Đồng nghĩa của flame

Alternative for flame

flames, flamed, flaming

Đồng nghĩa: blaze, burn,

Danh từ

(figurative) Great passion or enthusiasm (for something)
passion ardor ardour enthusiasm fervor fervour fire eagerness fervency intensity excitement keenness passionateness warmth zeal vehemence zest spirit avidity exuberance zealousness vigor vigour vivacity verve gusto vivaciousness relish energy liveliness avidness interest sap earnestness fanaticism dynamism conviction feeling ebullience ardency motivation wholeheartedness brio willingness devotion oomph lust pep vim commitment life thirst devotedness emotion appetite fervidness desirousness zing intenseness hunger gaiety dash heat fever ecstasy go exhilaration rapture impatience mirth flare get-up-and-go joyfulness impetuosity keen interest zip zap red heat glow activity readiness joy fury fieriness white heat frenzy élan vitality animation drive sparkle bounce pizzazz spiritedness punch pzazz esprit moxie force effervescence snap push hardihood buoyancy high spirits juice ginger elan happiness starch gas initiative beans desire love enterprise forcefulness cheerfulness vinegar elation violence sprightliness welly fondness strength determination dedication panache longing fizz vibrancy enjoyment ambition perkiness spunk delight vigorousness brightness yearning inclination gumption liking pleasure feistiness resolve craving taste hankering cheeriness urge stamina action weakness potency euphoria power aggressiveness spark optimism partiality fancy tenacity yen fierceness jollity birr propensity bliss thrill heart high-spiritedness transport vibrance confidence merriment light-heartedness single-mindedness sunniness resolution doggedness itch steam alacrity gameness disposition will ferment lustiness cheer gladness kick penchant appetency agitation favour favor joyousness delectation stomach greed preference hustle jazz zestfulness boldness satisfaction intentness infatuation robustness proclivity mettle intoxication perseverance rhapsody radiance wish assiduity tuck jauntiness backbone guts heartiness anticipation endurance cloud nine predilection jubilation joie de vivre hopefulness affection briskness glee heaven sincerity pining fortitude pluck paradise greediness jazziness might bang like irrepressibility high shine virility elatedness breeziness courage swoon appreciation bias bullishness chirpiness flurry mania peppiness seventh heaven flair ache good cheer delirium assertiveness grit ambitiousness appetence need joviality inspiration madness application gratification contentment jolliness vividness soft spot humor exaltation effectiveness humour urgency goodwill sanguineness depth persistence voracity blitheness diligence felicity will power enchantment purposefulness craze love affair scintillation imagination impetus inventiveness lightheartedness flamboyance bent resourcefulness resoluteness creativity purpose good humor psyche fire in the belly leaning daring dauntlessness use resource soul capability mind pepper pertness empressement complexion tendency palate contentedness stimulation vital spark life force faith trust calmness idealism easiness sureness expectation encouragement assurance certainty positivism ravishment activeness rage brilliance immoderation aggression impulse exultation transports sanguinity hope fun momentum colour beatitude fascination obsessiveness get up and go amenability jones thirstiness letch bigotry bloom exertion positive attitude color zealotry vehemency committedness effort monomania muscle obligingness bounciness emphasis militancy vim and vigour obsession anxiety style voraciousness rose-colored glasses addiction right stuff ingenuity nerve flourish looking on bright side top of the world stimulus firmness good spirits effusiveness extremism devoutness overenthusiasm excitability conscientiousness airiness incentive hurry ferociousness alertness imaginativeness flutter partisanship talent ability thrust impact appetition cleverness dazzle stylishness exuberancy perturbation temper essence morale outlook air temperament willpower mood substance tenor breath character quality stoutheartedness emotionalism bite aspiration peartness balls intrepidity feverishness motive turmoil bustle tooth self-assurance leadership ferocity striving frame of mind flap prejudice point furor commotion seriousness affinity gayness hot-bloodedness kicks rhapsodies positiveness adventure adventurousness amusement thing attraction movement excitation friskiness efficiency efficacy toughness cool predisposition content carefreeness blithesomeness quick-wittedness self-motivation merriness proneness native wit festivity gleefulness mirthfulness wildness triumph playfulness a buzz a charge go-getting fire in belly jocularity furore distraction a kick pep talk rejoicing jocundity hilarity diversion what it takes adoration aim hungering cupidity covetousness loyalty faithfulness level degree sensation sentiment wishing forcibleness stick-to-itiveness what-it-takes dispatch preparedness magnitude unction hungriness estimation vociferousness light swagger warmness intent bubbliness insistence forthrightness outspokenness anxiousness quickness promptness solicitude demand splendour pizazz intense desire address richness indulgence lustre steadfastness powerfulness virtuosity facility gladsomeness cogency strong interest resilience hurrah solemnity piety piousness religiousness wits strength of character strength of mind youthfulness luster sassiness clout flamboyant confidence instigation sense of purpose pertinence constancy tenaciousness pertinacity pertinaciousness decidedness decisiveness spring molliness severity concentration excess bound bob joys of spring calenture splendor glitz show glimmer agreement consent agreeableness expectancy influence operativeness spontaneity resources impellent stuff kindness friendliness sedulousness strong desire great enthusiasm extremity burning passion anger eye volatility excitedness love of life firmness of purpose suspense great expectations bright outlook Pollyannaism rosy outlook silver lining affability cordiality fundamentalism radicalism dogmatism activism spell thirsting aridity attachment positivity labour labor industry ado fit emulation hustle and bustle validness punchiness validity incandescence have-a-go attitude cooperation volition compliance charisma elegance kindliness tenderness turn on sweltering heat extreme heat oppressive heat torrid heat tropical heat intense heat high temperature grievousness tension strain engrossment deliberation pace velocity speed favoritism favouritism stress bravery good humour moroseness haste originality spice titillation trace intemperance chauvinism sectarianism ingeniousness genius savor savour hastiness rashness amiability wild emotion bottle impulsiveness elan vital snappiness spunkiness stir buzz charge jollies upper up puissance beef sinew aptness ease paroxysm big eyes intuition intelligence wit shrewdness cunning perceptiveness communion at-oneness well-being nirvana glory Elysium piquancy smack understanding geniality warm-heartedness hospitality good-naturedness sympathy a sense of purpose ants in pants strong emotion intense feeling cup of tea favourite favorite abandon intensity of feeling being full of the joys of spring éclat driving power creativeness wisdom brains knack sharpness audacity impressiveness spine loving enjoying benevolence charity welcomingness care charitableness benignity liberality stars in one's eyes extreme happiness risk riskiness peril perilousness danger hazardousness hazard dangerousness hard work entrepreneurial spirit yearn burning want dream goal ripeness valor smartness restlessness blissfulness amity staying power courageousness gutsiness gallantry greatheartedness doughtiness daringness fearlessness heroism intrepidness druthers fulfilment jouissance comfort gayety unrest rampage hysteria uproar flush deliriousness venturesomeness prowess virtue stoutness uncertainty precariousness discomposure exciting experience feelings amorousness hospitableness emotions joyance fulfillment innovativeness sharp-wittedness fruition pecker valour trance fluster compassion burning up running a temperature febrile disease the shakes great pleasure warm fuzzies great joy transports of delight openness stout-heartedness provocation incitement positive thinking spirit of adventure self-reliance tumult intestinal fortitude weakness for thing for entertainment play foolery blast buffoonery fitness festiveness living it up tomfoolery ball panic over-enthusiasm state blessedness stupor health silliness foolishness knavery facetiousness jocosity romping gambolling roguishness waggery riot solace grins humorousness levity mischief jesting mischievousness sportiveness wantonness clowning funniness gamboling joking comedy laughter nonsense revelry treat jocoseness good time gambol rascality healthiness wholeness soundness wellness confusion fixation verdure wholesomeness twilight zone healthfulness salubrity state of anxiety fandom salubriousness hardiness haleness willfulness injustice illiberality incorrigibility intolerance stubbornness hatred contumacy arbitrariness abandonment faction unreasonableness unruliness dogma unfairness obstinacy superstition fettle pink prime form constitution eupepsia good condition clean bill fine feather

Danh từ

(figurative) Love or affection directed at someone
love affection fondness devotion care tenderness feeling affinity desire devotedness warm feelings soft spot adoration like friendship respect intimacy attachment taste amity relish passion idolatry appreciation amour involvement inclination emotion regard crush case warmth allegiance zeal enjoyment cherishing fervor worship sentiment fidelity piety adulation weakness partiality delight enchantment rapture ardor ardency romance fervour ardour wuv luv reverence admiration liking veneration esteem honour honor estimation recognition high regard homage praise idolization glorification favour closeness favor laudation deification exaltation deference approval acclaim approbation infatuation extolment awe aroha familiarity commendation warmness endearment worshipping glory attraction lionization worshiping obsession shine apotheosis amore lionisation acknowledgment genuflection prostration obeisance tribute sentimentality account consideration acknowledgement kindness friendliness caring lust thanks high opinion gratitude good opinion attentiveness amorousness appreciativeness fixation lovingness understanding adoring beatification benediction supplication hankering yen sympathy thanksgiving hero-worship dulia popularity thankfulness repute puppy love great respect acclamation astonishment amazement honoring honouring hero worship compliments plaudits accolades valuing prizing kudos pat on the back loving-kindness emotionalism heat chord intensity belovedness devotement grace captivation idolizing blessing elevation keenness fetishization enamoredness prayer treasuring positive reception lionizing credit applause surprise wonder pleasure high esteem bond yearning besottedness hero-worshipping loving admiring tributes mash inseparability wonderment obsequiousness fealty fear loyalty devoutness bow religiousness emotions lionising idolism idolising fanaticism pats on the back marveling marvelling chumminess note feelings celebration attention gratefulness reputation props court pumping up testimonial puffing up ovation belonging dearness opinion relationship predilection pash value deep affection familiarness intimateness regard for love for affection for liking for affinity for knowledge valuation responsiveness grasp assessment awareness cognizance realization comprehension sensitiveness sensitivity sensibility perception appraisal fondness for feeling for intense love tightness nearness strong interest sentiment for respect for revering goodwill admiration for friendship with reverence for tenderness for venerating praising relationship with intimacy with realisation concern solicitude glorifying extolling exalting prayers latria magnification good will strong fondness -olatry aesthetic sense praying to

Danh từ

A much-loved person, especially a significant other
sweetheart beloved darling love beau lover partner squeeze steady truelove dear honey suitor sweetie boyfriend escort girlfriend inamorata inamorato ladylove paramour sweet baby boyf girlf heartthrob hon swain heart-throb sweetie pie dearest sugar admirer loved one significant other angel pet leman babe precious valentine dearie treasure dear one fella man friend wooer fiance young man fancy man man true love date fellow boy gallant companion fiancé lady friend one and only worshipper poppet betrothed honeybunch bird follower friend toy boy worshiper woman friend old man lady love querida girl intended Juliet Romeo gal honeybun intimate wife husband sweeting doxy fiancee deary lover boy sugar daddy heart's desire courter light of my life apple of one's eye soul mate fancy woman young lady gentleman caller squire WAG gentleman friend my love groom sweet one love of one's life lass bride sunshine guy favorite favourite cherished one cavalier lovebird doll lamb mistress sugar pie honey bunch jong cohabitee woman lady firm favorite the apple of somebody's eye live-in lover mot dona WAGs gill bibi patootie lady-love mate confidant buddy guyfriend pal common-law husband confidante chickfriend GF courtesan old lady concubine infatuation beauty idolizer infatuate other man cicisbeo male friend WAGs wives and girlfriends suppliant other woman bit on the side solicitor Wag bit of fluff fancy bit kept woman love interest fair-haired boy light of one's life heartbeat idol tootsie love of my life object of affection first and last the love of one's life the apple of one's eye fiancée number one numero uno the object of one's affections spouse better half consort other half little woman old woman missus missis helpmate helpmeet catch wifey madam conquest her indoors plus-one trouble and strife POSSLQ guy friend snuggle bug cuddle bug bae hetaera odalisque gigolo ball and chain domestic partner lovebug espoused future wife marrier femme blind date fiancé affianced husband-to-be engaged person wife-to-be prospective spouse future prize acquisition hubby female friend female playmate fan equal bedfellow captive slave common-law wife damsel dame chick colleen dutch supporter bidie-in doxie seduction adherent wench charlie chook lassie enticement captivation enthrallment Dutch queen feather in your cap a notch on someone's bedpost feather in cap lady wife

Danh từ

Something used to produce a flame or spark

Danh từ

A disrespectful or scornfully abusive remark or act
insult slight affront slur barb dig indignity outrage epithet offence cut slap brickbat diss sarcasm dis offense snub gird dart abuse poke disparagement name aspersion taunt slander derision libel defamation mockery obloquy vilification jibe scorn personality injury disrespect contempt contumely opprobrium humiliation insolence rudeness slam shame ignominy impertinence discourtesy impudence vituperation scurrility aspersions depreciation revilement blasphemy incivility invective sledge superciliousness impugnment despite disdainfulness pejorative unpleasantry put down backhanded compliment slap in the face black eye cheap shot abusive remark kick in the teeth gibe jeer sneer scoffing rebuff ridicule criticism crack cutting remark injustice teasing disdain wrong taunting brush-off comeback disgrace reproach wisecrack shaft grievance disservice scoff insinuation catcall attack jab scandal ridiculing hit dump rejection left-handed compliment unfairness harm dishonor dishonour rebuke hurt inequity atrocity unjustness cheek dirty dig hiss boo cold shoulder damage Bronx cheer provocation sauce sacrilege smear raw deal innuendo goading raillery swipe hoot censure knock raspberry jeering lip sauciness cheekiness disparaging remark lampooning desecration zinger repulse odium reflection bird sneering disesteem snort razz snide remark sin discredit ragging shout jibing spite chaffing detriment ill degradation infringement evil disfavour parting shot silent treatment brushoff abasement blow to one's pride disfavor prejudice unjust act smack in the face verbal dig microaggression back-handed compliment no compliment home truth uncomplimentary remark indignation name-calling belittlement kick snigger snidery quip disrepute infamy verbal jab whistle call-down sting remark mistreatment hateful remark pan suppression burn exposé pointed comment verbal abuse snappy comeback displeasure one in the eye gibing take-down vitriol burlesque banter wrongdoing barbed remark mocking remark accusation rap blur expose blemish animadversion besmirch stricture blame dirty deed wolf whistle heckle shout of derision unkindness backchat mouth sass bad turn bar sinister calumny stain satire ill turn mischief joking ill-treatment flippancy misrepresentation blot stigma difficulty joshing ribbing kidding chiacking kidology disapproval hissing heckling catcalling hectoring booing shouting interruption imputation allegation goofing razzing gibes laughter barracking knocking rejoinder guff attitude retort sassiness return uptake riposte sneers libellous statement taking the mickey winding up slanderous statement sport forwardness presumption presumptuousness impiety insubordination impoliteness defilement profanation taunts jeers denigration insults scornfulness backhander pilgarlic profanity sinfulness heresy nerve pooh-poohing crime embarrassment back talk nasty reply back answer short answer rude answer blot on your escutcheon lack of respect irreverence misdeed refusal knock-back discouragement trespass violation transgression humbling opposition check defeat bad immorality infraction iniquity mortification chagrin repudiation spurning repulsion cold-shouldering denial bad deed peccadillo villainy evildoing tort error reprobation vitiation discomfiture condescension nix reprimand thumbs down go-by turndown nothing doing smack in the eye hard time the old heave-ho unlawful act bad act illegal act bad action malefaction malfeasance comedown submissiveness resignation submission cruelty oppression bias misdemeanour misdoing mistake malevolence turpitude inhumanity misdemeanor foul play persecution faux pas delinquency imposition indecency blunder miscarriage loss of pride loss of face self-abasement mental pain touché

Danh từ

A brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable
crush infatuation fixation obsession liking affection feelings fondness mash desire love pash passion torch beguin passing fancy puppy love love affair romantic feelings calf love devotion enchantment adoration lust ardour ardor captivation fancy weakness fascination soft spot amorousness craze regard adulation partiality devotedness besottedness yearning thing rapture attraction feeling attachment friendship inclination sentiment tenderness admiration warmth affinity endearment deep affection hankering strong interest regard for fondness for feeling for love for zeal intimacy respect amity taste amour emotion closeness fetish care reverence predilection shine aroha amore keenness excitement moe first love adolescent love young love dawn of love enamoredness lovingness doting aching hots bond emotions penchant preference propensity prejudice bias hang-up addiction leaning susceptibility proclivity preoccupation mania idolization relationship friendliness affection for reverence for respect for liking for affinity for admiration for high regard sentiment for intimacy with relationship with tenderness for yen friendship with warmness veneration eros aspiration mad for kindness familiarity goodwill caring attentiveness favour favor concern solicitude warm feelings strong fondness good will like relish idolatry appreciation involvement case allegiance enjoyment worship piety delight cherishing fervor fidelity passion for adoration of folly devotion to foolishness penchant for desire for madness preoccupation with ardency romance fervour fixation with craze for addiction to mania for obsession with crush on thing about hang-up about wuv luv craving hunger urge thirst eagerness itch appetite need ambition greed covetousness concupiscence wish avidity eroticism rapaciousness cupidity libido lustfulness lechery enthusiasm lasciviousness libidinousness prurience amativeness salacity erotism pruriency voracity ravenousness will drive motive frenzy letch longing ache horniness salaciousness lustihood pining lech want jones thirstiness appetency fanaticism compulsion burning hungering interest urgency impulse dream motivation impulsion avarice nostalgia cacoethes heat chord acquisitiveness graspingness sentimentality intensity rapacity greediness mercenariness avidness avariciousness keen interest materialism possessiveness itching

Động từ

To burn or set fire to (something)
burn ignite incinerate kindle scorch sear singe blaze char enkindle heat inflame fire oxidise oxidize spark enflame set ablaze set alight light up set fire to touch off set light to set on fire put a match to set a match to toast torch parch cook scald light carbonize carbonise burn up blacken roast wither flare cauterize smoke cremate brand brown combust bake glow be in flames melt broil consume set burning cauterise be on fire reduce to ashes destroy consume by fire start get going set fire desiccate dehydrate shrivel discolour sizzle exsiccate blight dry warm dry out reheat solder dry up tan blister harden discolor wilt boil smolder fry grill stew smoulder swelter hot smelt raise something's temperature warm up frizzle make hot sun warm through make warm incandesce hot up thaw raise the temperature heat up seethe tepefy flush steam microwave take the chill off chafe conflagrate gut rekindle go up burn to the ground burn down destroy by fire go up in smoke be ablaze be alight burn to a crisp be aflame be afire burn away go up in flames be ardent simmer zap refry rewarm recook nuke parboil prepare bring to the boil poach make thaw out mull get coddle fix decoct barbecue put together knock up blanch rustle up turn on foreheat warm over spit-roast overheat color colour pot-roast raise the temperature of increase in temperature preheat put on the fire become warm become hot feel hot bring back to life sauté fit prep ready crisp scare up whip up make up get ready make ready decrepitate pan-fry pressure-cook saute reduce stir-fry brew curry imbue steep devil prepare food escallop braise scramble ruin french fry deep fry fricassee panfry spoil percolate casserole griddle injure hurt damage criticize excoriate criticise

Động từ

To criticize or reprimand (someone) severely
castigate lambaste berate censure criticise criticize chastise rebuke reprimand admonish scold reproach chide reprove upbraid blast attack lecture carpet rate hammer lambast flay rag excoriate keelhaul monster slam abuse objurgate reprehend slate vituperate baste bollock savage score bash jaw rap trim wig row diss trash assail lash chasten scathe belabour belabor pummelled pummel discipline rail cane potshot punish scourge whip blister correct ream scorch beat penalise penalize flog thrash drub scarify bawl out dress down lay into tell off chew out remonstrate with ream out take to task pitch into pull up haul over the coals lace into tongue-lash tear into tick off call down rant at have a go at rail against rail at read the riot act give a talking-to let someone have it give someone a dressing-down give someone a roasting give someone hell give someone a rocket give someone a telling-off give someone an earful rap over the knuckles give someone a rollicking put down come down on give someone a bollocking jump on slap down give someone a caning tear off a strip give someone a wigging give someone a mouthful give someone a row give someone some stick rake over the coals give someone a rating give someone what for give a rocket put on the mat blow up at criticize severely jump down one's throat slap on the wrist send someone away with a flea in their ear lay out lean on rap someone the knuckles drag over the coals condemn revile denounce knock bag find fault with pillory vilify pan slag off blame cut up denigrate slap someone's wrist rubbish crucify roast skewer bad-mouth malign run down take apart tear to pieces pull to pieces exprobate reprobate lesson tear a strip off go for the jugular go on at take to the woodshed execrate give a tongue-lashing lampoon denunciate shellac skin ridicule satirize nag fulminate harangue satirise harass lash out at chew impugn slash blow up check monish slang discredit disparage defame rake cuss out dishonor accuse dishonour cavil disgrace jawbone give someone a carpeting eat out criticize hatefully shout at give one hell jump all over take down call to account take somebody to task find fault give a hard time take down a peg get after speak to get on call on the carpet talk to burn one's ears give someone a bad press lay on give comeuppance express disapproval of rap someone over the knuckles jump down someone's throat call to task point the finger at give the devil light into rip into slap lash into take someone to task yell at preach bring someone to book chew someone out climb all over shoot down lay down the law put someone on the hot seat crawl all over pin someone's ears back put someone on the griddle burn someone's ears attask bring to book recompense visit exprobrate rollick spank throw the book at skelp ferule fulminate against moralize moralise rip smear cudgel deride call over the coals smother strike hit rank on give going-over zap oppose trounce fry injure come down on like a ton of bricks rake over coals caution threap scratch cut incise lacerate lance recriminate taunt give piece of mind have words asperse slap someone on the wrist rap across the knuckles severely reprimand objurate expostulate rave at criticize harshly have your knife in sound off tear apart carp on go after sail into tie into lower the boom send someone away with a flea in his give the dickens give a piece of one's mind beat up on have someone on the carpet keep after

Động từ

To criticize or disparage adversely
knock criticise criticize censure condemn attack disparage denigrate slam pan rubbish lambaste slate denounce blast bash deprecate revile savage diss abuse belittle trash dis reprehend blame deride fault reprobate slag depreciate dispraise bag denunciate pummelled pummel flay skin carp cavil maul bad-mouth slag off run down find fault with put down pull apart cast aspersions on pull to pieces have a go at pick holes in cavil at shoot down carp at scoff at throw brickbats at detract from give a bad press to nit-pick pick to pieces jeer at find fault give something a battering talk something down vilify excoriate castigate roast tear into malign pillory hammer crucify chastise lay into scathe vituperate slur inveigh against reprove slash decry derogate berate monster reproach skewer objurgate fulminate against reprimand rail against rebuke jump on chide disapprove of cut up asperse dress down lambast upbraid besmirch pour scorn on impugn arraign sledge rate rip assail nitpick about take to task potshot lace into belabor hit out at take to pieces vituperate against trash-talk cut down admonish discredit give someone a bad press belabour carpet come down on cane diminish scorn bawl out rap chew out judge minimize animadvert on nag at haul over the coals discount talk down take down tear off a strip minimise tear a strip off harangue rollick bollock remonstrate with ridicule blister marginalize sail into dismiss scold ream out undervalue give flak to give someone hell underestimate underrate give someone a roasting vilipend execrate bag on marginalise rap over the knuckles disapprove pooh-pooh give someone a rollicking give someone a rocket scorch pass strictures upon animadvert give some stick to poor-mouth give someone a bollocking play down cry down defame pick at traduce kiss off write off calumniate tear to shreds do a number on dump on do down do a hatchet job on insult fustigate nitpick clobber trivialize zap slug deflate mock detract lash opprobriate disdain deplore hit curse minify rail anathematize downgrade misprize slander libel read the riot act throw shade backbite trivialise get at lower tear apart smear sneer at hold cheap treat lightly speak ill of tear down speak badly of nitpick over find lacking jump down one's throat give something a bad press swear at lampoon harsh jeer trim fluff slog degrade snipe discipline lecture ostracise contemn exprobate rebuff incriminate remonstrate ostracize pass judgment destroy complain about sneer slap on the wrist look askance get after tell off pick apart read out cut to bits skin alive give bad press give a rocket criticize severely drag through the mud laugh off make light of put hooks in laugh at pitch into weigh into give someone bondi tear to pieces take apart slight taunt charge offend nag tax proscribe name frame pronounce punish adjudge object frown sell short discommend expostulate make little of mudsling think badly of stick it to climb all over express disapprobation jump all over express disapprobation of oppress persecute send up the river send up thumbs down on pin it on point finger at put away lay at one's door call down hang something on let have it blow whistle on think little of injure be rude to call names slang miscall ride give a black eye zing blow off shout at cuss out hose call someone names cut to the quick poor mouth throw shade at not go for take a swipe at take dim view of cut down to size rage complain snipe at devalue disgrace hold forth against thunder mark down take away take swipe at throw stones at rant protest fume declaim storm inveigh huff rave spout protest against bluster speak out vociferate about go on about make a stand mouth off about fulminate kick up a stink about animadvert upon menace kick up a fuss about rant and rave intimidate take a stand refute argue with assault verbally disagree with pile in start on start in take on jump on one's case bite someone's head off snap someone's head off go for the jugular demean take down a peg make fun of downplay stigmatize stigmatise reject downcry question sling mud at throw mud at pooh pooh cheapen humiliate despise bring under fire understate squelch squash blacken criticize strongly review unfavorably criticize unfairly humble discountenance spurn prosecute sour grapes impeach indict devaluate lessen compromise come down hard on clamor against spread lies about talk trash blacken the character of scandalise blacken the name of scandalize sully the reputation of speak evil of look down on declaim against shoot full of holes poormouth give comeuppance knock off high horse mistrust repudiate give a bad name run something down show up charge with bad mouth rip up crush give black eye gibe gird twit scoff mortify shame snub comment negatively gripe about take a dig at to denigrate grouch about call to account hold someone responsible bellyache about hold accountable hold someone to blame quibble about carp about whinge about moan about complain to grouse about beef about whine about sound off about take advantage of give someone the business

Động từ

To decrease the value, character, or quality of
profane violate desecrate debase contaminate defile pervert pollute prostitute degrade vitiate abase abuse bastardise bastardize canker cheapen corrupt debauch demean demoralise demoralize deprave deteriorate lessen misuse poison subvert warp taint befoul blaspheme curse cuss darn despoil hoodoo mock mudsling revile scorn swear tar trash vice voodoo treat with disrespect be evil commit sin do wrong talk dirty commit sacrilege put double whammy on foul spoil dishonour dishonor sully lower adulterate damage devalue brutalize bestialize ruin smirch brutalise infect blight chasten stain impair alloy make degenerate lead astray distort humble disgrace outrage soil destroy shame treat sacrilegiously embitter harm undermine mar seduce sink bemean take down cast down deface vandalize twist humiliate vandalise tarnish misapply bend depreciate demote reduce colour discredit dirty misemploy dilute color weaken injure mortify belittle disparage make impure animalize diminish drag down lower the status of use bad language besmirch confound radioactivate skew rot stoop descend depress downgrade consume rust inflict lure bias mongrelize denigrate prejudice worsen reduce in value turn crawl corrode envenom jaundice muck up subjugate sour reduce in quality dump on bring down betray scourge ulcer sore toxify make filthy litter infest exploit mishandle lower someone's status lower someone's dignity bring low use profanity go bad manipulate go to hell live in the gutter waste away blemish take advantage of ill-use cripple blacken debilitate dehumanize desensitize devaluate dehumanise slam decry pan desensitise detract derogate bring shame to drag through the mud reduce the status of run down put down take down a peg cut down shoot down tear down cut down to size misrepresent falsify misinterpret depredate sack pillage ravage devour insult desolate waste devastate spoliate garble execrate blaspheme against divert misconstrue mess up anathematize imprecate misrelate slant misstate fudge deflect cook make lose face commit sacrilege against lay waste to utter oaths issue oaths utter profanities be foul-mouthed mistreat cut salt spike steer change fake alter veer water brainwash doctor take the Lord's name in vain eff and blind use foul language phony up doctor up muddy begrime smudge grime spot lace smear mire bemire daub muck distain gaum discolour discolor mark blot dope make dirty water down darken spatter tamper with splash splatter afflict sophisticate touch blotch thin slip a Mickey Finn into mix extend drug besoil bespatter demolish overwhelm annihilate compromise hurt break sabotage crush vilify get dirty spread to wear away get filthy bloody attenuate wreak havoc on do damage to play havoc with run through plant commingle denature transfuse shave amalgamate dissolve mingle infiltrate irrigate thin out blend intermix spread among make unclean load cloud smutch encrust draggle coat make black make dusty add drugs to make darker plague tinge intoxicate fester enthuse disease move crud up muss crumb bedraggle maculate mess putrefy fix deacon make mucky put poison in interfere with muss up mix something with something black roil rile murk antagonize fiddle with tinker with becloud add poison to shade besmear make cloudy cloud up make blacker make murky ebonize ink knock out make smoky make sooty make dark antagonise empoison make sick wreck mutilate disfigure mangle smash undo gut shatter disrupt crab flaw endamage total wound crack bleach disfeature dent scratch play merry hell with scorch fade tear incapacitate bang up dismantle stab drive a nail into the coffin of knock cross up lacerate scathe batter maltreat smash up gnaw wrong maim split raze cause injury burn disintegrate affect mix with trouble impact overcome strike perturb influence upset prevail occur impinge impact on prevail over impinge upon strike down shake up strike at take hold of attack exert influence on have an impact on have an effect on

Trái nghĩa của flame

flame Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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