Đồng nghĩa của wholeheartedness

Alternative for wholeheartedness

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The quality of being eager or enthusiastic
keenness enthusiasm eagerness passion zeal avidity fervour ardour zest appetite ardor hunger gusto excitement thirst desire lust devotion impatience intensity earnestness avidness fervor willingness readiness desirousness wish ebullience assiduity diligence interest conscientiousness intentness anxiety vehemence fire feeling warmth emotion fervency ardency spirit dedication passionateness heat energy commitment fieriness animation heartiness fervidness intenseness empressement white heat impetuosity zing zealousness fierceness emotionalism oomph love sincerity hot-bloodedness glow violence longing yearning ambition voracity greed wishing appetency voraciousness yen anxiousness promptness solicitude quickness alacrity greediness anticipation piousness piety seriousness devoutness jazz solemnity weakness religiousness hurrah fire in the belly pep talk kindness affection friendliness cordiality affability kindliness tenderness amiability understanding geniality good-naturedness warm-heartedness hospitality sympathy fondness welcomingness care charitableness goodwill charity benevolence liberality benignity exuberance vigor vigour cheerfulness amity vivacity verve vivaciousness relish fanaticism liveliness sap dynamism feelings spiritedness emotions amorousness happiness hospitableness effusiveness brio conviction motivation pep vim devotedness life compassion gaiety fever rapture mirth dash ecstasy go exhilaration flare get-up-and-go joyfulness zip zap activity fury élan joy frenzy flame keen interest red heat craving hankering urge inclination itch drive need fancy pining covetousness aspiration liking determination letch expectation propensity proclivity cupidity expectancy rapaciousness thirstiness jones hope infatuation resolve will ache suspense lustfulness tenacity ravenousness push predilection mania prurience motive concupiscence craze eroticism taste initiative enterprise want perseverance resolution libido lechery appetence lasciviousness dream burning libidinousness gameness fascination urgency amativeness salacity doggedness erotism pruriency attraction avarice rapacity expectance graspingness hopefulness hungering mercenariness penchant firmness steadfastness action ambitiousness resoluteness stomach appetition thrill soft spot doting disposition impulse amenability single-mindedness obligingness confidence favour favor persistence purposefulness committedness acquisitiveness aim gumption admiration horniness flurry salaciousness hurry spunk incentive stimulus partiality hustle hots faithfulness loyalty turmoil demand elation faith lustihood avariciousness intent furor materialism feverishness punch strong interest constancy use agitation lech possessiveness purpose ferment restlessness excitation furore go-getting desideratum high hopes bated breath vehemency bias preference unscrupulousness edacity intense desire facility positivism palate tendency addiction preparedness gluttony positiveness tooth hungriness estimation compulsion nostalgia cacoethes coveting effort excitability haste joyousness hastiness rashness impetus impulsiveness indulgence strong desire big eyes ants in pants eros aptness ease thirsting aridity strong want fortitude force waiting fixation agreement consent agreeableness alertness leaning mettle backbone thrust striving preoccupation obsession strength of character strength of mind ripeness predatoriness money-grubbing selfishness cooperation volition compliance address warmness pertinence pertinacity pertinaciousness decidedness decisiveness tenaciousness hang-up impulsion money-grabbing insatiableness grabbiness pleonexia Mammonism militancy aggressiveness vitality positivity aggression firmness of purpose moxie emulation esprit aphrodisia mind self-motivation depth instigation what-it-takes dispatch stick-to-itiveness dazzle bustle requirement fire in belly uncertainty engrossment deliberation will power get up and go a sense of purpose entrepreneurial spirit right stuff what it takes spark ado butterflies kicks movement intoxication flutter enjoyment delirium expectingness tension itching unrest distraction rampage uproar flush flap rage hysteria deliriousness awaiting needfulness scarcity requisite necessity occasion focus imperative deficit scantiness dearth cry out call support absence necessitude drought scarceness exigence market exigency butterflies in the stomach steadiness fixedness staunchness looking forward burning up running a temperature febrile disease the shakes allegiance fastness troth fidelity adhesion fealty attachment application obstinacy goal objective object commotion design endeavor target plan honesty honor integrity unfailingness staying power honour decision abidingness principle certainty truthfulness surety adherence trustiness end pursuit intention mission ideal endeavour scheme calling vision vocation pretension thing idea destination bourne bourn direction mark provocation stimulation incitement raison d'être object of desire holy grail Holy Grail desired result

Danh từ

Freedom from simulation, hypocrisy, disguise, or false pretense
sincerity candour genuineness guilelessness honesty probity seriousness straightforwardness artlessness bona fides earnestness frankness good faith integrity openness trustworthiness truth truthfulness authenticity candidness candor goodwill heart honor honour impartiality ingenuousness innocence justice naturalness reliability sincereness singleness unaffectedness veracity lack of deceit resolve firmness commitment determination resolution forthrightness fairness plainness bluntness directness uprightness outspokenness rectitude virtue verity goodness simplicity unreservedness openheartedness accuracy righteousness morality unreserve unguardedness correctness plumpness plainspokenness trueness rightness actuality principle reality decency scrupulousness fidelity credibility faithfulness fact honorableness verisimilitude unworldliness exactitude virtuousness naivete greenness reputability unsophistication purity legitimacy naivety simpleness naiveness truism viridity gospel simplemindedness unpretentiousness inexperience exactness precision ethics veridicality incorruptibility validity equity right-mindedness trustiness impeccability upstandingness certainty realness factualness word real McCoy honest-to-god truth straight stuff like it is justness conscientiousness loyalty high-mindedness unequivocalness spontaneity nobility plain speaking straightness veraciousness modesty saintliness soundness character honourableness responsibility right confidence evenhandedness gullibility credulousness self-respect principles freshness lack of sophistication unknowingness lack innoxiousness absence of reserve gamesmanship good sport humbleness deviousness unassumingness respectability sportsmanship freeness open-heartedness factuality credulity lawfulness trustfulness veridity realism accurateness worth godliness childlikeness laying it on the line parrhesia glasnost complete honesty factualism morals lack of experience facticity infallibility sooth gospel truth naked truth incorruption good character honestness noble-mindedness bonne foi dilettantism amateurism amateurishness bluffness plain-spokenness chastity dependability piety honest intentions good intentions plain dealing lack of restraint naiveté blamelessness chasteness calling a spade a spade ethicality sinlessness immaculacy guiltlessness virginity stainlessness worthiness telling it like it is spotlessness irreproachableness lack of corruption immaculateness sanctitude holiness cleanliness continence unawareness unfamiliarity rawness ignorance innocuousness nescience inoffensiveness inexpertness nobility of soul nobility of spirit

Danh từ

The quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose
dedication commitment application conscientiousness diligence drive perseverance resolve tenacity assiduity doggedness effort persistence resoluteness sedulousness enthusiasm industry labor labour purposefulness striving zeal ardour ardor backbone keenness hard work single-mindedness staying power determination devotion passion spirit resolution earnestness fervour fervor purpose eagerness pertinacity zest energy steadfastness fervency constancy intentness fortitude intensity obstinacy perseveration grit gusto indefatigability pluck fire will power vigour vigor firmness spunk guts avidity firmness of purpose willpower ambition enterprise stubbornness assiduousness will tenaciousness decisiveness vehemence warmth conviction strength of character industriousness stickability ardency moxie decidedness tirelessness courage endurance pertinaciousness verve boldness determinedness stick-to-it-iveness concentration spine motivation emotion animation spiritedness excitement bravery braveness courageousness pluckiness initiative feeling Sitzfleisch attention push zing mettle stamina decision patience staunchness dynamism vitality stick-to-itiveness continuance strong-mindedness heat appetite get-up-and-go passionateness granite zealousness oomph endeavour fixity of purpose sedulity sense of purpose hunger stout-heartedness pep activity sincerity insistence fire in the belly avidness zip relentlessness fieriness heart nerve vim yearning longing strength go indomitability punch endeavor valor focus purposiveness life dash obduracy fervidness gumption obdurateness esprit valour inflexibility dauntlessness intension hardihood fierceness readiness strength of will work ethic bulldog spirit attentiveness strength of mind toil intransigence rigour ambitiousness trouble steadiness laboriousness rigorousness thirst desire productiveness pains toughness manfulness devoutness immovability intrepidity seriousness assurance character meticulousness aggressiveness violence intenseness forcefulness heartiness aggression lust vision busyness rigor brio quickness emotionalism exertion bounce juice liveliness pizzazz intention hustle design ginger welly sap snap force moral fibre pzazz moral fiber empressement hot-bloodedness hankering jazz love weakness self-motivation fixed purpose Dunkirk spirit white heat fire in belly right stuff pep talk what it takes vehemency resilience pursuance stoicism exuberance strong interest gameness urgency care toughness of spirit balls fight impetus objective undertaking committedness punctiliousness heedfulness ballsiness stoutheartedness chutzpah motive momentum clout sticktoitiveness project conclusion fanaticism bottle studiousness impellent stuff turn on elan sand inner strength thoroughness carefulness dogmatism certitude singleness of purpose thrust confidence impatience heed worksomeness briskness alertness intent work certainty fearlessness piousness solemnity hurrah piety religiousness self-control self-discipline self-restraint self-confidence struggle study pertinence incentive faith self-mastery stiff upper lip travail gas starch beans vinegar aim sitzfleisch vivacity deliberation restraint self-possession self-command self-containment continence self-government voracity might effectiveness birr efficiency muscle efficacy urge pining power temperament anxiety interest yen desirousness greed wishing appetency voraciousness discipline velleity attitude willfulness liking fancy craving volition impetuosity obstinance anxiousness alacrity anticipation promptness solicitude willingness greediness blood, sweat and tears heart's desire iron will aspiration action itch emulation go-getting get up and go a sense of purpose persistency entrepreneurial spirit importunity pushiness mulishness bullheadedness self-will pigheadedness opinionatedness obstinateness hardheadedness intestinal fortitude self-opinionatedness gutsiness urging implacability intractability insistency contumacy rigidity stiffness steeliness perverseness perversity hardiness resignation inexorability emphasis inexorableness sufferance submission fixity toleration reluctance pressing resistance bolshiness intransigency cool capacity slog drudgery adamancy unyieldingness ruggedness yakka sweat stress survival skills graft elbow grease donkey work steel stability manliness bulldog tenacity pig-headedness intractableness wilfulness indefatigableness fixedness surety contrariness bull-headedness uncooperativeness strength of purpose durability clock guttiness stomach importunateness refractoriness unmanageableness stalwartness bouncebackability stringency hardness recalcitrance bloody-mindedness true grit depth control expenditure while ability to bounce back stroppiness unreasonableness frowardness wrong-headedness contumaciousness pleading clamour clamorousness begging rigidness strictness exactingness sternness harshness severity engrossment inelasticity clamor drudge slogging gruntwork grind strain undergoing enduring forebearance continuing ability allowance coolness standing suffering withstanding survival remorselessness incompliance incompliancy grimness die-hardism implacableness inflexibleness hard labor manual labor salt mines moil sweat of one's brow spadework attempts hardship holding up hard graft demand impact vividness vigorousness command zap dictate entreaty forbearance tolerance mental power full head of steam instruction requirement exhortation bidding request calmness composure equanimity serenity hest arm-twisting behest say-so importuning imperturbability understanding longanimity equilibrium tranquillity tranquility unexcitability consideration poise indulgence inexcitability kindness lenience passivity bearing placidity unflappability moderation passiveness nonresistance even-temperedness even temper long-suffering

Danh từ

The quality of being cordial
cordiality friendliness affability amiability amity benevolence brotherhood charity cordialness fellowship friendship geniality good-fellowship goodwill heartiness kindliness neighbourliness neighborliness warmth affectionateness agreeability agreeableness amenity approbation approval conviviality earnestness enjoyableness favor favour gratefulness jovialness mutuality pleasantness reciprocity responsiveness sincerity sociability sympathy understanding sweetness and light kindness congeniality amiableness niceness graciousness sweetness good-naturedness bonhomie sociableness warm-heartedness genialness personableness good-temperedness affection comity congenialness hospitality amicability camaraderie generosity approachability courtesy compassion tenderness decency good nature amenability chumminess comradery altruism gregariousness helpfulness charm consideration tolerance good humour goodness benignity hospitableness cheerfulness accessibility joviality comradeship openness clubbability good will companionability care love kindheartedness kind-heartedness clubbiness companionship mildness harmony mateyness civility magnanimity cheeriness cooperation companionableness amicableness indulgence fraternity warmness charitableness good cheer liberality palliness politeness thoughtfulness rapport patience intimacy gentleness jollity grace unselfishness happiness open arms peacefulness peace humanity peaceableness courteousness togetherness douceur easy-going manner concern obligingness clemency beneficence gaiety philanthropy intercourse company warmheartedness community fraternization pleasurableness familiarity complaisance communion attractiveness fraternisation availability fellow feeling delightfulness harmoniousness liveliness informality welcome social contact social intercourse warm reception accord joyousness social interaction conversableness fondness approachableness concord communicativeness affinity humaneness brotherliness cheer feeling good relations considerateness likableness tender-heartedness hospitable manner socializing solidarity mercy obliging nature big-heartedness munificence closeness open-handedness bounteousness magnanimousness largesse association relations mingling collaborating refinement public-spiritedness involvement sisterhood good deed mutual support mixing acquaintance partnership cooperativeness socialising good humor gallantry gentility exuberance buoyancy inner beauty demonstrativeness attainability expansiveness forthcomingness extroversion kind reception nei jauntiness high spirits light-heartedness hospitability collaboration fatherliness lovingness motherliness welcoming outgoingness likability loveliness satisfaction appeal affableness leniency forbearance festivity social intelligence gemütlichkeit bluffness lovableness bountifulness lack of reservation lack of inhibition likeability pleasance sympathetic nature mirth gladness easy-going nature sunniness joy reception guestfriendship guestfriendliness receptiveness winsomeness regard empathy suavities humanitarianism philanthropism engagingness couthiness pleasingness lavishness free-handedness sodality partiality brownie points suavity sweet temper jollification merrymaking congress lawfulness law and order service aid almsgiving bounty social conscience aroha amenities etiquettes welcomeness help gift whoopee revelling rejoicing revelry merriment reveling gayety boon mutual affection league concurrence etiquette order benefit assistance urbanity simpatico entertainment kinship decorum calm stability decorousness socialization naturalness ease relaxedness benediction good fellowship easiness interaction orderliness law unity rule of law unanimity tranquillity tranquility good turn helping hand confluence integration conjoining fraternizing good vibrations same wavelength act of assistance society dealings consorting solid lack of reserve enthusiasm passion vehemence contact meeting connection seemliness lull non-aggression non-violence properness public security like-mindedness meeting of minds ceasefire respite selflessness hitting it off intensity mutual respect mutual liking coming together fraternising socialisation banding together partying social life powwow correspondence social relations convergence zeal eagerness welcomingness compassionateness benignancy cooperative nobleness tact passionateness ardency violence heat fire ardor fervency emotion fervidness intenseness fervor fervour ardour generousness nobility liberalness effusiveness spiritedness feelings emotions amorousness zest excitement good intention self-sacrifice fellow-feeling good-heartedness white heat spirit glow empressement

Trái nghĩa của wholeheartedness

wholeheartedness Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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