Từ đồng nghĩa của languishing

Alternative for languishing

languishes, languished, languishing

Từ trái nghĩa: encourage, inspire,

Tính từ

Lacking in energy, spirit, liveliness or vitality
listless limp spiritless lackadaisical languorous sluggish enervated languid dull droopy tired lethargic indifferent apathetic torpid lazy blah impassive uninterested unenthusiastic weak unconcerned feeble energyless laid-back slow inert inactive weary slothful supine phlegmatic flagging indolent dopey leaden moony passive relaxed unhurried heavy leisurely dreamy lymphatic comatose sleepy snoozy easy nebbish blahs pining sleepyhead infirm idle unenergetic lifeless faint sickly wimpy weakened lukewarm insouciant abstracted passionless bloodless half-hearted pococurante Laodicean shiftless inattentive lax careless somnolent laid back easygoing draggy down slack still slow-moving otiose drowsy lacking in energy sedentary vigourless vacant quiet stagnant dozy quiescent vegetating mopish effete absent neutral bored heedless dormant do-nothing out of it lacking energy bear slumping weakening declining failing falling uncaring offhand aimless slap-happy casual disinterested incurious sentimental romantic faineant laissez-faire slapdash halfhearted daydreaming fainéant easy going spring fever fatigued exhausted wearied worn drained spent lacklustre insipid knackered beat pooped meek colourless irresolute characterless submissive melancholic melancholy dispirited unmoved despondent depressed mopy desiccated dejected low flat spineless unimpassioned wooden dry vapid uninspired anaemic uninspiring dead aweary bushed prostrate done pathetic broken boring blue lackluster cowardly tame disconsolate gutless subdued inanimate downhearted sad drippy indecisive downcast beaten bleary loggy debilitated jaded logy anemic colorless wishy-washy down in the dumps flat tire cast down down in the mouth lacking in vitality worn out wiped out played out tuckered out burnt-out without energy burned-out worn-out all in washed-out tapped out cool unresponsive cold unfeeling unemotional detached dispassionate emotionless perfunctory blasé laggard plodding uninvolved lagging bland tepid insensible unanimated procrastinating ponderous stolid slow-going callous dawdling measured creeping dilatory crawling negligent tardy deliberate snaillike loafing delaying moderate loitering stoical unhappy tortoiselike postponing miserable nonchalant crestfallen muted sorrowful glum low-spirited woebegone morose prosaic moody heartsick heartsore drab work-shy monotonous undemonstrative unexciting tedious uninteresting dreary wearisome unsympathetic gloomy unexcited unimpressed aloof stoic numb impassible gradual distant affectless remiss upset nothing cold-blooded heartless bone idle slow-paced disheartened heavy-hearted slow-footed desolate discouraged tearful fed up distressed unimaginative humdrum disappointed mournful doleful heartbroken pessimistic joyless inconsolable could care less forlorn ineffectual heavyhearted saddened brokenhearted mundane dim troubled cheerless cursory reluctant ineffective desultory commonplace unwilling vanilla coldhearted insensitive dallying good-for-nothing workshy uneager static dismal undistinguished impervious vigorless oppressed unexcitable unenthused uncurious sombre somber unaroused motionless untouched objective inexpressive frigid tranquil ho-hum run-of-the-mill weighed down broken-hearted uncompassionate deadpan unconcerned about dolorous lacking vitality apathetic towards offhand about uninvolved with nonchalant about uninvolved in what the hell couldn't care less hard-hearted demoralized bored by don't give a damn bad unresponsive to lukewarm about unmoved by phlegmatic about unenthusiastic about hurt sullen emotional along for the ride in pain triste bummed out saturnine demoralised bored stiff down in dumps gray anguished turned off aggrieved grey tristful down-hearted comfortless in the dumps sulky being lazy taking your time unconvincing unkind anaesthetic anesthetic lame weakly sleeping selfish hardhearted bovine placid yielding meager paltry unperturbed superficial stiff unlively acquiescent servile pliant docile lustreless slumberous soporous soporose unflappable unimpressible carefree disimpassioned meagre stagnating desensitized groggy damp hollow lumpish desensitised dying moribund peaceful unoccupied fruitless futile worthless drony resting mechanical expressionless pointless two-dimensional sedate gentle steady not enthusiastic not caring sluggardly unrushed laboured tortoise-like comfortable undemanding pabulum lusterless zero prosy wistful dragging leaden-footed snail-paced snail-like dillydallying pokey poking poky languished out of sorts dysphoric bowed down teary in tears bereaved weepy lugubrious down in mouth in grief hapless regretful in doldrums crabby black bitter negative sick at heart pensive grief-stricken morbid grieved flaccid laggy lollygagging late behindhand labored imperceptible milk-and-water namby-pamby impartial unbiased equitable non-committal weak-kneed wet limp-wristed crummy destroyed cast-down down and out agonised rueful elegiac in the pits agonized funereal elegiacal uneasy unambitious unmotivated casual about nonpartisan apathetic about regardless uncaring about unprejudiced heedless of uninterested in frivolous about evenhanded candid just reckless about dismissive of mindless of unimpressed by regardless of equal fair careless of cavalier about square oblivious to controlled calm ennuied wimpish soft nerveless frail invertebrate weakling insentient insensate defunct extinct weary of nonaligned self-controlled clinical restrained impersonal inorganic mineral unsocial diffident supercilious highbrow scornful not giving a monkey's silent haughty uncommunicative superior jejune reserved level-headed businesslike cool-headed collected hard-headed low in spirits non-organic soulless exanimate rational unagitated unsentimental unruffled sober serene brassed off bored to death bored rigid wavering flavourless watered-down flavorless vacillating sick and tired bored to tears mediocre sapless browned-off wretched complacent hopeless remote equable unimpressionable composed abiotic dismayed despairing choked thick-skinned chill obdurate reticent marble hard-boiled glacial poker-faced woeful sorry defeatist daunted hangdog nonvegetable without life nonanimal not alive deceased inoperative nonliving azoic chap-fallen going through motions aloof from indifferent to detached from incurious about distant from in low spirits in despair dragged as sick as a parrot brooding chapfallen down-in-the-mouth mopey singing the blues sunk sick as a parrot shot down going with the flow rolling with the punches cool, calm and collected

Tính từ

In poor health
ailing ill poorly sick unwell indisposed weak sickly debilitated infirm diseased suffering bad crook delicate down dying feeble invalid peaked peaky punk run-down sickened unhealthy unsound valetudinarian not well below par enfeebled laid up rocky unfit wasting in bad health in poor health off colour down with feeling awful run down under the weather sick as a dog bedridden frail out of sorts queasy not oneself nauseous liverish funny lousy seedy under par crummy peculiar not very well wabbit rough ropy grotty queer not in good shape infected off-color rotten off not up to par nauseated afflicted not up to snuff on the sick list in a bad way green about the gills out of action laid low impaired laid-up disordered off-colour rickety confined washed out feverish incapacitated mean like death warmed up disabled weakly hospitalized incurable invalided pale qualmish iffy groggy broken down under medication sickish confined to bed puny out of commission hospitalised out of shape bummed awful terrible woozy out of condition at death's door declining tottering imperfect defective wobbly injured not so hot pallid housebound sickly-looking drawn emaciated low immobilized thin anaemic grim bilious ill-looking dragging wretched immobilised squeamish haggard anemic feeling rotten on sick list decrepit not a hundred percent in poor shape in poor condition flabby green slightly unwell fatigued tired rundown failing unwholesome unstable valetudinary handicapped not yourself contaminated tainted septic blighted off one's feed in bed ill in bed hipped splenetic hippish miserable pasty pasty-faced drained peccant abnormal in pain strange ashen whey-faced gray colourless bloodless ashy grey ashen-faced hors de combat the worse for wear not feeling well corpse-like cadaverous sallow sick as a parrot infectious barfy got a bug achy hypochondriacal wan pinched green around the gills deathly pale shaky lacklustre cranky chronically ill always ill faint lackluster pining often ill laid-low dreadful not healthy etiolated peelie-wally peakish peely-wally in ill health in a decline in bad shape bedfast paralyzed bedbound prostrate paralysed as white as a ghost as white as a sheet colorless flat on your back flat on one's back queerish queazy running temperature a wreck got the bug feeling terrible off one's feet waxen white chalky deathlike milky chalk-white blanched sapped ghostly deathly dizzy giddy livid lymphatic bleached whitish jaundiced lightheaded washed-out waxy tired-looking light-headed ghastly white as a sheet doughy lurid dull paled mealy wheyfaced enervated white-faced listless white as a ghost exhausted leaden fair spectral languid insipid unhealthy-looking light-coloured ghostlike pukish faded light-colored looking as if one has seen a ghost not up to the mark horrible yellowish ugly ropey unsightly weary worn-out characterless qualmy reeling jaundiced-looking uneasy pearly light wasted watery yellow muddy greenish-yellow off form discoloured gaunt anaemic-looking forceless depressed worn discolored ineffectual ineffective knackered seasick carsick trainsick airsick travel-sick uncomfortable upset worn out not feeling up to snuff uncertain restless dubious unsettling troubling odd suffering from motion sickness concerned unsettled doubtful fidgety suffering from altitude sickness alabaster creamy ivory cream green around gills waxlike milk-white fair-skinned light-skinned

Tính từ

Having or showing a yearning desire
longing yearning craving hungry pining anxious avid desirous eager wishful wistful ardent burning hankering thirsty covetous hopeful ravenous hungering thirsting aching keen impatient raring enthusiastic agog voracious solicitous excited dying athirst enthused greedy crazy gung ho antsy pumped hot wild itching stoked geeked hopped-up juiced desiring hepped up nuts ambitious willing zealous intent appetent great fervent wishing ready champing at the bit bursting desperate interested vehement passionate restless gagging ready and willing keen as mustard fervid wholehearted thrilled restive mad keen breathless inclined itchy hoping motivated hot to trot wanting earnest dedicated raring to go acquisitive committed devoted fanatical psyched amenable disposed bright-eyed and bushy-tailed intent on dying to rarin' to go determined exhilarated game chomping at the bit exuberant animated desirous of ebullient warmblooded spirited driven lively heated obsessed self-starting assiduous engaged glad happy diligent hung up aspiring lustful as keen as mustard ripe psyched up in want of hankering after itching for waiting with bated breath dying for in a hurry needing striving impassioned aspirant wannabe would-be perfervid industrious gasping edgy intense enamoured conscientious expectant impetuous restored refreshed revitalized chafing straining very keen lusting prepared feverish longful daydreaming fierce zestful revitalised spoiling up inquisitive set enamored atremble aquiver full of enthusiasm fain active habitual warm unreluctant diehard hearty bone-dry cottonmouthed sapless juiceless lacking straining at the leash minded chafing at the bit longing for hoping for urgently requiring consumed with desire favourably inclined set on bent on on tenterhooks spoiling for keen on up for in the mood on for of a mind pysched up partial to crazy for wild for anxious for yearning for eager for ambitious for insatiable on pins and needles dry as dust predatious gluttonous crying out in great need of ready for willing for avid for edacious hoggish rapacious ravening piggish unsatisfied hungered intemperate swinish esurient unfilled insatiate on the edge of one's seat aspiring towards prehensile amorous keen for hopeful for grasping stimulated envious up for it joyful delighted with an appetite covetous of lusting after with a yen in need of elated buoyant joyous jovial thirsty for craving for greedy for ravening for wishing for hungry for rhapsodic encouraged excitable enlivened euphoric enraptured ecstatic overjoyed in urgent need turned on aspiring to inspired electrified jolly roused exultant giddy piqued peppy elevated tickled tickled pink awakened sparky on cloud nine intoxicated full of beans blissful jubilant moved tumultuous alive aflame beside oneself cock-a-hoop vivacious sprightly pleased animate energetic titillated high-spirited keyed up

Tính từ

Excessively sentimental or emotional
tear-jerking sloppy corny soppy mushy mawkish schmaltzy touching saccharine sugary slushy maudlin romantic sappy syrupy weepy overemotional gushing pathetic tearful bathetic nostalgic tender gushy simpering soapy soft effusive dreamy softhearted sweet affected idealistic impressionable overacted sobby demonstrative passionate vapid inane insipid jejune silly affectionate loving moonstruck rosewater visionary lovey-dovey dewy-eyed cloying sentimental drippy gooey spoony sticky spooney chocolate-box novelettish wet fruity sugarcoated soupy icky over-sentimental sickly sugar-coated hearts-and-flowers twee cutesy sloshy treacly cheesy toe-curling sick-making cornball hokey three-hanky emotional Mills-and-Boon three-hankie soft-hearted fulsome enthusiastic ebullient rhapsodic excessive extravagant exuberant expansive hagiographical overdone unreserved unrestrained lyrical adulatory unctuous lavish oleaginous hagiographic overenthusiastic OTT over-enthusiastic over-effusive laid on with a trowel over the top hyped up oily nauseating sickening moving poignant trite lachrymose affecting oversweet honeyed banal sickly-sweet emotive oversentimental sickly sweet heart-rending cute stirring tacky tragic melodramatic disturbing sad kitschy heart-warming feeble evocative heartbreaking teary impressive romanticized plaintive impactful heartrending precious self-pitying pretty fatuous romanticised pretty-pretty hacky sensitive exciting thrilling affective melting impassioned bromidic wistful poetic harrowing kitsch cornpone schlocky choking campy misty-eyed ingratiating candied piteous pitiful upsetting saddening pitiable goo-goo dime-store expressive corn-fed over-emotional histrionic warmed-over gentle disgusting over-the-top too much quaint bijou cloyingly sweet melancholy depressing dainty attractive picturesque soft-focus namby-pamby controversial dismal blubbery glib hammy voluble bitter painful distressing inflammatory contentious delicate down memory lane powerful sorrowful old-fashioned shopworn hackneyed stale commonplace dull uplifting dramatic soul-stirring haunting touchy miserable mournful wretched intense visceral perceptual noncognitive feeling intuitive warming agonizing gut-wrenching awkward hot-button difficult problematic uninhibited agonising agitating perturbing tragicomic affectional heartwarming stunning compassionate mind-blowing sympathetic responsive tactual tactile touchy-feely bittersweet old hat sweet-and-sour with a sting in the tail with mixed emotions

Tính từ

Of or relating to love, especially sexual love
amatory amorous erotic sexual sexy steamy aphrodisiac libidinous passionate romantic sensual aphrodisiacal ardent erogenous erotical erotogenic hot-blooded torrid admiring attracted devoted doting fervent fond lascivious lovesick loving naughty randy rapturous sentimental tender wooing yearning lustful impassioned hot amative enamored enamoured raunchy intimate infatuated horny lovey-dovey hot and heavy kissy carnal aroused love arousing affectionate stimulating warm stimulated turned-on desirous suggestive racy exciting sultry provocative titillating concupiscent smoochy spoony lovesome spicy prurient sportive juicy adult saucy gamy fruity turned on lecherous sex-hungry heavy lickerish excited frisky titillated idolatrous illicit adulterous squirrelly mushy icky corny colourful maudlin colorful sloppy private sexually excited wistful wanton scorching touchy-feely coital lewd bawdy earthy ribald unrestrained uninhibited fervid indulgent anacreontic brotherly overindulgent sisterly licentious salacious fornicatory sexed up sexually explicit lubricious of the flesh pornographic dirty purple popper turn-on venereal wampole goo-goo in love attached Spanish fly love drug girl crazy sweet on sweet for boy crazy lovey dovey tantalizing seductive have a crush on ravishing alluring bootylicious voluptuous beddable lush foxy risqué skin provoking mature tantalising kissable cuddly sensuous vulgar indecent obscene crude smutty blue X-rated filthy coarse rude gross porny offensive impure improper nasty indelicate profane foul trashy gutter unprintable stag locker-room off-color fleshly porn porno off colour Rabelaisian near the knuckle hard-core raw rough soft-core immoral scatological scatologic cheap bodily unchaste epicurean corporeal low tasteless sleazy foul-mouthed indecorous animal scurrilous rank physical near the bone close to the bone depraved taboo debauched broad crass sordid uncouth corrupting blasphemous unseemly exploitative abusive come-hither libertine nudge-nudge orgiastic off-colour lusty desirable wicked sensualistic boorish ruttish rousing somatic material corporal salty off explicit loose tactless full-frontal gamey ithyphallic Cyprian Fescennine in bad taste off-colored ignorant awkward unsophisticated tacky inelegant grody blunt kinky venereous fast evil-minded incontinent low-down genital XXX distasteful obnoxious grown up sexually arousing sexually stimulating unrightful ungodly unjust unrighteous unconventional wrongful unequitable malodorous reprehensible vile sybaritic luscious luxurious hedonistic sexually exciting lowbrow lowbred raffish appetitive unspiritual voluptuary Dionysiac roughneck rugged bad debased bad-mannered dishonourable odious dishonorable sneaking contemptible malicious disgusting slippery villainous base inappropriate discourteous repulsive outlandish unworthy fractious animalistic moving stirring tactile delightful physically gratifying hedonic sharpened pleasing sensory rough-hewn in the gutter low-minded fleshy degenerate dissolute dissipated unwholesome immodest voyeuristic hankering longing unhealthy itching

Danh từ

The expression of sorrow for someone's death
mourning grief grieving lamentation keening sorrowing weeping lament sadness sorrow wailing anguish bereavement despair heartache melancholy misery desolation despondency dole shiva woe woefulness aching blackness crying darkness lamenting moaning pining repining distress unhappiness dejection wretchedness gloom mournfulness depression blues agony pain gloominess heartbreak disconsolateness suffering sorrowfulness dolor torment malaise affliction regret dolefulness bewailing downheartedness glumness dispiritedness cheerlessness worry heartsickness mopes disappointment low spirits infelicity rue vexation cry sob howl torture howling sobbing angst desperation disconsolation broken-heartedness bitterness forlornness joylessness the blues miserableness despondence moodiness doldrums dreariness discouragement oppression dumps funk despond heavy-heartedness mental suffering heaviness of heart heavy heart sniveling bawling blue devils blubbering whimpering weep tears bawl snivel blubber trauma dolour grievance disquiet discomfort tribulation hurt snivelling dissatisfaction shedding tears sorriness bemoaning melancholia chagrin moroseness pessimism hopelessness listlessness misgiving dismalness dismals pensiveness broken heart blahs blue funk plaint yowl tear remorse upset mortification anxiety dismay shock bleakness dysphoria uneasiness emotional suffering defeatism anhedonia catatonia foreboding weariness saturninity dullness morbidity heaviness horror discord agitation ache wrench qualm scruple devastation unrest disquietude stress worriment irritation turmoil strife lugubriousness negativity mirthlessness Weltschmerz down embarrassment strain tumult mopery loss repentance slough of despond blubbing greeting greet outcry deprivation extreme upset moan demoralization sullenness disheartenment fit of crying tearing up crying fit somberness desperateness mope dourness sulks privation dispossession death demoralisation mulligrubs mubblefubbles ululation wail the hump the dismals low-spiritedness being bummed blue Johnnies the mopes tearfulness dejectedness sobs letdown misfortune martyrdom travail straits poignancy complaint dirge keen groan discontent discontentment downcastness lowness displeasure abasement abjection abjectness a low the dumps heavyheartedness trouble trial hardship purgatory deploring care adversity difficulty burden problem ordeal hassle tragedy blow disaster calamity misadventure mishap excruciation pang catastrophe headache bad luck bummer rack bother inconvenience reverse injury cross harm ruin curse ruination concern albatross ill fortune mischance bane bad news annoyance setback accident travails drag throe passion hard time failure cross to bear hurting stroke of bad luck damage destruction cataclysm downer unpleasantness visitation ill vicissitude rigor rigour nuisance upheaval poverty perturbation struggle crucible nightmare nervousness persecution dire straits destitution defeat bale hot water hard times fear reversal collapse megrim debacle scourge hazard rotten luck painfulness issue undoing unease disturbance casualty ill luck pressure cynicism dilemma hell hindrance pangs perplexity danger doom downfall pest load sweat twinge calvary want affront detriment apprehensiveness need austerity plague gauntlet penury traumatization derangement fiasco whammy shame labour beggary gantlet fire hell on earth lack confusion exigency complication holocaust alarm scrape hitch labor knock rainy day hard luck apocalypse harassment blight resignedness severe test trying time end contretemps mishanter perdition emergency tough luck tough break hard knocks stroke reverse of fortune wreck abyss slip crash the worst bad experience subversion awfulness throes bind deep trouble mess predicament disagreeableness nastiness wronging ruth wrong mischief stew unconsolability disadvantage harsh conditions evil distraction test jolt resignation rain millstone bad break double whammy hard knock malice comedown drama disease dark night of the soul cruelty disorder dud cumber tedium boredom dolefuls ennui wistfulness dashed hopes big trouble reversal of fortune problems heartbrokenness grievousness sarcasm sickness insult sad event Gehenna murder cost thorn in one's flesh ills down trip slight offence buffet outburst disability tension neediness infirmity condition weakness crux plight stitch squalor impecuniousness impecuniosity shit show farce heavy blow fell stroke rough situation act of God flood stroke of ill luck fall discomposure issues trials asperity hardness toil peril drudgery anvil chorus fatigue meltdown task tenseness financial distress uphill battle trials and tribulations Herculean task fluster anger fright row pitfall indigence crisis shake-up disruption surprise disarray effort work puzzle difficulties offense wound reversion dislocation commotion queasiness hang-up impoverishment third degree going-over grilling restlessness ferment dread trepidation exertion pains check pickle jam crunch pinch tizzy turn-up lapse responsibility alluvion havoc culmination finale car crash upshot curtains waterloo termination infliction fatality denouement nervous tension overextension distention heat intensity mistrust flutter urgency fearfulness nervosity anxiousness apprehension concernment agita thought sense of loss expectancy impatience fuss burdens fatalism doubt distrust hold-up one in the eye body blow kick in the teeth holy mess unholy mess ticklish spot expenditure dyspepsia nihilism negative thinking suspicion ill-luck ill-fortune can of worms irk irritant thorn bugbear peeve frustration rub aggravation botheration exasperation aggro ruffle bad time ado attention overthrow doom and gloom expecting the worst while flurry bustle snag hair shirt looking on the black side gloomy outlook dim view dark side expectation of worst lack of hope elbow grease unseating deposition ousting vanquishing conquest toppling overturn elimination debasement annihilation disgrace humiliation nemesis Waterloo labefaction trip destroyer miscalculation omission last straw loss of power stumble misstep bad omen flaw smash faux pas fumble final straw error blunder fault

Động từ

Present participle for to deplete, or be depleted, in physical strength or energy
fading flagging weakening declining decaying wilting withering failing sinking deteriorating drooping dwindling diminishing sagging ebbing lagging emaciating going rotting wasting moldering mouldering sickening fainting pining tuckering hungering longing hankering yearning ailing brooding desponding teetering going downhill wasting away growing weak withering away fading away fizzling out going to pieces knocking out fagging out going into a decline conking out going soft dying on vine waning degenerating crumbling atrophying lessening slumping dropping worsening retrograding regressing collapsing devolving faltering disimproving slipping tiring falling going down the toilet depreciating disintegrating breaking down melting away going to pot shrivelling shriveling hanging shrinking decreasing perishing spoiling degrading retrogressing sliding debasing debilitating disappearing dying lowering descending lapsing getting worse becoming worse wearing away falling off going to rack and ruin going to the dogs hitting the skids abating lolling swagging becoming dilapidated subsiding vitiating evaporating falling into decay receding stagnating petering out tapering off depressing going to seed shriveling up contracting wizening succumbing palling impairing falling apart becoming limp drying up going backwards growing worse going bad losing strength breaking up losing quality going down the tubes running to seed becoming emaciated eroding ebbing away nosediving thinning slackening backsliding wearying dying away peaking dying down dying out dying off melting growing tired mummifying becoming fatigued losing energy growing weary growing less becoming moribund having one foot in the grave drying pining away losing courage undermining breaking adulterating marring alloying injuring going to the pack losing it corroding skidding giving out caving in turning depraving debauching demoralising perverting warping staining demoralizing bending dangling desiccating bowing flopping deflating blighting aging folding blasting constricting ageing stooping hanging down becoming marcescent becoming stale draping slouching settling lopping slinging suspending leaning falling down trailing off letting up easing up becoming flaccid losing growing faint giving way growing dim relapsing limping impoverishing trembling crippling tottering halting minimizing tailing off relaxing minimising wearing out letting down tiring out wearing off thinning out losing spirit slowing down growing weaker putrefying dilapidating becoming debilitated going into decline falling to pieces falling apart at the seams

Động từ

Present participle for to desire or pine for someone or something

Động từ

Present participle for live or spend a period of time in a dull, inactive, unchallenging way
vegetating idling loafing stagnating lazing lounging lolling moldering mouldering slouching degenerating deteriorating doing nothing existing lazing about lazing around lounging about loafing about loafing around lolling about lolling around lollygagging lounging around slouching about slouching around slummocking decaying hanging about hanging around hanging round hibernating mooching about mooching around vegging out weakening batting about batting around bumming around going to seed killing time passing time sitting around going to pot twiddling your thumbs dallying slacking whiling dawdling frittering pottering chillin bumming skiving chilling dillydallying lazying droning loitering bludging footling hanging out sitting back kicking back fooling around whiling away taking it easy marking time wasting time goofing off fannying about sitting back and do nothing kicking around kicking your heels frittering away slowing down hacking around kicking one's heels bobbing off relaxing dossing frittering away time chilling out messing around doing nothing in particular idling away time idling away the hours sitting on one's hands filling in time consuming time whiling away the time passing the time amusing oneself shirking neglecting flagging dodging slacking off bunking off lying unwinding daydreaming vegging trifling malingering stalling basking goldbricking lying about lying around twiddling thumbs whiling away the hours standing around fooling away knocking around piddling around piddling about whiling away hours not lifting a finger

Động từ

Present participle for to have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from

Động từ

Present participle for to sleep for longer than planned

Động từ

Present participle for to experience sudden and severe fatigue, especially in endurance sports
bonking fatiguing exhausting draining knackering shattering debilitating depleting enervating overtiring busting killing pooping succumbing bushing fizzling flagging frazzling whacking hitting the wall tiring out knocking out wearing out conking out doing in shagging out tuckering out draining of energy fagging out petering out pooping out wearing down wearing to a frazzle taking it out of wearying tiring prostrating weakening wearing jading sinking disabling drooping bedraggling dropping sagging tuckering washing out taxing overtaxing breaking harassing outwearing making sleepy making weary doing up wearing on taking boring sapping enfeebling devitalizing incapacitating crippling etiolating wasting softening overworking immobilizing paralysing undermining paralyzing laying low immobilising indisposing torpefying making weak making feeble straining overexerting overextending overfatiguing overdoing impairing running ragged putting out of action handicapping defeating drawing bankrupting unnerving failing paining reducing emasculating attenuating blunting taking it out of one sucking dry making tired eviscerating growing weary rendering infirm beating using up impoverishing exasperating diminishing unhinging burdening plaguing vitiating drowsing folding overburdening collapsing fainting wilting overstraining ennuying disempowering oppressing weighing fading glutting rooting disembowelling exenterating destroying disemboweling nearly killing wiping out getting the better of going stale giving out causing ennui growing tired sapping your strength putting to sleep wearing oneself to a shadow running into the ground extenuating hampering encumbering hindering marring injuring hurting harming wearing oneself to a frazzle losing interest unstrengthening confining to a wheelchair confining to bed running out of steam stressing out getting tired becoming drained becoming exhausted breaking down running down felling flooring levelling leveling downing hamstringing ruining disarming depressing wrecking overthrowing mowing knocking down knocking over mowing down bowling over bowling down making powerless making helpless making impotent bringing someone to their knees bringing low

Động từ

Present participle for to lose energy or become fatigued

Từ trái nghĩa của languishing

languishing Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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