Từ đồng nghĩa của turbulent

Alternative for turbulent

Tính từ

Characterized by fierce, extreme, or violent energy or force
stormy tempestuous rough raging violent boiling foaming agitated blustery choppy furious tumultuous wild angry bumpy convulsive heavy storm-tossed bang-bang blood-and-guts cataclysmal cataclysmic cyclonic disordered explosive ferocious fierce hammer and tongs hot knock-down-and-drag-out paroxysmal rabid roily seething squally unsettled unstable volcanic boisterous weltering bitter blustering coarse confused destructive disturbed howling moiling noisy rebellious restless riotous roaring ruffled stormful storming swirling thunderous tremulous unmanageable windy stirred up intense inclement gusty forceful harsh strong frenzied volatile passionate breezy fiery powerful blowy lively rugged gusting raucous dirty extreme frantic feverish heated vehement frenetic uncontrollable blistering severe hard savage thundery foul nasty jarring unrestrained chaotic impassioned threatening impetuous acute almighty sharp potent cacophonous forcible tough bleak gruff menacing filthy stridulent buffeting animated inharmonious uncontrolled hellacious flaming mad emotional delirious hysterical airy in turmoil rampant vicious full of upheavals intemperate energetic heaving hectic grating heavy-duty discordant fresh excited roiled dangerous torrid rowdy draughty roller-coaster windswept strenuous trying hazardous typhonic stiff raw unpredictable mighty unmusical ungovernable titanic stark blusterous spirited brutal grim unbridled powerhouse onerous rough-and-tumble blowing bracing excessive burdensome concentrated overwhelming devastating excruciating drafty spasmodic dreadful intensive exquisite fearsome ghastly terrible frightful fearful distracted inflamed full of ups and downs maniacal aroused vigorous out of control dynamic exciting rainy wet risky exposed hoarse rasping husky dry ugly involuntary storm-wracked squallish flapping rocky well-ventilated troubled unpleasant disagreeable ardent rampageous intensified robust hearty knockabout broken aggressive jerky jouncy fervent ripply wavy ebullient bursting full of conflict fervid rolly crushing bloodthirsty screeching piercing maddening blaring shrill full of waves acrimonious hotheaded headstrong at the boiling point annoying high vexatious irritating overpowering great touchy passional irascible resounding inordinate profound rampaging consuming full-blooded knock-down drag-out squawky strident squawking herky-jerky excitable ill-tempered temperamental bad-tempered immoderate unchecked deep unfettered uncurbed biting keen emphatic desperate agonizing urgent peppery painful enraged ruinous coercive gale force agonising outrageous full of force dissonant ear-piercing wuthering drastic tiring exacting brisk unmelodious active eventful arduous demanding challenging oppressive dark cruel laborious exhausting telling weighty elemental punchy knockout dominant commanding puissant hefty tremendous gutsy grievous testing unsparing taxing flustering madhouse tireless full bustling foreboding ominous murderous full on unruly wearing imperious busy action-packed perilous parlous precarious eruptive overwrought searing forbidding crazed berserk inhuman hardhanded inflammatory unsafe distraught neurotic raving unrestrainable punishing manic gloomy sombre murky malevolent sinister inauspicious baleful morbid somber unforgiving potentially violent fraught with danger high-risk unhinged deranged beside oneself maniac distrait swivel-eyed berko irrepressible worked up in a state carried away maddened driven to distraction incensed fuming crazy very upset unnerved possessed out of one's wits panic-stricken in a panic in a frenzy beside yourself overexcited nervous blazing in a fit hyper hysteric

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Unruly in behavior
rebellious undisciplined ungovernable insubordinate quarrelsome rude unruly disorderly unmanageable riotous uncontrollable wild refractory rowdy obstreperous boisterous disobedient mutinous wayward recalcitrant unrestrained out of control fractious contumacious lawless noisy intractable disruptive violent defiant uncontrolled wilful tumultuous difficult seditious willful out of hand insurgent insurrectionary intemperate uproarious bolshie froward untoward disaffected troublemaking rough rebel roisterous contrary chaotic restive rumbustious raucous irrepressible dissident loud unbridled clamorous balky rollicking incompliant troublesome attention-seeking badly behaved factious rambunctious headstrong warring incorrigible stroppy rackety anarchic uncooperative pugnacious recusant unchecked rampant obstinate stubborn perverse robustious contentious threatening malcontent divisive revolutionary abandoned impetuous disputatious litigious naughty belligerent errant unbiddable rioting delinquent lawbreaking discordant bellicose rampageous aggressive truculent militant mischievous knockabout immoderate tempestuous excessive unhindered unbounded ungoverned sectarian wanton rampaging runaway hell-raising incontrollable conflicting resistant rash partisan rival ornery vociferous dissenting argumentative dissentient schismatic disloyal nonconformist unconstrained uncurbed alienated anarchistic clattering ugly awkward treacherous ill-disciplined radical iconoclastic treasonable uncompliant non-compliant rip-roaring anarchical uninhibited screaming hostile noncompliant fighting controversial dissentious licentious brawling termagant lively unhampered raw out-of-line out-of-order unyielding epidemic heedless reckless widespread pandemic raging rife exuberant pervasive crazy hysterical madcap berserk impulsive impervious imprudent forward assertive drunken opinionated bawdy inexorable mean indocile outrageous proliferating extravagant spreading like wildfire out of line on the rampage impudent insolent subversive insurrectionist brutal traitorous divided split trying limit challenging vicious unsettling disturbing upsetting untrained loutish quarrelling disagreeing hard thuggish unsteady capricious unschooled chattering impossible loudmouthed roughhouse impish distracting resounding clattery clangorous up in arms disharmonious clashing two-fisted tough rugged roguish rascally uncomplying misbehaving inconsistent gleeful nuts insurmountable radge antisocial strident brash talkative energetic contending estranged brusque confused gruff disrupting off-base deranged disorganised turbid hedonistic uncontained helter-skelter disorganized disordered lacking self-control unlawful high-spirited self-willed shrieking bawling shouting wild and woolly indisciplined romping unconventional quarreling at variance at loggerheads at odds causing trouble unrestricted unfettered extrovert excited strong obdurate overwhelming badly-behaved undisciplinable intense insuppressible freaked unrestrainable indomitable overpowering drunk rank dominant corybantic incautious profligate irrational out-of-control vehement flagrant prevalent full-on unquenchable unstoppable uncontainable luxuriant profuse like a loose cannon beside oneself thrilled raving separatist factional restless individualistic armed sabotaging attacking spreading blustering exceeding bounds rambling fecund predominant extensive multiplying flourishing growing furious unconcealed self-indulgent crazed rabid enthusiastic giddy flighty on-a-tear mass combative confrontational irritable antagonistic irascible petulant fiery cantankerous disputative captious feisty gladiatorial agonistic cavilling scrappy choleric snappy battling hotheaded brawly assaultive warlike chippy cross querulous grouchy pettish peevish polemical polemic bickering ructious crabby huffy arguesome arsey wrangling thin-skinned excitable impassioned ready for a fight have chip on shoulder hot-tempered ill-tempered touchy caviling passionate bad-tempered quick-tempered churlish war roistering piercing booming strepitous blusterous raising Cain raising the roof annoying bloody-minded problematic exasperating mulish intransigent unpredictable pervicacious renitent bad vexatious tiresome wrong unreasonable untimely inconvenient bull-headed inopportune stiff-necked criminal pigheaded unfavorable unfavourable bothersome persistent inflexible unsuitable unseasonable thrawn aberrant demanding cussed erratic unaccommodating discommodious sinful incommodious hard to handle adverse unbearable intolerable unfortunate unwilling offending unmalleable insubmissive obstinately disobedient unbending inexpedient determined contrarious uncompromising disadvantageous strong-willed sinning ill-timed insoluble erring deviant unhandy discommoding inappropriate transgressing unwieldy irritating dogged pestiferous detrimental cumbersome disturbed maladjusted straying complex immovable playful malicious unorthodox deviating unpliable fiendish tricksy brattish scampish puckish prankish gallus vexing ill-behaved ruffianly devilish pesky full of mischief unsubduable renegade robust impotent dangerous unpersuadable adamant untameable resolved malign malevolent maleficent spiteful burdensome heretical nonconforming maverick stubborn as a mule swaggering swashbuckling cavalier fickle felonious tricky unresponsive bullheaded resisting opposing withstanding flyaway mutinying apostate incommoding incurable without law and order unadaptable aggravating reprehensible censurable transgressive disobliging unhelpful impossible to cope with as stubborn as a mule rock-ribbed undependable problem callous hardened worrisome distressing obstructive with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way dysfunctional immoral arbitrary artful hard-line pat thorny locked resolute tenacious knotty pertinacious prickly cross-grained socially impaired fierce whiny sullen nasty troublous bold irksome wearisome raunchy locked in tough nut hang tough misbehaved kiddish infantile ill-natured sly frolicsome foxy thoughtless immature childish inconsiderate disrespectful bulky difficult to handle cramped disagreeable unfailing undying wicked impolite unanticipated unexpected negative unendurable objectionable offensive culpable guilty teasing worthless everlasting enduring unfading inextinguishable eternal evil unforeseen disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted mistimed loath negativistic averse reluctant indisposed hesitant insupportable terrible painful insufferable remote prejudicial embarrassing imperishable unrelenting indestructible lasting unwavering constant relentless unremitting unlucky unwelcome infelicitous inauspicious inapt excruciating maddening infuriating dreadful improper shifting stray miscreant heretic devious fallible unreliable meandering errable bad-mannered unacceptable egregious inimical malapropos badly timed off straight and narrow frantic irresistible unpropitious misfortunate unpleasant hapless ill-starred star-crossed luckless mad forceful beyond bearing not to be borne fervid frenzied maniacal manic perfervid passional hyper carried away beside yourself like one possessed

Tính từ

Likely to change, especially rapidly, significantly or unpredictably
up and down volatile inconstant variable changeable unsettled unstable inconsistent unsteady erratic fickle temperamental fluid mutable shifting changing fluctuating irregular capricious varying wavering changeful mercurial unpredictable tempestuous fluctuant up-and-down full of ups and downs blowing hot and cold ever-changing uncertain uneven unreliable mobile protean undependable flickery skittish fitful vacillating whimsical floating kaleidoscopic unequal spasmodic irresolute roving flighty labile wandering flakey vagarious iffy flaky rambling eccentric desultory flexible meandering directionless adjustable indefinite ever-shifting dicey undirected dubious incalculable nomadic explosive adaptable knife-edge subject to change likely to change dynamic alternating moving deviating oscillating nonuniform sporadic episodic altering haphazard swaying random scattershot unmethodical discontinuous developing growing episodical waffling movable unfixed versatile chameleon-like chameleonic vicissitudinous impulsive variational transitional transformable restless variant agitated irresponsible reversible vagrant revocable indecisive commutative quicksilver wayward up in the air moody alterable excitable giddy bipolar patchy irrepressible yo-yo active elastic intermittent jerky freakish rescindable peaky everchanging wild fluky chancy arbitrary casual aperiodic occasional impermanent spotty chance choppy spastic infrequent shifty catchy not fixed shaky inexplicable continuously changing unbalanced polymorphous many-sided multiform stayless undoable inexact broken faithless quirky varied flickering bitty checkered chequered not constant always changing free irrational ungovernable faddish untrustworthy contradictory crotchety ambiguous unsound suspect weaving doubtful unequable constantly changing slippery paradoxical ephemeral transitory incompatible contrary conflicting self-contradictory ever-moving undreamed-of surprise unanticipated discordant incongruous irreconcilable incoherent frivolous discrepant momentary transient fleeting warring lubricious illogical dissonant incongruent not settled at odds in conflict at variance short-lived out of step unknowable from left field unexpected odd periodic isolated scattered convulsive recurrent periodical recurring on-again-off-again in bits and pieces on and off spurtive twitching in fits and starts unforeseeable unsystematic disconnected indiscriminate designless aimless fragmentary unpunctual unconsidered purposeless hit-or-miss on-and-off off-and-on non-periodic

Tính từ

Of or pertaining to a vortex

Tính từ

In a state of complete confusion and disorder
chaotic confused disordered disorderly anarchic disorganised disorganized jumbled lawless messy tumultuous haywire shambolic cluttered deranged disarranged disarrayed disheveled dishevelled disrupted frenzied hectic littered messed muddled mussed mussy orderless sloppy tousled tumbled uncontrolled unkempt untidy rumpled unruly purposeless rampageous riotous topsy-turvy helter-skelter pell-mell upside-down higgledy-piggledy hugger-mugger in a mess in a muddle in chaos in disarray in disorder harum-scarum in a shambles in pandemonium in turmoil in uproar out of joint utterly confused at sixes and sevens every which way rioting rebellious lawbreaking revolutionary misgoverned ungoverned mutinous misruled without law and order out of control haphazard unsystematic all over the place unmethodical random indiscriminate unorganized hit-or-miss slapdash unorganised mixed up erratic tangled scattered scrambled in a jumble slovenly irregular careless uncoordinated upside down out of order mixed-up all over the map undirected desultory messed up casual all over the shop arbitrary in a state unsystematized all over the lot aimless wild upset disjointed unfocused convoluted systemless unthinking out of place complex complicated unplanned slipshod intricate incoherent thoughtless dislocated mussed up unsettled in confusion straggly unpredictable unpremeditated overturned undisciplined unarranged heedless designless inefficient uncombed unstructured capricious offhand loose confusing shuffled blind hasty difficult tortuous badly organized without purpose inconsistent directionless discombobulated fluky scattershot disconnected ruffled out-of-line out-of-step out-of-control out-of-whack untrained heterogeneous tumult unrestrained lax awry askew wayward unguided snarled unselective catch-as-catch-can stray unconsidered incidental lost wanton fitful sporadic unprepared in pieces hit or miss like a bomb's hit it screwed up without goal without direction irresponsible unsorted multifaceted stirred up anarchical without a goal unregulated unclear fragmented scrappy slaphappy unorderly unfastidious strewn strewed into disarray jumbled up into disorder muddly untidied piled crowded multifarious manifold bedraggled snafu top uncritical undiscriminating variable dilapidated neglected rough crude like a dog's breakfast broken like a dog's dinner tangly matted into chaos into a jumble into confusion toppled varied in a clutter uncertain hit and miss illogical indeterminate whimsical dragged capsized spilled rambling windswept out of kilter misplaced displaced knotted tossed in total disarray inside-out into a muddle worse for wear kaleidoscopic many-faceted ungroomed windblown non-linear nonuniform promiscuous entropic fractal stochastic aleatory undiscerning undifferentiating unhinged cockeyed upended upturned luxated downside-up messed-up mussed-up out-of-place sketchy chancy incalculable tipped over inconstant occasional spasmodic intermittent involved unstable knotty off and on involute labyrinthine cursory perfunctory accidental chance labyrinthian sophisticated byzantine baroque maze-like elaborate devious daedal complicate slack neglectful negligent remiss clumsy hit-and-miss imperfect botched shabby hurried unmeticulous shoddy threadbare unthorough faulty inexact junky inaccurate involuted poor inattentive lackadaisical lazy unprofessional unconcerned spontaneous sudden willy-nilly devil-may-care unexpected reckless fluke unconscious awkward tricky intertwined raveled ravelled interwoven slap-happy thrown together problematic any which way any old way

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Feeling worried and uneasy
unsettled troubled anxious uneasy agitated flustered restive tense unnerved disturbed fidgety restless shaken worried disconcerted discomposed disquieted fretful perturbed ruffled uncomfortable alarmed apprehensive bothered concerned confused dismayed edgy nervous rattled shaky thrown upset wired distressed fazed twitchy disorderly insecure stressy antsy unbalanced unpeaceful unquiet unrestful wavering ill at ease on edge shook up jumpy nervy uptight jittery fidgeting fitful unsteady irresolute strung out bundle of nerves impatient worked up on tenterhooks queazy goosey aflutter dithery atwitter hinky queasy keyed up like a cat on hot bricks like a cat on a hot tin roof intermittent hung up footloose active unstable hurried roving transient sleepless spasmodic unruly nomadic tossing and turning bustling itchy inconstant wandering het up changeable stressed overwrought overstrung strained on pins and needles toey fearful in a tizzy strung up in a state spooky excitable hyper spooked high-strung scared frightened squirrelly windy excited in a state of agitation highly strung wrought up in a tizz all of a dither in a state of nerves in a stew in a flap in a sweat taut in a twitter irritable having kittens all of a lather afraid neurotic panicky adrenalized shy sensitive in a twit skittish embarrassed flurried self-conscious unrelaxed hysterical awkward worried sick touchy discomfited discombobulated irascible all of a doodah bricking oneself timid distraught in a dither in suspense a bundle of nerves beside oneself trembling hesitant shaking peevish angsty vexed in a cold sweat timorous frantic febrile bashful fluttery like a fish out of water quivering quaking brittle out of place fractious distracted testy uncertain tetchy suspicious wound up nervous wreck stressed out crotchety unglued crabbed tormented querulous ornery bad-tempered short-tempered under stress captious perverse ill-tempered critical waiting with bated breath hot and bothered cross annoyed skittery retiring trepidatious wriggly squirmy temperamental fevered white-knuckled wiggly unsure careful weak petulant complaining overanxious grumpy under a strain shivery ill-natured fretting recalcitrant doubtful crabby wreck anguished refractory ratty clutched harassed splenetic frenzied up the wall perplexed waiting for the axe to fall cranky moved snappish overactive hectic heated feverish hyperactive in turmoil angstful solicitous chippy prickly bugged hot-tempered quick-tempered shot to pieces huffy mean snappy a wreck in a spin with one's stomach in knots with butterflies in one's stomach in a flat spin with one's heart in one's mouth eager manic discountenanced jerky fussy flighty inhibited faltering unnatural gauche stimulated stoked jazzed under pressure blushing shrinking exasperated frazzled easily upset graceless mousy restlessly moving distrustful pressured disorientated highly-strung pumped-up moving shot choked easily frightened easily agitated mentally unsettled angry galled chafed watchful reserved introverted aghast dreading white knuckled disoriented bewildered hassled fraught oversensitive moody inflamed obstinate stubborn unyielding withdrawn beset irked riled strange lost a basket case sweating bullets palpitant wrung having butterflies in the stomach tortured plagued stirred up flapping discomforted unconfident muddled hot under the collar all of a flutter in a panic in a lather aroused all nerves anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting worried stiff champing at the bit foreboding terrified mistrustful stiff shaking in one's shoes confined having cabin fever lacking social skills tongue-tied on the qui vive frozen creepy frisky miserable lily-livered running scared having stage fright biting nails having butterflies having cold feet having a funny feeling angst-ridden overexcited stir-crazy unhappy desperate out of sorts whining grumbling all wound up nerve-racking stressful nail-biting feeling anxious wrought-up contrary caviling faultfinding carping tooshie swivel-eyed nerves on edge emotional freaked-out overwhelmed wound-up crazy high keyed-up affected fired-up hot-and-bothered stirred weary strung-out worn worked-up unstrung tired spent cavilling grouchy throwing a wobbly beside yourself steamed up flipped out out of your mind hot under collar at the end of your tether all shook up pettish cantankerous ill-humoured waspish curmudgeonly disagreeable shrewish in a mood peppery crusty scratchy liverish bilious dyspeptic cross-grained choleric short-fused narky peckish eggy soreheaded stroppy shirty in a bad mood as cross as two sticks froward miffy waxy snaky thin-skinned like a bear with a sore head on a short fuse indomitable ill-humored scrappy uncompliant having got out of bed the wrong side indocile wild

Tính từ

Relating to crime
criminal unlawful illicit lawless illegal prohibited dishonest felonious corrupt culpable illegitimate unethical villainous crooked disorderly indictable nefarious unlicensed wicked wrong clandestine contraband iniquitous unsavoury unsavory anarchic delinquent forbidden furtive lawbreaking terrorist wrongful actionable banned bent black dark fraudulent immoral impermissible outlawed punishable shady unauthorised unauthorized unruly unsanctioned against the law anarchical bad disruptive dodgy improper insubordinate insurgent insurrectionary interdicted mutinous mutinying proscribed rebellious seditious unacceptable unofficial vile adulterous anarchistic barbarous evil malfeasant noncompliant nonconformist peccant revolting savage sinful sly taboo unrighteous unwarranted verboten vicious bootleg contumacious criminogenic dirty disobedient disordered excessive flagitious guilty heavy infringing miscreant nihilistic piratical racketeering recusant rotten traitorous transgressing uncivilised uncivilized uncultivated ungoverned unpeaceful unregulated violating violent warlike wildcat haram tapu out of line black-market off base under-the-table smoking gun against the rules off limits ruled out not acceptable not allowed not permitted contrary to law in violation of law without law and order under the counter under-the-counter under the table riotous ungovernable revolutionary wild unrestrained reckless chaotic tempestuous uncontrolled fierce tyrannous unorthodox untamed uncontrollable despotic heterodox terrorizing terrorising unprincipled base depraved reprobate degenerate dishonourable reprehensible dishonorable unscrupulous shameful dissolute heinous foul erring atrocious perverted disreputable infamous scandalous abominable monstrous ungodly despicable outrageous shocking odious prosecutable blameworthy detestable warped scoundrelly unjust perverse egregious barred morally wrong dissipated unholy diabolical fiendish profane dastardly unfair rascally sacrilegious execrable blasphemous debauched hateful discreditable underhand mean chargeable impure unconscionable amoral offending devious contemptible sordid errant irreligious disgraceful indecent low impious low-down censurable malicious horrible unconstitutional fallen godless ignoble deceitful debased obscene responsible peccable shameless abandoned beastly sinning aberrant blamable deviant knavish condemnable diabolic murderous treacherous sullied tainted roguish profligate cruel wanton sinister underhanded decadent stinking wayward non licet licentious corrupted not cricket two-timing devilish indefensible maleficent answerable unmanageable appalling dreadful untrustworthy abhorrent irreverent straying degraded unspeakable naughty malevolent racket deviating ignominious tabu loathsome polygamous bigamous unhealthy not legal disgusting offensive incorrigible liable brutal libertine vitiated not approved pernicious injurious black-hearted blackguardly misbehaving terrible transgressive vetoed dangerous ruffianly unregenerate convictable reproachable rowdy opprobrious infernal notorious hot smuggled unwarrantable irregular extralegal undesirable condemned swindling inhuman deplorable blameful inexcusable undue intemperate blameable disallowed lewd inequitable mischievous lascivious raffish venal fallible wretched cheating unworthy repugnant callous double-dealing sick lecherous loose unwholesome rakish demoralized bribable unpleasant at fault prurient refused no-no louche damnable mercenary lowlife unclean rakehell jackleg prejudicial sub rosa filthy perfidious faithless outside the law rakehelly objectionable caitiff scurvy to blame snide demoralised defiled open nasty no go heartless harmful unvirtuous questionable in error two-faced out of bounds low-life in the wrong self-indulgent gone to the dogs fast and loose on the side secret undemocratic serious unapproved uncertified unaccredited penal mistaken deceiving malign rough intolerable vice-ridden atheistic antisocial inappropriate accursed facinorous groundless cutthroat Machiavellian imputable scungy buccaneering scurrilous satanic malignant embargoed faulty blundering unjustified flagrant glaring putrid gross restricted triable litigable tortious shy unrespectable shoddy unforgivable bogus unreasonable unnecessary undeserved beyond contempt pillaging plundering thieving exceptionable ill-famed hideous hellish no good convicted uncharitable undignified abject unbecoming sorry ill-reputed cowardly accountable hardened debarred uncalled for closed down good-for-nothing incriminated lamentable servile currish shabby inelegant menial paltry worthless rapacious wolfish impeached reprovable deleterious damaging demeritorious amiss baneful hurtful nocuous adverse noxious baleful detrimental ill tough threatening caught censured biased prejudiced off-color low-minded accusable doomed bad news discriminatory closed-up closed closed-down out on one's head ruthless merciless deserving blame partisan inhumane risqué contrary troublesome difficult froward unfeeling unkind forbidding slippery bloodthirsty tyrannical shifty brutish bestial unconscientious sadistic scheming inexorable spiteful discriminating partial unequal bigoted thievish smutty salacious not on corruptible pitiless rancorous disparaging exploitative hard-hearted mean-spirited wrathful demonic crafty scrofulous evil-minded self-seeking vengeful contemptuous grisly conscienceless cold-blooded squalid scornful despiteful harsh virulent vindictive gruesome disdainful grafting buyable gangland underworld weighted distorted intolerant coloured slanted preferential profiteering tricky obnoxious badly behaved shifting erratic stray heretic unreliable meandering errable unfaithful extortionate suborned loaded unbalanced uneven arbitrary out of control hollow-hearted on the take unchaste false one-sided petty grievous unrightful non-objective uncalled-for colored off straight and narrow hedonic pervy sleazy libidinous fast lustful concupiscent promiscuous indulgent flagitous twisted unconstrained sicko sybaritic kinky unnatural swinging voluptuary violated easy drunken deteriorated dirty-minded fast-living in the fast lane gone bad pleasure-seeking night owl lacking restraint in the gutter high living

Tính từ

Very loud or having a high volume
roaring blaring booming clamorous deafening earsplitting loud piercing resounding ringing sonorous stentorian thundering thunderous blasting clangorous plangent slam-bang reverberating big blatant blustering boisterous cacophonous crashing deep ear-piercing ear-splitting emphatic forte full full-mouthed fulminating heavy high-sounding intense loud-voiced lusty noisy obstreperous pealing powerful rambunctious raucous resonant rich rotund rowdy strident strong tumultuous uproarious vehement vociferous turned up wakes the dead reverberant carrying echoing vibrant reverberative very loud deep-toned orotund beating throbbing heightened electrifying consonant intensified pulsing enhanced profound mellow thrilling sonorant pulsating golden round ear-popping rumbling thundery screaming stentorious reverberatory clear baritone bass tremendous almighty ear-shattering canorous shrieking pleasant pure head-splitting trumpeting rolling harsh resonating sounding overpowering clearly audible shrill full-bodied penetrating dinning riotous bellowing full-toned low forceful disorderly full-throated basso rackety mighty extremely noisy overwhelming fortissimo clattery mournful strepitous pear-shaped plaintive melancholy at full volume wild unruly unmanageable undisciplined rough unrestrained uncontrollable disruptive ungovernable rumbustious wayward refractory roisterous lawless out of control uncontrolled intractable rollicking fractious contumacious irrepressible out of hand rebellious difficult recalcitrant disobedient robustious ill-disciplined wilful clattering knockabout stroppy violent incorrigible rampageous hell-raising tempestuous mutinous insubordinate defiant willful untoward froward anarchic chaotic lively lawbreaking rugged unbridled intemperate badly behaved jarring mischievous loudmouthed rip-roaring robust vocal troublemaking shouting contrary rebel recusant incompliant balky restive impossible headstrong bolshie tough gruff anarchical incontrollable troublesome hysterical termagant exuberant vigorous gleeful insistent unquiet swashbuckling swaggering cavalier confused importunate demanding clamorsome wild and woolly loutish rootin'-tootin delinquent brutal rude roughhouse aggressive chattering stubborn vicious brusque non-compliant excited belligerent thuggish hard pugnacious restless nuts outrageous madcap crazy insurmountable berserk inharmonious talkative brash two-fisted attention-seeking grating bawling rough-and-tumble ugly radge raging fierce passionate agitated rasping romping heedless reckless full-on stormy screeching discordant frenzied impulsive impetuous impervious drunken opinionated perverse rash bawdy ornery imprudent forward inexorable unyielding assertive quarrelsome mean throaty antisocial stridulous unmusical rowdydowdy disturbed irregular in turmoil oscillating fruity palpitating harmonious melodious out of line unlawful aquiver plummy clashing stridulant insurgent insurrectionary uncompliant unmelodious jangling dissonant unharmonious rioting seditious indisciplined full-voiced drunk out-of-order out-of-line on-a-tear out-of-control stridulatory hoarse stertorous persuasive squawky vociferant baying squeaky rampaging truculent uncooperative roistering blusterous raising Cain raising the roof

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Consisting of fire or burning strongly and brightly
fiery burning blazing flaming hot ablaze afire ardent glowing scorching sizzling aflame ignited incandescent inflamed kindled alight boiling broiling combusting conflagrant enflamed heated lit raging roasting scalding searing sultry sweltering ultrahot fevered flushed igneous lighted red violent agitable baking blistering empyreal febrile flaring flickering superheated unrestrained red-hot white-hot piping hot in flames on fire torrid fervent fervid tropical parching steaming like an oven boiling hot warm baking hot smoking sweltry withering humid piping close stuffy recalescent decalescent calescent white thermogenic ovenlike tropic very warm feverish feverous summery very hot extremely hot blazing hot smouldering like a furnace stifling smoldering gleaming scorched brilliant aglow shining unbearably hot oppressive like a blowtorch parched toasted radiant flashing bright luminous roaring dry lucent live candescent suffocating dazzling sweaty lambent effulgent bedazzling lucid refulgent fulgent beaming clear shiny febrific hectic burning up drying pyretic baked cooked burnt fired burned broiled warmed fried ruddy sparking aboil oven-like glaring radiating burning hot red hot enkindled oxidizing airless oxidising muggy steamy hot and humid arid sticky jungle-like uncomfortably warm stewing perspiring barren waterless desert dried like a Turkish bath intense overheated vibrant shimmery shimmering glistening rich luculent light fierce acute ferocious strong extreme fiery hot explosive heavy-duty vehement excruciating vicious exquisite fearsome profound deep hellacious hard ghastly dreadful heavy furious intensive terrible keen almighty fearful frightful very great blistery splendid sheeny lustrous glowy rutilant intensely hot phosphorescent Day-Glo luminescent fluorescent clammy damp like a sauna claggy soupy balmy moist thermal toasty lukewarm melting breathless dank unventilated fuggy confined mucky soggy stagnant thick misty lush low wet equatorial snug thermic watery sodden irriguous stale very damp foetid fetid frowsty mellow warmish hottish tepid choky mouldy uncomfortable fusty moldy musty stale-smelling dripping moderately hot sweating clouded fogged hazy foggy cloudy steamed up hot and sticky misted up fogged up

Từ trái nghĩa của turbulent

turbulent Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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