Đồng nghĩa của mooney

Tính từ

Lacking energy or alertness
sluggish lethargic inactive dull inert listless lifeless slow torpid unresponsive apathetic languid sleepy unenergetic indolent lazy passive phlegmatic slothful weary dopey drowsy enervated fatigued heavy-eyed idle somnolent tired asthenic bovine dozy heavy lacking in energy neurasthenic quiescent slow-moving sluggardly yawny half asleep logy lymphatic blah comatose down draggy drippy hebetudinous laid-back languorous leaden lumpish off sleepyheaded sluggard slumberous stiff sullen lackadaisical snoozy indifferent spiritless limp slack quiet impassive stagnant stupid supine weak shiftless static flat uninterested languishing stolid sleepyhead yawning otiose moony unconcerned out of it slumbersome unenthusiastic dormant lax dumb thick unintelligent dense witless motionless mindless dim thickheaded doltish nodding obtuse vacuous boneheaded lamebrained dim-witted dunderheaded chuckleheaded exhausted birdbrained energyless fainéant slumbrous still simple unhurried half-witted brainless senseless unsmart cold dopy nebbish asleep dreamy oafish fatuous slow-witted narcotic pinheaded lamebrain bonehead opaque weakened sleeping empty-headed gormless dorky softheaded knuckleheaded airheaded lunkheaded leisurely brain-dead soft bubbleheaded wimpy loafing stupefied numb weak-minded thick-witted feeble flagging dead debilitated lacklustre foolish do-nothing sedentary passionless half-hearted disinterested spent idiotic wooden-headed lackluster blockheaded dotish relaxed insensible vapid laggard soporific easy blahs pining negligent placid out wooden dead from the neck up work-shy half-baked dilatory ignorant faineant dull-witted stuporous blockish pococurante Laodicean lukewarm without energy groggy glaikit divvy unemotional emotionless oscitant droopy unfeeling dry muttonheaded bone idle imbecilic pig-ignorant simple-minded pea-brained moronic insensitive immobile dof latent slow on the uptake somnific benumbed stationary resting faint sickly infirm imperceptive unmoving peaceful hypnotic sedative remiss drained opiate workshy insipid careless uncaring drugged good-for-nothing plodding tedious wearied knackered inattentive tranquil stoical depressed dreary boring sapped easygoing pooped shot shattered beat daft laid back monotonous effete uninspiring vigorless vigourless uninspired hebete lumbering bland tired out worn out silly undemonstrative slow-going somniferous slumbery chowderheaded prosaic crass bloodless somnifacient uninvolved dead tired naive dog-tired characterless cretinous impassible dead beat dispassionate detached uninteresting affectless lacking vitality inane cold-blooded not the full shilling dippy gullible out to lunch lacking energy burned out as thick as two short planks asleep on one's feet subdued dallying lagging procrastinating slow as molasses snail-paced foot-dragging tardy devitalized impaired in the doldrums vegetating stretchy spineless yielding goofy acquiescent submissive servile pliant docile having spring fever bleary-eyed nonmoving imbecile asinine heedless paralyzed sodden paralysed soporous soporose seated desk-bound sitting desk unanimated braindead slumberish plain commonplace unoccupied stale brackish hibernating unproductive slow-paced simpleminded numskulled boorish fatheaded thick-skulled dunce-like fat-headed soft in the head half awake half-awake nodding off unflappable inconscious abstracted anencephalic anencephalous thoughtless tiresome unimaginative wishy-washy unthinking dummy offhand insouciant uncompassionate frigid desensitized deadpan unexcitable shortsighted insensate thick-headed puerile laughable deficient standing aimless vegged out out cold unmoved along for the ride desensitised silent serene smooth unkind coldhearted anaesthetic anesthetic slap-happy casual drony kaput cool uncomprehending dead to the world deactivated slumbering fallow undisturbed calm in abeyance inoperative sentimental romantic slapdash daydreaming incurious laissez-faire halfhearted stoic bear dozing dazed deskbound settled run-of-the-mill easy going restful non-committal bored unagitated gentle unruffled weakening slumping declining unambitious unmotivated thick-skinned spring fever ready for bed half-asleep done in all in at rest log-headed hardly able to keep one's eyes open callous untouched dispirited worn woodenheaded falling failing aweary wasted drab unexciting tuckered could care less don't give a damn what the hell couldn't care less thick as mince rundown ponderous colourless hollow wearisome slow on uptake depleted dead-beat dog-weary ready to drop burned-out worn to a frazzle out on one's feet on your last legs dead-tired bone-weary tuckered out burnt-out out of gas worn-out run-down hulking mechanical expressionless inexpressive pointless cumbersome two-dimensional overgrown lubberly inanimate pabulum nothing colorless lusterless zero prosy elephantine shambling chowderhead lead-footed heavy-footed thick as two short planks

Trái nghĩa của mooney

mooney Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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