahs pining numb otiose stolid slumberous gradual slow-footed slow-paced flagging unemotional faint sickly infirm feeble inattentive vacant work-shy sleeping emotionless lukewarm stoical stoic bored hibernating passionless stupefied fatigued quiescent undemonstrative dallying half-hearted impassible affectless unambitious unmotivated narcotic insensible fainéant cold pococurante Laodicean draggy cold-blooded out of it stupid stuporous hebetudinous bone idle faineant droopy still debilitated loafing lacking in energy laid back lacklustre lackluster stretchy exhausted unmoving vigourless drugged without energy having spring fever matter-of-fact inexpressive unexcitable mopish insouciant inconscious out vegged out dead to the world out to lunch out cold deadpan catatonic empty blank expressionless absent neutral abstracted wooden placid easygoing gentle steady sedate calm benumbed sluggardly tortoise-like unrushed laboured comfortable undemanding asleep unindustrious pokey dragging leaden-footed snail-paced poking poky snail-like dillydallying paralyzed static sodden latent paralysed insensitive dry laggy lollygagging labored late behindhand imperceptible remiss unworksome unaspiring parasitic useless procrastinative good-for-nothing workshy bone-idle lacking energy slumbering dozing napping resting unmoved unfeeling cool reposing disinterested uninvolved uncaring detached non-committal dispassionate aestivating dispirited callous untouched flat what the hell could care less don't give a damn couldn't care less perfunctory tame uninspiring blasé vapid insipid characterless depressed casual bland down tepid uninspired sad unanimated dejected despondent irresolute disconsolate low melancholy downhearted boring downcast colourless blue cast down offhand down in the mouth unhappy down in the dumps miserable incurious nonchalant dead crestfallen muted sorrowful glum colorless low-spirited woebegone morose bloodless prosaic moody heartsick heartsore drab monotonous unexciting tedious uninteresting dreary wearisome unsympathetic gloomy unexcited unimpressed aloof melancholic halfhearted slapdash wishy-washy distant upset nothing heartless disheartened heavy-hearted desolate discouraged tearful fed up distressed broken unimaginative humdrum disappointed mournful doleful heartbroken pessimistic joyless inconsolable forlorn ineffectual heavyhearted saddened brokenhearted mundane dim troubled cheerless cursory reluctant ineffective desultory commonplace subdued unwilling vanilla coldhearted uneager dismal undistinguished impervious vigorless indecisive pathetic oppressed unenthused uncurious sombre somber unaroused objective frigid tranquil ho-hum run-of-the-mill weighed down broken-hearted cowardly inanimate uncompassionate unconcerned about dolorous lacking vitality apathetic towards offhand about uninvolved with nonchalant about uninvolved in hard-hearted demoralized bored by bad unresponsive to lukewarm about unmoved by phlegmatic about unenthusiastic about hurt sullen emotional along for the ride in pain triste bummed out saturnine demoralised bored stiff down in dumps gray anguished turned off aggrieved grey tristful down-hearted comfortless in the dumps sulky being lazy taking your time unconvincing unkind anaesthetic anesthetic lame weakly selfish hardhearted bovine dozy meager paltry unperturbed superficial stiff vegetating unlively lustreless soporous soporose unflappable unimpressible carefree disimpassioned meagre stagnating desensitized groggy aimless damp hollow lumpish slap-happy desensitised dying moribund declining fruitless futile worthless drony mechanical pointless sentimental romantic daydreaming laissez-faire two-dimensional easy going not enthusiastic not caring pabulum lusterless zero prosy spent spring fever wistful languished out of sorts dysphoric bowed down teary in tears bereaved weepy lugubrious down in mouth in grief hapless regretful in doldrums crabby black bitter negative sick at heart pensive grief-stricken morbid grieved flaccid milk-and-water namby-pamby impartial jaded wearied unbiased equitable weak-kneed wet limp-wristed crummy destroyed cast-down down and out agonised rueful elegiac in the pits agonized funereal elegiacal uneasy casual about nonpartisan apathetic about regardless uncaring about unprejudiced heedless of uninterested in frivolous about evenhanded candid just reckless about dismissive of mindless of unimpressed by regardless of equal fair careless of cavalier about square oblivious to controlled ennuied wimpish soft nerveless frail invertebrate weakened weakling insentient insensate defunct extinct weary of nonaligned self-controlled clinical restrained impersonal inorganic mineral unsocial diffident supercilious highbrow scornful not giving a monkey's silent haughty uncommunicative superior jejune reserved level-headed businesslike cool-headed collected hard-headed meek low in spirits non-organic soulless exanimate unimpassioned mopy desiccated anaemic rational unagitated unsentimental unruffled sober serene brassed off bored to death bored rigid wavering flavourless watered-down flavorless vacillating sick and tired bored to tears mediocre sapless browned-off wretched complacent gutless drippy hopeless remote equable unimpressionable composed abiotic anemic dismayed despairing choked thick-skinned chill obdurate reticent marble hard-boiled glacial poker-faced woeful sorry defeatist daunted hangdog nonvegetable without life nonanimal not alive deceased inoperative nonliving azoic chap-fallen going through motions aloof from indifferent to detached from incurious about distant from in low spirits in despair dragged as sick as a parrot brooding chapfallen down-in-the-mouth mopey singing the blues sunk sick as a parrot shot down going with the flow rolling with the punches cool, calm and collected flat tire lacking in vitality

Tính từ

Lacking initiative or strength of character
feckless useless incompetent ineffectual worthless aimless good-for-nothing irresponsible shiftless feeble futile hopeless inefficient inept apathetic counterproductive hamstrung idle indolent ineffective inefficacious inexpedient lazy slothful spiritless weak carefree careless fustian incautious lousy meaningless no-account no-good reckless unambitious uncareful unenterprising unpurposed unreliable wild unsuccessful unproductive fruitless unprofitable vain unavailing abortive profitless bootless non-successful inadequate failed purposeless empty otiose barren lame inutile unfructuous unfruitful unable forceless void withered nugatory neutralised null inoperative defeasible innocuous inferior limited paltry neutralized indecisive anticlimactic to no effect pointless not effective unavailable to no avail emasculate no go no way slack-spined impotent invertebrate powerless null and void in vain to no purpose valueless thwarted unrewarding hollow trivial sterile foiled impractical Sisyphean trifling without success frustrated no dice unimportant of no use unfit pathetic baulked for nought unremunerative senseless doomed balked insufficient of no avail frivolous insignificant unreal on a treadmill not worth the candle poor incapable misfired unsuitable exhausted dry wasted impracticable bungled defeated unsatisfactory vapid delusive blocked unprolific gainless junky unsubstantial petty broken no good failing thankless uneconomic botched bungling scant miscarried unimpressive disastrous no use needless stymied frustaneous unlucrative rotten save one's breath hindered stonewalled obstructed a dead loss cramped inane inconsequential insubstantial motiveless time-wasting uncreative slow unyieldly nonproductive wasteful for naught dull forlorn inactive chaffy cheap banal no-win puny misleading slight unnotable shuck delusory boring dead unthrifty ruinous improvident spinning one's wheels wild goose chase insipid stale uninspiring going nowhere faulty uninteresting in vicious circle not a prayer of no value off unworkable unusable fouled up lost tedious arid flat commonplace shooting blanks resultless unneeded non-functioning lacklustre dreary monotonous drab unstimulating prosaic lifeless humdrum unserviceable nonfunctional ill-suited deficient inappropriate unsuited stillborn nonpractical unfunctional vacuous vacant unfilled clear without rhyme or reason no good to gundy dysfunctional expendable scrap unuseful inoperable pants not proper not good enough improper lackluster silent turned off not in use not working out of service out of use invalid incompatible flimsy junk unadvantageous inapt inconsistent defective not useful bad nonbinding cancelled annulled nonvalid nullified rescinded repealed abolished revoked absent canceled untrue nonexistent negative unacceptable imaginary nothing unsanctioned unsound

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Kind or lenient, often to excess
soft lenient tolerant forgiving indulgent compassionate overindulgent clement liberal permissive lax charitable benign benignant condoning easy easygoing gentle kind merciful light mild mollycoddling obliging pampering softhearted pardoning spoiling sympathetic tender generous forbearing gracious undemanding allowing complaisant compliant excusing permitting yielding easy-going tender-hearted weak boneless soft-hearted humane kindly broad-minded magnanimous understanding moderate benevolent accommodating kind-hearted open-minded latitudinarian favorable favourable humanitarian progressive big free and easy free patient acquiescent unprejudiced sparing catholic unbigoted beneficent unbiased easy-oasy libertarian laissez-faire pitying agreeable considerate nonjudgmental susceptible advanced radical humoring temperate kindhearted accepting receptive humouring all heart going easy on non-restrictive thoughtful generous to a fault unprescriptive live-and-let-live unrestricted loving favoring good-natured assuasive letting amiable soft-shell emollient assuaging favouring hands-off loose approving tenderhearted feeling ruthful pitiful fond live with being big enlightened bleeding heart cooperative heart in right place doting cosseting friendly accommodative gratifying caring flexible pliant docile giving soft-shelled overpermissive deceivable unconventional unorthodox right-on impartial high-minded non-partisan nontraditional nonconventional nonorthodox dupable gullible biddable submissive deludable amenable trusting fleeceable naive tractable unoppressive unburdensome unsuspicious going along with able to live with left receiving rational avant-garde reasonable noninterventionist intelligent interested politically correct long-suffering fair stoic stoical uncomplaining broad sophisticated wide easy with easy on

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Demonstrating expectation or acceptance of failure
defeatist pessimistic despairing hopeless resigned despondent fatalistic negative bearish bleak cynical discouraged downbeat gloomy foreboding gloom-ridden looking on the black side looking on the dark side dejected depressed melancholy sad miserable disconsolate glum dismal morose downcast wretched downhearted forlorn unhappy blue melancholic inconsolable dispirited doleful demoralized disheartened desolate distressed demoralised heartbroken lugubrious brokenhearted down in despair low low-spirited woebegone joyless mournful down in the dumps oppressed dark in low spirits black sorrowful down in the mouth depressing crestfallen cheerless desperate woeful morbid cast down sorry saddened heavyhearted heartsick heartsore droopy hangdog dolorous discouraging sombre unenthusiastic cold funereal grim suspicious distrustful doubting somber sullen alarmist anguished troubled bad upset sunk given to looking on the black side in pain as sick as a parrot sick as a parrot shot down dreary suicidal dismayed gray dreich depressive elegiac sepulchral grey elegiacal comfortless godforsaken saturnine solemn drear abject brooding Eeyorish disappointed unfortunate grief-stricken devastated chapfallen heavy-hearted broken-hearted pained sunk in gloom moody weary dragged in the doldrums long-suffering weighed down in the pits pensive misanthropic unfavorable unfavourable unhopeful worried doubtful wistful choked mirthless daunted lachrymose sorrowing frantic anxious mourning bummed-out grieving cast-down griefstricken damp down and out torn up fraught distraught down-in-the-mouth mopey listless dull overcome in a blue funk all torn up lonesome chill murky sunless Cimmerian tenebrific darkening lonely plutonian dire tenebrous cloudy no-win strabilious bummed out singing the blues can't win at the end of your tether in the soup not a prayer at end of one's rope in the dumps spiritless at the end of one's tether at one's wits' end philosophical stoical stoic passive dismissive anti helpless unwilling antipathetic tragic uncooperative unconstructive obstructive resistive doomed resisting balky unmitigable cool weak uninterested up the creek without hope unresponsive apathetic grave drab disheartening dispiriting worrying dim harsh bitter horrid oppressive austere chilly distressing unpromising inauspicious uninviting unpleasant upsetting heartbreaking pathetic ominous unpropitious heartrending saddening disappointing terrible dreadful harrowing disagreeable poor lamentable awful painful distressful adverse troublesome hard pitiable demoralizing daunting pitiful rueful horrible uncomfortable piteous sinister regrettable displeasing unlikely grievous dejecting horrific appalling difficult off-putting demoralising heart-rending disadvantageous portentous squalid disconcerting traumatic sordid shameful jinxed crushing dour execrable inferior deplorable lousy foul unnerving humourless humorless cursed indigent scungy impoverished detestable scurvy teary tearful rotten disenchanting gut-wrenching poignant tough unlucky shocking dingy ghastly ill-omened ill-fated disturbing unwelcome agonising agonizing parlous unencouraging tragical sober intolerable unoptimistic disquieting discomforting acherontic acheronian sickening horrendous gruesome afflictive atrocious bad-tempered grumpy unsmiling uncommunicative taciturn God-awful doomy full of despair phlegmatic ill-tempered heart-breaking moping sulky long-faced inopportune creepy baleful hostile excruciating dolesome dubious infelicitous ill-timed moving vexatious discomposing troubling dismaying injurious perilous too bad plangent horrifying derisible mortifying heart-wrenching tear-jerking frightful exacting severe forbidding inhospitable exigent alarming testing despicable contemptible disgraceful vile threatening straitened objectionable strained unfriendly treacherous direful ill-boding hard-pressed lurid chilling shadowy nightmarish pressing discommodious precarious tortured harmful messy undesirable jeopardous apocalyptic dangerous rocky full of hardship very bad trashy shoddy filthy mephitical perplexing hellish irritable unkind distasteful frightening unpalatable repellant repellent bewildering loathsome vexing revulsive frustrating macabre unamusing aggravating uncongenial irritating annoying unpleasing irksome abhorrent galling repugnant perturbing destitute derisory doom-laden sincere vain poverty-stricken unrealistic lost pious unduly optimistic

Từ trái nghĩa của spineless

spineless Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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