Đồng nghĩa của longing

Alternative for longing


Đồng nghĩa: hungriness, yearning,

longs, longed, longing, longer, longest

Đồng nghĩa: extensive, far-reaching, lengthy,

Tính từ

Having or showing a yearning desire
yearning craving hungry pining anxious avid desirous eager wishful wistful ardent burning hankering languishing thirsty covetous hopeful ravenous keen impatient raring enthusiastic agog voracious solicitous excited dying athirst enthused greedy crazy gung ho antsy pumped hot wild itching stoked geeked hopped-up juiced desiring hepped up nuts ambitious willing zealous intent appetent great fervent aching wishing ready thirsting champing at the bit bursting desperate interested vehement passionate restless gagging ready and willing keen as mustard fervid wholehearted thrilled restive mad keen breathless inclined itchy hoping motivated hot to trot wanting earnest dedicated raring to go acquisitive committed devoted fanatical psyched amenable disposed bright-eyed and bushy-tailed intent on dying to rarin' to go determined exhilarated game chomping at the bit exuberant animated desirous of ebullient warmblooded spirited driven lively heated obsessed self-starting assiduous engaged glad happy diligent hung up aspiring lustful as keen as mustard ripe psyched up in want of hankering after hungering itching for waiting with bated breath dying for in a hurry needing striving impassioned aspirant wannabe would-be perfervid industrious gasping edgy intense enamoured conscientious expectant impetuous restored refreshed revitalized chafing straining very keen lusting prepared feverish longful daydreaming fierce zestful revitalised spoiling up inquisitive set enamored atremble aquiver full of enthusiasm fain active habitual warm unreluctant diehard hearty bone-dry cottonmouthed sapless juiceless lacking straining at the leash minded chafing at the bit longing for hoping for urgently requiring consumed with desire favourably inclined set on bent on on tenterhooks spoiling for keen on up for in the mood on for of a mind pysched up partial to crazy for wild for anxious for yearning for eager for ambitious for insatiable on pins and needles dry as dust predatious gluttonous crying out in great need of ready for willing for avid for edacious hoggish rapacious ravening piggish unsatisfied hungered intemperate swinish esurient unfilled insatiate on the edge of one's seat aspiring towards prehensile amorous keen for hopeful for grasping stimulated envious up for it joyful delighted with an appetite covetous of lusting after with a yen in need of elated buoyant joyous jovial thirsty for craving for greedy for ravening for wishing for hungry for rhapsodic encouraged excitable enlivened euphoric enraptured ecstatic overjoyed in urgent need turned on aspiring to inspired electrified jolly roused exultant giddy piqued peppy elevated tickled tickled pink awakened sparky on cloud nine intoxicated full of beans blissful jubilant moved tumultuous alive aflame beside oneself cock-a-hoop vivacious sprightly pleased animate energetic titillated high-spirited keyed up pushy vigorous ruthless go-getting hard-driving aggressive assertive enterprising purposeful militant forceful fired up single-minded goal-oriented self-assertive self-driven resolute stirred aroused tenacious unwavering dogged steadfast persistent uncompromising indefatigable obstinate untiring staunch unflagging progressive pioneering strong-willed worked up self-asserting bent upon self-seeking eager beaver power-loving get up and go high-reaching on fire power-hungry mad potty bent nutty resolved persevering strong stalwart unyielding unbending mettlesome bold steely daft undaunted unshakeable unfaltering plucky obdurate undeviating pertinacious cutthroat unrelenting unflinching stubborn adventurous charged high bloodthirsty competitive dynamic feisty gladiatorial insistent scrappy can-do warlike strong-minded gone on dead set like a ball of fire on the make go-ahead hell-bent juiced up cranked up pumped up full of determination having killer instinct geared up desiring success approving touched atingle curious avaricious enthralled upwardly mobile rabid gotta have fiery fascinated passional all agog all a-gog wacky concerned tantalized afire unqualified frantic frenzied hysterical raving uproarious delirious dotty nutso infatuated with devoted to enamoured of hot for smitten with in suspense tantalised bugged zesty gaga untrammeled untrammelled unrestrained proactive bullish banzai turnt red-hot consumed compelled in a frenzy in love with enamored of very keen on hooked on unbendable unshaken possessed immovable firm obsessive unshakable fixed take-charge very excited jumping up and down combative extremely enthusiastic galvanized adamant serious monomaniacal impelled indomitable gutsy emulous contentious confident relentless tireless unremitting fixated compulsive obsessional unhesitating induced rigid decisive sustained rigorous sedulous steady ferocious vying impulsive besetting pushed steered galvanised guided unabated stringent assured driving competing defiant brutal bullheaded pushing warring carnivorous opposing antagonistic oppositional hang-tough self-willed full-blooded intensely competitive iron-willed high-pressure go for broke in-your-face self-assured fiercely competitive bound and determined stop at nothing self-possessed self-confident cut-throat dog-eat-dog urged on spoiling for a fight two-fisted on the warpath ready for action thrusting

Tính từ

Having or encouraging an excessive interest in lustful matters
prurient lewd lascivious salacious licentious lustful indecent obscene dirty lecherous smutty raunchy vulgar libidinous bawdy crude pornographic lubricious degenerate concupiscent sensual depraved erotic suggestive unchaste debauched dissolute carnal horny offensive hot titillating dissipated unwholesome immodest steamy libertine sexual desirous fleshly voyeuristic hankering unhealthy itching orgiastic X-rated wanton randy impure goatish immoral passionate satyric lickerish loose lubricous hypersexual itchy corrupt perverted sinful decadent sexy naughty promiscuous wicked intemperate coarse fast amorous abandoned degraded voluptuous reprobate warped ribald debased profligate rakish pervy venereal sick perverse demoralized filthy rakehell jackleg rakehelly sordid aroused unclean demoralised animal ardent gross amatory racy ruttish aphrodisiac vile bestial incontinent unprincipled unrestrained aphrodisiacal base hot-blooded low disgusting stimulated evil bodily physical wolfish bad sensuous shameless excited dirty-minded hircine erogenous vicious voluptuary corrupted erotogenic lusty spicy loving iniquitous brutal criminal unconstrained swinging scungy hot to trot kinky earthy sultry purple venereous fast and loose in the fast lane turned on romantic turned-on profaned blue dishonourable sullied desecrated sex-hungry of easy virtue corporeal low-down uncleanly fallen somatic material corporal uncontrollable luscious lush craving uncontrolled heavy evil-minded dishonorable wrongful improper unworthy hot and heavy uncurbed degrading foul genital animalistic profane amoral unruly unmoral lax relaxed scabrous disorderly ghoulish morbid nosy provocative erotical juicy uninhibited hedonistic saucy gamy adult fruity sexually explicit warm wistful scorching red-blooded torrid warm-blooded freethinking sizzling red-hot rousing stimulating explicit obsessive enthusiastic avid deviant hedonic sleazy arousing off-color raw Rabelaisian fervid frisky impassioned titillated vitiated wayward riotous toey inflamed foxy anacreontic indulgent defiled louche nefarious flagitous raffish twisted wild unvirtuous squirrelly desiring miscreant unnatural sicko sybaritic villainous mean sexually arousing sexually stimulating violated easy rotten drunken deteriorated open sexually aroused in heat sexed up hard up on fire toey as a Roman sandal hot and bothered sexually exciting fast-living self-indulgent pleasure-seeking high living night owl lacking restraint in the gutter gone bad gone to the dogs infamous disreputable nasty despicable reprehensible unrefined disgraceful contemptible unscrupulous discreditable whorish shady impious contaminated ignominious not pure unsavoury shameful monstrous ignoble heinous unsavory flagitious scurvy trashy porny stag gutter unprintable rude tainted flirtatious locker-room dishonest scandalous atrocious wrong unrighteous ungodly shabby notorious rough shocking outrageous light crooked vice-ridden dodgy abject blameworthy rascally diabolical dastardly opprobrious inglorious shy unrespectable shoddy knavish unblushing scurrilous hardened incorrigible grubby hard-core soft-core irreligious unholy blasphemous roguish epicurean roundheeled careless scoundrelly unregenerate abased degenerated imprudent heedless unethical dishonoured irresponsible inconstant boorish baneful deleterious dishonored retrogressive demeaned retrograde sinking flatitious failing luxurious no better than one should be out of control appetitive Dionysiac unspiritual unconscionable fraudulent unfair underhand morally wrong devious untrustworthy moving stirring exciting tactile sensory delightful physically gratifying sharpened pleasing wretched petty craven seedy suspect questionable cutthroat Machiavellian black unlawful dark of bad reputation dubious suspicious seamy slippery execrable snide unchivalrous currish detestable low-minded paltry deplorable saturnalian unjust graceless fishy shifty appalling not cricket uncharitable in low esteem pitiable in the doghouse beggarly sorry cheap lowly no good derogatory in bad abominable savage immoderate poor peasant ordinary reproachful servile modest menial simple plain loathsome unspeakable odious hellbent hateful indefensible inexcusable unforgivable cruel ferocious gone to seed egregious unbecoming violent dangerous flagrant fiendish barbarous heartless sadistic inhuman barbaric callous fierce ruthless cold-blooded remorseless brutish merciless harsh bloody bloodthirsty awful murderous inhumane terrible butcherly fell brute truculent dreadful homicidal grim worthless sanguinary abhorrent beastly faulty untamed putrid insubordinate

Tính từ

Hoping to become
aspiring ambitious aspirant budding eager hopeful intending optimistic potential striving wannabe wishful would-be determined enterprising future go-getting keen likely possible prospective committed driven energetic enthusiastic go-ahead hard-driving motivated pioneering progressive pushing self-seeking zealous endeavoring endeavouring expectant impassioned purposeful eager beaver on the make so-called promising dormant professed self-appointed undeveloped unfulfilled self-styled latent soi-disant quasi- unrealized embryonic hungry industrious pushy assertive goal-oriented self-starting earnest ardent spirited forceful single-minded self-driven intent avid resolute desirous power-hungry thirsty inspired fierce active dogged tenacious unwavering untiring vigorous ruthless militant high-reaching aggressive self-assertive dedicated steadfast persistent uncompromising indefatigable obstinate staunch unflagging unyielding thrusting bent upon power-loving strong-willed self-asserting get up and go full of determination adventurous bent resolved persevering obsessed strong stalwart diligent unbending mettlesome fanatical steely assiduous undaunted plucky bold upwardly mobile unshakeable unfaltering obdurate undeviating pertinacious unrelenting unflinching stubborn strong-minded desiring success dead set hell-bent like a ball of fire materialistic self-improving career-focused fledgling developing conscientious probable devoted hardworking aspirational hypothetical career-minded compelled consumed firm obsessive set unshakable fixed unbendable unshaken possessed immovable galvanized adamant serious monomaniacal indomitable gutsy impelled could-be fixated insistent compulsive obsessional unhesitating induced impulsive guided besetting pushed steered galvanised urged on competitive dynamic unremitting confident relentless tireless sedulous rigid steady cutthroat decisive sustained feisty rigorous ferocious unabated bloodthirsty stringent assured gladiatorial defiant brutal scrappy warlike bullheaded gung ho hang-tough self-willed bound and determined full-blooded intensely competitive stop at nothing iron-willed high-pressure having killer instinct go for broke self-possessed self-confident in-your-face cut-throat self-assured dog-eat-dog can-do fiercely competitive

Danh từ

A yearning desire
hunger craving desire urge yearning itch thirst ache burning hankering pining wish yen lust aspiration hope ambition appetency appetite covetousness drive eagerness fancy hungering jones letch need passion thirstiness zeal coveting dream want fire in the belly inclination greed avidity enthusiasm liking penchant keenness avidness propensity impulse ardor weakness ardour appetence greediness proclivity love fervour relish impatience aim taste fervor partiality predilection excitement desirousness goal compulsion fondness appetition preference motivation bent disposition intention voracity leaning tendency purpose thing predisposition stomach zest cupidity whim intent soft spot bias will avarice determination acquisitiveness graspingness resolve rapacity mind objective willingness mercenariness rapaciousness obsession gusto plan avariciousness affection affinity favour favor pursuit demand pretension attraction druthers instinct design like palate devotion shine addiction use earnestness interest necessity motive love affair target commitment object endeavor materialism thought infatuation dedication fervency resolution endeavour direction lustfulness prurience proneness vision mission idea end tooth fire in belly holy grail attachment bourne feeling cacoethes push velleity raison d'être object of desire Holy Grail desired result munchies initiative notion caprice requirement intentness turn impetus yearn anxiety voraciousness aptitude ardency whimsy passionateness daydream devices habitude bone genius possessiveness appreciation aphrodisia fixation alacrity vagary preoccupation libido readiness requisite concupiscence big eyes temptation ambitiousness ideal zing scheme calling eroticism lasciviousness humour vocation libidinousness humor tenacity enjoyment impulsion doggedness spirit destination bourn expectation urgency randiness eros lustihood mark desideratum favoritism eyes for pleasure nympholepsy favouritism sweet tooth temperament will power go-getting faithfulness loyalty hurting craze fascination nostalgia prayer strong desire strong want hungriness estimation panting the munchies restlessness thirsting aridity grail indulgence planning insatiability ravenousness eye wholeheartedness pull wishing intensity hang-up heartiness impetuosity predatoriness money-grubbing selfishness quickness anticipation promptness solicitude anxiousness vehemence liveliness money-grabbing insatiableness grabbiness pleonexia Mammonism sympathy aching vacancy deprivation void mania esurience gluttony zealousness prejudice essential fanaticism food shortage bottomless pit list a stomach for capability aptness idiosyncrasy movement susceptibility groove drift trend type capacity persuasion intense desire extemporisation extemporization hunch actuation flash appeal excitant lash impellent influence cup of tea turn of mind expectancy fantasy suspense needfulness scarcity occasion focus imperative deficit scantiness dearth cry out strong interest call support absence necessitude drought scarceness exigence market exigency itching salaciousness heat ideation enterprise horniness lechery licentiousness excitability haste illusion hastiness rashness hurry carnality lewdness impulsiveness envisagement chimera phantasy phantasm quirk eccentricity delusion imagination contrivance kink striving dynamism ants in pants reverie hallucination fantasm imaginativeness conceit picture envisioning whimsey peculiarity figment inventiveness backbone self-control self-discipline self-restraint fire warmth verve sensuality hots sexuality mirage fabrication romancing chimaera single-mindedness self-mastery spine vigour action pep aggressiveness hustle vitality dash wantonness sexual desire lecherousness raunchiness salacity lech sexual appetite resoluteness purposefulness willpower energy gumption go zip aggression pipe dream sexual passion biological urge sexual longing sex drive pruriency self-command continence self-government restraint self-possession tenaciousness self-containment get-up-and-go vim entrepreneurial spirit moxie self-motivation emulation vigor get up and go right stuff esprit what it takes punch a sense of purpose spunk strength of character stick-to-it-iveness fixity of purpose stickability perseveration Sitzfleisch power sensualism envy the hots animalism fool's paradise castle in the air pie in the sky heart's desire attitude willfulness conviction discipline character staying power decisiveness firmness of purpose guts unreality nonentity megrim freak bee crank vagrancy maggot flight of fancy castle in Spain invention head trip image figment of the imagination visualization crotchet bubble daydreaming visualisation admiration creativity amativeness fad rapture originality foible trip fiction castle in the sky wishful thinking dreaming nightmare impression bee in one's bonnet castles in the air rainbow conception fetish erotism trance inclining mood doting self-deception choice musing make-believe speculation imagining wool-gathering option regard mental picture abstraction engrossment apparition falsehood frenzy fallacy pretence prepossession contemplation mental image twist goodwill mind trip pretense approval kindness blessing commendation esteem friendliness oddity air castle singularity ignis fatuus spectre false impression respect grace inattention specter absent-mindedness pick benevolence approbation imprimatur account inattentiveness wraith selection woolgathering self-absorption obliviousness absorption romance misconception false hope dwam muse way misapprehension brown study semblance self-delusion airy hope misbelief deception conceiving diversion conceptualization golden dream unreal hope perception bag mindset kind regard prospect phantom unrealistic hope myth falsity error conceptualisation flight of imagination eggs in moonshine sham untruth fanciful notion discretion lack of application lack of concentration amorousness understanding good opinion fond hope idée fixe castles in Spain sentiment crush imaginative faculty mistaken impression smoke and mirrors incubus hobby fit sport tilt phantasma tic individualism quiddity trick quip erraticism mannerism curiosity study unrealizable dream sudden notion whim-wham dish imagery production favorite orientation nonsense creation detachment pensiveness meditation castle-building dreaminess openness fantastic notion liking for fable lovingness phantasmagoria utopia weakness for thing for sudden idea delirium snare trait concoction besottedness passing thought cognition imaginative power bogy monstrosity monster will-o'-the-wisp command improvisation power of invention favourite favorite activity aberration misinterpretation sex enamoredness cloud cuckoo land product of someone's imagination adoration captivation creative thought stimulant sexual fixation luck apprehension mind's eye creation of the brain lie misunderstanding pink elephants appearance empty wish fitfulness fickleness changeableness inconstancy misconstruction adulation clutch mental vision mental visualization unreasonable expectation foolish expectation irrational expectation unrealistic expectation mistake vein temper jerk inconsistency rib contrariety caper gag perversity virtual reality fata morgana golden calf fantasizing daydreams oversight lapse out-of-body experience sequence of images folly crochet illusions mistaken idea castle in the skies fond illusion unrealistic goal dreamscape jam tomorrow enchantment care answer contingency fallback put on fool notion sweven optical illusion mistaken belief simulacrum misperception imitation delight avoidance distraction relaxation entertainment escape concept satisfaction solution alternative sexual love escapism fantasising pipe dreams plans hopes having as one's type election happiness contentment delectation gratification contentedness brooding imago ideality go-to false appearance deceptive appearance artifice flights of fancy glee volition play-acting charade pretending misimpression confusion misjudgement misjudgment consideration rationalization rationalisation inkling thinking postulation hypothesis concern deliberation worry reflection conclusion reasoning opinion supposition inspiration fancying stargazing sense seeming mockery sensation liberty content exhilaration spice titillation gladness trace possible course of action absence of mind staring into space blonde moment piquancy smack false belief first choice free choice enjoying loving heart elation bliss flair masquerade in a zone figment of imagination disguise pretentiousness pageant dissimulation story role-playing playacting game fakery fairy tale

Trái nghĩa của longing

longing Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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