Từ đồng nghĩa của neglectful

Alternative for neglectful

Từ đồng nghĩa: delinquent, derelict, inattentive, remiss,

Tính từ

Failing to take care of matters which require attention
careless disregardful lax negligent remiss derelict heedless inattentive indifferent thoughtless uncaring unmindful irresponsible delinquent forgetful inadvertent lazy neglecting slack behindhand casual oscitant regardless slipshod failing to show proper care and attention sloppy slapdash lackadaisical reckless unheeding incautious slap-happy unthinking unconcerned perfunctory improvident nonchalant offhand unobservant hasty disorganized tardy rash oblivious disorganised imprudent haphazard unsystematic cursory blithe apathetic slovenly hit-or-miss devil-may-care messy mindless loose disinterested inconsiderate shoddy laid-back carefree hurried injudicious precipitate insouciant untidy unwary inaccurate inexact feckless untrustworthy unreliable undependable cool unthorough uncircumspect thrown together unconscious all over the shop all over the place unwise unorganized unmethodical foolish blind disorderly fainéant absent-minded disregarding deaf shambolic ill-advised shabby unmeticulous unorganised unwatchful easy unaccountable uninterested blithely unconcerned good-for-nothing free and easy without care impulsive indolent dilatory unwitting last-minute ignorant unaware slothful permissive unknowing senseless ill-considered easy-going incognizant clumsy listless undiscerning imprecise unreasoning unacquainted unguarded unthoughtful unreflective indiscreet unprofessional imperfect botched threadbare faulty junky napping asleep at switch otiose asleep on job faineant impetuous foolhardy madcap asleep at the wheel any old way regardless of disregardful of inattentive to deaf to oblivious to taking no notice of paying no heed to unconscious of asleep on the job neglectful of blind to unheeding of untroubled insensitive unworried unfeeling nonobservant ignoring overlooking omitting slighting barratrous disordered muddled failing chaotic unfastidious coarse blameworthy culpable slow defaultant woolgathering inconsistent daydreaming reprehensible uninformed procrastinating poor jumbled abstracted detached innocent rude crude dispassionate couldn't-care-less insensible nescient careless of one's duty incurious pell-mell unheedful relaxed clueless unconsidered scrappy at fault amateurish wild blasé unfamiliar incorrect wrong sketchy erroneous failing to take proper care mechanical scatterbrained unnoticing uninstructed unrecognizing any which way instinctive error-ridden couldn't care less unmindful of stupid silly unintended automatic fly-by-night misguided impervious to unsafe impolitic off-guard spontaneous involuntary reflex unpremeditated unintentional intuitive unalert uncautious wary bold hotheaded unvigilant brash caught napping fast-and-loose playing with fire sticking one's neck out not careful leading with one's chin ill-judged off guard foot-in-mouth pay no mind witless thrown-together brutish indelicate outrageous vacant unmeant blunt untactful heedless of catch-as-catch-can desultory helter-skelter erratic stray aimless random scattered arbitrary inefficient careless of not paying attention procrastinative incompetent inactive idle soft lenient pococurante overindulgent lethargic leisurely workshy quiescent laggard inert passive dormant vague indulgent liberal complaisant indefinite broad non-restrictive general nonspecific shapeless yielding flabby over-tolerant flaccid easy-peasy accepting tolerant floppy nonjudgmental limp do-nothing tactless irreflective any way unreasonable paying no mind ditsy undiplomatic irrational flighty hot-headed

Tính từ

Tending to not remember
forgetful careless heedless unmindful absent-minded oblivious vague disregardful dreamy lax negligent slapdash slipshod inattentive absent airheaded amnemonic bemused distracted inattentive to insensible mooning moony negligent about nirvanic oblivious to preoccupied remiss scatty slack sloppy unfocused unwitting wandering woolgathering indifferent to lax about remiss about remiss in apt to forget pipe dreaming inclined to forget looking out window out of it out to lunch asleep on the job like an absent-minded professor not on the job having a memory like a sieve abstracted absorbed unheeding musing unaware faraway unthinking distrait daydreaming unconscious wool-gathering dreaming unobservant spacey removed in a brown study miles away lost in thought absentminded detached indifferent insensitive unconcerned blank empty vacant gone thoughtless vacuous inadvertent far away bare hollow somewhere else omitted minus in short supply deficient not with us devoid engrossed ditzy scatterbrained brooding pensive thoughtful withdrawn remote lost surroundings idle inconscient goofing off space cadet unaware of events head in the clouds with a mind like a sieve with a memory like a sieve distant bewildered not with it rapt dizzy in a world of your own puzzled confused befuddled silly at sea in a daze immersed intent giddy mystified nonplussed disorganized birdbrained baffled perplexed empty-headed erratic in a dream feather-headed feather-brained unreliable muddled wrapped up disoriented dazed confounded not there disorganised slaphappy discombobulated muddleheaded agitated unsystematic delirious troubled diverted dippy dappy disconcerted discomposed worried goofy immersed in thought deep in thought flustered engaged distraught featherbrained stumped fazed ditsy addled irrational spellbound deep disorientated harebrained flighty taken up caught up woolly-headed pixillated mixed-up pixilated muzzy addlepated shell-shocked punchy zonked-out dopey spaced-out punch-drunk spacy zonked dopy at a loss hung up with one's head in the clouds a million miles away at sixes and sevens muddle-headed spaced out amnesic amnesiac frantic frenzied hysteric hysterical out in space confusional mixed up beside oneself wrapped-up fascinated anxious asleep bugged elsewhere undependable frivolous regardless inobservant unobserving unwatchful unperceiving undiscerning unhinged unbalanced lacking concentration not concentrating unnoticing off in a world of one's own apathetic bored listless off-guard dozy ruffled demented unglued pestered harassed tormented frothy lightheaded puerile irresponsible light-headed madcap futile yeasty light-minded hassled all at sea unsound senile stupid illogical bird-brained sidetracked psychotic deranged unstable crazy unsettled out-of-joint whacko captivated mesmerized consumed addle-brained glassy-eyed shot to pieces screwy not knowing if one is coming or going shook up with Alzheimer's disease fouled up unscrewed ignorant entranced involved hooked intrigued riveted not thinking clearly in a flap driven to distraction gripped occupied submerged enthralled speculative meditative reflective ruminative entranced by in a world of one's own preoccupied by bound-up up to here mesmerised head over heels fascinated by distracted by eat sleep and breathe riveted by taken up by captivated by all wound up enthralled by spellbound by intangible unreal misty shadowy fantastic stupefied chimerical phantasmagoric dreamlike phantasmagorical stunned beautiful otherworldly excellent astral unsubstantial mythical introspective marvelous superb illusory imaginary whimsical nightmarish wistful immaterial introvertive marvellous in a reverie with your head in the clouds out of this world fuddled thrown dumbfounded clueless shaken flummoxed bushed unnerved discomfited addle astonished bamboozled spaced befogged astounded raddled fogged bedeviled floored beaten shaken up mazed wildered taken aback thrown off balance bedevilled fuzzy

Tính từ

Acting or done without justification and with no concern for the consequences
mindless unintelligent stupid idiotic obtuse witless asinine foolish brainless imbecilic dull empty-headed half-witted moronic slow-witted vacuous weak-minded brain-dead doltish dumb imbecile thick birdbrained dim dim-witted dopey pinheaded thickheaded blockish boneheaded chuckleheaded cretinous dunderheaded feather-brained lamebrained pig-ignorant careless dippy fat-headed inane negligent pea-brained pie-faced thoughtless airheaded blockheaded bonehead bubbleheaded damfool dense divvy dopy dorky fatuous forgetful glaikit gormless knuckleheaded lamebrain lunkheaded muttonheaded oafish opaque senseless simple slow soft softheaded thick-witted unsmart wooden-headed braindead chowderheaded dof dotish daydreaming inattentive mooning moony nitwitted out rash silly spaced-out unaware unmindful out of it dead from the neck up daft crazy ignorant unwise nonsensical ridiculous naive absurd simpleminded half-baked dozy unreasonable injudicious imprudent dull-witted vapid unthinking irrational harebrained preposterous dotty mad wacky reckless simple-minded pointless nutty ludicrous ill-advised bovine crackpot barmy daffy insane laughable featherheaded tomfool slow on the uptake inept irresponsible unreasoning hare-brained ill-considered illogical kooky sappy lunatic cuckoo scatterbrained foolhardy loony dunce-like not the full shilling gullible fool soft in the head whacky crackbrained risible goofy jerky heedless looney kookie stolid zany balmy shallow puerile screwy thick as two short planks clueless screwball illiterate cockeyed feebleminded loopy uneducated indiscreet flighty unconsidered incautious unreasoned uninformed giddy untaught unschooled halfwitted sluggish unlearned as thick as two short planks wild benighted scatty unread unlettered insensitive innocent unsound nonrational unintellectual lumpish wooden impractical insensible oblivious blind bizarre unwitting short-sighted childish hasty impolitic unenlightened derisible idiotical immature meaningless untrained unconscious unknowledgeable nescient uninstructed inexperienced batty imperceptive unconversant uninitiated thick-skulled uncomprehending green crass deficient insensate cockamamy cockamamie ill-conceived nonliterate undiscerning untutored misinformed futile thick-headed impulsive in the dark analphabetic uncultured feeble-minded madcap improvident weak apprenticed uncultivated unsuspecting boorish vacant misguided farcical rude torpid impracticable fantastic dappy superficial lethargic fanciful fantastical listless dimwitted potty featherbrained indiscriminate unstable hebete backward blind to cock-eyed very stupid uncritical unknowing undiscriminating credulous dark infantile frivolous incognizant fruitless inconsiderate coarse invalid fallacious unheeding unacquainted insipid unworkable outrageous clownish unperceptive comical remiss heavy inappropriate hebetudinous derisive regardless unscholarly pathetic unjustifiable unrealistic derisory cloddish incoherent inadvertent unreal groundless ill-thought-out slipshod shortsighted rattlebrained unscientific demented implausible untenable addle-brained unresponsive deaf unthinkable Boeotian numskulled off the wall off-the-wall aberrant out to lunch slow on uptake off beam way out not intelligent mentally deficient mentally handicapped ill-judged surd notional boobish buffoonish soppy unstudious extravagant inadvisable complacent purposeless unpractical impetuous ill-mannered blundering stupefied donkeyish obstinate anencephalic anencephalous idiotish squirrelly tearaway prejudiced wholesale unquestioning lifeless inert slumberish comatose gross unimaginative dummy harum-scarum numbskulled feeble smoothbrained phlegmatic placid outlandish unversed loggerheaded clottish empty deranged thick-skinned fatheaded impassive inanimate somnolent poor ditzy dizzy skittish log-headed trifling worthless without thought insouciant implicit woodenheaded duncelike unrefined inactive bad risky foolishly stupid grotesque surreal contemptible as daft as a brush not bright limited slothful chowderhead disregarding uninterested erratic unsteady changeable weird monstrous astonishing shocking incredible foolheaded unbelievable indelicate thick as mince not with it know-nothing smooth-brained slang unfeeling derelict nonobservant vain wishy-washy flat innocuous airy unsophisticated pea-brain delinquent unworldly inconsistent devoid of intelligence unqualified extremely foolish full of holes stupidly irresponsible illegitimate inconsequent inconsequential baseless unfounded arbitrary sheepheaded flakey specious freaky distraught raving reasonless wrong disconnected sophistic delirious disjointed muddle-headed flaky slack crude lax flawed tactless a brick short of a load as green as grass wet behind the ears two sandwiches short of a picnic incorrect faulty irreflective contradictory slapdash unreflective precipitate unobservant casual unselective unexacting unconcerned ditsy indifferent apathetic undiplomatic cursory unfussy offhand perfunctory absent-minded not well thought out without foundation without basis not making sense indiscriminating hot-headed easily pleased odd eccentric wacko strange mental peculiar unbalanced cracked unhinged crazed incongruous queer nuts loco gaga cranky psychotic maniacal bonkers crackers psycho certifiable oddball whacko haywire gonzo fruity meshuga bats berserk out there doolally nutsy brainsick meshugge bughouse brash bedlam wud moonstruck funny off the air disturbed psychopathic wrong-headed undesirable non compos mentis unusual quirky distracted up the pole maniac hysterical raving mad round the bend dreamy freakish comic rum loony tunes looney tunes unconventional sectionable touched sick buggy graceless disordered bushed overhasty impossible unglued inexpedient barking not all there not right in the head not quite right in the head not right upstairs sick in the head mad as a hatter barking mad stark raving mad away with the fairies nutty as a fruitcake foaming at the mouth mad as a March hare round the twist stark staring mad droll incomprehensible off one's gourd off one's head around the bend out of one's mind uncontrolled offbeat unfortunate hilarious frenzied curious idiosyncratic manic amusing bird-brained funky weirdo outré remarkable off-centre gelastic nerdy unearthly schizoid frantic diverting bananas useless nutso schizophrenic flipped schizo kinky paranoid sociopathic improper unsuitable over the top off-kilter off your trolley daredevil joshing camp campy yarra porangi far-out mentally ill incompetent of unsound mind idle confused not together stark mad temerarious exorbitant flipped out not in one's right mind far-fetched unsafe audacious overbold overconfident daring adventurous perverse hotheaded one card shy of a full deck too much off the deep end a few cards shy of a full deck a few sandwiches short of a picnic off one's rocker off one's trolley off one's nut doty bathetic defective clock nerdish burlesque callow unintelligible way-out retarded off the beam avant-garde light-hearted bugged out mentally incompetent unmeaning unpredictable ineffectual unseemly off your head waggish chucklesome huge unorthodox Bohemian far out extreme paranoiac paranoic unadvisable goofy loony queerish quaint out-of-the-way bizarro excessive violent ignoramus whimsical mercurial dilly disadvantageous spurious crazy-ass mystifying abnormal puzzling wackadoodle bewildering nonconformist extraordinary unique baffling wackadoo phenomenal embarrassing in vain humorous witty dreamlike inconceivable quixotic erroneous unjustified badly planned misconceived detrimental unzipped dingy to no avail radge feather-headed neurotic schitzy inconclusive acting crazy rabid unadvised unrecommended unsensible inconvenient off the chain freaked out in left field sophistical for grins psychopathological chaotic lively out of the question taking the cake derailed bemused moonstricken unsettled off the top of one's head O.T.T. OTT a bit much unproved casuistic harmful prejudicial damaging demoniac raging dazed off out of all reason beyond all reason great giant massive lacking knowledge irrelevant unconnected hollow false irreconcilable self-contradictory unsubstantial beyond belief rattlepated inopportune not recommended loose all wet bad-tempered stroppy full of hot air capricious ill-tempered deprived of one's wits manic-depressive over the edge non compos severely mentally ill one sandwich short of a picnic out of one's tree in another world mentally deranged out of one's gourd in a daze having kangaroos in the top paddock flipped-out as mad as a March hare having bats in the belfry crazy as a loon not of sound mind having a screw loose with a screw loose as mad as a hatter in the ozone fanatical not following off your chump off the rails mechanical beyond the bounds of possibility addle-headed addle-pated big unrestrained instinctive unchecked unbridled to death to tears unintended automatic spontaneous involuntary unpremeditated intuitive reflex unintentional unfeasible out of control blank unserviceable inoperable non-viable devil-may-care nonpractical unusable expressionless unmeant blunt untactful feckless napping brutish nonviable desperate precipitous hell-for-leather kamikaze death-or-glory inexpressive deadpan twisted venturous over-venturesome venturesome over-adventurous improbable nonfunctional hopeless chimerical speculative inapplicable infeasible otherworldly ivory-tower unrealizable unviable unattainable unbusinesslike abstract theoretical inefficacious headstrong bold wide open adventuresome breakneck off deep end out on limb won't fly no go vague dreaming poker-faced inscrutable have a screw loose have bats in the belfry have kangaroos in the top paddock mentally unbalanced out of one's head absent abstracted glassy numb catatonic stony emotionless motionless incurious unexpressive

Tính từ

Slow to act
dilatory slow sluggish tardy slack unhurried dallying laggard snail-like backward delaying lax lazy lingering crawling creeping dawdling dillydallying dragging idle lagging languid leisurely loitering pokey poking poky sluggardly snaillike snail-paced time-wasting tortoise-like unpunctual behindhand indolent lollygagging procrastinating putting off slothful tarrying deliberate flagging late moratory negligent problem remiss slow-going slow-paced unhasty listless lackadaisical drowsy inert inactive heavy apathetic lethargic slow-moving torpid measured passive delayed sleepy plodding leaden dull behind languorous phlegmatic easy ponderous supine enervated laid-back belated stagnant overdue moderate tortoiselike postponing dreamy gradual behind schedule indifferent running late dormant behind time debilitated not on time unrushed delinquent somnolent tired latish unenergetic lifeless weary comatose fatigued draggy impassive dopey moony blah slow-footed having spring fever relaxed gentle comfortable sedate casual undemanding steady quiescent weak exhausted lacklustre slumberous lackluster snoozy spiritless neb lymphatic too late moving slowly without energy long-delayed held up hebetudinous behind target restful easy-going effortless painstaking patient stupid undeveloped dense underprivileged imbecile checked moronic arrested underdeveloped feeble-minded subnormal free slackened relaxing slow and steady on hands and knees unproductive burned out sedentary somnific spent deferred later postponed jammed put off hung up last-minute eleventh-hour long-overdue laboured stupefied leaden-footed unenthusiastic shiftless laggy flat labored imperceptible slithering shuffling quailing inching sneaking grovelling worming skulking writhing slinking wriggling squirming shambling groveling hobbling nebbish narcotic stretchy unmoving stolid wimpy sleepyhead static limp quiet depressed out of it on all fours barely moving dead yawny faineant unresponsive fainéant insensitive insensible dozy logy neurasthenic asthenic in arrears unconcerned uninterested energyless languishing otiose disinterested feeble easygoing pococurante blahs pining do-nothing motionless careless passionless half-hearted Laodicean lukewarm lacking in energy slapdash heavy-eyed half asleep cold sluggard inattentive peaceful nonchalant loafing insouciant faint sickly infirm uncaring still leisured laid back numb incurious effete bloodless sleeping stuporous down unfeeling droopy nodding unemotional slumbrous dozing drugged work-shy being lazy taking your time calm bone idle spineless yielding vigorless vigourless vegetating acquiescent submissive docile servile pliant benumbed heedless chilled soporous soporose paralyzed sodden latent paralysed unoccupied unexciting uncurious bovine abstracted unanimated hibernating offhand perfunctory seated desk desk-bound sitting yawning inconscious out sleepyheaded stiff lumpish mooney sullen off drippy aimless complacent wishy-washy bland vapid lacking energy slap-happy vegged out out cold groggy sentimental romantic laissez-faire halfhearted daydreaming dead to the world out to lunch unmoved unkind coldhearted anaesthetic anesthetic dazed emotionless knackered dopy easy going half-asleep done in hardly able to keep one's eyes open dog-tired dead beat all in ready for bed stationary cool stoical stoic spring fever uninvolved detached non-committal bored dispassionate settled deskbound undemonstrative unambitious impassible affectless cold-blooded unmotivated what the hell dispirited callous untouched could care less don't give a damn couldn't care less

Từ trái nghĩa của neglectful

neglectful Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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