Từ đồng nghĩa của tormented

Alternative for tormented

torments, tormented, tormenting

Từ đồng nghĩa: agonize, badger, bother, distress, harass, harrow, harry, heckle, inflame, irritate, molest, pain, persecute, pester, plague, tease, torture, trouble, worry,

Từ trái nghĩa: comfort,

Tính từ

Experiencing or characterized by severe physical or mental suffering
anguished distressed grief-stricken haunted persecuted plagued tortured sorrowful doleful troubled suffering miserable heartbroken afflicted agonized mournful despairing woeful broken-hearted unhappy wretched angst-ridden agonised grieving dolorous depressed brokenhearted sad aching worried inconsolable anxious rueful weeping upset sorry distraught cut up hurt despondent desolate dejected saddened pained disconsolate dolesome down regretful bitter heavyhearted bewailing bemoaning wailing wounded cheerless heartsick woebegone traumatized grieved devastated in pain harassed perturbed harrowed bothered fearful sorrowing concerned bereaved discombobulated melancholy funeral shook bugged uptight plangent lamentable deploring lugubrious traumatised plaintive distracted antsy hurting shook up all torn up stricken remorseful mortified aggrieved racked with suffering disturbed agitated crushed broken overwhelmed wrecked spooked dismal forlorn morose mourning downcast glum jumpy unglued gutted tearful strung out bummed out sullen melancholic downhearted overcome with sorrow heavy with grief in a tizzy in a stew blue crestfallen racked low joyless racked with pain gloomy droopy sombre hangdog heartsore somber cast down low-spirited down in the dumps down in the mouth wracked impaired cursed lamenting displeased overcome pining disheartened painful careworn disappointed discouraged heavy-hearted jittery miffed shaky emotional dispirited tristful down-hearted demoralized demoralised ground down anxiety-ridden awkward uncomfortable guilty exercised peeved dragged wired ripped teary weepy burned wistful sore contused worn down hag-ridden basket case unconsolable up the wall distrait hyper bundle of nerves shot down fidgety in doldrums in tears in grief in the dumps worn out guilt-ridden depressive bad solemn luckless strained discontented dull destroyed ruthful ailing fed up out of sorts bowed down on a downer shaken disconcerted vexed ruffled disquieted unnerved discomposed flustered irked aflutter discountenanced moody pessimistic in low spirits cheesed off chap-fallen brassed off hopeless oppressed lachrymose chapfallen grim choked in the doldrums long-faced distressing funereal defeatist depressing mirthless tragic down and out pitiful in the pits sick as a parrot piteous dreary spiritless abject morbid dismayed weighed down bleak grumpy bleeding grievous saturnine sulky heart-rending pitiable desperate crying in despair harrowing sobbing cast-down dour disgruntled as sick as a parrot weary sniveling black dolent heartrending crummy snivelling blubbering listless comfortless sick at heart singing the blues in a blue funk surly pensive subdued taken down howling annoyed heavy suicidal disillusioned deplorable mopey daunted dispiriting dissatisfied calamitous low in spirits elegiac sunk in gloom dysphoric heartbreaking ticked off teed off browned off blubbing peed off whimpering traumatic upsetting troubling dark torn up lonely pathetic sorry for yourself let down humourless distressful bawling larmoyant sour agonizing close to tears on the verge of tears shamefaced agonising saddening enervated humorless churlish sepulchral flat tear-jerking regrettable shattered crabbed downbeat sapped defeated mopish broody bereft disenchanted adust down-in-the-mouth piqued irritated abashed Eeyorish discontent sick exasperated cynical with a long face resigned sheepish bummed-out frustrated sunk chagrined in sorrow in mourning damp unsatisfied full of sorrow negative hacked off low-down in the toilet down in dumps crabby sick and tired greeting maudlin triste lacklustre dim deep languorous drab shadowy colorless tenebrous unexciting blah uninteresting uninspiring gray colourless boring monotonous dingy lackluster macabre grey languid lifeless humdrum awful disturbing disquieting unamused sorry for oneself feel-bad apathetic very sad prostrated glowering scowling heart-sick lovesick undermined without energy depressant dirgeful grouchy brooding atrabilious clouded dampened drooping dashed sagging dire dolorific afflictive in distress afflicting torn-up angry cross lowered bowed threnodic dirge-like emo godforsaken griefstricken off sluggish moping ugly in anguish taken aback deflated prostrate with grief have the blahs cringing browbeaten cowed frantic fraught affected down in mouth hapless affecting bored tired unable to be comforted unable to be consoled let-down not happy guilty-looking furtive discomfited tragical unlucky unfortunate elegiacal uneasy no-win strabilious long-suffering self-indulgent self-absorbed wallowing beside oneself with grief in a state ashamed intimidated embarrassed sneaking feeling down full of gloom in a funk aghast beaten ill-humoured huffy helpless lost worsted vanquished baulked objecting balked catastrophic cruel unpleasant disastrous feeble disappointing paltry mean can't win ill-humored cowering humiliated conscience-stricken forgotten homeless lonesome forsaken abandoned languished not a prayer in the soup at the end of one's tether at one's wits' end blue funk friendless destitute uncared-for in a bad way looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny sensitive teary-eyed mawkish with tears in one's eyes blubbery moist watery wet put out jaded narked wearied dragging solitary defenseless defenceless fruitless alone at end of one's rope at the end of your tether nostalgic surfeited sated satiated blasé not best pleased in floods of tears easily moved with tears in your eyes up to here self-pitying complaining disaffected fretful malcontent envious impatient querulous restless resentful malcontented picky griping kvetching grumbling ungratified out of joint sick to death fed up to the teeth with a chip on your shoulder fed up to the back teeth

Tính từ

Having thoughts occupied with unpleasant things or events that have happened or that may happen
worried anxious troubled upset nervous afraid concerned tense uneasy bothered disquieted distressed disturbed frightened perturbed apprehensive distracted distraught fearful fretting unquiet wired antsy fretful on edge overwrought stressed worried sick ill at ease quaking scared trembling discomposed flustered hassled insecure restless strung out twitchy under stress uptight worked up anguished disconcerted edgy jittery jumpy nervy queasy queazy rattled spooked stressy unsettled vexed aflutter agitated alarmed beset discombobulated dithery fidgety flurried irked riled ruffled shaken toey angstful bugged goosey plagued tortured uncomfortable angsty atwitter clutched hinky muddled overstrung solicitous spooky squirrelly unglued windy a wreck hung up in a flap in a sweat in a tizzy in a twitter keyed up on tenterhooks strung up a bundle of nerves beside oneself hot and bothered in a dither in a stew in a tizz in a twit shook up worried stiff all of a dither bricking oneself in a cold sweat in a state in a state of agitation having kittens het up on pins and needles all of a lather like a cat on a hot tin roof with one's stomach in knots shaking in one's shoes with one's heart in one's mouth with butterflies in one's stomach harassed harried beleaguered perplexed hounded pressured confused hard-pressed pestered under pressure put upon up against it under the cosh dismayed self-conscious puzzled fraught aggravated embarrassed hag-ridden persecuted discomfited desperate distrait frayed pained careworn strained bewildered browbeaten nonplussed in turmoil like a fish out of water stressed out hunted at the end of one's tether restive impatient unrestful afflicted asea irritable palpitant suspicious wrung peevish irascible shaky annoyed exacerbated harrowed displeased chagrined miffed inconvenienced provoked terrified mortified irritated all nerves put out on the qui vive worn out badgered with one's back to the wall awkward pressurized hurried rushed pressurised disorientated hesitant out of place at the end of one's rope with one's back up against the wall disoriented strange shy high-strung lost unrelaxed unsure hysterical frantic raving at wit's end mad wild haggard besieged downtrodden devastated frenzied crazed overcome worked-up hysteric shattered delirious terror-stricken stricken wrought-up verklempt deranged swivel-eyed nuts addled unzipped crazy thrown panic-stricken unscrewed beside yourself very upset in a panic at the end of your tether like a chicken with its head cut off out of one's mind out of your mind preoccupied abstracted absent diverted vague inattentive absent-minded bemused engrossed distant faraway absorbed absentminded mystified befuddled fazed confounded sidetracked unfocused at sea miles away dreamy not with it driven to distraction excited unnerved hyper panicky excitable highly strung timid nail-biting hairy skittish creepy nerve-racking timorous neurotic unnerving unsettling disquieting distressing disturbing distressful agitating like a cat on hot bricks worrisome adrenalized nerve-wracking wound up uncertain touchy bashful sensitive shocked inhibited wrought up in a state of nerves taut febrile fluttery stilted shaking shrinking diffident stiff charged retiring trepidatious difficult brittle flighty unstable aghast stressful discountenanced unnatural unsteady emotional sheepish skittery spasmodic all of a doodah choked reserved bundle of nerves fractious gauche hyperactive constrained daunted blushing startled testy unhappy volatile critical hectic withdrawn quivering turbulent doubtful irresolute tongue-tied exciting affrighted horrified unpeaceful terrorized in suspense overactive heated unconfident nervous wreck horror-struck introverted terrorised concerning guarded reticent tetchy querulous repressed easily frightened crotchety running scared crabbed captious subdued creeped out short-tempered bad-tempered restrained mannered artificial weak ill-tempered fevered wriggly careful wavering overexcited squirmy wreck perverse ornery wiggly scary irrational overanxious cold hurt white-knuckled white-knuckle unassertive shivery fidgeting fitful temperamental petrified grieved hot under the collar unruly intimidated sad shamefaced saddened itchy aroused wary chippy angry mousy snappy moved under a strain shot to pieces moody pusillanimous in a spin afeared frit disappointed gutted scared stiff hot-tempered quick-tempered feverish up the wall faint-hearted in a flat spin scared to death hyperexcitable hyperkinetic angered all of a flutter lily-livered frozen easily agitated affected blue in a funk fiddle-footed in a blue funk agitable alarmable cut up broken up having cold feet twittering worrying cross complaining faltering indecisive tentative petulant knife-edge fussy panicked dithering vacillating miserable jerky disorderly cliffhanging dramatic forced trying distrustful swithering galled chafed unbalanced frisky explosive anxious-making grumpy ill-natured exercised tricky flushed intense dodgy caught up laboured wooden contrived frazzled aquiver overemotional traumatized traumatised inflamed moving shot cranky splenetic out of sorts whining crabby grumbling ratty restlessly moving unreluctant rigid stirred up flapping graceless exasperated white knuckled histrionic snappish contrary caviling faultfinding carping huffy mean hyped-up afire atingle hyperexcited recalcitrant prickly emotionally charged feeling anxious refractory in a lather modest obstinate stubborn unyielding falling apart cavilling foreboding mistrustful lacking social skills discomforted strict conventional cautious weak-kneed goose-bumpy nerveless phobic spineless rabbity chickenhearted quivery unmanly oversensitive ill-at-ease aw-shucks self-doubting self-effacing active transient wandering intermittent changeable inconstant footloose roving sleepless nomadic bustling controlled cool stand-offish aloof nerves on edge zipped up hot juiced up meek lacking confidence unforthcoming agog eagerly butterflies in stomach biting one's nails not self-assured lacking self-confidence passive champing at the bit angst-ridden tied up in knots have cold feet incongruous offended fretted all agog avid open-mouthed having stage fright biting nails having butterflies having a funny feeling out of countenance labored low old-fashioned on the defensive Delphic unassured questioning unpoised unsure of yourself with bated breath wounded all wound up tossing and turning mercurial in disorder amazed touch and go up in the air hanging by thread on thin ice come apart psyched out bummed out at sixes and sevens all torn up passionate hasty tooshie watchful dreading waiting for the axe to fall freaked-out steamed up overwhelmed flipped out wound-up throwing a wobbly high keyed-up fired-up hot-and-bothered hot under collar stirred weary strung-out worn all shook up unstrung tired spent fiery tempestuous out of one's element frustrated ashamed a basket case sweating bullets lively abashed humiliated shamed cowardly violent coy reluctant humbled impulsive impetuous volcanic vehement inflammable rash intolerant fierce demonstrative reckless galvanic enthusiastic overzealous uncontrolled susceptible quick dorky cowering having butterflies in the stomach undemonstrative cowed easily upset short fused blowing hot and cold hot-headed chicken spookish spirited irresponsible light-headed harebrained skitterish whimsical animated combustible flappable volative undependable zippy giddy lightheaded peppy scatterbrained dizzy frivolous very nervous unreliable demeaned geeky yellow feart stunned unresponsive passionless apprehensive about intimidated by alarmed at in a fluster nerdy scared witless dishonoured discredited chastened horror-stricken terror-struck scared out of one's wits in awe shaking like a leaf frightened out of one's wits maladroit dishonored bottled up socially inept blundering red-faced wishing the earth would swallow one up with egg on one's face put out of countenance caught with egg on your face not know where to put yourself shown-up socially awkward socially lacking socially anxious socially incompetent

Tính từ

Annoyed, frustrated, or worried
vexed annoyed irritated exasperated bothered upset aggravated irked angry nettled troubled worried displeased distressed furious incensed inflamed irate peeved put out agitated choleric cross enraged fuming harassed infuriated maddened piqued wrathful hot-tempered huffy ill-humored ill-humoured miffed testy confused disgruntled dissatisfied fed up fretted frustrated perturbed resentful riled disturbed flustered harried narked provoked afflicted in a huff in a temper in high dudgeon mad miffy perplexed ruffled eggy galled in a bad mood scunnered sore steamed teed off vex brassed off browned off cheesed off hoha ireful peed off snuffy tooshie wrath hacked off ticked off foaming at the mouth hot under the collar not best pleased out of countenance disappointed discontented disheartened discouraged embittered defeated crabbed unfulfilled unsatisfied unsated ungratified hung up up the wall carrying a chip on your shoulder aggrieved indignant angered offended shirty affronted outraged livid bent out of shape apoplectic hurt steamed up rabid unhappy rankled ballistic ticked roiled wroth steaming irritable enflamed hopping mad crabby sulky foaming grumpy hot infuriate ratty hopping riley fit to be tied horn-mad crook snaky malcontent up in arms pained sullen discontent bad-tempered ill-tempered wound up ropeable impatient seething surly disgusted stung in a lather querulous worked up going crook in a frenzy in a pet in a fume blue in the face petulant disaffected soreheaded tetchy snappy choked boiling grouchy irascible churlish insulted touchy bitter on the warpath chagrined beside oneself malcontented fretful stroppy out of humour aerated injured out of joint wounded waspish peevish as cross as two sticks acrimonious unimpressed complaining fractious moody cranky narky grumbling dark griping kvetching sour wild prickly short-tempered bugged chippy heated chafed antagonized waxy raging incandescent raving frenzied out of sorts spare ranting seeing red needled antagonised gnashing one's teeth off the air rattled crotchety grieved anguished snappish cantankerous restive bellyaching hostile crusty perverse splenetic glowering short critical disquieted mardy envious faultfinding morose restless miserable antagonistic pettish grieving slighted picky moping quick-tempered very angry depressed in a paddy dirty unglued filthy in a bate storming burned up with all guns blazing hot and bothered at daggers drawn blown a gasket beside yourself with rage goaded unpleased hassled reproachful wry snitty hateful snubbed crazy concerned tense disconcerted nervous anxious salty unamused rebellious crackers dishonored humiliated rancorous wronged huffish insane factious p.o.'d scornful umbrageous dishonoured harmed grousing crabbing uncontent out of temper kicking edgy curmudgeonly hacked dissentious troublemaking rousted roused curt ill-used woeful saddened nitpicking fault-finding carping thin-skinned ticklish peckish whingy blue disapproving regretful dogged uptight scandalized buffaloed persecuted oppressed victimised victimized frantic passionate shocked scandalised ill-disposed bad tempered ennuied sniveling plaintive put-out unassuaged begrudging insatiable fed-up grudging unappeased jaundiced fretting not satisfied jealous stewed sensitive like a bear with a sore head acrid weighty hard annoying distressing in a rage all steamed up overcome with anger bummed out at end of one's rope boiling mad pushed too far beside yourself at boiling point raging mad rubbed the wrong way in a filthy temper sick and tired sick to death belly-aching menacing snivelling fed up to the teeth hard done by threatening mopey with a chip on your shoulder fed up to the back teeth belligerent aggressive unfriendly vitriolic malignant glum pouting malevolent evil wicked malicious vindictive maleficent baleful mopish scowling malign louring poisonous malefic gloomy mumpish pouty aloof fierce black venomous frowning withdrawn dour uncooperative brooding ornery obstinate sourpussed sulking unsociable dismal gruff mean cheerless evil-intentioned hate-filled down in the mouth having a fit of the sulks in a funk in a mood in the sulks in a strop disagreeable captious dyspeptic fiery snippy snarky snippety liverish raspy stuffy jumpy caviling cavilling out of humor

Động từ

Past tense for annoy or provoke in an unkind way
plagued teased annoyed bothered harassed harried irritated persecuted troubled worried bedeviled bedevilled pestered vexed baited taunted bullied chaffed ribbed scorned victimised victimized aggravated badgered chivvied deviled devilled hassled hectored hounded nagged provoked afflicted agonised agonized anguished beset besieged cursed excruciated harrowed irked needled nettled racked tortured ragged boned broke brake broken heckled hurt punished smote smit smitten smited tried wrung wringed drove bananas driven bananas gave someone grief given someone grief put through wringer drove up the wall driven up the wall gave a hard time given a hard time leaded someone a merry dance played cat and mouse rubbed salt in wound upset distressed disturbed oppressed bugged perturbed pained agitated burdened beleaguered fretted haunted picked on grieved browbeat exasperated disquieted strained gnawed at discomposed stressed galled molested wound wounded intimidated chafed mistreated got to mithered ruffled dogged tyrannized goaded maltreated put out weighed down saddened ill-treated abused concerned depressed ridden rode peeved narked alarmed disconcerted cut to the quick riled perplexed tyrannised piqued angered terrorized displeased fazed aggrieved fussed dismayed ailed mortified cowed lied heavy on niggled flustered scared put down rattled unsettled threatened browbeaten terrorised frightened got hacked off caused suffering to offended pursued cast down miffed bulldozed leaned on wound up assailed menaced injured got at preyed on weighed heavily on pressurized importuned discommoded taxed outraged spooked chivied maddened crushed martyred bummed out kept after gnawed grated kept on at gotten to hung over domineered flurried coerced rankled appalled made miserable cut attacked pressurised affected pushed around spited infuriated obsessed frustrated ticked off crucified incensed tantalized blighted dragooned pressed dominated tantalised unnerved discomforted scourged made anxious unhinged frazzled distempered strong-armed inflamed alarumed discriminated against rankled with derailed hagrid rubbed up the wrong way insulted freaked out weirded out dejected dunned got across rasped interrupted terrified enraged disheartened frosted weighed on griped inconvenienced itched gotten discomfited overwhelmed bullyragged railroaded stung beat blackjacked harmed abraded put the squeeze on affronted graveled gravelled made wretched exercised devastated burned up burnt up criticized got in your hair distracted discombobulated caused anxiety to bent someone's ear caused anguish to ate eaten mau-maued stirred up possessed hacked you off caused discomfort to burned burnt put off put the screws on put pressure on gotten at blustered pressured hit where one lives cut up hurt one's feelings damaged misused dispirited nudged got on your nerves gotten on your nerves traumatized discouraged ridiculed embarrassed moved gripped antagonized disgusted daunted nagged at gnawn criticised bogarted kicked around hazed chagrined pothered breathed down someone's neck seared ill-used excited pushed about went on at gone on at brutalised brutalized dashed shocked steamrollered dissed worked on discountenanced grated on harped on at had it in for forced scarred made uneasy pushed antagonised bit had a down on caused pain to dumped on roiled constrained traumatised got down made waves suppressed made someone see red enforced used strong-arm tactics on prodded mocked preoccupied faced excoriated driven round the bend drove round the bend fascinated scolded hagridden hagrode trampled on confronted shattered henpecked teared smothered hurt deeply ruined ruled berated exploited infested manhandled inflicted pain on inflicted suffering on tested sweat gotten across panicked carped at subjugated mishandled martyrized pecked at put a damper on put into a funk mutilated grope despaired wronged touched confused maimed mangled imposed on picked at subdued intruded upon gibed abased caused pain pressed down on brought down festered chid chided grilled wrecked killed psyched compelled disrupted threw thrown caused anxiety drained wearied overpowered caused concern to rode roughshod over ridden roughshod over obliged affrighted dissatisfied gave a bad time given a bad time made uncomfortable exacerbated enslaved stirred desolated niggled at taken over took over caused agony to awed egged on convulsed undone undid compromised made angry chilled made gloomy made despondent caused trouble to rattled one's cage flipped out bludgeoned pricked put your back up debilitated put on the rack messed over made desolate preyed on your mind incapacitated cramped confounded indisposed bruised made things hot for someone floored got someone down insisted on given someone the hump gave someone the hump treated harshly shook up shaken up got in someone's hair tried someone's patience knocked for six put into a flap put someone off their stroke made someone's blood boil scared the bejesus out of set one off cast a gloom upon beat down twisted someone's arm set on put someone's back up hurt somebody's feelings put screws to put a strain on put the fear of God into put heat on put the heat on issued threats to deeply upset put someone out tyrannized over put the frighteners on walked all over put upon hurt the feelings of hunted bossed around bossed about disapproved of shaken shook titillated enticed driven round the twist drove round the twist bitten took control of taken control of monopolized consumed engrossed carped manipulated humiliated violated destroyed beared a grudge towards ravaged felt ill will towards kicked about brainwashed bedogged guyed thrown off balance threw off balance suffocated did in done in absorbed absorpt belittled allured tempted beguiled led on intrigued lured punished unfairly entangled hampered aggressed recurred derided baffled thwarted charmed curdled grizzled stressed out bored grumbled at torn tore ached crossed hindered impeded lampooned infatuated caviled cavilled fixated rousted inflicted controlled held slighted petrified throbbed suffered impaled jeered whipped lacerated macerated forayed despoiled noodged jumped on one's case dishonored disparaged stewed sweated feared smarted dampened spirits brought one down flirted with buttonholed started in on razzed mused labored laboured wreaked imposed wrought made blue dragged down reminded barracked booed insisted come back to puzzled obtruded encroached singled out intruded monopolised accosted got on your wick yapped at scratched around ragged on reproached reviled worked over bounced stabbed searched high heaven grinded ground caused to panic dishonoured smashed disabled impaired squirmed shouted down jerked around hustled chastened demoralized found fault with kept hanging made cross stayed with beaten sapped stretched exhausted upbraided lied found fault lied heavily on pushed someone around marred weighed crowded fast-talked scarified horrified slapped disrespected frighted startled caused disquiet to struck hissed made fun of messed with got on the nerves of overawed buffaloed brought pressure to bear on wheedled cajoled impelled made swaggered tired disappointed incommoded stepped on the toes of spoiled repressed warned spoilt ate up deformed eaten up caused discomfort pinched periled ventured imperiled jeoparded inflicted anguish on hazarded imperilled jeopardized adventured endangered risked incited kept hanging on made mouth water sweated out got in the hair of had a hold on become an obsession with had a grip on hegemonized overcome mastered argued obligated drove crazy driven crazy dampened vitiated flawed endamaged disfigured blemished madded enflamed ired crabbed embittered defaced crippled overcharged bloodied punished repeatedly and unfairly sickened bewildered crazed turned flipped eaten away at ate away at roused thrilled addled worn wore psyched out turned off started avenged visited subjected prickled made nervous twinged deranged frenzied darkened enervated damped dragged demoralised dulled fired up jibed at shouted at muscled impressed talked swayed sandbagged scathed weakened caused annoyance to caused resentment to knackered gotten under one's skin got under one's skin laid a bad trip on mixed up pierced humped gotten in one's hair got in one's hair kept down played up run down reduced to tears keyed up layed up turned on laid up eaten at ate at made someone's mouth water kept someone hanging on gotten on one's nerves got on one's nerves made it hot for someone scared off portended strapped growled worked into lather tried one's patience whipped around distorted steamed up made threats to encumbered blackmailed made threats against knocked the stuffing out of shouted catcalls at saddled brought someone to their knees knocked sideways trampled underfoot overloaded loomed prevailed on fouled up stumped beaten down admonished inflicted trauma dished it out butted in snarled aroused anxiety in brought under the yoke forced upon brought down on got your goat battered inspired panic in uttered threats to totaled waxed caused anguish gotten on someone's wick sent into a rage made someone's hackles rise got under someone's skin fuddled contorted rubbed the wrong way made it tough for got on someone's wick got on someone's nerves made someone fed up got someone's hackles up despotized fulminated made threat descended upon brought to heel held down made severe demands on made unhappy impended made sad prejudiced played the heavy with dished out ground down scowled preyed on one's mind frilled comminated flummoxed looked daggers descended on turned one off kept under ruled with an iron hand made blood boil furbelowed caused someone distress held sway over totalled gotten someone's back up pushed buttons handicapped poured cold water on ruffled someone's feathers rocked the boat scared to death made a scene gotten on someone's nerves threatened to harm trampled gambled with harshed someone's mellow forewarned made game of fouled tired out had someone do something lowered stuck it to hacked up ruled with a rod of iron come at made your heart bleed flexed muscles got across someone cautioned caused someone to lose their composure walked heavy teed off nicked made demands on jeopardised threatened to kill got someone's back up brought tears to your eyes scared hell out of ruled over frightened out of your wits crossed up filled with terror weighed heavy upon trodden on trod on showed antagonism to shown antagonism to shown ill will towards showed ill will towards aken bore broke one's heart broken one's heart came back to smort smorten broken the heart of broke the heart of given one the business gave one the business befallen befell fell upon fallen upon fallen on fell on overbore overborne given the needle gave the needle stricken overrode overridden taken the mickey out of took the mickey out of done an injustice to taken advantage of did an injustice to took advantage of driven drove took the piss out of taken the piss out of overcame broke in broken in thrown off threw off got on nerves gotten on nerves driven to distraction drove to distraction struck terror in stricken terror in struck terror into stricken terror into gave someone the works given someone the works gotten your back up got your back up drove mad driven mad gave offence to given offence to got someone gotten someone given pain to gave pain to nit-picked done a number on did a number on got one's goat gotten one's goat overthrown overthrew became an obsession with thrown into tizzy thrown into a tizz threw into a tizz threw into tizzy given it to gave it to worn out wore out shaken fist at shook fist at gave the business given the business came at did mischief to drew blood drawn blood done mischief to took the heart out of taken the heart out of got up someone's nose gotten up someone's nose gotten someone's dander up got someone's dander up given someone the pip gave someone the pip ran down gave no quarter given no quarter went for jugular gone for jugular took a rise out of got a rise out of taken a rise out of gotten a rise out of drove you up the wall driven you up the wall bore down gave someone the blues thrown cold water on broken someone's heart broke someone's heart threw cold water on borne down given someone the blues tore to pieces torn to pieces

Động từ

Past tense for to tease, typically in a good-natured way
teased ribbed kidded mocked chaffed taunted ridiculed derided joshed ragged needled joked jived razzed rode ridden rallied satirised satirized roasted baited bantered twitted gibed annoyed funned guyed goaded harassed quizzed plagued worried hassled heckled bothered chiacked pestered hazed harried badgered provoked slanged slang irritated aggravated bedeviled bedevilled shucked smoked rotted hectored sledged importuned vexed beleaguered deviled devilled gnawed gnawn nudged disturbed tantalised tantalized spoofed slammed dogged snapped sounded laughed at scoffed at jeered at made fun of jibed at poked fun at wound up sent up goofed on made jokes about ragged on poked mullock at made sport of slung off at took the mickey out of taken the mickey out of picked on put on put down made a monkey of had on flouted at messed around pulled someone's leg led on flirted with poked borak at pulled somebody's leg swang at swung at led somebody on took the piss out of taken the piss out of gave a hard time given a hard time scorned sneered at insulted jeered sneered disdained flouted scouted louted lampooned dumped on pooh-poohed heaped scorn on reviled got at gibed at criticized outraged upbraided offended slapped criticised reproached jabbed twittered dug affronted knocked disparaged caricatured contemned pilloried parodied dismissed slighted scoffed denigrated detracted skewered vilified jibed panned dissed jollied detracted from poured scorn on snickered at sniggered at smiled at treated with contempt held up to ridicule shot down gotten at laughed done a number on did a number on belittled jested burlesqued despised mimicked sniffed at travestied quipped girt girded spurned japed disrespected rejected decried humiliated looked down on run down snubbed discounted fleered treated contemptuously made a fool of rid booed hated hooted trashed slurred sneezed at fooled held in contempt deprecated made a monkey out of bad-mouthed disregarded trash-talked pulled one's leg abused depreciated abhorred undervalued repudiated diminished misprized catcalled discredited laughed out of court hissed cartooned derogated showed up played down imitated deflated slagged off called names looked down upon wisecracked gagged ran down talked down made a game of rebuffed wound wounded hurt shunned abominated upset minimized whistled made light of renounced vilipended regarded with contempt held up to shame shouted disapproval shouted down mortified maligned leered grinned underrated swiped cracked sniggered shown contempt for showed contempt for unmasked exposed felt contempt for scouted at taken off took off distorted perverted hoaxed condemned minimised winded someone up thumbed nose at turned up your nose at yucked yukked aped misrepresented ranked out quipped at fooled around looked down nose at fooled about railed at turned up one's nose made a laughing-stock pulled someone's chain played a prank played a practical joke put someone on turned your nose up at cried down cut dead hurt someone's feelings cast aspersions on cut down hit out at cut to the quick snooted high-hatted loathed cocked a snook detested interrupted made fun brushed aside execrated barracked censured shouted at hooted at hissed at booed at sniped catcalled at shouted disapproval at whistled at smiled snickered vext squibbed pasquinaded disbelieved deplored disliked pissed on defied spitted on confuted pissed over refuted avoided refused snapt undermined made little of wiped waved aside blown raspberries at blew raspberries at buffooned rubbished slandered poked fun fleered at thumbed one's nose messed found intolerable disrelished chilled turned down considered beneath you libeled libelled frazzled made a crack dug at showed contempt shown contempt defamed bashed dishonored vituperated neglected blew raspberries eschewed blown raspberries dumped curled your lip at spitted in the eye of turned back on considered beneath one spitted in the face of flamed impugned shammed expressed contempt gamboled gambolled frolicked walked over did done marginalized calumniated disobliged crushed turned nose up at abased susurrated aspersed shouted marginalised wiped out felt contempt copied commented negatively shamed injured miscalled poor-mouthed made a joke of debased blistered curst cursed degraded dishonoured murmured seethed whispered made cutting remarks about had a down on turned up your nose said contemptuously punned sallied looked down your nose at given Bronx cheer gave Bronx cheer held up to scorn exposed to ridicule had no use for curled one's lip at caused offence to treated with disdain shucked someone mimed called someone names played tricks made a monkey out of someone messed about impersonated played the fool rotted someone made someone a laughing stock looked down one's nose at messed someone about played a trick took the mickey curled one's lip had a go at treated disrespectfully played on amused kissed off taken the mickey exaggerated pranked thumbed one's nose at uttered catcalls had a joke with had someone on twisted played a joke made a mockery of flipped stepped on one's toes messed someone around diverted entertained was above been above were above slam-dunked gnew shrunk from shrank from given the Bronx cheer to gave the Bronx cheer to torn to pieces tore to pieces given offence to gave offence to sod sodden prankt threw shade thrown shade wrote off written off did a takeoff of done an impression of done a takeoff of did an impression of spoke badly of spoken badly of spoken ill of torn down taken a swipe at took a swipe at tore down spoke ill of tore into torn into gave the bird to given the bird to

Từ trái nghĩa của tormented

tormented Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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