Đồng nghĩa của strong desire

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A strong desire for something
thirst hunger appetite craving longing lust passion yearning hankering yen eagerness keenness avidity desire itch appetency ache ardour ardor avidness desirousness drive enthusiasm excitement fancy impatience jones letch love pining thirstiness urge voracity appetence aridity thirsting wish inclination need liking fondness propensity relish fervour zeal weakness greed fervor penchant aspiration predilection proclivity taste ambition want partiality attraction preference hope devotion covetousness bent zest burning impulse leaning dream disposition tendency stomach infatuation predisposition lustfulness favour favor affection bias gusto prurience will greediness concupiscence soft spot appetition eroticism thing craze mania cupidity libido willingness like lasciviousness shine libidinousness interest hungering fascination lechery proneness earnestness love affair palate salacity rapaciousness pruriency ravenousness motive rapture affinity motivation druthers compulsion use attachment amativeness erotism solicitude obsession aim lustihood fervency whim goal frenzy readiness appreciation cup of tea mind tooth salaciousness horniness enjoyment hots demand wholeheartedness intensity intentness munchies ardency lech passionateness commitment doting zing eros determination favoritism favouritism fire in the belly fire in belly addiction cacoethes admiration voraciousness instinct intention anxiety liveliness zealousness alacrity dedication vehemence fanaticism ebullience heat objective daydream intent warmth aptitude turn strong interest aphrodisia impetuosity spirit requirement vigour humour verve big eyes dynamism devices habitude bone genius velleity humor purpose pursuit idea feeling fire vigor pleasure energy impetus eyes for randiness prepossession susceptibility pep sweet tooth dash nympholepsy vim go urgency yearn zip requisite necessity get-up-and-go adoration faithfulness loyalty hungriness estimation nostalgia strong want indulgence wishing hurting eye coveting heartiness bag emptiness quickness anticipation promptness anxiousness the munchies famishment expectancy avarice understanding prayer orientation acquisitiveness graspingness licentiousness fixation suspense liking for belly carnality lewdness vacancy deprivation void esurience gluttony rapacity essential endeavor preoccupation mindset sentiment inclining favourite favorite sympathy excitability haste intense desire endeavour hastiness rashness hurry hang-up impulsion impulsiveness sensuality sexuality mercenariness avariciousness food shortage bottomless pit restlessness ants in pants wantonness sexual desire lecherousness raunchiness sexual appetite a stomach for enterprise assiduity plan insatiability sexual passion biological urge sexual longing sex drive initiative diligence conscientiousness object design holy grail target sensualism envy the hots animalism ambitiousness striving doggedness tenacity action aggressiveness hustle vitality resolution resolve grail mission notion prejudice gumption aggression entrepreneurial spirit will power moxie self-motivation emulation go-getting get up and go right stuff esprit what it takes push punch a sense of purpose spunk raison d'être object of desire Holy Grail desired result needfulness scarcity occasion expectation focus imperative deficit scantiness desideratum dearth cry out call support absence necessitude drought scarceness exigence market exigency list exuberance vivacity vivaciousness capability aptness idiosyncrasy temperament movement groove drift trend type capacity persuasion end pretension bourne whimsy fantasy sap vision conviction brio turn of mind devotedness life oomph emotion fervidness ideation caprice ecstasy exhilaration gaiety mirth fever intenseness illusion thought vagary joyfulness élan glow flare zap activity fieriness flame fury joy envisagement chimera phantasy phantasm quirk eccentricity delusion imagination contrivance kink reverie hallucination fantasm imaginativeness conceit picture envisioning whimsey peculiarity figment inventiveness white heat keen interest red heat mirage fabrication romancing chimaera pipe dream fool's paradise castle in the air pie in the sky animation sparkle bounce pizzazz spiritedness pzazz force effervescence snap hardihood buoyancy high spirits juice ginger elan happiness starch gas beans forcefulness cheerfulness vinegar elation violence sprightliness welly strength panache fizz vibrancy perkiness delight vigorousness brightness feistiness cheeriness stamina potency euphoria power spark optimism fierceness jollity birr thrill high-spiritedness transport vibrance confidence merriment light-heartedness single-mindedness sunniness bliss steam gladness heart gameness ferment lustiness cheer kick delectation agitation satisfaction joyousness jazz zestfulness boldness robustness mettle intoxication perseverance rhapsody radiance tuck jauntiness backbone guts endurance glee cloud nine jubilation joie de vivre hopefulness briskness heaven sincerity fortitude pluck paradise jazziness might bang irrepressibility high virility elatedness breeziness courage swoon bullishness chirpiness gratification flurry peppiness seventh heaven contentment good cheer delirium assertiveness grit joviality inspiration madness application jolliness vividness exaltation effectiveness goodwill sanguineness depth flair persistence blitheness felicity enchantment purposefulness scintillation lightheartedness flamboyance resourcefulness resoluteness contentedness creativity good humor psyche daring dauntlessness resource soul pepper pertness empressement complexion stimulation vital spark life force faith trust calmness idealism easiness sureness encouragement assurance certainty positivism ravishment activeness rage brilliance immoderation exultation transports sanguinity fun momentum colour beatitude obsessiveness amenability bigotry bloom exertion positive attitude color zealotry vehemency committedness effort monomania muscle obligingness bounciness emphasis militancy vim and vigour style rose-colored glasses ingenuity nerve flourish looking on bright side top of the world stimulus firmness good spirits effusiveness extremism devoutness overenthusiasm airiness incentive ferociousness alertness flutter partisanship talent ability thrust impact cleverness dazzle stylishness exuberancy perturbation temper essence morale outlook air willpower mood substance tenor breath character quality stoutheartedness emotionalism content bite peartness balls intrepidity feverishness turmoil bustle self-assurance leadership ferocity frame of mind flap point furor commotion seriousness gayness hot-bloodedness kicks rhapsodies positiveness adventure adventurousness amusement excitation friskiness efficiency efficacy toughness cool carefreeness blithesomeness quick-wittedness merriness native wit festivity gleefulness mirthfulness wildness triumph playfulness a buzz a charge jocularity furore distraction a kick pep talk rejoicing jocundity hilarity level degree sensation forcibleness stick-to-itiveness what-it-takes dispatch preparedness magnitude unction vociferousness light bubbliness swagger warmness insistence forthrightness outspokenness splendour pizazz address richness lustre steadfastness powerfulness virtuosity facility gladsomeness cogency resilience hurrah solemnity piety piousness religiousness wits strength of character strength of mind youthfulness luster sassiness clout flamboyant confidence instigation sense of purpose pertinence constancy tenaciousness pertinacity pertinaciousness decidedness decisiveness spring molliness severity concentration excess bound bob savor savour joys of spring calenture splendor glitz show glimmer agreement consent agreeableness influence operativeness spontaneity resources impellent stuff spell kindness friendliness sedulousness great enthusiasm extremity burning passion anger volatility excitedness love of life firmness of purpose great expectations bright outlook Pollyannaism rosy outlook silver lining affability cordiality fundamentalism radicalism dogmatism activism positivity labour labor industry ado fit hustle and bustle validness punchiness validity incandescence have-a-go attitude cooperation volition compliance charisma elegance kindliness tenderness turn on sweltering heat extreme heat oppressive heat torrid heat tropical heat intense heat high temperature grievousness tension strain engrossment deliberation pace velocity speed stress bravery good humour moroseness communion at-oneness well-being nirvana glory Elysium originality intemperance chauvinism sectarianism ingeniousness amiability wild emotion bottle elan vital snappiness spunkiness stir buzz charge jollies upper up puissance beef sinew ease paroxysm intuition intelligence wit shrewdness cunning perceptiveness geniality warm-heartedness hospitality good-naturedness strong emotion intense feeling abandon intensity of feeling being full of the joys of spring éclat driving power creativeness wisdom brains knack sharpness audacity impressiveness spine benevolence charity welcomingness care charitableness benignity liberality stars in one's eyes extreme happiness risk riskiness peril perilousness danger hazardousness hazard dangerousness hard work ripeness valor blissfulness smartness amity staying power fulfilment jouissance comfort gayety courageousness gutsiness gallantry greatheartedness doughtiness daringness fearlessness heroism intrepidness unrest rampage hysteria uproar flush deliriousness venturesomeness joyance fulfillment prowess virtue stoutness uncertainty precariousness discomposure exciting experience feelings amorousness hospitableness emotions innovativeness fruition sharp-wittedness pecker valour trance great pleasure warm fuzzies great joy transports of delight fluster compassion burning up running a temperature febrile disease the shakes openness stout-heartedness provocation incitement positive thinking spirit of adventure self-reliance tumult intestinal fortitude weakness for thing for entertainment play foolery blast buffoonery fitness festiveness living it up tomfoolery ball panic over-enthusiasm state blessedness stupor health healthiness wholeness silliness foolishness knavery facetiousness jocosity romping gambolling roguishness waggery riot solace grins humorousness levity mischief diversion jesting mischievousness sportiveness clowning funniness gamboling joking comedy laughter nonsense revelry treat jocoseness good time gambol rascality soundness wellness titillation confusion verdure wholesomeness twilight zone healthfulness salubrity state of anxiety fandom salubriousness hardiness haleness willfulness injustice illiberality incorrigibility intolerance stubbornness hatred contumacy arbitrariness abandonment faction unreasonableness unruliness dogma unfairness obstinacy superstition fettle pink prime form constitution eupepsia good condition clean bill fine feather

Trái nghĩa của strong desire

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